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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 21, 1878, p. 3

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I- jfiSk*. 'V. ( THE N STORE ,&Uin soar f Uia. 5.0f AeiaQ "Partus* cStM)TBI\U TIMS T1RM > , Trv,r.;>b,!^ I A>"^* t-MloWS-. , OIM. W KYI. y flit i>:v>'" - liivy Express Kvpro Oritivwv.l - (iaJt m xi-d Tliij- K*prv* \V.r*ler:i i:n 1 - Lo.mi.ia m.xol - S FREE PRESS, ACTON, II ALTON COUNTY, ONT., : FEBRUARY 21, 1878. 1 :on a. .in. o 10 a. .111. 1 .v> r m. :> 1: 07 P. I1 m. o r.:. a. ,n>. >> ii J J SO .vyn. . wm. * :17 P .m a 30 * m. I' s*le ln wttetnt P. Jr Sto-k. * SO* 8ericr in the Methodist Church every "SaMsuri en-ultis at hatf-imsl >k oVKWk; una iuh Morniiiir, ami even ing o-t the 0r*l *v-*bHvth e\f r-xch . moiuii. Rev U. Horik, Pastor. ^ ^^ LOCAL MATTERS. rs IERS in- - / Watson-'. W i.O_stcuO O.o pipe i .1 K. MoOr\ Hi's Worm Pow- Oo t6.Uer WUon iftfnJay Tiiero was a big crowd kt the cars'-v?'! Tu%5<ray even.ng Go to J. K. McGarvin'* for Tour dru^*. uyv-siurTs. S.c. Mr. Dilts. of tho Georgetown /j'-j^.' gave us a call last Saturday. Clergymen and ladies can at tc-4_^"at-sou's lecture -with impunity. :Go to?. E. McGar\ in's l*rug Store tor jt.ir garden arni I'owtr sceu~ |T/he Ke-n Yeri -S.s say* tl.jt Watson, i* a 1 jc/omt cit.:.i.ot be e\- cvUeJ. ITrerybody :a going to tLc local at ^r Sui.U/a, X^r.;:, on Te.J:i;. "Bight. A !ar,^o sign I as l-cen J .it up i_ froa:. uf SccordV Elt. atore, bc--.r.: ^ lire mscr.r-t.e n of "Montreal Hoa.i i Mr. C V. liiii lof: Actcn on gv.nrdav lat, i\ r Ir.;in->I, where lie K-di remain a *re*.L to r*^al*. 2.tnjbclf ta:.il that M r>. K<-i.t M;j-u ii! iKi xtra-ko'-urv .iill.j TiL.- pirtr.ee Hail on iaturdaj chc;d-i';i:.| ___Young man, young woman J. . MtGimn s:.ll i.<..ps .x:e"eir perti-mes. Bring your bittlc and get Wo luvvp a Uu-gc iiutuitity of wn^to paper on liawtl, suit.tMo for v rapping imrpe>!>oy, xybtob xvo will Bell elieip ' VTo aro glad to sec thujL most of our \tllagvrs lmo_clt'ino>l otT their sidowalks, binco tlio fall of 6iu>\\ on lui'sday night. Wo ba\o for Fftlo one of U<aU\> oelebratoil Visiuos that will liu disponed of at tv groat bargain. Kur jiartictilara apply at thi^ ollice". The Toronto Globe si\) a Watson's kvluro o( tho BlluromonU and pro{Vcr aiuuM'tiientd of younp mon lswoitlra Imiulrod dollars to any vouii man. i -J. K. McGarvin lias now a 4ar^o niid'-tt ell assorted btook of iItujzm, d\ e IuiTj. stationery, &c , aud \\sr- raut^ tlio ^uility of all ho keep^. A tea. meeting will ho hold in tho Congregational Church, Acton, oli the evening of Thursday, March (ith. Kor particulars eeo posters aiidod>er" t'.Selocnt^ A social entertainment in bo- hn.lf of the Aeton Brass Band will 1>Q hold at Dr. MeOar\in'a reoiJeuco on T.io<d-,y oveuiu.:, Mauh .r)th All are ri\ttc 1 "t Tl'O Aurora J>au::?r Btya that Wr.t'iut, thp humorist, is cert-only a genius and displays v.oiidtrfnl unitn- ti\e plvncrs in Scotch, Irish ami fier- Tf any of -Watsonja audience ar d.sa:^!i 1 w,th hri lejlurc they will bo yre-.'i.tt 1 with $."> Mr. Watsou ^t..ii -i-n-^^ the IV *\ in^o for 0O. in tho vc >:ch, tlern; ,:i or Irish hrogiin. number of tho (?^<j/ -T.>e=f" evrmr.s^ yo ing i ulu-s fc-d to do neali- ibui- Ion- PTSS Ita. r.nd ef- 1 u>. i ;lty. i thai the i 1 >alder- - ^g5, i jprietor. t T i J 4 1 rcl Jrt-.'tc^r ra-jrt 1-.' -c.r est-," ^y, aft^r tno eic^t .i^ r : k ;s lies. L T! e Actoa Free Fr.rss rJMat- y chi- _-;d U-:<. at.1 m^ch lmi"-o\e- ment :a tie tper l* the resclt. fn .' The Orargo l-all e.r i enppcr. l-'itiT. cVv.o-i.nTl.-i-slsyc-.fea.ag. H-i .n_t , wssi fcT-.-i s_ccij3 Abv_T -g eirog^ V r.r.r :re r-j'-t w.!! be wr..;. ; on at O o 3^ .-r-jir-= Tt--^ SJ. re. A c'_rV w 1 ^jOirtiTf be tc aticcJar'ce at the store M'. J. B W.U3I3, e.lltcir of t->3 Ai',ii"o3 P',^^t_a"r, has i-co-r lec- Ittric; -l. Mi!Ma,T3.-r;.tOT: t-d l :I.'r j-iy Ac-.er. z. vi^it Moadav. Mr. G. H~ Rbe-.sLb-^-, County Ifaj^rcfiL- lljJ L, Si=th Welhrjtca, It't E.ji'L'B-ood Da Taesiay to attend the Gml t^-ids? at C^sh3a^. Thxa is tie f.icrth t;ine Mrl RaE-siatr Laa b=en *lselei. The Georgetown H raid in- KitAa rJ\\A.i7ig i. histjry of Geor^o- i. wd, in a lew week*, prcriisd it r\r gci encrj;L information ahead to guar antee its publishing at least a column nch -week. --Too tirs,t s:i g i ofibprir.c of tho defunct : , i^ to LauJ. Its t} po - ^r..v L.cal app.-.rauco is evoollei*t.. It is published by J. Towuseud, of Dur- haru - Thii-Toioi.to .'l'7.-t.".'<.s-r comes. t i us in s u. dress, with a well eiecu tt d wood ea^ratinj; of Toronto in ita If. I.jg7 Th,'.li.'- ,'.-r is an excellent joum-d, ati ^o n.-.h it every success. Mr. T. De\.ne :s the pubhhor. -iMr. Wm. Henistreet will sell t.y p.ihl c anerL-'-i, on Tuesday, oth Mirch. the farm stock and implements ot Mr Teter iTtt-'iiatnck. lot 10, 1st cou. E>-a'-ioa. The farm n ill be rented by .-.jel ou, culess prj\ leusly dispo3el of Mr. L> K L"e, tho dentist, :urday last, fjr l.on- vri'l reinam for abojt Any person having a SCAR uic.>tlj loper/ec* t.-GoP- . i e-eer_lD~ . txandB ot Sent poet- ' -iXefl or (rne p^e rodoe* * rRCT- EI- Baie tb* on Main lr. Ch*s. "cg. The | uon ana liberal. 0 j . i CO. Itontreai- lActon- 7SB \m , nf-vcedl-' rated Z*' jeDl core l>ebilit7> ,lmpedl- inRftom (lyCont JJiay cure Ebe tx* Jamw GraLfttn, Esq., of Era- tooxa Las purchased from Arch. Carap"- btrll, of Nassagaireya, his thorou^h-Jbred tow " May FTow.-:r," oris of the first. prize Uken at the Hilton'County Ex hibition. ~ A horse belonging to Mr. H. Sw&ckhammer po-t fngLttced at the cars ca Tuesday afternoon, and too*, a notion io run a httle faster than nsaal, which causd damage* to the .mount of 815. Zs obody wa3 hurt. On Tuesday e-enlng thr drng tore of Mr. G. E. Morrow had a narrow 8C3jc from fire. The fire originated between the ceiline and roof; from a tUrt-e pipe. A lew paili'of water put it out, and no furtlur damage was donee A grand social is to be given at the residence of Mr. David Smith, fifth kce, Erin, on TueEday evenmg, 2Cth February. An invitation and a hearty welcome v.jll be given t|vevery- oae. All -.rh" enjoy a good bleighride md good time will not miaa tho sociaL It us for a good caue. i . Cneap Factory Cottons arid Pnut, hi it mike!3, lower thaa ever, at ^ Christie, Heileraon &. Co.'3 Df^es Goods, Tweer'3, Flan nels, Shaw hi, Overcoats, Cloude, Break fast .Shawla, Winceys, Gents* Scarfs, Grey and White Blanket3, he , goin# __at ""JV'ery Bottom Prices." No reason able offer refused for cash. Remember that famous 59c t*3, Eold in 51b lots 45c pir lb, Christie, Henderson it Co. . - The pabllc can place the mjjjit rpheit confidencein Mr. D. F. Bcatty, of Washington, Xew Jersey, who man- nficturcs and eelHhis justly Celebrated Pianos and Organs. Certificates from the oiSciahs aaiL prominent men of his own city, commercial reports Mid testi monials irom thousands who have dealt "jith him, all verify the statement. See Mil advertisement. tho very latest quali ty variety and -finish in wool ana fur. See them bay one and Jiow^t to yojr friends, telling them where you got it and endeavor to in duce them to go and do likewise. In - this -viay many who cry dull times can "nd enough meansof ke-e'pin^ theroseKea honorablv employed. Christie, Hen- *i*n 4 Co., Actoa. ! 't A::tor., on don, wrh:ro h threj weeks. tocrhache can call on him when hj ro- tair-1 an I Lave it extracted without pair. Too fntprt.ii 'merit at Crew s n'-i C'ori-e-s )I.. c\tniiig Wis & .Tea: siccus 1 he t'.'mpjranee- hall v.a3_-,tll v,]\l'\ there beni*; a great number of person* from Acton. An m- terc^. ng progTP.nme ru prowled, wh.cb t-is pr^-.-.l< enjoyei by tho audi. cue;. About $18 wire realized. ; A tea mooting will ba bold i th.seve.i -^x la fie M-.ll.n bst Church, -Silver Creek. Several reverend gentle- . ncacro0Tuec-.il to b^ pro.sut Vocal a-i mstrjm jntal dj.,c will be p"-ov .d- ei by the Acton Cuo-r. T^i served fr^m G to To'ci-ick. Adm-asion, -5c, ch.ldrtxi under twelve, 15c On Tuesday afternoDnWril!iarn Smr.h was brought be'fore tho Reeve, chafed ruh as^aaltiri^ his i-lfe and fr.iridy, and destroxing* his )muehi!d effetta. He was sentenced to pay a tine of Jo, and remain in " durance vile," at Milton, for 30 davs, and, in default of paying the fine within ten days, to re main ten days longer. We would like to see some of our town loafers shoulder a buck caw and make themselves useful. Bat in general loafer3 are high toned folks ; they ire above such menial professions, and prefer to-idle away their time, be- m^ no -use to anybody and a great in jury Id themqelve3 Get up, you lazy, Kood-for-rothin/j shabby-genteels and favorus with your absence, if you won't go to work ! y^iri. ' The proprietors ot the Milton skating-rink are evidently determined to make" money, as for instance, they charge the cnrlers for the use of the rink to curl on cs well as the usual fee for tkating. They also receive tenders from the two printing offices to see who will print a few quarter sheet bills the cheapest. When the cash is counted ia the spring, they shonld have- a fair amount to their credit. We don't blame them. Perhaps they aro "poor." 'JUra Id. Tho anniversary sorvices ofl the S. S. of the Rjckwood Methodist Church was preached by Rev. J. .T. A. Lever, of Erin, on Sunday, 10th inBt. ; on Wednesday evening, 13th int,t., the anniversary tea myelin*! was held in the Town Hath The entertainmrnt con sisted of singing, dialogues and recita tions, ic, being furnished by tho child ren of tho school, who acquitted them selves in parts in a very creditable man ner, reflecting great credit on their teachers. The attendance was very good and the proceeds amounted to 40. The Rev. Jamos A. Campbell, of Winnipeg, has written a letter to the Hamilton deriatian Adeotatt, warning the public to beware of parties who go around with plans of lots in cities, towm and villages and sell the lotB for thirty, forty and fifty dollars each, which are not worth one-fifth or one-tenth of the money. Their Bticccja depends npon th<? plausibility of their Btory, and the credulity of honest-minded people whose information on tho subject is limited to the stories told by unprincipled, design ing, speculating agent* or proprietors, j -Beware of then gwindUre. - -Go and hoar Mi'd.Kout Mason. Don't fail to go and hoar Mm. Txont M8on lecturo, on Temper- mice, in tho Teniperunco Hull, Sat urdnv niirht. ' Wo nro informed that Mr- William Farr, near Guolph, hua u couple of very unusual vifiitora for this Benson of the year, boirig no; loss that two mot beautiful, full grown Butterflies." II. McDinrmid of Toronto, will speak in the Disciple Chapel, Actou, on Sunday evening, the 2oth inst. at 7:30, Subject : Unp- tisui "Whbro is tho " hairbreadth" standing. IA.11 are cordially invited Mr. 1). Clark, who has been in tho hotel buainoas in Stowarttovvn for tho past six years, has disposed of hia business to Mason V?roB. Tho many friends of Mr. Clark will ba sorry tT hear of biru retir ing from tho hotel business, as b o was always a kind and gonial follow. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. \yAKTra~. TELEGItAFIt The subaeriber is propaied to ror-oivc some X.ilcgraph i'olen.av Acton, ticorgo- town or Kookwood Stations. The poles aro to ho 30 feet long, 12 inches in di. moter 5 feet from butt. For furthor particulars addrosa ALEXANDER NAII1N, 30 Adelaiilo-at. Contiactor, ToitoHro. Toronto, Jan. 29, 1878. 3l-4t Considerable excitement was created in town last night by the report being circulated that a ghost had nuulo its nppearnnco in this Village. Uno young"rnan Kays ho seen it nt eleven o'clock Tuesday night, near tho resiJenco of Mr. John McPheo. A number of young men weio around thoro last night nnd observed tho ghostly visitor walking around in a field. His ghostBuip is dcsnilmd (\b hav- ing tlio appearanco of a sbaiow. In jiiBtico to tho lady whom tho Rev. Mr. Ilohbs suspects of writing the communication last week from "An Occasional Skater," and also in justice to ourselve", we would state that ho is entirely mistaken, as it was a gentle man who wrote the communication and handed it into this pflice. _ Although the name of the writer of an article i3 Ecnt in with tliA communication, it ia against the rules' of a printing ofiico for any'of tho employed*! to disclose the name of tho writer. Wo wi<?h it to be understood that wo did not inform Mr- Hobbs that it was a lady who wrote the epmmunication. (GEORGE LEVEXS, Barber and Hairdresser, adjoining Sccord Bros.' Store, Mill Street, Actou. Hair switches and . uombiiig-3 picparod to order. O Y 132 3C 333 Et 3 received daily by express. Tfl.lRM FOR SALE. Tho bulnciiber offers for salo hia farm, on tho north-cist side of lot 27 and "8, in the 5th cou., Nassagawoya, consist ug of about 150 ncroi, 12(1 of whidh aro cleared and in a good Btato of cultivation. There is U_' acres of Uoim them thai ho has ih'n woolc irtulo lar^o additiono to Ina .Stock at exliaordmnry low in ices I A >Torit to the wise .Symon'u choip stoio estibliahed in tho intoiestM of oish paying customers Sales extraordinary ^t the ~~Y GOOPSHOU ACTON. | Everybody satisfied. JaMKSSYMON' would return hid Hunks to* his numerous fridndsfor the very liberal puijpijrfc they Lava nl ready accorded him, HymonVcheap goods telllhnrotv and begs to iJ.'* DSESS GOODS, PLA^iJBL3 fco, TTJ7\3S9S .AWB_.GBNTS Serges (new shidea) Ut, 12^, 15, 23c UlbtlOS, 12, lu, 250. Black Silkai 5l>'(-7.")C, $100. fllaci; Bilght Lustres 1 j, 20, J3c. Empreas cloth, Itaiatlioas, Paramettei, Urnpo clolhs, i I Vo'veteoiii, fall.wheat and 11 acres of rvo in tho I (All now shades), groimrt j and about i:,-. acres "ploughed. } WinCoyd. Plain and Finey,'8,l().l2i. t-a DuchoHse .suitings tlio l.iicst of all, 15, 2b. 25. Usual pilce,2JO ___ _____ jnya- Tivoeds 40j, SI 25, ' .Shirting-., all tlio latest makes, (Jumn'ii celebratoJ Dr,esj Hhirts, Tios. Collars, Kidi and Cloth Gloves, j IJmlerclotbingi- i Braces, | llats and Caps'. &c, <fco.( 4o. Ktylo ( 00XT01T3 &o. Flannels, Canada Grey, 25, 35c, Heavy Twilled, 25, 40b. Factory Cottons, <. 1 8, Qo, White Cottons, 7, 9, 10c, w Kid gloves, all new shades, tomalcb cTre?s, Silk Buttons, new sondes, Fringes, Braids 6co., i'hero ii 22jcresof i;ood cedar anil pine ami 8 acres of llordvv nod. An ex jelleut orchard of SCi apple trees is on the promises. Tho farm is w ell fenced with ^;ood culor rails. Tliero aro two log house!", and tlirco barns, ono of which is aframo bank, f A nover-failinj! spring and three wolWon farm. Possefisum given immediately if required. The farm is four' m los from Kockwood ; eleven from Giielph, and fivo from Acton. Convoniont to school homes and churches. Titlo indisputable. Terms liberal.' Apply to JOHN ALLISON, 29 tf or Cm on tho premises. 1ST' OTICE. Tho un lorFlcnctl I.rcs lcavo to an nounce to far man, nrd others ( nci pi il lu huLtor malting wlioju-rj o*.e get vtui: a new Churn fiat Ihev woiiM consult t lielr ow n hit* rest*. h$ ortli rlnc .i o of A. Holmes' iniproTnl Tiilml.ir Ilin.Ii <'hurn. I am nuw t.ik iiff orders lor tliem , liuvl n pjiui clias, d I lit- im'enli Igtit to m ii.u'-actiiro and sell. 'J hey are without iloiiol tlio hi si in tlio m irket. Vour patronage 1' r( spre'f.illy bollclte'l. CIr 'tilurs anti t htlnu.oials Iree on nnpll- <satli i. Territory lor salo. .Muiuilactur- ednuJ sold by 2P-6m. MrDO\ ai,L). Acton, ent. On Friday evening last a so cial was held in tho basement of tho Methodist Churtli Tea was cijrved at 7-30 o'clock r.fltr winch an interesting ", programme, coiit.bting of readings, reci tations, vocal and instrumental music, was gone through with At the close of the entertainment Mr. John Hill, w Lo has been leader of the choir for the past four yeare, was made tlio recipient of ail address and a handsome dressing case. The presentation was made by j Messrs. James Matthews aud Wm. P. ) Brown, on behalf of the Ladies' Aid Society. Mr. Hill feelingly replied, thaukiug the donors for their beautiful gift. The dressing case- was valued at 535. YALl ABLE PROPEBTY IN M TON For Sale or Let. / ______ The Stone Dwelling on Main ttrect, adjoining tho entrance to the school grounds, is offered for sale or rent. There- are nine rooms and largo cellar, and a quarter of an aero of garden. For further particulars appl} to IIORACi: J. HALL, TJq. Acton, Nov. 20, 1677. "O-'Sm Special Lines 38 inches, 12Jc, worth Sewing Silks, very cheap. , ]jo. ~ Corsets, French wove und Eimfl, &c, &o. Uo, Adjustable laeing, strong, Heavy Jjean, 62J, ,. ,. . Collars, Gufis and 'Jups. very clieiip Clouds, PcarfB, Hoeiery, , &.c, ic, Ac. f In nd.lition to the nb->ve .Lis Symon his S90ured the serrioeis oX a fir^t cla'i Milliner Who will be on bind foV tlio fipiillg trade, Ladks \ OU biSy* depend upon getting your orders filled in the Latest Styles at the most reasonable prices,- I Tours Truly, Sjfi.Pr'oduca ofadl kinds taken as cash^at highest market pricei Aoton, January 123, 1878. This! -A FINAL CLEARANCE The Sreond CirnlTal. The becond uiAhcpierado carnival came off on (ho Actbn skating rink on Tuesday evening. The attend ance of spectators was largo, nnd that of the maskers wrs a largo increase over the first carnival. Quite a number of persona from Milton, Georgetown, Gtielpb, Ham ilton, and other places, were pre sent. - The Acton and Milton brass bands were in attendance, and fur nished excellent music. Some of the costumes wero ficorgeoua, while others were comical to the extreme. The most beautiful costumes among the gentlemen wero those of Rich ard III, Gen. Von Todlebongorta- chakoff and Star of the Qurnival; and among the ladieii thotio of the Highland L-isaie and the, Italian Princess. The following is a list of some of the characters : LADIES. Carrie Smith, Highland Lassie. Miss Stewart, Italian Princess. Emma McGarvin, Mother Hubbard Kannio McGarvin, I\un. Ella Hill, Patti, Sarah Williams, Summer. Lottie Smith, Indian girl. Miss Crawford, Queen Mary. GENTLIMEK. Geo. Hynds, Gen. Von Todlebengorts- chakoff. J. Davidson, Richard III. Alf. Galbraith, Star of the Carnival J. E. McGarvin, King AlfonBo. Jaj. Freeman, Turk. A. E. Nicklin, Osman Pasha. S. \V. Galbraith, Mehomet Ali. Thos. Johnson, Heathen Chinee. Peter Johnson, Trapper, J. G. Jimpkins, Sport. Henry Hill, Comic Boy. Willie Freeman, Highland Boy. Jas Lozier, Sailor Boy. Wm. Crawford, Rassian Prince. Geo. Lindsey, Henry VIJI. -Thos. Bonltbee, Cavalier. J. Armstrong, Lord Derby. T>ERIiSI1IRE ROAC. Tho underpinned has still the Berk shire Boar, "Wellington," bred by.Mr Geo. Eudd, of Guelph, which will be kept for service, at the farm joining the Grand Trunk Station Pnco fl.00. Cash. C. 8. SMITH. Acton, Deo. 5, 1877- 22-tf , Our Sugars, SyrnpB nnd To baccos, Well, you ought to juat see them at the Montreal House. Eighty cent Tea selling for fifty cents. Large stock of all kinds very cheap at the Montreal House. Pork Sausages, Bolonga Sau sages. Head Cheese in canvas rolls, diary Cheese, Finnan Haddies, Bone less Codfish, Lake Huron Trou%, White Fish, Herring, l$c, at the Montreal House. | Splendid whejafc pattern Din ner and Tea Flatos all sizes, Toilet Sets nine pieces, Chini 'Sjets, Glassware, Water Eitchers, Milk Crocks, Pans, Butter Pots and everything in Crockery at less than wholesale prices. Come before they are all gone, ttt'the Montreal Hout*. :-. 5 T>0R1 PACKING KOISE. The subscriber his aln iys on hand all kinds of frosh Meat, Sausages and Poultry, cheap. ; ('HAS. CAMERON. Aotonj Dec. 12th 1877. 23-3m A CTOX RIOXTIILY SALE. The Acton monthly sale will be hold at Agnew's Hotel, on Fa.r Day, Thursday, Iffarei 7th. All binds of Stock, Implements, i.o. will be sold by paying 50 eta a-piece. Sale at 12 o'clock. TERMS. Ten months' crdeit on approved joint notes All entries munt b made to Mr. Jas. Ryder, Sec. WM. HEMSTRECr, Auctioneer 25-tf THE OLDEST CROCERY HOUSE IN ACTON Is the placa to gel good cheap Groceries, Crockery, Glass and Hard'war&j NOW IN STOCK, .And to arrive in a few- days a full * supply of "Wall Eapor, "WiadCw- Ellals, feo. In'the latest Styles asd Pattern!. I also keep on hand a few of Messrs Lhierly k Die trich's celebrated f I LANCE TOOTH CROSS-COT SAWS, The best now in nse.. All goods will be sold low for cash or prqj dace. Cash for Hides.; CHARLES T. HILL, Feb Mill Ktrr>et Afton! 19lh, 1873. Of all classes of I* T DRY JAMES SYMON. Half-Yearly Christie ^ Is now going- on at LI G-xriEXiipag:. In a few weeks Stocktaking i will begin, and by that time, if WILL, DO IT, We will not have a single piece of Henry Goods left. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS, TWEEDS, BLANKETS, I &c. j"crsT 50 BUFFALO ROBES LEFT v^EiRrsr cs:E-A.-E^. J. D. WILLIAMSON & CO. Craelpb, Feb. 14. 1878. THE POST OFFICE Cash. Store i. | !- iACTO^T- JAMSS MATTHEWS. Aclon, ret. 11,-1378. endeireoii^ , ! - ! ACTON i ,_ To avoid carrying over any heavy goods yet in stocky 93. *- account of the mnprece l dented niild winter ^ announce a GRAND SWEEPING SALE, COMMENCING ON AIL lines Of heavy Woolen Ooods^-Dress Goods, Fancy Goods In fact t&eir. entire stock of Dry Goods will be offered at " - a VERY BOTTOM PRICES." Two cold months yet to be provided ,for. Heavy Ovei^ coats, Twe'qds, Blankets, Mam ties, Shawls, Shirtings, "Wiiy- ceys, Furs, Socks, Hose, Mitts, <&,c, &a, w-ill * be absolutely required. Don't fail to. ^seoure them at the right place and at the right price, .*- H u This is a d-oaTiind; Saled 0 CASH ONLY No goods charged except at regulafr marked prices. ESME&BE.& TS4T PAM0X73 6.c TEA, lu 51b. lots at 45-cents. "v Acton,Dee. 5, Ul',. ' ~' ' > 1

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