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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 10, 1878, p. 3

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-I I &> ui>t tkvnk'timk Tiltlt "- itolNb-V) ST. ' '" - \%\K\ a.m. T E_P?ESS'_ACQ^' JWLTON COUNTY, oW~ JANItJrY 10,118787 $i5h* F.xvr<--"- Toronto m.vl Pv$Apvi?f KYprco - / ' . -G"V,t :"i"-' ' - :"Pv K\;avs .'Western nivd Lnnftou'mixcd vast. V. 10 .i.ni. i ciTsWf.re .Installed lyy Pro. J. Winlow, !:'-Minu>silsu-.ii>y n'- w- ^nnioy, - l,-tJ.M:, aud Pro.'s Lainmond and ----- / V.1.V.ITKH oyncr.ns. .>..'.< a.m. A-IO.vin. 11 :o0 .tm. o: 17 p.m. 51:30 p.m. to 'omerg ^ tluring; leraily, * i sou no j ice.re. i rstpck ththe i prices, will be '1. \ _ Service in the M>'thodiy.Ch\iTv'h ovorv *- RaMv.ih' ovrnniR nl linlr-lvast six > oVKv-k : mi'l b-'lh niorrilnc andevon- drench the fli'Si- SahWli of racli roonlii. . ./Ru; K. HuBBs, I'astor. , Gvxvi -sleighing. The Kink is open, -r-' Tw? election? this "w cck.' Clean off vour/jsidewalki. the Know, tho beautiful Acton Public Schools opened- Monday.. ., Ptiro drusjs, clve stuffs, dre.. at J. p. McOarvin's, Trv- C. W. Hill for a stylish ' r-i'oiograp-h. ,._ .-^-Don't fail to try J. E. McGar- via'j worm powders. " - -^ Who lost her heart at the . Ci-Stutionery, Ink. Slates, etc., at J. K. McOarCiu's. Fro. ,1. Prown, T. I!, V .1. P. Allan, N. C " T. Kennedy, V. C.. ' N. McC-vrvin, 15." ,S. " M. Speight'. P. .S. " lla*. NioUliii. Tress. ' .1. Wjnlow, l>. M. ";>.'. MoCarvin, M. P. Al'lViM'KD OVFIOKUS. ' llro. R. Cranio. Ward. " A. Prown, C. , " P. Jolu*ou, O. O. " J.is. Mel.ani, 1. 0. " T. Smvt'h, It. S. N. G. ' A. N'ick:lm 1... S. IN'. G. " J. l-'rancis, X'luip." "" .1. K. Mctiarvi-.i.JVS.'V. 0. "' H. Crcot-h, 1.. S. V. U.. / _Atr tho regular wwting of SCHOOL TRUSTEE ELECTION. | Acto-n.lKx'lge, N'o. '^04, I. 0. 0. l\;on ' '--------- Friday evtninj; last,.the followins; olli. } - TIlO anilltnl I'U'Otioll of SollOol Trustees took pliico on WihIiu'miIhv, in JliiitlieWH' Hull, to take the place of those whose term of otlieo ims expire;!.- A givnt number of nitrpsyers were jiivsent., uiul givlit enthusiasm was manifested. Mr. John Speight w.iia unpointed elmirflian nnd .Mr. C. S. Hittith sec. j Tito retiring ineinbi'isof .tli^ Soliua! | Innird were Kli SnytleH Alex.: Kennedy, _niul Horucu l|ull (re signed).' . - ' Tho following were nominated for three years : J limes Muttliuwa was nominated by W. H. Storey,seconded by l')d. Mooro. ' Alex Kennedy was nominated by JIajor Allan, seconded by Kli Snyder, ' James lvyder was nominated-by M. Speight,' Seconded by W. 11. Storey. S. Moore waa nominated by Thos; McLam, beco;idud by Tlios. J^bb.nge. 'M. Speight was tiqminated by \V. II. Storey, ueconded t>y N\ 31c- Garvin. 'J"!ie following wero n'oniiuatcd to serve one year. M:ijor Allan waa nomiualed by Alex. L-isby, Beciindod by David Muloney. Joseph FearnleyMv.vs nominated by K.|, Moore, peconded liy K. 15. Cook. I Tho following officers wro ih- stalled on TliesJiy oveninjj, for the nextqunrtor, in the Acton Division Sens of Temperance : Uro. Kobert \Yarrcn, PAV.P I " UoLcrt Craiiu', W.l. ,"' Sis. II. Cr.moron, \Y.-A. ; Uro.-F. h. r.oss, n.s. Sis. M. Laws oh, A. U.S. Pro. T. Albert Moore. K.S. " Pouj. NicUlm, Treas.- ' '-, " S. Wordell. I'on. Sis. Clara Spoilt, A. C. Urv. T. "\Vatsoii, 1. S. i " A. La.shii. U.S. ^ Tlio now IMothodint Church which ha:i hecu erected nt Oatlvillc will boopuned on Sunday, 13th inst. At 10.311 I5tiy. 1)|, Ives, and-<it (1.31) Itcv. Dr. liyeimm,' will preach. . ^lt closo of evening nervicu Puv, ,7ub. Oray, Preui- dent London Conference, will perform tlio dedicatory eeiviee. On the follow ing Monday evening a tica meeting will be held in the Icetnro r/ilm. Tea^Bervj-'d from (i to 8. A ftcrwnrdi, addresses: will lie given in tlio elnirctl l>y Dm, Pyerson and Ives, also other' public hpoakers. On Sunday, 20tli, 1'ev. YV. ^\'i.,liams, of Centenary' Church, Ham ilton, will preach at llhllO, and Key. E. II. Dowai't, Editor Guardian, at"G:o0 ; and on Monday c'vuniiig, - 2lst instant, Tandy Pros., the_eeleliratcd vocalists, of Kingston, will give a naored icoucert. On Sunday, L'Tth; Itcv. K. B. ItycUman, M. A., of tiuellih, isoxpueted to occupy the pulpit morning and evening. The friends in Oakville are. making grea;t In'C]iarationB to hospitably entertain a.^ many a:i can make it convenient to: at tend tho oiieningHorviees oftlieir new chmvli. Their enterprise in church extension is commendable, ami v.e I o- Kpoalc for them a hearty ret.pnn:;o !of THAT WONDERFUL TKADE MAEK THE GOLDEN MAN. IV .Inst nrrlvcil and opened up for inspection and sale, 2 cases Of the above Goads, dieoct iVoiu London. I".iii;l;iiid. Prices exd'enieljieheap; quality of the Woods best. Mantles,: Jaoksta; Coats, .,- ,.:'EVRYTHIN;C THAT A'LADY WANTS Eyoaing Sillss, Bvdaiijfi: Kid Gloves, ! isto be fo-una at>.,' Roal Honiton and Limerick La!ces, WONDERFUL MAN'S STORE. -. PEH STISAMKK'CKLTIC. ; . -' -, . , |i Millinery, Hats, '-Bonnets,- Flovvers, all that js new, good, elegant in r!e-.'- Bign,-,and exquisite irr taste, is to be had of "us. h Best quality ef Brussels, Tapbstry, Kiddermirster and 'Dutch C;irpts ' XXT T? ATU/"\ U" ,'\ "\7"T? TJT^r^T^TXT I? X^i are on exhibition at our ;3arpet Room, We quote bottom prices; aiylea, >\ & A L)>>*J 11A \ XL. XiltlVvJilV \A) ;C3lors,aai designs Of W>tLliar?uiiequaned in tortn.' , , - A Iiir<i;e. lot of Ladies' Jacket nnd Coat Cfoths, __ __| -,'!' best and newest-prices extremely cheap. Bpad^-^ffade Qlot%ing _ _'. . ' Ahead of all former effirts. "'Bd?tassortment of Overcoats to br' met with., p.d.hc Hpmpathy at their cervices and | A_d uniilCDSL1' VariGtV Ol: 1 ailCy (jtOOtlS, FailCy Prices warranted 00 per| "-'-- (.11 lei i'-iiuneutf. ._ ( "" .-.a" If'-. im am Dress Silks, Black Dress Silks, at marvel- 7 lously cheap prices. solicited. Nov. 26, 1877. IOHM1 cent tinder anything in town . An early call is' HOQO & SON, Alma Block, Upper Wyndham KtiCet. Gxie]\ h? ;t _ " and is ) fancy; large* f should 7.Tj 'TS'&'i i IGooda. unsur- |f*iiik)ri, ct <itrp Int.1'lilts' \d: Iff ;c, and to Act O. E.-Marrow's Drr.g Store. "- Greu" oxoittniei'.t prevai'.ovi li) tow-n ve-iteruay, orer.ti:e ?^iic^'l tr::s:c^ , . . . ., .- Some discussion aroso us to -Mr. Chester Hill has ivturned . rcgr.lar- mectm- of Cre-.vs.n. s C-onicrs ; hy M]ot 0(. ^^ ,x ^^> w|K,n i( He !^'.ks.>lh - . ' ! Division. No.,L\V_\ Sons-oi Tempvr.ui.e, I :,ls fm^1)}. ^c[kM l)V ^r,._ Kl'IlUcdy - - | opened.' - { I twas found 'at tho clos.e of tin- I polls that Alex -Kennedy had ro- | eoived -10 votes; J as. Mattliews, 1 Ci ; Samuel Moore, OS; Jamns Ityder, L'l' ; M ijor Allan.. l'J ; j 'Josejili Fearnley, 71. Tue Doard- for 1S73 Will con- ; K^t of the following members : jJas. '3Iiiitlic\vs, Simuel. M.oore, ________^ I Joseph Fearnley, \YY-II. Slorc-'y, ! Jvi. Moore and J. L-isby. At tho lost regular meeting I A protest was euterod against I're-spoet Division, >"o. -J.S.'i, Sons of the election, by Kli Snyder, on the *" f z : : invite b;;\er> ti-rou^h the columns of iLe 1'::',;: Pi:us>. . j j Ti'.e Acton t Public Schools holi-iayeu or. Wednesday afte 100:1, 011 ioco^nt o: the S. S. Convention. TLis being the week of prayer, ceriin^ .-.re he!.i.every evening :::- tho ' Pncsbyterir.n Crrareh. i Sis. A. I., c'rv ..son, W. A. Hro. O. Crew- :i, It. S.. S:s= l.AVordea, AV It. S. Pro. P. Moo.v, P. S;. Pro. J.'.Creu- ,>n, Trea?. Pro. C. Tavlor, Clir.p. Pro. P. J. "M Keiwn, Con. Sis. A. M. Wor-len. A. C\- V-rr. J. Moore, 1. S. Pro. A. '.Vorden, O. 'S. P.-o. H. A. Pvder, P. \V. P. : TfiBpiTjncc, held ,in the Town Hall, following grounds : 1st, the v-o.e ^~:f.^?^rh-;::7\/;^.-.-'i0a '2J":"!l' I installed: j 2nd, for allowing persons to vote I y J-st c^L: ^::.i ste soee'.mciis. , - -,-'., ' \ Bro. A. Pickett. W. P. A tt'.co ihing to bare at tnth , S)s M Fioteher. W. A. time r: the year i= a re%-e:p; foratyear's j j Bro. A. C. McMillan, K S. sibsrr.ption to the Aerox FiaiE-t'RtsS. if yen want to n^t the best of Pr-4,-5 *o to the i!/-d:il Hall. Acton. e qnan'.ity of vi$.'.a r^per -ion hand, suiiahic for! Tni'p's; pjrj>o=e5, waieh we will sell citip. : '- _^ "We. hare t",r f-.1o one- of B-Mtry's c-e'ebrate i'P:r.r>-.'= thur v.-ill ! e d-;j>-?i.c: a" a ^.-e-.: i:.-..'^?.::!. Fer pir:::u:ari :.: } :y a: :l.i".--:f..e. Sis. S. Airnevr, A. K. S. Bro. James .Miller. K.S. ( > J. W. Eisierbrook, Treas. ' " >* sim,p;-fOn, Con. | Sis, J5. Simpson, A. C. T Pro. -lohn Ferguson" I. S. James Mcl'avish. () S. ' J tmes Colling P. W. P. whose nai^es are not on assessment roll ; 3rd, for tiljowing jiersons to vote who have not paid their taxes. j cvnditio:'. i^-th linaneiaily arol numer- ] i-'^-Hy. A~very handsome l;ew " Peil" j crjan w.is t.urchased receiitl','. An e.^rt:d:,^t will be held un.ier\he aus- |=ati.i;- LAt;:-j:;:e*- o: tl.e u.lv at <J. h. J V.rr.w^ !>.- it-.. Acton School Board. The-Actou School Hoard met on Monday evening, 7th inst., pnrsu- l.ant to adjournment. Members all __. .,..... I! iirosent. Mr. ; Alex Kennedy ill i :i.s I".\".s:iii is in a very pro--perousli * .. : J the chair. Tho niiniiU'S of lust uiee'.iiiir were read and continued. Mr. Moore presented the twelfth , . report of the Finance Committee, V pu'cs o! the Division m li.ira Hall,' .,,, , ii . , v ... _^,___ the- p.irmeut ot the - I- :- c---,a^l n" 10:h ! following accounts :- _l..se, .ia^l;.ia.ubou.v10U,i:i5r_ Tiie COInn;i:tce h,ve scored the | g^ ^^ ^ . ^ f'^ "=^ --^-=-'.-' -'--pervices ot several excellent singer.'.. | cU.,irges ou loukii) 35c . Eduealion tiom in t.-.;j M^a^e. Also, the E-.quesi-.ig A-Hcr.iturai Society (wood, will perform that popular play j Jb,m j,,^ gllliiry - aS SeC-TrOUS, aeetsicStewsrttoVn, t--dar. Sodi^a j.entitled'" Ten Nights .in a Par Room." j ^0 j Eli Snyder, taking CCllbUS, ^isia-a-eVa S^lety in Brookvilie -. .[ Admisricn 25 ceiita. - | $6; Eli Snyder, rixing doors, etc., Mr. John.Secord is-removing to th* store f-r.rmerlv- occcj;:e'-l oy ilr. G. M. .-sect:, where L*tevili ojea 'Mr. H. McDeartniJ,-of Toronto, T7---. '. 50c Total $Jy.75. bprn'.n: of the Skatlns ElDk. j by Mr. Snyder, that the twelftii The Acton Skating Pink was form.-.!- j report of the Tniahee Committee ly opened on Monday evening last..1 The ! be adopted, and that the clia.it man building was cr.-.-.wicd with' skaters and ! do issue his C.lc'-qileS Tu payuioal -.'- Ti:.= cit-'.orne-t- 'spectators, and all secftied to enjoy i thereof. Carried. 1:15 ^-'Uje, -A:: u, uc-xt Lord a da;. 11 o'e'.-.KJt, a. z-l i themselves to their heart's <:ontent. Trie Coinmittee on Foci reported lrchasera. and oiie er da [ills |vo xamed: y' ' i > ?BEU^ ;" J 22-3n i i f The Aetna B.-.'iss P-'-nd wa^prestnt and j'tlnit tiliey Lad tulveili.v.'d lor 30 ijf'c I played sd-veral p-.pular air-:!" At ^it,ht I cords bf wood, and received five . "' ' '7, .1:^' ' . " T ' \ o'clock' Mrs. C. S. Smith steuned d.i to | tenders for the same, viz : Alex. tCTtn H'ra-d, is prepared-to receive; ;.' . ' Kernc-Ji- A3 5 - Gi-ore Flliot ... * ^ rr - ,. I tne plat.orm and read-the fo.io-.Tincr oo ( Atmtus , .-.^.-^^ vjt.oi.0e xuuiot, 4 9 bebeldfc i>*y, ** 1875, ^ '. \lenta, Se a-piece. 1 crdiit <a ' m ? * ... I ncUoneT :: 1 cocrTatalations. Mies Bertria Heasiiip, - ci Caiiter, Co. of Lincoln, is the.bappy f bride. Mr. Alex. Secord, who has been -employed at MatthewB' Btore for Eome time past^ has accepted a position as traveller, for Storey:& Co., glore manufacturers. This nukes two^travellers for-.tba.t firm. - Here is a model for composers of ode* on the " beautiful." It* chief merit is it* brevity: " Soft and b'ght, Pure and white 1 -On the ground . . : N"ot a sound I Xow tve know- It is snow ! The annual niissionary meet- Ibj? w^U be held in St. Alban's Cbarcfr), CO Monday treeing, Jan. 14. oThe de putation appointed to be present con- eists'of the Iter. Canon Worrell, of Oak- Tille, the llev. H. L. Y Otiens, of Elora, an<3 Thos. "Kix.on, of Milton. A cqllec- tion will be taken^up in behalf of the Canadian Missionary Diocese of.Algoma. PBospEEOfs. The Georgetown . hotels are <$oing a lively business, .Milton Cltampisn. ~So doubt they, do when the editor of the Champion is in Georgetown. Actox Fncr-- '.Peess. n fc 11 (dnd him up to Acton, as soon as V6 Can spare hia services here.j Times Miltoa Newt. >Ve do not require his services "here, as the editor of the Xtwi- gives na an oc- CiEional call. BtWAWAr. Oii Monday evening l**t,i young man hired a:horse from a "Tery stable in town, drove to one of the hotels' and tied the horao io a. post. e. . ' . oGme mttcLev: .-as girls untied the horse A0 wder to have a drive before the Jtmng man was ready. While turning comer the cutter upset, throwing out ttegirli. 5 v.. horse felt like running, f" went at a high rate of speed until ** reaehtid TchWs Slillx, a. distance of bout two mik-g, where it was stopped ; "d Stabled. The rig wa3 returned next -rooming. Neither the ctitter nor girls *o*Uhied any ir^y. e plat.'orm and read-the folioiTiug ojj .eain'g sJdrt.s: . . LADIi-SAj>l> Gevtleme.v, In hehali of the members of the the Acton Skat ing Club, I tender to you a hearty wel come to this, the first gathering,in tho new rink, and hope that you will give your hearty Support to 'an enterprise which supplies a want long felt in this! Village, and which affords an excellent amusement and ^ives-health and vigor to both mind and body. Ladies and Gaiitletneu, on behalf of the members of the Acton Skating Club, I dccliro this rink open. The address was received with ap plause, the Band at the same tiin* play ing a lively air. The skaters then went liito the fun in. right- earnest, and the spectators had ample amusement in watching several of the-gentlemen cut the "Canadian rolL". This r'roll" is done^by catching the toe of one of your skates in tho heel of the other while you are in rapid motion the re sult is a Canadian roll. " It requires con siderable practice to accomplish this feat gracefully.. A number of Bkaters from Georgetown were present and gave some excellent specimens of skatemau- ship. There wero also a number of gentlemen from Guelph. _ Tho skaters dispersed about 12 o'clock. Wo under stand that there will be a masquerade shortly on the rink. Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from prac tice, ha\'in.Lt ha.l placed iti^his hands by an Kast India missionary: the formula of a simple vegetable remedy, lor the { speedy and 'p.'imtiiicut cure of con- r-umption, bronchitis, .catarrh, asthma, and all 'throat and lung alfectioiis, also .a positive and radical cure fur nervous debility and all nervous complaints, after having tested- its wonderful cura tive powers ill "thifTisands of cases, has felt it his duty tofliialie it hiniwti to his Mitl'eriug -fellows, "^(j-tuaic.l by this motive, and a desire ,t.v relieve human suti'eri'.iu', I will send, free of dial;.'/', lu a!I who ill'.- ire it, this rcceij.t in < b-riuan, I'ic noli, iir Knidish, with full directions for pn ji.trino and nsino.. Sent by mail by addivs'.ing with stamp, naming this ]e,| r, \V. W. Nhcrar, ll'tj Powers' Block, K;..ehe.-ter, N.Y.- - L'S-lt ri^^j:.kiJL--!;!g->_iJ.1.L-J ' map " i|.taBii:ii. In CiL'iirgetowii, on the 2nd inst, by the Kev. Mr. Ciiswoii'ii, Mr. C'hai les l.on^ to Martha, daughter of Mr. Jas. Pyder, all of Acton. Oil (lie 1st of ,1 iiiiiry. at the resi dence of the bridi-.i' father, Township j-r-rist^S;^ Cotton Trimmings, Fancy Goodq, &c. o"n hand, and ir.;:^hii.-r of Mr. J-atiK-.s I'ir.^Hii. last Murabei? T The subscriber can with confidence assure his old friends and he trusts many new ones, that he can oSer them sueja inducements to purchase as cannot be operedv by any other house in town. His selections are of the very latest styles. His stock will be comparatively light, well assorted, regular ly refitted, and carefully selected, and, as to quality and price, he can compare favorably with any house west of Toronto, He trusts by due attention to his customers interest as well as those of his own to merit a fair share) of the trade of this community. B'ull lines in JDr^ss Goods, "Winceys, Flannels, l-'rrs' Cocoa. tlji.irtn'.i. ami Com- roitTiNii. "By a thorough knowledge of the uatnral laws which govtsrn the ojierations of digestion ami nutrition, and by a careful application of the tine properties, ilf Well selected eoeoa, Mr.- Ep|is has jirovided our breakfast tables, with a delicately flavored beverage whieh-may save its many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judiciou."use of such 1 articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until .sti'oiu.-e.iioiigh to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle mal.idie.- .".re floating around Us ready to attack wherever thcre'is a weak point. We nny escape m.auy a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves wd! fortilied with pure blood anda'pro- perly nourished frame." Cicil Sn-vkc G,v.<ttr, Sold only in packets labeled: "'.Ja'mks Kits & Co., Homoeopathic Chemist, -1^, Threadncedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London." ACTO.V aiAKEiCTM. Flour .........$2 50 to 3 00 Fall Wheat, . .. .. 1 12 to I IS Spring Wheat, ... . . 0 75 to I 05 Spuniied Spring Wheat 0 To to 1 Oil Parley...... Oats ... .. Pea 3 . '; . B'.ltt-T ... Eircs (new laid) Chickens Ct ::"se . . ... Turkeys Potatoes, per bag Apples, early, per bap Hay, per ton. o r,n to o o . o so to o ;i-i . o <;o to o en . 0.17 to 0 18 . 0 IS toO 00 . O (I.-, to O 0 . (I (15 to 0 00' 0 Oii to o 07 0 CO to 0 70 . 0 no to 0 70 10 00 to 14 JO arriving daily in order to meet the requirfements of the tradel And as he intends to adhere JSTEICTLY^o the CASH PRIN CIPLE his customers may depend on receiving the very best valu^ for their money. ] ,v Wishing all a happy new year; v. -h I am Tour Humble Servant JAMES SYMOW .frofluoeipf all kinds t&feea m q&& at tke-Highest maril&t ^rice- ^ *^ - ] " no fid Acton,Jnnuary 1 j -1879- NiiW' ADVERTISEMENTS. T OST. _ , ~~ ^~ Petween the residence of the under signed and the "tjailway, Station on the, .... , o --- ------------------ 31st ultimo, a Ladies' Ivory and , adjoining tho entrance to" tho school Gold Pencil case, also a guinea and told i H.r.""ml3' >s. offered for sale or rent, dollar. These articles being valued as keepsakes, any person finding the i^amc will be liberally rewarded on returning the same to me. REV. P. 1IOBBS. Acton, Jan'y 3rd; 1S7S. "yALjJABLE PROPERTY IN For Sale or Let. The Stone Dwelling on Main .street, '.' -NjEW ADVERTISEMJEN'TS. : .?o-.r>U.; John (Joisli tliu, ;5.lL'i Koljerc Siu)8,2.87 ; J nines Iiyilur, 52.75 ; and recommended that Juniea Ryder's tender for 30 cords of. wood be accepted, for which they agreed to pay him $75 pur cord when the whole is delivered. Moved by Mr. .Moore, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the report ol the Fuel Oqmraitteo bo adopted.' Carried.- Moved by .Mr. Snyder, seconded by Mr. Mooro, that this 'Boar4 advertise for tenders for caretaker for Acton school, for the year 1878. Tenders to be addressed to John Ros&, up to Monday, 14th inst., who.will givo all information aa to tho duties of caretaker. Carried. iir.; Hall tendered his resigna tion aa Trustee, on account of bin leaving'towu, which was accepted by the Board, nnd transmitted to the Inspector for his acceptance. Moved by Mr. Storey, Hecorided by Mr. Snyder, that tho Board do now adjourn to meet again on Monday, 14th inst., at 7:30 o'clock p. m. Carried. Every week the Guelph \Mnr- curt/ and Herald have a space devoted to _"Acton Items, from our own corres pondent." As the items do not appear in those papers until the latter part of the week, and, as they generally resem ble the items which appear in the Fkee Piiess, we would jirrlgo that they use tho Fuhb Piikss as their "correspon dent." We suggest that they would leave out that word and insert "Fits Press" instead. . " Suddfpnly,. and without a moment's warning," says an exchange " tho plank ljToko,- and the unfortunate carpenter fell to the ground. Well, now, wdiafc .would you expect of a plank? Would you e.vpeet it to give warning. . "Look out, everybody I everybody can't stand the pressure of thia blamed carpenter and i ho don't get off me he'll get his head |buated -"- tiVV.hVa M.tUKCT.-i. Special to the Free Pkess, per Dumin- i'jn Line. G'uixrir, Jan. 10th, 167S Flour, per 100 . . S2 50 to 3 00 White Wheat, per bush ]' 20 to 1 23 Treadwe'll - do 1 15 to T IS Sjiriiig Wheat.. .. 1 05 to 1 OS Cats/ Parley, Peas .. Hay, per ton Egg", per doz. Butter, per lb. Potatoes per bag Hogs, per cwt Chickens per pair Geese .. Turkeys Ducks 0 32 to 0 "A; 0 45 to 0 53 0 CO. to 0 0.1 19 00 tol2 00 0 17 to 0 18' . 0 15'to 0 Ifiv 0 GO to 0 70 4 75 to r> 40 0 O0 to O 05 0 80 to 1 00 0 70/o 1 00 0 40 to 0 00 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Complimentary hnpprr. On Wednesday evening, 2d inst., tho Acton Division Sons of Temperance en tertained Messrs. H. P. Mooro and J. .j L.-Warreh, at a complimentary suppler, in the Temperance Hall, on the ocea_ sion of tbeir removal from Acton. After tea had been served an address was read, expressive of the sorrow the members of the Division felt at the de parture of two of two of their'most en ergetic members to which Mr. Moore and -Mr. Warren feelingly replied. Several of the-father members'give short addresses expressing their regrets, after which the meeting- broke up. U'Jie young men left by the 3:35 train oni Thursday morning, for Belleville, wiere they intend to take a course of instruc tion in the Albert College. We wish I Would you expect .a,common] two inch them every success in their new sphere ' plank to do that. ' The thing is ab-j of labor. "I surd.'; ' 23-3t. rjpE.vaijits for caretaker' Tenders will be received by the Acton ydiool Hoard, up to Monday, 14th inst., for the position of Caretaker of the Acton School. Tenders to be address ed to ' - JOHN -ROSS, Head Master. jV.-ton, Jan. S, 1S78._ It j^ARM FOR SALE OR REST; Tlio undersigned, offers to sell his farm consistingfif about 100 acres, beiii^ west half of hi.t 31, 5th Con. Ksijnesing, Good frame house and .barn, small or chard and never failing stream on the premises. Tim land "is of excellent quality, between 80 and 00 acres cleared, balance in covered with p;ood maple. beech and cedar wood, 'li> acres good looking wheat in ground. If purchaser requires time he may havo it for one year, or a number of years ; -rpnt shall be required in advance. Offerj will bo received for either buyiiig or: renting untjl 15th February. SIMON MoT/KAlS", 2S-Ct. on the premises. ISSOIil'TIUX OF I'AKT- k\i:nsii!!'. J^OTICE. The partnership .heretofore existing under theTiame and style- of Wilson ic "Johnson, Tinsmiths, of the Village of Acton. County -of Jir.ltoii, is this day dis^olvcd by mutual consent. The business will be carried on by Mr. Philip P. Johnson, who will pay all debts, and collect accounts contracted by the above linn. W. P. WILSON". P. P. JOHNSON. T. Ai.nmiT Mooi.-k, Witness. Acton, Dee. ."ilst, 1S77. " 27-"t* There are nine rooms /md large cellar, and a quarter of an acre of garden, For further particulars apply to HORACE J. HALL, Esqi Acton, Kov. 20, 1S77. 20-*3m -&- XiZE CTTJRB - TO YOUNG MEN. We have reccnCy pu*>ij"tie(l a nrwedl- do-i o.' ; . (ulvcnvoll'ii '<'lcl>r:i<c:I E- Miy.on me -iohcji.' n.m pereoaoeoi cure (Viiitooi in' itifleelpr Nervous Del) lit/, .MolHit- and Po..-/ye ii ic:;rncli.v- Imoecti- me'ils id ilalT(d"P, c.c, res.iU..!^ ,.om e% cesses, . 1" ce, !.n asPiPtlenvelope,only Scents or 'ovo posl'i'.e ^. m,i>s. 'jl'o i e,eo;'; . in this adreir- nb-e JCss.iy, c!ea, ' cle.iloiis. .'jw^s. fi'om toirly yrris' si'ccpss.ih ), ?'[ ce. that a!at loie^'cticsequf noes inn e be laiocnily . ot"rt J Wohdntl lie dau'seioos useo; ioisr- t nal" medicilm or ,iu* a .' cailoo or the 'kriire; noiiiliTj otua mode o' core at once simple cei'i:iii .-.i-l e.leciiinl, by in.-r as of wn >ct\ every Kcii'ei'C' .oo in a tier wi'-H Dls conil'tioti miy up, may ciro 0 iii-eireiieao1.'. nrivnte-liu'il r iOICflly. T ds I eM i" e si'ou'il he in i tic bands of evei.v youln andoi-e'ry m iu in the h-iud. THE CI'LVCK'nTLL .1IF.OICAI I'O.. ' -H .iiinbl,, New' York. PostO/n.-e Uox !5SC. 4-ly QALL AT' CHASE'S 0ARRIAGE ..WORKS,;1 144 d> 145 Woolwjich St reet, <3r "D" 33 Xj X=: &C , For'first-clasB Cutters or Pleasure Saeij^bs. of the latest Pa Lterna . at low prices. For N sat-" ness, Cheapness,. And durability, they canno : be Mir. passed. Callearly. SIUST - BE SOLli 24-'Jt Pringle's Jewellery Gnelph. Store. i igji fat (W \& diveai FOR-THE AOTO-Isr S- F ilOl FOR; SALE. - The Btibscriljcr is-offering for sale his 53 acre farm, being North West half of Lot 24. 2nd eon. _ The farm is nearly all under cultivation, a good house and barn, a young orchard, and ncver-fail- inc well on the.premises. Apply to a: WALD1E, on tho prcmices. J Only $1 a Tear y In advance TOEilUSIJBKE EOAR. The undersigned has still the Berk shire Boar, "\\reIlingtoii," bred by Mr. Geo. Pudd, of. Guelph, which will, bo kept for service, at the farm joining the Undid Truuk Station.. Price $1.00. Cash. C.S.' SMITH. Aeton, Pec. P, 1S77. " 22-tf __ . . j_ X> US I NESS 'PROPERTY TO FaRMEHS AlO) EVERYBC(DY ELSE. . "Why is Pringlo's Jewell i in Guelph the best place t( Becatieo all the wujfch, e jewellory repairing is oil by himself, or under liia supervision. He being a lirst-class workman in all the branc lies, arid having the greatest interesi m keep ing his cuatomerH, it follows that nil tho work will' bo dope well. The imdci'.vgned offers for salo that desirable properly sitiTntod on Main street, now occupied by Mr. -C'has. O.m'errn as a store and dwelling. '1*1)4) property i< ,-,i firit class condition a.t(d \vitli a. gool cellar.. Tei tus liberal For I'm ther )i."irlictilar.s npjily to' Jir.r-tfP-.'W; DA R ' nT'G ct CO. --:"; Montreal Or. ! W-H.'STOniiY, Acton. :\-;ton,' > . S2d, 1S77. : This , ia a progressive age. I\cw features are constantly being in troduced, old theories arc revolution ized. ' Music, which but a few years sinco wns mil nought of in that connec tion, has been introduced in our Public Schools in many sections of our country and it has become almost a necessity Prior every family to possess either a I'l'h ~ ........ iano or Organ, or both, and it-is im portant that all should know where tho best instruments can be bought for tho least money. Paiiiel F. Peatty iFsq.; of Washington, Now Jersey, ihas a best, and wo believe liis prices' eomparii favorably with other first class makers. Wo would earnestly recommend all to write to. him for information before 22 3m buying. * ^ ' " "d" Every job which comes shop iB examined by him is taken away. The" PIAK0& PARLOR GROAN i .j>-ui.ii.jij-Mmii-ni-.H.Mi^ aasaBam IKSTR5JCTOE WJi'.,'l ililll.i* '..a Containtn^tne c'lmenti i 'n-.|c v nil easy aii.l proj; ess.ve exeici-r- . o pe- .'ect tue player. ,a Ine art o. .mioic ,'>|iher piano or ortai ) to wucii j-im..'*-o over pixly Waltzes, I'oo.as, ai;Hri^.s_l,aloi's. Ui-enctic Mhioi lr-s. Ilances. e. c., bj- X-onr lei F. rraiiy. W/i'Oii.ij.tr/i Sow Jeltev, onenfthebr'si vvoll.soli.rt li l.-d eVfj In traduced,: n" n i;:.i he iji i.u>- i.^ncls of every piano ^i".io.'i -'a ti'ii'^t . Weotr-ost-- pald I'inuy ivri \). i.o .U'Ve'.-rti fita.^s or Canada lor oulvfliiy ev'ui inn p:'ee bavin-r been reJeceO '-l-o in-riKltiee U ever.vw icip. . Addresi- 1'A.MEL i. 11EA0.1 Y. Washiti^LOn, >'e Jtrrs-y._ rpo E ROYAL EiGHANGE: HOTEL. J _ ; ACTON. " - ' This v.-e'i-known house, has recently undergone a thorough renovating and repairing, is now furnished wich'new - and modern furniture, of "the best des cription, ajid is; prepared to jjrovide first-class aetTJmni'oclationto the public. The present proprietor'has received a license; and-h% will keep the bar well Htore ' BUl>pl'e^ with the very bca!t of liquors j- ..' '. j'ami cb/ars. T'lie stabling is birp;e and -. deal -t, tj Tvell-tjtted uri; also "ample shed-room. ' ock H.11U The patronage of the public is respefct- ier donr. ulJy solicited.. . ^ j - personal -j ". f .". * . ,3!K -M-^EY ' - I Acton,.Juuer20, 13,/^ m into the before it d clocks [ HEW DfWilON BOOT &. SHOE oTME- " '. . " ;- !': :' Opposite Agnew's'Hotel, MaSa Street, Actou. Ton can buy watches rti iclieaper there than anywl ere else, because Pringle having bought from ' __^sct m_ <q -v \ ThoH. Russell & Son for msh tho (ESivSTEIf & OJJt whole of their stock in One Iph, atid i *. got it cheap, he can afford to selP Wish to call, the attention of I he i .- cheap. All.stock bought by him 1 habilants of the Village of Actum r' . .,, , , ,fe. ., J-. . , ( and vicinity,To tneir -lm-uon^o in future will be bought lor cash; slo'k Of' - - Merchants and traders know thau . ^ *- " ^: _*- this is a great ad vantage. Pringle : E30TS< SH0ES- & 2R00E|iIE3. has' no connection with th}. drm of' Pr'iS_g_ the latest styfes in Russell cfe Son, any more is still their nuthorized One Who than hp Boots nnd"Shoes Ordorel Work receivesour*|^ocial HI f- iB still their ..uthorized abent for nttenlion.* "jiepairing proiiiiriiy'\&U the Itusnell wateh, whic'i is. ac- tended to; .' i ' ' knowledged to be the he* t watch i " made. G. D. Pringle has adso ren our. | qvo, ilsjrfell supplied.wijth ,,,.,, TO, Our ]Groce4-y Department. established as agent for t le VVal-1 ' * tham and Elgin American vatcbrB, I and n full line of them, f-oni tbd ' lightest to the heavy six-oli icecafie,'TIqcio SVJP"cirS ! ^ will bie kept on hand. Remember . . ^r-,. / ""' that nil tbos watches -are now] FrUluS, BlSCUltS, -..' - boughtentirelj.for^h, andI there.j -TobaCCOS, $03,03,' tore can and will }w sold by linn - ' _. ' -_i . A .' chpaper tl^mn they jean bo rot any where cls^. Bountiful CbristtmiR goodo coming inavery day. Gold Coffees, &c,. &: clmins/gold rings,'ki'ckcts; bl-obches, Please call and -examine (lurls'i-ck. etc: iJ. [KnoWs. KENNrcK-fe'stA* Aoton,,T)eo. 12 1S77. im %-&&

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