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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 10, 1878, p. 4

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t*4 :'^i4l ' *' ('.,1 1--.J '5 ? > "~:Tt--' ;te:l V.'.-^;-.-<l i "E^ Hi f.f. Mnraa THE FREE PRESS, AOTOF, HALTON COUNTY, ONT.r JANUARY 10, 1878. 'WUA \0V UK MINI.?" ^myself with small uraoual of \ /"*\ A, ^^ j f~^| IT" kuives nnd pistols,, and awaited do-! %^^\^^ V/^^ I ) i -..),'; . i ' .i . " ' Vii op nunta. 1 did not notice onv- - ' l pri^e your love the most, I i i i > - S):cu..w,l,cwn moment passed, : | "' hllUMlitl tin- hist day, but at "'I'll let you know by |>ost," -. | tho close of the- second, while 1 ,Hut utitl he rimrcred near the sjiot Where she was wont to stri'.v : _,Jler parting words he ne'er forcot Though she w as tar away. wus writing at tin; ta bio./tho door I opened and a limn, almost a f'iant, I stepped in. Ho was, indeed, tilt' I moat desperate-looking man my Time |t.h-.V, ami still no news ) eyes had over behold. Such a It.vl come liis heart to cheer; 1 '"S body, u Rneulcinj;, dovlish gait x He tlumijht perhaps Mie might rofiiso j tdid wieli eyes! liis face- was To Ik) hts little dear. But not Destroyed. Having made, arrangements with Mr. Mitchell, of Milton, "or nn .agency for tho saliji of ' ~ Sani. Doors. Framos, Koulfiiacfo. Drsoacd irloonix?, ahDoslnu, Waisnoet, biding:, &c. i nm -prepared to furnish' uny of tho hove, lit prices that defy com- 1UU fate had decnied it otherwise, .Mthott^hJver hoart w:ks hard, ,< iie uioruuii;, to his e;'roat surprifo, fae'V o.ituca postal cal-d. On-oue side was Victoria's" head. His own name :uid address, Theother, which lie quickly read, Vout-auied that sweet word "vcs.' i.,.,.., .,.. i ot,.> ,.i ' polilion. l*lo:iiro call anil see sain brown m .1 rovered with n st a^l l or/moulting.' &o., before ,,ur tng board, , H earned ft huuvy j ol..lt>in ol.-owJ.oi^b. . whip in his hupd -and revolver ... , Bl N0S HQ QENJS pER pg^ ' * Kindly thanking- customers for imstliivui'riatid liopnii! hIill to tnoiit a Toxtis Industries, Xheiv'is nothing like nccoiumo- his helt, "tuwUi:lii 0)e: , could hbo hVj tllem that ho was j'goinir to iriinjor in^ ! ' Who are you !' 1 criod, fi'nrt i.iifl o]', tlnut funk into my chair, nearly frightened to death. _ 1 could not. eneak i I eottkl setl'C'lv breathe : I could only staro at .the idooilthirstv wretch bi'l'oro uie. I , - . - . . . tried to reach for niv rnviiLver, out xttioii, even i:i so<u ifiuiij a matter , . t that luoiiiiuit, the lexan, liv.nn><: as slioolili'J yawv jiei^Ubor, or yoftr ' , , , , , ,, . : ,,,."-,- "] "'.. i l>oth Imuii.s on the table, and- with liciijliool" s lnenits. it is Haul ot , , . -. , tail' blmro of youj" patronage. 1 am tespoctfullv \oiiih THUS. KBaV;13J Agnnt. Shop at Mr1 ("'eiioii's out tuairl Acton, 1)1 e. -7th, 1-i".*. iiU-ly. 'GASH F0R.SKIN& SSV fefe prepiircd to pay the li"ylicst i of ."'."',' "" for all ,, .. T , f iilll J_aiut;ler, tlio uoioiioiis des . , , . , ., =" -, ' uat t- stahbed me with tho remark ' D'ye, want ter buy a lo:vl i of P prmio, of Texas, that he galloped .oyer ^he .ibtatti-shootuij; people just [ , lor pmcticij; and all the tmiu as I ! gay us a critket, This may be ex- | ' **' Hggerrttiou, but one thing I do 1 Keep roofs, roads and sidewalk ^iiiow, btr had a frolicsome way of clear of snow, Atsini; lirevinns, und was not at all .,,,, /,,'- ' , ., i , "* ' * -, ',-' r. t .1 he telcphonemav l>e wcil enough liarlicuhu- as to bis own safety. I . ', , . , , j" ,' . . , ,...-. I as a musical disseminator, ti;it what ihayo m mind several incidents in . . ',; . , . ; ',-,.. / .11 ait' country nc-eds is the invention tie lite of this charniino youth, but I .. r . , , ; , - ,: i., ,-,; -,-------- ... -> - .' , ot aoiiio sort of telephone which lif \\. It. Siimr.v & I o. will niso.rc now that lie Lg m tho hands ot thu , ,. , . , ', J .i ..... . . \ ,. ... ' mav be aimui'd tulmndoroans and Jaw it is U^st to friye hiui a luu , i . r , , . . f ., , ., thin toned pianos in such u manner i shake j >r glory, it is not no bad I . , ' ., ... 111711;VP tf'F R - , , ' hs w conduct tho music noiselessly M,fi9*' * *' ei veai-a, but oven .. , , ... . r.i -"- SliJcpsUins"- ;v.k1 CulfsUins lit-j;ood condition dclivertiUitour '. taunery.' We wish it tu he distinctly uinli'rstuo.tl that we pay the Ilium:*'!' I'liici; for surli. Farmi-rs will study their iiitur- e'sts by lirin^iut,' thoir skins to nn, in- i ateail of a^lling tllciu to Middle:een at:d ' lVdultTJ. STOKKV, MOUKKA ('<). .IVrsons h'.'wiiu.' skii:s .it the .factory jit \,\". It. iS-roici-.v & I'o. will ai> reive the hiyhc.-d price for tlii'iii.1 now as it: foruie at the |>rcst}nt iheru are many play- oli', and d.uiup it in some out of-the- I . 1, ,-=;, .10., r way iihjce where it will not becoino l\ll Vouuj lisliows 1U the &taU> who ,,- ' "1 : ,j(r ., . , unVusive. <;an boast of KJIling their score of nit 11. r- Sjome years ago I went (0 Texas lor nV' health, and remained'in the jSUle lor thrcJ \ears. I think the fii-st.ifciy I w;ta in the Ej.ato I saw .a man killed. It was this way : 1 had su-pped into a fssbionabie .,Ealoon, in Austin, for a eii>ar, and .while there a pale young luan, wearing a white plug hat, came iu ^ind ord ered a ' cocktail.' IJeaidea aiyself and the pule young uian, *He^-e w-i-e two others it: the saloon 5XTS A\I.\. On and after the'lat of Novthihor, LIST OF MUSIC BOOKS Hold whelesnlo and retail by John Anderson Booksollor., Guolph, Burrowcs' l'iaiioforlo Primer. JousHo'a Musical Catechism. nortini'f NoW Method for tho Piano, Clarke's Newf Method for the Piano, lluiitin's Tinno Torto School, lIowo? Ti.'iKO witJi/ut a Master. Uicharii.ion'R Novr Modern School, Uitze's Parlor Orgar.; Silver Wreath (Vocal). 100 different MufJjfjHookfi, A Rig Discount on nil I AS' ft ? ?^ > ay j Aivp ^ H ^ *i BNi ^-C3SEAP B00SXST0RE | On the Kiist side of Wyndh.'iiu Street | GUF,l,ni. 'I By reading und praMlrio* the lncitiniabletrulln cou I talced in ttio bc?r medica j book ever issued, cntitlci SF,LF-11iKSEnVATIO> l"rlcc only $ 1. Bent by mal on receipt of priee. I' u W.STEWART&C0 AUK NOlXr SHOEING & very lur^je and very oh'oice assort ment of TOR FALL WEAR ': i- in New Black and Colored Silks, . New French Carhmro8, New Ribbons end Tien, New Drees Goods. New Staple iJry Goods,! MAGNIFICENT D^SP OF N^-w jPall and 'Winter &00& AT % X- -M a quiet looking individual loaning Soots S SllQOS CRAINE & SON have just received a full line of SI 5 Mi. will be sold at tho following treats of Exhaiiftcd VitaUiTyWcmature UUn , , K"rve.Ui ond I'hy.-lcal Dcbiluy, and the emllcn rates : coUtomltant ills find untold miseries that rc-snt , tbercfrcim, and contains more than Moriffin.il pro 1),,- Ailirl 'lTonlo. Krintitws.nnvono of which hirortli the price o) 1 Ul l.^Ucll l, .J '.^IMHb, Uiebook, This book iras written by the moftcs ' j tensive r.nd probably the most Bldlfulpractitltiiiei . -i-> t- . o,' /n , In Aniorlc.i.towhomwasftTTiirdcdairoldBndJew I i OT 1 llll, Z\ Ceilt^t eliejmcdal by the National Medical AnsoclalloB AND RUBBERS for winter use. S FECIAL ATTENTION GI7JSN " . TO OSDEHEl) VOSSi Repairing promptly attended to. CRAINE & SOU. December 17, 1ST". ugainsi the bar, and a lean, tans: cadaverous specimen of the Texas ! 5S|_"* GOOtl^ frohtitr.-iuan. The imieyoing nian " ' drank his liojnor, paui his coin, and yas about to depart when tie ranger accosted hiai : - .,- - .'You're a queer looldo' -ehfip,' The 6id. ' \Vhb oiought ye be V 1 An invalid from IJoston,' was Jthe reply, with a nervous look' at (tbe door. 'An' whar did'ye jjit that hat f yelled the'Texan',] glaring lieteely 'at ihe stylish head covering of the granger. 2^o reply .was given to this, and .with a string ofcoaths, the desper ado went on \jSc- 1 I'd like^ see a man wear sich a thing ij'thia <^tate au(i ^ve- I want V6\plurr-Xiat fellers 'round me. The Jtrot chaiV I see 'ith oho on I'll 'till hLra full i>f holes., Tliat's toe.' The palfi^jotHtg man quietly slijiped out, followed by tho Bedato looking individual meutioned jtbove,.. and the two met face to face shortly after on a neighboring . street corner^' I'd like to evchange hats with you a.few miuutes,' said the latter individual, uLruptly. Th uild-tnannored man from 23jston quietly handed over his' Btyliah chapeau, and jilacing it on jhhj own head in a foppish way, the "sedate- Texan walkud into the ; Baloon. ffo walked in boldlj. He . called for whiskey. Ho .drunk. Then ho turned, und lean ing against the bar, fastened- his eyes on the yellow-bearded Texan, "who was glaring at him like a maniac. The one seemed to know the-thoughts of the other perfectly, f .r suddenly two revolvers flashed into vieW1,- .there was a sheet of flame, a. double j-eport, keei; and Btartling, iind t.hen^ through the cloud of smoke thijv filled th^j i-ooiu, Xciv Imperial Measure, 21 Quart fichh n.r One Djlh I A I"ainphlct, Illustrated with tho very Bne . . Steel EnfrraTinps a mar- " " f" " " I tcI of crt anif beauty I itlit TREE to all. Send for It ot pnrc. AdilrcRS , INSTITUTE. No. 4 ^l f| YJfcLx Otrit KTOL'IC =01' Tweeds, :C.4t li-s C [and ; Overcoat iirgs ' Jb very choice and cheap. THEOPLOEN LION 'J ."...." Wo desire tc.call attention to the very largo assortment of choice tU_ "' 1 goods of every description which wo are no?v offering. { - - " j '." " Our importations from Britain arc now all to band, and we claintWitiMntk . .. fear of contradiction, that our Stock of - ' . ^"1It - '.[ L:- THE LARGEST, f CHOICEST, AND }rf BEST ASS0BllDrrt, .'.[ tt'if 21' Plr.t Ticket* for 'Fiftp: Cents , ach St., Boston, Mass. ^~In advance. I'. S. AK.MSTItONC. Aetnii.Ocf ]<, 15T7. "13HOTO'!.'IJAPIIh'!{S should lor- ->!-[ wartl me their afidress if they wish to obtain a Piano or Organ in exchange for Photographing. Ad* j'dressDASIEL ( '. liKATI'V, Wash- CVERSMGE3 .in&t0* -^Jersey. T>OOKS FOK , SUNDAY S0S00L TEACHERS In stock at TDay's New Bookstore : GUBLPH. BA^ISL F. BEATTY'S psAHosas-oa&Airs ^r-rr^rr QRACE' QELEBRATED SALVE A Sure Keller Tor (lie HotTerer. 1 I'ilf.i'Ar.KD UY j SETH W, FOWLE & SONS, SX HAIiKISOX AVKStUK, IJ0STOX, .MAf-S. ' juefactor. rnici: 2"i ci:nt,s a nox. OltiCK'.S CEfyiCilKATKU SAI,\'E, Js a V'e^eLjibie I^eparatloii, ioventeil In tli lTtn'ci nimy by Ir.Wil- t .t . 11 1 1 ,\ . illini (ir.it', ^tjr^cui) In Khu .lames' 1 saw tho tall desperado throw up ri,AmKi,'m. nSency tic niri-il hiahiuids, refl, stagger, and fall 1 t'.....saniis..!' tae most v.-noiis oiei. utul ' .. ' =0 ) wounds Hint balllt.-.l tlie siti'li iiftln! l,lo.st lorward on his laoe to trie floor. I r-min-nt physicians of ium <Jay, u> u was The bullet bad pierced his heart, re^nlc-d by allwbo know him us a pub- killiiig him instantly. _ This was not a tirst-class joke on ihe Texan, but here, is 0110 on my self, with a .different,- and quite. extraordinary, - dsrrouement. -The third year I was in the State I had editorial hirge ofa country news paper.' As an ex-member of the juewsp-aper fraternity of ;that: State: I nut free to confesss that;: had I remained ttjere. a year longer I'd ,have stayed there always not above ground Jfowever. j think some playful chap would have shot my head off. Fgr instance, when- jbver a uiiirdor way committed in our district, the desperado ele ment jfei^eiaily took tliM matter in ^l;arge,"itnd in order that public' opinion might not --be- t.irned against the outlawij by tke papers, ine editors thereof usually received .'warning.' 'So, one day, a' few hour* after a quiet, law-abiding UK.K'K'S (IlttnUlTLD SltVL -, CURES KI.B.'ilr Wtit:.vil.S, KllOS?EN t.l.MJtS, SAT.T lllIKI'M, flllLIJLAi.VS, KOIIE. nitUASr, S'l'.n I.U'.s, 'iKKY.SII'Kb\X,'. itra;- V.'uIlit.S, CAUljjU.StS, SC'A I.O JIK.1 b ClIAl-1'Kb UAMU ni'RNS, - {USCKIfti, YEtOX:lt S-At,D., '. S IKES, Ut.CIJKS, V/OU.NBS,. STINGS, jslIl'.VGI.KS, Fl:STLI!.S, ' V.'W.'S, tS'l'lKs, priiKS AH':Ksrt, HlKt'KI.ES, ItL'NION.S,* Si'It\INS, IIOILM, HfTE, ' (L'TS - WIlITI.'lWS WAKTS, UblHTEKB, TA.V I'lifPLKS, C.'UN-.", SCirRV-S',- ircir, !in'Orowi>o sails, nettle-hash, aUStjUITO AND fLEA 3JITS, 8I'1I>211 STINGS, 1 And all cutanoous diseases and 1 mptloiiK generally-, Forsalo by all Uru^^lfcts, groceiB, and at ail counfy k tores tljroui^nout tl.o I In!- tod Staff it ami British Provlutes. 1'rlco by mallKUcefits BE*TTYg&g citizen had been shot down by a . ^ ,, , " well'-kuowu desperado, I-was not |,.._1il,?r..!.8_n. ^y^S^rercn '.njuos aurijrised to fjuu this on my t*ble : '^ib,. Thar was a man orict who talked too much through a paper, anf o sum fellers laid feirliitu in tho bush an' shot him full of holes. Je died. .Tenderly'yours,' f (dijjaed)"' "ji Hi.ASHRU." This was warning .eiiou^'i, but my blood waa up, and -I de'.or.niu- ed to, write and publish A'hat 1 pleased. So the papifV came on!; with a full acuouut ot' the murder The Sunday Teacher's Treasury'! TJie.Bibical Treasury. Tho Sunday School an essay by Louisa Davis. 7. Tho Child and tho Book, >y Robert Dunning. Tho Apostle Peter, by Samuel Green. '.- Coi'nsols to S. S. Teachors, by 'J'. A. Cooper. Tho Nolo!Book. Our Work, by \V. II. Crosier. The Four flospels of the one Christ, by G. B. .Johnson. The Art of Tonching iu a Sunday School, by ,li (j. Fitch. " ' liendy for jWorlc. by W.1I. Crosier. Parties' Notes, kc. t':c., ic. -- A cheap, big stock nt Day's book store. ' Diy sells cheap. WAGGONS. Now is the time to leave your order. At J-.-.&yder's Factory Stylish IS assy or Serviceable Wasu'cn, I am, making up a large stoek for tlie present pennon, from the best material. Cad rtud Sec, our.Handsome liuijijit:s ' Jvow it a good time to secure bargains.' . 1 ' Strict attention'given to '. i f" Eorsc-h5sijir & C-caeral Elr.oli- ' . Bmltllil^8,. Anton, I'jcli. 2G, 1ST7. oi.lj..|f square r't ^iy -?^ inorioiincoll by 11 *---^ j, e-isaii'l the peon and Organs in^tbis:; or ;aiiy other country vyho-has "received, as njany j AND ! ttie most L "unsoiijitetl indorsements as lias'Mr. Beatty. i From every'State'and'Ter ritory . coruns the sain" Verdict ' I'hey are the best in the world " Illustrated Advei;tler, (CatidogiiR E lition) free. Address ID ANl Elv F, BEATTY &*?& s,i'i?,uK AMI I'lMMiJUT.an siK vTTY'S t'KI.K- HltATKP G'Jl.DKN 'J UN(i I! Kl> PAII- l.i HI UUUAN are the sv.prlcsl ioi'hm] 111:1! most perlcrl lust. inn. n;s ever lube e mnn"faotured In I Ills or any :et 1 1 r ronn- tr.i. Uli" o 1 rl I Is r'.ullonccd !o ei|un, i liem. li. St ili>enuiil> uu term- ever ln'- fore Klvti; Itoci-- hot.:<Un Jlanlo' I rlresl now ready to jo. b rs, fi?enis, iiti-J the trail" iu Kencrnl. An <^llrr. TIii-m- ee!, hrated ' In triim ins (Ulur I laro .,r Organ' boxen mid shipped anywhere, on five or tlfiiiin days' test trial.-Money re- fumlect and freight rhnr^pf. prti*!' Iiolh ienys if In -my way 111 salisfartory. l-'nlly W'lVriiliteil for six years as strlrily |)r.-t- rlnss.- I'.XTP.A'lltLllN.MtY MliKKAl, ni-l'iiL'N'i's ni-.en to Chuieh's. Sehoolt, bodies. Halls. Mlnl-ters, Tench, r-, file., lit f>nl"'r to have lli.-iii iilro'Juced utoi.ee wb-re I have nn apents. Tboiisands now In use. New Illustrated Advertlsei [I'n'n- 1- pile Kdlllon, Willi list if testimonials, ln'iW reiulv. sell! Tree. Kslnblbl'.i"" In' i<w. A.i.tress DANIEL F. BEATTY., Wiishl'.iKton, Neu Jersey, -; C. T. HILL, Mill Street. Ai!T.V, DEALKR IN , Oro'corieo, Craclicry, Sooto & SiOOB, \ " ':. "vTaH Paper, ' v7indOT7 Bllaic, Nails, Olacu, Futty, . Llnsocd OH, <? Palata, Turpeatiao Coal Oil, Salt, oto. AU of which will bo sold low for cash We bold a very superior and large* .-"'. lot of NEW MANTLES AUD'-MILLINERY.' W.. Ste^warr .& Co^, October 16, 1S7.7. B21ESS DEPAHTH^OT. V ' ,' Ourfitock of Dress Goods if so lar^e that it is impossible to enamermU' the varieties, hndies may. deuend, however, on.finding at THE-LfllS ill the new materials -all the .'a.-tuunab e shades and at the tame time 40m ' of the cheaj^esi goods ever eetn, Tnia is acknowledgea by al("trl iUfl'-'.' looked through our Htock. /' ' .'"'"', - /:'". So lady. eVer leaves TUii LJUK without getting exactly'the drs,Jie Wa-fJtS. " ". * J MILLINERY, TEUfiHNGS AND MANTLES,^: ; We invite special attention to the bai\gnina we are offeri'igjn tail d*.' partment iu the Alikinery Branch i IIE I.IUK has always.carried tlu palm, and this season we are sbowiiiu choicer articles than ever, w$ii4)ar* . difp.ay ot Ladies' Jackets is unrivalled. We have imported an 'rnrruHW assprtufent which we guarantee to be the cheapest eversbpim in Gu#Ipk -^ 1 TSTiTTiC'C' it t nvn" ': "* ',* - "f V. - : pH H '. y 1 * " 1 -' v--, . ::. y ttj " ' "] - 3 sr ! ' < If!1 , 1 '. ' . - C. : -^ . S: - t-M . ' A-, > - ^lie B . '-. '&C rf- -<u 1 : ^r: .: --.' - rwl -'-".' '-?* ;: H<- '.'.'- -a. D'EESS MAKING. %t3 Ladies,: do not foiget this branch. Mrs!. Thoinpsor^gfiSiiS* become* f.-" .known, b monopolising all the best work of the towu. ^.Styles iineqasJlaxL Fj-ices moderate. . .' .' '""." KJ ADY MADE CLOTHING. A CROWDED STORE. Ilpamense Sales of AND DRESS GOODS AT r FASHIONABLE WEST END, 600 to 700 Yards SELLING DAILY. BOOTS and SHOES 1 -Selling off at cobt.' Also agent for the RUBBER PAINT. COMPANY Of^Cleveland,1 Ohio. <"ash for Hides. ylcton, July 18, 1870. COKSUP^PTjOM CORED. AN oi.n rnvSietAN. r'tllTil Irnln Rrliir Tirflc- Ill-C, llSVillJ hj li'iic-,1 I | liidm Ml..i,rlmrv llir l,,ri,iu'n .,1 n VrKCtnlllC Htllitlly fur llic ijio ill ii,i| Miinui.rul euic of CoHstuiijilinii, jlstl.um, JironrlMis, ' (iilnyrlt, onil .11 Tnrnrit n-.e. i.'.ni- ArierrlDna: alo ft Toiltivc mid II, ,Iii:i: Cu r li r Norv^iH-lMS- billtv..l ,!l Krm ner Jior- ll tlioriiu/li'y ir.tol is \.., -Ill lit I'linilivc rnij-iri Hi in.,|| iiitken km,win,, In, inikiiin-|i'lliis. AlIU- .ted I.V lli: inntivc nm] i, i-ni.M-i.i.iiniis (if.;ri- if) reliivr luimnii nilN'rin". )lr ,, ;,; ,,.,Mi I.'|;f.e in eiiAKbi:,,...... ,i,-:r.. . u,i ,t.'t, Willi loll 'Jir.-,-:i,, .im- ly. iisiiif. Sit,t l.> ivill-i, .n.uVl 1 '. ulM,u.iil,x tins j.aji'-r. - ' - i i ii, c.sii:1'i:n-s; i ! n.u.r. ijoi h,iLuoi;j;vii.tE. D.vr. We are showing, without exception, the Largest, Host Attractive ancL Cheapest STOCK of SILKS AND DtiESS GOOTS Ever shown in this town. Ladies visiting Gnelph and buying Press Goods, f>ilkB, Velveteens, Mantles, jUillineiy, Furs, etc., .without first Kofeing our iuimeuao"' aiid beautiful stock, do themselves a great injustice. Wo esteem it a pleasure to show our goads. Lulies, come direct to the Fashinable West End, the leadiDg houW for Silks, Dress Goods, Afantlea and J/illinery. Full stock of fashion able Trimmings, Buttons, Fringes, etc., to match alljour materials. A. O. BUGHAM. . Fashlonahlo West Knd DrcBS.JIllllhery and Mantle {establishment. aiiolph.'Oct. -i. 1877, Just receiad a large stock of Clothing, including Overeoite in *nrj l gtylo, Tery chrap> . ^ [ Xy: New-styles for fall wear. latest patterns, fi^rures very low. Gentlemra, remember we have the b&Et cutter iu town. A jierfect fit guanuitead. : WJNCiSY. WINCET: WINCEY. X. > . ;Moro than ^QOpieces. plain and fancy, from G cents a yard the cheapo est&'iovrn. , t - . ..! . : BUFFALO ROBES. : ; .' r ' = Cheaper than rver, Prices! from 1 upwards, A lar^e lot juit in j ,th highest bra'p'd, A 1, perfect^ from .58 to f 10 each. !. GREAT BARGAINS IN WOOL AND UNION SHI&J3HG8. _: Go to tlieXfou, (he People's Cheap Storfe/f ' J. D. "WILLIAMSON & GO. Guelpb, Oct. 30. 1877.. -- . . ' THB FREE PRESS Krl .'IaT lei <: > p. A." I'J J. >| ',.mJ ftaj PRINTIM ^ rrirr Any rcrson wno win make rbibS. mid forward men list oi the names of reliable pei-so.iiK of iluir ac- (imii nt:uce who wish lo procure en in- WASHintG-TOI SMizVV JSRSuV,, '.oluen To'nuoeit 1 arlor tJrgan. Any niaiiut icturei chulleiiKe : to t-iiual them. UEiTI'Y U'ashini'ton New .lersev 'i'oey i>ossesj; power, .b-ptn, lirll.lniicy DO-tlt, "abiiinfetoii, ikiv oersey. |U]1 i. , pa, |,ct ,o _ .|ftnciicy, i.x(iii,MteIy I.alies and ".iiitlsm ui to learn Tele bountifully nolo ell'eois, a'u</ UH> only sto'i: aetitwi over invented I tinI eannol be dis- al-r.'hiiJteil Ij.v use. 'J'be bellows raipnelry t- sr, ureal thai >>ut Ul' It'i'llorl Isrequii. od wltn the feo to siip|ilj ai; the an no:'p-MiU'y . HestMia-'e ale inosl clpj;inil oases In the innrltoi. All solid wood a sum Btifllclon: to pny fi ran Instrement soli elejl nt tuclowi'Kl \ili(i!es:ile price, 1 wllllmnudluUtly fthlp Hie Insiriimelu, free, or-nfief any amount Is crcilltetl the bah.ne.e- uui.v be 1 aitl me in cash and I will then slrp Uu m tl.e instrnmont. Ti i y ne. ti not be tci.o\"i- in t ho rhatteY, and will be il.'ln^ ilielr frlenils n real sar- vie , us I gimli ir.nhn s^irl.tl ofT<>r to tiif'iii.xolllnuff in crior Ins.'i i-mrnt for fn in (ine-bi If (n |nn-tLii-'- what |ls d and a ava"o editorial on Lh Ww B I>h O,'"rating for oliicus opening iu \ orniimeni,. Kver.v Instruinenl fully nr- OhiIpiu liya-k/.<i i.v.ujen'.. Jlensesend ^ue^ba' ^^ ' rJV^Srffi^F*,^ fnuulry-'y^'^n-ndu'lo";^^^^ -in which f lived. Then I armed A"d"^^ft-*'lWo ^rfeWu^.*f BtATT' ^^"'^'-: nANU^F.BEAT'rv w.a,h,nio4.,Kuw" CHEAP SALE! GHJSAP ^3ALE! FRESH ^RIVALS^ At the East End 'clothing mm EP :I,arge additiops toiO.ur already Bupurb stock of r Tyeeis & Croats Fn^isliiaigs^ Juel opened, which we are oUerinstlfrom 15 to 20 per cent 1PS3 than their leal value. Having bought largely, and "for cash we are enabled to place in the hands of our customers a good, sound, reliable article at less than "auction sale'prices.-For example: ' , "A large selection of paterns of Barber's Heavy Canadian Tweeds at 70 and 75 cents, worth 90 cents aiid $1 per yafd.. .These.;gdods are noted for durability. . ': " ' ~ Heavy Checked Fulled,Cloths, from 62J and 70 cepts. Rare value. Scotch' and English Tweeds, from SO cents up. ' A good suit of clothes made to oider lor 811. ' - i Special value in Overcoats from ij?7 up. And also everything in the way'of Gents' Furnishings, at bottom prices. . * Itemember this,is no moth eaten;bankrupt stock, neither shoddy auc tion sale goods, nor yet iroods damaged tt.tires, but sound, reliable goods freBh from thej looms. We solicit a thorough Inspection of our stock. FYPE & McNAB. Acton.Nov. 1^.1877. To Merchants -and other Business l&eWVt Acton, as well as throughout thd;; , County, the Free Press is an -.^ invaluable Advertising ' "?: ;. 'r Medium. >';.' - :'-. x'f'-: "H* -:Cd t - ^ A: BOOK ANI> JOB PRIN Enable us to turn out work equal to anything done in the ! . V-; nv ,'Fd - loj '--i-'-'-Oq Rd "" "Tu Grand, Squall .&? UpWg!f Agents wanted everywhere. Address' ^ ' | v TO BUSINESS MEN. If you want Billheads. Statements, hot ter heads. EnveloppB. Mercantile P.lnu lng, of any Jtitjo, doue In business style, spnd your orders td ihe Kbee Piiess offlcn. HatiBfacflpnRuaranteed.^ SIGN PAINTERS t'&iJZ tionof the Untt'td BtateR and Provinces to answer t'lil* ailvertlseniPiit. Address IA\IEJt r- BBATTl', Washington, new Jersey. DAIEL F.--#Ji!-a.-x"xit.|--^ ; Washington, fe^ b easily increase #&& of, -"*:-X \r- easily increaov r.r"i,Bdjoi.' very W^:&m J devoting a b%s%2&2g$F;. ^your leisure tirne^to.niy.^^s[fe v'g Piano yr'gans unless yon seeJt W, ^ the service J reqn^oHwn^j^ pleasant uk. f'V"---- TTiNKBil' ' >nSs<i. [.iculars-free. Addrea ,PJm^ ,^. ^#-

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