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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 23, 1877, p. 2

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p4 f** t# at" " -> il THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTT^ONT., AUGUST 23, 18*7. 'IUIK ACTON FREE PUEHS eurient year; nd that laid by -Car. riMi^cd Kvcrj Thursday Morning, v J. II. HACKING, Proprietor. $1 Per Annum in Advance &<|1 3 Tbe Plrkci'lua Horror. DEATH Of THE WOMAN WHO WAS RAVISHED. Mrs. Bennett, tlio woman who jos h hnoxmo soups Thcrsdav Mohsixo, Avo. 23, 1877. The bright prospect HUias every where prevailed a few Wrecks ago, in reaiveet to tb* aboodaot bat vest, has ben somewhat rudely blasted in this section of the Province bj the destruction of the spring grains. At the moment when our farmers- were congratulating themselves upon the abundant yiefiJ and fine quality of the spring wheat that 'was Bott redd? to be gathered into their barns, a series of heavy rain* {toured down upon the fields and effected immense damage by ' causing it to sprout and rot. Tbe effect may now "be witnessed in the doleful cottnteamnces which are so frequently met with. From wb*t information e can gather, how- tver, we are disposed to believe tfeak^the damage is not nearly so bad as was at first reported. Fields of wheat that were a few days ago said to be utterly ruined, are now found on examination to be in a lunch better condition than was supposed. Tb! will Terr- probably turn out to be the case in nearly every instance. VT&h the exception of peas, all other cfoiis hare bean harvested in Fplendjtd condition and in magnificent quantities, while tbe prospects for roots and fruit* are bo far very satisfactory. So) that upon the whole, we have no -- cause to .despair of Hie result of the season's labors. Prices are likely to be quite remunerative, though probably- not so high as during the past few months. Ihere is no" doubt, however, that throughout the Dominion generally, -the yield will be verj much supenbr to that of several years past, thus affording tbe gratifying prospect at least of greatly increased circula tion of money, and a proportionate expansion of commercial traffic. Moved by Mt. Fraier, 'seconded by Mr. Shortreed, that the sum of S2 24 bo refunded to David Cross, being an error in his assessment for . 187. Alro that $10 be paid to | was outraged by two mon on E. Nixon fot serving notices of ap- Jieals for the sittings of the Court of Ke^ ision, and for the adjourned sittings ; also $2.40 for clothes for Jane Warden. Carried. The Council then adjourned until Friday, 14th Sept. The Seaforth Exciter says : The crops are very heavy and difficult to get off. Oats, barley, and peas are a bountiful yield, and are of excellent samples every where. In some sections the spring wheat is as good us could be desired, while in others it is somewhat injured by rust and nudge. In the northern towobhips, a8 a general thing, there will be a full average yield of spring whoat, as the rust has not done any injury, but in the southern township* a number of fields have been badly smitten, and, as a con sequence, tbo general yield will be some what 'below the average. But, taking all sections and all crops into account, there has been a splendid yield, the like of which Huron has not had for jean. Eftsjaesta* Township Council. - The township Council met at Stewarttown on the 10th inst. All tbe member* were present. After the reading and adopting of the minutes of previous meeting, the clerk read a statement from the Fire 1st Caelph. BOKSMAX'S MAMMOTH HARDWARE PLACE IX ASHES. 'Guelph, Ang. 20. At 1.20 this p. m. the towa belt sounded the dread alarm for fire. Smoke was seen issuing (from the front cellar window on Wyndbam street, and a large crowd rapid ly assembled. The hose was laid inside of sevenminutts, and it was 14 minute, before water was got. Two streams were thrown. The street watering aparatus was used until the fire protection aparatus was got into working order, sad would nave done excellent service if long er hose had been available. Mr. Horaman says that tbe first intimation he had of the catastro phe, was a whirring noise. He ran to the cellar door, found there was a fire. When he opened the hatch a sugar loaf column of flame burst forth. He ran to tba door, and returned almost immediately. The fire had made snch progress that he escaped from the store with difficulty. The stock iu valued at (45.000, and was insured, in English companies principally, for $29,000. The fire rapidly gained ground, and soon tbe second story, and, in a very short time, tbe third also, were in a mass of flames. The thick black smoke which poured from the windows Roou gave plitco to forked tongues of flame, and the heat on the street soon became scarcely larable. In tbe meantime men mounted tbe roofs of the adjacent builuinga, and kept them saturated with water* Oormack it Son's begun- removing the stock; the Bank of Commerce, -and Ontario Bank, took the alarm and bad their valu ables and | portable properly re moved. It was not' considered likely that Williamson's store could the niglit of the 26th tilt., nt her home, lot 21, 6th ouncettsion of Pickering, has died from her injiiriua Tliu case in question is one of the most diabolical that has ever some with- in our notice. The Whitby Citron- id* in an editotial thus refers to tbe tragedy : " Language (ails ns in aoVdusUdy denouncing the enor mity of this crime, which has die- graced the Township of Pickering. The poor victim is alone with her By. young children she of a weakly habit of body seemingly from warit of proper nourishment, according to tbe testimony of the doctors the bnsband is away at work to snpply them with food, and it is known that he will not return at night her home is in- vndedat tbe midnight hour she becomes senseless in the bands of two brutal ravishers, who, after working their horrid, lustful, beast* ly will on her poor person, leave her senseless, naked, lying on her bed ! and poor creature I she sue- cunits to their brutality and dies from the effects of their violence, leaving, her crying infants and maddened husband object, of pity and commiseration before the world to be pointed at because of the tragio fate of the decent wife and mother! can even the punish ment of the gallows be sufficient for the miscreants guilty of such a crime 1" Pcu and Seizor Holccttt. Harriston pooplo are consider ing tbo incoipointion of their vil lage. Dunkin is prepuring to wage war next month in Biuce against King alcohol. Robberies, great and small, are telegrupht-d froin nil quarters of Canada and tbo States. American ' homo buyers sto busy in Huron county. Good prices are generally secured. '-The elevator of John Me- Dougell 4 Co., of Montreal, was destroyed by fire Tuesday tuorning- A brute of a tntn named Jacobs, living at PetorsvillA, near London, bit off the nose ' of his wife last wee*k. | It will cost $15,000,000 to survey tbo boundary line between Alaska and Canada, it sum which, Far tlio present, forbids tbo work. Tramps give the rural districts nt present u wide berth, during liar vest days, frnring tbey might be asked to work for charity beitowbd Joseph Jacobs, who bit his wife in tbe London Police Court the other day, has been sentenced to tbe penitentiary for severi years for the act. A Montreal despatch Buys the Papal Delegate has given orders that in future priests must not in A Discarded Lover's Venice* ance. (from the Ouelph Mercury.) It appears that a-man named John Hogg, in the employ of Joseph Relinger, farmerand drover, at Little Germany, lately fell in love with a maid-servant who for uieily lived at Relmger's. He was not successful in Lis wooing, and lacking courage to press it farther mlisted tbe employer's wife on his side to plead bis cause with the young Itdy. This it appears had no effect, for a short time ago Anotone Relinger, brother of Joseph, married the girl nnd set tled quietly down to domestio life in the township of Wilmot. The hired man Hogg brooded over the affair a good deal and finally must be saved, and a crowd of willing I have come to. the conclusion that hands flocked into tbe building,'be had been duped by his advocate, and hauled the large stock, piece Mrs. Relinger. He vowed venge- by piece, from the windows, to the imminent danger of the onlookers. Others took up the goods below, and carried them across tbe street: Messrs. Higinhotham & McLagan are agents for insurance companies which havp $12,000 risk. Mr. Spiers, agent for tbe Inaolste Risk Co., has $15,000 on Williamson's and $6,000 on Horaman's pro perty. . The principal companies in which Mr. Horsnian is insured ars the North British and Mercantile, the Phoenix, of London, and the Western of Canada. At about 2.30 the flames having been confined to Mr. Horsuan's store, began to abate before the efforts of tbe fire brigade. Messrs. Cormsck and William son removed their entire stock, on the order of the insurance agents. The goods ate badly dsmaged; but i* is just now impossible to state tbe amount of loss. Tbe fire was fortunately confined to Mr. Horsnran's store, the sub stantial stone walls having effect u ally prevented it from entering the adjoining stores of Mr. Williamson and Mr. Corniack. No sooner was tbe fire fairly subdued, than the immense stocks county clerk of the mms levied on , . this township for the current year, 1 f drv S00*? w*ro beg ? be re as fellows : County purposes $2768.27; Public schools $800 , Orwdit Valley Railway, $1987 ; H. & N. W. Railway $2328. A communication was received and read from tbe trustee* of School Section No. 11, requiring $850 to be levied ou the Bctiou for school purposes. Sjveral accounts were presented and read. On motion of Mr. Lindsay, sec ended by Mr. Prazer, the treasurer was authorized to pay to Kobsrt Brocnlbank $13, being the two- thirds value of six lambs killed by dogs, and to Richard Houson $2< for one lamb killed by dogs. On motion-of Mr. Warren, sec- ouded by Air. Frazer, tbe treasurer was authorized to pay Hart & Raw- buson $20,37 for municipal blanks, and J. H. Hacking $47 for adver tising Court of Revision and print ing 200 copies uf "Voters' Lists. _ (Ju motion, the treasurer Was authorized to pay Thos. Ryder $10 for a culvert ou lot 30, 3d line; John Foster, $16 tor stone culvert on lot 21, 10th con.; Luwson^dfc Buriuenuan $26 for plunk; D C Robertson $15 for the benefit of Gilbert Sinclair, an indigent; Peter Mann $3 for repair of bridge 27 and 28. 4th con., and for repairing culvert; John Kennedy $9 for repairing bridge on check line. On motion of Mr. Lindsay, sec onded by Mr. Shortreed, leave was grunted to introduce u by-law to uusBsg fcchool kction No. 11 foi school purposes for the current year. Said by-laW was duly read und passed. Moved by Mr. Lindsay, seconded by Mr. Warren, that leave be grant ed to mtrodnce a by-law to assess >he township of Enquesing for the placed in tbe stores, and bnsiness will be resumed almost imme diately. Mr. Horaman's store will be re built as rapidly as possible. The Potato Bugs in Europe. The Colorado bottle has appear ed in Urge force at Henford, Eng land. The Mayor, the Town Clerk and the Superintendent of Police collected many specimens in vari ous stages of growth and concurred in tbe belief that they had been imported from America with seed iK>tatoea. Forty beetles were also discovered about the same time in Mulbeini,' Germany, in a potato patch adjoining one which had been thoroughly disinfected. Quantities of benzoline were immediately poured, not only on thin field, but on the land round it for some dis tance, and fire was then applied to it. Tbe soil is to be dug up and search made {or larva, after whiclw it Mill be ploughed up, drenched with benzolineiand set on tire. Says the Oshawa Vindicator : When Miss Black awoke and saw % man in her room stealing her watch, she ought,w* suppose, J from tfa , u tbat di(, <. ^^ according to the female code, to ^ tho|r w church intere8tB re. have screamed and gone into a faint, and allowed the watch to have been stolen. She did nothing of the kind, but cooly said, ' Putr - back that watch or I'll fire at you." The thief was a fool, but still he was sharp enough to understand that, und the watch was duly put back. This is an example we com mend. Were it commonly under stood that a woman was at all times ready to use all the powers she has for self-protection there would be fewer attacks on them. ance and bided his time, and when Saturday, tbe 4th inst., came round, a grand opportunity pre sented itself, as his employer bad gone to New York and Mrs. Rel inger was out in the woods picking berries. Ho entered the houso and with aa> axer smashed every thing in it, ripped up all tbe cloth ing he could find and battered a gold watch to pieces, besides bat tering some twenty-dollar gold pieces out of all shape. After this he killed a couple of cows, and was proceeding to fire the barn when some parties appeared on the scene and took him into custody. The value of the property destroyed is about $1,000. The time occupied in performing the work of destruc tion was about three hours. Hogg was afterwards brought before a Magistrate, who committed him to stand his trial for destroying pro. perty. m a> The two great telegraph com panies of Jbe United States have determined to pool the receipts and do away with competition. It is aid that the coalition has gone be yond this, and tbat the Western Union has gained possession of the majority-of the shares of the At* lantic and Pacific, A Royal Commission has been appointed to examine the extradi tion law and extradition treaties. Sir John Rose is one of the com missioners. Chief Justice Cock- burn heads the list. The committee of the Papal Zouaves appointed to investigate the fiag difficulty, condemn the as sault upon the captain of the Queen, but consider the Zouaves had great provocation. A. countryman of plain ap pearance entered a Macon (Ga.) banking house tbe other day and made a deposit of $3,000. One of the officers asked him what he in tended to do with so much money I " Oh," he" replied, " I am doing this for toy wife, and am determin ed to keepkin working and adding to tho amount until, when I die, she will be a real marriageable widow." How rare is such public spirit. The ministers of Palmers ton recently held u meeting in that town, and resolved that inasmuch as the local pies>s vms the proper medium for advertising, they would in future make no announcements spectively. Also to discourage all Sunday funerals except in such laises where for sanitary purposes immediate burial is necessary. A Wet Moon. Those who were out last Friday evening must have noticed that the crescent hud a per pendicular position. To this many persons Attribute the wet weather of the past week, in accordance with the old tradition. However this may be there has been more rain than for some time past. teifere with their people in at elections. voting On a wager of $5, two men named James Jordan and James Baker, on tbe farm of tin latter, near Bayfield, bound 1,200 sheaves in two hours. At Georgetown, according to the Herald, the principal topic of discussion seems to be the L unkin Act. It is argued pro and con on erery street corner. The fine property on tho hill to the north of Gait, knftwn as the " Date" property, owned by the Merchants' Bank, has been sold to Dr. J. B. Lundy for $4,000.1 Tho Young Britons and the Emerald Association were at tho samo time parading the streets of Guelpb, laBt Friday. Everything passed off without any trouble. In tho township of Hay live two brothers of the name of Geig her, who with two sisters living in Berlin, Ont, weigh 1,350 pounds, or an average of 337A pounds each. The crops of thu United King dom are reported as no letter than thote of late ycais. Wheat is be low the average. It baa, however, been a good season for gruzieis and dairy farmers. The prospects of goad psrtridge shooting about Parry Sound this season are very promising.] The dry and warm spring and early summechnve been very fatoruble to the game in that section. Mr. Poter Wilson, lot 11, con. 2,,Brantford, from four bushels of Silverchuff wheat sown reaped 283 bashels of firut rate quality. The yield w at the rate of 47 biiBhels to thgycre. The Times' Calcutta correspon dent reports the prospects for the autumn crop-, hopeless in Southern India; most critical in Western, Central, and Northern India; fairly good in Eastern India. Notice is given in the Canada Gazette that at the next session of Parliament application will be made by John Mooney, of Clinton, Huron County, for a bill of divorce from his wife on the ground of adultery. The New York Daily WUnitt, the only religious daily in the coun try, announces its suspension for lack of support. The Weekly Wit- net* continues publication. This is a branch of the Montreal concern of the same narpe. The duck season commenced last week, and so did the gun acci dents. The first victim is a young man named Jacques, of Chatham, who received the contents of his piece through carelessness. His recovery is doubtful. A daring robbery of silks has been unearthed in Montreal. Two of the employees of S. J. Claxton & Co., along with a professional thief, have been systematically carrying off silks from the store. The property stolen exceeds $40- 000. Thomas Baylias, of Hamilton, who was nrrested some weeks ago on the charge of stealing his uncle's wife and a number of other articles from ST. John, N. B , has been sent down there for trial, the expenses of bis removal being borne by the N. B. Local Government. There will be a total eclipse of the moon ont the evening of Thursday, the 23rd inst, visible all over Canada, and lasting from about six to eight p. m. The moon will be nearly full then, and the sight, should the weather be clear, will be interesting. . A daughter of Joseph S. Jam- iison, formerly of Durham, now at the Centre Lines of Osprey, while swinging along with an elder sister on the evening of the 15th inst., was accidentally thrown from the swing, and struck with the swift moving Beat, on which ber sister was yet standing. The blow broke her neck, death enBuing in a few moments; SuDrfiuc Lodge rytlilas of the NINTH ANNUAL SESSION. (From a Olobt Corrctpondent) Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 17. The banquet and buUvin honor of Supreme Lodge on Wednesday night was in every respect a suc cess. The tickets wore limited to 388, including those for Supreme Lodge members, and consequently the assembly was select. Among the speakers none received a more courteous and hearty reception thin Ontario's representative The'third day's proceedings were characterized by tbe transaction ot a very great amount of business, the sessions being three bouts and a balf moruing and ufternoon, and a third in the evening. Among the business done other than legis ts tion itnd that of secret session, Was the uJoption of a plaifr.rm or declaration of principles of the order. A design for a badge nnd jewel suited to the founder of the order was adopted, and an appropri ation made for the parposo of pro curing tbe same. The fourth day was devoted to the final consideration arid disposi tion of reports. Among the more important of tbe amenoiornts was the dt-cinion to change tbo sessions from annual to biennial sessions. This change will be a (aving of great expense to Supreme Lodge, tho annua) sessions of which cpst over $5,000. The following Rcixrrt, of some interest on account of the expres sions being of an international at well as fraternal character, was unanimously adopted by Supremo Lodge : A Yvaag Girl Pcrlslic* In Tank. Saturday afternoon, Mr. Robert Robottson, who lives near the Maple Leaf base ball ground in Guelph, accompanied by his wife, wont out for a short walk, leaving the children, including the oldest, a girl of nine, at home. During their absence this gitl went out of the houso a few moments, < and on her return found that the youngest child had in some man ner not known, fallen head fore- moat , into a large puncheon which did duty as n tank or cistern, and the mouth of which was flush with the surface of tbe ground, Tbe tank is situated in tbe yard of Mr. Robertson's residence, and has been habitually left unprotected. Somo months ago a young man fell into it and bad a narrow escape fro* drowning. Arriving home about 4.30 p. m., Mr. Bobortson found the child quite dead, e w . The Chops or tub United Kingdom. The London Agricul tural Gazette sums up harvest pros pects in all pnrts of tbe United Kingdom. There will be no excep tion to the succession of unfortunate harvests lately experienced. Tbe wheat crop ia largely befcrw tbe average. Oats and winter- beans seem the beet grain crops of tbe year. On tho other hand it is a great year for graziers and dairy farmery ; all kinds of cattle are un nsually abundant. Potatoes, once promising, are now threatened with disease. The hay ciop is abundant. A very large waterspout wns visible in tbe lake opposite Port Stanley on Monday. It lasted' over an hour, nnd went windward. It is reported to be the largest To tht Supreme CAaneeUor, Offleert, lever seen there. On Tuesday theVe and Membtn of the Supreme Lodge Knightt of Pj/thta* of the World. Your committee to whom was referred that.part of tho report of the Supreme Chancellor relative to Ontario would report the following resslution and recommend its adop tion : | Besolved That the thanks of the Supreme Lodge ol tbe World Knights of Pythias are due to the brethren of Ontario, Dominion of Canida, for their untiring labours to plant and porpetuate the Order in that Dominion, and to dissemin ate its teachings among the people Tbat we ba\ e read with pride the address of welcome delivered to our r-eloved Supreme Chancellor, !> 8. Davis, on his visit to Ontario in June last, and the brethren of tbe United Mate*, through their repre sentatives in Supreme Conclave as* teniLled. Ihnnk their brethren ia Canada for the reception given him We heartily reciprocate the noble sentiments uttered by the Commit tee ot deception, and gladly meet with them on the common ground of fraternity. We greet them as Knights in the spirit of Pythias fellowship, and ad mit of no distinction because of territorial lines of Uov.rnmental polity. The Order or KDighta of Pythias seeks to bind in closer union tbe hearts of rren, not to revolutions Governments. To care for the widow and orphan, not to change constitutions To bring peace on earth, not to array nation against nauon. We as Americans revere the Gov* ernment of Great Britain and your Queen Victoria, none the less be cause our fathers went to war for, and gained independence and re- fpect the Can art i tin people none the less because Of thoir fealty to tbe mother country. May our cordial relations as nations ever grow more cordial, may, the spirit of justice, and amity, and charity increase among us ever, as our Order increases year by year, as our nations extend their commerce and increase their power, (feigned) J. W. Maivtt, Rep. of Kentucky D. J. Ltoic, rp. of Illinois. J. B. BkoWN, rep. of Mississippi. Among those who received the P.G.C. degree during the sessions of tho Supreme Lodge was J. B. Tasker, of Toronto. The Supreme Lodge closed at a late hour to meet next year at In dianapolis, Ind. Great Robbery of Silks, Montreal, Aug. 20. A great robbery of silks amounting to from $50,000 to $80,000, has taken place from the wholesale dry goods store of L. J. Claxton ii Co., St. Joseph street, by two of their em ployees named McCoy and Harvey, who had the notorious thief Vos- burg. JU8t out of jail, as an accom- phce. The latter has escaped to the States, but the others are sure to be secured, as tbey are known to be still here. Tbe thieves hare been in tho employment of the-house for a long time, and enjoyed tbe fullest confidence of Mr. Claxton and his partners. The removal of the goods has been going o^ for six weeks, and it is believeafft great deal have been smuggled lacross the line, whilst a portion have been pawned. The matter is not yet know in the city, and every effort is being made to prevent it reach ing the public until the arrests are made. . LATER, Sinclair McCay, alias McCoy, and John Harvey, the two em ployees who robbed Claxton of the silks, have been arrested. The lat ter is only a youth of 17, and has beenj made -a dupo by McCoy, who is aixold Penitentiary bird. It is ascertained that Vosburg is still here in concealment. There ia no certainty about the value of the goods jatolen, but the latest esti mate places it at fiom $15,000 to i $20,000. were nine observed on the lake, one being a very large one. An Ohio paper tells of one of the customs of some people of the States. When a voting man calls upon a young woman he finds a Muiphy badge on one cornor of tbe centre table, and on the oppos ite corner the miniature of a mit ten, and before proceeding to busi ness he is required to choose which corner he accepts. ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TZ>lf;*ES PBOFEKTY The undersigned offers for s&lv *k*t dean able property situated on Main street, now occupied by Mr. ha Camertn ss a store ucd dwelling. The property is in first class conditio* and Mith a good cellar. Terras fibers!. For further particulars sppiy tc jMESSfiS W. DAflLtNG i CO. j- Montreal. Or, W.H. STOREY, Acton. Acton, Ang. 22d, 1877. MAKKIKD. By the Rev, Wm. McDonongh, of Pans, at the residence of the bride's father. Rev. Richard Hobhs, of Acton, to Lida Bowman, voungest daughter of Samuel B. Bowman, Esq , of Blair. In Acton, on the 16th inst , at tho residenco of D D Christie, Esq., the bride's brother, by the ttev 1> B. CVm eron, Mr. Christopher Dempsey, of Toronto, to Miss Rel>ec<.a Christie, jnungist daughter of the late Charles Christie, Exq , of Nassagawcja , DIED. Lev fks Tn Acton, on the 22d inst., William Benson, only child of Mr. Oeorge Le\cns, aged aToat five months. Funeral this (Thursdsj) afternoon at 2 o'clock. Btssxv On the 10th inst, in the town- ship of E<quosiiig, of lnn ' consump tion, Kmma Priacilla Bessey, aged 19 years, 10 months and 10 days. BstfCK DWELLINGS FOR *Sf. The two dwellings, built of brick, situated on Main street, near the Do minion Hotel, axe offered for sale, on reasonable terms. The lot consists of three-fifths of an acre, with good gar den. Tbe bmlding is new, and well finished, adapted for two families. A good stable and driving shed on the premises. Apply to the owner. . 1 JOHX KENNEDY. Artnn, Ane J\ I<77. r^ea m^A-wr. LOST. Lost- o^-tTTeen Acton and the 1st con, Nssa{jawe}a,a FrvzCiiA'iRx 3nawiy belonging to Mrs. Veut, Any pepoo finding the same will please leave it at this office or the post office-at Knatch- Imll Acton, Jnly 30, 1877. 5-4i ACTON HAKIlETH. .. $3 00 to 3 25 Floor Fall Wheat,new.. Spring Wheat, new Barley ... Oats Peas ..... Butter..... Ejs..... Apples, early, per baj{ 1 0T) to 1 10 0 00 to 0 00 0 50 to 0 55 0 30 to 0 35 0 65 to 0 68 0 16 to 0 18 0 10 to 0 00 1 00 to 1 25 Epps' Cocoa. Gbatkvvl and Cov- roRTliro. "By a thorough knowledge of the natnral laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine troperties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Ipps has provided our breakfast tables With a delicately flavored beverage which may save as many heavy doctors! bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strongenough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a pro perly nourished frame." Civil Service Qaxtlte. Sold only in packets labeled "Jamks Etpb & Co., Homoeopathic Chemist, 48, Throadneedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London." NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. rjpHE ONTARIO SADDLERY, Is the place to get the best Harness lor the least money. Owinpr to Hard Times, Prices have been Reduced. All Orders left with me icill receive careful attention. COLLARS A SPECIALTY As all farmers know their horses cannot work with sore necks, throw off the old collars and get a new pair tbat will give entire satisfaction. Tbe place to get them is at the ONTARIO SADDLERY Another lot of those famous American Whipa Just reoeired and will be Bold cheap for cash. Repairing Done Weally, Cheaply, and on the Sltortest Notice. K. CREECH. ) Acton, Aug. 21, 1877. OUR FALL STOCK OF' BOOTS Mm suogg I& now Arriving'. a* And will booii be complete for the DF^lXiXi, traded CALL AND SEE OUR ^EW STtLEg, {Special Attention Given to Ordered < - " r,< Rcpalrist? ProMptly Minded fv *- *- Act in, August 7, i57f. CHAIN* i fJGjr. iT T IKE NOTICE. S IAILORIKG. JOHN McARTHTJR, tail* tJ returned from New Yo*k city wkcMk. has attended the Scaovf si IaatoSsj in the act ef tvttn. omajti J u rrv^T!! *?5wf *" wi * SW the brst 4 sstwfsctio* tolas tastotsaa. He is a*w ia . nwW*. 4wwrs*is perfect fit, and to make trf unauu.^. the very latest Americas styJtt.' J^ continued patroaage of the nmawaiii respectfully setjoteel. 7^ Acton, A nj-. S. ST7, i$m ; AT THE ACTON PLANING MILLS Will be found a quant'ly of SEASONED LUMBER Comprising inch, 1J and 2 inch, dressed and undressed. All good stock. ACTORS This writ known house fcat.rtetatfr undergone a tswfvaals. iintit tr\ - repairing, is now fornishsd Trffj afK and modern furniture of tk* test tlsl criptisw, sad is Sitfwsl U ytvni* fi#M-ctsiT seconrnjodation U Wjn*fc.- The praest prrrpmloT mas- move* 1 license, ami a* will keep tas* bar wall-' supplied wftl tW very best sf lisast* and cigars, Th* staUng h brp *a4 well-fitted op-; also ample sktd-rossi. The patronage ot the public k Msssci- vSj s**t3g*>iu JOBS MAKE*. Acton, June 2> fJ77. "^yAXJTEiafc la<Kc irarl geotlnseW fe>]ratBTtV graph Operating for offices efesng ia tbe Dominion. Stxaty is* ssnro. A<Uress MsSAexK, Vt*9,7mt/t9i vrlA_3sr:soo2>^ now lost, no* nemtu. Wr have recently atrblUSsH a nv e4U ilnn or Sr, Csrfrrrwe*r> CeieasaftsS as say ont lie rsuieu.' ami pemaarnt wn -(Without m dlclnrlnr Nemis. I>*etntty Menial and Fir lr>l IneapsXtry,IsipfSV rnetiu to Marriage, ete, RsuMaa noss exrexxec. 1'r ee,ln a<alrde?rf*tore,ot>lrSesai> or two pc tare slaaap* I*be celebrated author, ia Is* adst* sibie Essay clearly OmoastMtes, ftfOB thirty years' snecrssfu! Brsraet.'tkJt alarmist; coiisrnoesresatay I* rsdtaaJfy; i cum] without the danrerrms assorts Wr- ' ual medicine or the api Heaiioe efts* knife; point I dz o^t aliunde ot cars st once simple, esrtain'and e!Tetos by" tn<rin rrfwnlcli evenr scOereT.Bosistsfr wimt his c<>nd tion m*j or, ma pat hlm-elf cheaply, prl vateiir ana rvalesfey- Tnls lecture should b* in ins HeMl ef every youth and erery mas la to* bspa, TBE CCLTEstWatU tr Post om.se Box <C Sash, i Doors, D Mouldings, Battens, &c, Manufactured as usual. THOS. EBBAGE, Prop. Acton, Ang- 21, 1877. , A VCTION SALE OF FARM STOqK And Implements. The undersigned will sell by Puhli Auction, on the premises, Lot No 3 3d eon. Esquesing, ON WEDNESDAY, 80th AFC, The following property, v,iz : ' 1 Horse, 12 years old; 1 Stallion, 11 years old, good to work in harness f.l Colt, 2 years old, by Volunteer^ Coach man ; 3 Cows; 4 Heifers; If Spring Calf ; 1 Ram Lamb; 2 Bams, 2 years old; 15 Ewes ; 1 Berkshire Sow, with litter of pigs {J! Berkshire Sow, with registered pedigree, pig in October ; 2 young Berkshire Sows; 1 Berkshire Boar, 10 months old. with registered pedigree; Houble Wagon ; sot Bob Sleighs; 2good Plows; Wooden Har rows ; Iron H-srrows; Fanning Mill; Cutting Box ; Turnip Sb'cer ; Combined Beaper and Mower j Hay Rake ; Team Harness; Chain Harness ; Cooking Stove ; Half an acre of Green Feeding Corn ; .About 4 tons of Hay ; About 200 bushels of Oats; Whiffls-trees, Nect-yoUe, Forks, &c, and -other arti cles too numerous to mention. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock sharp. Terms, All sums of $5 and under, cash ; over that amount 14 months' credit on furnishing approved ioint notes. (The Oats to be cash/ and for the Hay 6 months' credit will be given. [, WM. BURGER, Auctioneer.- JOHN MITCHELL. Prop. EsqneBing, Aug. 14, 1877. 7-2t rninstrttflL 41 AaaSt* Itaw Tsrsv & 4-lT GRACE'S CELEBRATED $Atlf, A Bar* stettetr its* * > URA.CE'd CELKBKATKB SALVZ, Is a Vegetable Freparatton,- Invented In the th t.ntotj,i BrVWb nam Oracf, Surgeon in Kins Jsjass* army. Through its agency as ^ffj thousands of the most serious sens sec wounds tbat baffled the skill f tba n*e* eminent physicians of bis day.as* regarded by all who. knew h!s as en. He benefactor. rwci 3> cc-ts a scot. CKACrS CtXCatatlTCS s\Ht CTJ8E8 '*"- FI.XSH WOCTTBS, rKQIW USSt *** BIIKTO, CHILBLAIXS, SOBJC MsU*V,; SOKK MPS. KRY3OTEAS, * - WORKS, CALLCBK&JsCAtJ'.jnta* - CHAPFSS HAUM, __' BtTBRS. CaUCWDS, - ZSMBf, A-.- SCAUH, , BOSIS, TTOUHDS, .STIKOeV _____ r-KSTIRS, WKWS, ] STWH PIXfS ABCCS3, **afcSI BUSlaiTg, SPBSIKS,- BOW, ... BtTB*, COTS WKItSSWS' WARTS, BUSTS**, TA_____ fimpms, coairs, I SCUSTT, ITCH, IWQROWISA3 S*tt#.a?ST*i5 Mosacrro asb pxjca BtraS, irtMJ, uimiM, And all cutaneous diseases i generilry, _> /. SKTH W. FOWLS * 66 ItAHXTSOK AVaSJUB, 1 - nosTOjr, xass: - For sale by all drnjKits. ***?I*"tE L all countT stares tSroaguoUttM oaj rf States and British Prorlaets^JIW" at ted States and by malt SO cents ,/ - Can't hsa? ads Syv ajrenl every Jitjjj- the bneinsss WnfH{- but those *?"*JJ - ,~, ~ ~ wars; can easily *sr doxen dollars a day right latM'-SJ" localities, tffsve no-recm to* Business pleasant and honoraWJ. J-- men.and bo?Tand stng do as weusy men. We will mrnfin yen * StSSst - Outflt free. The tw.slnenJffJiJ*T& than anytuffta- slse. W> iWWS nense ot starUnj you. rartte%Mjgj. Write and see. JVrrners a^njeeaaaw" their tons and Hangstsrs, M _w gg. write ti ns and %arn a***?%*,. onre. >ow is the tliJe. *^,5r*' Address Tecs 4 Co, Augusta, >* \ h. S9S9 it

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