TEST - IPR records

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 31, 1878, p. 3

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/-an Hil..-J'LIMJUai ! .IIJI^ **">C""K>* mr*-~~~- THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT., JANUARY .31, 1878. rfl> Tltl^ Tim "TA11M. , a* t.m a* follows . Train* leave. / ! T%^,ito : '! p.,v Em,svc" ,01M. 1 ^T. 0 aiixt-1 Vi'torn : .>l - 1 vo ,vm. 0 10 a. m. -V- ,'C- )>.i-\. r^ 17 pin. " 07 p r.i. s "Ci.vm. >.i 4. a m. U SO a.m. .- 17 p m <i 30 p.m. t-cr S.V.' . in t MeiKvtf-t Church every ,, , i 1% vin moriiUic andCAon- \> e flr< mW""' of neli "' Kr.\? H. IIobus, Fastor. LOCAl MATTERS, V< ~\TV-~i Oil Going to the any E. 6*8. >Ien |ancy; ttire' be ___Carnival to-night 1 This is last day o( January. _C. W. Hill for Photographs. .__I; commenced showing yes- tdy. _If yon want a good photograph C Hill. ~~ \ , What -v.* wiU you appear in at the c-.-r.-.v&l to-night * ___1 be Si. Ca.Vuiri.ne3 R-viCjC baa Susr>caK-.l yah-bcaUon. - Re-nfcmber. Monday oveuing at tit! Temperance Hall C. W. fill"? photographs are cpil to r.'^v ui.3- i. - 1 ^-or.t ^ ___XL^ or's of Burns, Mondaj o* .i ine T<-..pe i-i-c Han i ___Wpo wore on: bis p^nta at I t_. SV. : :-; " ___Ar.r i-vers.cn w isliing to !-"trn j On Monday opening lu6t, at the rmk, a youth, who thinks ho cmi eU.i'.o r.pleudidly, and v,iahos everyone to know that he can, ran against a young lady, in his headlong career, knocking her down and severely hurt ing her back. He had hot manliness enough in him to assist hor up, or even to bog her-pardon, but skated immedi ately on". Before going to tho rink again he had better learn a little eti quette. Euxtion Notice Notice is herein given to the free and indepen dent Holdouts of Acton and surround- invj; country, that, having disclaimed against high prices, no goods will hero- alter be sold except at figures having populir approval. We therefore resign iu l.not oi no profits and quick returns. A splendid 0\ereoat at ^o.OO. Extra luavy Filters at $7.50at CkriBtie, llcc> dersonico 'a, Aetou. ~~ Last Friday evening those who were carnivally inclined were again doomed to disappointment. Tho ice was in 6iich a condition that skating on it was out of tho question. It is in. tended that the carnival Bhall - take place this evening provided that tho ico is in good condition, when, no doubt, a great crowd 'Will bo present. Tho gen eral admission to the rink, for skaters a-id spectators, is 10 cents; to carnivals; C.i cents. Vennor predicted a mild Janu ary who dare s.tj his prediction of *. cold and bitter February and March w ill not he equally correct' Those line ott v.lieck Vlaunels marked ilutv :i to C-o .lud -.~>o, at Christie, Ui'ider-on ico' will all be wa'itcd. fb \ _v-l decided Ivirc mis lletw, V.ictiry 11.Tinels worth 4oc put down t-v SI \\i-n'j>, S^, worth 121 b^-iiiktt* at "\^rs lot: im prices }'. .c: iVr l!,o.r Fi'moi-^ 50^ To Mr, J-imco MeKeiiiie, lot 1, en. 4. l>m, met with a ! dt'.lt wx. '^ chopp.i.g w oovl, on M Aii auviliavy trtiiu waa aout down from Stratford And tho wiockors wero busy all morning clearing tho truck. Tlioy aucoecd- od in (jotting tho road clear nt 11:30. Tho namo of tho parson who wus killed is Salomon Ilodgins, of Stratford, Ho loavoa a wifo and family. The loss to tho railway company is oatiuiated nt about 40,000. Sportsmen, buy your Powder, Shot, Caps, ic, &c., at Socord'a Cash Store. Gents, tho clioiccat stock nnd greatest variety' of Cigars, Tobaccos, &e., at Secord'B Cash Store. Citorrcns. New Stock of those cdohratcd lhnels Axcb just to hand, also Hinges, Kilcs, Nails, i.c.,.it Se- cord's Cash Store. Bred in the bone and can't be got rid o[ tho dosiro to Boll cheap at Secord's New Cash Storo, for a few mouths, (A Td. Scott's old stand. LiadieB ahould examine, the stock of Suj^vs, Toas, CofToes, Spices, Pickles, Jelhos, Canned Goods, Fish, Fruits, Buou.its and General Grooonos, Very cheap at Secord's Cash Storo. Hardware will poon bo added to the already handsome stock crowded in, of choice Groceries, Crockery, Paints, Oils, &c , at Secord's New Cash Storo, Seott'a old Bta-ud. UIBIT1I4. lnDr.iyton, on tho S17tli'iust., tho wife of Mr. John Anderson, of a daughter. In Tyro, Mich , on tho 21at inst., tho wifo of Uov, A, J. IlolmoH, of a daughter. * UIEU. At his residence iu Kiamom, on Tues day, the '.MUh mst., Alex. Luttiell, si., aged about 80 years. Tho deceased was an old and' valued member of the Church of tho Asconsion, UrnmoBo. Ho piSHod poacofully nw.iy with a good hopn of a glorious resurrec tion to eternal life tin ough the merits of his S.i\iour, Jesus Chimt. Hih loss will be felt and deeply legrotted by a largo cnelo of lelatioiiB und friends. ACTOV MIUKETS. etr.oes acci- he -was in E V* in^t. It appL^rs that r _ ) the act of dislodging a joung saphn, _ i b> ^^0 mc^n4 lt SprM,or, striking S- A', k e C rA oa Sc: da% next, it j,:ra ^ ti 0 je, aaj breaking it below 10 30 a. m , a-d the Hulj Comu-a,oa i ,-.le _4::t,. A't<.r tho accident, he w;U ':. - i v- :. -v'.ortd. \ cr.iwkd on his hands and knees to the ' hj.t, a di";*.ivco of 50 rods Dr l.onrv, of Acton, wasimnicditteU st-'it \Ve b ai e .* largo qnanri .y of v.rp^-s \t-l. SUK--.11 wh.ich w e w l I or 1 =..11 -Vv'e B-a:;\ s c rt T "e 1 ua-. o " : a: a f r : r.a= =ilo one of o- t-i-t w ill l.t biv_-i'n. For psj' c-lar Two = .- i:>'-rja: t-.~ v.'-ic.. "- / - of our pi-o-mir.ent o* izens c-^r t. -v t.. ^.ea.,.', Iv. u- a rght , over . ^ - 1 : _>:t-> t. tJ*. vj, m one i our s;^=, M 1..1-.V f. ^X..-J Morrow's drag storo i3 the Mr as i -vlcixcti;: e an le ex- I lor an I drOc-St-d iLe le^ j is gett :.g along as wlII i r-^-tcJ. I - The pr.blic can plaea"the most conriileuce in ^Ir. D. 1'. Btatty, i: y, wjio mau- tly Celebrated T.inos ?'id Organs. Cv.rlir,eat<.s from ihe olrcals and prominent mtn of hi owu cit\, commercial r*~ports and ttsti- n-om.i!- iroiu thousands who ha\o dealt w .th h'.'n, all \er.ty the Btatement. S,.c his adverti^ctneut. Flour Fall Wheat, Spring Wheat, Sprouted Spring Whoajt Harloy Oafs Poas ....... Butter (fresh rolls) Buttor (salted rolln) Lard (light) I>ard (dark) Kgga (new laid) Chickens Geeso Turkeys Potatoes, per bag Apples, per bag Hay, per ton, .. $2 50 to 3 00 1 15 to 1 20 0 "5 to 1 05 0 75 to 1 00 0 50 to 0 CO 0 30 to 0 31 0 CO to 0 65 0 15 toO 16 0T2 toO 15 0 10 toO 10 0 OS to 0 09 0 14 to 0 15 0 05 to 0 05 0 05 to 0 05 0 06 to 0 06 0 60 to 0 70 0 75 to 0 90 10 00 to 12 'JO e\pl c*i <f \\ a-lrugton. New Jer= u-"ac*i.r<-s and =ells his ji:-, Us*, p.acejn the County to get Con- d.uaaPowiJrs, ic. Accoa Monthly Sale wi'.l fake j'ice en Tbur.diy, February 7. Those .=' . ^ to rt-rchase cr sell slock or im- IT. icept TEA. CO. t laL; ;^ -_t ill _o". :^-i to atttuJ. D.ana forgtt Monday ui^L^'d s->-.: ^cj'.l^i; sing jg. 'l'ne Georgetown Skating Rmk was opened on Incr^iiay ev^n-ng, 21th i-iSli. Taere were quite a number of skiVersp-essr.t, tut very few spectators. The ;ce was v<_ry poor. Morrow's diug score has lately had a large addition of lamps, lamp elmceys'aai ot^er articles. Calle3riy aci ^a\ e yor r choice. GiKvr^etown village constable bas :3ncd t^Eter^ warn ng ill pjrsocs tot to be fonnd sleigh.r.diiig, slid'iig or skating on the streets or s.dewalks. A tee is in store for all violating lus trders. I G. E. Morrow's Drug Store, Actoo, is the best place in the Couaty to secire patent medicines, medicines of all kinds, &c On Monday a constable from i Georgetown visited Acton with a war rant for the arrest of Emma Jane Ky der, of Acton, [charging her with stealing some clothing in Georgetown. He has Ttot yet been able to nn3 her. Those cabinet size Photograph s of HiU'a are all the go just now. If you want a prescription prepared go to Morrow's drug store. "Venfibr Bays of February : " I mast be cautions about this fickle month this time will a'gain set in sev- erely. I look for more snow than rain ; consequently this month will probably be the most wintry -hke of the whole winter." rolplt \otlees. F.ehev ng that we ought to do to others as wo would they should do to u% we inabe the following bfler : To any tUrgyman who will read aloud from ' 3 prlpit, with l.'s other notices, to h s con^regat'on, at cither morning or e\ii'i str\:ce on Sunday ne\t, the not.ee bt.low, we will give advertising spa-e in our columus eqaal to that evecu pied by said uotice_ in which to an nounce a tea meetirg, Eocial or simihar gaihering, whereby Lis church funds will be benefitted : S0TICE, "Tho Acton Ti'.EE Pre?3, lor the coming year, will be the best and ch'_voe,-t fa"iil) pap<-r in the County of Halton. Its propr.etors have had much e\perience, aud all the help which a large outlay of money can procure. The paper has a larger circulation than any published in the county, and is furnish ed at only 51.00 per jear, in advance. It is certain that no one can spend that amount to better ad\anta?e. Be sure and take the Feee Peess, and subscribe for your friends." If our clergymen will not accept thiB offer, we will refuse to publish any more church notices gratis. Consumption Cured. An ohl physician, retired fiom prac tice, ha\ ing ha I placv.il in hi i hands ban Fist India nnssiouan the formula of a simple vegetable remedy, for tlie vpjed} aud p'rinanent cure of con- -Sumption, broiiclntih, catirrh, a\thni,i, ami all throat and lnu^ albctions, aho a po^itl\e and r.ndic il cure for luTVoilb dtbility and all nervous complaints, afUr h iving tested its \umderful cuia- t.\ c pow er^, in thousands of cabew, h i^ felt it his duty to make it know u to hi-> sirlKrm.; follows Actuated by this -nrotive, and a disire to rehe\e human Mil!.Tin;;, 1 will tend, free of change'; to all who desire it, thu rectipt in GLrfnan, French, or l'uglish, with full direetion- Ior prt. paring and usine; Sent b\ mail by addre -ing w lth stamp, naming tlu- paper, \V. \V. Sherar, 1'26 Powers' Block, Ruchestcf, N.Y '-> 2S-4t Errs' Cooii Gtvtehl A^n Com- ioktwu "By a tliorough knowledge of the natnril liws witicii goitrn the opcrati ma of di.^3 nin and nui /..on, and by a ca~- Jul rpp'icwiou ivf the tint. prv-vp-Tties of Wv.ll selccicd cocoa, Mr Epps has pro.idid o-'ir bti.akfast tiblts with a dtfhcately Uwuud he\tragt which mil sa\e us many heavy doctors' billa. It is by the judicious use of sueh articles of d.ct tluat a constitution may bogradualH built up until stiongeoi.ii gh to resist every tuuUney to d ifAse Hundrci'.s of subtle maladies are lloa.mg around us rea ly to,attack wherever there Is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping oursehes well fortified with pure blood and a pro- porly nourished frame." Ciru Srn ice O izittc. Sold only m packets labeled r "James Errs &- Co , Homoeopathic Chcni'st, 4S, Threadneedle Stroot, and 170, Piccadilly, Lon Ion." OlEim M ISUT.TS. Special ft) (he Frisk Press, per .Domin ion Line. GuEi.rn, Jan. 31st, 1878 that Wonderful wan. TRADE MARK THE GOLDEN MAN. Mantles, Jackets, Coats, Evssing Silks, Evening Kid Cloves, * > Hoal Honiton and Limerick Laces, PER Si'EAMKR CELTIC. Just arrived and opened tip for inspection aud sale, % cases of the above (Uouds, direct from London. England- Trices extremely clieap; quality of the Goods best. WE ALSO HAVE RECEIVED A large lot of Laiiios' Jacket and Coat Cloths, , best and newest prices extremely cheap. A LADY WANTS Is to be found at the WONDERFjUL MAN'.S -STORE. Millinery, Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, all that is new, good, elegant in de sign, and exquisite iu taste, is to be hud of us. O.A.IRIPIEiTS, OAEPETS. Best quality ef Brussels, Tapestry, Kidderminster and Dutch Carpets are on exhibition at our Carpet Room. W^ quote bottom prices-- styles oolora, and designs of which are unequalled in town. \ ' Ready-Made Clothing- , . . - -n, n A v Ahead of ill former efforts. Best assortment of Oyercoafe o be met with All immense Variety Of lailCy UOOdS, t ailCy Prices warranted a0 per cant under anythina in town, aii early call is solicited. l ' Dress Silks Black Dress Silks, at mnrve.- JOHN HOCO & SON, loiisly Clieap prices. tin. U, mi. Aim. Block, Upper W,ndLi, SltLl, C,l, I,, FJour, per 100 S2 50 to 3 00 \\ lute \\ heat, per bush 1 15 to 1 20 Treadwtll do 1 H)to 1 15 Spring Wheat 0 93 to 1 03 tlats, 0 32 to 0 35 P>arle>, _. 0 45. to O T.3 1'ias 0 GO I i O 61 11 iy, p.r ton 10 00 to 12 00 Kk'g". IH'r doz 0 17 to 0 18 Flutter, per lb. 0 18 tu 0 18 Potatots per 1 ag 0 UO to 0 6."> Hogs, per cw t 4 SO to 4 65 CliH'kcii'i per pair .. 0 00 to 0 00 (iot-ve 0 SO to 1 00 Turk* ys 0 70 to 1 0(J Duuka 0 4,0 to 0 GO PEACE IPDROOLJLXIiyCEID Sales extraordinary at the NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Smash-up on tbe G. T. K. From the Guelpb. Mercury we learn that on Tuesday morning about four o'clock an accident oc curred on the Giand Tiunk at. Breslau station, seven miles west of Guelpb., which caused an im mense, loss of property to the com pany, and the loss of a life to a young man. The accident was cansed by the neglect of the night operator at the Berlin station to give orders to a train following another that the first waa to take water at Breslau. ' . A special freight, with Scanlon aa conductor, left Stratford late in the evening. Some time after- 1 wards it was followed by a special . MoGMiN' Hall of Pharmacy, For Drags, Patsat Medicines, Dyo Stuffs, Combs, Brushes, &c. TEMPERANCE KALI AGTON. ACTON. Everybody satisfied. N> JAME.SSYMOK would return his thanks to his numerous friends for tha very liberal HUpport they have already Recorded liim.-and bees to iu ' form them that he has this week, made large additions to his Stock .at extraordinary low prices. J& A word to the wise Symon' cheap goods tell their own storv__All new seasonablo goods--All ne shades No credit uccountfl-No bad debts-No discounts It will pay you to come twice a day And Strangers to tho following Denartments Mind ye not trashy stuff but new stylish good's the best intdie market for Style and Finish. * Tho Great .-Scottish Vocalist, wiljl appear in the Temperance Hall, in this place, on the evoning of Dressed in Magnificent HIGHLAND COSTUME! And render tho various Songs of The BARDS ok AULD SCOTIA Admission 25 cents. Doors open at 7 ' Concert to begin at 7.4o. AULD LANQ SYNE. DUESS GOODS, FLAHSELS &o, t*erges (new shades) 10, 12J, 15, 25o. tmstres, 12, 10, '.!5c. \ Black Silks, 50, 15c, $100. Black Bright Lustres 15, 20, 25c. Empress cloth, Baratheas, Parameltes, Crape cloths, Velveteens, (All new shades), Winceys, Plain and Fancy, 8,10,124. La Duehesse Suitings the latest of all, 15, 20, 25. Usual prico. TWSBDS AND GENETS 2"DH- xnssnrGs. Tweeds 40o, $1 25, , : Shirtings, all the latest makes, Quinn's celebrated Dross Shirts;, Ties, Collars, Kids and Cloth G1ovpss [ Underclothing. Braces, Hats and Caps. &o., io., ic C0TT0KS SSo. Flannels, Canada Grey, 25, 35c, Heavy Twilled, 25, 40o, Factory tfottons, G. 7 8, 9o, White Cottons, 7, 9, l()e, , FAW0T BBPABiTKEJiTT. Sid gloves, all new shades, to match ' dress, ' Silk Buttons, new shades "Fringes, , ' Braids &c, Special LineB 38 inches, 121c, worth Sewing Silks, very chean &o., &o. io. Corsets, trench wove aud sewed Adjustable lacing, strong ' Heavy Jean, 62, . Collars, Cufii and Ties," very cheat> Clouds, Scarfs, Hosiery, &c, &o., Ico. In addition to the-above Jas. Symon has secured the services or a first olaas Milliner who will be on hand for the Spring trade, depend upon getting your orders filled in tho Latest Styles at the most reasonable prices. Ladf es you may Yours Truly, tgJ_Produce of all kinds tafcn as coahgat highest market price. Acton, January 23. 1878. . F _________ JAMES SYMON. r--v "f O. T. HILL, Mill Street, ACTN, TT^AKM FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for Balo his farm, on tho north-eist side of lot 27 and 2S, in the oth con., ^Cassagawcya, consist ng of about 150 acres, 1*20 of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, There is 22 acres of fall w heat and 11 acres of rye in the ground ; and about 25 acres ploughed There is 22 acres of cood cedar and pine and S acresbf hardwood. An excellent orchard of 3o5 apple trec3 is on the prcmitca. The farm is well fenced with ^ood c-der rails. There are two lop; houpes, and three barns, one of which is a frame bauk. A never-failing spring and Ihreo wolla on farm. Possession given immediately if required. Tho farm is four miles from Kockwood ; ^jlevcn from Guelph, and five from JActon. Convenient to school houses land churches. Title indisputable. Terms liberal. Apply to JOHN ALLISON, 29-tf or Gm on tho premises. CREDIT SALE. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED - TELEGRAPH POLES. The subscriber is prepared to receive some Telegraph Poles, at Acton, George, town or Rockwood Stations. The poles are to be 30 feet long, 12 inches in dia meter 5 feet from butt. For further particulars address ALEXANDER NAIRN, 30 Adelaide-st. Contractor, Toronto. Toronto, Jan. 29, 1878. 31-4t ids r IE. Lak0 Cask Clp- The Baroness Jaime's most u*der <^n^} of HocWay. , , ,, , . ,. ~ * -cr trains were heavily laden lovely ballads in the Temperance Hall, , , , J-r>_._i_-_ Monday evening. We are glad to bear that "tt'm. N. Snyder, son of Mr. Eli Snyder, of this Tillage, has passed a very suc- cts-ful examination at the l^ondon High bchcol, from tho first to the second form. In all the subjects he averaged Co out of a possible 100 marks. C. W. Hill is Jurairig out some fine Photos, now. Yon should just call and see specimens. LaEt Friday morning, the body of a new-born iufai.t \iasfouud in the water closet of Ckik's Hotel, Georgetown. An inquest Wafcheld, and a \ crdict to the effect that the child was Etill-lorn was returned. The mother is a widow, whose husband died about three yeaj ago, t ' Tannahill's most exquisite Eon^s at the Temperance Hall, Monday ni^ht. Last Friday evening the con- ' gregation of the Methodist Church held a most enjoyable social, in the base ment of the. church. Tea was served at 7:30 o'clock, after which readings, recitations, music, kc, were given by j oung people connected with the con gregation. The proceeds amounted to about $15, which sum will be applied to furnishing the parsonage. Both When Scanlon reached Berlin, he was very careful in giving hi3 orders to the night operator that he would take water at Breslau, and there fore it was bin duty to inform the freight that followed to that effect. Had this order been followed out the awful catabtrophe which hap pened would not now be a matter of history to record. * Hock day followed Scanlon into Beilia very closely, but_ did not leave until some time after. On account of the heavy grade east of the station, heavily laden trains have to " run in" with a full pressure of steam, so as to surmount the grade. Hockday's driver, named Roberts, thinking that all was clear at Breslau and knowing that it would require a powerful spurt to surmount the grade, put on full steam and made a dash through Bieslau station. When too late, he saw the other freight train at the tank.' Roberts immediately reversed his lever and whistled down breaks; but to no effect. His engine went crashing into tho other train. The con cussion was bo great that the engine was turned completely a- round. Some eight or ten cars rolled down the embankment aud [ were braashed to kindling wood. t , DEALER IN Groceries, Oroe&ory. Soots 8s SHoos, Vail Paper, "Win&o-w Blinds, Noils, Glass,-Putty. i Linseed Oil, Paints, Turpont^ao Coal Oil, Salt, ete ,411 of which will bo sold low for cash BOOTS and SHOES Selling off at cost. lhore will bo sold by Auction on .,< Publio CARNIVAL . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. VALUABLE PROPERTY IN ACTO.V For Sale or Let. Tho Stone Dwelling, on Main street, adjoining tho entrance to tho school grounds, is offered fir sale or rent. JBere are nine rooms and largo cellar, and a quarter of an acre of garden. For <f u rthcr particulars apply to HORACE J. HALL, Esq. Acton, Nov. 20, 1877. 20-*3m I Ice and Weather permitting. TUESDAY SthTEB. The farm on the East Half Lot 26, 2nd Con. Esquesing, containing 100 acres more or less. 'J here are six acres of Fall Wheat in the ground, and ton ploughed, 80 acres cleared ; good frame barn; two log houses, and stone milk house. The farm is well watered. The following Stock and imple ments will be sold: 1 span aged Horses, Colt rising 2 years old, 4 Cows, [3 |in calf] Heifer rising 2 years old, 2 brood Sows, spring'Fig, Ram, setDouble Harness, set fcfngle Harpess, set -Plough Harness, set Iron Harrows. Plough, Lumber Waggon, Buggy, et Bob-sleighs, Loug Sleigh, Fanningmitl, Cutting- boz, Saddle, Stoneboat, Hay Rack, Wood Rack, Drag, Horse power and Separator, Combined Reaper and Mower, [Fleury's Meadow-Lark], nearly new, Cross cut Saw, Grind stone, Cnains, Forks. Rakes, and other articles too numerous to men tion, also a quantity of Straw. ;NO RESERVE. Said to commence nt one o'clock TERMS. S5 and under cash, over that amount nine months' credit on approved joint noteB. On the farm there can Btand 1,800, at eight per Cent.) if required, for a term. Tho Acton monthly sale will behejd at"1, J AS. BELL, WM. HEM.FTREET, a_______ iT .. "PrrvriTMAf -OERHSUIRE BOAR. The undersigned has still tho Berk shire Boar,' "Wellington," bred by Mr. Geo. Rudd, of Guelph, which will be kept for service, at the farm joining tho Grand Trunk Station. Price 1.00, Cash. 0. 8. SMITH. Acton, Doo. 5, 1877. l 22-tf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE GREAT CAUSE of mhim KHSERY. 11 We have recently published a nt w edi tion or Dr. 'alvor eir* Celebrated Ls- sarontlio radical mid peimaneut euro (wltbdut mtdiclne) of Nervous HeblliU , Mental and Phjslcnl Incapacity, Impedi ments to Marriage, etc., result!uk riom excesses. Frlce, In a sealed envolorie,onl} Ocentb or two postage stamps, i Tho celebrated author, in tbl admir able Essay clearly demonstrates, from thirty yean,' successful practice, tlitil alarming consequences, may be radically cured without the dsfngerous us<f of Inter nal medicine or this application, of the fcnlfe; pointing out a mode of euro at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of whloli every sunerer.io matter what his condltloh mjiy be, may cure hlibHelf clipaply, orlvately and radically. fills Lecture should be ih the hands of every youth andevery man In the hand. THE CULVEBM F.1,1 MEDICAL CO., 41 Ann St Ne w Yorlc. Post Offlco Box 45S6. i 4-ly BETTY'S PIANO &PARL0R0|f CAM IKETStCTOE 1 *y *-l HContamlngtbeeb mentsi fmrslo.-siltli easy an i program e eaerciseh to rerJe. J the rvlnjt-r m Uu urt ol mutlc <-iUiii piano or ortai ) to which iadddot< i sixty Waltzeb, 1-olKas, Marches Galoi'-. Operatic Melt.uT. k. Dunces, eic bj-lvi - lei F. neatly. Washington, New Jeuet, pneoftho.b..stworkaollis bind evet li troduced^nnd shuiilu be m the hands of evprj piano and orgnn player. BeDtpcu- pald toaSiy- part oi ti.e United Stnten < r Canada for onli flrt> cents the pi\o having been rejucid to introduce " orjrywlitre. AddrtBS DANIEL J. iJEAl*r\, SVasblngton, New Jersty. Also agent for tho RUBBER PAINT COMPANY Of Cleveland, Ohio. Cash for nicies. .Acton, July 18, 1876. A CTON MONTHLY SALS. TJUSIIfrESS PROPERTY FOB S^XjIE. The undersigned offers for salo that desirable property situated on Main Btrect, now occupied by Mr. Chas. Cameron as a store and dwelling. The property; is in fiist class condition and with a good cellar. Terms liberal. For furthpr particulars apply to MESSRS. \V. PARUNG &C0. , i Montreal. Or, W.H. STOItEY, Acton.1 Acton, t -ig. 22d, 1877. ________ r\ GORGE LEYENS, Barber and Hairdresser, adjoining Seeord BroB.' Store, Mill Street, Acton. Hair switches and combings prepared to order. SUBSCRIBE O-S" S T? 3ES :*. S* received daily by expross. T Agncw's Hotel, on Fair Day, Thursday, FeW, 18^ All kinds of Stock, Implements, &c. will be sold by paying 50 cts a-piece. Sale at 12 o'clock. TEllMS. Twelve months' crdeit approved ioint notes All ontries must bo made to Mr. Jas. Ryder, See. | - GEO. GIBBS, Auctioneer. 23 tf Proprietor. 31-lt 'Auctioneer. -KTOTICE. The undersigned bevs leave to an nounce to Farmers, nnd others < ngi gi d In butter making who pun oi-e getllmi a new Churn tbut tliev would consult their own IntereBlb by ordering one of A. HolmeB' Improved Tuimlnr wash Ctturns- 1 am now tak'ng orders lor- thcra.bavlngpiircliasedthepaientrlgbt to manufacture aud sell. They are without doubt tho best In tho market. Your patronage Is respectfully solicited. Circulars tmd tostlmonlnlBrrecbn appli cation. Territory for sale. Manufaotur. ed and .old by , ,,# McD0N A'LD, 2D-8m. Acton, (jut. J. E. McGAEVIN, CHE'tlST AND DRUGGIST FOR THE AOfOlT Priuslo's Jewellery Stcre, Guelph. TO FAHMEKS AND F.VE^TJBODY ELSE. NEW DOMINION BOOT & SHOE STORE Opposite Agnew's Hotel, MJn Street, Apton. KEENLY & SON Why is Pringle's jewollery store in Guelph tho bestl place'to deal ut? Wish to call the attention of the in- Because oil the watch, clock W habitants of the Village of Aotou jewellery repairing is cither done ^ck T ? l/ittwf lmmenso by hfmself, or nnder his penronal _A._i ._._ .-.,. supervision. ' He jiL a first-class BOOTS, SH0E3 & SSO0EB1ES- )workmailJ in all tho Ibranches, and Comprising all the latest styles in having the greatest interest in keep- Bo!Vnd1Soe?- ,? . ., , ,,1. ' UrderedTVork receives our special ing h customers, follows that attentioD( irop,rlng pronpUy al- all tha work will he done well, tended to. Every job which comes into thei ______ shop is examined Iby him boforo it ( _ ii Y-4 m is taken away. Grocery Departn\cn<i Is well supplied with Only $1 a "Year In advance. You can buy watches and clocks cheaper there than, anywhere elao, because Pringle having bought from TQ&S, OUga TS, Thos. Russell & Son for cash the', whole of their stock in Gnelph, and got it cheap, he can afford to sell cheap. All stock- bought by him in future will be bought for .cash. Merchants and traders know that this is a great advantage. Pringle has no connection with the firm of. Rnssell &, Son, any more than he. is still their authorized agent for, A0ton, Deo. 13 1877,. tho 'Russell watch, which is ac-1 _J______________________ knowledged to be the best watch i ._.._,______.____ __ made. G. D. Pringle has also been JfAB^ FOR SAI^E OK EKT- established as agent for the Wal- The uiulerBigufld offera to Bell Ih.i tham and Elgin American, watohea,' farm consisting of about 100 acres, beii.g and a full line of them, from the',^*68* ^ oUo' 3l; 6th Con. Esqnesii^. ,. . , . i ., . .T ' Good frame house and barn, small 11 lightest to the heav/ six-ounce case, i chard ani nBVor {aUing Btream on t, e will be kept on h*nd. Remember premises. The land is of excellent Fruits, Biscuits, Tobaccos, Soaps, .Coffees, &c, &: Please call and examine Our Stock. KENSEY 4,10^ thftt all those watchea are now bought entirely for cash, and there fore can and will cheaper than they where else. Bear goods coming in ev ery doly. Gold chains, gold rings, lockets, broocheB, &C 22 3m. Os!b Who Knows an be got anyi tiful Christmas quality, between 80 and^O acros clea e.l, balance is | covered with (rood mnpjv. u v:~ b3ch and bodar wood. 25 acros cv i-l he sold by him looking whfat in grouna. u purcba- requires time Ae may have-it for <" year, ora number of years ; rent sh 1 be required in advance. Offera will < received for either buying or rontu e; until ISthFebrunrv. SIMON McLEAK, 28-'6t. - on tho preiuiu.'.

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