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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 28, 1878, p. 4

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l-ft ,n- *"* ^ I " |^@&3 " ""?"!".' "" fM . v . ;5atl ^dr )^m- u r-T>?: ; I .m *9 man THE- FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT., FEBRUARY ! V"ho!l!1e It.V. Sir Ismui Now ion, u very wise golly muiu van onci> vsiinnniiij? u now und 'wry lino globe, wIumi ii gentleman ciiino into his study, 0 1 i:xri.*siTio>s. At church I tut within her pew - o pvw : > oat there. rjic<\t\i N incuii \\vri! I saw alone her eyes of Muc ! 1 tjw her hoxV her criwioas - '. O jjra.-ions Thc-chou'r.m,:.. - Th_o urcan .' \\cd i>ootnod to lUi.tb.xl^ildinp spurious. ; asked : ; L -' , , ,, ,, ! * Who mndVur I could not hrr.r t',i.-top. : l.-.v.- ,>.,,. i _ T i .,, [,; . Mv. future bride '"' I '.it 1.'opened ho:o.' j |J ' ^"V.s V.jjiuY--i-H': Tho- [yiilli'imm looked up im. |"| 1 fcuttd aire'lso a ndr/nty b.osv. - edit leillll U lllilll.' .HM. OIO BiiM i | ' who did not believe in tied, but i r-p? declared tho world >vi> live in-.cuno /] by chance. Ho was ijusoh phased, f-""l with the liatidsaiiio Lrlobe, nnd ; 5> J. F. SVioGABVIN'S !*; And when pealed foith inci-rpii'* thue. O thunder: I.'u-r I t:\cd j:iv eyes In"ninto siupris.) On her whoso Uaivty wiis a xvondev. ' To n:c that maiden" \x .is :uo*t dear - I) dear ! And she wr.s v.-.iiu' . For humanxxords to picture hero. ti-.mir.:rir.t'ut nt, -tho tuiKwer, but bo t'oon understood xvhat it loonut. ft Woni:in' riijh's -ICisibos. Tho original f^repttbiiclis l'io^:\. l\iy sis you r.o. 1!" you can't, pay don't to. ' . ! : i j A s:lo\v match' - A ten year's en- ' Her lovo .corned ! n r.riiy cr to bless ! S"r="f"'"0Rl" ,-"". o 1'UsMiiV: [ t - The most uni-.ttrnotivo tbin^' in nmrrmgo-Aiif. ' ' 11 y life \v;is tumo ; - - My rarest joy could not oppress,mc ,_\ Wostor.-i settlor- -The contonts The fcrvico done, we sought the shore j ' a v> shoro r- Bixshootor. And J!eis> xvo xvalkcd, And sadlj t.-.ik,.i- More s;ui!y :::!kvd thhn c're before. ! thoucht 4:c v:;s n .ypc o[ ^coiatss X> OoodlU'SS I ' But eirtt-.rxt dr.y I kv-ar\l iier say -Fltin xrords, xvho^c very tor.ii xv.is rude- iu.;. .-~ _. VVe str.xv> d bovoird >U tid^miilV \w.\ - - She jilted wo. " And :icov 1 seo that u o:i.uu' love L -A\ a sh.A'.n ! - : .-H.it-l.-y-. < O t_ xV to Q Hall of Pharmacy, s. T 28, 187,8. /, THE ACIPON Fo? Drugs, Patent SEedipiaos, Dye StxtiiL-s, GomTjs, IBraslios, liKmZL F. BEATTY'S P5AET0S "& QRGAMS BBATTY %?& XNNk Old Letter?. I sit xvith letters on :::y kn.03, And in .1 xvciry t--h i!l;^e : To try the lesson by .Vrrt.cs' ' The correspondence ol an ajjc Of these epistle, E-ome with te.-.ra, . And sou;,, xvilh lan^hter over:!oxv. Z' iViilst others tell of hopes and fears, And joys departed-}cii>j r.^o. This hurried scr-avr! from Cnar.:n Ja.ri'.e;, Iu.-.gHr.*o--d ir.hi.l couij-oscd, The intvrvst.'n^ faet iToc'.aims, Thit he has r.eentiy propi^td. These-loving words- rdi-'ost erased ,rFlon^, iriy V..y, for your rciurn '. U"ero hx-li mother's nn-era trjeed Ah m".; : how dim ;h-ic cir.u(&s 1 urn : In.one pbik enveLpe I ftnd A little dead for.o^-ii.fnot, VVhose xvitbered petak en It to. mind - An iu-jident xveli nih feri.-\-i. for one a. l pretty t'iuc-cyod roaii Selected it frotn Lvr Wiisuot. " As to the supper-room we ttrayed. Ami up the" = vaircace -o'jcj oL:r way. I vowed to keep 11.i3 fa'.Iel Trtc-1 At txventx -on j tuch i. jU'-.vi> are '. I'll Lurntho rubish, and or.-c-d To liiht n-choico M: l\ ci^ai ! A Bite, In Oxford ""there ia an elderly Tirmsr wbo is pasEicnutely fcr.d t^f sj>ort espbi.-ia.Uy iLshiug and bunt ing and be lias a on who is u :bip out of the old block in thut as wtll as in other re-sp>ects. '"Une day hist sumntir the c'.d geu- tls.rmin lef: houie, but before. gfii.gl fca set bLi bjy u.t a jjbbe v.cai unj:- '""ious to have done. I.etLirnin^ sooner than he v,-aa expt-ct^d, Lj found that the bby'v/aj mitbiji". A hearty man will grow round on squuro moals. A ditioult lock to' pick -One from u.'bald-he'.id. Motto for yer.st factory b'arly to bread and ta'rjy to ruo.. W'ingod uio reliefs IJ^cs, be- o.'.ubu they cell 'their honey. ; No woman oxer rnxv tho time wher; she has hairpins cnoti^b. i Jtis a gnawful tbitiy nr a bouse-1 tho bovo, at prices that dol'y com kVpper when tho mice gcrt at her j petition.' 1'le.iso c ill and seo Bam- cheese. ! P'es ^ moiiHing, Ac., noloro pur ,,.."" . . .., , , 0i chasing elsoixboi-o. .\\hy 13 noturo liko a babv 1 , ' ". B.oiu^.thDreiagoucs.illyu fciiu"uli;3LIKD3 30' CENTS PER FOOT. xxheti its face ia xxnshed.1, |s Kindly thanking ciistomtTs. for prist favors :nni liopinsntill to merit a CAST OUT But not. Destroyed. Uaxing~mado nrMn"gomcn't9 with Mr. Mitchell, of Milton, for an . ogoncy for tho sale of Sash, fioora. ?raa\3o, Mouldings, Dre53oa Floorinc. BbootiaGT. "Wainscot, Sl&injr.&c. W. STEWART &C0 NOW SH0"WIMa A vory large and very choice aBBort- ! raont of SxTowDryG-Qoas I \NI> ri'MllillT, nn .ii!-:\ ITV'.-iUIv-I.K l!ll.\Tl'.l> (-it'l.l)KN Vll.<l..L'l.U PAlt- l.UU Ultl!-i A N lll'O UlO KXVCUlL'St limed lll'.ti nuisl poriooi fiiKiiiiiui'iliK o-vi-r before niannlHOiurod In tins or nny other eomi-_ try. Tho v\ornr'ls eltulli'ii(;e(l lo eiinn," llicnx. l>'.-;;t 0 j. oi'nuils nntl lorui.ovor be-- foro KlVi-ii. Kocl; bottom pimlo priroFl noxr reaiiy lo Jo..b.-is,n^cutw, nntl tho tradoln ceiiciid. An (illiT. 'TlicnO Polo- lir.-'teit ln^iriiiii ihh ii-ltbcr I'lano or Oijpini tioxcil mill slilpnoil any wlifro, on. l!v. or ll'loen ilays'tt-ht trial. JMonojJ.ro- rmulfil l>"i! frelBlit ,oliarKif paid both .xraVNiriJi uny tviii-uiiFHUhfiictory.,Fully -xviirrniili'il for kIn yciiM. iiKhlrlcily flrnt- Hai-*. i:.KTltA.'HfrlNAUV MI1KUAL l)l-('Oi;NTS|,'!v<.n |o ChiirrlifK, Schoolh, l.tKl^'K, 11 nil-. Mlliltcr,Trac)iPrs, etc., , , , , . , r In i.nl.r to linv . 111.-in i ntro-Jllceil nlniirn 1 am projiared to furnish any on ivinvl imo'iaimii'm*,- Tlmm-amlN imxv in mo. N. ll'.ii'-lraii'il A'lvrrtlhfrtCntii- |o,:n,i IMi'.luni xviili Hut of loMlfnonlid?, noxv r a I.e. M-ut fn-o. J-NialIIhliciJ_ In An indispufsiblo fact. A den- t'sta door bus stopped inoro tjotb. aches than tho dentist bimaelf.' Man gl^rios ira hi worn'un in her hair ; and boai-du house butter sometimes, glories in both. " ' ' ! lair share of your patronage. 1 run icspecitully.youid THOS. KBDAaE, Agent. . rn-K i" l.-s Biv(,.,ntl, .' Shop ul Mr- OvrUoii'.-. oM Kluii'l e.n..s 1 Acton, Due. 27i.h, ISTT. 6U-ly. Sil^N PAINTERS 7Z?;W0n. t inn of i he. I'aitf il Sl;it:>>. ami Province 'If I am Etuck up, I'm not toansxrurrnl* :dvriis..nirnt-. A .li r c--(- -...! UK ITT V, W'ushlngtou, > civ Jersey. proud,' as tie butterfly said v.iiou piiiiieJ.ty the tido cf the sho'.v- c^sc. Sotne one c' o-tl'r e'.boxv iiiiftiires whtsti.fr John Jbu Baptist was the frs; person to vx.ps:ii-uco the dip, theory, i A M^innepota in>:n, who could I .-l^-'-yfciaLg^Syi iiex-er sIIl ru to taU3 a tioxvapaper, .-..- - * Uiortgaged his bouse to buy iwu c:ore ilocs. i, ^'hat is the ditl'erecce betxveeni a tailor and a beer drinhor : .One puts his suil Up, and the utLer pu-ts h:^ ale down; Xoxv that B?ccii"f hr.3 done an; with the big bin^ , the futuro el inany of us doeio_.'t look irvar bo bright as it did. A westora [-^lier accuses a con- teu'-porciy of ' Dirty np'jur.'.'ss,' and remarks ; ' V.'e w.mt him to understand that two can play at that game.' KM', a.m.v DANIEL F. B6ATTV, W'arilu u;;ton, Nex\" Jcr-i'.v, By rcaillnf: and prnrtl<r!n| tltclnrstim^blc truiln eon talnc'd lu tlm best incdlriv bnnk ever Issued, entitled >*l>MrB aBSKLF-PKESEaVATIOK TWY'SFi FrriNMuvSl- St-mbinjul <E1 I Wtbrna receipt of price. If treats of Exhausted Vitalltv, rrcmaturc Dcclino Nervous ixnd Physical Ditiuty, nnd the endlesi conrromilant ills and untold miseries that rcsufc lhcfcl"rom,andconUiinanjoro tlian SOorifrlnalpro tcripUons, cny one of which Is worth the price ol tbc hpok. 1 lit* book was written by the most c tensive BDi probably the posmkilful practitioner In America, to whom xras awarded a pold and jew cllcd medal by the National Medical ABSOcintlon A Pair.phli.-t, illustrated with tho_vcry Ansa fiteel Eopravine's ~ Tel of art ami beauty lent tbee to ' all. 6cm) for it at once. Address PEABODV ilEUIC'Al. Kx'STIXCTE, Ko."< Bub tacb St., Boston, Mui. QCliUt)^ TJ3Av.'liE15J5: Von-enn ^ on-ily incrcuso your salary by devoting ia very email portion of your leisure time to my interest. I do not eScpoct you to canvass for tiny olebfjalcd Dcatty's Pianos and Organs iruk'ta yon see fit to; but the servico I require of you is both pleasant and profitable. Full par- ticulnr*- freo. Address DAMEL F. BEATfi", Washington, New Jertey GRACE'S QELEBRATED gAWE .1 >:iro Itcllcrror the SurTi rcr. i'!-.i.p.',:-.! n i:y. SET!! VV. FO; l.C .r.i COWS, N> ii.'. ,:i:i.- j.v .'.v::.ni'j:, li^l.i:.', mass;' uiiM'b's f::;.LiJi'..\rKi) halvh, ;-- a V,.^-,tab:u jxr.-.pari.litjri, ; Ijivcnt'-il in tin- IVlh e.-ntuiy l..v Dr. Wli- Tie late Pope is reported to hai, If^lV.' ;r^;V.,ft:;^"a^,1ey,"noJ^'e:;' Ukon; gvSd car.- of the future, at | K;; :,:'! l^^^::^^^ in:.;-: in an e:iriL.:v sen:,.', as he h.'it | .mm. -n: i.::;.--1 .lay, ami w.ui 'bt-hiti-i iiiLa reported to be vor;!; |: 'v",i :y "!6""l:"'f ;::!'"" "',at ?_'-':, 000, iJijQ. ' , i \c .t.jn.'la^tor. PIIP-K -ri cr.NTS.lA BOX. A Sjo!;:r!i ,.!. )l.m i.-;".--r h?vi,ii. antrrilv t; Wheie'a Tom J" he groped ub | ri':!'!';;u'l!;. and.ar. kst' antrrily de- entcred the kitchen. ' t t:n:::d-d ..r t^e p;>:o.:.-, : - iv n.j=..,!gu- . M .. i . hl'ic ' ,. .] .-,-^t-..- '," -ea } ' J ifdrjn. b'.r, it jvi's ::;i mi V, e.r.g-fo.- ti:e iirs;t tinio 03 i g-iard, ..n Irish ;-:',.b;icr was tliui ! uccostc-d- '. ' V.'bat arc- ' ye Kta:; ii::' ' tli<-re "for,.; Mike. (' ri!iure,' replied Mike, ' they t^nlj mo to s'ani here For u c'Oiitury.' ' I'll fjsh him whcii i catch-him." Ai;ii away the angry -_M felloxv w;ent for ibe brook.: Comiuy with- hi haiuug diatuueo of his huiief::! ion, who was Oendin'g eagerly over j.he stream, the father yelled : ' Tom I you scoundrel, Turn V Thi^re wasia deprtciuting '.m-jve- meut of one Hand, on the part oi the buy,' who did ;:ot, Loivever,- .turn hLs L-jad. Still .more "a::' ^,," ! "'. ll-.Vi la boailb. to the <i'.\.Ti"iu--T r^rea: came nearer : 1 = , . . - .:.. 10,--,1, p.v.lrty. it .'.ticks to a man when ami bax'.led out f*...... J . . , . I ml ma Inends p.-riiak-j.him. ' I'll learn you to stay home ^nd xvoik wLzii " ul A few yean; -sine", n.t the c^Ie I'.t-riri o; an anniveiw-ry, a \> .0 .p.:.: :-. viio xvas ];i-"ioir, hoino upon ft r a I'iis:, ofTercd the i p.iii-iwiV:;: : ' 11-re ia 'health, to "SL ! b ! ^b ! father," aaid the vuung Is.iac V; tul^w. " I've got a -Tbite." The old ""fellow's passion peicept- :beptibly Cooled, at ihiit -announcj- ment,'aud, lucky for the boy, the ; urj,{rbSS- Litter just then hauisd up a hand- | ,. . ., ' f , . . J , rn i : 1 -lie luther 01 eleven unmarried iouio perch. This xras too much I . ,.- . ,-,.-, , , - . - r - , s'as, who haan 1 had a male visitor .vara\" '. ., -, . for thi'03 moiitlifi, w:u si deeply A'ytjnny la-.iy became so Jisajtis I lied xvith lor lover that idie <iis: 11 i3 r.iril him. In 1c".'i;iil:o he threaten e;._t-j puilish her 3vtt'e;.s to him. ' ': e;y x.-e'],' n-plit'd the lady'; ' 1 have no reason to be asiiamed of any' part cf my letters except the bu- the dad,, who sprang forxv "aii.l"lielpsd uiihook thy fiali and -hc-a.- ' -" ..- '-Tom, have you got' another iio^ik i' Victory perched on the ;jOVS bi.h liiio. Imti.'siiJg Anecdote. The follow"::.g. otory is told of the Kev, .*->!'. Backus, Why was iirrit Presideiit of Hamilton f'olleii-e, at Ciintcn, N'cxv Vcrlr. ItuppeE'r'3 tbat while be v.at?iireaciii;ig;j 1 a .joiiutry vdlage bef;e'be b,.cairje pi-CjiJeufc, --Lib aalai-j- xvasi ' C200 : and firexvojd," but during one. coid I period bia xvoju i-an 011c, and he ,. h'juyht a cord of wood of a neighbor, who recommended hi.-j fuel highly.: 'i'ue doctor made up'a fiie, and put 011 the new wood to iiud that;after t^t bark bad sputtered furioualy and quickly burned out, the birch Itself would burn uo nioro than HO iu.ich iron., He htstend to his} jxeighbor and aaid : " I v.-aiit twenty cor da more of j},at woxl." ' Twenty cords, doctor J. What /ran you do with eo much V ;1 Smother the flames oMiell: f [liit'.i uJlit'B good for.-" - v ( uiTJ'.t> s*lve i CUIt'ES i'.r.-:r wof> ::-,-ri: .7.1 v 1.1 x; r.s, s.xt.t 1:01.ivi. 1 i.n.n:. xi> .. .-, u:i: iiai:A::r, -. -, .'.r.v-ii-i i.-x-, riMi- xvo.r.".:: . 0 -. i.:.!---:.--, >oa i.r,'n t,.*. n diAvi'srn hash.-;." -i:--, 0.. :-::as, , i-ri."s;::, ..-.:,-. s-:-.:-, siijso;:.;:s, s-, ' :-iH.s, -.:-. AO .-~. 1 i:..- ia.ES, :'.>:. .-', 1>M., : 1 .:., <; ,-- X. :i . 1 .'.oxv.S : .' i:v v, r: .'. ;,-i;,:ov.:.o N A 1 c~. v,.r 1 i.k i:.A.-:n', iusrit'i ro A.--D ri,i-.\ mrjs, si'ititit ;. . 1 f>* a- r.i!. an.t : r it j. 11 a:^ "..,-..- rri ii;,- -.!!.!: r..: <'-. ^r .rer> . ae.fl .-.: :,i i e...:a ;-';.-: ia:--in ll.u I (.!- I ifS'-o Provinces, Price by "mail M i-onu "P>iiOTU'ii:.!rni;!bS should, for- "t- '.v.i'l tie. ti.'Oir a'ldre.-s if tliey- xxish t 1 oiiti'.in a I'b'.no or Organ in " for lJbf>toar:ipbiiii(r.. Ad~ :h K. UkATTV, Wabh- mgtoii, ^x'e-iv Jersey. - kZWA PLWG EMLLS . \Y. CASIPBEIiL, Prop. moved, one day la:jt v.-eelr,,by the apecUcIe of a young man coming up the front Htepu that he nonlcl do nothing Imtjean out of tlie window and gasp. A 'colored . proaciior ro.miiked : ' When-God made the disc uian ho set-him up n^iu the fen.^j lo-drv.' ' Who' made de-fence V lintpfi'.iiptf.il an eager listener. .' Put dut bigger out,' exclaimed tiio colored preach er ; 'such opieotioiiH a" dat 'd de- stioy-alb the theology i,i tjo.'woild.' _ I a 'your inastiir at homo 1 iiiquir- yd a-gdutleiiian of tho BfrvaKfc of llibjioiian at xvhieh he xeaa calling.- ' Nh, -sir,' ;ep!b d'tbe. man. When xviir be be bad-: ?' asked the xdttitor, ' Can't fc'av, s.ii',' ' said the man, ' xvhen he sends mo down to say he'H out, S can't he suro,' A .bnsinesii firm in Newark, to which a bill had been owing yfur ome time," fjuaiiy sent a sharp duuning note to the debtor; and' rcrfeiveo in reply a postal card con tiiiniug th<3 foiiovviirg : ".Mutthfiw xviii, 20." To this they respond ed : " KatuaiiK iiii, 8 ; St. Luke xii, 58." The reKult was tho rompt rfei;u,ru of a chtxpie in pa > nient of the ariiotmt. . Having purchased tho nbovo named eidnblishni'.'iit, I am prepared to manu facture SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS, &'c All kinds'of ; Pr:np.tly tttuiided In. rU. \V. CAMl'BKLI.. Auton/bec.-Hh, 1S77. " ," 22-3ii'i J P I A ^ O ^ proiKl'miclfl'lVy "\\o rt.sL^tRjh.* hi iw p-OiIe AND iiMtUonioht l.iMiutiful nii(Iwi*ct- rmw-T criLtonfd i'ifWHis over iiiamifaciiir- ffpyimac^zsiMgarr'tf'^ca;nroiior.ncecl the WASHINGTON, tiest in tho xvorld. NEW JERSEY. <*tiy'K eelobrated '.< ',.ieti l'mmu.-il Parlor Otgan. : Any iiiaiinlicl'iiei cl'.'illeiiLjed toci|i'al the 111. 'I'hr.y pm..k"si; ptixvcr, denl Ii, iiri I la ncy ali'l s.x'in p 0 tietic oellcncy, oxcilosiioly be^iutifiOl v -i>\ti o He els, and Lnc orii vntop iieipm e'.-i r invciileil 1 nut en not be ilis- ariimjce'l li.v use. The IiuMhwh capaciiy is 1 o 1;roil 1 Hint lint 'III lo i/bu 1 i, reiitih- <d xvp 11 I-In. feu: 11> suppfx al, Ihc air iie'vo-Kury. I1...H muileanil moat clesniit cas^s. in tho riiarlcrl. Ail solid Xvopd orinm^nli'. ICxff-ry i nsLrnnii'iit lully >nj- rtinteil I or tlxyon ran* strictly tiivi-t;Ian<, mi'lscniou fiom 5 to l.Vd ivs'icst trial A'l>liTK.i.'|lsiK|, f. BEAwi'i Vaahirs-l uja iiftff Jerpt-v. FOI UV .ire j>reparc*tl to pay tho Ju'uJioet vr.fh prir*o Wcist of Toronto fur all ela^of. . ,- . Sheepskirs ami Calfsliins in rjoo.'. condition deliveredntour tannery. Wc xv:sh ii4o be distinctly understood that x/c pay the l.'iontsT I'lrlcc for such. . 1 arnicrs v.-ill stt:.ly their inter ests by iiriuaing tliei'r !fkin'% to 11.1, in stead of :;c;u!ijyt!iciii to Middlcuieu and IV-d.iijri;. , .STtSllKY, MOOitK&CO. I'crsor.a havin:; s'ains at the factory of W. if. Siiiuizv .'- t'o. 'Wil! also ro- ceivj the highest price for thein. ThcroisnomanufacturerofPittnOB and Orgati3 in IhtB or any other country who lias received aa many unsolicited indorserncnts as has Mr. P.ealty. From every Stato and Ter ritory; conies the same verdict. "They are tho beat in the world." Illustrated Advertiser, (Uatalngur E iitioiO free.' Address DANIEL F. HIjATTY, Washington, New Jersey. I.adi'es and L'eullemen tn learn Telo- grajJi (i|M'raii:ig for olhcai opuiing in the Uotninion. Siatn]> for ant-xyor. Address .\'.'.\ Xoj:i:, lit.-?: '.!">, Toronto. K...mr .-rrw^^fm COUSURIPTIOH GfJHED. AH oi.i, PiiT;nAN. iT'irt-'l '-r.mrctlveproc- IJKlUuMlMiiTiittrjf the h-nini-n .1 s Yrnetabte lUitnedj for the ep<x-0j- (.ml i.cnu^jKtm cum of Consumption, A.-thma, UrvnchUin, (ultivvh. nd til Trimatanri; i>iir(r AfTeotione; till * rojlUTo flnd_I(_(licj,l Cur for Wervnua !>- fflr^?.';'1'?" .utlf.-itij. he vriU pond FKICP. -l1h?l,AS0Ell" "" '" dMilc !' !lli' "elM, wlU, lull dlroi,.,p. lorfnfuiiit.nj .uc(;<il5l- l':,.""*' fci" h> return iiuil ty iililrtiiliij w..h itamij, utiuing tla^ ptppr. . - ii r. sTKVKNa, |i'"-5r- liuxa!, Uiaii.'uviUL^. Omt. I g.TTTS, rf KJIKBNSiKS MEN If-yon j. ivnnt KiiMieails, JH!Uen:ents:, Let- le'r lie.'Uis. I'loveioncs, tMereaniik' I'ulit lu'K, "r any Itiud, done, in bimlncBKHtylp, send y.'.ni* ordr s to,^; lie t'i:i:u I*nass ollico. Mai lsfac: loii cunrantccd. r . FOB FAI-L WEAR " IS New Blarik and Colored SilkB, Now Frcnoh CanhnioroB, New Ribbons nd Ties, Now Drees Goods. New 8tnple Dry Goods, . j OUlt BTOOK OK ! Tujecils, Clotlis, gacd i Overcoat injrs la very choice apd cheap. Wo hold a vory superior and large lo^of NEW MANTLES AND MILLINERY. W: Stewart & Co., GULPII> October 1G, 1877. the BEj-NEWSPAPER Published in Haltoa Couaty I OMinr i$ A CROWDP STOEE. Imraense S ales of SILKS AND DRESS GOODS s - '- - '" ' " ' 1 4To Merphahts and other Business Men ii AT pnge 9 Any uersoh who will roaki rtaiuC J ""X1 forxvnnl me a list ol the name* of reliable persons o/ thelrno- ([iiaintniice who wish to'nronirc-cn Up Biriuin ul. either I'lnno o.'Orpan, I will use my liesi ondeavors to sell tbeni one, and for everv I'lano J sneceedlnsellinp tot hcli list xv it hi n ore year. I xvl II credit thorn xx 1th $10, and lor every OiKan^s; to no apixHed on payment of either n l'liinoorOi'iiiiri; and when ltumonntgto asiirn HrfTiclPiil to pny runny Instrument seircleriat ti-o loxvcNt wliolrHnir..price, [ xv 11 'linmf.tiiately sij||i-ili(iiijstrniiienl, rrce,or'.ii:i any nn'o.ml Is credlleilthn l.niarce m;\v be o*vid mo In cnsh'unil I xx-.ilT the! 'drn tliein the ltiRt'iimeut. T* ey need not bo Irnoxvn In the matter, nnd will be doint. liielrf ri.ejulsa reiilspr- vln.-, us I shall make special oircrn to them,so'-'linra ^ipcr.lor fiiriinsncnt for from t.nc-'luiir to iwo-t!iirirH "What Is oriilunrllyaslccil by nkonls. PlcnseffoDi) moallsl nl once nnd afirr yon have made limiilrv, you ran iilil to.ll. . AddreBo J>\NIKJ.F.UK'ATTV WasUlusrton.Koir Jersey. FASHBONABLE WEST END, j' C^"rj"E!"Iia=lT3:. 600 to 700 Yards SELLING DAILY. We ore showing, without exception, th^ Largest, Most Attractive and Cheapest r? STOCK of SILKS AND DJiESS GUOPS Ever shown in this town. - Ladies vieiting Guclph and "buying DreBS Goods, Silks, Velveteens, Mantles,. JliiHiuery, . Furfl, etc., without first 'seeing, our immenae und beautiful stock, do tliomsolves n groat'injustice. We esteem it u:pleaBiiro to show "our goods. .' Indies, come direct to the ITasliinable \VeBt^En,d, the leading house for Silks, Dre.'ia Goods, Afuntles arid iirillinory. Full stock fpf fufiliion- ablo Trimmings, Buttons, Fringes, etc., to match uU our materials. A. O. BUCHAM, FoBhlbnnble Went E;nd UroBs, MlUinory ond MantleKKtabllsbmeiit. Qnelpli, Oot. 2i, 1877. i SQHOOli-BOT'S OlotlitnGr! A large: lot of MAGHIHOBNT T"WEBDS! suitable for Boy's Clothing at the EftST PQJCLOTHI^G STORE* Cleanin-g out the Stock to make room for Spring Importations. Special Indudements to Gash . Buyers. . ) t ' . Also a lot of Qents' Under clothing to be sold cheap for cash. Remember the Bast End Olo- thing S tor ex, FYFE & BftcNAB. Acton,Pel>u*f 1,1876, i . '/- year, in advance. i A v- '.-! Acton,, as well as throughout tha;1 GountyV the Free Pres& is an Mn\|aluable Advertising, Medium. ." .f Oor UnrfT&l<l PaoHHiw for SMOQtin^ ftU kffldaof BOOK rAND JOB PRINTING Safcj ueM tarnotrt work eytalu wytMn.wI*<b#<iM* <f MOORE & QALBRAITH, L Publishers,, $nfProprf tors. ! -!

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