K.! Ik -/ .- -- %\i #;' !- bfelM ; -*-/ "J J' [cm ^ ^ i-/|. - ;.- 4r^---'K--'.V- r>^tVii^(^: *-1 ;.-'.'.*iiv;ii.L?. :: HJS THE FREE PRESS, -ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT., AUGUST 23, 1817. -.._ KMIVR' R.UVftOMU. O llolin, pipe no, more of rain ? *Tiw four days since wo saw the aun,- And still the misty window pano v Is loud with drupe thst-loap ami run. Four days nc<> the t*ky was clear, Butwhen my mother heard you oMI, She s*id, "That's ltobiu's rain-song, ik*r: Oh, well he knows when rain will full!" Fair was the morning, and I went -i Hee*se she wouldn't let me stray - Into the woods for flowers', hut kept My feet from wandering awayv And I was vexed to henr you cry ; ^ so swcvtly or the coming storm; - And watched with brimming eye* the. sky Gn cold Mul dim from elear(and warm. It seemed to me you brought it all With that inorsssnt, plaintive note ; Antl still you call the drops to fall - Upon your~hron n and scarlet coat. How nii-*i trt bo bird like you, And lot the rsiijcome pattering down, . N>-r niiiut n nit { > wet tlm-ugh, .-Xorfoar to spfftl one's only*.gown ! But since I cannot be a bird, ; Sweet Knhin, pipe no more of rain I Your merrier music is preferred; Forget sTlast that .sad' refrain ! And UJtns of tho sunshine, dear I'm wild to bo abroad ogdin, Seeking for blossoms Ear arid near : 0 Robin; pipe no mow of rain'. Fitnnterafs. ' "Ttie tidt loud praying," wiid an Arkansas cireuiLridvr, " which counts with the liord, no much iih giving four full ijnutts to the gal- Ion." " I nm so unlucky," said n fellow who had failed in all his undertak ings, " tlmt I verily believe, should I become a soapboiler, tho uso of borj> wouUHiecomo unfashionable." Architect (who hna cotno down aboyo tho "restoration"): "Good deal of dry-rot ixbont here !" Gnr- roloiiR jKjwopcner : " Oh, air, 16 > ain't riot burg to'wlmt there is in tho pulpit!" " Do yon 'ver hnvo miliaria hero t" usked !ayfmly of nn illiterate hotel keeper . in- Now Jersey!' to \vhom ho confidently cried : " Yen, tun. Wo have it every day, for I've got tho best .French cook I could find iu New York,"' A littlo boy entered n fish mar ket tho other day, and ioeiug for tho first tiio a pile of IobsU-ra ly ing on. the counter, looked intently at them for souio time, when he exclaihied -r "Them's the biggest grasshoppers I've ever seen. - A class wits lioing examined in a aca-lwstou town of 1S-------. The Se^licctablllt)- of Agriculture. A clergyman onco said to" tne, " WUliiu-ining ever bo -considered inoro;rfRiMvtjkblo tbttn nowT My answer, wns no. Farming is highly rhohored, when .we consider thkt ':from it flows nil tho colls for artis db of every nnmc/ to supply the , k>1 or imaginary wants of all ma^ . kind. Heaven, as a state, whether it relates 1o tho pnjsent or the hereafter, 1 consists mainly in the benntifnt.; Adam was to dress the gurd^n.i which . meant U nijike it look well; and at th same time it would be'ustful. How is it to- "rlayl-t beautiful garden attract* _' Tiitors from tho surroundingcoun- try. . Ko less dors sin extensive fann,\ road* beautifid by the dili- pent hand. By tho products of the firm' man and beast survive. A'l o_iher a'liiigs nre supporfed'by it; brit to the question, " Is. it more respoctaMo than forruerly, "or iwill it be V X nnawer, it always j^ha* had the preoedence in respect- ihilitj-. God and good men, in forwer times, looked with pleasure nnd delight on seed timo nnd har vest ; so in .this age, professional men extel the beauties of agricul ture, and especially every one who is looking for aj lacrativo office from the pootdft, will; shake a friendly hand with the honest yeo man,' as mo eh as o say, yonr cal ling is resi>ectaUle. if.'. Farmer. Scusfi nml Ncntlincut. A ' Ho who lrvoo to no pur|HiHu llveo'W ft bnd purpose. - .- He is the greatest who chooses to do right at till times. Whoever eimnnera iiulolonco can con. ipior iMiiat thifiji*. Kortuno does not chnnge men; it only unmasks them. "Severity breeds fear, but roughness engenders hate. Ho tlifttilcapisuth small tltiiiKa,ahnjl fall l'ittld 6y jfttlo. ':; ,- Tho man who. owns a kicking gun knows what it is to jiro and fall baek, Kortunc is like a market, whnronmny times, if you wait, tho price will fall. This world would be a dreadful silent ulnco if pooplu talked as little as they thought. A Mystery^ JVow the Jlurlitiytun Jlawli-liyr Wo don't understand why it is that a constable with a search war rant looking for whiokoy in x\ tcm- pemnco town can search for five days and nevor gut a smell, while a dry and tliiraty man in the same town atopo out/of-his oflico, walks briskly away tiiid in tliroo minutes is seen emerging from tin adjacent alley, wiping bis perspiring,mouth with his cuff! ' 1' The Bright Side. Xiook on tho bright side. It is the right side. The times may be Hard, but^ it will make them no ewer to wear a gloomy and sad countenance. It^iB Tie sanshine," niid nojt the clouds that give beauty to the flower. Thereos always bo- ibreror farouoil- us that which should cheer and fill the heart with . warmth and gladnesc. Tho'.sky .is blue ten times where it is black once. Xou have troubles, itr may be. So have others. None are ' free from them and perhaps it is as well that none should be. They give sinew and tone'to life forti tude ^and conrage ^to man. That -wonWbo a'dull sea, and the sailor .would neverr acquire skill, where there is nothing to disturb its sur face. It is the duty of every one to extract all the happiness and enjoyment he can from within and withont him; and above all, he should look on the bright side. "What though thingB do look a lit tle dark J The luno -will have a turning, and tho night will end in broad day. j_In the long run' the great balance, rights itself. What appears* ill-' becomes" -well 3that which appears wrong, right. Pinnacle Pofc.House ston. Discns- ! First Pot-House Politician But a d>llr is a dollar in these hard titnea. First Citizen Yes, air. _ -:..-' 5se*ond Cit. .. - Third Cit. You,bet. I .. ~. . - Second P. P. And it's harder work to matea a dollar than ever before. First Cit. jYou bet. 1 cs, sir. Third Cit. Tljat's bo. .u First P.i.P.^i*ow" if there was dol- lara enongh for everybody, time^l would not bo so hard! r 5>eeond P. f\ Stop ! I havt/an idea: Perhaps now a hard dollar will make times harder, ; First P. P.ii-But, my dear sir, it is not really tire times which are so hard ; it i* tHat the dollars are hard to get. First Cit. Yes, sir. Secnnd Cit. . ! Third Cit. TJiat's .so. ^4- subject nnder discussion was tho flood. Among the: first rjuostions w-as, " How did Nonlf1 u'nderfitHiul 'thatthuro ws^s going to be a1 flood J"; " Ca'uBe^Khouted an urchin, " ho looked nt his u4manick." ? How did you like my sermon V Raid a vain clergyman to u distin guished chance listener." '.*!Ah, sir; there \vus ono beautiful iwssage. ' Yes, yes,' said th.e dominie de- ligbtod, rubbing his.Hi.inds ; 'and' what was that i' i The passage from thepuhiit to the vestry.' A icertain First Ijord of the Eng lish jkdminility, on tho Ci-st trip ^dowii the" Thames, in a i-ather leaky vessel, observed tho men working at the pumps.- "..Dear mo!" he said, ,f.I did not know you had a well on board, Captain, but I ani really very glad, as I do .detest river water." "Don't pnttoo much confidence in a lover's vowa und sigliSj" paid Mrs. Partington to her .niece ; " let him tell you that yoii have lips Ifke strawberries and cream, checks like n, cnnmtionj nnd eyes liko ah iisterisk ; but such things ofteaer come from a tender head than a tender heart." A Sunday schooL speaker tho other evening used the word abridg ment, but immediately pulled up nnd remarked, that as some of the younger scholars might not know its meaniEg, he Vould say thnt it was a synonym of epitome. The members- q{ the infant class were afTected to tears. ' Well,. Put/-' said an indulgent muster to his coachman, who had just been describing the glories of a St. Patrick's Day dinner, 'was your appetite sated J' ' Sated, is it, yer honor? shnre, en' it ""Wasn't. It had to eh Land up along wid me- self most of the time.' Neic' York Commercial Adrxrtiscr. A gentleman wishing to discover the leligion of an Irish guide, in quired' " Paddy, what's your be lief 1" To which paddy replied, " "Wishft, then, yonr honor, but I'm of my landlady's belief." " What's that, Paddy P Wisha, arid I'll tell you. I. ojve hor five half yoail's rent, and sho believes that I'll never pay her, aiid that's my be- lief, too." | .. - I There ig a very, simple way of avoiding the disagreeable smoke and gas -which always pour into the room when a Ere is lit in tho stove, heater, or lire place on a danjp day. Put in the-wood and coal as usual,' but, before lighting them, ignito a handful of paper or shavings placed on tho top of the coal/ This pro duces a current of hot air in the chimney, which'draws up the smoke .and gas at once. -------- ^ m ------------ Not so Bap. A dentist, whose' skill at tooth-pulling ig well known, waH recently called upon by a wag carrying an old gardjEfl rake. ; . " Doctor," said he, WI want you to pull-a couplo of teeth for me," "Very w-'ell,*" replied the doctor ; " take a seat in that chair, and show me tho tooth." " Well," doetor." said the whg, "I want you-to pull these two broken teeth out of this rake."" i For a moment the doctor was non-plusse/1 by the joke, but, Re covering himself, replied, " \^ell, let me haVe it. I might as - well tahe the teoth from one rake as another." He-did so, find demanded his fee of oho dollar. - - - lllf Of; Every Other Store by ' THE GOLDEN LION Ficnr -Yodr OwN'BATTr,Es.-^ Ask no favors of any ono, and you will succeed five thousand times bet ter than ono who is always beseech ing Bonio one's patronage No one will evor help you ok you he!|> your self, t>ecuuBO no ono will bo so heartily interested in your aHairs. Men who: vrin love do their own wooing. Whether you work for fame, for love, for money, or for anything else, work ; with your hands, heart, and brain. When h young farmer's, wifo made her 6rst bby'H pants precisely before as behind, tho father ex claimed; < tloodness? ho won't know whether ho is going to school or coming bbme !' An Amoricnn, of tor j dining nt a London reslanront, paid his bill and was about leaving, when the w-aiter snggestod that tho amount did not iucludotho waiter. " Ah," Raid tho man, " hut I didn't eat tho. waiter." SUB SC BIBB OUR GREAT CLEARING SALE Has from its very beginning been a complete success, but we will now, for a low days only, miiko a spociul eH'oft which will completely place . in the shade all inducements over before offered. Every ono acknowledges that our stock is three times ns largo as any other ill Uuelph. ll ihuat bo reduced, lor our souior partner is now in tho Old Country buying new goods. How is this to bo done ? Wo intend to do it not by otrdring a few linos piopa^moal, but by selling '. I ' ' ' ' OUR EiNTIRE STOCK AT COST, And nil Summer Goods iit Hall Cost Price. This will, only Last for Two Weeks, We shall then bo rooaiving our new goods from England nnd the sap) will close. . Now, then, for a few particulars. Itead them and don't forgot thorn. SILKS, SILKS, SILKS, SILKS AT 50.CESTSL A VA!l. Orer ono hundred Rottrr>.(,!p(iire .Silkstehoico designs, most- fashionable colors, at fifty cents a yard. Tlrere' is nothing in (iuelph of the same-quality, at anything near the price. ,' Grenadines^ Muslins, and French Lawns, The nicest materials evor worn in summer, . CTTJST 5 ^OZEHSTTS -A^ -5rTJ^E,X). These goods astonish everyone, and are being bought up a hundred yards nt a time. Come in before they all go. The Choicest Kid uloves, 50 cents a pair. . ilngnificcnt Sash Itibbons, 25 cents a ysrd, only n few left. Parasols, great'bargain*. Tho grat Slaughter of all, howover, is being mado | OUR MILLINERY BRANCH. HBKE NO OFFER IS REFUSED. And hundred nnd hundreds of Hats, trimmed and untrimmed, scores of Summer Suits, Mantles nnd Jackets are going just for any thing they will bring. ThiB is- a. firroatohatice. Don't let it pass by. .cr "The Lion" cannot be touched for- Cheap Goods."^a " J! D. WILLIAMSON & CO. Guelidi, July IS. 1S77. FOR THE AGTOJNT A Health'Note. There is no season of? the. year in which per fectly fresh' fpod is bo necessary as daring these extremo heats of the summer. : Sunstroke in many cases is bnt another form of exhaustion, and the root of this evil often" lies in the body's not being sufficiently honriabed. More strength is re- qnired to' resist these sweltering heitiii,-imii'/iii people 8tud^ more 'the food that strengthens; and not that which merely pleasea the taste, Ihey wonld 'avoid first weakness, next exhanstion,' and lastly some form of disease. One afternoon in a " Down East", grocery;store, an old man came' in for a drink of cider. The grocer had some which having been frozen and thawed several times, was alwut as pOor a drink as could be found between hero and the Black Hills. A ghi8<j having been poured out for him, lie, drunk it with a remark that it wa^ " mighty poor cider." , ' { "Don't you know," said tbb veteran loafer, " tho way they made tha.t cider ? They just sat'up a'cask of water and threw rotton apples at it." . -' ... .-. = " Well," said tho man, as! he slowly extracted three coppers fjom his wallet and paid for his. drijnk, " they didn't ibt it more^ than once," FREE PRESS, Only $1 a Tear In Advance. POST OFFICE STOP '.'..'-*' '. ^ Tho subscriber having again gone into<fTnr~grocery business, would -in timate, that lie has always, a full lino of goods usually kept in first class grocery house*, fresh, nnd of the best quality, such as , TEAS.. Black* .. Finest Jilnglish.JJreakfast Conguo, : Souchong^ Oolong, fTowery Orango Tekoo. Greexs Moyune tiunpowders, Sliver Leaf Uunpowdors, j_- r'Moyuna. YaanffJIysona ' ':" ^Imperials, Twankays Our leas are all selected for their superior drawing qualities . Special discount on purchases oyer 5 lbs. -, 'i : COFFEES. Our stock comprises the" best grades of Old Government Java, , Laguayra, Maracaibo, and Rio. Roasted and ground, daily, on the premises, thus retaining all the natural aroma and flavor of the berry.' " COCOAS AND CHOCOLATES. Taylor's Cocoa nnd Chocolate, pn's Homoeopathic Cocoa, -f Menier's Cho'soliites. ., STJOABS. _ liefined, in-Ix>aveB,-Cut Loaf, ' "Dry Crushed, Granulated, Extra Ground, Extra C, English Refined all grades, Derueraro, Porto Rico. Amber, Honor and. Standard Symps. ^ Chewingi T0SACC0ES- SdiOktng, Cigars. FIOTITS-DRIED. Valencia Raisins, Layer Raisins, Loose Muscatel,^ Sultanas, Seedless, 'Vostizza Currants, '. ' ^.V';: lilaek Patras do: in-eases seleioted Do. do. in bbls., Eleme Figs, French Prunes, Tunis Dates. These goods are the finest ex ported. .,,..: OAiTiTED ffklflTS AITS VEGE- ; TABLES. Peijches, Pears, Cherries, Pineapples, Strawberries', , i' Succotafh,t <3re>n,.Pe!ls," r : Corn," Beans/Tdmo toes'. ' , Besides many other articles in season, ,not here nfenlioned. ' J8^"Cheap for Cash or Trade. CANNED Q00DS. California Salmon, I'nrllnnct lx>bsters, Freni-h Knnllncs, Cove Ojsterf, - Kresli Mackerel. Ohocso Carol Sams and Bacon, anl Buttor. Burnett's Extracts Ss Essoacos. Tho Flhcet Goodn Monnfactureii. Soaps cf all fcinls. . Picklos and. Caucos.' CmsKo A HlnckweH'fc Mixed Pickles, Chowchow, 1'lccaHll, Min-hroom Catsup, John Bull Sauce, Lcnil'orrln'B iv'orcliestershlre Hauco, Tomato Catsup. Favorite do., do , 1 orkshlro Relish, frencti Mustard, PAEJNA0E0T7& GOOBS.' Carolina Uleo. Arracan Rice, ' f curl SnKo, Rio Tnploca I'ean liarley, Corn Meal, Oatznoal. - DESSERT PBTOPS Currants, Vftibcicia i>ratie, S '~~~' Jtesslna l.enions, T'roenpples, t Tunl Dntes, Bordeaux Walnuts. Pllborts, Almonds. BISOTJITS Js P^ONPEOXtONa^T. ArroVrooi, Wine, Soda, Ahernetby. ! Cream, Lomon..Uutter, Boston, > Ornham, Oyster cracker, , ; Jv'ew YorkOlnjer nuts.-' GlncerSnnps. -. CahdlPsandSweelmentsof all kinds. Cbueso, Butter, Egjs, Hops, . - ;: . 0E0CSEET. China Sets, "W'hltfi Stone B*t, Figured Stone Sets, ChnmbcrSels, Tea Plates, Bowls, Jellies.' j Platters, Bakers. j And a full Uno'of other kinds. MUIPans, C res m~C rocks, ! Butter Crocks, Jugs Flower Pots, ic. Selling nt the manufacturers' priced. GLASS-WARE. |- : Turnhler.s, Goblets, 1 Liirop,Lamp lilnssei. ! Glass Plntes, Qiass Sets, ; i . . . . Fnilt-Jars,&c,to. ;.'..; :.|., "Wall Papers and 'wlado'w. Bliada ' In great varloty cheap. 1 UISOELL&NEOtrS, Tubs, Pails. Brooms. ' \ - - t. Washboards, Brushes, Ac., '-, . Ropes, Wire and Wooden Baskets, i '<rateut Medicines, - I L ' ; Dye Stuflh. i , J Stationery, School Boahs, -. .1 / Purses, Wpllels. School Bacs. 1. Spectacles, Violins, } Violin Strings. Briar Pipes i ; y;.,^anoyGoods,-OombBfrtj). . Boneless Codfish, Herrings, i . Oysters in can and bulk-^iri'season. JAMES MATTHEWS. , Acton, J.uriej 1877. Conveyancer, Com. in Q. B., Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Insurance Agent, &c. II W.STEWARTC0 flare commenced opening their NeWjSprij|ig * importaiipns ^And in a-few days will show the finest" scoofc of FIRST CLASS C00D3 submitted for inspection .in Guelph. Special efforts have been made to -show the newest. I . : '* Lfres's Goods, Spring Jackets, Mantles, . Costume*, Kid Glove*, Hosiery," LaW8f , Laco Curtaiiu, Sheetings, and Mourning Good*.. OUR COTTONS'- wora all contracted for before the recent! advance. Customers will have the benefit. Now is.tho timo to leave yout.otae-': - At J. Ryder's Picj^y-- ,-4^ Stylish BoRsry et Serrlceabfe ! Wagtran. '-j :..rr'; I am making up a large stoelt for'fijj-"'-' present season, from the htaViazlteti^^ : - . : r.tr. %i ^ . Call nnd See our Handsome -Quggfa^. Now. is a good time j to isetiw'!'! bclrgajns. ' -. . j . Strict attention giveirfo"'^ ' 'rs1 Sore-Sliooiii? & GoaeralSUak-r 1 smithing,- -'_.; ' ' Acton, Fcb.-26. 1877. - t-t.,< , CTOJ< ' *'- > 1 -. i>. Gents' Dopartmen.' j In ClothB and Tw*eds, IDrflBg Shirts, Ties, Collars, etc.,. I Stock of- Felt Hats, Are particularly inviting in styles . and price. . . I WM.'srrJBWART ^ CO.; Guelph, March 5, 1877. PLANING MILLgr AND :-i - - . f THE FREE PRESS PRINTING HOUSE To Merchants and other Business Acton, sis well a& throughput' ; -r County, the Free Press is an .,' invaluable ^Advertising Medium. Men the in Pump, Sasb. Door and Bliird Factory. ! - /.-:<, ; ( Mahnracturer of-' ' r-X Window Sash.,' - I 'iDoors, -- "..-V'v-i j Venetian Blinds * $ , ]1 Honldings,^;; AnddthcrBnildinsRcanl^ttes ..! .- . IMPROVED. S7CTI0H ' ,*Wtt8^ Lumber Planed and Dressed toords I in the best.manner. .--,-...'-- C* All work guaranteed ", .~*,.'.^ '-. Acton, J.-in.,1R"6. "/ .";'"-. -' Q>iTAKIO ' MDDLIIE^:.- - -r.- -" -' I" ACTOR'S!- (The sub3cril>er takes this opportaHty' - otthaukong his numerous.customersfer. . for the very liberal pafroiiagegiyenliini.;._"" the past year, and would jstate tiatiti*'"'" his'motto to do a " *.:-. I v >--* ... - . .1- r.-^,-.J c-Hin' Square and- Honesfc BttSBfisSr.w \\w ; \--:H '-"* aa heretofore, and' hopes to retain'ita' same- libpraV- appreciation from ,th-a public, ,i -_-.- r All orders entrusted to my* care wuT.bi ' ; |. -.. r \--s ,! "- - ATTENBED TO WITH FB^HSIPTSBSS.1 -l -.-IST-C**- As none bid. GoodlWortin&i\4to*i F, Employed, . - . jf.'_s<*iifi . j . ' ! '.:-- Parties can rely on getting a gdo^rwi*^ . cle and as cheap a? good work taSiW-^' done for. ... ....j. .; .. . -jfi}>-i' J . Repairing Done with Neatness - ! COLLARS' A. SPEClAXTti'* ! . . - - .'-.i-r'- "-', ' E. CREECH , _ ?-, I <.VJL " '-. P** Our. Unrivalled, Facilities for Executing oil kinds of -' ' lActon^Feb. 147 1877.. UNABR1DCED DICTION j; ,F6r $h,e ^hool^Ropin-i; .-k' 30* EngraTlBCSj !* ".JBgrfBr-? i 'A NEW FETUBE- iT To the 3000 IllristraHonsVersfiffironi,, Wetistert Unabridged we iajre sail*! ,_ \. s -t\r.v'\- 1 r- CO'lOKED 'IIXtSTBATiOJB,^ .,- - :'en(rraved expressly for this'work'sfclsrs*-.^ ! expense. ' . - ' . -~~ *r-i^ '- : JfcarlT every State Snr^JntWdgWJ'^' reBpondlns officer, where .wwlfe *Sri?5r ' * csrst", has recommended Websters.H1"!.-- .Uouarj- In tle stha*Best *e#mti**"'" them are those or Knstern, 'Sart^^rgn: Middle, Sor.febern and Western States, Twenty-eight trrail. >-***-- " '" i^. . I V STATE JPFBrHASES. /Tbe'-Slnte af.-ltew, Yor* bis'JJSfE?';... 10,000. copies In as many of M$r*9P&v' Schools. ' ~ -" .-:Isc-^,-. \- The tle.4^W-lsconsln,-i^*tWS^:*i aeiirV^evecs-Scljool. . * i./i 1 ttt-fi'1 TheStatffoPNew Jersey, .%5fc*-*rtr ... .Trie'Btate of Mlobigifn.made TJ<Fs, -..j .^ BObK AND JOB I^I^TIJSQ ) Enable us to turn out work efqual lo anything done in Iho eili*^ 1 for her Schools-^snri------i^^.'<riii '- 3000 Schools Jn Innianase?!!^^* - lurlns: the.^ear Is72,aj3d manye|g^ , . " Th"eStteofMasi-chiis'e!^hii|saF^i|df-:| 'heraehooi'R.^-neiirlyftll.-' - '"'J k^. -J, - Tbe-State -oflowa.- has :98&!SQ>*&*' Schools.'^""" " '^- . .. ' - -J -.--' -The State of Connecticut cs*ansa?~ vislon for her Schools- Oversow T ' " ' plieddnrlns . In other States many cipies hava Mg9> .n. pnrjhaseSfqr snpprylngSchools:oroni.. w., Wliat better Investment can bemag^.^ / for 8ohbols ?! ' " l^?.:! ' "'..... "" m&b' --. Morn .tosn! twenti". .ttW.W'ff^^-sSBi sold of Webster's Dictionaries,^ 01 *?ffiT therseries tnthiacountry-^ A*-'"b*ooL' 'i At least four-fiWis or .air t"".^^^ Books-puWsbed in "this <^l -Wehsters tbelr Rtananrd, ""t^SSS " SMiimler.'few ncinowledce nJ*anQarai'^,., : -Publislied by ' -ll-.w ~ G.JiC H^K""*'mss ^9 - Sp.I.eeldM,*ea- i**aJ^?