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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 16, 1877, p. 4

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7J', 3- m & m sglff "Mm MI rf-W[s ; ;>~iW gfcs-otte- .'? !* mm ' 'L P-1. -'J- -.j.a.u.^'uM JU '.J Ml. '......... .f V"l-- "i-.H,JHi- i"u n win. ..i i<jii..iihii <* # THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HAX.TOH COUNTY, ONT., AUGUST 10, 1877. j~ TsU^MsUr* rsUICK. : [The following bekutiful poem is Raid ll poet v Kin to hav* been written by King .lames First, though by some is ascribed to. Bishop Andrews s] If any be distressed ami faiu would gather , S->me-corafo'rt; let him hasten unto Our Father. Par we of hepo and help arc .juito bc- .^eaven Unless thou auccjar us Who-art in heaven. Thou showett mercy, tbercforo fur tiro a.Miio We pfaise thee, simrinij Hftllowi.il bo thy najno. Of all our miseries" east up the gum, Show US:the joy, and lot Thy kingdom come : We mortal* axi, and alter from our birth. Thou constant *ro : -Thy .will be dono on earth, -- Thou mad'st the earth, as well as plan-. eta seven, Xbv n&lue i* hli**si>d here. As 'tis in hovou, . Not'.iing we have to use, or d*bU to pay Exempt thou cive it us. Give us this day Whe-owith to clothe us. wherewith to _. be fed. For without thee we want Our daily hreauT We want, but want no faults, for no day passes But we do sin Forgive us our trespasses Xa man from sinning evtr free did live Forgive us, Lord our sins As we forjjive. , If ira repent our faults,:ttu>u u'eer dii- dainejt n*: . We pardon them; "* " That trespass agaiust us ( Forgive db, that is past, a new path tread u; Direct ua always Hi thy faith, JLndVlead as. We thine own people and thy chosen nation. Into all truth, but 2iot into! temptation Thou th*t of all good gTaccs r the giver. Saffer as not to wander. Bat deliver Ub from the fierce assaults of world and devil And'flesh, so ahalt thou free us . --.," ' From all eviL To these petitions, let both church and laymen With one consent of heart and voice ** , '. Amen, - How the RnlrrH Dine. Marshal McMahon is frugal,'and nover hinkuH iiuy observations on what its aut befofiV h\rn\ Ho is nof grvat drinker, but very fon:l of fruit. Queen Victoria is not n grout -outer, but she likes beef nnd pastry.' The .Emperor of Russia is fond of game. Ho drinks plenty ol Burgundy nnd champagne, The Emperor of Germany drinks anythinglie oan- got -Mnrcohruii- uer, Liebrauniliuli, nnd Uoedoror. Ho is a MinpU*Iioiirtod nnd innn-y guest, .Ho likoa} buci' nnd swi'tU dishes. Tho "Emperor of Austria is n serious eater. Ho prefers beef and mutt-ou to poultry; Ho drinks Hungarian wine nnd Uordenuxi Victor Emanuel 1ms a strong up- petite ; loves 'small bird* ; tloos not touch the birds he kills. Bui'jjun dy is his wine. ,! Tho K'Wg of tllo Motherlands in u good eater. . Give him anything and salmon with good old wine. His cellars are tho best in Europe.. Tho King of tho Kelgians lias a StOUWcii no bigger than a sparrow's. Cannot eat hmoli ; larks will do and old Burgundy. The ex-King of Hanover liko* pheasants, jjrotwe, nnd mnokeil lianis, Khenish wino nnd a\Iost>llt>. The King of Portugnl is a miser able guest; eats little, drinks less. Alphonso XII linsii brav-e etoiu- fteb. Plenty of poultry, veal, des ert and cli-et. President Hayes, when lio is at home,, is obliged to say he likea eold water and Hayes cake, a compound of Mieratus and plaster of Paris, in vented in Columbus, Ohio. . The Third House. A Detroit boy. agad twelve, whose nnola ia i member of the Legislature, was permitted to make _a trip to i*aning s few daya ago in order to visit the State Houaa, He came home yesterday Boon chock full of importance, and when hia little brother ran to meet him at the gate, "William coldjr wared him back and said ; - liefer yon to the Committee on Fisheries, bob, and how'a mr His mother was glad to toe him, and when she asked if ha had en joyed 'himself he replied': , 'Oh, I BQppoaeso, though I now tnoTejto strike out all after th,en suing-clause.' What sort of talk .is that, "Wil lie, dear?' she asked in g]reat but- prise. Jfever mind the talk, mother^ bat move the previous question and bring on the pancakes.' The'hired girl came in with the dinner and wanted to know how he liked Lansing. He looked at bar with great dignity and replied : J 1 now;, izsove to lay yotir peti tion or* the table, Hannah, for fntnrs-consideration.' She got mad about it, and? Wil liam alyly informed hia mother that it was-his opinion that Hannah's title.should be made to conform to the body of the bill. He went out .to lee-the boys after dLaner, and a ,house; painter asked where No. 757 -A Sailor's iYarx. An ex change tails an extraordinary big " fish story." Yellow fever broke ottt on board a New York and Liverpool packet, the ship-carpen ter fell a victim, and hia body with due ceremony was committed to the sea,. a grindstone tirat being attached-to his feet. His little boy, aged twelve, overcome with grief at being parted from his only protector, jumped after him, and was soon beyond the reach of human aid. Next day an enorm ous shark was captured and a noise waa heard to come from it. It was opened, and there found, to their great surprise, that it had swallow-' d the carpenter, grindstone and son. ! The former, who had only swooned, had rigged op the grind- atone, and with his little boy's as sistance, he " was grinding his jack- knife to cut bis way out." - It is Well to Knowl Pleasant Child (to Young man making his first call): " See here ! if you're; earning often, and going to make up to one of rjy sisters, you'd bet-. ter be sharp and pop the question,. 'cauBe I've noticed, with "all the otfoer fellows, when it goes on so long it iever comes to nothing.' A woman was killed by light ning in a New York town while drawing a" baby coach. Haven't we urged wives to let their hus bands push the babycoach 1 ;-- Liked -It. A "mother "Laving occasion to reprove her seven-year- old'daughter for playing with some rude children,- received in reply, ^W'ell ma* some folks don't like bad company, but I always did.' The young man who howled " We won't go home till morning" around the streot Saturday night, was a correct prophet. He did not get home until nearly noon on Monday, and had to pay a lino of 5 to get away then. ' We'll have a call, of tha house and see/ replied the bpyJaa he -looked around, "' .. ' Whose IroUae T -asked the pain- ter- i hv -:- - ' t)ri you can rise to a qnestion-^- *f privilege,' continued tha lad. ' X don't |want no sass !' said the7 painter, who thought the. boy was making fun of his red nose. ' Of opursa not,. Jjet's pass the bill to a third reading, or else go into committee of the whole and debate it.' . -. ~ 'I think yon need dressing down 1' yelled the painter, and he banged WillUm into a sand bank and pushed a iead of graTel down bohind his collar. * Have the"minority no rights V yelled ^the boy as he kicked the. painter on the shin. He would have been walloped h*d not his mother, appeared. The painter moved, away at the sight at her, but called oat: 111 see you again, hoy !' ;;'I refer .the whole aubject to father, with instructions to report r a bill to walk you into the Police Court,' replieil the Representative, and he went in to tell hii mother the diSerenoe between suspending '- the rules and a rushing bill, or re ferring it to the committee in Cornfields till some one came around, with the cigars. Detroit Fiye Pretg. i ' IS> .'in' .i , m " >~Hts, Pstlington.iaya that just before the; late war eirdumslanoes we seen around tbe iioon nightly, shooting- stars perambulated the earth, the desk of the sun was oprered with black; spots of ink, eomtOS swept the harizon with their oMratio tales. Everybody said Was it ptpnlgated war, and sure enough war did come. ' STJBSC FOR THE -A.G'I'OjN' FREE PRESS, Only $1 a Tear In j&dvance. Of Every Other Store by THE GOLDEN LION OUR GREAT CLEARING SALE Has from ita very beginning been a complete success, but wo will now, for n lew days only, niako n spotial effort whiuli will completely place ill tlio sliado all induceiuouts over before oilore'd. I lEvery ono acknowledges that'our stool; is lliroo times as largo as any other in ijuelph. ll must _bo rcduceil, for otir soiiior partner iii now in the Old Country buying new goods. How is this to he done ? Wo intend to lio it not by ofljiiiij; a low linos piooe meal, but by f' ; . ioiluig OUR ENTIRE STOCK AT .COST, And a^l SunimtT <wutls Jit IS;If Cost Price. This will, only Last for Two Weeks. Wo shall thou ho receiving our new go,>ds from England nnd tho sale Will elo.-.e. Now, then, for a few particulars. Rend thoni nnd don't forgot thorn. SILKS, SILKS, SHiKS, SILKS AT 50 TEXTS A YARD. Over'pin hundred patterns, pure Silks, choice, desigus, most fashionable colors, at fifty cents a yard. There; is notlilng in (iUelpl) Ot the ! same quality, at anything nenr.the prioo. ' Grenadines, Muslins, and French Lawns, .The nicest materials ever worn in summer,. GTXJS1? i. B OEI3STTS LA^ ^Z~^J^ITD. These goods astonish everyone, nnd are being bought up a hundred yards at a time. Come in before Ihey all go. The Choicest Kid Gloves, 50 cents a pair. . ' Magnificent^ Sash Ribbon?, 25 cents n yard, only h few left. . - . Parasols, great bargains. The great Slaughtor or all, howovor, is being made OUR MILLINERY BRANCH. HERE NO OFFER IS REFUSED. And hundred nnd hundreds of Hats, trimmed and untrimmed, scores of Summer Suits, Mantles and Jackets are going just for any thing they will bring. This is a. trreat chance. Don't let it pass by. . as*"The Lion" cannot be touched for C'benp CJoods"s J. D. "WILLIAMSON & CO, Quelpb, July 1.8. 1877. I? W.STpftRTCO Have comnienced opening their New Spring* I -'" 'i Importations Arid- in a few days will show, finest etock of ; the BAST CLOTHING STORE. The undersigned in. tendering their sincere thanks to the^wlaiwiii* patrons for the liberal support with which they have beeh favoratf tH* past as members' or the iateilrm Of Dickson 4 McNab. would Si i^** to call attention to their Which this year is larger and better assorted than ever, comprisini*3- "v "';. . aBsortment.of, f**& , TWEEDS Scotch, English ' Manufacture. ana w-j-y; .::...:-'""B1 itmtt '- Out stock:htH FIRST GLASS C0003 submitted for inspection in Guelpb. Kpeoiftl elfortp have been made to / now tho noweit I " ' i Dress Goutlx, , . Spriny Jackets. ., Costume*, Kid Glove*, ',' Hosiery, Laces, . i - '.- . Lace Curtains, Sheetings, and' Mourning Goods. OUR-.COTTONS".'. were all contracted for before the recent advance. . Customers will have the benefit. Gents' Department. In Cloths and Tweeds, Dress Shirts,' . .Ties, Collars, etb.," : 1 Stock of Felt Hats; Are particularly inviting in styles and prioe. ; WM. STEWART A CO.: Quelpb, March 0, 187T. i Thfl patterns are the choicest in the market. HAT& A2TB (JB1TT3* FT^XSm^ . - ' Is well assorted ami a,t low prioe*. .'--, r * 1^/^ - . .:.;-- .Cottons, Prints, and Staph' IJrty Gooffi 4 **? at prices that cannot fail to satisfy everybody/" We respect&U.inVl!!i Inspection of our goods. . ,,.7" .T*1 -, ' FYFE&Mfii^ . v.' r- f-ll i Acton, AprJl J7,1SJ7, " SECORD B ... 1**}$ ; (Jlasr StreeB iAqipojNr ".? : i J . .. ^-I-.s> - ' - .\&'l' t-t : .-:r The subscriber haviufi.again gone into tho grocery busineSC, would in timate that='he has always-a full line of goods usually kept in first^lass; grocery "house's, fresh, andof the best quality, such as ,- ..." TB&S. -j r. Bi-aces^- ' ' .' ' i.inest EnglishBreakCast Couguo, Souchong, Oolong, 1 Flowery Orango Pekoe. Greexs Moyune (junpowders, Silver Leaf (Gunpowders, Moyune Young Hysons Uncolored Jap ins, Imperials, Twankays Our teas are all selected for their superior drawing qualities Special discount on purchases over 5 lbs. Our stock comprises the best grades ' - of Old Government Java, ' Laguayra, ilaracaibo, and Rio. Roasted and ground, daily, on the premises, thus retoininp all .the natural aroma and flaver of the berry. COCOAS A1TD C2000IATES. Taylor's Cocoa nnd. Chocolate, Jipp's Homffiouathic Coco^, ; Menier'3 Chocolates. Pickles and -CaucoSi .: Crosse A ninckwcll's. Mixed I'lckles, ciiowciiow, I'ierahil, Mushroom C'nt-stip. Joliitfiiill Knuce, lif'a A I'orrln'n iv'orcliastertihireSauce, Tomato t'msup. Favx>ritt do., do, .- ^ orkshlro Relish, l.'reiioh Mustard, ,: . FAKNACESTTS MOSS. "; Carolina Klee. Arfn Ric<?, i-ear: Siifo, Ittn'Juj.loca I'eurl liarley, Corn Meal, OatmcaU . StTfiAB?. Refined, in Loaves. Cut;Loaf, Dry Crushed; Granulated, Extra Ground, jctra;C, English Ketined all g'rBdea,- ' Demerara, Porto Rico, Ambor, Hsao7 and Syrups. Standard T0BA0C0ES- Chewing, Smoking, Cigars. "Wall Tapers and "Window Bllads In great variety cheap. Valencia Raisins, Layer Raisins, Loose Muscatel, Sultanas, Seedless, Vostizza Currants, Black Patrasdo. in cases selected ... . Do; r'do. in bbls., Eleme Figs, French Prunes,' Tunis l)ates. 'These goods are the fineBt ex. ported. ' :| 0AWWBP FaXJIXS AlTO.yBffE- ': , TABISi-:j--;-';J-f-1 Peaches, Pears, Cherries, Pineapples, Strawberries, Succotash, Green Peas, .Corn,.Beans, Tomatoes. i Jffi-Cheop for Cash or Trade. . cAnnsd aooss.-."-' Cnlfrornl.iSnfmon, Portland Lohstcrs, . Kretl'.'h Kiirdl,.es, Uovc Uysterv. - fresh Muelccrcl. ' Ctircd Sams and Eacon. Choose .and Sutter. Euraett's Extracts & Essenecs- TIlO KilJCtt (Joo-Js Manufactured. soaps cf ail liinds. qurrnnts. Valencia mnnpep, 'ZU ssina Lemons, Pineapples. Tuoi- Dates, Bordeaux Walnuts, FlibcrlF, Almonds. BIS09ITS & :.C01TFEO0HERy. ArroToo, AVine,Soda, Abernetby. Cream, Lemon, Jiutter, Boston, Graham, Oyster eraeker, Kew York Ulnser nuts. Ginger Snaps, Candies nnd Sweelments of 'jail kinds.- ',CUcesfij Butter, Eg^s,Hope,: . . OBQOSEBY. Oulnn Bets, WhiteBtono Sets, ^ Figureil Etooo Sets, Cianmber Sets, Tea Plates, Bowls, Jellies, Platters, Bakers. And a full line or other kinds. Mill Pans, Cream Crockp, Butter CrookF, Jugs, Flower Pols, Ac. Selling at the manufacturers' prices. G-LASS"WAHE. Tumblers, Goblets, ; iMmpy, Lamp u lasses. . Orass Plates, Glass Sets, '-.. ..-.. ' v ! Tpb-=, Palis.fBroorosj !: SB -i' . ".: ^ruatfeSl &," - Ropes, Wire and Wooden Baskets, Patent Medicines, Dye Stuffs. Stationery, school Boobs* '.Purges, Wallets. School Bags, .."1 .'Stwcfntfei!, VioUos. s-J -* "Violin strings. Briar Pipes, Faney Goods, Combs, <te. Boneless Codfish, Herrings, Oysters In can and bulk in season. ; '; I \i 1 JAMES MATTHEWS. Acton, June, 1877. dbnveyiahcer, Com. in'Q.'K',' rsauer" of "Kfarriaire Licensesv' Insurance Agent, &c. wmm,:. M 4 %U JUST Sj THE FREE PRESS PRINTING HOUSE. To Merchants : and'^dther Busifieg^ -Meri-in Acton, as. well as throughput. th Oounty, the Free Press is an; invaluable Advertising Medium. - .r^ XOB THE, . i " <t 1 4 i 1 tCT't-.-ilTi' : : .'J.'.'Vt n b.fa* A*e AUbl Booli adrtrl wllir tn GJ - P*te| tori - Ulaj| - ^"4. tsatf sap^iiNTGh TttAxxM. Fl.ll ftair U.Vl Boaght Low,and wUl be :-!" -;-f Sold at ;Price3- never tearj O^Bl^ I:: ! .., ^\^/^^^A ': i-t-t ' it>Tl* ^dS't> : -.^~s:-?. sgiaeO'. Of W4ite and RefinedSug-aifft, SyrupSj-Mc***' sesi Vinegar, Oat- Meal, 4NfV4fc rants, Pranes, Goal^ Qily Sorted>OH.^'l.flivHMI."' 4K. SpiritsTi>f TuLpentinei Varnisli,<J?apErtiS)^eW^ ' 1 ":' ' '."' y.rissiesta -.'" I'""-.'. -'- ::rV" '-: ' - ; .:.>i.-.- ^rr. .fear**!* fv. Qf Pruned, Bof3a^fRed Lead, Colors of alt. tiiarJs^fetc. Oases, ; BcrX^S; Gad(ii0s White ^fiwrife .-- .1 eiii, ai JEtiJi99.i . Our Unrivalled Facilities for Executing all kinds' of JJi. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING Enable us to turn out work equal to anything don* in th eitles. Of Biscuits, GonfecticMiery, -Swree^^Sl Canned Fjuit, Fishj etc., Tol>aeco, ^strs. itaisins, Cheese^ -',^a|p.si.|";iR^ifdB^.,I:S^B|st <Gfystals, Picfeies, Jrirns, Jellies. Ma*cfct *& ~:.t ,; vr" i_'-i' >- ' ?^: Wt-ila .; . ZSSSBt :<M^lfoung^Hysoi.^'j (^tt$riwdef 3^|^? Black Teap, txtij*^ liiv^ptme^s^SS^ upwards; The best; value ini;jtie;'p^t^l ^ ~\S : Acfcvn;iaich,i4,i877 ft k %v::&aT* Ci* hi. >U"?- <:*>3m - t-^H

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