TEST - IPR records

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 9, 1877, p. 3

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rL-J-- the ,, / I" " 5 I I * go .rfcBpTatat'nST, of OelaitJa. I S^"* '*? ****** ltioa{to tin poKbc. fctor H record I keep tie -lug ,^| j r*"*1" Wn.ud 1 *mpU afced-mat. > pabBc a n*p*H- HI ACT%5, ? - fauj rettery- Uon. -/j i p*; Tupeatls*. il OiL Salt, rte-, Isold lav for cuh, d SHOES I at cost. COMPAMT Jd, Ohio. Ides. i ; --i" I be nle fcy/*Pr -crow* e * . iboa*' HM * Er*v.u to^SSi Line*. J/J5J"? *i. ?P*rUcq ** UlKWttMWf*"* lime-c Pont- '"'- , thi oppprtBBJ* iest Boato*"* .- *.'. / hoBB-to-***""'1?"7' legation i*o "^ >lny cre* br If' WorJcmen <* Wood work * i. .^f . " 1:0*.i in. >>. 1t* a m. I--.-. I> . .r..wii in. - -7:T r in. 3:3s a 111. . S:10,vm. . '11:34 A.m. 5:'i0p tu. - 10:l0l> m. ^*** Tttl*K TIMK TAM.*. trintlere Acton a* follows: ilMXtf WK.ST. f . Totv-flt0 nml - - . f psy K* press '- Kxpro**- . ' ' lllt mixed - - - r.oiN*; K VST. - 0*Jt mixed JHy Kxpross - - \Vettcrn miV T . xondnn jnixod - -. -' 10CAI MATTERS. - >. Eqnesing. Township Council t Stcwarttown to-morrow. . __A. bounteous harvest is being : gthercd throughout the country arid wideiproad! prosperity is-hoped for in -conMqu*nw So! is the season, for- sun- strokes, but for protecting -the "bend t^gainst'thc jrays of tho sun a wet fohlcd iodkcrchi*f is V>cttor than a hrick._ Tho ijlce to get h: ^ood loaf of bread is it Galloway's Bakery. The cfian who coulu do all the t>utin3 he' waSttcd to do Trithout ad vertising, has been compollcsl to adver- tiso at List. The now advertisement is hdVsl "Sheriff's Sale." Now is the time to nialro your soap. Save money and time by using Me<jarvin'3 steaiu-retined Lye* A 2o cent box will make a year's.supply. ScU only &t the Hall of Pharmacy. The C^vic Hollar last Fri day was takeii advantage' of by ni.iny of our citizens to go on an excursion to Burlington IJeach. It is a splendid f>!ee for a Pic-nic auii tho day was en- jnyad unmtnikly. . -A proiriisfhg young man df.this village, who -wears auburn curly locks and parts his hair at the lenitiH-is not in the hands of the Philistines but in the hands of her " 'Whose P>right Smile Haunts Me StilL" j X Mr. P. S. Armstrong has shown us samples of early carrots of tie Mitchell's early variety, which are. already aboiit as largo as the ordinary garden carrot in the falL He has about as acre that promises au immense yield. Mixed Tm Cak3 and Buns' fresh every day in Krej*t variety, at UaUoway'a liakery. ;.' ^All lettei^s on scliool busiuoss .cJdreased to Mr. Kittle iParinj his ab- en:ion J frocs' L>. T. Melvitiana, Sag., Tubbc 8ch'X>l Inspector,'County-of I'eel, wlio has andertaken to attend to his i'IScJaI c )rresp^.va..ience. A dnnikea traftip who Wus csi-.ic pretty string language t-.n Satur- uxy evening, got what hr well de.*crve;l. He got a -g.MKl found horsewhipping. lf_ th* satn: thi'n^ was meet til out to u:..re of'-those fellows, pixsihly t!ie country wouhhi't 1^,*. iiit^icii-d - uith;.?o many of tl:e:n. ' r Tlie " Agt-nt " is on his. Trjivol.1. ind ^n'tn r.r:vqi:r,!c 1 D-lin.-.citv f.^iis :.. neglect Aetin.- At tirst ta^-re rj-.-Mi^er- thr.mgU thij sc.-ti'-u a Vio.ik a^ent, the:: an insnrance ilrummer, then r. .rcc i:i:i:i,' a pateat-tr.Ldieine individual, then t^ti- tnnips, a thief or two. then :a salve man, then half a dozen ' duplicates nf ;:each, aad iih'ally the white wire clothc- line fell , and then the lightning ni . den:cn inearnate, Con^ideraiiU- anxiety lias bern manifested during the past week by the family and friends d Mr.' Thus. Mc- _Cntcheon, oif ^Ospriige, on account of hia continued absence from home sev- - | eral days....longer than he intended.. A little ^more than two weeks ago he was induced by a couple . nf strah- grj to take his team and drive them through the township in Fen re h of lambs, which they professed to be buy. :ing up far the American market. He -> {calculated to be absent not more than 'two or three, days. But up to last Saturday nothing hal l>eeri heard or K*n of them by hit friend", and they laterally became alarmed, and^ set out to -search for him. The latest tr..ce ' had of them np to Saturday last was in the neighborhood of Shelbnrne, where they had stopped a few days previous ly. We learn that a telegram has betn : since received from Roseiiumnt,. pur- -: porting to come frum Mr. M'c(fltcheo23, .atatinj; that he was all rip;ht. Bse Ball. ' On Saturday afternoon the Tecum- sehs of London scored thoir~nfnth vic tory in the series of international cbnm- ' pionxhip -matches, defeating the Man chester* by a score of 4 to 1. In Guelph, 'on Tuesday, the Tecumsets ~.were again victorioua over the Maple Leafs by a score of 8 to 3. Tlie Uunlitb Abduction ine. -Tli | Vieliitiinaiy trial of 1<Stui<dy,rfot tho fottsiblo abduction -of Sliss ^arr,. was bold i\t~" Uui CJuplph Volicc Court, on Moiubiy and Tuosdny; nnd fmthor oxauiinu- lion postjionod until this afternoon. So far ua given, the testiuiony ngjiinst Stui-dy is oven worse than was reported-,hist wwk, and thows it to ba one of tho most fiendish ciisos of nbduction ever perpetnited HI n civilised community in Oimudii. t.Sf course wo huve only yet henrd *me side of the story, and it is but f^iir that judgment'bo withheld un til the wholo facts have been re vealed. The affair has created iin intense sensation in and around Guelph, all the parties concerned being so well known *nd previous ly held in high esteem. Bcardmorc's Tannery at Braccbridso. . Tho Bracebridge C\cette of the 27th- "ult., gives an interesting ac count of tho ueiw tanner}* premises being erected "at ^lmt placov by- Messrs. Boardinore Jc Son,, proprie tors of the Acfon tannery. The editor of tho Oitzcttr mentions hav ing interviewed our friends Mr. l\ichnrd Hapiilton, the contractor, and Mr. Z. A. Hall, j tho managor of tho "works, by wlhom he was courteously lyceived urid from whom he obtained information concerning the capaci.tr of "the building und the process of munufact'urinj ' lsnther. From the published-report we glean tho following items, which may- bo of interest to many of our "lecal iTCiidai-s,: Tan yard, 0;>xll2ft., bno story ; leach house uud barkshell, S4x34ft. with lean-to, .31 ft.; dry house, 01- x37ft., five stories; sweat -pits, stone building, 45x35ft., one ttory ; boil er house," 35x45ft., bri-k ; engine house, 14x35ft, brick ; in the cen tre of the engine house' there jwill be a brick chi'muoy.^iift.'high, \lith a stone foundation, ,14il4ft., Gft. deep, the chimney bj.-ing hollow at the bottom, and -conhistih^ of inner til J outer walls df bt-iek'woik, but tinslly carried ii| -thtt solid, as the wall tpers on the outside. There will be eight eoolers, ItixlGfti, in tho lnecli houve. On (the top of them will stand four tubs, 14ft. in diameter, mid -ten teL high. From the engine holisu to the yard a shaft will cross about nifc. liing, to work the hide mills and water pumps. Trmnwiys will run from the vari ous buildings to the dry liiiiisii uud store shed, and from.the store shecfc to the wh^rf. A \vir: rope to turti: ilie shaft.in the dry house and work the'hoist, will run from the engine iiouse to the dry lions" thus'llie loads ol hides will be convev'cd to he ditrori-nt- siories of the dry iiuuh^, fueh (lour of which is trav ersed length wisu by u tpin-iw:iy, Auikin^' m t h-"ei-ii: i e of a hall on: either side of which are five rooms,' each Containing lOU .-.ides of leu'.h- l : the dry Ijou-e could thus con tain 5,"iM) hides, tlmueh in pmc- :it-e tliis numl"T will not bo reach- i|, Iii-mu.v soiiHM't the lower stories ire i-.ceupied by :i e-jiig-irioj pf steam piper. . A'luiit 450 cuius uf tan bark have been delivered on the piling grounds at oj'posite sides uf the river. Twelve.carpenters, 4 masons, and an average of 10-laborers are em ployed on the works, and the whole concern whon fiiii.slicd-w-ill make ko big a. holo in 820,000, that the resi due will be nowhere. The Beardmore tannery- will pro bably bo the largest tannery in_On- tario, and certainly the model tun- nery_in the Dominion. " ~----------"^^ ' i - - - """^'^M^"^^,*'^"M,M'^M*^^"^^Ma"'l*"*'"**i**""MWWW|fMWMWBlMWMBlWI -_2_ JTHE^l^E^RESS, AGTOK, HALTON COUNTY,- ONT., knGUST 4, -1877, -^ Giuxn Est-AMi'MKNT. Tho an nual report of M. D. Davidson, Grand.Scribe and Treasuror.prose'nti eduttho Provincial Grand'Knciiuip-' ment of Odd Follows ,,t Bollovillo, shows tlio total revenue was $051,- 'Jf)l, an increauo of $10,580 oyer that of Jast year. '22C> meinboia havo .been initiated, 3C admitted by card, 2 rejected, 5 reinstated, 50 suspended, 1 expelled imd 23 died. The dues amounted to.905, an inereasu of )?rf0 over htat your. Tlio Encampment-is" reported clear of debt, nml with assets auiountincr to $102,567. The Game Law. It iH said by several keen sportBiuen who take an active intorost in seeing! th^it tho provisions of the Gains Daws are vigorously curried .out, that some amondment ehould be made. to tlio Act to prohibit wooilcoeka being shot on tho 1st of July. A woodcock's nest, with newly hatch ed chicks, may be found oven as lato as the end of July.-. The first, of September would be'a proper date to commencej woodcock shoot ing -A book pe ^ hilar, named Chas. E. Bertch, has been swindling ]ieo- ple in tho western portion of tlie Province pretty extensively. Ho took orders for soino of Harper's publications without any intention of haying them iilled. It is said he has made something like $1,- 0(*0 by his oneraUons. LIST OP music books Hold \vholosnle and retail by John Anderson Bookseller, Guelph.' Uurrowes1 Pianoforte Primer. JouBse'sMuBionl Catechism. BorUni'sN'ow Method for tho Piano. Clarke'6.ISew Mothod for tho Piano. Hun ton's PJano Forte School. Lfowo'sTiftHo without a Master'. Richardson's Now Modern School. Qitzo's Tuirlor Organ. " ; Silver Wreath (Vocal). lOOdifferent Music liooks. A^Big Discount on nil MUSIC BOOKS ANDERSON'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE On tho East side of Wyiidliam Street, GUULPII. 1. PLANING MILLS THA^ WONDERFUL. MAN. Arch. CampbeUi Esq. oa Tuesday, 7th inst. with having committed a rape on the!person of a eirl under five.years of agt daiJgtteirof' Mr. Robert Story, of ^aiaagaweyat Young Green, who is said to be one of the boys from the ^Orphans'Ifon>e in Gait, has been hi the - employ of jfr. Story* for the Rast few taonths^ The charge having been fully froven, he was committed to Milton Jail to itAnd his trial for-the fleriou* offence. , *almrl Accident. Mr. ffm. Lundy, of this village, met with a very severe accident, on Tnes- - day, -while attending a" threshing ma chine at the farm of Mr. Kinnard, by which he has lost the greater part of tut right hnd. He .had been greasing : between two cog wheels of the gearing, and lacerated in a fearful manner." He Was immediately^ brought home, and at *ee attended to by Dri. McGarvia and '-" 'ry, - X)r. Freeman, of Georgetown, -^ waa abv) summoned by telegraph, and '-. <* hii arrivjj, Mr. Luridy was put "oer the iufluence of chloroform, when it was found on careful examina- ; tjon that only the thumb and a part o rae little finger -could be saved. He ' S,red intenae pain, but we learn that - *uoda are now in a fair way for -fkealag. . , ^TTEBSTKK'S UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY For the School Room. SOOO Engraving* ;'1S40 TiiKCs Qunrlo. A NEW FEATURE- To tho 8m IUustmtlons heretorore in \Ve(>s!or'.- lTiuibrii!gc<l we have added four pnjr' mi[ (Olflltl.l) ILLfSTBATlOXS. entrraved expressly lor tbis work at-larso : Noarlv r.very ijtate Superintendent ol PudiIc I:i>t_ru.rLlon !n the Union, or cor- rcsixuulliu otllcer, where such nu one e^.t>:, has rteoiiiin-ndetl Webster's liie- l.tlooary In Hie stroiupst leinis. Amiing til-ni are tlo^e of K:^tern, Nortliorn, Middle, Siir.t'iern and Western Suite*, T\ve:uy-eiylL In alt. ST.ITE nnCIlASES. The S ate of New York has ilarcl iu,ini eoolt-s. in as many of her rub le OUR SPECIALTY SALE Has proved to be the Greatest Succe TEADE MARK THE GOLDEN MAN. A " And we mny add that it has stimulated us to fore the public ss of the Season, renbfTod eSorts to place;be- AXD Tlie Stale.of Wlscbnsln.-'aboat iOtt, iie.irly every Sclnvil. ' . nearly c\ ery Sehi*)!. The S'.nlc of Atlcldar.n, made provision for al i 'ler Selio -i^. Tae-si j..... Ma-s^rli'i-etts has'upplici! her Schro:-. n .rlyall. The S.ate ol I u-.i has'sujiiiIIimI tier -"run. N. i 'l'iie s:at.. f ('o":e olicul las mad.- pro- | -visa.:: f-.i it. f^C'.eo'v I nw-r H'l'tSriie'M-i I nriiRna ^ .-ere -.tip j |.'l .1 'lain; ;; i-. . i a: 1-71, ur.il many < ach yr-.r-ii!"'. j I ol!i r.-iit * ni -ay o .j.i.-'s luive Ik-mi |l;r-'a e I ior - !.. I:i,' .Scliixiin or clli^s, I coi-ll'l'S and lowiis I U'hai t.e'.t r luvestnu nt can la- made lor sc!y>:> T Mor- l'i:irlOv.-i]ty limes an many nn- sold of Webster's lliettonarhs, us t>i ai.v -* th-r -eries i it i his r-ountrv . . At lea-t .liAir-IlMi-. of id I tlie Sohcnl \'n .k- (aiM'Sled 111 ihis eonntry uwn ,'.\'cOst'-r ^ t 'if ir M:.!:--ar-.I, and of Ihe re- inaifiil-r, i-w ar!;uu\Mvd_'e an slaud;iidv. I'uldisiied hv ! fc. a. f. .iF.nni.tii, ' !!> ' Sprii-sfi.-ld, Mf.ss Piiuip, Sash. Door and Blind' Factory. THOMAS EBBAGE, Manu.racttirer of "Windo-w Sasb, Doors, Venetian Blinds Iff ouldi&ga; And other Building Requisites .Also Maker of Special Lines of Goods each week During the Remainder of the Season At prices that must command the attention of every intending purchaser. The greater portion of the goods that we have been offering this week have been sold, only a few of the higher prices in Costumes, Dusters and Skirts remaining, these :.'. ' ' . will be cleared out at a o." STILL GREATER REDUCTION. . j , D6h*t fail to aecnfe a . > NEJAT StTMMER DtTSTEia At nearly pne half tb;e original price. We will offer next week fashfonabla. - j , ' - .- and seasonable goods. White; Li-ice 3trie Muslins at'l2J cents, fornMrly 20 cents. Vv Intel Laee Stripe Muslins at 15 cents; formerly 30 cents. White Cheek Stripe Muslins at all prices. ' ' - White Marseilles I2J cento, wonderful ralae. i-.- Black Plain Grenadine. r ' Black!Check Grenadine.",- -.'-.'.'. - - Black fcatln Stripe Grenadine. ' Block Check Silk and. Wool Grenadine, beautiful goods. . * Patroniif6 the iSost enterpiainpr store in Guelph. 1 JOHN HOGG 6l SON, -# July24y 1S77. Alma Block, Upper Wyndham Street, Guelph. STOCK-TAKING SALE! The MAMMOTH beg; to announce tl^at tliey, J ' J..'."- ' -h^ave commenced their Annual Summer Clearing Sale And in order to reduce their immense stock before Stoclc-Xaking, GREAT BARGAINS WILL BE GIVEN. The Public will have a choice out of oho of the finest stocks ever import ed. The stock is eveu now over $50,000, and as we never advertise any thing.but what is bor.afido, you may depend upon getting the CHEAPEST GOODS YOU EVER SAW. I Lumber Tinned and Bresprd to orde in the best manner. JQP* All work guaranteed Apton, J.in ,ls:r>. S P ? '< x> ^ t ^ F 4 CenmlUed le JLaU. A lad named George Green about 16 or 17 years of aj{e, was charged before-j Have not been added Which have no JFike at Kilbkide. :Ijast week the Kilbride Woolen Mills with all their contents, were destroyed by fire, cause supposed to be a spin k from the Brooke stack. ' There was about 4,000 worth of stock in the building, besides the, machinery. The loss will be considerable we aiave not ascertained tlie amount, ilnsuriiiico only 1,000. Most of the voters' list of tlie various municipalities in this coun ty are now posted up, and can be easily scruteuizeJ. This should be done carefully* ' The Stratford Beacon gives excellent advice : The qualified elector should not be content with seeing ,that is otai iame is properly entered on the roll, bnt should also seo that names tight there. This matter- is. not urged in the interest of mcrepHrty. It concerns everybody. It would tprn our -whole electoral -system into a wretched shorn or fraud if municipal or political rings could manipulate the assessment rolls and voters' lists to suit their own; pur pose. A little attention just now may save & good deal of annoyance hereafter. Insolvency. Some "time: ago, James Cavanagh, boot and shoe, dealer at Rockwood, sold out his bueincBB. to one Moore... Being somewhat involved, and unable to _a___________________ ____ meet bis liabilities^ bia estate was tt* machine when hia hand was caught lpufc nto insolvency ;by Mujlarky & Co., of Montreal, they being tho heaviest, creditors. A short time previous to the insolvency proceed ings, it appears Moore had .shipped large quantities of the ' goods to Belleville, and soon left himself. A concurrent -writ' of attachment was issued, and possession of the goeds shipped was taken by the official assignee-at that place. The estate is not likely to realize, much for the creditors. Tu Hie -Workllil: Class. We are hov. I'repared lo fnr:.:Mi al! cla-ees wall C'-u- s:ai t ell) plox meiu at-lioiit.-, the whole of liie t'ine, or lor llielr spare rntnenis. Uuslness iew,'lii;lit aiid proilt ihl- . 1'cr-- sm.s tf .iih.r *>.-x easily v.arn Irom o^> cents to J", per veniiijr, inula proportaip- ui sum by devoting tneir whole tim.- lo the business. Uoys and tlris earn nearly us much as men. Thai nil vho see this notic- hiay send tlieiri" Idfess, nnd test the business we mhkeithis unparalleled off r: To such asare not well sal i.-lled we will send oue oollur to |Miy for Ibx- ti-onble of writing Full particulars, samples nr'ih spver.il dollars lo commence work on, anil a copy of Homenrel S ir- si tie', one of the larui-st ami best lHustrr led I'libll- callous, all sent free by mail, iteader, If ynu want rermanent, jirofitalrte work, address Gi:oi:gk Stinson it Co., Portland, Maine. N CONSUMPTION CURED. AK OLl> PltYEiriAS-. iclirrd irem actirt prmc- lict, hivinj: had p!c*il in !ii. hLdi br u Jt Ind Mimon.rr tl.r lomrnli ur n \>juble iicnzcaj fur the .jx-cdy *ud pmiKeiit cure of Consumption, Asthma, Hronchitit, "dal! Throat ana Lnnj Alroctlons; !w i,'.iiti".*'ul ""Ileal Cure fcr Korroui X>e- pUlty and all Xmtmi Coiiip]a!nu, afler haT- lnr Uiorou^hly Ipiltil in wundrrlul cnrallrc pover* inmourtrdi ot caici. fli il hii duly lo ? . *. I,0n 1" hii fuOtrinj Jelfowi. Acio- ated bj Itui motive and a conwiar.uon. dealra lo oi- Jf 'iIKW uff'rinx, he will Knd FKJUC ,1;s9IJ,Ai?G*;xto all Who d..lre it, Uii. rcdj> , vita lull OiiTctiooi (or preparing aiyr sueeettfo]- lr-nai. Saa br riirn Inailjbr addruataf Uh ttamp, namioit UOi paper. . _____ lit C. STEVENS, * - Boa 86, Sxoca-raxr, Oxt. k-r A Gr^l^JlSTJD s Enormous BeduGtion im Prices. _i_____. 'a - The Grand Cheap Clearing Sale of'the Season NOW GOING OX AT FASHI0S.ABIE WES GtrELPH. As we trant money, we will comawnce UNPROVED STTCSIOIT PtTHPS Di-ess Goods at 5 cents, worth 25 cents. Prints at 4 cents. Cottons at 0 cents.. Shirtings at 10 cents, worth 20 cents. Ail wool Tweedsat 50c, worth $1. Cottonadjjs'at 20c,. worth 37|c. Brown Denims at 12.J cents, worth 20 cents. Gents' Straw Hats to be slaughtered at a quarta: and half their, prices. Beautiful Colored Silks at 55 cents, worth at wholesale $1.00. Black Silk at 75c, worth $1.25. A Black Lustre at 25c, usual price 50c. Ready-made Clothing, great bargains to be given to effect a clearance./ MILLINERY & MANTLES AT HALF PRICE And a lanjc lot of LADIES' HATS at o and 10 cents each. CARPETS, at 10 per cent oft The above is an enumeration of a few articles and gives' you a faint idea of the Great Reduction in Prices. This will be the Most Searching and Thorough Clearing Sale we have ever held. The whole stock is reduced, and whoever will be kind enough to call on us with their money will be amply repaid for their trouble. The Sale will begin on the. Fourth of July, And will continue one month.fnuu ib..t uay.-j- Gents don't forget. onr Ordered Clothing Depart- mciit and Gents' Fui-nishings. We turn out the Hijidsomest, Cheapest and Best made Suits in.the ' Dominion. - i Great bargains will be given in the above Department likewise. Patronage la Rcsi^ccttully Solicited. & O. Having during the past Weett, takeii advantage of . ' ' .-- The Immense Slaughter Sales at Toronto, j __ are enabled to offer the - CHEAPEST LOT-" 'T. OF Entire stock of Silks, .Poplins, etc , reduced to 30 per cent. Entire stock of Fancy Dress Goods reduced 50 per cent Entire stock of Plain Dress Goods reduced 20 per,cent. Entire stock of Costumes reduced 50 per cent. . Entire 6tock of Shirts and Shirtings reduced 30 per cent. Entire fitock of Shawls"and MantleB'reddced 50 per cent. Entire stock of Lace Shawls and Jackets half price. Entire stock of Trimmed Millinery reduced to half price. Entire stock of Untrimmed Goods reduced 25c each. Entire stock.of b'lowers, Fr.aihers and Wings half price. Entire stock of Small -Wnres regardless of cost. . ;- Entire stock of Cotton Goods at; mill prices. Entire stock~of:Shirtings, Tickings, etc., cost prico. Entire stoc of Tweeds at cost price. > Entire stock of (Jpatings at cost price. Entire stock of English arid American Prints, cost price. ; Entire-tock of Table Linens, cost prico. Entire'stock of Flannels, cost price. Entire stbek of Underclothing, cost price. .""<* fi* Our entire stock has been reduced and will be sold. We are determined to clew out: every piece of goods if prices will do it1 ".-' Intending purchasers will-please-rpmember 'fne Grand Clearing . Sale bf'the Season. &r These Goods must be Sold, 'so A. O. BUCHAM, Fashionable West End Dress, Millinery unci Mantle FetabliBbmeiit. Guelpli, July 4, 1877. ' . * fggh SEASONABLE GOODS July3, 1877. McXiHOD, A^DBHSOIT & Co., MAMMOTH HOWSE. GEOBGETOWN. BAST END OLOTHiiya s 'J ho undersigned in tendering their sincere thanks to their numorous patrons for the liberal support with which they have been favored in tho past as members of tho la'o firm of D.iokson & McNab, would beg leave to ciill attention to their > SIPIRIHSTG, stock:, ' _ . f - Whioh this year is larger and better assorted than ever,' comprising ft large assortment of _ \ , TWEEDS Scotch, English and Domestic Manufacture. - The patterns are the choicest in the market.; Our stock in HATS AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS Is well assorted and at low prices. Cottons, Prints, and Staple [Dry Goods At prices that cannot fail to satisfy everybody. TrVe respectfully Invite an Inspection of our goods. - >;' tfYFE & McNAB. 1-1'- Ever Brought into Actorl. ] ' All new, fresh, and compris^iug this Spring's Ihv , - .""': portations. ^ (= V Inatance the ^ fbllowing;: 3127 j aids of American Prints at 5c, worth o. 2113 yards of American Prints at 8c, worth tOc. , 10Q0 yards of English Prints at 10c. worth 16c. . 100 dozen Canada Straw Hats at 5c. ' V 40 dozen SuhshadeB, l'Oc up. . J 60 dozen Kid Gloves, very choice, Worth $1.25, for, 80c. Dress Goods from 10c up. . .- ." - -' ' ? Parasols at all prices. i - ".* . ,. 0PR MILLINERY ROOM -t:.^ Is noiv complete witU all :(he novelties of the sea^ son, at our popular low cash prices*. .^' r. Ca.11 Early &nd Seeuve !Ba.x>galns. TEI11IS CASH AND SMALL lItOFIT. > CliFvISTIB, HENDBI.S01T & Q& j Actou,Apill 17,1877. Aolon, Apiil 20,1977.

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