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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 27, 1877, p. 2

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11 *m l> mi m Ad ;-ftf^ vV-M ' Mil r**p m 4. :k :>-.'i'J THE FREE PRESS, ACTOK, HALT01ST GOUNTY, ONT., DECEMBER 27, 1877, 7 OBZHISOL'iyC-^S AND NEW YEAE At JJ -BL McGARVIN'S HALL QE PSARMAgY, GOODS. Comprising" Shells, Bronzes, Papier Machie Goods, Jewel Cases, i Companions, Purses -J> tk11v>,- ^- Vinaigrettes, oiS,+.. f- ^^HSV,- Cruets, Folios, Razor Cases, Perfumes, Scent Bottles Briar and Meerschaum Pipes, MILIf jBTREEIV ACTON, ONTARIO, ses, Skates, ( m& Shell Pockets, Ink Stands, &jc, &c v 6RA.XD TKIAK TI.1l TAItLI; j Trains leave Acton as follows: GOING WESTw Night Express ' j* Toronto niail - .: Day Express *-,-- Express < -i- Gait mixc% * - - 1 UMNO EAST. l;03a.m, 5.10 a.m. 1. R5 p. m. 5.17 p.m. 7:07 p.m. Night Express - Gait mixed \ -* Hay Kxpiv33: - Western mail London mixed - 3:35 a.m. 9:4:2 a.m. 1130 a.m. 5:17 p.m.. ' 9:30 p.m. Serrice in the Methodist Church every Sabbath *Yenlnfc nt half-past six o'clock j and hoth mornluit nnd e-ven- lng on luoi ursi'Snbbuih or each month. Rkv. K. Hoiuis, I'nstor. LOCAL MATTERS. i-i. Nomination next Monday. .... The girls are'just dying for a state. ; - ' ' ;,'. Have you pledged your vote yet? '- j 3ee Hynds' Election notice on first page. .__Snow what is snow, anyway ? Try C. W. Hill for h stylish 'Photographs. y ' Congregational Church enter tainment to-night, ; __The-FiiEE Press fiom now to Jan. 1st, 79, for 51. __Look out for Leith's new ad- - ' Vertisemeht next week. : f The iPublic Schools vrlo.-ied on Friday last^ ior two weeks holidays. Special rneet'mg of the Village ~ Council this afternoon, at '- o'clock; iSI " "5eiour vote and influence are solicited for' whomsoever you choose. ty for tie" best Bread in town. It is free from Pru^s. ' The man who was born in a - " barn i3 around just nqw. Shut that door,-will you! ?,: " If yovi have atiyjtfbiiis to. sell invite buyers-through the columns of the Fkee Peess. . "~ "' The election of Public School Trustees takes place on Wednesday, 3th Jan. IS7S. The Litest coal stove is named * *3ie*"Cxar." The dealers ought to Jo Ruasian businesa. -r - , C. W. Hill is .turning out - some tine Photos; now. You should just call and see specimens. G- T. R.time table is a little ensnged this weefc. See time table in 1 another column for changes. [ . We had better discharge Yen- ! . nor, and hire some, one who will eee ' that winter conies along in its turn. I A. .question often usked, :, i " Where do you buy your bread?" The answer always comes, " At Nicklin's." ' We hare a large quantity of . waste paper on hand, Buitablt for trapping purposes, which we will sell .cheap. Over 51,000 of the "Village ^taxes have already been paid to the collector. He is looking anxiously for the rest ' -^-We have- for -sale one of "Beatty's celebrated Fianos that will be T -disposed of at a great bargain. For particulars apply at this office, ' ,. Willianfson &, Co., of , the Golden Lion,. Guelph, will open a - -branch store at Fergus, on the 28th instant. Your "table does not look well ^jnlesa it has some of >"icklin's cakes upon it. They are pronounced boss by every one. -Vennor says the present weather ia all borrowed from February f' and.March. A bad loan. Let's return St at once. ^The opinion prevails that snow is a whitish substance, and that it is. |nsed for sleighing purposes' in certain hyperborean regions. : Acton Division will please bear in mind that Division will be helil to-night (Thursday) this week, instead of Tuesday, Indian ' namefor editor ia "Worak-to-chc-nesh- . $e.-kaw.baw("r That's what we always thought it was. It means "tired and hungry," probably. It would surprise peoplo who think Canada u an Arctic region to see ploughing on thtt^th of December, as was tbo case to-day jn the vicinity; of this village. Some men were just foolish , enough to buyi five *r si* tons of coal j in November,, and imagine ^hey had . old winter right by the nose. Nothing like waiting a while. , ' almost hero for young men to; buy and start to keep .. diaries, and a little-further oh in the aame young man's history, the time will _ arrive to give .up the attempt in ' disgnit. " Ma the evening of New Year's Fred, our earner boy, will he around with his Jsc\v Year's address along with next week's paper. Wo hope the .subscribers -Will o^>eu their hearts and " Cotno down handsomely," as Ueorsje Brown says. A public meeting will bo held in .Campbell's Hotel, Actoii, on Friday evening, at 7:30 o'clock, for the jiui'tMisoolehooBiug nciiudidato to represent Ward No. 5, as Coun cillor, in place of Mr. John Warren, retiriug member, when a full.utten- dauce will bo expected. ^lr. Win, Dunning, who has been operator for the Dominion 'Tele graph Civ in this village for tbo past few months, left hdro the latter part of lost week. We understand ho will t akc charge cf an office in either Baden or Itockwood about "the first Jan. Mr. Thos. Christie takes vhargo of the telegraph office here. At. the regular meeting of the Walter Lod-o, A. F. 4 A. M., held on Monday evening. 17th iiyat, the follow. :ng officers were appointed: Bro. Harrv Hunt, \V; M. ; ' A. B.' Wright,-.J. W. ' " J as; Matthew*, J, M. " H. Car^U, Chap. - " Jas Kydcr,. Treas. " Jno. Shaw, .Sec. " C. Cameron, TyleK , Tho installation of offu ers takes pl^.ce this evening. The best Tea c.ilces and Buns in town are to be had at Galloway's Bakery.. The road from NVss-igaweya I to Actoiij Ivtwecn Mr. Arch. CaiupbeU's and the Catholic 'Church, is almost im- pas-aaMe.a't present. Tliis beiuj; one of the p-incipal roads leading to this viL lai^e, it his a tendency to mako l-usif n;s3 rutlior dull jast now. Esqiivsiug Council should see that .this r<ad-is tised, as every spiing and fall it is in the same condition. -" The Dub.iting Society, which wns. started in Njas^a^wcya a short time iig.i. is largely i>atroiiiicd bv the "of wliicli take is eutillid, Your trudo and influence nro ^respectfully reijucsled by Ohrintio, llontlereon ^ Co.- All who nccord them their pivtronivge can donuml mi Lmving their interest properly attended to. Their famous /Hlo Tea is par excellent N. B. Pleasu tell your neighbors about it so that they may also share in the benefits you enjoy. T i FlKN'DISIt AilUSEMENT. ----L:lSt wok some aconmlrel iiiiiused hiiasoH for one Or two nights by dressing him self up iu sheets, and passing by the h'ouso of t!ie late Mr. Jas. Ellit. Some of the family being perhaps a little more superstitious than usual en ac- eouut of ,the recent death 'atnougtt them, wero fri^hteiud iiltuust into con- vulsions. : 'J'lic wretcli^ who would choose Mich a field fur his practical jokes ought to be made an. examplo of, but,|*e arelsoriy: to say, he has not been disovered. MM >" Chumjtijit. t .11 i i -. mzmm N K W. A DVKllTIS KM KN-TS. AGTON; PLANING MILLS ^I*. W. CA5IPBELL, Prop. . Having purchased tho above named establishment, 1 am prepared to manu facture SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS, &c All kinds of. pii'-Aw-nsra 7 Vromptly attended to. D. W. CAMPBELL.' Aeton, Deo. 4th, 1877. - , 2'J'-3in that Wonderful man. a^i m' TRADE;MARK THE GOLDEN" MAN. nopwn SPECIAL DRY GOODS ANNOUNCEMENT. CHRIS place ne\t Monday evening j Prom whieh <lo we receive 1 TIE. HENDERSON & CO ACTON1. Take pleasure in rtssun'ii^ their many customers that the share of business'accorded them <lurin:r the Fall Season has been unusually large, lfotwith- staiulii^ the depressed state of trade\i*nerally, Mantles, Jaoksts, Coats, . j ;|. Evening Silks, Evaninc: Eid Gloves, . Boal Honiton and Limerick Laces, PJEU steamkr CELTIC ' Just arrived and opened irp for Inspection and sale. cases of the above Goods, direct from London. England. Prices extremely cheap; quality of tbe tjoods best. , . -' WE ALSO HiVE RECEIVED A lar<je lot of Ladies* Jacket and Coat Cloths, best and newest- prices extremely cheap. EVERYTHING THAT A LADY WANTS found !at the" '* - WONDERFUL MAN'S STROKE.. Millinery, Hat?, Bonnets, Flowers, all'tlmt is new, good, elegant in'dl I sign, and exquisite in taste, iB to be had of ns. ? J. T-- GAEPBTS, a^JEttilks^ Best quality ef Brussels, Tapestry, Kidderminster and DutchCnim are on exhibition at bur Carpet Koom. We quofe ifcotlom tkea-: t^ designs of which are unequalled in tona. ; V *>> colors, and Ready-Made^ Clothing A: . . ^ r xn ' ^ "i-t j in Ahead of alfiormer. efforfs. Best assortment of Overcoats'to rw,1mot-in.'!il II immense Variety Of FailCy Goods, Fancy Prices warranted 20 per cent under anything in town. JaSk/SSP Dress Silks, Black Dress Silks, at marvel- 60 lcl e ^_-__... _.^^ ' ^ -2' , ,7 , JOHN HOGG &, SON lousfy cheap prices. L : k^;wi. a w bZu, dp^S^ i'- .T. Miilia^j a^d Maatib Eaam IS Is in charge of experienced hands only, and i rejrtil-arly supplied with all the newest designs, s-o that sntisfaf'tioji can be1 iftiarantced. No fancy prices charged foi iVIillincry as is usual in large ItoSvns and cities.. A fact which the Ladies should remember. RljAPY-MADE O.VERCO'ATS. the most information Cy Reading or f and tliat iliuinr the roniaimlei1 of the season 110 by TnwdliiK.'." Mr.Arch.MMSlilI.au I . i. ... . .' . '. ' , win kad the side for Keidi.).;, aiid Mr. paiiisJjwdl be spared to rctnuij the cuufideucc re- iiufihKeid the Travelling ^e. pose.l in them. Byrcgiilarly assorting their stock J r> , re^lera to the advertisement of Mr.|tlieV hope to be al)le tO fill all Ol'dei'S Wltll tile TI103. Kbba^e,' cirr--ntcr ftid joiner, ' 1..1 ' \ ~ whieh ' appear, in another eolu.nn. Mr. UtUlOSt proiliplliesS, JlUtl Qt tllC VCiy Clo.SCSt prlCCS. Ebba-o has just-opened out at Mr. J,, ajJ Jjjj^ of SCUSOliablc gOOtl.S .'t lieir StOCk Will ljC Overton's old itand. lie has been ap- . : ' ' pointed aficnt for Mr. Mitchell, of; (build Complete Miltoii, for -the sale of sash, doors, frames etc. We beapcat f.>r him tlie patronage oi our citii^n3 and others in this, neighborhood. - M.issioxakyMeetixg. The An nual Missionary Meeting of the Presby terian Church was held in thePrebyter. ian Churob, Aeton, on Wednesday evening 19th inst. The church was well filled. "Itev. D. B. .Cameron oc- cujiied.thc chair.. Addresses were de livered by Kev. A. M. Ilainilluu, WinteTlrarn, and Rev. A. D. McDonald, Elora. . A statement of the congrega tional contribution, for missionary pur- : poses, for the last" nine months, was read by Mr.. Arch. Campbell, which showed a slight increase over' tlie cor responding .period of last year. On Thursday a similar meeting was held in .Eockwood, Kev. D. Strachan presided', Waddresses were delivered by Itcv. I great Villiety '.111(1 CllCiip frOIll $5,00 ll. tt: il. Hamilton and Rev. Jj. ..E. | ; ~ Vamerou. ihc meetirg was wieii'kt- j BQ0TS & SHOiiS Large variety and cheap. tended, and the addresses were'l^itened to with manifest iuterest. The Aeton .^Presbyterian Church choir was present : and enlivened the proceeding by their ' beautiful -einging. Public Hcaool lA'.Tiiilnallon. ' The Public Examination of the pupils of the Acton Public ,School was held on Friday, 21st' iirst. Quite a number'of 'the parents, and those in terested in education, were present and manifested great interest in the pro ceedings. The examiuation^ommenced at nine o'clock in the second" and third divisions, the latter of which is under the charge of Mijs Moore. The-child ren behaved splendidly, and answered the questions put to them without difficulty. The second division^ Miss MeKellar, was examined in reading, geography, &c., and were fully eonvers- ant'with those .subjects. Tho reading [ of some of the pupils wa3 excellent. The tirst division, which is under thej charge of Mr. Ross, was examined in the afternoon. Tho pupils were thoroughly examined in spelling, real- ing, geometry, etc., and showed great proficiency. The! teachers Jin all the departments arc well qualifiUl for the work, and the pupils showed by the readiness .with whieh they answered questions, that they were receiving a thorough instruction in the different branches which were being taught, The different departments are arranged in excellent order, and the programme of studies is well adapted to tbo capa city of the pupils. It is gratifying to find that we hive such an efficient staff of teachers iu the schools of this villat'e, and that the system adopted t ;, 3Ste3;t y~wje:6]:k: Vt ^ Aeton, .December 26, 1877. JAMES SYte RUBBERS, OVERSHOES, LADIES' GEXTS' & | Children*' Felt <Joo<Js Just opened. Special drives in Dness"Goods. ^ ! Full Stock of B!a< k Ltislres nnd Mourning Goods. The Fatuous Tigre Brand Black Lustres is unsure passed. . _ ,i THEIR FAMOUS 50c TEA Is too well known to need further mention, only toiassnre all lovers of a good sweet cup of tea at a very reasonable price, thai this line will be kept up to the full standard. In ; 5 lb lots put up in a licit".caddy at 45c, and ; money refunded if not satisfactory. r^'AM; AT1 ; CHASE'S CARRIAGE WORKS, 144 d- 145 Woolwich Street, O XJ D53 Xj E 33C , iFor firf't'clnsB Cutte|s- or Pleasure Sleighs, of the latest Patterns at lo prices. For Neat ness, Cheapness, And durability, they cannot be sur- possed. Call early. MUST' BE SO^D 24-2t ^STALiiABLE PROPERTY IN T ACTON For Sale or Let. 1 < The Stone Bwelling! on Main Btreet, adjoining the entrance to the school grounds,! is offered for sale or rent. There arje nine roomB'iand large cellar, and a quarter of an aero of garden. For further particulars apply to ! HORACE J. HALL; Esq. Actonj Nov. 20, 1877. j 20-t3m "pfEUKSIIIKE BOAR. f The undersigned has a pure bred Berkshire Boar, for service, on his premises, iniActon. Terms 51 cash. i J. B. BURXS. Acton, Nov, 1, 1877. IS-2ni. T HE ROYAL EXCHANGE HOTtl.. AC3TON. . , is so satisfactory in every respect. If S* ?-^r:"ee-W.iU b?hcld '.U the / the children do not mate tho progress desirable, parents'may rest asuured that it u not the fault of the teachers ,or of the: system but of the pupils [-theinsefveej Temperance Holl,-ander the auspices of -the Acton Division, Sons of Temperance. It promises to be a success in every y.; -' s C O -A. 3L O IL By tbo gallon, 5 gallons, or Barrel Special, price for large purchasers. Good, Goods, Low Prices, and ! Sqiiare Dealing* are among tlie inducements offered ; i ' '-. - '--- i*a_ No Threads put in for tlie purpose of extorting one or two cents inore per yard. , ' C&L.L AMD SEE US..' .. :' I . OHJRISTZE, HENDERSON' & 00. : i Acton, Dec. 5, 1877.:: This well-known house has recently undergone a thorough renovating and repairing, is now furnished with new and modern furniture of the best des cription, and is prepared to provjde rirat-clrss accommodation to the public. The present proprietor has received a license, and he Will. keep the bar well surjplicd with the very best of liquors--] and cif/ars. Tho stabliiif/ is large and well-fitted up j.also ample Bhcd-ro.om. The patronage of tho public is respect- ully solicited. Acton, June] /NUORGE 26, 1877 JOHN MANEY. liEVENS, Barbel- and. Hairdresser,% adjoining Becord Bros.' Store, Mill Street, Acton. Fair switches and combings prepared to order. O yr ,S& 1? 33 3E. S received daily by express. .A. XiEOTTpT^rHJ i TO TOtrNQ MEN. We hftVo recently published n n<^w edi tion or iir. Cnlverncll's Celebrated E- say on the rudlcn.' nnd permuiutnt cure (withoutm< (Heine)of Nervcu* Debility, Mental nnd Physical Incapacity, Impedi ments *l<> Marriage, etc., resulting fiom oxcesseF- rrlce, tnaseuIedenveloreonly fl cents or two postage stamps.1 The relobriited author.lu this adrelr- Hblo Ess;ny elearly demonstrates, from thirty years/ ^uecesslui practice. tht alnriiilwRrcotisequeBcesinn-y be radically cored wlinodt the dangerous useottnter- nnl mciliclno or. tlie "uprllcaf'on of the kulfo; phlntlDe out a mode or cure nt once simple, certain and; encctnnl. by innnnnnf wiilol) every stiuerer.uo matter what hl ennd tlon mi>y be, may cure blm'elf eheaply, prlvnteivind radically. Tills Lecture should b5 In the hands of ovory yOulh nndovery map. in the hand. toe (iciTEttwr.n .iiF.birAi. ro., ! 41 .inn St., New York. Post'Omoo 130X16K6. 4-ly T3EMOVAL. J ' Mrs.-! Carter begs leafe to inform the inhabitants of Actpn and the vicinity, that having 'removed to uiord extensive .premises, ahe is prepared to receive a larger number of pupilB, nnd.having tllo assistance of her son jn tlie dmihjcuI depart-, nient, she haaniore timpto devote to other branches, ofj education. Containing the el<mentsJi|5222' eatyanj progressive eierelMt0I'J"j5 , the player In the art,-'or-matte#2?f r piano or orpat.)- to which ^**1t*g2 r srxiy Waltzes, Polfea.0, tordU^ggft M|/eruiic Meiodtec. DnefV?l**T^^ flel fr\ Beatty. WasMDgUm.}g*i DISSOILVT'ION. OF PART- We hereby give notice that we intend to dissolve partnership on tho 3Ut day of December, 1877. All accounts duo to the hrm-must be paid on or iiefore that dato, in order to save costs of col- lection. <- WILSON & JOHNSON; .Acton, Dee. }9.th1J77. Aoton.iDec. 12th, 187? The u fi shire Baa Geo. Rib kept forji The uhdersifined has still .the Berk- shire Boar, "Wellington," bred by Mr Geo. Rujdd, of .Guerphi, wtich will be kept foriservico at thelfarpi joininR tho Calh T Sta-tioa. Price $1.00 23-3t LOOK OUT FOR f one.of the'bWl works <ji its ftj^^S&if ................___,..._ _<&& |:troduced,"'nnar should be tnJ 1 every plane and organ player. pal4 to any Dart 01 tee Cnlle* Canada for only fltty centaWT^K having been reduced tp itt3^!: over.v^vtiere. Adiirfss DAno; KKAOaY, Washington, NeWflf*^ HEW DOMIHIOi BOOT & SHOE ? WI.LEITH KEJCT WEEK. Opposite Agnew/s koM,;aW* Street, *CWMk: V .^.Vu^ SE2T2TET ^ Wish locall the ^tt^lujniof.lW^f habitants of the 'wH6**[*3ur artdivicinity to their:;ial", : Sto4k";o'f . BOOTS, ^SHOES & Comprising all the latest Aj-^. Boots and Shoes.. . -r."--_*kf!| Ordcus.i Work teceivtsowfttg* attention. Kepauius prompff -; .tended io. I- V4>iu- '4-2t' Acton, p*ec. 5, 1877. . SMITH. . 22-tf i-i' pORKPACKiXG HOUSE. The subscriber has always on hapil all kinds, of fresh Meat, Sausages and Poultry, cheap. - v ":.".' -CHAS. CAMERON. A-ston, De& 12th;lS77. ^23-3m. (ivocery ;-DW! Is well-supplied Tfit& ;i; : vji Teab,.Sugars,-; -y- ;"g Ffuits,lSisciiit^^: ^ODaecos, Sipa^! ^W Vi rv Pleaselcall and examine oitr** ^ f; KENSE5f:**j| Acto'h, Deo..l2 1877-...

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