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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 24, 1878, p. 3

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ifflgrffi-iiiiitfn r -' -I-' * *-i - *-jyT*rrw' Stat fetosg O- & ** any >e E, oblea rancy ..tire Ull be -/ IES; >cure idafe 'g 'I lo. I :ee|>fc TEA- ca I * I -mot in... (B,y, TKI-NK TI_MK T IBLI:. T.,;nO:jrt Acton ^ >olL*ws; - - To arrivo in it ivw <layn, a largo lot of Lake Huron Herr-in;:* in half J <>r xrcls. cheap, nt Socord's Mow Store. ONT., JANUARY 2i 1878 ,! l>sy K-p "5 _Kvi>rcs _- jGaUv.'-Af.t >He^t Express O.Ot l!V.\'.-.'i . Pav Express Western mad lender, mixed ljeSn.m.Ti . ... Ui..-..m. ---V\ <* are glad lo learn tlntt at 1..V-P'"- ' *" r examination of. t each its, hold at i\U 1,,U" ' ^ "ltoii in K-c-inU-r last, Mr. Kot-t. I.OIM-. r..\;-T. Service in the Methodist Church evoi v - ti.ibr.aiii oveiiiuc at luiir-past * ^oV:x-k: mm l><>tli mornlintaiwlovivr.- \rf mi tl-.o nrm Miti-baila or < -, .oh moc.isi. Hv:v VU-HiTiMS rsi ar. R. Parker's carringo works, nt Guelph, worn completuly destroyed by tiro on Wednesday morning. Loss $3,500; insuruncu 81,800. DlSCIl'LR MEKTJNd". -TIlO Moot ing" , Oio Pisciplo's Chapd'arc still 1 .".arrisou, of S. S. No. S, Nelson, sue- I oontiimc.il from night to night at 7.30. ":"."< a.m. receded in passing tho "non-professional" I 1'lllc.r' ".^Mfl^irrmid, the speaker, will '.':!-' a, 'i^: of S.'S. No. H.Trafalgar, for Sec- | jee^l tie %'A^t HptlzedT --'" 'H>l> moctiinrsara to bii ebntinuud over noxt Sunday. Thu attendance is largo.: They nre Bulling Tobaqcoa nt ".:30 p.m. LOCAL MATTERS. ' Snowed Tuesday.' l\ W. Hill for"Thoto.graphs. }. E.McGarvin's Coug h Synip School trusted ckviti >n upxt Snun'.ay.. ' J If you wat a good phi rtogvaph C Mill: - i ' ' J J. E. McG(Tin'a Wo riB row* ,!sr*- ' j ' Larpo a>J at tho Gouucil inreting Moiii.iy evening. J C. W. llill'd photograph* are ej-al to A2v -west of Toronto. Those cabinet sue Photographs of Hill's AM all the.go jus', now. , thoromonteter yost-srday ttocd st-t>cut Ci? l-.e!ow frecccro, . :uo oho re- ma-rJ; : VTliis is a very carious -win ter Vl . . ffhoy are rushing o3" h.11 kinds of Gfocfrie?, Crockery, Paints, Gils, ic. at.l'^Txiia Prices, at Record's New Store. ' rrobationers far membership -of the MctioJist ch-roh will be rectiv- *d oa Sunday CTtairis next. : C. \Y. Hill is turniug ont fvn:i] :jnc Photos, "now. Vou fho.uld jus; ca)l and cce specimen?. Rei the corjiaunicattb^ in another colu^ia, catitied, "An iiiterest- . ins e^s." .. They are selling all kinds of Paints. Oils, Varnishes, ic, at Seco*\i's 2>ew Store. We b*re s, large qnan'.ity of crista paper on hand, s!iitin:e for wrapj "5 parpssea, -w-hiea we^Ti lc)! ebeip , ^^Question at Council Meetinj Mocia.v Eight : " V>'Lo has the ri^ht to app-r-in: tlrst a^i iitor cevo or the Council:" Those -who have nbt paid their ta^ej had bett-t-r'-do ?j before satiirilay, la order tvi have a vote . at the ;hoo; Mr. W. J. Vi'atson, formerly a rer-jrt-T c: ihi Gujlnh IJ-crr.'.'. bai, C. %Vi^ v.. Sroteh Toealist. end R Last Thursday "wo" called on the editors of tho Georgetown lltrnhl; Halton J\"-tc* and Milton- CViiriiiiiroji. Tho editor of the latter paper asltod > to go across thu road aud "help to make the Milton hotels prosperous," ;hut as we aro tomperato wo had to politely re fuse. Election- Notice. !No"tieo is hereby; given to the free ami indepen- less than rwholoaalo prieos, nt Socord 'a New Store. -*---------------y----------------- Concert in Nussusaweyit. To the Editor (>/ ihc Free Press.' I A concert v.-aa lield, an por:.nn- nouncouiont in your payor, on the ................. ......._ ...........nl . cyouiiig of tho 15th iiist,iit tho dout residents of Aetoit5 and Burround- : Union Hall, Nassagaweya, un^or tl> uuepices of .Vrospcyt Division, Sons ofToniperanci?, As is uQiml with the eiitortaim:ioLiU> of tho uboro Division, it was n very huc- cossfnl afiair. Tho attendance v.-aa good, the Keats lieiiig comfortably lillfil.and all seemed bout on speiui- ing p. pleasant time. ' Mr. J. (Rollins' was tiouiiuated as chairinaii of t!n> evonint;, i.-hich poaitioa ho kindly aceujittd and tilled to the Kiitifd'uo- tian of nil. Tho 'first part of tho entertainment consisted of tho singing of a r.umb'ur of fins ]iieceB of music by tho Eockwvood friends iiml inc'/abefa of Prospect "Division, which was ably done, und wus well received by the audience. i5ul tho main feature of the evening wua the jierfonning of tho play, en titled " Ten Nigh La h\ a Lariioom," by the llockwood Dramatic Club. Ic was well'rendered, each niembei fultilling their pai t creditably. They showed mot<t vividly "tho uarrowijig scenes connected therewith, undi it should '(servo ti3 a .'warning to not coaly those in tho habit of fVequon't- ing those places, but also to thoae ih the business, that liquor has the powtir to transfi'i in idl that- iu good and hciutiful into that which is uiiholy and wretched. After tho ringing of tv few more pieces of music, tho meeting broke up, all seemingly well pleased with the entertainment. Prospect. Vonsuiuptjoji lured. An old physician,' retired from iirap. tieo, having lm.l placed iii his liantU by au Kast lmlm missionary tho formula of a Biinpls vegetable remedy, for tho speedy and permanent euro of eoh- sumption, bronchitis, catarrh, nstliinu, and all throat ami lung Elections, also a positivo and radical cure for lierUnrs delidity and all nervous complaitltW after having t;stod it:> wonderful eura- tiyo:_powcrs in. thousands of cases, has felt It lna duty'to ma!;c it known to his Slillering fellows. Actuated by this motive, and a desire to relieve human suf.onug, I i(ill nenil, frco of charge, to all who desire it, this receipt in (ieiman, French, or 15iKlish, with full directions for preparing and UBing. Hcnt by mnil by addrcaaiiin with stamp, naming this paper, W. \\\ Slierar, li'ti Powers' Ulock, Rochester, N. V. 28-4t cctct ^tiuuijuiaiirgxgg^gzyjna TH nc country, that, having disclaimed against hiigh prices, no goodk will herc- atter be sold except at figures having popular approval. Wo therefore rcsi.jn in favor of no profits and quick returns. A splendid Overcoat At So.OO. Kitra heavy Ulster* at $7.>~>0 at Christie, Hen derson ftco.'s, Acton. - It becomes a little monotonous when, a person reads the lletroit Pre-: Pr*' Cv.rrency Column one day, the London i^rit- Press' Odda.nnd Kmla eol- urnn :ie.\t-day, and tho Hamilton .v';i r.. i\t.'...--'.< Mere Mentions on the third day. '<?::- l.rh Ji-rr.ht. And the Glltlpii J/. ai!,.". Heraldry on the fourth day. Wo understand th\it iv.colored gentleman gave a lecture in th.i Tem perance Hall. Monday ni^ht, \o a very small audience. As he d.id not ^adver tise in tho local pr-.r-er, this ,i-;i:^i^t' he woudere-.I at. Peri:..;'S,"iii a shoe: time. some persons wiil : .'e the advantage of adver;i?ing over r.-aii-.ig a notice oc.t o." the pulpit of asiu.i': church ou S.ibh'atli. They, are d.ir.g ii strictly cish buiineis ; payii 5 ^.-.ch for what they buy, and ^cttin^ . .:-h for wliat they seil. te.iieqr.-n,.,.y l'.c ics: inr interest 011 L-t.j ri-.nniug ai-eonut^ !\-r -on run- r.ing aroouir.s arena aV"al lo.-'s evm tho .L.\i i.-.:.!j: thee: I".. ' .'t l' I.id debt- Tl.eir diac-'uii' 3 tor .._:_ w-r.cj-.-s no 'coks he ca:I^ c'.-. th^ir. 5 ii*-ci:.%^es of liciv ^r^oit- -l-l at -.v'.l-^- prlees, tL.-y, intend 'dvh.j t'l-.i:- fiilor.ic:-; the bene!-.: of thtsj .'-.;'.- .-acT:.-.-c.-, oX ^lcord's New f/.ore. Note t'...-.."r-i.t iVratev-iretv.i'a, G. if. Scott's G>d it.-ii."- ,: i." Yeir.tcri"i,._~ r. German from the cun.tr;- c:.--c rcn^l." ir-'o^oar oiiiee and \.en^ cireel- to thc=-_ .v> - l:;i- comniencc-d thr.-;riii^ cut 1:3 no3e, vhi^h w. -r frijnt.r.. .^itc: h:.."ir.2 '.hiweu it- out, ha ic.-.-.-.-'.:- IJIltYllS. . In Acton,, cu tho 20th inst., tho wifo of Mr. 11. ltamsln.w, of a daughter. In Acton, on tho Ititb. inat.| tho wife Mr. Win. Williams, of a daughter. , RJED. . In Sanilac Co., Mich., on the 7th inst.', Sarah, beloved wife of Mr, Samuel Peals, formerly of Acton.,' , * l.i Acton,, on the eist^inst!, John' i^aney, hctel-kcepcr, aged 26' years. E'TIi' Col-HA. Li. AND CoM- I'D'-i'inc. - " l:,v a iiiu-,.r,u heow.'cil^c of tee ri-wiii-al l.iT.-i which /,<ui-.-.i'tho ii['e"ai.ioiis of digc.-.l:o'j r.nd nu. ilion, aid by a careful apulic.-uiou ci t'.ie imio 1 'lljdic.! of Well Llec^.J eacna. Al 1. >na ha j ii.-oviiirii our b'rt'KkfnuV'1" s ..- w nch may tw- us many lusyy diLjvu'.-, i> 'l-s. It is by tie jiidieioii.i i'.-,e oi.Eucli : Lie'ca c.f ilicf, t'::it 0 C"V -i'i 11. 'Oil 111.- v hegv.^ -natly-bii-ilnrpv".. iU.iYiir eii-u . L-i i..--:--,t every u riic'iry to <i' .ei.sc. H ii 11 il'-uls of sa11 Jo mat-'.. '.,.-...'i>c a ouuii us ready to el.;:ic!: wiiercver v pere r.s a -,veak point. W/ ni:.v e;cvpc i.-aiiy a fatal shaft by kf-'jir,' o"uv;el.rcs Well ioi t- '-ud ^.-i^h pure i-iout and a pro- '.....!y r.jii.-h.lu'd franc.-' C'i'/.V iV,--'cc i-.f-Hr., Pi.Id oniy in pic'.ei3 lahexd - " jA.irs:s ' Kits U. Co., l'c.mu-.i.-.i!.-,.. C-'i'iiiist, -IS. Threar'.needlu Slruel, O-ld 1 TO, Piccadilly, London," AT WONDERFUL [ViAN, TEADE"MARK THE GOLDEN MAN. ill 4i| i-- Maatles, Jackets, Goats, Bveamg Silks, Svanine: Kid Gloves, E.oal iSoaitoa and Limeriok Laces, PEK STEA'MER CELTIC.' 4. INGTHAtA..LABV-1lfANT8 Is to; be found at the WONDERFUL MAN'S;' STORE. ' a?si?' ;;-:ii' - Millinery, HatP, Uonnets, Flowers, all "that'is new. good,^elegant m de- Just nrrlved and opened \i\\ for inspection aud srJe, 1 cases ' fl'sn' anci c*Quisite in taste, is to he liSid of us. "' : oi'the above <ootls, <lii*e'ct froui LoikVoii, Eusiand. __. __'_____ _j_ Prices cxtreir.cJy cUrap j quality or tlic ; Q^i-IF&IPIEjTS;, 0_A.-dR-IE5IE35?S tioods best. , we also have ee6eived sS;^r?"rSrs- "^&$SSi.'iss-. | oo.ors, and designs of which: are uuequalled in town A large^Iot of Liuiicw' Jacket and Coat Cloths, _ " iiest aud uewept A! Lnu .11 iintnetisc ^ variety of| Fancy Goods, Fancy phc^warranted so 1>er cent under ac^WDftin towS in elrijr wTrli' '. f-3 Ml-'- i :-n ' ! Dress Silks, JBlacli Dress Silks, at njarvel- lousiy cheap prices. solicited. Nov. .26, 1877 KO0.G & SOW, - Alma Block, Upper Wyndham.Stieet, Cr4llh. They are selling ull kinds of T2D-) at wholesale prices t.t Secerd'b New Stor-. Tho suit brought by Mr. Aid. cu: "I'ytan;! Such cold wt-sther 1 I j, Piper against the'Globe has been ^c ur.il-. . I ^ai cary cat | seiir:,Jj the defendants to publibh c and.he r.-.-er freczed 1 , c L ' eatisfactory cs Lissoi: bei c.-c ue tiidn ont acro:s apology- and pay the cost3. ttli .cac. t3 ?>IcG;.rviu'c drug store to o<;: -i\zi liniment t ) rub ou !:;jao;c. -Vennor predicted a mild .Tar.u- arv who .dare r.av his ^S^lSt^!^^ Tliesday T-ftei-aoot>, iu the Court The?:1 f.ne r-^ft chec":; ) ianiiel3 n;^rked lilitlton County Council. The Countv Council met on itov,-i racy Fact-i: to 2Cc and.-'2-$e, at Christie, :.2cn tic's Aviil- ril be .wnr.te.i. ar il---ciue 1 br-rc.-.:r.3. ifeavy .. r1-^- .r.eis vr. . Eiasesinj, -.-.iH sell by public auction, t,a T^6sd-y, Glh rcb'iary. A: present there are a nujuber of pi-s parsdiiij ccr etreetE. The' iicp-jund'ed.inciiiliil-.iy.' A.&ocLil wifi be held in lbs Methodist Churci . to-siorrow eveui^^', tiic.-proceeels oi -^'jch zrc to oe rr-pr:Cu. Mr. G'.'E. Morrow,' dr.-ggist, of Dr. Starr, ci GeoTg^towi:, tud will jsontiaae tha buiinesj is. both placei. We hzvs for sale utis of Beatty's celebrated Pimos that will be disponed cf "at j, great bargain. i*or pai t'caliro'trply at this omce. The Stratford Beacor. has en largedto. forty colui^i;", aau presenU a fceaatiiulry-porraphic^iap^iaianc. The ~acm it ono ci oar tott crchangta, and we wih it continued cticcc^s. The Canadian Poiilty Revicir, a Lintisozaeillustrated monthly, '*evot- ed to poultry asd pet^stoct, 13 cut. It is published by: Fallertcn & Atild, Strathroy, Ont. The *nbscripfcion price is 81 per year, ' We learn that Mr.- H. p. Moore, -eio left Acton, about three weekj ajjo to attend Albert Collese, Belleville, his passed a very creditable ' examination in spelling and writing. ilr. Warren ia also doing welL On account of the late " soft ~ epell " there was no carnival in the ekatihg rink Tuesday evening. Thia cansed great disappointment among those who had their costumea ready. The carnival will take place on Friday night. They are selling China Tea Sets from $2.50 per set, at Record's Isew Store. . A pleasant entertainwent_ was held, on Tuesday evening, at the resi dence of Hr. C. Swackhammer, Church Hill, the proceeds of wheh were to aid in paying for the Congregational Church organia that place.' About 15 were realized. . ^A missionary meeting was held in the Methodist Church last even ing. Interesting addresses were deliy. ered by Eer. Mr. Brock, olGuelph, E*v. Mr. McLean, of-Georgetown, and others. A collection wa3 taken up at the close. A youD man, not a hundred niiles from here, ran but of his reckon ing a jFeek ago Sunday and went into the bash to chop wood. He was ap prised of his mistake by seeing Borne of :: -:.;c put aov.'n e, v.-o.th -. p_3. ]j!aaljt3 at "very bottom_ r.r'ices." Ke^i-i.-ber their F;= C0j Tea. ist ft boy en Church street it.hjc.1 himself for : -on- si'icr:.bie length of ti:nc by sloDtii:^ :.t several pcr.-oss, v,-ho were p-j^ir.^ at the time, wt.-s ih gre.-..t jccpi-nly, i'cu one yoauq ni-.n came very cc-ar getting a t'^jrehar^e intohi.^ body when the hi>v -cic-cd the target.- V.'c -dviae the young felio"..- t.i c-rr.meuce shooting at a' barn d-or in a -en-acre field. They are-.s^liin^ I-arDps, Crock ery, C'.aaDv.-ire, Lamp Chimnies, if-c.; at whoUale prices, at Secord's iscw store. - '_'. '; ' The Grand Trunk Railway- authorities have po3ted..up notices that all persons, except employees, are: by law prohibited from using the raihvay tVack or property within the fences a.3 z. thoroughfare, r.nd have c.-.-atior.c-d the public against contravention.of the lave. A penalty 13 provided for Lrcsparses of thi3 nature, and \i ia intended to rigidly enforce it ic future. The safety of the trains on the road, S3 well .13 of the public, d-imands that the tracks should bo kent clear of outsiders, and it ip hoped that the warning will bo su5j- cient. The Decomber number of the- Printer's 3i.;ceUany, published at St. John, N". B., ia to hand, As usual, it ia full cf interesting matter to the print er. This number"--his an jiddition of eight pages, which rnslies in sll 32 pages, This, journal is only" eighteen months old, during -which time it has grown from an eight to a thirty-two page paper. It is a jonnial which ho printer should be without, and, r..i the subscrip tion price h only CcLCO, no doubt, its circulation-will greatly increase." We wiah friend Finlay continued success. On Saturday last some young (swell natives of Kockwood came to Acton ,to have a skate on the rink. Finding that there was no ice and that they could not have any inn airinHing, they added.a "d" to that word, r.nd amused themselves by drink'.ng. After they had got pretty well "slewed" they paraded jthe ctrecls and made regular fools of ' themselves generally.' They conducted themselves in the same man ner at the station, in. the evening. / If they come to Acton any more/they would do well to wear ii mask/so that the people cannot recognize tnem y and they Jshould also |be accompanied {by their mammas. ; ' - j A pleasaxit entertainment was held, on Tuesday evening, at tho resi- dence of Mr. C. Swackbammer, Church Hill, the proceeds of which were to aid House, Milton. Zdembers- presont -ilessrs. JlcEnery and Lindsav, Esipieaing ; ..Clements, Buck and Iljbiiisou, Trafalgar ; Lyon,, Mil ton ; Foater and .McKeriio, Nelson : Itamsay ami Menzics, Niissnga.- weya; MeKcuzie,- Georgetown; .\icGarvin, Acton J Waldii;, r.iir- iingtan ; and Young, Oakviile : all of whom subscribed to the declaration and -qualification of oliice. .Moved by Mr. Vv'al.lip, Rfconded Uv ilr. F-.'ster, that Mr. Clemr-nts u'o Warden of tho County of Halton. , Carried. Mr. Clements subscribed to _tho -deekiration and qualification -of office. The following committees were appointed for the current year : Finance. Messrs. Wuldie, Clay, Buck and Foster. Roads and Biupgks. Messrs. Ramsay, Robinson, McEnery and Mclilenzie. County Buildings. Messrs. Lvon, Mclvenzie, Waldio and Clay. ' Peixt:ng: "Voung, McGarviu, Lindsay and Menzies. i Education, Lyon,. Lindsay, McKenzio and Foster. The auditors appointed were Messrs. F. Eai ber and I). Dewar. ; Tiw sum of S100 was granted to ibe Hultou Agricultural yociety. The following gentlemen wore appointed to form tho Board of EwnicerH for the current year, viz : Messra. R. Little, Dr. Lnsk and N. J. Well wood. Mr. Waldie, chairman of the Finance Committee, brought in tlieir first report, which was adopt ed.; - : Mr. Lyon', chairman of the County Euildings Committee, pre sented their first report, which created considerable diiicussion. On motion, the Council then -ad journed till the. first Tuesduy-in March. ACTC.V >JAIiK.:-:TtJ Floiw ....... Fall Wheat, S!>-'"S \^'"e.tt, . . ' Spi ^\teil i'priug Whc llariey ... Oati ' . ..' .. Peas ____ Batter (fresh rolls) Cutter (calt^d rolls) bar.l (light) hard (dark) K-tgs (new laid) t'!i'c';c:is .. . ' Geese Tur!::y.s Pot.itces, per bag Apples;- per bag.. Hay, per ton. C2.5Q to 3 Of) 1 If; to 1 () O To to I ().ri 0 To to 1 00 ' 0 50 to 0 CO 0 CO to 0 Si 0. CO to 0 "5 0 lS'to 0 1G 0 12 toO IT, 0 10 toO 10 C OS lo 0 00 0 1-: to 0 35 0 or, to 0 0.j 0 05 to 0 05 0 OotoO.OG 0 GO toOtTO 0 75 to 0 90 10 00 to 12 GO PEAOB PBOGEAIKBD .s Bales extraordinary at the iif '" AQTOm Everybody satisfied. , ..-J , jAifjE-S SYMOM vfould return his thanks to his numerous friendB for the vory liberal support-they have already accorded him and 1 ' form them that ho has this week made lar^o additions to hit Stock at extraordinary* low prices. 1 .i uejs lo. A word to the wise Symon'scheap goods toll thpil nrr i~m-' hevr soasonablo goo_ds---All^noj7 Bhades No cr Hi in- Come oufearly. ia the dat. and come often__it will Bv van *^n twice a day And Straccers to thft follnw. u 1 Mind ye act trashy stuff but new stylish good's thobest in the market for Blyle and Fioish. ' .-"uiowing Uepartm flome euts GrKLPn SIABKETS. Social l> the Fr.ix PuiiiS, per Domin- - ion Line. ' CrUKU-n, Jan. 21th,. 1378.' Fion-, per 100 .. 2 oO to 3 00 U iiito Wheat, per bush 1 20 to 1 2.1 j'-vadwell St.r-oj Wheat. O.U3, .. Ku-lev, Pe.is' .. Hay, p.:-r;ton />"; *. per: 1I03. !'. Hicr, pi.ri lb. ."oi.-tors Tier ba: i.!..^. j:..-'c,wf " ('.'iico.e':^ per pa lic--e .. 'Pi1-:ve -'s Ducks".. . .. do 1 10 to 1 1 1 05 to 1 OS 0 32 to 0 S5 0 15 to 0 53 0 GD to 0 f.'i 10 O0 tol-2 CO O- 17 to o is 0 IS to 0 IS 0 CO to 0 65 4 CO to 4 \\X 0 00 to 0 00 0 0 to 1 00 0 70 to 1 00 0 40 to 0 eo ,' NE'sV ADVERTISEMENTS. The subscriber oiTera for Eale his' farm, on the north-east side of let 27 and 28, in the 5th con., Nassngnweva, consisting of about 150 acres,: 120 of which are cleared and in a good state .of cultivation. There is 22 acres of fall wheat arid 11 acres of rye in tho ground"; and about 25 acres ploughed'. There is 22 acres of qond cedar and pine r.nd 0 acres of hardwood. An excellent orchard of Snp aprle trees is on the premises. The farm is -well fenced with j good coder rails. There are two log houses, and three barns, one 'of which is a frame bank. A never-failing spring and thj-ee wells on farm. : Possession given iimrnediately if required. Tho farm i3 four mile3 from ! Kockwood'; eleven from Guolph, and. live from Acton. Convenient to school houses and churches. Title indisputable. Terras liberal. Apply to T JOHN ALLISON,I. 20-tf or 6m on tho premises. -KTOTSCE. DRESfS GOODS, FLANNELS &s TWEEDS' AND GENTS rTJR- Serges.(new shades) 10,12^,15,250. NISHINGS. bistres, 12, 16, 25c. ; " ' >.... Tweeds 40o, 1 25, l^lack SilkB, 50, 75c, $100. '.. : Shirtings, all the latest.makes, r FANCJT D2EAR-MSN?. Kid gloves all new shades, to match drees. ' Black Bright Lustres 15, 20, 25c. Empress, cloth, Baratheas, Paranjettes, Crap^Tbths, ^VjiivMeens :(AUfrtr;ioJides). , ic., <to., &o, WjWceyp.My.n nnd Fancy, 8,10,12J. 1>SI5iohe4 Suitings the latest o[ ^^HiC'20, 25. Usual price. Quinn's celebrated Dresi Shirts) Ties, Collars, - Kids and Cloth Gloves, Underclothing. Braces, Hats and Caps. : ' 00T20NS &C. Flannels, Canada Grey, 25, 35o, 1 Heavy Twilled, 25; 40o.' ,- Silk Buttons, new shudes Factory Cottons, ; 7 8,. 9c, Fringes, ' White Cottons, 7, 9. 10c, - Braids &c Special Lines 38 inches, 12-]c, north. Sewing Sij'ks, very cheap ' '* j^'jt, V"":8els' ^encb wovp and sewed 4c., &c. &C. Adjustable lacing, strong ' Heavy Jean, 62J, - ' ' Collars, Cufi, and Ties, very cheap Clouds, Scarfs, Hosiery P &C., &0., &0. ' der. In addition to the above Jas. Symon has secured the services of a Grst class Milliner who-will be on tnnd for the SDrine tradA T.i- ^pend upon getting your orders filled iti tbe Latest Styles at the mostieasonable prices. , 1 . xiaaies ion may Yours Truly, Sgi.F'roduce of all kinds taken as cash at highest market-price. Acton, January 23. 1878. JAMES SYMON. XEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 2-in OAR NIVAL -At TII2- V I? ii'Tgf'-'ii'i Ottiii lily - V* r * cSIll ' . ' EIllDAY, 25tH JAST. i.. Ice anil Wcniher ] ermitting. our law-abiding country-people driving ' in Pa>'inR f6r the Congregational Church to church,- who told him it -was not rijht to do so! ' J.E.McGarvin's Worm Powdery Organ in that ptoce. About 15 was reafizjd. J, E. McGari'in's Cough Syrup. Mr. A. J. Belch, formerly of the St. Marj"n Argus, who b;s been for some year3 in employment of tho Department of the Interior ut Winnipeg, has been appointed Assistant Agent of the Dominion Lands for Manitoba arid the Noith- weBt. ^ - ! ' - John B. Gough says the most awful blunder the "United States ever committed and the remark applies proportionately to Canada- was in.sustuining the liquor traffic. In 187G the people of the United States speit $800,000,000 for liquor, and then paid $400,000,- 000 more to provide trials and places of confinement forthe crimi nal produced by the liquor traffic. Hero is a whole temperance sermon in one short paragraph, ~E The undersigned bees leavo to an nounce to Karmere.-atid others t-ui;:-pi il In butter making wjio purjc-e goliinj.' a new C.iiirn tnat Uiov w-ulil consnlt- tlieir own inti resis by onlfrlnc one of Ji.. Holmes' Improved Taliular Dash Clyjrns. I am now tak ng orders lor t lifm, havinppurclinped the jiaicnt rig!it to- luiuui'aoiuie a:id sell. Thoy aro < lii'ioiit iloint trio best In the m-irkel. Your patronage li i'(*spcclfnllv noliclte'I. Cireubiis anil t"hlinioniiil:i fi-er on nnnll- -cuMmi. Territory lor salev i'anulcctur- ed anu sold by D. L McDOWLD. i0-6na. Acton, unt. y>ORK. PAcasr-jG ssouse.- The subscriber ha always'on hand all kinds of fresh Meat, Sausages aud Poultry, cheap. CHAS. CAMERON. Acton, Dee. 12th 1877. 23-3m A CTOX.'BIOSTEILY SALE. The Acton monthly sale will bo held at Aghew's Hotel, on Fair Day, Thursday,'FeV/, 1878 All.ltinds of Stock, Implements, &e. will be sold by paying 50'cts a-picce. Sale at 12 o'clock. TERMS.^-Twelvc months' crdeifc_on approved ioint notes All entries .must be made to Mr. Jost. Ryder, Sec. TO. HEMSTKEET, Auctioneer. 25-tf J_i i .. ; Be'.v.-cen the residence of tlie under* signed end the Railway .Station oji the .'list iiltir.it., a Indies' Ivory and fx.tid Peneil care, ali.-. a yiiiiiea anil gold dollar. These ariicTta ln-mi; valiifii aa kt'eptahex, any per. on lindiui; the same will be hb.eraiJy rev.arded on returning the same to me. '.: im\r. Tt. no3i;s. Acton, Jan'y 3rd. 1ST8. DISSil:.r'S"iM>3 OS-' 1'AltT- MlHtiSili". isro'X'xc^Li. Thp partnership heretofore existing under tho name and style of Wilson t'; Johnson, Tinsmiths, of tho Village oi Acton, County of Halton, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business will bo carried on by Mr. Philip P. Johnson, who will pay all; debts, and'.collect, accounts contracted; by the abovo lirm. , W. It. WILSON. ! P. P. JOHNSON. , T.'.Aliieiit-Moohe, Witness; Acton, Dec. 31st, 1877. 27-3t* NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. VALUABLE PROPERTY IN AtXO.1i | ., For Sale or Let. The Stone Dwelling on.Main street; adjoining the entrance to tho school grounds, is offered for- sale or rentl There are nine rooms and large cellar, and a quarter of an acre of gardon. For further particulars apply to-- . HORACE J. HALL, Esq. Acton, Nov. 20, 1877. . " 20-*3m' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. jDBKRSEIKB BOAR. The undersigned has still the Berk shire Boar, "Wellington," bred by Mr. Geo. Rudd, of G-uelph, which;will bo kept for service, at the farm joining tho Gnind Trunk Station. Price 1.00, Cash. ' C. S. SMITH. Acton, Dec. 5, 1877. 22-tf BETTY'S, PIAH0&PAM.OR ORGAN s^mmm^^^ to per'ect, HveLue-^^^^^^aajoJ.. of ^. XjEI ctube TO TOTJNG MEN. ! We have recently published n new edi tion of Dr. fnlvcrweli's tclcbralcd E',- Bayontno raiiicrt.' and permaaeut cure (trithom ranlicluejof Nervuii> Oebilit*-, Menial and PliesicalIncapacity, Impedi ments to Marriage, etc., resulting'fioin. excesses. Price, In asealedenvelore,only 6 cents or two postage siarhps. '_'- The celebrated author, in thts:admir- able Ess:.;- clearlyl ilenaonstrales, from thirty years' suecessful practice,-that alarmlEeconser]iii--itces may he radically cureit without p.ledarigeions use or inter nal medicine or the tfopli'cation of the knife; polming out d mode of cure at once simple, certain and enectnal, by means of wuicti every suffersr,no rGattor~ \7bat bis condition mry ue, mav cure hlmelf cheaply, privaleiv and radically, i Tills Lecture should be in thelinnds of every youth andevery man In th hand. i THE CCtVEEWELt Kr.D!r.41, CO.. "\- -U AnnSU.New YorK. PpstoffleeDox^ , 4-iy BQ0T & "gjlgg S^QRE Prinsle's Jewellery Store, I opposite Aghew"s' Hotel, Main ' Gnelpu. ' i Street, Acton. t'K?',;- -Aouitss PA:in, f i.i.Ali\,\\ asWi-Bton,Ketr Jersey. NEIV 30R!!li[0N 05JSIXESS t'KOPiiliTY 'S i'Z FOE. THE ^. O T O 3>T The undersigned offers for salo that desirable property situated on Main 6treet, now occupied by 'Mr* Chas. Camcrcn as a store and dwelling. The property is in first !clasa condition and with a good cellar. Terms liberal. For further particulars apply to MESSRS. W. PARTING & CO. ' I - ; : jMontreal. Or," W.H. STOREYi Acton. Acton, Aug. 22d, 1877. J.E. McGarvin's Worm Powders. J. E. McGarviu's Cough Syriip, ljuying. ._Tlii8 8 a progrossivo age. Now features aro constantly being in- troilated, old theorios are revolution- izpd;u Music, which but a few years since was unthought of in that connec tion, lias been introduced in our Public Schools in many sections of our country and it has become ; almost a necessity' for every family to possess cither a Piano or Organ, or both, and it is im portant that all should know where the' best instruments can be bought for the least monoy. Daniol F. Bcatty Esq., of Washington, New Jersey, has a worldwide reputation for making'the host, and wo believe his prices compare favorably with other first class makers. We would earnestly recommend all. to write to him for information before Only 1 aYear In "advance. TO FAR5IEKS AND EVERYBODY ELSE.'i "' >- ' KE&aySY &v 301T Why is Pringle's jewellery store . . f- iri Guelph the best place todeal at? VVisI* to-call the attention, of the ii<f Becauso all the'watch, clock and >-bilants of the Village of Acton' jowellery repaii-jng is either do\ie. ^lo^or^ C tli?,'r^lnaen8e by himself, or under his personal: __-_" _ supervision. He being a. first-class . SOOSS, SHOSS 5 GaoSEBIBS. workman in all the branche*,..and I Comprising all the latest styles in having the greatest interest in keep-! BotB. ^d,^oef- . !. ,"? , T .. r ,, ., . Ordered V/ork receives our ertecial ing his customers It fo lows th^t Attention. Kepa-ring plompt^t all the work will be aone .weir. tended to. Every job which corner into the i ; ____ . shop is examined by him before it I , >.. . t^n^ . !tui Grocery Department [I '" is taken away. Is well supplied with Ton can buy watches and clocks - cheaper there than anywhere ei."f, _ because Pringle having bought from j IGSS. O'dgclTS, Thos. Russell & Son fop'is3i the ir-ruitS[ Biscuits, 'robaccos, Soaps, Coffees, &c., &2 whole of their stock in Guelph, arid got it 'cheap, he can afford to Bull cheap. All stock bought. b** him in future will be bought for cash. Merchants and traders'tnow that this i3 a great advantage. -Pringle -. ,, has no connection with the firm of] Ple-ase ca-l-n<- examine Our Stock. Rurisell & Gon, any more then he KENNEY & SOiS is still their authorized agent for]| Acton, Deo. 12 1877. the -Russell' watch, which is ac- ' ________________: knowledged to be the hest wu'fcli made. G. D.'Pringle -hasVftlso hren established as agent for.^e Wal- "jriAllM 'FR-SAILS OS -3EKT. The undersigned offers to soil his tha'm and Elgin American watches, 1 iarm consisting of about lOO.acres, being and a full Hue of them, from the !7Vest,h?lf of I?c'21' 5th,c>- i*sqnesing. ,.,,,..., 1 . ' . Good frame house apd oarn, srnflll or- lightest tojhe henvy six-ounce ease, m on the will be kept on hand. Remember j premises. The load is of erwllent, that all those 'watches are ne^ve i quality.betwcea 80 and 90 acres cleared., bought ectiuely ifor casli, and 'there- -,J covered with good miple.. r' 1 i-u 1 . 11 -f , - !.t*ech and cedar word. 25a<re3 sood foro can and will he sokL by h,m ; ]ook; ,.wheat ;a grnund. itp;~;hg^ cheaper than they can he go^ any-j rcipaiiea time he may have it for od<: where else. Beautiful Chvistmaa ; year.r^T a number of years ': rent shall <'oods coming in everv day.. 'iGold j "e rep.KJrei1 *P advance. Offerji will bo - chains, gold rings,locket?, brooches,];Z^&&h^*'* ^^ &c. 22 3m.- OXE WilO K.KOWS. 28-Gt. SIMO"'"cLEAN,. on the mcetnieex^ li;. ^^^^^WS^^^^^^^R

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