TEST - IPR records

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 28, 1878, p. 3

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/. i^m: IS* |at..--. ^KH. '<^^H ...-t^^^^H ^^H>At i. '^^^^^H '^^^H ^^^^^^H '<^^H n 1*^ b '. f Ithe ItOK. 1tl ifeet lbr 1t*- lo ot K ! H^^Ka^^TC-XSHSrrB-SSs^^ Irrta TilE FREE rilSSS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, QNT, FElSKUARy 28, 1878. "*V<I> W<K T* TVBIl 'frVinslei^e Ac-n a* o.oivi r>" Tor-oKtoniMi , pTK*pr-ss K*prc*- - Gfjr.u*o 1 O.jit mixed i>v I'-M-ross Weitcrn r.i.v.l London jnixo.'i - ilow >;\t: -0 *.S7 . --TWo wh.i hVivc lui.l tick from C. 1'. l.evoii?, uulei:-r. they cull atidticUh 1:0" .a.m. at oneo. had bolter look out. 'J'.IV-.vW. ' ' ~t , ,- : ,,' , , , \..vTp.ni. I - '^-^",< Ioivf hiiisterbrook, .CU^;, .">. ITp.v.t. | l'-.vi \ijiilly tout 1:^ the mimiUvi of tlio. 7:"- r1-14' N.-\s-:.-.;::n\i'\a Council, l-.it tiny ;;;.rt';>;> " s ^ oikV. li.iper. Thoy will i>:S'- ;v.tn. ' 'vr !'! Mr. P. 1\ .lolmsou, b.to of .'.1. p...i. 1 OoiOp.m..'; Avion, v. ho recently purehas. ,1 the tiu- Scrvi.v in the Mc'.ho.l>.>; V'h-.-.reh ovoiy , Mon'.stou, has opened wi(U :i huco SuNvilh OM l-.'V.S lit .- l-.i-.'.f-rsiM j=in ; . , . , , . . o\-'.<v-:<: " oi.iralm arid cvoi\- ! *iock. and iii'O'i pr.vpoets ot suce^ss. on the :'.r -.~0>rilh -of . .icfe I ".'-, - iban. Kttv is, H< m><. iSosuir. ! An entertainment. eoiiMstu.g v: .'lohviur, rooit.-.iion-., io,, will In1 ; h.'l.io >.|, . I'lcl-.-.nt School.' Xoci'iel! 1 N.-. >;- i-a \\ vdiu-sd. I? roi'i'i-'toM. Tims , Elicit::. ColVoc. Spies. Ml khul.'i of Dry SaUed and .Smoked Fish, Oranges, Le mons,' olc, ct.".,. selling legardloei of wholesale, prices, at Sccyrd'a Cash Kt'oro, Motitli'.nl llouse.. rKKWiADVERTlSKMHNTB. I'.Xl'UAOKDl-N \KY.----LllVgUKt li'i/cd Whitiv tiv.iuiU- Ditiiu'r Date,], S"> vimi5.h JH.-J- lif-.Mi/ wort'i $1. o J'lviiii- ;;i-t Ti.itis, 75 i-cni'i,..worth i-UH>; i.'U;>< Tv;\ l'lalv.;.. ti,V I'liili woVlli'Ti") vi-sit s \\ liito vuaui'.o T,,ik i puvi. Sl.Stl, AviTlh S'-\.'>0, i-.ud i'Vi-ry.-'i l:i.-:.-.wi\ro, l'ot- so'.-y >\i'., ovpK'.lly cluap. T-iu'iu-mv U\'i tl^ui^^inlv.siiK- piii-os. H>> \vinc:unl <<o- v'liii'^ioi'.u- wliili- hi.it. at Seeiii'il'8 Cash fSt^rjf, M.>litiv;vl .Htls'o. ' WANTK8> - TELKBAI*ir Tlio ii>0>:ieril)ijr 111 pn-pritcil to reci-ivo an ile'l'olo^rapli I'liK's.iit -Aetnii.llciiij'.u.. to[vn or l{oul;uood .Stirt'omi. Tlle'pulcc iiro to l ;!Ofn-t lonn,' 1^ inelu"3 in dift- m^tvr 5 foot from butt. jl'ur fuvthor pMi'iioiilaiHiiildresa I ' Al.i:.\A.NOlUt .NAlltN, 'M\ Adelaido-ati. t'oiitra'ctor, '^oi'Wro. froronlo, .Ian. 29, 1S73. 31-4t | V0CRI MATTERS. n}nl F>i! l5-.il:iy pro.', ats in T.-.i-oy C>c,U mid OowcV.ovy : all the yo.-ir r\'.Ti\d a*. t!oo. Uyuds ,'e\\- ell.-ry .Store. Acton. Call. Marble Javs bstvo conic. ir a blue ribbon! Wherv, oh, "w-bero is Vonncvr * i?.. E.-ilcGar\'in's Woraj Pow. ce ' This is tho last day of _Fab- rasrv. To:\ M-VVOvl Viiiny uixt. KioU. A'lhnii-.-iion !. .-O.tf All patties indobto-.l to Lo\ ons -hail letter tio.tlo iLt once, Or~t!ioir a--' - eounU will bo put ;u oiurt ftic'uol- lection. j ' The annual tea-mcoting^will Ixvhrlvl in the Congregational Chn'rch, Ao.oa, next Thutsilsv cveitin^.Mitrcli 7. '-S.cvef.d rev. geutlen-.en r.ro e^i'jeet- o.i to l>o prvsenc. I>e tiuro :i;nl ~gc\ it you want to have a ooA tano. ' - In Ks.Mioiiiii!;, on the -J.-.rd int.", the wilo oj.l.is. Scott, fanner, of a, duvij;liteiIn l-N.jtivsiiii;, on' th'o SUtli'inst., thu vi;e ot Mr. John l!\dor, of a son. St A tt:i ti'.. On the 'J7th hist!. Ivy' tlio V.ev. 1'. \\. Camoion, nt the ivsidenee of the ln-idi-V mother,-Mr. John Mvltill'tu Mi.-s M,ny, eldest diuighter of the lute William l.awson, Ksip, of tilen Lawaon, Xiiwn- hip of Ksipjjosiug.- J. BIEI>. I Tn Kriiij on the iind inst./Mr. iHaao MoMill.an, senr,, r.L-ed ulniut 8t> years. . In Kilbride, on the .'^iiul inat., .^^r. XVilliam Speneo, n^od 77 years. Barber nnd Hairdrossor, joinin;: Seeord' Hro.' Siore, Mill Street, Aeton. Hair swifehoa and eombini>.i'.proparcd to order. C3> "ST' J3 ' X* 23-Z1L S roeoiveij daily by oxnroys. Sales extraordinary at the . En's' Coro.i.-li'ii.unTL anh lest- Mr. Ooor^ C.Ibl-s wil^Rcll lv By a thorough Rmvwledee j LUkL'^tl. *fc4i. "li".1*!. -I *1 till, Ikit k.l IU ,UI. I'll", | ,"*.t * i^i * . I}, , .... ,.. ' , , , , r ' OI " ' natural lawa which eovoru the 1 Mclnscsh, i-.nu, un i mirsdav, tl--.. of ; 01,t. f aigeation ami nntritieti- tch; owe *ay Livens Uiitlittle aceoun t Mr.reJi. the una Mtunte,'. oil h>t '">, 7;h ..and oy a careful application of tl;e tine . t>.,n: ><.i. Tlu re \\ ni^T= > iv sehl : propenics of w ell se'.eeted cocoa, Mr, C , Kl'!'> haiVroVi.h-d our hrcakfa.-t tables -The j School Pvoird .tuoois Moa.i.ay rj^lif. ' atir.g is : ^ ,~.:^,,""' nearly all co::c. >< Go to J. E" Me.") jivik's tVr ' vo-r dmc?, dye-srv.ffs, .vc. With .a delicately flavored beverage j which may save us manv heavy dnet.vrti' .vc-sinl toa meeting was j l,il.1.s-, M " }'.v the judieiou^ u.c-.f SUeh = I article.! ot iliet taat a. eoiij::i.uiii.n may l\:-.-.licrr.::ee liall, l.vit even- j liegri-.dually built up until :-.tr.ni:;e:i.nn;'li ; !:;,-. for ;:-.e bcaclit"'.vf the rt-uiar i-r.jv- ; to U:i.-t; every teadeuey to ui-eaA-. tVr ' :-;.:< s \il.'rc--ii. i e.e dtliverc.l b>- ' Jluintreds i.r" subtle inahulio.-, are 'tuatiiiL; '-" Y. "/, ".,""",V V " ,'.'"" " " " around us re.v.tv- to atta.ck wlierover ' ; "' .v^_k ^^ W(, ,m,y ^ .^^ ro. I Key. Ly.!oe:ici.l, i'.r.ur.p: u, ;.u.l .j-::u:s. ; wany a fatal ?!iaft by Ucepiin: o:ir.-el\ ev. j A'^oe.! sua \v.is ri'ilii'-ii. Well;fortified with pure bin -A and a pm- ' I _ f,iri! S/.i-ict - ^NtoJyoarg^Jcuar.diU.wer-s^l'.jlv sncttv-i ^-so uryUooAs. 'i^rceries,'! ".Ui!.KS K"i.&" -"" ./bumenpathie < '::V -,1"-i- c:o- at Mr- M^-^' v . i 3:,^o, Ml.tu's,!, :>:i.rriihv :i:ul S-t.ir'::T, eire- ti-:.'i, 2J iie siVp lie c-?. i*z 1:C- it. 1 _ .^ c .to lour, front his trip f out wcjT.'- rui.i ; l-eo'Si crvatiy rv.-ir-.-jshed. .* J. E.- McGARVIN; l! CHEMIST AS SO Everybody satisfied. I ; JAMHS.SYMOS .would return his thinks to his numerous IVieudd for the very lihpr.il supporlthey have nlreadr 4ocor'ded him and betrs lo in- 'm thom ttiiit ho has thin week made lnr^o iidditiom-tb liia Slock at extraordinary low ivi&J I ' ' form Mind ye not trashy stutl'but new btylisji good's the best in the market, fur rilylo and Finish!. ' -v | gei-3 Jwing X'epartr BUSIES-GOODS, PLAl^-BLS &e. TvTi33DS ^AJTD^GSiTTS FT7P . Seises (now sliudrK) It), T^l,.15, i>T>6. HIijIiiiTaS. '......" " '" ......" . -.Tivoc-ds 40i", fl -23, rAiTO? aSPARTMENT. Jjiislies, 1 li, 1(1, 'Jon. Blaolt Silks, 5U, 70.-, f 100. Mitci; Bright Lusti-es 15, UO, 2.3o, Empress cloth, liaratliaas, ParanieAtos, Crapo cloths, V'olvetooiiH, (All new ahados), Winceys, Plain and Fancy, 8,10,1 2^. La Duohoa.-iO SuitingH the latest of . all, lo, 20; 25. Usual piiee,25j .Shirtings, all the liit-ost makes, Q.iinn'H celebrate.:! Dreai Stfirts, 'Vies, Collars, Kid-i arid Cloth Gloves, Underclothing, .Braces, ; -' " Hats and Caps; &c, &c, 4c. r' Flannels, CuDiiila (irey, 25, 35o, /ieavy Twilled, 25, 40c, ..Factory Cottons, 0. 7 8, #o, White Cottons, 7, 9, 10c, Kid gloves, all new shades, to match drees, 1 ,. Silk Buttons, new shades, ': .Fringes, ,. . Broida &.c; - 1 "' Special Lines sSinches, 12ic, worth Sewing Silks, very cheap, _ ; I-"'0- \ i Consols, Freneh wove and st wed, 4e.; ic. &c. - ' Adjustable li-ring, strong, Heavy Jean 62J, Collars, Cutis iiurl Ties, very cheap Clouds, Scarfs, dluaiery, 4o., &c., Ac, ; t | .i. ^'1'110'1 t0.t,ie nb0V i:x\ S>'mt>" ha' ecured the aervioes oro"firat cla Milliner.who will be o'n hind for the 8prin2 trad*. Ladies v depenil upon getting your orders filled iii tile Latest Styl.s at the most reasonable prices. . | "iaics j you mflv Mr. Samuel MeLim tsfbe^^.Aqto'ii." c\ ' Chemist, -IS, Thre.-uliieedle Street, and i 170, Piccadilly, London.". -llr. Uibh. vl thSvicinitv ^iis Fell. lor. pt-.bli ....._ ';-^-tC-<;i3l^ .tea meetings, iecturesj .v.-xti"on,-,ftt Satcr.l-.y March lot'i,.the '; Barley ...' d6oa9ftUi.---alc3 are ali *"e ra^e in ] 7arai" ?u-c'a a.-id iiurleiuents of Mr. An- u-lt5 Batter tfri-.-ih tMM " 111-0 I UlltUT isaUcA -tolL'i o.i- i I.an.l (light) _ rv- i I-arA I.lark) Sold AVo 1; ive r Lir'.? o-i.-ro.r.'v fl" _^: .-?; w to:; co Fall Whe.r.t..... 1 I.v to 1 fai Si'i-inij Wh^at...... (i 7.1 to 1 ti.-v A- Si.-rin^ Wheat 0 75 to 1.00 . . 0 50 t.'v.tl t-0 i AND Yours Truly, K TOT-SCH. i j ii:ai ?u-ca a.-'.el nui-ieiuents o | vrasAi.hu..-:-., on I.-: 11,-ith p-.-::.,To\m. ! -Whert is the" H.-tirhro.-uh!. ! ship of. Erin. Yv...i v^hii:- l^: tic ita::rhi'b:v!. ; --; - -........"""^"'."", ......_t' "~ """"" j E-_^-s (uow laid) ! Chickens , _ . .... . -Wo noticed on .MiuL-v even- i Ce-..-e ^rarre rva'Ovr on aa:i-l, ;-.t-.:a. o - r . . " .. ; Turkevs ST3T-? r._- Tj-rrusci, -sriLic:: -.re -.-.-:.: sel. . - ,...,. . ' x "ta.ivL-s, p^r o.i: Cl,^; ""-**" - .l-^- r-ur y ;::._ ~ " '- .:.-..a -on, ska-.iuj | Hay, per ton.' . Ycang ni^i yon<fg: woruanf- | ^^uacea^^.V! ::iexe of lee which hal] | J. SL. McGarvia still. keep3 e.ice'jjuf \-t) Si) t.v 0 St 0 (i.l t-v.l'v t!5 0 15 to ;) it; 0 1-J t.. u:i;> 0 10 to 0 1:1 0 OS :,, o OP O U t.i (i I.l. 0 05 to 0 i)5, 0 05 to 0 05 n <n; t.. (.) 05 (1 CO'i.. 0 70 O 75 to n I'v.) Xlie unlo.-Mitneil ticpn Jcuvc to an- no-u-.ee tu I'.-vnuorB, :i).il o!Iveis i ngi gnl- In halter iiiaH.ivvi w lnv sn-ri ivi-c gelling u novl'luiiu fiat lliey wimlil consult ilvi Ir.ou-n iivLi vesls hy onlirlne <uvi. uf A. Mnltlio.-.' E.T.tirovrt! IiiUiiIar !>av!i* {'i.'ut-ii-. 1 mil nuiv tul: in; orders lor til em, ltaviniroureliat-aUlvi-i-ao-iit rluiit lo in lua'.v.-iare ajul v.,-11. J'liey lire .-.tuiiiui-iiiiun: tj.i- 'op si In Uoo market. War pa'.ri' iii-.-Ns resiH.rlrolly y.-r.rilcii. (.'ir.-Uliirs-:iln! ii5M!li!iil::,s|rvi-on !i|i|vll- ration. To- r lor;.- oir -..'oj .Manu.actur- i-l ami Sek: b >- . 1-. .'..;McOC>N ALII. '-'-'Jm. Acton, uiit, "^TALJ-ArSLE PROPERTY IX t .KIM . For Sale or Let. 1 BSX_rroduco of all kindB taken as cash^at highest market price. Acton, January 23, 1S78..T V- - - JAM ESI SYMON J^- Gr-H-A_3STJD m n;Ar Of all classes' of kT : Half-Yearly ' -1-J & The St'-nc Dwelling on 'Afain street, ad joining the entrance to the school ^r.unols, ' is I'lfereil for .; y.ale ' or; rent. 10 0^ tn 1^ JO There are nine' rooms and larj;e leollur, ' ami a quarter of an acre (if garden.. J-'or. perfumes. Bring your b-;ttjc CrilfO -.lAHIiET., Wo have? for -ale one B::t"5 celebrated P-an.sa'-lh.a: will Cijp-.-s-el i'f at a! cr-eat birziin. I rar;;.c-ibTs apply.at this oiace. - J. E. McGiirvin has, itow . a ' tbo^o. viye - Etr. .--\s.-:- rasts^o o,-ia,J:v';-f ilih-i ke:-pi. - j N'.','."" ;'"., ' - ; i i o f t ai rard <rf .55 for in:on-.-.a-:.--i that 17ill ! , ,:!i'.'."i ;c r::-.eii "Vcr r- iu.:'i-o..Ie, an.: :o see '- ::io = e 'a.ilea culling the "(.'.uiaAian r..Il" j v. .mil [ i'j>:['i'.:'. .'0 .'.V. Vyi-: r.-ir.-s, ;v,- Vj:".ln i-ji: Li.:-.. Gfri-.-n, Feb. CSth, l?73 -2 .'in to -z 7. further particulars apply! to a:; 1 h-e^r to.e'.r :cre.-.:n., a pen-on to te'".v:i. 1 -T\ ,. > -T --' ! Flotir, par. 10! Siw- }i.f. Kent ^Iason .1 visit whito: Wlier.t, tj Actv-.i, bliieinobo'^is hive l:en nil j Tic'.idweH 'i Spring Wheat... ! t>xt?,r .. :. f.>r_a /..o^top, jiarley. e:i 'i a-.- b.-:!'re. ! i\.as . . a -ta_-:r":n.7 ;--ie.!i o'jlay, per ton u-i:i:--u-;o the .' J':--. per doz. oea-:,e rirai nn-1 s:ea ly, , j;i.ltcr? - jr p,. ;ie vva- e.e/.r ail', true, j i'otatojes per bay Ai:'i eu l.:s rr.o-Teo. '..: he v. .-|-e j J{o^s, per cwt ' '.edto-the c5inv!crion:cf the party v.hc. _.\_ htile l|ov, of line." j C-ljichenK per pair R*war?W*rr lienor <ra Tt-M-iay, 10th j . .'- . :.-.., :<-e--?e..... - Feb niary, " } 1 .'.., . _. . .- "i^ pc-rar.d=i=tsndhoWi-i^r.nOpen t>:visi<m j ^'ueks .. r ...... . ^ ,- .,, , iai the'- ltrnparancc Hall, on Tuesaa,, h*H of the Aeton Brass. Baud will be ... * , . , . ,, who osld at Dr. McGarvin 1 residence on 1- . ., , p1.j- _r, -. . I recently aigr.ed the Murphy Hedge are T-uesiayfrESing,-Mafch 5th. AU are [ ,- 7,--"^ .......,,. lt _taT:teo- . ."* i pu'blic a-e al,-o cordially ii^iUd. AU ... Division are re- "Ciarket,>t the Ghsgo-w- House ; so the , ____^ A_ t__- ______t __^ Tn(a, ^lac]ie= tiv. Take their advice an.I bay HOKACK'JrlCALL, Esq. .-.-. 20, 1S77. j 20-*Sm I The undcr.ii^ncd ha9i!till tlio Berk per bush 1 15 tv 1 0 i shiro IViar, "Wellington,"hrcd bv Mr.* do ------ 1..........- 1 12 t .1 1 lslCico. Isinld^ofj (iuelph, which will he 1 00 to 1 OS' kept fur rervicj.). at the farm joining the O oJ to li-.'>5 lii-and Truliko Station. Frice ?l.00. 0 -;."> to o .ir? 0 CO to O (,! 10 0.1 i..l-_' 00 ' 0 Ifl to O- )5 II !5 1,1 0 If.. 0 00 to 0 c:< i ,5 to 5 12 0.) to 0 00 SO In 1 I'll To to 1 i,:l to to 0T0 year cotton3 now, frotn! Christie,' Hen derson A; -Co. .---- - ', " -^Pnnch'a Alrninac for 157-3 is cenr Lailod. out to American readers quested to be present next -.Tuesday- evening, as holiness l importance will ba br.-uirht feTtvarl. ' ' - Four loads of - people -went from Acton to the social at Mr. I'. that lain- tn a reprint,-jat only ten cents. For.nn, , g^^ e.;q> ^ TiJt.Sllav CVcI1.;:.A v huin^r ?fad*isdom. address I.C. Clear-i^^ tii;v Eptnt a m(5;jt c,)iov.l,!e lcigh, ^p. 317, Broadway, New Yprs. cyealn^ p.tii(]u3 those from Aeton,. t^Mr H. J. Hall, lat-3 of Acton, i there were a great number from the siir- kaa gone to reside in Berlin, where ho j rounding country who also enjoyed ^-21 manage the lnmber business, -which themselves to . their heart's contcht. ' ' - "-----'- ' The Boch.1 was in aid of t'leorgun fond, of the Congregational Church, Church- hill, and about $25 was reaVze-d. On-Thursday evening lnat a tea meeting was nelil in the Methodist, Church, ^Silver Creek. The Acton Methodist Choir -was present and ren dered excellent BerviceA. After tea, short addresses were delivered by l'ev. Mr. McLean and othsta. 20 was real ized.. Ou Tuesday evening a social was held in the same church. ..Excellent music .anil singing was given by Master TJbzierj and Mis. and Mira-ChrJatie. T'here were also/readings and addresses- About 812 wa3 realize 1. Both of the NEW A DV3TTC - SEil E ST3. recently purchased by Brown &, " HAD, of Acton, from Shoeiaater & Eort. Wie artr pleased to eoe that Mr. Richard Hamilton': ha3 recovered from his late illness- enough to enable him to return to Acton from Brace- fcridx*. He arrived homo oh Monday evening. A member of Crewson'a Cor ner's entertainment committee has sent us '* Tommy, make room for your onele," with the request that we pub lish it It beisg totfliifl fqr-thlB week's lH3uej it vrill^appear in our next. -A meeting of the committee r ,, , , ,t'r '-/ i<-ntertrii'iment3. were -"most succesoful of the Acton"Branch of the Lpper Can- '.nieruii 1 ueui. ada Bible S-kiety, will be held in the >d enjoyable affairs Creat credit is Vesty of thc/presbyterian Church,., f to tbo = e who liad f ne man^ement 4c*n^rJf^o^ofeirij^T5t Marsh'_ ."*" ""'"1 edl' %*- lure lozn ofr- ; |n xiif t Ler- --- IttIB -_ at Jiter lore guy- la of - ALL PK5CES- ALWAYS H STOCK. OX, O, O KS3 .l:e-ri.-a.'; tinrlng Wcijht.. JVry VU-:np: Cash. C. S. SMITH. Act-n, Dec. 5,1S77. C2-tf pc-KJi rACEilXG... E5XW&E. The subscriber h-.s: always on hand . ill. kinds uf f-e-ih Meat, Saus.iges and l\iu::ry, cheap. - ' Ci.IAS. CAMERON". Aeton, Dec. 12fch 1S77. 23-3m \h Is now going on at T1 &rCTElXJ-PH. A' ctox noxTnLi -sale, f The Acton monthly Bale will be held at Agnew's Hotel, on Fair Day, Thursday, -Meiroi 7th. P5ai and Faiti-y GOLD HX'NGS.- J ' r- at 7^0 o'clock, to appoint collectors and arrange for the annual meeting. Stock takinpf at the Glasgow Hou^eonActon. Goods coing very cheap. No re/isonable cash offer refused; con sult your own interests and make your inonejai ti.iu ixc a y otf-ean.V r:R<rmeinber that famous 50c tea ; in 5 lb lots at 45c per lh.: Christie, Henderson & Co. ^ Airs. Kent Mason lectured to a crowded house oh Saturday night last. She handled her subject in a masterly_ , wanner, and spoke with such feeling and pathos as to dniw tears to the eyes of her' audience. At the conclusion df tile lecture -over forty persons went for- ward-and signed, the Jileiige, ^inrd .iadm blue rilAinn'^tfei/vlyrrtn ^aifcii jbrdait.' - The public can placeotlTe^niostf explicit confidence in Mr". V. B. Beatty, W Washington, Sew Jersey, who man ufactures and sells his justly Celebrated ianos and Organs. Certificates from -_2& officials and prominent wen of his own city, commergit'rK>rl -mad <8*6t\r[ JBonials from thcftfiah'3>J wfid h*ve"dealt' with him, all verify the statement; See ti advertisement. in: jiand. 'ill'-."J. B. Watson, die humor ist, lectured in the Temperince Hall, on Monday -evonihg, on '/.Jolly Jokes for Jolly Folks, or Society Unmasked." The attendance was good arid the lec ture immense. No-pefson' vrivo attend ed could fail to draw Home Rood moral lesson from tho lecture. - He paid a high compliment to theenterpriso and push of the young business men of thiu Vil lage, and urged them on to still greater exertions!. He quoted the lives of sev- eral Rreat statesmen, and Khowed that it was pluck and pereevere.iice which bromdiVthem from the streets to occu py some of the highest positions in so ciety that can l>e attained. ' Altogether the lecture was one of. the best^and niest instructive which has been Riven in'this Village for scinie time. Mr. -Wat3on: intends to lecture here again on Monday, lltb. Marc\ on "Particular Allurements and Proper Amusements iorihe YoHffli'of'R>th Sexes," when we JESW IS Sal*- S3 WW, A Large Stock. CALL AND LOOK OVHR If BTOCK. ' Post Offu-J A'lcrc, Ac{"ii, All parties indobted to Gcoivo B. Levers are roqueiiteiUto call and settle at once, or else their accounts will be putinto court for" collection. In future, 'lie iutends.to conduct his business on tlrictly ctwA principles. 35-2t All kinds of Stock, Implement*;, kc will be sold by paying 50 cta-a-pieie. Sale at 12 o'clock. TE1R*TS.--Tcii months' crdeit on approved joint notes All onirics must be'made to'Mr. J(.. F.yder, Sec. WrM HE.M3TI1EET, And oncer. 2-3-t-f _ . . TH2 OLDEST GROCERY HOUSE IN^OTON "/ : - = I";- J Is tho place to get good cheap Grocei'ies, Grooksry, ....'.... Qlass and :. Hardware, n siQci In a few weeks Stocktaking will-begin, and. by-, that time,, if' ', WILL, DO' IT,f ! We will not have a single piece of Hetivv Goods left. lerson & ! - ACTON To _ avoid carrying over any ! heavy goods yet in stock, on accottnt of the itmprece dented niild 'winter ,, / a.nnpuiiGe a, GRA.NL> SWEEPINa SALE, --' - : COM.MENCINO ON . '-. . " -V- ' ' ' '. - - I - ""' All lines of heavy-Woo^^n Goods Dress Goods^ Fanc^ Gbods^-Ih feet their entire stock of Dry Goods will be offeredat NOW 'jSJ ^*\PEN DIVISION. . I ; Xdie Acton Pivision.Sons of Temper- aiice will have an Open Division and Free Entertainment'on.Tuesday even-: ing, 12th of .March, in the Temperance Hall, Acton. Allare cordially n.ivitcdp A special request is herewith extended to those who have recently signed the Murphy' I'lpdge to bo present. :it .. - '. ' - :.BY. ORDER. TO'THE PUBLIC OF ATI- 'NA- .'.TiONS i POLITICAL CREEDS. If yon want a'eood AUCTIONEER try. GEORGE CI BBS, are sure ho will receive a bumper - und'e'r-vtnuiis hts ljii}i!hcfi.B.' Null hrMU nald. Adiir^s Hlllsburg I*. U. And to otrivo io. a few days a full ' supply ol - "Wall Por, "Wiidcw Bliads, &c. ! -a In the lateisi Styles ad Patierns. I olfp keep on hand a few of r j Messrs Ltfierly & Di5 r "". t^-.:olirs celebrated' | LANCE f UOl'H CROSS-OUtiJA ws, The best now in use. All goods wiU be hold low io,1 cash or pro duce. , ' - ; I CasU for. Hides,. CHARLES T.HILL/ Mill Street, Aetom Feb. 19th, 1878. SPECIAL BARGAINS; DRESS GOODS, TWEEDS, ,. ! ' " BLAJTKETS, &c, &c. CTTTST :S LEFT _r J. D. WILLIAMSON & CO ii Y iOTTOI MlGES." Quelph, Feb. 14, 1S78. THE POST OFFICE v^AMES MATTHEWS. --t Acton, F^. 14, 1878. Two cdld months yet to be provided! for.' Heavy O ver- coats, Tweeds, Blaiikets, Man tles, Shawls, Shirtings, | Win ceys, :Purs, Socks, Hose, Mitts, <&c, Sec; 'will^ be absolutely required;! Don't fail to seouro them at >the right place and at the right price. This is a Q-eaum Sal* ; MhJ i'-i'ilft m. ;: yiii r No goods charged excepti at regular r&arked pricels. ^ j. i hottBe. ESMEMBEE THAT FAIfiOtTS 5.0 TS^ lii 5 lb, lots el 45-cents.. - - i Aofc9n,bee.'5,.-l87i... . ' ^ . ' : . ;.;

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