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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 28, 1878, p. 2

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i.^ ivsae t -v t vi J & 'ft M 1 -- " w'i am I- ':l MWfflmwnKR*&isM^^ THE FREE .PKEB&, ACTON, IIALTCM COUNTY; ONT., FEBRUARY; 28, 1878 rpiiE Atro:* #ni:u iNr^* may Pablishoil every Thursjiny Menii'.-.c. j $1 Per Ahmmi m Advance j %tsi an F c 3 o Ifv cs $ Tin:r.!i a\ Mi'V.mxi;, l" it*,? The Jre; tils' MlO I'll Ji'ii Vital if O IV ' \Yc- v,<v.ve tV.-.t ' i ev.dr.inges have t: : themselves .to sew. the Rev. Mr. lUile. < ! ).t^>, for the course ho I. in " dtfiioiinoing the skating rink:' They. \wk\' considvi-.'le abuse at ~1ii*'ha.d for his daring to say any-. thingiagainst such a place of .iiiuc- cent amusement as a skating link. ~Thevmerclvsiiyth.it thole is no . ;-:. upon :-epiT:ii:ir.>l f this Yd- puisued 1-e lea-med u.nd clotptont, and giUed with genius, yet surely' tho question tf future pui.isbnient in nut one to ho lieeiiuil fir men by the most learned: scholar. No giving man can speak to us jut- of iiis own experience on this ipoint, mnl no one can tt-xlify from Im's; . '.! ol'MTvniiou. Ktertiity is a se.-ilj'd he, !:, -.-.like to. the learn.d and unlearned, and Hilly it liny | b-i-n said;;- Qori'ospondoxipo. iiv :, /. l.'d IX'l. hi /or iliffi: ro/vy-o-, ,v The. ". V". </." A'./.Vo DllAU fin. After nil about the li, irrstiiut] Hull ire ,'( < .< rcxi'iHifiilile lyrc-wi/ by our i hi--: H:\iiny. 1 I ; .i/'-f/.e that M tUti!;." l-'lfC J'li::*. has been said ll-hhs, l.y the Acton Skating Club,"-and, heated, -nnik. Mtill lie (litiup Mini cool I A titl in it U sign of advance ment in civilization. Aiul intelligence, and, nl/uvo nil, is it. according to the teaching of the Kihle .and Christian culture to veil the. human features .with the semblance, if not ef the monkey, certainly not of iun inleresillig hiimen face] ai e its advantages I: Does it tele to I ft! lit: iind elevate the mini.! ? 1 after Won netting a Wife. Wo have,been handed the fol lowing essay. " Upon (letting - u. Wife,", fur publiculiftn, -wlnel) wiiH lead ut. the l^ui, hieetiiif'; of Nnb>!a- (niweyn Oehatin^ Society :: --. Vounr; maiii if-you huve iirrive.d Wimt nt.liio ri^ht. point in life for doiii^ so, let every oilier euiil.iilort'ition f !;ivu v.'iiy to that ol'^ettin^ nmrried. n . 18-10 (i yountf MviUmdcv !'-' ! ANNUAL named Viiliero left for Jfclio HtateB, _ fg^ifa, J^ IISlEa T I 17 & pending un evening in I hi.-; i D'.in't tiniil; of doing airything elhe.. : Hie ii" both miiicd I !' An O'tjeiiiiiunal Skater," through I Hrillimililri hit- ;o li.ielc to on( \i;'or, niul bv '. O-.'.i' jeiirr.i y lhtvi<h"it. in toil and c.vrc, i It.iv i'\il ir.-i.u li/;""we V. toe. net wlicro, i>iVr ileiec Y.i-ll :hiTo w c i-liall de %\ ell tllLlV -. ( . - Oao couM iietrt.-.v nu'i-L' by prca-'liinj a, "' >c:ir.. 1 t.he columns ef yinir Vnioti'ile paper II ut or -lit The War Xows. The rumors re.spce:ing the pro ^ress ef pence negotiations and tlio J.'1"1 harm connected with a vk.it in j; rink. 1 .-.uitudo of the srveuil KuVopean | but do not b'.-in^.forl'U <my facts to I Powers huve been wry unsatisfac- piovy tll:tt sue'i is the .CISC. We entirely disagree with the views expressed by these journals. as l:ir ns Mr. Hobbs is personally ^of.oerr.ed. Mr." Hold's ' was. in syrepathy with the skating rink until carnivals were iutioviuctid. vvheu he felt it his duty ko iT&rii ti con-relation from attenJhi'j torv "ini eoutraiiictorv during the past few da\ s. Oii'Saturday there were reports that tfle situation had taken a turn for the Wv-j-se, but these hajye. been, eon trad icted. It is asserted that tlfe An-lo llussiun situntion is .ntiiir.j'ruved, nnd that: nil danger, ot n rup'ore h.is b'eeif UToided ; 'that' llussia is showing u JLspc-sitioii to respect En-lish tliem, ai he b.nl been ut mul seen ; interests iu-el tnoilil'y lier termii, enough of carnivals- to M-amiu^'i mid, on the other liand, that kIio O'.iu.einc: them, be joutnals'; referred to i'tli "Pulpit Liain a; One of heads its cditori:* profsir.ity,".' but where the " pro- "fanity" c-oines iir.'Ave fail to eee- If a minister sees the nppr-on.eh of what he thinks to be evil, it is n duty he owes to both -Go-tl'and man to watn "Tits iVHowb to keep awny fi-om it. Jfe does not pee will fiitht rather than abate one jot of her-pretentions ; that the peace treatr is on the eve of si-iuitnre ... .. 3 , and that peace has be. n concluded . thst pubi'ic " opiiii'ui) in Austria is stror.-ly _ in favor o(| peace, niul. that'the Austrian peace party can. not long hold their own ; and so re ports and itiuiei-sgo on multiplying each other -without end. But. 1 have liei'n ibiiiLine lli.it.it i\ i no! Li' iiiiiim t.ir me to call jhe tMiiiuli of the public to two tinee imp ti iaut points whiv'ii oi not to lie overlooked, ! In-the liist. place, Mr. lvIihSr, 1 tiii i); it stiaui;e that outsiders; i.r., tho.s'j who have.not been renewed by the eonvertin- giaco of God, in every sense of (he . word, tie " lovers of pleasure more than liners of t;,,.ilj" should resort, to t!ie eolmnns it your paper tu viil- drcate themselves in tlic iinltU;;eueti ol thilt, which, to say the least of it, allures the mind from ' spiritual t-liihj.s." Is there not also a great Janoer of-v.'iiai'ii'it,' tiuiemul nioiry thai might, and s'loiil 1 be spent for better aunpuses ! Tim (pieslion is- being iiiked : Why .ire - thofci- trying to vimlicate themselves and their practices through the columns | of the Fkui: Pn'.tsS by the use of i sueh-iirguineiits as the following:! "Mr, Hobbs iiileiubil tin .(.'liter-{ tain'ihent at U'rcwson's l.'oineis, j wheiesome person sang ' Tommy j make room for your imcW ;' " " Iilr. I j I uiutfttl "iniinhoiij- uiet woimiiiliund " f Of rl'tiine. voiiiii; peojil'o ri quire mauncr, will imr pill'el 1 Will we ; duties tviih fresh oui'.bled to rise to a more noble'uiiil mhoiij- Ulei people r.q aneU.-'liient, but have We not. niusi'ij, bookn, social e-ilivelsatioii, etc'I And how can v.'e spend nil evening in.ire pleasant!>' than ii-t n mutual 'improvement club, with anthem-, ail, plan!', for useful ue.-js, etc., ni; tnjiies of eon\crsafton 'and stuiy Tuen there is also the advantage of knowing whose eoii'pany weare iti. How nia'nv mi.'iumlerstandingK have l\.'"i p puluiiy .Mbunt/ Tiniioii{,'- tli'i rubbish of tim world until you lmve Ktirierl 'tip ii gem worth hnvi'iip;,' in' the shape of a wift. Never dehi-y the matter, for. tlvy sny ilelnys iii'e .i1,iii"'tou(i. A L'ood wife is the 1 most constant and faithful coin piiniuLi yon can have by ivour Bide wiiii,) p-.ii forming ilm journey of life A'dof isn't :i 'oiioh to hei'. She is oliiiVni! use, too, :.thiul. you, may at liist iuiagine. She. eau' ^im^oth vour linen and your ctreh f-jr von ; mend your trousers, mid, perehuuoc, your milliners ; n'.veeten tour sour momenta, as well as arisen in Kocial life through inusk-.-d ; yu'ur tea r.nil e/IVai: for you; ruIHe :enteil'.'.tiiiiii'i!tfi'/ 1 ihink that lint lyonr uliitt, hosiw.i, but; not your the greater: part of the people Tfiiji.om. not' your lumper, ami, in ouiy ;hboit may Rev. Aeloli, but also of the noi, i liyvlll,will feel, thee.-h tbel not i x press it, obliged tothi Mr. .llobbs fin1 his (IhrisMiaii oonr- iige in so i/iatiliilly .li'ling hih position as pastor of a church and a t'ht'istian uiiuister. h'or the fir fame of the-prosper ous Village of Acton, 1 h/'pu you will Jet your ministers preach the Word oT'Ood iiiifet'ered. 1 r; main, Mr. M lit or, Nassau w/iiYA. ' Key, a; r, I2oi>bs ar.d'tbo Kink. meeting.-', e'e, nn-.l Nov.-, Mr.. 1'Mitor, mast co attends them, what do" I . i'ri-.-M. "> I prove i I mast confess I uo not | wonder that Mr.,-Hobbs, wleil .1" j fernng to the writer of the article, fc! tm.. ironically said it .must havo braei d'-vell slightly upon one or. two re but we. find ; marks, "iilit le by the Jlev. .,In. ' Itobb.i li.vl Sabl'Htl D::A!t Sist, - We '.risll to, link ere we close c.iiitrovi fiy, this ; to taliT midd! shall any-harm in is kept v. ill:in proper brutads,' hut be thinks a, pecsoa can. exercise their body- and mind just, as well, and better, without having earni- Tals connected with the rink. Mr- .Hobbs is put there, to warn his iug. provided it probably not be far wrong in as suming that, the signature of the Turco-Rusiian treaty is ; nut' fur oil". si; sunjepoor e/ / worn m there is a )n:tii- willing to cmif. sv. he did it, and assures us that the ' not a woman. ' , Whoever the .writers 'of .the 'articles' were, :l,ey muhtjliave '.ecu sadly ; delicti nt in the! rules of eti^u.-tte. ' li' I know- unythin;,' I.sav that it is very bad ti eyenm . He spok thicken -hi of r' US is I about it-, x: c .- i i , 1 ltiamiers to coinp.tiu the character .Nova Scotia L-'gislaturo - - F . of one person with another, t-fjiyci- ally in public, and they must be tot-illv ignorant of a minister's The was opened on Thursday. . Tin Speech from the Throne, after al ryitig l-O'j ctitirac!' r. Y'e arl'-j vy sorry, i'mh-eil, that the rev. nllenian leas fortned tliat oieiiii'Ti i^oi'iiinunic adions. \\'( (-: troin otir fellotv-creatnres of the ajiproach of, luding to the improved commercial ; duty if they think that it is not evil, .and if hejdoes not warn them | proijiecta and provincial railway his duty to denounce existing evils, r'; according to rhe dictates of his own ;' matters, refers to the submission '. f I ' , "' ' conscience, but steers a uiiJdle comse, to please everybody, what a sin will he have to .account' for ' If t\ preacher, cunuot preach what he thinks to be right, what is the alll In this case, wo think that the : editors of the journals above refer- ied to are entirely wrong in saying that carnivals are right, when a ... the nature of the evil demand.,., of ii measure for the assimilation | <[,. H.t,i,i,.s d.e; denounce in VBIV | arid to prove that the manner strong h'.nguago. too, uxisting':evils, as seen in. the wav and rnannju- of the.local election l.iw tOthat of the Dominion; the delegation;tent t'o Frede.'ricton to confer with the New Urunswick Govurntuent on the subject' of Maritimo Union ; tbe ; fiaherieb Award and matters. emphatically deny..that \Y-', either us u club or'as individual members, ever entertained such an idea. We too' highly este'cin. the oihee M"rj Hobbs holds to attempt to h sseri hisinllue'.ice for j^God in this, or any other community. Our eo:rii:iuni:atiens were in- rted in your paper inertly to ouiselves in "the mat:agi> mi'iit of the Acton ikating link, iu which our link is conducted'is not what Mr. 1 [oi/bs represented it to ukating rinks me being coiiduc'.-'il. j "' As far'us I can learn, it"isc::i'iiiv:ils j' M'r, Hobbs iittttiipt'.'d- to sljow und.i'iVivsqiieradcs that M". Hobbs j that we kept l-.i*o houir-. ' In thi4 condemns and.not the act of skat-1 we believe that ho must have .been Tbe selection of Cardinal Pecci to-the. Popedom seems to be looked upon with general favour, and will minister of the gospel "de^unces j dbuUless %ive more .satisfaction than the selection of almost any of the other aspirants would have don. Fiance has been favorably impressed by the choice,, aud Bis- mark considers that it is the most suit-able one that could be made at present. ' The feeling is that Pope Leo the Thirteenth will make a most, excellent successor to Pope Pius the Ninth. them as being wrong, but (should eleava it for each" individual person to take the matter home to hiraselfl : and judge .whether it be, .right or wron^. Eternal Punishment.- A renewed agitation "of the question of endless punishment is jtist now occupying the minds of the pres3 and the pulpit, both in this continent and in Great Britain The recent .utterances of men liko* Canon Farrar, in: a series of ser mon8 in Westminster Abbey, and of Henry Ward Beecher, in Ply mouth Cliurch," havg exerted . more than ordinary interest in the doc trine ofa future hell. The world Las. truly, been'awak- ipned from a slep of ages, and what would, a little while agef, have ben denoiiBcc-d as rank hereRj and infidtdity, now assuineg the milder term of "liberalism," and is tolerated with free discus sion. "What t'16 geperal effectjriav -1 ' 1 be to tb* orthodox views, time only can tell. j. Because Farrar1 and Beecher have, denounced the coarse old caricatures of perdition', which be long more to the .Middle Ages than. to. the faith' of the pre sent, there are those who greadily grasp the hope that there iis no hell at all. Nothing would be more Welcorao Uf the remorseful sinner than the fjhal 'putting out of the There are in Ontario-39 counties, 6f which the- total population, ac cording to the census of 1878, Is 1,8G2,&35. The countyj having the largest population is York, the figures being 133,480, The county having the.smallest is Parry Sound, the figures being only 1,747. John Walter, Liberal member taf Parliament for Berks, and chief proprietor of the London Times' wua blackballed at the xVthensettm CI nb on account of his anti-Turk ish, sentiments. * other ] ing in'itself. ' I3ut is lie to swear in his denunciations of the above practices? Let us see. He:is the Pastor of the Methodist Church in this Village, lie has a right, to have the welfare of the people at heart. He is called upon by the Almighty to " watch over souls us one who will have to give an ac count." He sees in - the above practice's mi ullureiiient, to s.ty the leaist of it, to draw awe.y the minus of the younger portion of his charge from that which is " spiritual and divine,!' Time wasted, money ex pended, intellect neglected, and, if the language of St. Paril be true, " good manners corrupted." For we must not lose sight of the char acter of the general attendants at carnivals and masquerades. Are they not made up of thpse who are '; lovers of pleasure rnore than lovers of God." ; Who ever saw or heard of a person noted for piety attending suqhj-Jaces ? If tho '.void of God be truer a minister cannot be too hird in [denouncing existing i O O evils. ; I am sure I am safe in saying that the lute communications which havo appeared in your columns, Mr. Editor, written by the "-Acton Skating Club," and "An Occasion al Skater," are not the sentiments misinformed, us; we always punctually at leti o'clock upon opening and carnival ni The Legislature of Now Bruns wick meets to-day. ""'Spelling matches are 'becoming pppular in Newmarket. Hanlan will row PUistcd, of Boston, for'$1,000 a side, on To ronto Bay, in the middle of March. At 1:15 on Sunday morning, a fire broke out in the Worswick Engine Manufacturing: Company's machine shop, Guelph, which in a short time destroyed the entiro es tablish merit', excepting the engine and boiler house, Tho origin of the fire is a mystery, as do stoves were used en tho premises. Mr. fit-os of hell, and no preacftfeg would Worswick made a thorough inspec of the jmeniberK of tho Methodist Church, neither do they concur wi^h tho slanderous language used in the articles against their minis ter. Wo wish tho public to bear this in mind, i By inserting:' tho above^ Mr. Editor,.in your valuable paper, you will greatly oblige, Yours ie. . '". Member'Methodist Cjicecu. cl'-'se v.ivpti.!.g its. We maintain that we do not allow immoral conduct in the rink, whether under the iirnocciit dis guise of a mask or not. As it is greatly." to our own interest to keep the rink so respectable that uiui permit wishing to enjoy the. skating may not, jn the least, Iind any thing offensive, our carnivals hav been conducted so that ikj person under any disguise jfould act im- ;gentilcmanly. We have- . juinted regulations by which wo are gov erned, and we assure you that our rules-are strictly enforced. In conclusion, we hope that Mr, Hobbs will not consider us such degraded creatines as to wish to blacken his, or any other portion's character. Wo do not, as he sup poses, try to keep the young people of Acton from the means of grace, as we, fiorn the beginning of-the stead of sewing (he s-ed.-i of sorrow, in vour path, she v\i!l a e.v ba'toni on your shirt, and plant, jiappiuess instead of harrow teeth iu your bosom'-. Yes, and,if yuil mo ton, confoundedly lazv to do such work ' yourself,'she .vill chop! Wood and dig pu'.'i.ora for dinner., Co." her love ti> her husband is such that slm will do an .-thing to please biin, except receive company in her every day clothes, When a wo lil".!i loves siie hives with n double distilled d"i.otc!i,v-:s, an.1 .when tile: hates she bates on the high pres- Iiuto priucipljs. Jl'.-r love iu' as deep i.s' the ocean; strong'.as a hempen iiai: ,-r, ,.m,l sis imiou tabie as the rock of ngeii. I -She i wont, change it e::::e;.it it. is; in a very stroirg tit of jealosy, and'even then it lingers as if loth, tot part like vsening twilight at tl|o windows | o{ the west, (.;,.(. iiir.l'ifled, by all means. : All the exeust'S yoll call lijh.up -age.inst doiifgrtho deed ain't v.oith a > puoiifnl ,!' pigeoii'b milk. Mark that, young man. / Young v.uinnu. 1 need not tell you to Ii.-/'; out for y'oin- husband, loy you are. fitting your contrivances to catch one, and are as naturally, I on the watch as a cat for a mouse. [But one '..ord in your ear. if-you please,: IK/if;. liiit your looks with ::u nrtilieial fly of beauty; If you do, the ehaiic-'s are, teii toon,? thirtr yuii will catch a g-uidg-ion-1 that '.is eoiiid oiliy fool of a;IJsh that is-'not worth itti weight in faw-du.'.t. , Iitti nrra)' the inner, body' with -the beautiful garmt-j/ts pf virtue, modesty,.truth, (morality and un sophisticitetl loye, and von wdl dispose of yourself much quicker and to much better advantage than you would any other v.'a}-, 'honor- iibly t'.i'tlto.ie '.vh.o bl'OU-'it VOU to years of-mitiaity. If you don't' think so, j.ust. try your exparionc and von willsee for yourself. and eventually got into! business at Now'Orleans, where lio soon be gan to niiiko, money. UIo .rapidly acquired an imineii'jo fortune, and died in the beginning of tho year worth some 815,000,000, and with no known heirs. Between four and fivo'.o;cloclc on Monday morning, the dwellers on Front nnd Coleman streets, Belle ville, were awakened by u loud and rumbling uoisej, made by tho pas sage of the, ice jlown the river.VTho great cakes of ice, nil , they passei down,'made a.great crashing, and .everything, they, came in -contact with was injured or carried away, and a number of |jiuldrngs we.ro demolished. : The jaiii of ice pro- tciitt-d the free |ijiKsago"of water, which i-apidJy rose, until all the yarns on tho eaat bank were sutt- inergeJ,-- and tho buddings work) inbi-e or ler.s injured! The jaiji against the .Suspension Bridge was so giea-t that one of the coils-was broken. The, water has not been so high since the flood of ten years ago', when the bridges were all eur- riird away. Tho loss; to property holders and merchant iris great. Tho annual Tea Meeting will bo j held in tho - C3NC!?ECATiOHAL C K 0 R Crk - A Ci TO S, ) i On tho evening of Thursday 7th March/ Tlio following reverend gentlo- inen j are expected i\Ir. i.Sileox, Toronto, 0. iJuii', SpeeQhide, j. Tins worth and Mr. i Lyn<(h, Georgetown, It. llobbs, D. [YSf. (puninron, of Actori, and J. Duvfcfl, Pastor, . DoorM open at r>:3()\ Tea-served .'from (5:30 to 8 a'cloik. Admission, 25c... Child ren under 1 2, 1 5c. P. si. AI:MSTHOX<;,Trc.is. Acton, Feb. 20, 1878. 1 " . 'M-'Jt. a M'dA BUT.' frALEJ OF F.IKM ,\Nlj> JAlt.M I'KOI-KitrV W'JTII- pe'f A.NV i:i;si:itVK WJ.ATBVKl;. /\/ Pen and Scissor Selects. E'ne is to vu;it Barrie. . i Berlin, Out, has an indebtedness of 326,000. , Beware of "Winnipeg city lot land sharks. A second cousin of King Hum bert, of Italy, resides in Guelph. So says'tho Herald. Dr. Allen, of Belleville, has been committed for trial .for attempting to produce un abortion. ;. A Bntntford liquor dealer has been fined SiiO and coats for allow-, ing gamlding on his premises. Mr. A. M^cCorkiudale, clerk of The undersigned has; received in structions lioa: ilr. John Allison to i-.il l.y -public -auction on'i'ues- <lay March 19. on lot '11, in tho 5th con., 'township of Nnseftgaweya. the farm containing 150 ncreB, -(20 of if Inch are under cultivation, 22 ceres of wheat in ground una needed doy-n witii timoiby; 111 acres of rv.e-; also 2", acres ploughed, the balance, 22 acres is tiinberad with pine and cedar, andi 8 acres of hardivooil. At the same tithe ho will al-o sell tho following Stock and Itnplenuttifa: .SliHTi.-.Span Horses 9years old, 3 inilch Cows, yoke Oxen 5 years o.d. yoke .Steers 3 years old.'4 '2 year old Heifer,*., '3 yearlings, thorough bred 13u.ll, 14" Sheep, 3 store l'igs, brood ><Jw. IM-PLB.Mi;Xl>'.- Lumber Wnjjon, I-. inning Mill, n^ht Wagon, pair I5ob.>leit']i3, long Sleigh, sotdoubjo Harness, set clti'm IllarncfS, 3 I'loughf, 2 Ilnrrows, (fraillo. gang I'lougli [Cossilt's malted combined IJeaper and Mower, land Holier, .see.d J>rih\ [Watson's], Cultivator, CuttiiigTJSx. ; i j Also:", quantity or Hens, TurkeyB, Oees'o and Llucks. Also Household puriiiturc (Jooking Stove [newj, ico. and a quantity oi other nnicles. .'J'lift above property must be sold as'Mr. Allison is leaving the coun try. Tho Implements! are nearly all new I " , j j -TJiKMS. 810 , nnd under, cash, -oyer that amount 12 months' credit iTSOS 1 tlie Moral HUMORIST Will Lecture in the iHA^Os tHAl On th- ening of iOMDM, M m NEW D0MSNI0M EOOT'ft" SHOE STORE -^ vicinity < their^gT 300T3, SHOES Et GaQ0BS^|^ Comprising an the Igtest stvlw ai Boots and Shoes. ^T "'ltt,%- ')fdr-red Work receiTCs'onrsD-k^ SedTo B^ ^-: ' \h Our Grocery Department ' Is well supplied witii " Tea3, Sugars, ' Fruits, Biscuits,-- Tobaccos, Soaps, Coflees.&a^&o'i: Please cali and eraminff Oar. Stock.- ' KENNEY t SOW-'-, Acton, Dec.12 187Tr ".'! :- J.E.. McGARVIN'S";-. - ' . .; .' -t .j-.-'- . - . ' -" ' ' '7 ' 18BI POWOERS;- ' " Ara^ the best ixL^ use. .;:-: ivxO!i,o2ar oh approved joint notes, tin real I'Miite -".^.OoOcisii, the bahinco in in.siaimcjiiis to suit purciiaser, at isix per cent, interest. -'..K-iio to commence at 12 o'clock siiirp. . -' . . ,. . ,.W. W. ROE, Auctioneer. 35 S L ':;"'.'. (( Particular 4-llfcre- msats and Proper Amusements"of .tho- Youth fl-Botb GET YOUR Sesss. JJ U3? Brammi DONE AT HILL' *3 season, litrongly advised; our young I Guelph Township, who has been folk's to attend prayer aneetiugs iu preference to our rink. Thanking you kindly for the space, allowed us, Wo remain, "; .: Acton Skating Club. be so delightful to him ai the an- aouncoment that there is no future pnniflhrasn* for the wicked if he eould onlybeliev^ it.' . The question of the future con- ditida: of impenitent souls cannot ho determined by .human experi- nco, observation or'reasou in this lifr, and we cannot see why the echer shomld. weigh a whit more, for or a<jain8t_a doctrine, than the worda Ah/hough'-"they ' suranco 29,300, tiotn of tho building about 12 o'clock, having been engaged up to that time, on important drawing. The fire was first discovered by tho caretaker of,~the- Baptist Church, who gave the alarm. The'strong wind blowing at the time carried the flames from one end of the i oftany other man building to the,other with amnzni" rapidity, preventintr the savin" of anything except a Ji(,tlo..of 'tlio' macliinery. .The machinery in the establishment was of the very best description. The loss amounts to A Young Lady's Opinion on tlic Skat ins; lihili. To the Editor of the Free Press. Dear Sin, : As a friend of morality and social advancement, I have been much interested in reading several articles in the FitEE Pkess of the 1-lth and 21st lust., criticising some remarks made by ii minister of Anton on tho "skating rink amusement." Now, as I did not hear the ser mon, nor havo.I visited the Acton Bkating rink to seo 'how it is con ducted, perhaps I should not say much about' either. B.iit, as to public amusements, I think \ve all feel interested in them, on account of their influence on the youth. I think that it is generally ad mitted thutjBkating with, pleasant company ia a delightful and health ful exercise; if not continued too long. But is it necessary for en joyment or benenoiul to thejhealth to skate for a length of time, with betwe*ni.$50,000 and $00,000 ; in- i intervals for resting "in an utmos- suraneo S-29.3nn. | phere, which, though artificially Tlic E?ink vs. Rev. Mr. llobbs. To the Editor oj" the Free Frees. Dear Sih, ' Your correspondents on the sub ject of the skating rink seem very desirous, -tho public should he well posted on their opinion of the. Rev. Mr. hobbs, and from their manner and attempts to justify the masquerade and carnival, it would seem evident to them lit anyrate that Christian people could freely indulge . in all such follies without incurring tho condemna tion of a self-accusing conscience, or even meriting the "reproach", of an intelligent worldling. If religion is merely n form, and consistency out of tlio question, then, I admit such associations may be tolerated. But, surely, it j.s well understood in those days, that a person laying claim-to the nnnie of Christian, must keep him-i self from tlje'least-appearance of wrong, and not run with the giddy multitude to do evil. Skating; when reasonably indulged in, for recreation, Mr. Hobbi quite ap proved of as a healthy exercise. It was only the masquerades he con demned, and who, I ask, possessing tho least knowledge of Christian ethics will say he done wrong. One of your corrospondentd says that tho rink is patronized by the " most resj^sctable part of the Vil lage." That may be. But Christianity is one thing, and what passea current for respectability another. A Methodist. siilleriii" froin the growth of the left eye has hrid it removed by Dr. "Rosebtirg, of Toronto. It is reported that work will bo resumed on the Ciedit Valley Rail way early in the sprijig, and that a small gaiig is at present at work on tho Elora Branch, near the village of Belfountain. ' ! An Ottawa man by tho name of Vuliere puts ia a claim, to an enor mous';, fortune left to a citizen of Montreal, to whom bo claims tho relationship of cousin. The for- hind is said to amount to 15,000,- 000.5 E. King Doihls purposes vj.sitini' thoxe sections of the United States where a jirohibitory liquor law is in force, with tho view of learning how easily the law can be violated. Ho will-report at a later ditto to the Canadians, A Winnipeg despatch says there ih great activity among the Fenians at St. Paul, an 1 it is believed that a movement is intended in the direction of Manitoba in tho im probable event of an Anglo-Rus-. sian war. Considerable excitement is at present being created in Toronto over the proposed lecturo on " Irfeh Liberty," to be delivered in the Royal Opera House, on Monday, tho 18th of March, on which day tho celebration of St. Patrick's anniversary; will be observed the 17th. 'falling on Sunday ^by O'- Donoyan Rnssa, the notorious Feniiin convict, who at present ia enjoying his liberty through the clemency of the British Govern ment. Rossa is to lecture under tho auspices of the Hibernian and Young Irishmen's Societies, St. Patrick's ..Society standing aloof, from the affair altogether Doors 'opon at 7:30. Lecture' to - cbmruenco at 8 o'clock. Main Street, Acton.. The .undersigned is prepared todff: all kites'of WOKK, with-neat-; ;' nest and despatch, oft th,!. . Biioriest notice, and at 'the most Heaionable price* ' lie keep^ constantly oif*> | ' -, hand all kinds or rXl f V " as^ ST. pf the latest JesigBB^ Japan Ware, Etk b;- For particulars see hahd-l>i!ls. EBY All aads of Msttlfiinffa tost in Stock. 32-Gm AdTnigsioa 15c. Oiildroa E-esoivsa Ssats 25o. iWi. Mi* * inU'3. a have just received a full line-of. FELT GOODS, OVERSHOES . i' AND RUBBERS for winter use SFEOIAL ATtEH*PI03J' &172 TO OBDJS&EP'WpiiK. Repairing promptly attended to. CRAINE & SON. December 17, 1877. ; - JB PK1NTIN6 ofallkinds neatly ind promptly oxecutod at tta "FJ^EE^-RESS OFFICE, Sexi the V*M Offloc a 111 street. Priusle'a Jewellery Store, GUClpll. : ' TO FARMERS AND ETERYBODY ELSE. Why is Pringle'a jewellery store in Gnelph/jtho best piaco to deal at? Because all the watch, clock and jewellery repairing is either done by himself, or,under his personal supervision^ He being a first-class workman in all the branches, and having ,the i^reatest interest in keep ing his customers, it follows that all the. work \yill be done well. Every job whie'h comes into the shop isjexamined, by him bfefori it is taken awav. Ton. pan buy watches, and clocks cheaper there-than anywhere else, because Pringle having bought from Thos. Russell <fc Son for cash the whole of their stock in Guelph, and; got it pheap, he can afford to sell cheap, i All stock bought- by him in future will be bought for:<ash. IMerchabts and traders, know tha> this is 4 great advantage. Pringle, has no connection with the firm of | Russell! & Son, anymore than he is still j their authorized agent for tho Rujsselij watch, which is ac knowledged) to be'tho hest watch made. ; JG. D. Pringle has also been established as agent for: the "Wal- tbam.arjd Elgin American watcliegr and a full jine of them, from the lightest jto the heavy six-ounce case, will bejkepji.on hand. Remember that all tblpse -watches are now. bonght <jntii,:eiy for cash, and there fore cari anjd will be sold by him cheaper I tbaa they can be got any where else. ! Beautiful Christmas goods cdmirg in every day. Gold chain!', gold "rings, lockets, brooches, All orders for Uepairing an&ej*?-,: troughing strictly attended to, ;: COAL OiS. A SPECIALTY.*- y, (Call and bo convinced - thai tb^:. above stateirn'ents are not balder"-;"*," dash or frothy bafebliijgs' '*""-' >YM. IdslTfli Proprilt Acton, "Dec. 29, 1S77. .'r"'~. F3AM0& PARLOR ORGAN INSTRUCTOR .-i ?3Conta.Inlngtlie elements I'moflc.^lUj easy auil prog're.eslve exenclee* to perfect the player In tlio art of mtistc ^I1BT piano or oreai-). to welcti. I*adrteapTM sixty M'altzes, Folftas, Mnrcheft.fl]0P*' I'ceratic Jlelodtf* Dances, etcjW*0' iel F. Scatty, Waslitngton. New JensJ, one of the best worts ojjlg Slnd ever In* - troduced, and should be In tlie bund* Of every piano and organ player. SeDtpoi" paid to any;part 01 the United State* Canada for only fifty cents-'tbe P>-e* having been reduced to introduceJ; overywhere. Address BA"KIEIi BEATTY, AVashl.n'gtoD, New Jersey, . "OBSIKESS PEOPEBITt <fcc. 22.3m The undersigned offers for B$le iht desirable'property situated on. Man* street, ' now occupied by Cpmercn as .a store and dwelling. T"* ; property i's in first class condition sni with a -good ceHar. Terms Jibcrl.J For further particulars applirtO ..; MIOSES. W. DARUX6 & CO." , Jlontre**. j-- Or, VT.H. STORE'Y:.;Acton. J. Acton, /ng. 22d, 1877. ' '\\_T " thej- gbbat; catjsB-;:-! of mmkH MisfeRij We bavo recently published a nCKr'viH' ; lion of Dr.Cnlvcrwclt's C'clcbrateojsr { say on the radioa.' and permanent oihj (without mi'dlcdnc)of Nervon* liebiur'- Mentalaai'il Physical Incapacity.-*a"* meats to ilarrlage, etc., resnltlag / oxcesses. , -,._'t '< . ' Price, in a sealed eDvelore.only ooenw or two postage stamps. - , -: - The' celebrated author. In this .aaJJJJT.,: - able Essay clearly demonstrate^ rronj., j thirty years' successful Pcu^ alarm isftconscqueBcoB may b6M5Vf2j7 -; cured without the dangerous use onnBH,! .. nal- medicine or the application or WJ _ kuifet poinUns oat tt mode of cnre^,.| once simple, oertaln and effectoj^ oir , , means of which every snfferer.no matter ] . wHat.-fila condition my W; m-.g|?'.-j : hlrlctfeircneaply,'privately and rjdKaJijrj.: - This Lecture should be in the haOvMJi every youth andevery man In tap nwp ozft THECtLTEEWEttE|*l^: Ovr Whq. Kjjows rostom-ao box jmo.. *-i* ' - i is: jj

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