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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 17, 1878, p. 2

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m fBeMtHlalliiniM^. isrsfcareis).( irptK ACTON FKEETPKKKti S'^ral taking in bf sa.il, and, bye -~^- and-byo. thev Will find t li n't- tilings lV.Mi.he->! every Thtir.-.aiv Mornim: aiv not lihclv to In- tso bad as thev A Case i>5 Ral>} FanaiHjr. Tin- neighborhood of Don Mount is in a feN i r of CNcil.'incut ON IT till) fl Por Annum .in Adw.neo m(w v,v0 nis!-;. it would tliru In- j ,ivvv,-i 0f a women i auinl Matilda PCII St Li Paris Pliila asier to exhrnd tlimi to curiail in I Willooehby, it:i :'tille:;i d keeper of, jta,lls i...... :.......:...i .... .. ^.nlon 'vr -ioFW\^8!*"> : T..VUHI-U-.I- 4--~-t>--,+ . < l-'OO . - - , , chart!.' ol hillu."am iiilaulciM bv - ___________________'ouso.- O ceur.'-e tins policial cur * .. . ,,,, ^. I :oiiiiiuialr.riiiy j'Si'^Di ae. 1 lif - Jim - Tu.^mav" Mokn.no. .'.J. 17, is.s i^'"iont in hu:,inv.:.i wiil make 1 ho ,; u.u! ,r> ^ , y i,UVt, Oolm,- labor inufki't ivon driller tlmu il is I to lit;lit. .are these : In the early lU'rioitsI lwmwilHJtlM..'Ml'JilJ!'3^'.M'>0^^ THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTO^ COUNTY, OKT., JANUARY 17, 1878. Uiikl SrSssor-Hele^tN. nis-has -10,000 votcra. luisi 3,000 artists of repute. dolphin bus 700,000 inluih- tb.'oi'to CruikshanU, tlit; artist, i: ill. TRAM?3. , ift present r This is unfortunate, I tis the I'lavies] if the burden .will. " A tapir'cot tl.o v hole country is of com m\'fall upm those nv In)'.tiro swarming witlt thi'>e, pel haps, most ' lca>t aide to hoar it. 1'ui- tlio d.l miserable^ of hani-.V. - Ulays- tl.o [ fixity Ins to be squarely mot, ami the- sooner alal Ii).ire deterinil)<dk tramp. Our Viil '. Jior full -share of them, a* sonn il.os there has1 been seen us nmuv s nveivn.e, J "T it is faced the in.ii-o speedily it will bo overcome. , Wo should, Uteiefoie, put ourselves ill tlio best iiitlicoltiei which await us. us half-a dottel) to a dozen in oiu I day, wandering around and bikini; .They vi-i11 uot work'to earn a meal but 'prefer bilging to woiking Some ;ot tliom, nvo UlieNe, are - . .- ... , , -. ' Aivon'.itit; to souio h.'iisatioiial (.a'.vts on which to boMuNv o.::irity. -, i! ". : j , . joil'llao., i-.ratul has lioosi i'.S lu.u v.liile others arc 1 i^v, uujJ Kn - :",-'.. . . '-.,,., _ " tilri'.ini:: i:Uo a Nvar Nv.i'.is Ivissm us nothing toafors, v.'ho t;o tiroiuul part of Au;o::it last M I'M. W'il - lv>u;;l\bv ivntr.l 11 house on !>. - t Ii'usmo street, itlnl o|irin'il mi lios- jiiial for the eii'e of infanta. h'oi .-everal months; her business re i!ia:.ni".l a m-oivI to i.he neighbors, l.uit llie i*i.'i|'.i.:iit'V with uhie'i fuiierals'oei'Urrejl from her 11011-e aroti.si'tl tl.o smpinions of thou- liviiijf near, ami tlio matter w^in fiillv tulkiul ubuut. No uctioli Wa;. jioss'rbli! shape to overcome too taken," however,, until'. Friiliy, 5r. trom place to peace iuuomuc on those Nvho they thi-ik are :"';o!:sh J enough to givi1 tLcin smyiiiinjj. . between .R-issii and Vu.-k.-y. us it is possible. If hits Ivi-U uSKt'it- i.llhal'sue NVii-.ilil-not mlmi?"' tlio pri'.ieij'ie il si'pal'at.ir lu-^oti.t'. ions This class are".Ik su; j vts" for the .'.ntnil 1'rtsoii, to which place Ausliia, licriur.ny, ami Jtaly li.iw alre:'alv ilullC. Tili' k. Mliloli Ti:dC<, thev shouhi be m.u for .-?.n mcutl..-. ; Jjk ever, in n ery foreitoe. la;igeaj;e ^r-yeir.and icade ioT.oii; foi- tlieir-" points out th- ia-^aniry > a i.-ovt. li !! of t'::e I'rii:,i'.ii:i . War policy, at: ! '. i-si.alel J: Villi.'. The trimij'S nv art;-not entsn.lv ..ve \;-.;.<ii is.-. i.li'nd to th- j Aii Ohio man cured 81,000 limns lli is aciition. A man in kouiKaim ;iniivriedlive tillirii ill floVi'll llliHililH. I The latest, sensation ill lhilton,- (la., is 1 femalo bliicksuiilh. i" Venn will be! Philo occupied time Till) I Pa.liain ruarv. .r pn-'liets that Ki-hiuai y le Coldest malllholi iveoro lelphia has L'O.OOOi 1111 house:; ut'^tho preSeio' lull'. BtiltcM the 1) ill iuioli Wiieli ji fjirl'" irimed .Mvl^allr.'i , tni'ormed the ai-.'.hoi ilies of Nvhat was eoiin; nil, "and swiivo out iv,-.ut;uiI a.;ailiSt!Mr;.. \V|ll !.bv. ,, m~^ !; appears ' thali M .. l-'all'roy, some hreo uioii'.h.s nyo, eu'er.d the lioii :>ital anil had a child on the 7:i. !> C'iilbcl: fas'.. \'[i1ll I'oiMVi lili;.: "Tic complained to .Mrs. \Villou:.'hh;, .hat her child was not, b iiii: properly eared for. the complain: Oci'.IJJ feiloNVrd bv a Ijl ll'ivl be- 1 we. 11 the n,o. This c his -il Mrs. Vv il!i>m;hb_N 'a air..-:, which w.-..- ma.io by t '.m t.ibl" lie !,;..on. 'i'.h> r.ai^hi l.-f.ire Mr. l! vl. J. V. am! was c. ' vV.I ! ,- The '.voa.a: ':.{ -' '.h-i-. a w i1 h ;...: v.'.: Clety. It is contain in linm, A. T. in X --n .."_',( .!l), 111 1.1:. _"J m.'.u A by li. 1 r inr.i 111 tlv.o ui will meet on' 7th Toronto ladies 1. ive {'. i iiiijirijVL'iiu.'iit li.crai Teb rua-.I V I o A 11: Wile class. Lut ilaivhis live^el-;,,.^.;^^ ,r, u vl:,!;,.v: tu | I a iiuuiber ef leiaaks. v, no. pel ar.;s. ; . _: -.js l.ai^-vid the the vi-hoie tr.i::.n tiihe. . 1:j.- ii:- 1 ;>,,.:,. \viil !lL.t U;nn the ail vice, stance, a woman caikd :it [Lis cilice Tons far, a Hi with Iki^ia one day last,-_we<.k and wh-hed to ; has been avoided.. On. w ha! tern t kiiow *-it*\ve Wi.uhl be kj:id i-not:v;!i ; of Jjvaeo the t':or may he >vi!lin- tj Siive licr 11 li:kc uiohey lo assist \;'-' treat v.'ith Tvtik-v is us yet tin knownt/ The war pvty in C'o;i- stauthjot'ie. are disji.Jsed to j^ivc ! tioubk.-tC'.id are c!;i:.iouii;'_ for the in taking Let- to Tor>'.u.tij." On beiue; uircoted to t'.iv Po-eVe,' v.!:, Las money fjr that i-Jiip.-se, ,e.1 Ulildlv toU us thai j-.d.l he.-, ret orn o f Midhat I'.is!. ^ is cur uioufiv an.! and iro to _' j now or. i\ iiii.-.^ion to the Court of St. James. A11 iiisun'cc'.io'.i is u]>- ^mej.ersoUNvcn: i.Ji..lierentpar;io.|!,1.e;.i.;(l..c]_ Th[. fc:r.;j:(,::i.,ns of aail wanted mem-v to take i.ei|to am! it is he Toronto, ' M('. The Rus. tloz^u other place?. I shins coenpy "S ilia, v. ]> A-li . eiws ! ;i'.c w.-'m :i .;_:.. i:."....-e,aii " i ; e '. . .o. !, i.. l. : . and : v,.. o: : .: o'o e.-.uiition. (.ir.e of ih. in-'.-.i'. ^ h'..ii bee;, in ;,n l;ll;s,;:S,;'.,.:l:v .t.'.ie lor iho'.a ti-:i 1 ..ii!.-,, ami v. as i.'.'di sh'ojdn^. V 1;.-U' I he I'.'l I e t w-...-, la..a . 'i'tie prisoner ai-U:. o .-. h .ly.es licit se_vcii;i!e.-.i'::.s l:.i\c nci-.;; 1. 1 ill tin; house since she siai'mi ii, but d nies th.it they .lied throoydi ill '"..;:;< l'V, attrihutii:;,' I hi in ail to mriv .vea:.iiy. Tiie names of two .h c'ois of tiie city are Uieiitlonid n tIl-_- Uleilic.d fr'rlii,mis at the ho:- .pital, but 11 thine; dvlii-.i't: !;cf:nd- ii:y; this has b.-.-n made pailie. t'i.C Case is lieili'MUVi-.-thiatcd. is ge,,j.,. J.iciuiy III r. 'ford h chee.-u Tie- tilhri- citv re.1 Th c! e.v.d l.ottlids Out- h in- h.- ta;itli a The was 1,11 oiiipjited that 1. iioloii .Nvill fully li,l"(t0,0ll( of Ijeojih ' . i | .StaWart'a hotel for wmnen, Yolk cii-v, coat! over ,il0: J . bink'ii Act has b-.-n cirrii.! i Id, liast Pcletborli' bi laW to raise ::.-.'.'..U-.'0 f-.V liar r.-'.'eii- I,';. ],;...; fra-n c.fl'l'ie.i a .ii unnl. i v( -neat i.v ou foot to [.raise - .d:. --'t i.e v.:i:h n juojiu-s !c ail I- al.ll:-.!l a kid !y-h>Vr It W.-llalld. ! J : , :uis. 1) dlaii'yno. of Strat s paid mr, .-l_'Ci,(a)0 io; li: ide of I'll days lops sol ! from Toronto ills , to owm is c.f cill'.o iiii lltt: li.'. - :Jo00 daily. : ! . 11: ili-li public . smrihe.l, and si:ni;'ed" C5,0t)i.) 000 of to' acco last Year. ! A tn.yie oulihiimihai .1' loi-lieiy e i.'l- ...celiuvd at k-J-il^loI,. Pei'hajs cue Ci' the best things i t'toiu a has'.' for oju-ratioiM in ' Pa _not long" s av. -.'.....aie il-. j The tha; the' new- L\ -i.:-.-:l c-.ahi do | Ih-uua.nia ami,opens up th'e re--' l"ick, famed throughout the country j Send, iv . ,, i ... j___... , ,,r t'.,, ,. ,:,, ,,,! ..,,',' '"OI" bis inic'iitv and nnhiac.iiu .S.ates, ^TOUld be 10 C.lCt U. 1-CC::-S',;> ;;. ^o..U. s O: ..... C .!....\ 1..0U:l'J .ilui - . . , 'lli ' I , , . iii-vo'.!i.:i lo o.aiv, war a ii,u-co-c ' scholar ' them pay for their night's lodging I iud'-i-vrnki.t '.f t-u;.plies from Hon- Lv br<.-abin"-'Our:>o'-:i'ioi' =' ,,-.< ui I, | r.iauia. A drawn hattle seoms to _ r ^i-.it:on stones wi:a v.'Licli to gr&ao" cvtr itrcr-ts. Tii,- Jilca, may be imislJ by some th:'.'. if-a lock Up v.ub erect-, d w-_- would . LaVe i: fi!leJ every m'^hs v.:;h Hvaratis. .. S6,p^;.cl. tl.o lit t'.-r. Ta-: I.,orc tfmUT'ahfiJ.'-:-^ are k-.:_".d .the i; ive been fo;i:;hc betw.-c-n the T".v!:s ate! Tluhsiaiis i.i Pctu'ciiOr. the JuirXlcall Ihildt, ill \.ii:C.l 1. S brothel--iu-law w..s -ashler. S. :.- time ago 'iLo hali!: ' Mas roOhed .1 ~"jj,<I'-'O under the ciiccuaUaiices in 0::c.-.t:n_' tli.i t - i-ou e one couiu c'.-.i Hi: res it is a : .;; a i-i: 'On B.inday cvoniiif,' lnf.it tlio pUlllj) lUld lilill l.lidji, of Jh, :A. Kiddell, (.tuel[ili, Nviis comjiletMy dci.t.ioyed l.y liio.n The Iiiks i' about fyl,MH), iliruraiieo . f/jO'OO. It is fiupji'o.si'il that the liro nvuu tho v.-r.i 1. oi an iit( .diary. .i. J L'ree Tho.i-ht: (Athekt) hv)cie?y is- li('iii;_;. oiganized in , L'elelirville, IiOlidoll. Olio of tlio I. nilei-H recently v.-cnt to a loom nvIk'tii lay a dyitif,' dupe, forcibly ejected n Church of Knyliuid e!er;,'vnnui (who hud been M-ut for at the 'twelflh lio'ur), and then -Hffplor.-d the poor fellow, hovering bt'lucrll life lll.d tlenl.ll, to " die e-.me."- The day id'ter thin blas- phi.-moHH.exhibition tin: eler.ttyman was apiin ...-lit fi-r, tin; aicdt liian coiid'ssed tlio mr.ir of lii ]ia:;L life, mil deeply dej.hued li is connection with the v.-relchad Atheist. C'oikiIci foil twenfy - fi v(> cent p'errs are in circulation ' in Jliiinil- '. n, and .1.-.-where, wl.dcli are raid to be very '.veil .:.ecuted, and would pass nnvwhere, unh-ss in.-pect< d. Tiie pi-ces are heavily jilited with pure silver mid would bear-it num- I. er (IT tests. Owi'ng to tin- purity! of the phitiiey, the .siirfaces of the] oiu are bri-hier than thosi: of the ley^al e.iir.s \vh:L-h contain' allov. \\ hen (-X'lmined carefully and com-, pared with the f;e!iuine Article, it is pereeival,le that the die hy v.hieh '. -.'iiey are i;:i'in'k (Iocs not giv-.' the clear imprr.-sion tl;o latter bears; Tlio collate) fcit in about one did li lighu'r than thO other, but'ithnS tho '-ring" and. tliu" difforencb in th') '.v^.-i-ht is irot- perceptible.:. -The yea- .stamped- iijioii the counterfeit -hoNvji was 187k Wr.i.coMi; ToPr.siAN Phisonkus. ----A despatch says the ovation to th" kb-raled Fenians, in Dublin,' '.ii rsi'utday, wan o'iiioe 'lit. Abiait.-iit'tia-n thou.-and m-i: wpio p p.el..d spa- in (J....-J X* of t he station, and a '..!-e;e itell, lie.ches N.iia- l^e.^-i:in^: as tl;o iMuC,: ex-piisotiel: , (-'hani'a Is, al-Cal thy, j O ih'ieJi, mid !>aitt .stepped (/'at of; the train. They wore seiz-d by ; stalwart nii-n and carriea! on tla-ir I w mj V ck? e^^eL L& Mi IN THE /%. <T1T<r~s>-rvr '(*';" - ' : j Half-yearly &M ;S- ^.9 Ofl <*. AGTON .f- .ulo.-rs to;' c-rria As t\.. !lii-s::-.n corps in the; ],; s had 5:1 men frozj-ii to I !"-'; olje -'-n-ryed f too station i Sit' frost' Idtteii. i 1. W. II. station ut Toronto ^l.oiaii on Monday lliorn-' 1 SoJII- m nun-v o.iri'i^vl - I ' j' . -are upwards' of 70,001) sc'oio'is, iii the. V.!ii:.'"-1 they were -r-.-i-ti d v. i- h deafening! Caeeis. Tiie -bajiil.s .hlltlck "l':Ji '- God s-'iive old li. hind," and on t'ic instant ivory head was un covered, and (lit- immense crpwd sine; the National air. An address of v.-elc.iae was read, to which one of the p: i-eners replied, wilil about . O.Oop.OOO j and the totch i:;;ht proc-.-Kion | ' | proceeded to' tin he.-1. At- liit; Jk.!: Pale cenf-r::ice in Dublin, : '.' i! ;tt l'l'.-ip-si-d a, ..retolmion t(, I ,i tithrtm- ban:-: vaa priw to tie ik-aick, i,..- |.-i.~i.gemei.t wiiii the Turks. 'l.Vi:i'.'.i. ill gl C;.L lii.-'.i.': s, ( n.-.-ic l.-st , .!|>j!i-ii5i:iL t.j tiie cieiks, n;i- ':::..; ' er. 1>: ;t .a .:, ' Uliet y- credited 1 a!.other, to conle.-S, and uuany I. ! .";i2.t;0(;,'>C0. .: is *\s.i 1 .iCiter, worto ore trawfyJlJ.-ie mole .stonc-;i v. 1.. Oe Laialrll. :.I th- h-JtiHr -vein lis ti.o :-fre .=. la I,'-i:l0<-' t-f trooyS c-a.-y. l.ciuly'eiiongdi to pay for the'lock- . An cn'o-.t is being uiadc to chsnge in/, which v..j- k.:0 the hours of cja.ning the Otitatio or -^700 to the Vili:;-.'-. a.s ihere are ! k -! itu're and cai rviii" on its. f ICO Jviujj in .laitii, to be \ivuvo- I ie:s::n-K3. 31.my c-bject the late lii'eatotP lor that i.i.!!..,:.,'. Wokh; -.in^ion- of the 1 !o;:se, and are in \vus crrutatej bv the (.'...;:::: v (_'..-'.-.};;-'.!. i i.-.vcr of ha.-. ;;\g a forenoon ies.i-.ioii Tiiis. monev nvo:.!J cif.-ji a .sebstan-i.:'i em ch.-vi-n to two |>.ni.. tlfiT i tial 'lock-up; wiLo a (Jou:.cii C'h.tia l-seca:.:! from three to tax, v.iien the bgr a.bbve, abd v.a.uld Lc qukc an ' bitiiiit-.-s of tLc IKiu.st; would be riiatntlit to our- Vil-au-e.. / Wehoi/ethematier vvd! !o fally ! '!i:lt l-:'- ^'-':u aiittee-, v.- d-;^'-'U^e-_I :ic .Cwj n-.-irt i::'_-vtni; - tie Council, and wo nvouLI kke to! li-t;1e: i.WWMA at lii^L ami l.:'o- ' u(liTi"!l':jK-'* ^"""ii'- is a goodone. }'.. .| Would greatly ber.eut the heiUh of ; members, and would iu no way . re- idlpublic LuEiuess. '"Xtt a substantial lock-tip ere thu \ lila^e m a snort time. -.THE Brsi;*i;:4S OZF^-aOiL T02 iJi^S. "J -Jpudgfn-^ fro:n present -appear: ei;2-_-s, the business pro.sji?cts for toe year upon- v.-bich wo bftve just j tlio Pontificate of Pet'-r'in Autiocti.i entered are by u j means eircourug- and Xloruc. Tlio laom.'in Catholic k-ing. There is an abundance of sooieties of Home intend to mark country, but there is t^e d~y by the distribution oi monei nothing to biing it into circulation Farmers in this f-ajction of tin '.'.be' is said to 1 i'l'.mv ii'.oro'.i '>;j" i'o;her-:u-l -w l,iniM-:f i-.ck:io-.vl-.b.-- V ko-n over, thus- rend. : in- the' " -^.^bue and promis.d to :e- turn :.;. ti.e n.om . ii ti.e v. li-: rnattec should be hept secret. lletr.c'.; ]iioin;.s.e(i, t!;c money w.-.;. lciunied tlir.aigh him, diiiil ;iiu matter subsided for a time. ih.t thy p.a.ple lo.-.l coniikue: in.ll.- oank,alrl the ohrei'loi s decided that, to sa\o tho h-iiiit IVoiti inm, thV- i.i'L'i'it In'.i.JJ be le'.'t.ded, and a ;:otli:i;ai aillt Was t!iei.:t"jre biougat io lec-aVer t!:e reward which had b; en plfeivil at the on; jet kioir:_i: was, of i-aiis-', c.nip.-ihil to .take the aland to f;iv the t-.-timony \.;.;e:i x; ,u!d coo ,i^n the broke'i-.,! ids \..;e lo'a oris ui c.-il^, i.vmV -one kuelV Lpat he N'/olihi. leil the whole tru.ili; and tliit t ii a i:.v r t"T;. Would, be d :>a .t. .::r. cost, a ah every eye was tinned upon him. He loio >!uw ly, "hi., face revealing th- terribie mental agony under which he labored. His limbs seemed paralyzed, a friend rose beside him tOSllppuit his trembling Conn, when ilia jaw dl'oj.p'ad wit.ii a gur-iiiiy soiiiid,- and he fell back into the arm's: of his friend dead. f' ip; i.in Po:r.i!.,:ii;:, of Xwv Ylii ',:, tec llil'j pel.follli.al the a.,toL::k;iny f at of b:e:'k:ji;e. w lli a sho;:-uii, '>,'-!':i' .yh-,aa halis ia e'-O n.iinu-s. a a girl begins to take a in a young- man's crave... ien the does not. -Ionv! him l'1- tLe 11<liI"' ll'-.le ." me:ub-rs form ' il Heparan- ali'i ihsunot jia.rlimr.eri'.aiy party, uiii'teikon the;"' principle of obtaining s.tdf-govern- i.'ieiit for Ireland. . It had been ar. a.r-.'d, to avoid ikiiWencc-s in ;_ lll-.tll'i', ihr.t tl__ .COtllllli.'ti(i UK.Ot. weekly, und tlu: ]i'.'irt-y bo jjovunn d by its decision To ! aAroid carrying- over' any heav j- good:S_ ys t irTstocItiHn-- :l |accourit__ oi txo kinprscef _** i "-*-> -r-4 annij'oUolice 'a r-'-.- GpAKD ^WEEPING SALE,:^ COMMENCrS'G 02T ui ;.v la.:: done I eh sed fat the d iv. ]t is proposed I meet in the forenoon, coaid ha If Pope Plus IX, lives until next Juhb ho will have reached according to tradition, the years of -i o - . c-iaotry do not seem at alkiuclincd to s^I! tlieir grain at J<rcsei:T, al- thougli tyhe p.-iaes piid are good. Ikj doubt tL c-iu.-e- of their, kold- ing tiieir.grain is b-cnise th'-y _f.ntieip-.a.e Ihi^'^r-a'.-i roin-r intb war ag.imsc IkiT.ia t very sooiij- .. -iiO.i i-'i-i::-. an iii td:e a iiuklen ;..----. T.iM-nfori*, as the- f,ar:nei5 do not bill ili-ir grair, it tends to to the poor .schools of Home and olher educational institution:; the>o, ' Th cfiiosrs of tlieiiO societita'appeal o II iiiian Citliolies everywhere to jr-tribule to the'fund. It is r.'.ated- On good authority .at L'.rd fii-.l"-i-::i will n.-.-t leave oi-oof-r :ie. The hangman's record for tin pasft year >hov.\s that 83 muid'aeis Nvefe lutuged in the United States. Of this--iiiimber 47 wile white, oi colored, 1 Inda'.u, and I (Jiiinaman ; i were handed for indecent assar.hs, 1 for burglary. G for v.; e-murder, 1 for fillicide', and 1 for iVat rici.ie. Theie Were 3 double ex.-ea::.. , 1 triple, 2 oiiailrcp::-, and 1 in which G men v.ei- hoi-al. ..'-.'-.t V'l interesting account of fee j (k i.null 111 UIV lilW I'.l'i-lv lli't'll'pub- Tin- ilrarnvton ("ye rv:rn\ ravs | j;.a,uiI hy ., i?ri.n,.;. ,;i;icer, \vho waa tor many years military attache at the Court of lirriin'. The total number of '.rainei : ohlkya G'er- ihn ,A."aIa<;'l -nald Nvr.i-.pr.~- ; .' e-.iihi .: . ..:e of in 'time of villi a fine, eel 1 Nvate'i' :i:i-1 ih-'lu.JOy. l.J.o tl'oopS of the l Weeni.'aliv eveiili'.a- 1 is; J > -mi-^li: In, is (:-:limated ijy tiie fito, bv the woikin-mt-n o. ' } 3,0::0,000 to oko00,0Gp hit th yreat d i.i the 1 Sir ,1 sented ' fllr.iu C in To! that citv. J r,f-i!:in,aye to t!:e wheat eb.'lib.if hood iK 8 mdiiill. ' rra tx rvo r- "i /? ey*-- tr* f 19 (% SS'P . ii <fi '!= e 'M'i-i W ii U r'lVil ^'hfifc-V^ 1.' ' ' - jt. i. Jalain Street, Acton. men, of v.hom 1,2000,00') beioaj_ ] to.th.. regular army and hvudv.-ehr. r. V'i'o. .donvo, v. no le'it'i-sf-n;-! , | * , , . , ' I, .,.,.'. .- ,'. ' O.'.mi,' to improvements Nvbich l.^*l.i-.lti.I--.,.^;\-,i.t-.--.r.... . . J ed the t liam-nt bird riding of York in Par- iii l.S 5, di'd at h uve been made in the jeofails of the niobtliz dioii .schem.o since the war of 1S70 71, the writer cakni- lutes that in three vreekstbe Nvhole Ch-n. (_/l\ ihl, Nvl.i. commanded t he \ of the. )-e<;iihii-. army tonld be l.i.-.n fore-' at ik.iy.-way, in 1 S j), ! coucentratodon UieFiVii-jli froutie.-f Nvnili! in iinolher tln.o weeks the k.urili battalions and six divisions of.laudwher troojis could be:brought up into" line; the t-otjal strength of tlio invading' nnnv Luing- thus r.ii.-.etl lo nbout D00.O0O men. The mobiiization of the tecond levy of troops could not be begun until the tenth v.-eek ;. but by the end of the thirteenth week 250,000 more iMi'. Sutton, a well Known: pro- nmn could be added/to tho field force, raising the strength of this latter to ldJQ,000, leaving' still 21)0,000 recruits.' dene in Toronto on' Saturday last. at:,d 7 7 when tiie Q. 0. It were.Osaka,UL-d through mismanagement, died on the Olh'inst. at Omaha, IS'.'b. y Over 021,000 was raised on Monday of Jast week in tho eik-m .street .Methodist Church,. Toronto, t o liquid-ale. the imh.bt-. line.-s cans si by the : receiiD enhirgeu.ento improvements. The undersigned is prepared to do all kinds of WbBl,'*vit*i neat- upss iviid despatch, ou tbe - thmtest notice, tmd at the a most s.r-asoar.blt- prices;. He keep-constantly on hind-all kinds; of : : and ST0%71S of the latest designs, Jaiaaa Ware, Its.. . MX lines ! of heavy'. Wool^r p-oods Faikly G-odds In fact* tiieii^ entiteM. ^topk of Dry Goods will ^ " diieired at :r\ff:"- :!:- -'..' tvS [sl ii - - . 't Y BOTTOM PfllCESJ i. f".ssiolial base ball player, nvii.s; con vened r.t a l-evivs.l ineetir.^ in Philadelphia; not, Ion;* r.vm. . He arose to lu!.irirss the meet ing,! and said : " } have inude tlio iirst base, ami by the help .6T tho Lord! will Taxt.s ox Editor'\v Faith. a home run." One of the gnu test trials of jtho newspaper profession is that 'its An \Kn;;'kh c:>mp-.iiy lias .been ioi'mei to cob.-,!.!', et iindcr"rOui:d All orders for Kepalring and eve- trougbiug strictly attended to. C0ALO5L ASPEOISLTYi, U.ill and be convinced that the aboye statements are not balder dash or frothy babblings \ WMi. .L&iTB, Proprietor. , Acton, Tjlec. ,2p, li!77. AJVJL1 ^UiiCH'-ia ELLIS' :* D. W. -CASIPBELL, Prop. iiicrnbei'.-; uro cum u.'llt.-il to tee more ' ' York citv, on the 0',ll,e K,ul"18 of H"-'jorkl tl.un any ;,*",;. k ;,":,; -3stou. Through every LiJ.sar.ViiJi'oioia.'Ld'k:.' .- -:M -'o,k. is to be commenced! im- n^vspHper ollice, day after day go Lord" Derby is coulk li! Urii i-.'i Ornirt trees into , , j ..-." j^. .... - .vain v ' . '. - i l'. maze Lae moivv markot preUv ,. c ii k v n- r l "-"-v mourning ror tiiree weeks lor Vic clo-.e. If tin:" v.-ould bring their gtain into tiie market and sell it, . it woultl put mi ihinieD.-x' tiinount of money into cite th-.tion ; Lut as they do not seem inclined'to do so just ney, things look pretty blrr.k: ,per foot. ~v at least the next- six months. In view of these facts, business men- would do well to proceed cautiously. Merchants should pur chase sparingly; manufacturers the hito King. skould also curtail their operations to the manufacture of such staple articles as cannot". well be done Wiiaamt;'aud ail .!:0:.H live (L - tor iommanueh Tho IJ-lleville City Council have decided to test tbe. siicc.'Ktt of artcs- iuri u'ttU.-i by i-inki ig one on :tlio alrke.t Sejnarc of .that town. The cost of boring is stated at $1.50 Stanley, tho African explorer, K-riv.'.i at ?,larsei!les on .Monday, 31st tilt. . During his tay iii Ro.nn he v.-ae. ].re.m.:ited Nvitii a cjmpli- mentary letter a:id go id m^dal from The bsi-iin'i.-.s paoplo of Mount ai" ire.st h.'.v.o d-;ci:h.'d to limit . tl e '.eras of credit to three, six and nine months. The timo allowed 'I',:- k pf:i;;.::,V; n.oio n.n.yei na\'ii.y iiaiiged on that (lay than' on aii the other days of tho v.-eek com bined. Forty-seven murderers were hanged on Friday, 17 on Tlitii'Kil.sy,'. 8 on Satimkiy, G on .Monthly, 3 on Tuesday, und 1 on Wednesday; Tin re were live exe cutions in January, 5 in February, 6 in March, G in April, 10 in May,. 15 in June, 11 in July, 1 in August, 5 in September, none in October, 'J in November, and 10 in Decelnber. Pennsylvania stands' iirst in -the list iof States for the greitteslentiiubei" of 'execution j dur- iti the past yoar, South Cai'Dlinu beiii" second. no. Vittoi Emmanuel, Kingbf Italy, died on the 9th insfc. He wi-U be i.i .'iep(!!'.d upon the saason of the succeeded by his .eon, tcince al the lino v.'ii.l I cost f:'.-ii'. kk'saybOO to ^y'Sj.KlUi.OoU. 'ii.;-; :c!,eii;e scetjis ;o lie the most fe '-ike (at 1 the i: t ah! tsh melit of rani.: t i;.ai:.:!T. in 'iii: ra-ti o'ooli.S. Meeker, who, if, wi1! be remem bered, slioi Mr. Jos. Dain, of York1 .villi:, on the 10th March, 1S74, has been tried this week in Toronto arid found ttuiltv of L'hootincr with all the weaknesses of the world ; all the-vanities that want to bo puffed ; "ail tho revenges that want to bo reaped; all ths mistakes that Nvant to be corrected ; all the dull speakers who want to bo thouaht eloquent; all the meanness that wants to get its wares noticed gratis in the editorial column, in order to rave taS in the advertising columns; all tlio men who Want to intent to kill. Ho was discovered be set right nvIio wore never right; in Statci IPrison, Indiana, where he. all the crack-brained philosophers was sen ing a. term for burglar/, with stories as' long as their, hair, and as 'gloomy'us-their finger-nails in mourning because bereft of soap; He was sentenced to fourKei yearn' imprisonment in the 3?mi- teutiary.i i!d be a lyiar at whirl) goods a.e Bold. }J.E.McCay- .1 Humbert. The' photograph is the ijnn e given by, the inventor, Mr. Edison, to un improvement on the tele phone. In connection^ with this instrument Mr. Edison has an ar- rangenient by which the undula tions pi-Oduced by tho human voice are recorded upon a strip of pifper, from Nvhieh at tiny subsequent time tho sentences nt'ered may bo re-1 produced'iiiitomaiically. i j nll| the boies who come to stay five minutes; but talk five hours. I'lirongb tho editorial and repoiv torial rooms all the follies andf shams of the: world are seen day after day ; und the" 'temptation ia to believe in neither God, man nor woman. It ia no surprise to me that in this profession there are some skeptical men. I only, won der that journalists believe any thing. "' Having purchased the above named establishment, I au) prepared to manu facture ' SASH-DOORS, ' MOULDINGS-/.&c All kinds of ' ' Promptly attended to. D. W. CAMPBELX,. Acton, Dec. 4th, 187:7. ' " 22-3ra A5 iO:i JiONTISLY'SALS. Tnie Acton monthly sale will he held at Agncw's Hotel, on Fair Day, .All kinds of'Stocl^ Implements, &c, paying 50 cts a-piece. Sale 4^ 12 o'clock. TEiRMS. Twelvejmonths' crdeit.bn approved ioint notes; . All entries-must he made to Mr.- Jas. liyder, Sec. ". - ' . -' ' . WM. HEMSTREET, Auctioneer. Two cold months ySt to bef^ Provided for. Heavy Over coats, Tweeds .Blankets, Man^: ties- Shawls, Bhirting-s, W& : ceys, Furs, Socks, Hose, Mitts, ^ &c|-; &c, /will Ioq . absolutely required./Don't fail to iecur^ i them sat tiie right t>laceandai } the jright^price. '.: :'$/. FT? Mm.: Is a &g^ui^ Saie. i v-i- No goods charged _ _. it regular marked Priceaj h i . '-'--. < '. a kin 5 lb. \o\i >at 45 cent^k y k : o ' ; CHRISES, HENDBESOIt *<?* Acton^bec. 5,:XS7iii - k \ . . 1 l-.-Cai-riij'fl'.'.'Qrm Powder-. J. E. McGarvin's Cou h Syrup. J. E.McGarvin's Worm Powder i, J. E. McGarvin's Cough Syrup. J.E.McGarvin's Worm Eowdei-s. 25-tf r+-.Tt:y .1 -.

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