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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 16, 1877, p. 2

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^Ife &WJ^-W* 5i-W^n-^>*8^*'- *mi~ffssa****WlsWssffr*'ilBf^^ 4*h I IS & ! fcs .& *, . 1 "3' J~ I" 1 1 S's '^SP Mlrtfri irtf b^ii 1 i &ra> -~L'jfc,s*'"*^r*s ilN&'.ii K* jai .; yy s*" a y ./"- t .y *S i-^c: y $f?j':v rsa 3v ; y/: THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTYJ ONT, AUGUST 16, 1877. 1IU1K ACTON FUEE IRK ' Cahliskcd Every Thursday Morning. "J. IL HACKING, ^proprietor. SI Per Annum in Advance JOS H HAOKINQ EDITOR Tiu.si>ay Mo.RXisr.. Ai<;. lfi, 1877. THE markable Case. t'IMSOXKRS COMUITTKD TRtAL. FOR f.'?' The voting on tho Dunkin Act in-Toronto.proceeds vigorously, the vote polled averaging oyfjeaeh dity. i>o fur tho Anti Dunkinitcs have kept steadily at tliu head of the ]>o:i, though the prohibitionists, mv sanguine ut iyable in the end to out-vote ^tUtir opponents. . It is said now that Prince Bis- Murk wants to niarry King Al-J o'clock |>tiouo, of Spiiin, to tho Princess . Victoria, of Hesse, a granddaughter 1 of Queen Victoria, who is in her fifteenth-year, and- wi 11 grown and "advanced in learning for ber aj-n. An American contemporary, alluding to th*- great riot ut 1'itta- rlurg. Pa., sayi that " tho loss by tbe destruction of property on that fatal Sabbath 'day ' hen tho mob held . carnival in the city, -will not fall Ix-low $5i000,-00tl,- and may "reach $$.000,000. "The city hud u debt of $10,000,000 before this ad ditional burden \ras placed upon it, and hud defaulted in* the payment of its bonded interest, last, April. The tux'levy wilLnow.lie increased from; $6,000,000 to $12,000,000, and for 20'yejipi tho people of. that city will bav'e to pay for one day's ex;>erieucc with a niob. Way up to 1000 the workingni'an -will feel this new tweight put upon his shoulders." .Tbe property holders of the unfortunate city have con- ' sequently a very gloomy futuie to contemplate. Lord DufTerin, whila at St. . Paul, made one of hisoisual buppy ivplies to the address of welcome "presented by Governor.Davia. "Al luding to the people of Both conn- tries he said : " The two people are .' engaged in pushing the civilization of the past centuries across tbosri - vast tracts of land which are still but sparsely inhabited,' but I trat are destined to become tbe home of prosperous millions before the cen tury is finished. Of that army of civilization Canada is, as it were, the right wing. ^Ve' feel towards yon, there/ore, gentlemen, aa one- half of a regiment may feel towards 1 the other half, knowing well that npon your side yeur are faithfully discharging your duties, and are ' alike trampling down tho physical i impediments offered to your pro- J gresa, as we, upon onr Bide, are en- / - leHvoringTto advance ta luaerof civilization into the heart of the "West, and so friendly is the feeling' tbat 1 assure you, should it ever happen that your own rich terri tories come to be furnished forth to > mora complete degree than it is capable of sustaining, there arej in ur north-west vast tracts of coun try where, if yon choose to assist us - ia settling- them, you will find a hearty welcome and) I trust, insti tutions n'nder which you will be able to live aa eontentedly as under those where/on bare now the hap piness^ of residing. AH that you bare to do U to take ground to your right, always provided that you do so metaphorically, and not in a, material sense." TO* learn froni an undoubted aoarc* that the Socialists, Inter nationals, and Turners, of the Western States, are rapidlr per fecting; an organization that is ex pected to gift? tbeco a preponder ance ia that region never dreamed I of by tbe founders. It ai>peara that recently several changes have been adopted by their societies whereby a common platform bus ben agreed, to which all members can subscribe. For instance*, tbe 1 Internationalists have '* idivided taemselves into two sectionBTlone / political (he other social. Thelsoc- ial section is built of plajnka taken from crery conceivabfe kind of Liberai or advanced Kudifcal associ ation, the whele comprising a plat form broad and comprehenaive enough for every Free Thinker, Communist, Iuternationalis t, So cialist' and Atheist, in the United States to stand upon. In Milwuu- . kee and Chicago, especially, borne of these societies comprise the namps of wealthy aid deservedly- respected citizens.- A movement is now on foot looking toward a federation of .the Socialists, Inter nationalists and Turners upon one" -jomtaoaj platform ; *nd j'ldjjing from recent action we should say i*. is itiite likely to succeed. (.iJ.Ki.rn, Aug. 11. On Satur day afternoon Fred Sturdy, Louise Sturdy, and Win Lowes, charged with abduction and aiding and abetting the abduction, wvru again bronght from the couuty gaol to th Police Court on the remand from Thursday in' ordar that tbe witnesses for tho Crowii might Ut examined to ahow that the boy | Joseph Sturdy, wan I implicated. Tlie Kppenriintv of tUe tauiily is not changed, and their whole demean- 'our in Court testified that they had no idea of the possibilities of their bituation. Sliortly after two the first witueaa waa lied Johu Martin, bookkeeper at the THE l?Jt:LPH AltDlCriONJ thought to would, retpiire my services to look up hU niece, Miss FVirtlxsr Bwdenoejn this Ee-1 ChVc wh had bon=- tnkon away ; I went with him to tho prisoner S,trdy'a houso; I saw a young boy and; his daughtor there; asked them whore their father was ; they I said they did not know, but that .Joseph was at the Wellington llotvl; I went there and found Joseph ; I then asked where hia father was; ho said? he did not know ; I atked him where ho was with the carrjago, and he said that ho had -beon down the Hamilton road; I,asked him who hia father waa walking with, when be said that he bad not !>oen walking, but that bo got out of another carriage ; lie said he thought it waa ft car riage, but would not awvar; he auid ho wttR holding the horsi-H* heads when tboy got out of one carriage; to get into another; he I could not say wbo they wore; ho said he' said his father went away with tho cairiage ; I asked where he hid gont, and he said he thought to Berlin; I told him it waa strange he did not know where hit father was going; he answered that ho supposed his father had gone off to get married, but that his father did not tell him his hiisi- uosk; I then left, and I after wards saw .the prisoner Lowes; I asked hini where Sturdy was ; he replied that he did not know ; I tben told bin that he did, and accused him of driving the. cab on tho evening previous ; I also accused him of b^ing at the bridge, and of picking up" the prisoner Sturdy and his daughter; he said he hai; on be ing further questioned he admitted driving thara "down the Hamilton road ; he said, ho did not know where they had gone after they had got out of tbe cab to get in tbe carriago ; on the Monday following I searched the person ' of Fred Sturdy and fonnd a letter;addres sed " C: Brown, Esq., Dundas.*' (The letter was presented and recognized.) I also found a receipt for rent ; I made a. search at 75 TEKBiBLE AtKOOlTIES IX THE EAHT. IlASHl-lUZOUK ATROCITIES. Cossitt Agricultural Works, de posed aa to tho handwriting and idontity oi tho prisoner Joseph Sturdy, aa being the sou of Fred Sturdy. John Gow, 6on of Sheriff Gow, sworn, said X)n the night of Thursday, July 20th, 1 went to the - prisoner titurdy'a house ; I went there for tho purposo of ecu- ing whether Miss C'arr was there, and to see who brought the note purporting to have been sent from Alias Carr to my mother about fif teen minutes before; I saw the prisoner Joseph Sturdy there about 11:30 ; I asked him if any of their folks brought the letter to Airs. Gow ; be said he waa not sure ; he called his brother Frederick, who said in tho prisousr'i preaenca that he brought tbe note; be said in iu answer to a question that he got the note on the table; I asked him who told him to take the note over, but he would not say; he said ho was sent over with it; I then ask ed Joseph where Miss Carr was; he replied that he had not seen.her that, night; I asked him then where his father was, and he said that his father waa in bed sleeping ; I said that I did not believe his father was. in the house, and he said I might search the house if I liked; from the manner iu which his statement waa made I accepted it aa true; another daughter of Sturdy s said-ahe would make me piove my words; I saw the pris oner'Sturdy the night before be tween seven and eight o'clock cros sing the bridge at the mill; 1 re mained there some ten minutes when he came up to me, apparent ly'to see who I was; I saw a cab come along shortly after this, bar ing on the box Lowes and Pearson ; I Spoke to Pearson. To Mr. Dunbar I announced when I reached the house of Sturdy on the night, in qneation that I was eding to search the bouse for Miss Carr, as I had a search, warrant; after they told rae'se boldly that their father' waa in bed I did not search the house ; it waa after they said Miss Carr waa not there that I to'.d them of the search -warrant. Prances Hamilton, of Hamilton, sworn, said I remember July 16th lost ; the prisoner, F. Sturdy and his son Joseph came to my house on that day ; the son came to the dppr; he asked if I .bad a house to rent; I aaid yea, that I had No. .75 Locomotive-street; tbe boy. asked if he could see tbe house ; they saw tbe houre, and on returning asked the rent ; I. said 8f7 prr month ; he asked if that Locomotive-btreet on the 31t July; I found th' articles of furniture mentioned by tbe previous witness; I found two bottles, one containing some wine, vand the other empty; f', port wine," and the other "old wine"; 1 took charge of some of the bed clothes, and have them now in custody. To Mr. Dunbar I did not ask the boy which way the carriage went; I asked Mm the destination of tbe carriage, and the boy said he did not know the boy said he did not know who was in the cab, aa he held the horses' heads when they were" transferring from one carriige to the other. Frances Hamilton, recalled, said -The prisoner Fred Sturdy told me be wanted the bouse ' for his son-in-law, who was a traveller. After the addresses of County Crown Attorney Peterson for the Crown, and Mr. Dunbar for tbe defence, the Magistrate read the whole of the evidence to tbe prisoners, and committed them to stand their trial at the next court of competent jurisdiction. , YUal Statistic*. The Medical .Council of Ontario at its last session resolved to peti tion Parliament for some amend ments to the " Act for the Regis- " tration of Births, Marriages and " Deatha." To any one who has considered the matter, it must bo very evident that amendments of some kind are necessary, though just exactly what amendments are included taxes ; I said yes ; he j req,,;^ it is not ^ - '^ The law, as it stands now, would month's rent on it then ; th house belongs to Mrs. Williams, |and I was acting for her; I gavt him a receipt for the money ; I I saw the boy on the following Fri day ; he -asked me if there waa any be good enoughjf only it could be enforced. But it certainly is not enioreod at nrtrsent. Tbe returns given in the yearly report oi the .Registrar-General are very incom plete. Comparing tbe figures with way into the house as he had for-1 tbo8e of olher wnlntivii where a OriginaLdepravity.'crops out in the Hamilton Spectator in the shape of a provocation to Mr. Blake to coma out and mako a. speech], Noonewuntstt speech from Mr. Blake now. No one wantB hiiv 'politic'). No one wants to hear another word of party trash. The gotten the key; I told him h could try and see if he could get in ut the back door ; I asked him how far he would have to go for the key ; he said he would hare to go to Morriston, about thirty miles ; I helped bim Into the house with out a key; he bad a horse and wagon with furniture on it; I as sisted him to put the things into the' honse ; be chose the middle bedroom aa the one in which to I put the bed. . ; To Mr. Dunbar. Tbe bedroom spoken of is a very small one; there is only one window in the bedroom; thii window looked in the direction of my yard ; I could see in the window fiom .my house where I live; tbat was the . only window besides tbe kitchen ; one that I oould wo from my bouse ; the two hoiiaes front on the g*un street; the house* are separated by a yard with a hoard fence be- twoeu them ; tbe Friday afterwards I saw the female prisoner there; I saw the prisoner Sturdy on the- Saturday following on the street ; never saw. Miss Carr at; tbe bouse nt any time; never heard- a noise there at all; the. window of. the bedroom was open Friday ; I could not then see into the bed registration has been carried out, it is not likely that moie than one- fourth of the births and deatha in Ontario are registered. Statistics, of this kind are, of course, perfect ly valueless; and if no improve ment can be made, the present law might as well be repealed. Money would be saved to the Province, and we woujd not feel that our tatute-boott was encumbered by an ineffective lawr~ We should hope, however, that the combined wisdom of the Minis try, the Parliament and the Medi cal Council would prove effectual in devising a perfect law "which could be properly enforced: Tbe result of an experiment of some eight yeara' duration showing nothing but failure, it is no matter of surprise that there should be found those who advocate repeal of the law entirely; and, unless an improvement is speedily effected, we shall come to the same conclus ion. Statistics, far more complete, could be collected by the assessors of the various municipalities as they make their yearly rounds, and it could be done with little if any expense. The information collect- A Constantinople despatch to tho 7'imtf, by way of Syra, says : Your correspondent at Kurabunar write* appalling accounts continue to como in of the misery of tho fugitives from tho districts dovos J tated by the Bashi-Bazouks and ' Bulgarians. Thousands of women and children aro homeloss and per ishing for want of shelter, medical attendance, and food. Immediate help on tho largest possiblo scale moat sorely needed. The Pasha'in commnud horo proposod to distri bute the fugitives about Constanti nople, Adrinnople, PhilippQpoIis, but no artangemonts havo been made to receiro them. Thousand" of people are homeless. The crops are rotting on the ground and no sort of provisions has been made for tho winter. A despatch from Gabrova says it i reported there that the Turks burned a hospital at Eski Zaghra which contained 600 sick. The I\Teic#, (Aug, 14) Bucharest correspondent telegraphs :->-" I have written the following aa 1 received it, and from the terrible accounts the fugitives continually bring over the Balkuna I fear it must be too true. On July 31, the day of the Russian evacuation of fcski Zaghia, the Turks ordered all CliristiaiiH, men, women, and children, to be shot as they left their houses.' Those who remained within were burnt alive. Tho or der was given to burn down and destroy every particle oi Christian property in the place. Many lead;) iug Turkish merchants took part|in the affair. One desjuitched a large number of Bashi-Bazouks all over theTchirpan district. This district ia one of the richest in that part of Turkey. It contains a very large proportion of Christians. Over thirty churches, fifty schools and colleges were all burnt.' The des truction extended to the villages of Boghdan, Mahlesi, Rani, Mahnle- si and many others, iu all about sixty, containing 150.to 200 fam ilies each. Scarcely fifty persons esca|>ed slive. The Bulgarian fugitives at Gabrova and Selvi esti mated that 12,000 to 15,000 Christians were massacred, in Eski Saghra and Tchirpan district alone The soldiers were posted along the road from Eski Saghra to Kuranlik with orders to shoot everybody passing. .RUSSIAN ATROCITIES. The Turks say the Russians fired oh a white flag near Kara on J.ily 15th, the party desiring to succour the wounded. The Governor cf Tirnova gays tbe Russians burned a mosque wherein the inhabitants of Son K.onloti, who surrendered to the Russian;, were massacred with axes by the Bulgarians, and three more by Cossacks. The fol lowing statements come fiom Turkish- sources at Batak-----100 bouses were burned, and -200 men and .300 women perished. At Balovan 250 houses wero burnst], and 700 men and 1,200 women perished, At Cabft Bonnus 100 houses were burned, and 200 men and 300 women perished. At Kestambal 150 bouses were burn ed, and 300 men and GOO Women perished. At Chems 60 houses wore burned, and 120 men and 200 women killed. At Tundja 100 houses were destroyed, aud 250 men and 400 women perished. The houses were set on fire in tho villages abandoned by the inhabi tants ' before the enemy's arrival. At Franich Honri 40, Berak, 150, Odolar 180, Amdiouk 60, Bourock 100. Kodjua 70, Gfedijei 200, total | 820 houses. Between 40 and 50 mixed villages, each containing a minimum of 100 houses, are also mentioned, whose Mussulman in habitants bad surrendered to tbe Russians. The Russians and Bui garians massacred every inhabitant except three womeu and two men of the village of Yeni Keni. Rus sians took as prisoners to Alexau- dropol the wife and children' of Yousof Bey, Caimacan of Chou- roukaJ, his, brother Mehemit Bey and his children, and the female servant of the Caimacan of Chou- roukul. Thd prisoners, after hav ing suffered every outrage, are on the way to TiHis. A despatch from;': Choumla states that Mr. Read, the English Consul at Roust- chaik; and M. de.Tory, the French Military,, attache, visited twenty- one -wounded refugees, consisting often women and eleven children, ten of the latter at the breast. At tbe Xtannbisn Proviaces the Bus- Ten ad Scissor Selects. ^ The International riflo' match nt Creedmoor' is to toko1 place on September 13th and HthJ ." Brnmptoii Cinol ffirojecn. EDWARBfl, ;THK LOTTEKY BW,I'N'X>LEK :, ., ESCAPES. , Edward -Two hundred Now York liquor FjdvarA crested here a week ago alers hnvo been arrested in Nt-w > t__] . - OUR FA deal Y-ork for violating tho oxqiso law. . j The Sabbutli will in future' be observed by tho Toronto Globe oni- ployoos not working on that day. 7Tbo temperanco reform move ment has reached Nova Scotia. Two thousand huve taken the pledge in Yarmouth. j Capfc. Tyler, President of tho Grand Trunk Railway, has been knighted in recognition of hit) sur vives as Inspector of Railways.' Rev. C. Lazenby, Primitive Methodist minister, of Plitttsvillo, was accidentally drowned -while bathing iu tho River Nith nt that place. ! ' H. H. Cook's largo jsaw^mill at Midland waa burned on Sunday. Loss 8100,000. Two hundred and fifty tnoii are thrown out of em ployment. The profpects.of an unusnally bountiful harvest of grapes this year in Canada is most excellent. The vines are loaded so heavily that it is a treat to see even now. John Frost, one of the leaders of the great Chartist movement in England nearly forty years ago,, died in England, on the 30th ult., at the age of ninety-seven..] The License Inspectorof West Wellington buB bis bands full look ing after unlicensed idealer*. jicurcely a, week passes without three,or four fines being recorded. Mr. Arthur, chief of the hrotherhood of Locomotive Engin eers, asserts positively that.there is no truth in the rumors of a general strike of the railroad engineers. -----A girl and'her infant were found on Friday at Ottawa, in a shanty in a most deplorable condi tion. Some scoundrel bad; pro viously seduced and then deserted her. '.}.. The Brussels Municipal Coun cil have resolved to loan ]Messrs. Biid <fc Bell the sum of $2,000, on condition that the firm start a foun dry and implement factory in that village. j . Since_. Messrs. Haskell and Hurd entered Guelph abont a month ago to advocate thb claimB of Gospel temperance, no less than 1,5'J6 parties Imva attached their. names to the pledge. i' " ' -. ' i -A series of union prayer meet- J ings was held last week | in tho churches of Collingwood id behalf of the success of the Dunkin Act in Toronto. We don't hear of any auti-Dunkin prayer;meetings. We learn that at the close of its last financial year, the Bowman ville Furniture Co., paid eight per cent, dividend to its stock holders, and hud a balance ot ; 15,000 to the credit of tho reserve account. A letter received in Toronto from California announces the death of Jas. B. Cook, formeily proprietor of the Torouto Exkree* newspaper. He was shot by a desperado in San ernendioo coun ty, near the Mexican frontier. His assassins escaped over the border. for! selling bogus Jottory tickets, cleverly escaped from gaol last evening by picking .'tho*. corridor lock, he having previously manu factured a ropo from two'sheets of hia: bed; He then befit tbe poker ahfj. tbrewj it over the high wall, climbed ,np and jumped down on the .outside and disappeared.' He is about six feet high, sandy com plexion and whiskers and light moustache. The sheriff offers $5 for Ih'b nrrost. A later: report states that Ed wards was I arrested in Toronto and again lodged in Brampton jail. I tH .-""?.----- i-Thirty-fire families of Menno- nitoB, lately from/ Russia, started from Imerson on the morning of the ICth for their homes near the Pembina Mountains, after provid ing themselves with oxen, cows, waggons,"and general supplies.' Is now Amving; . And will soon be corhpfete for the .A-HLXj -ACTOX MAStKETS. Flour ..'. Fall Wheat; new.. Sjiring Wticot, new linrley..... Oats ... .j Peas - ..... Butter..... Ekk..... Apples, early; per bag- .. $3 50 to 3 75 .-. 1 10 to t 15 .. 1 JO to 1 15 . . O 60 to O OO .. 0 47 to 0 50 .. 0 75 toG 80 0 15 toO 16} . . 0 10 U>0 00 .. I 03 to 1 25 Ei-vs' Cocoa, ("katefc!. asd Com"- FOjyri:<<;.-r-"By a-thorough knowledge of the natnral laws wluch: govern the operations oi dagestion and nutrition, and by a carefal application of the fine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. EpT* has provided our breakfast tables with delicately flavored beverage which may save ius many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious nac of such articles rA diet that a constitntion may be gradually built Up until strryDgenongh to resiit ercry ternlency to disease. Htwdreds of subtle maladies are floating around n rendy to attack wherever there is a weak point- 'Wtr may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a pro perly nourished frame." Clril frrriee Gazette. Sold only in packets labeled "James Errs * Co., Hoiboeops"Me, Chemist, 48, Threadneedle Street, and | 170, Piccadilly, London." Let For tbe Old and Young', all ase ft. . Wood' Improyrd Ilnlr MrMontlre Is unlike any nthrr, hud. hnkjnoe<jnal. The Improved ha new vegetable tbn'e properties; reloresgrey linl'r toaislonFj natural color; r |iore* fddeil, Hrr, harsh ftndliUlne hnlr; r^Ftore-, tlre^Pen, give* vliior t/ tlit IiaIt;-restores hair to prema turely bald'lieiuls';. removes d mdrnn", hu- mor, poaiy.eruption*; remox-eB lrrlfa tlon,: tlchliif; and scaly drynef.". So article procures meh wonderful eflects Try jt. call for 'i;' Improved Hnlr Kestorntlve, and don't be rut oft" with un/othfrurllcle, s*oJU by a 1 ilrflgg.olK in ttiiB plnro nn^ dealers everywhere! Trndfe .iinpIlo<l at rotiR'faet nrerjslprie- p hj- C, a.Oivik * <'o , OhtlcftKo.ifo'te Agentu lorthP United Slnles and Chn.ndaf-,and by i,VMA?f itm.-s, A C<>.', Toronto. ,i~ CALL AND SEE OUR NE^ STYLES . i I . '-f' ' " "^ w ,' V.Y '^ Special Attention Given to Ordered Tttfk aiepalrin^ Prornptly Attended |#, Acton, August 7, Ie7T. NEW. ADVERTISEMENTS. Lalic8- an^ gentlemen to learn Tele graph Operating for. offices Spelling ia the Dominion. .Stamp for answer. Address Manager, Box 955, Toronto. DISSmLVTIOW W PABT- KEBsnir. The partnership heretofore ex.is-tiag between the undersigned nnder tbe style of Galloway Bros, Inknv n' confectioness, isi tKr -village oi At^a, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All acctasats dae to tbe firm are to be paiil to RwfeeTt T. GalliVway who assume* all liabilities *t tbe firm. DAVID GALLOWAYy ROBERT T. Q ALLOW AY. J,S. Hiatisc, Witness. Acton, July 31, 1877- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BtEICK DWELLINGS FOR 1 { KALE. Thje two dvrelling."". built of brick, situated on ^Iain dtreet, hear the Do minion Hotel, are offered for sale, on reasonable terms, The lot consists o* three-fifths of an acre,: with good gar den.! Tho building is new,'and well" finished, adapted for twp families. A goodi BtahLs and driving shetl on the premises. Apply to the owner. J0ILN* KENNEDY. A.cton, ADe. ! % 1S77. 7^m" ; In reference to tbe above I would beg to intimate to the public that I intend to carry on the bokisg business as heretofore iii tbe sxate place, and hope that tiy strict attention to busi ness, and keeping art all times a first- class article, to coirtfirse to soerit a full share of poblie potronage. v Tooiy. TKpvviinOyr KOBEl?T T. GAIXOWAY. Acton, Aug. 1st, 1877. HOW L08T. HOW RESTORED. We have reco.nt'y pablistifH an< edi tion of Dr. Cniverweir* <VIrtra*el K- unyoiittio riKllcu; unci perinniieiil cure (wiihcHH m-rtieincl^f Jei-v-c.-us LebilUy, Menial and Ph; (ile .1 Inifneity.Imi<-dl- metit1* to Marriage, etc., resulting from excesses. v Price, in n -e ded envelore, only 6cent or tv7o i>o>tnge aiunys J'he celebmt*-U author, in -this admir able Bsx:iy clearly demonstrate*,'from tlilrty yuirs' snecessint practice, 11ml alarmme cons#<niee< s may be radically cur"d without the Jangernp* use of inter- n;il tnc (iicine or Uie amplication or the Lthlfe; poimin^ out a mode of enre at once Flmple, certain and eflecuuil. hy mcan. of wliicli everjf'Kufferer.no tnatier what-bis ennd tlon mpy oe', may. enre hlm=elf clieaply, iirivateivund rMdleally. This Lecture *nonIrt Oe in the naniis ot every youth and every mm lu the hund. . TBE CCMtBWElt WKOICA1. f --It Ann HU, New Yorfc. Poet Ofllee Box 1&S6. 4-Iy '.' '" Tbfs wn.*rsewsr Itea* aa* andergODs a tboroagh rtas nfsinBg, ia bow fsmis soAioodem famirsT* *| "esswr *U criytinsj, *s^ is ynfuU\g-tJ^tL nrst-dass aeceramodatiee UfkkmijZ The present proprietor hn^^rul lcee, nalt wiB k sappBed wrti to* Tey -kjirtFeirSMU and cigars. The sUbEsw is 'lkW3 wdl-ftttwl wj>;asso usSfe islr^-^ The patronage ot tWanlr'><. aDy scakitvi. > - *T^-*' A*o*,Jmm,2f,lwr.. y^M' C. T. FLECKY'S MEADOW LABK acaiv ricrauALai sums ed would, of course, be voluntary (not tuen see into tne oearoom; in ii> intn h..*tu- there might be some noise and I fej * " papers- know it. For_ appearance t>aIce they come out with languid attemptu at political writing two or three times a week, but who cares about the stuff? People want to enjoy the brief, delicious suin- tner, to take in long* draught* of Bun'ight, beauty and health, and Jive in an atmosphere that is clean. Whoever tries to disturb Hub se rene feeling is aiming a blow at society.^and can only hope for. a Oliseralije end. ilontretH A'fw. '- did not hear it, as I have four chil Ir'enj-never heard bow nor when they came; there is a lock.on tbe front door and u bolt on the back one. To Mr. Peterson. The furni- Uire consisted of a bedstead, feather bed, matrass, wABhxtand, a sraalM Ktove; and pipes, and a basket packed with: things. - Chief Constable Kelly, sworn, said : On the 2?tb July, Sheriff j Gow came to me and sa rhere anyone would either refuse to answer the official, or answer him incorrectly, that for all practical,purj>oses the statistics gathered might be considered per- feet: At all events; they would be much nearer perfection tban any thing wo have yet seen through' tbe instrumentality, of the Regis tration Aat!-~-London Advertiteri dopted a general and uui- form systom to try to seize defence less villages after destroying with cannon ; then'to massacre unarmed inhabitants) and carry, off women for the purpose of outraging their persons when they are not killed at first. The Russians threaten the Christian village . with the . same fate if they do not surrender or if their inhabitants refuse to be en rolled.! Official statistics at Adrianople state that 5,000. Mussulman refu gees are there;; 3,000 are in other towns,, besides; several, thousand expected from Kazanlik. r-Tb'e grading baa been comple ted on the Kmgstnn and Pembroke Railway, before the time agreed on, and the contractors are now engag ed in having the track laid and the -The Toronto authorities hare j crpsaings"built. TbV'progress ai Jheriff j destroyed CTpO unlicensed dotts since i the .'other'.,'.enid of (he line is also id he I the commencement of the,raid. j satisfactory.' '. J.., ~ There are ' few towns in the Province enjoying the same amount of railway accommodation that the town of Lindsay ia now in posses sion of, No less. than thirteen passenger trains pass in and out of the town daily, while a fleet of a dozen or more steamboats ply daily between the various villages ort the J rivor. Times are very dull at the Falls. The hotel men bavo had a poor season, and the large ho isea will close a month earlier tban usual. The Clifton and tbe Catar act have just discharged a number of their employees, at a time when the season should be at its highest point. That unfortunate Canadian yacht, the Counters of Dufferin, which was launched at Cobourg with such great expectations, and turned but a very small affair after all, has been going through a series of financial adventures. It went to New York with the nvowed object of conquering the American yachts one and all; but unfortunately, it was both' conquered and captured itself,^and has never been able to get back to its native -waters. It evidently had loo heavy a load of debt to sail well. A $1,500 share owned by Mr. A. Cnth'bert was sold the other day for $7.50; and the yacht now lies in the dry dock in Now York. It is at present in the custody of the New York authori- ' ties under a claim of 'Mr. Benjamin Wilson for a balance of 4M 60 due for sails. The lug forsail of the yacht, valued at $200, was left be hind at Stapleton, where there are no less than five olaiments for it oh account of debts, some of them for sheriff's and counsel fees and some for storage. Mr. Williamson says hia claim' against the vessel is $350, of which $295n is for borrowed money furnished to Mr. Cuthbert., Mr. Williamson further !saya that he is a British-subject, and if the money is <not'forthcoming he will go to Canada and commence a civil action' against the owners' for the atribiint;';'-':7-"- ::. "' rpAILORING. JOHN McARTHUR, tailor, has returned from New York city where he has attended the School of Instruction in the act of cutting garments, and is now better-prepared than ever, to. give the best of satisfaction to his customers. Ho is now in a position to warrant a perfect fit, and to make np garments in the .very latest American styles. The continued patronage of the community respectfully solicited. JOHN McARTHUR. Acton, Aug. 8.1S77. 6-Sra OHAWL ILOST. ! 'Lost between Acton and the 1st con, Nasssgaweya, s-FineChasmebb Sha>vl, belonging to Mrs. Dent, Any person finding the same will please leave it.at this office or the post office at Knstch- bull. : Acton, July 30, 1877. 5-4t I \ S7CTION SA*bE OF FARM STOCK And Implements. The undersigned will sell by Publi Auction; on the premises, . Lot ATo, 24, 3d con. Esquesintj, ON WEDNESDAY, 30th AUG., The fpllowin^t property, viz : I Horse,i 12 years old; 1 Stallion, II years old, good to work in harness ; 1 Colt, 2 years old, by Volunteer Coach man ; 3 Cows; 4 Heifers;' 1 Spring Calf; 1 Ram Lamb; 2 Rains, 2 years old; 15 Ewes ; 1 Berkshire Sow, with litter of pigs ; 1 Berkshire Sow, with registered pedigree, pig in October ; 2 Cru* Berkshire Sows; 1 Berkshire r, 10 months old, with registered pedigree g Double Wagoh ;. set Bob Sleighs ;[2good'Plows; Wooden Har rows:; Iron Harrows; Fanning' Mill;' Cutting Box ; Turnip Slicer-; Combined: Reaper and Mower ; Hay >Kake ; Team Karneii; Chain -Harness; Cooking' Stove; Half an acre of Green Feeding1, Corn ; About 4 tons. of Hay ; Abont 200 bushels of '.Oats; Whiffle-trees, Neck-yoke, Forks, *o., and other arti cles too numerous to mention.., - -\; Sale id'commctKtaf I o'clock sharp. " 'Terms. AH sums of ?5 and under, cash'; over that: amount 14: months' credit, ori furnishing approved .joint notes. The.Oats to be-cash,' and for the Hay i> tnonths' credit'will be given.: WM. 'BURGER;'Atic'taoheer. JOHN MITCHELL, Prop. . Ksquosing, Aug..'14, 1877- : Grand Mowing Match held undjsr the auspices of the East Hnrb& Farmers' and Mechanics' Association at Brussels, Ont., on the 10th July, 1877. 14 ma chines were in competition, and FLEURY-8 MEADOW j LARK was awarded the. highest number of points of, merit It showed only 159 pounds dra'$ ; tbe lightest Of any ma chine tested. ' :' I The prizes were as follows : 1st prize, j Flttiry's Meadow Lark; 2d, Elliott's Meadow Lark; 3d, Coleman t Co.'s Paragon. , ! Judges. Messrs. James | Stracban, James Johnston, and D. McLaughlin, of Grey Township. j Aurora Agricultural Works.i I ^uly 14th, 1877. ' j ' '*'"' J, FLEURY, Proprietor. Wm. HxMSTjtsKT, Agent, Rockwood, fflSrfc1,CTM, ' Orocarias?, ^ '.'Orockexy,. y ] B90ttaeSJMa-,: ' "Wtodow- Bliaia, " Ccal OIL Salt, etc, - .' ^>' -. j - 411 of whicb'twill Ws^aiow iW ei, BOOTS and OT|[>Ew Selling off It corf.-' ! . Also agent for loo "!' RUBBBB PAJNT^COltEiNTf Of Cleveland, OhiAr Cash fo-r IMe*. v*cton. Jury l8r18T6.:. I" S999 Cant (M.saaas Iv swir a<sint snyyy ssisli1 J- GRACE'S 0ELEBRATCtt SALVE, A Bare Keller fer the rem. - PBIPAREDBT I : ^ SETH W. FOWLE &. SONS,' 86 KA.BRt90J AVKXCJE the'tmslasMWei but tbaias arttltss-1 wore. ea& asltr Mrs *> dozen dollars a day rieat IB thl<*fl . localities. Have noroom to'sxalslabsr*. ' Business pleasant and baabnMe-, V* men. asd tn. and elrla ,<la ast Wa men. We will .furnish TnosoaiW Outfit free. Th* business mjt srtMr tban anytbias: elmri "W* srtU bfar - iiense 01 startine yen. ParUeslsntt*. Write and see. Farmers ana sawasaln,: their sons and danAUrs,aaS ail ' In need of paying work at bsasvsfcscU write t-> us and Inat^efeoat tk**r| st ones. >ow U the tlste. Do* Gmf- Address Tbuk A Co, AasBSftt walM. o NTAKIO BOSTON, iXASS, C OR ACE'S CBLiJBBKATKX) SALVE, " Is' a Vegetable-Preparation, Invented In the 17th eentuiy by Dr. Wil liam Grace, Surgeon In King James' army. Through Its acenoy -he- nured thousands oC the most serious son*: aud wounds tbat baffled th* skill <if thVfhost eminent nhystclans of his d*y, and-waa- reearded by all who knew him as a pub lic benefactor.. j . , PRICE 2 CENTS A BOX. . .. ALTE SHACK'S CEIEBRITED -.'::-'-. -,.;>.. " ' flesh wounds, raoiis i-riiBa. BAi-T BHEDH, CUILBLUFS, SOUS (BREAST1, SOKE Llfa, EKTSIPEbAS, |KIM0^ 1 WOBHS,CAU.naKaacAXiT> CHAPPED HANDS CancKney <' fbuoks, S IRSS; ,:.y, -------^ ' STINGH, . . .-. wsna, . ' 8PEtAX37sJ CUTS AGTON. - The subscriber take* *M-ofip*i*eajJJ* of thanking his'jrameronsrensteeati* for the veiy JAeral natfaoajeJtinBMf hcia-motto to 44*>*---.-'"- - Square and Spiatft: v-r-s -' - yy .ssj as heretofore, .and same - libprtd public. * ^.iV: '-:^- '. - ^:,v' . . JMt-Brders^cntiusWstto &W< **.S*Waij|* ^JTSr-1 5is~310n6 ^0!/fi _, _.,_.._, ' - ' " b. -'5*sr^r ,.,--yEn$loJWJf BURKS, SCALD-, WOUNDS, FESTEBS, Ptus -- BDNIflBS. BITE, WAKTS.' risn.Es, itch BHlKOtKS, jBTiaa*,^-,.- aCKt.isai, t noit.% r -^ WIHTIVOWS XU.XS.TEB8, CoKKvS, , SCITBVT, , INGROWING SAILS, SETTtl RABQ, JIUaUlT0 AND KLSADITKS,- SPIDER .', '.. '" ' :^TINOS, .! '-'..".-1 And all cutaneous diseases and eruptlopK generally, icle a^.aa(cai9p,a ^op4 -" *kepafjr*iiia:;s>-^ art)' r-v W For sale) hyall droejlets. grocers, and at all ooaut'-y stores throu^'liout the Uni ted States and BrltlBh Provinces. Prioe by mall-30 cents. : "' . . !^::^y f--'OS3 \t'U?Acto4i:Feb;. J4; ISHci- s -y< -Vi- *Sw;ia aaasggglSlils

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