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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 10, 1878, p. 2

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sss:>? " - ,:M nm --.-^ :r' m ^ 55S fn 5. trrwH*.* fr; THE JFEEE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT., JANUARY 10, 1878. l^.l~ ACTO.\ t'ltfch l*|(t,titi| ri;blislu'i.l irvory Thurnlay Morning' m GUELrir. 5!nyor- tSi'o. Howard (elected . i Uv acclamation). First Deputv- El Per Annum in; Advance- lW IB, s^.o.I.l llieh. j Mitchell. Sir rv-f #v *> 4-f* ,* ^ r* -1 ^V OO CJ Third IVpui vliceve Caleb Clime ;T>>-*j|-M.iI-.t- 1-oO.Lj i-^fOj^,,,,^!^.;^,.,,^ (;0VVdy, Mo Tlt;:i:flAY MokmSi!, Oan. jGiiiro, Motrin, Poraii.t-Imbu, P<\, 10 1SV8. | Kocho, (i.uihaii, llis-'eoe, llcarn mid Mitch. II. To Our rntrons. W e. hare reccivedi n groat limn- her of notices from our natrons, complimenting us on .th.o tine ap poaranco of tho 'Krim: " Pri:ss mucc it has come unJT our control, for which wo thank tlit'in. .Oomph imrnfs.go it great way in ci.c^ur/njhiii an editor, bty it will not . fi/^.^rt him. It; is a well known fact that '" . %- ! it tkes a great amount ot moii\y "; to run a newspaper, and wo Would j like if thoe who arc in ""arrears ; would come- and settle nt once. We are doing all in om power to fur- Taisk our.readers with u good news paper,, bat we must havo money to r do it; with. We deal honorably and 'tiquarely with othi_'rtv and pay as we go, and would like to receive the e-uuie from tlirin. MEETING OF PRESBYTERY. THE ELECTIONS. The greatest expitrmeut prevail ed throughout tbe_\yh>? Village on Mouday, over the rlee'ion. The most energetic elTjrts were put 4brth by the candidates and their friends to.- secure their election. _The interest mostly centered in the election*/of l:e Kieve.' Bolh Mr. Storey and Mr. McG: rviri, together with their friends, work ed hard in their behalf. It was as we expected a pretty close run between the- two. During the . former part of the week the ma jority of people were confident r jtitu Mr. Storey would go in with a sweeping majority, and bets were made to that effect :.' but on election, day things seemed to cbango and it' w,ts doubtful which .of tie two would win. There were quite a nimfer of rhe baliots "bich had no X on for 11-eve. -which showa that they considered one as fit for Reeve a-3 the other, ancf.:wanted to act neutral. At fire jo'clock! the poll closed, and s large crowd assembled in front of" Matthews' Hail to hear the returns. The returns were not made until abotrt seven o'clock, The Trcsd'Vtery of Guclph mot in Knox Church, Aoton, according to appointment, on tho hccod 1 - Tucsd'iy of Jaiiunry. Tho niiint's of intuiliiis piesi.nt were put upon record. The minutes of funnel' meetings wero reiid and Hustaiiuni. Ooiuiiii.ssiju.s of lluhng KldeiH to repie.scnt them were read from the Kirk itytisKins of First t'lnnch, | 1'Jtainosa. Erin, and Mist P.uslineh. Il was agreed that the considera tion' of Keniits from tho llelieral Assembly be deferred till iHijXtf meeting. A couimitlee, composed" of ^Jr, Torrunee, convenor, Mr. d. (J. C?inith, and Mr. Thos. Mct'rue, was ]ipoiuU-d to consider thu Remit on .Keclesiastical Procedure and report. A ela'iin from the congregation of Iloekwood, for help tijom the Hoiiie Mission Fund- was ] neseiited, mid the Piesbytery directed the matter to bo submit ted to ths Committee, with a full statement of faci.*, soniu of which have How^ptjme to tho knowledge of the Presbytery for the first time. A reference for udvice from the Kirk Session of' Knox L'hare'h, Acton, and a question from' the Session' ut Krin of the ~same char acter, were under consideration for some time, and the mind of the Presbytery ascertained. A minute was read from the Presbytery of Toronto, to the effect that they had proceeded to orgs-nize a congregation at Ballinufad. After lengthened deliberation, the following motion was unanimously adopted : '" That this Presbytery, Laving heard read tho minute of the PresOvteTy of Toronto, express their regret that said Presbytery had proceeded wjtU what.appears to them undue l.nste ia dct-i ii'r.iiiiig to organize rk coti- 'giegalion nl .jialimatad. Tin-v would .call attention :o the fact that while that congregation has been organized within the bounds of tliat Presbytery, all the members, of which it is to be composed at the conaiiencenient are taken al- Lmost exclusively ftxmi congrega tions within the bounds of the Schools in tho .boiin Ih, From re- t^i'iis reeelv d from iheiu- it njip-ar- etl tliuti 'Jl ho'hioIh liiid ' iieiiti in replies to the eiii'iiltirs ibsiit'tl, giv ing 'J,('>' !) nam1 h on the rnll.i us pupil ; li,7l$ teaeheiH, ofwhoii) "17 wereVouimuiiioanls. Vt the kc'IiouIh, 10 veto kopt open during flo win e year, and .live between tix and eiijlit. month-i. Total unnibri of volumes in libraries, t\0o0. Jlymin and ptnlniH are used in nil J |;tlie hcliools. Nearly all contribute to missioiiH, tho Mini contributed f>r thoBO purposes being 86110. 'M. All tho schools report tljo use of the SlioYter ('ateehiMin. A lcliglh- oiu d conversation took place upon tlm report, enpec;u!ly upon tli<i point whether at tendance on tic l'i d.(:Class should be rrturned as part of the Sabbath School, or ommitted. ITliiniutt>lv, the mat- ter was referred to the Committee on Re olutioiiH for their considera tion. j At 11 o'clock the subject, " Tho Relation of Parents to tlio S ibbath' School, and the duty of bringipg up their children in the fear jot did," was introduced by tlit". I*rv. Dp,-McKay, of Dulls Church, Fast Puslinch, in an interesting pap"er. Some remarks on tin1 same sulijeet werij made by Mr. Alex. Cranston. After giving an hour, the time allotted to the discussion of this point, the next subject wis takep up, viz ents and Sabbath School Teachers,1' which was introduced by the Rev. J. C. Smith, followed by the R-v. P. Smyth, who had 'to take tho jilaee of the Pev. J. K. Smith, of Gait, who ws unable to attend, and Mr. Charles. Davidson. Re- maiks from delegates .present occu pied the time till the hour of ad journment, at 1 o'clock. The Conference met n'sain at 3 o'clock, And was opened with de votional exercises. Tho chief feature of the meeting was the hu'ijo gathering of Sabbath School children, who were addressed by tho Rev. A. M. flamilion, Rev. J. 15.- Mullen, and Mr. Thomas McC'rae. A general discussion en the use of the Shorter Cat'ohism, Psalms, and Hymns in -Sabbath Schools was opened by the . Rev. \V. S. Ball, who was followed br others. The report of the Com- .mittee on Resolutions was then 'received and adopted. A collection was taken .up, and the doxology Bn and Scissor, N^iccl-Hi Piessi ng tin si niJHs Cider-ni a hing Tlio Ontirt-lo Car . Works, of 'London have resumed-work, l^ueliec intends to give a $chooj exhibition at the Paris I'lxposition. UAiiROV E33A?! Itcardmorc's Tannery Nearly oil Fire. Last night, about liftoim minuton lobertou, of Kit:- I after ten n'oliick- the citizen.! of tlii-4 : " Duties of Supei intend^!} Amberley, Mr. Chas. I1 eardine, Jias (allenin |rosstission 10,009 from tho oljl country. A Hamilton cash boy rtt a dry goods house "stole uvt>r 8100 in iebs ' than aix werfks. lie wan arrested. Thirty Texas papers . lnivo died within tholp.ist twtdee months, and sixty new ones Bjirang into exist ence during the same time. - Conductor Carter, on tho \V. G. it B. line was lately presented by the citizens of lirussels with a haudsp:n j gold ring as a token of regard. A dctoctjvu named Beniicr, who liis been np'rating- in (liey, has had aiiotlier charge of perjury pre ferred against him, and has been committed for trial. Five Rrmitford .tavern-keepers liav.) each paid Slit") and costs for infracting tho Duukiu Act. Four also in Napuriee pnid"in over i?2(Hi for their lawless vending.- A little girl, about tliree years; of aye, daughter of Ceo, Iiiihy, of | bank a inouthlul of ) boiling Water from a teakettle :<m the stove, and died four hours after. A car load with nitre glycerine at Marquette, Mich., exploded on the 2nd inst., blowing seven uien almost to atoms m d liftihtf a loco- was sung, after which the Rev. Mr. Torrance pronounced the bene diction/' :1 respective . candidates wero as follows : ^ nr.EVE W. H. Storey, .. Dr. MeGarvin, . . 70- 131 124 104 92 35' Hill. i.J. and during these-' two --hours the Presbytery of Guelph. They excitement ran high,, and a great would protest against the action of number of bets were made. When the Presbytery of Toronto as uu- the returns were read out it was friendly, und un infringement upon found that tho .vote3 . cast for tho ^-tllt.;r rig|ltSi and cornplairnd to tho Synod." It was agreed to grant the application from certain p*r- gons at Drayton for preaching, and arrangements were made for regc- lar'-'Sabbath supply till nest meet ing in March. Considerable time was spent on tbe state of the seve ral funds under charge of the Presbytery. Mr. Smellie reported from the Committee appointed to make arrangements for a Confer ence on thestate of Religion, con taining certain recommendatioDS which were adopted. Reports JVom ministers, appointed to preach missionary sermons, und of dele gates appointed to'L.bld missionary meetings, were given in by those present and received. Mr. J. C Smith addressed the3?resbytery on the subject of Knox and Queen's Colleges. The Presbytery expres sed their satisfaction with tho statements made, the importance of the subject and the duty of ex horting congregations to a more liberal support of these institutions. Several matters of minor import ance were considered, which space forbids us noticing. The next meeting was . fixed to be held in [Chalmers Church, Guelph'.Jon the secondf. Tuesday of March, at ten o'clock, forenoon. COUN'CILLORS. John Coates,...... C. T. Hill, ...... John Speight, . . . . . . J. II. Smith, .. "-.. Eli Snyder, The elected candidates are Reeve W. H. Storey. <r~v-- -. *- Co.tTWciiLor.s Coate3, -'j~' Speight, and Smith. __ It- .will be seen I by the above that we have an entire new Coun cil for the present year. Eieijr one of the "members of the uw Council are energetic and business- i - -' - - like men',-an>l are mart of good common sense-. . We are, sure., they will be worthy of the^con&Jeuce i. placed in ,them by the electors?. i By saying this, we do not mean to say that the retiring Council were not as good, as we sre sure thay. bare proved themselves amplytj qualified for the position. There" are, doubtless, nrinor points ijpon 1 whieh individual el;cto:^ may object to their policy, but we be lieve it has been calculated gener ally to promote the common good. ESQCESHNTG. " TleeVe W, Clay, (by acclnm.i-. lion). First Deputy-K"eve :W. MeEftery. Second- Deputy Reevi r R. SraharajJ. H. Shortreed. NAS8AGAWEYA. R^eve John R unsay, (re-elect ed ' by acclamation). Deputy- Raeve James Menzies", (re-electW- by -acclamation). Councillors T>' Wbeelighan, D. * Huteheon, W. Watson. . ^ - MILTONr Mayor G. Smith. TORONTO. Mayor Angus Morrison PRESIJYTEEIAX SABBATH SC'ilOOL f.'ONFEREXCE. In- the evening thej Presbytbry met as a Sabbath School Conference. An excellent and appropriate ser mon was preached by the R^v. J. Sunth, who took fir the ground >f .his remarks Dent. vi. 7 and Mark x. 13. After public worship, Messrs. D. Smyth^ M. H. McPher- -iou:and Robert Simpson were ap- oointed a Committee on-Resolu- ioiis. It was agreed that tho shb- ,ect to be taken up ut.foiir o'clock >n Wednesday afternoon bo omit- ed froni tire programme. The Jouference then aljournet), to meet text morning at ten o'clock. The Coiifejer.ee opened on Wed- ;.iday inorning at 10 o'clock. ifter devotioi.al exercises, Mr, A. Jumpbell read a vnyy elabor.itr: and ,eaueful report; - oil the Sabbath filtibimiir AfTrny. __. .. - ,'J'hi' .' "r,f il day evening la.it a young mail about twrniy-eight years of age, son; of Mr. Win. Patterson, of the West Fud, Guli>h Township, was grabbed by en old man usually "known as *f Rory" McCrac, and the injuries am of Kiich a nature that, it's yet, it is impossible toi tell whether-they will prove fatal or not. Patterson, however, is in a very serious condition. Tho afl'iir took'plice at Lillic's Hotel, on the Elora Road. McC'rae is a character well known in Guclph, from the fact that he makes periodical visits to tho town for the purpose of dispes ing axe handles, which he manufac tures. On Saturday,'be was in; Guelph, and he, as usual, drank considerably during the day. To wards evening ho proceeded up us far as Lillie's Hotel, where he cul led for liquor. This, it is said, he was refused, and after some young fellows who were present, had chaffed him ho left for tho Junc tion Hotel to get liquor theie. It is .also said that liqnor was refused hirri there, and he returned to Lillie's, a little after eight o'clock. Patterson, who is tho victim of the unfortunate affair, and a highly resppctable young man, had been threshing during the day, and called at tho post oihee. When McCrae returned to Lillie's,. several young men-who were there, seeing thai he was the worse of liquor, ftiipeared to think ho was a legiti mate object for fun, and commenc ed teasing him. At this time Mc Crae had his jack knife out, und was cutting tobacco. Patterson observing that McCrae was getting very cngry, and doubtless thinking that he should not be teased, went up to him and putting his hand on his shoulder said, " Rory, come along with me," intending to take hira away from tho crowd. Mc Crae misinterpreting the action and considering that Patterson 'meant to tease him, drew his hand back: whichr held the knife and stabbed him in tho lower part of abdomen, with an upward stroke. Patterson fell, exclaiming, " I am stabbed."' In an instant all was confusion, and while ho.tio assisted Patterson to a couch in the hotel; one of the party was despatched post hasto to Guelph for a doctor. Dr. Brock's services-jvero first secured arid on h\^ arrival, seeing motive and throwing it budih Village were startled by tho. alarm pf lire. ; Those who first gavo tho alarm- stated that theHargo tannery, belonging to Mr. . Bjardinoro, was in II lines, but on proceodiug to tho'"j place no signs of iniy lire could bo ascertained for. some time. It wm ul last discovered that tho lunch house in connection "with the tan nery was tilled with smoke, and on going inside it was found that tho fire was sm mldering iii tho l):irk currier. With the assistance of a number of persons ; who were pre sent and a plentiful supply of water the (ire was Hoon.extinguish ed. The cause of the lire cannot be aHcer'taineth, as them had been ntf work dono nor incchinery in opera!ion lu this department since three- o'clock in the afternoon. llr'I'tho fire got its own way for live minutes longer there would have been no possibility of saving j the whole tannery from destrnc-: tion_ Tho loss will not niuunn^.to | over a few dollars. "-' .______________^_^_______ I ADVERTISE some fifty feet. The total grain- shipment!) from Belleville,.(.Int., fi>r tho past season, were TiSG.-llT bushels, an "increase of 100,000 bushels over last year. All- but 00,000 bushels iwent to foreign ports. " Madam," said nn impertinent boarder to his landlady, "your butter is too aristocratic for uiy democratic'taste. It is oiiel of the c.ises in whicli sweetness is prefer able to rank." _ , The Duudas, Out., True Banwr, is a bold .Reformer. It proposes an Early Rising Association, hav ing for its alternate object the establishing of earlv church services on Sunday inorning. Mr. W. A.,Foster, solicitor for Mr. Jair.c 5 Realty' -of the Lr"'/:i; has tiled a bill in Chancery against the fi-rp/iration of Toronto, for tho re-'.-i-. >'i 'lOn, whi-ch. he claims ..lor the iiou-IuiiiiiucnL of a caii-' t.uct. / In Guelph there is fit present a child, a few weeks-old, whose-head a id countenance resembles that of a calf, and it is Raid to testify de light by. clapping its hands when Irotigtit into the neighborhood of CO'.vs. It is a most singular freak of nature. A young man visiting his mis tress, met a rival, who was some what advanced in years, and, wish ing to rally him, inquired how old ho was. "I can't exactly loll," replied tho other ; " but I can in form you that an ass is older at 20 than a man at GO." Tho case of Ross- vs. Eby it Rittinger, proprietors of the Wal- kextou 'Trlccupc, has been decided in favor of the defendants. ' The suit was brought by the plaintiff, formerly a proprietor, to recover a certain sum of money which he claimed to have in the business. The tallest man in tho Uuited States is probably Henry Thurston, a native of Missouri, now residing ! in Titus county, Tex., and former ly a confederate soldier, who stands seven feet and six inches in his bare feet. Barnum offered'him a large sum to join his exhibition, but he declined. Josnph Cafe, an Italian cabinet I maker, went into a planing mill. ' at Providence, 11. I., o!n Friday, Started the machiner}*-, nnd'-put both hands upon the knives, where they wero chopped to pieces. Sur geons amputed his arms, but the chance of his life is small. Cafe is subject to fits of insanity. Tho money stolen in the United States during the past four years beginning at a.period just prior to the panic of 1873 by . reason of. defalcation, embezzlements,- and-, breaches of trust on the part of city and county officials, bank otlicers, executors of. estates, dec, foots up to over $3,0000,000. He.had enjoyed the festive holi days thoroughly. "Oh, Czar! I feel like forty loaded Kars," he exclairnect. " Pasha !" . replied a friend, " Servio right for Russian into Tin key so. Take some Porl^), it will cure . your India-geation." He walked off muttering that even friends were becoming In-Stiltan in their remarks.- On -the 21st ult. an old man named George Irwin, iige-d 92 I years, was fatally scalded;-"' Iff) re-" bided with his- son-in-law Joseph Alton, at Lueknow, and on the day in q-nestion iie was sitting - beside the stove. 1 u rising to his feet he seized hold of a boiler of hot water to steady himself, and accidentally pulled it over, scalding himself in a fearful manner. a week before dying. He lingered for how dangerously wounded they young man was, sent after Dr. Herod. They found tho wound to be a very ugly one, with a portion of the covering of tho slomnch protruding. This was with some difficulty replaced and tho wound was found to ba nearly two inches in Iirngth at the surface. It is yet impossible to say what chances the young man has for re covery. McCrao lias not been arrested as yet, but he has made no attempt to escape. ; ' A singular accident occurred on Friday last in thelbl/icksmith shop of Ranton (t Beat, Pilkington. A young man, named Hedley, was standing with half n pound of gun powder in his coat pocket, near to an anvil on which a workman wns hammsring a piece of hot iron, a spark, from which entered the pocket, burnt through tho paper and caused the powdei to explode. [A hole was made in the coat, and tho young man's pants were singed on the one leg, but no further in- ' jury resulted from the explosion. Piu:sr,NTATio.s' at Rockwood. On New Year s Eviy Mrs. "White and Mrs. Mitchie, of Rockwood, called .at thu Presbyterian nianb'e, and, in the name of the ladies- of the congregation, presented their pastor, the Rev. Donald Strachan, with the sum of twenty-five dullanj as a New Year's gift. Mr. Strachan briefly returned thanks for this and other tokens- of kinOness received by him since Lis settlement in Rockwood. ; Another- infanticide case has come to light in S'ratford. A few days ago li-Mrs. Edward Welsh and daughter while near the railway bridge picked up a parcel which was laying alongside the road and on opening it'discovered the dead body of a new born male child. The body wji.s handed over to Coroner ilvde, antl a post mortem being held, the doctor was of opinion that the child had been ;ber'n alive and from appearances it bad either died from suffocation or starvation. A grand farewell banquet was held in tho-Town Hall, Diindas, on Thursday evening in honor of Rev. E. Haskell, snd closing a mo.it 'Successful series of Gospel Temperance meetings. These have been held nightly for twenty-two evenings, lesiilting1 in such a mar vellous reformation as was- never before known in that vicinity. Upwards of G jO have signed : the pledge, including a largo portion of the moderate and excessive drinkers in the town. One liquor store has given up,the traffic, and two'more are now'to do so. The result is a fully organized Teruper- arco Reform Club, and tho quick ening of all the charitable and re formatory working of the town. A Detective Detected.- Some few days ago a detective of the Hamilton G. -W. R. force an nounced to tho wifo of his bosom that he had to-pay a visit to Lon don. His undonbfedly better half said nothing, but having had oc casion of late to suspect the fidelity of her lord, deputed her- son -to watch the father. The son did so, and tra'ced the father to a house on James street, where it appears a lady friend of the detective from Dkiinimondville resided. The boy went and told his "Ma." Then tho,war commenced. The matyma left her residence.~on John street, knocked at the door and demanded if her liogo lord, was there. On being^ informed he "-was not, she quiek|y hit tho oth^r lady in the eye aijd ran upstairs. Daring the temporary altercation below, the delinquent upstairs had time to partly attiro himself, and there being, fortunately, a back staircase, he slipped down with his boots in his hand, and away over tho old graveyard to his residence, where ho arrived before his infarinted helpmate. The curtain-lecture he receiver) has not transpired, but it is certain that the police wore sent for. London Advertiser. IN TRE ! D^Y GOODS ANNOU AGTON Take pleasure in assuring their many custoM^ ; iliat the share of business accorded them dkri the Ffill Season ha.s beeu unusually larg^-^wkji. standing the depressed .state of J-radei generaJiV and. that during the remainder k tlj^seasou no pains will he spared to -retain tiie confidence"^ poser! in them. By regularly assonin^^beirstpcJr fiiej-j hope'to be able to fiiHall orders witMhe iitdosfpromptness, and at the very closest prices, *. In all lines of seasonable; goods their stock will b'^ (ouijhdcomplete: v is iii charge of'"experienced hands only, aqd is regularly -.supplied wilh-ai! the imiest designs,. eO that satisfaction can be guaranteed. |f0 fancy- prices clrnrged for Millinery as is fusiial^in large towjis and cities. A fact which the Ladies Should remeuiber. . R^ADY-MADE? 0VR CROATS. In great 'variety' ant}' cheap from $5,00 4jp.' /BOOTS &"SHOES Large variety and cheap. [ROBBERS, OVERSHOES, LADIES' GENTS' & i_ ' Special drives iij Dress Goo:Is. J FuljiS'ocU of Back Lustres qnd Mourning Goods. TlieijFaiiic-us Tig-re Brand Black Lustres is unsur-' - [passed. ' . : , " .'." AOTOET THEIR .; FAMQtJS. 60c ,:;TEA: Is too Well k'lowti , to n*'.ed furHier,fnpnfioii; I onlv to ;'Wurei all. lovers of ^a good/lswect clip ;|of"lea aff a very |ehsonal>!e pricedJhat tins line will be 'kept up! tt the fu!f standard. Iff j:5 lb lots -put, tij) ina ne t caddy at 45c, and l.inonoy. rcfunde.l. if not satisfactory.- -. V, FREE P A lad named Stoneman has been arrested in Hamilton on a charge of incendiraism. There were eigh teen fires in that city within the past three weeks, and many of them are supposed to have been the work of incendiaries. ' . The Customs Revenue at Halifax for last year exceeds that of tho previous year by over $100,000, or more than eleven per cent ; p.'0"_A- Xj ; i.O'aJOj';-.' By thej gallon, 5 gallons, or Barrel Special price for large pnrcbaser*. ' G0;od Goods, Low Pricey, and Square Dealing are aro}ong y l| the inducements offered :' a_ K Threads pnt in for tUe purpose of extorting <jnor. 1 two cents more per yard. j ' CALL AND SEE US. Actop, Dec. 5, 1877 ^jg^Grx?o?sr Main Street, Acton.. The uridersigried is prepared to do all kinds of-WORK, with neat- ' ness! and <le.patch, on the shortest notice, and a_t-tjie ! most seasonable prices. l;le keep? constantly oa. j aadSTOTSS pf the latest designs, Japan "Ware, Etc All orders for Repairing and eve^ troughiig strictly atleadeti to. COAL Oik A SPECIALTY. il - " - ". ' !. ' (Jail and be convinced that the above statements arenotbalder- d)3sh;or frothy babblings ; 'WM. JLEtTH, Propr'etor. Acton Bee. 29, 1877. ACTON PLANING p. -Sf. CAMPBELL, *!** ; "-t~" '--;V:.!:' Hai-ing pnrehased the aBov aunei establishment,! am prepared to mMS" facture - : ' :* . ' SASH, ppOBfe,V MOTJt,DINGSi&e 'All kinds of \ t Promptly attended to. ' " D. W-CAMPBELL. Acton, Dec. 4th, 1S7|.' ;' '. ~^ A CTOX MOA"BHliY fil^f. The Acon:monthlvsale;-wmbehelo.^ Agnew's Hotel, on Fair D*T,\ \.-. Thursday, i^eW,!. All kinds of Stock, ImpJemenU *V will be sold by paying 50 Cts -p*^ Sal at 1^ o'clock. TERMS. Twelve mont is' crdeit P approved joint iiptes. All entries mnsi be made tO"Jfcr*'*s' Eyder, (Sec. "W'M. HEMSTKEET, | Auctioneer^ 2o-t ' ;, ~'"<\

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