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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 2, 1877, p. 3

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** ***r. THE FREE ERESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT., AUGUST 2, 18W. U*ft tMWa T1K TAM*. leave Acton aa follow* :--' tiinwo WIST. Tret"* "SJjht Kir1*" .$&& ,-.. rtslt Bt**d kt Krore* ' tiaixed , w*st*rn I*"1. ' Iftm&an mtsed. 1:04 a.m. 9. JO.m. S. SO p. m. 7:07 p.m. S-.58*.m. .:10 a.m. 11:34 a.m. 5-.20p.rn, 10:10 p.m. low far 4,1k SHOES fcAjrr yrr *- * eeeayeera ' **tT W* thteaswaw tfce wtarfc Wt~ aa JTalw. .*"". as jvof: order Factory' I stock (or the |b*rtsaatttiaL resil BTDDL BY, opportaauty 1 B *r*-ia r'ess"**'> V*esa* 1 il*mp Chimueya t the .Hall ef Pharmacy.--J- & SscGarvin. . . __Civic Holiday in Actou <to- ***'. V/^ . ., __Don't-forg*^ the excursion to aartmjtoc Beach and. Pic-Nic . Go twimI! aad take yoor family, aad bar* a good time. ___In mentioning last week the aaetea of the various contractor* on.the ; Mw'Cocjiregatiooal -Church, wo stated that the carpenter 'work waa done by Mr.' John Cameron. We should hare aaid by Messrs. John A Hugh Cameron. IM (MMr *. ! ttaMt. . So soon aa the trustees oi Milton School Board hare decided whether or BO thsy accept the proposition of estate lishutf a Model School in that town, candidate! for third-class certificates will be notified by the Inspector.. . Dtuga, Dye Sniffs, die,, warranted pare and good, at J. E. Mc- Oarri&'a. . ": You can gKt school books,note paper - and envelopes, and half dime lassie. a>t tb* Madicsl Hsll. Acton. . Farmers, you can aave money oy buying your Dye stuffs at the Medi-- calHall/Ac'tcn. . St Alaaal Divine Service will be held in this church on Sunday evening nest, and until further notice, at half-pa*t six o'clock. Brw Crete Derater at Usei'mewa. . Messrs. Scott A- Company bare erected a large Grain Hera tor at the G. T. itatiiKi, Georgetown, arrs! will be prepared on and after the 15th in*t., to pay the highest price for Wheat, Barley, Oats, Peas, Ac. Office in Mr. Taylor'* Block, "-Georgetown. ; -_, a --.. -You can get Dye.'atuffs 20 per "' cent eeUy Guelph or Toronto pricej at -the Sedical Hall, Actonl -.. Why do you not keep kool when yaa.can get a cheap fan at the IXadical HaU. Acton. ; Traekers* Kaaaazaaalaeta. . -The immrnafJTi ^r' candidates fr Secaad-dan " Teachcn' Certificate*, ex.s^ittg orr six <laj*m, c3<wclI oxx *}}c Uth alt. Tweaty-oae candidatet ap- phed fereertificate* of this grade, Thesr auWer papers will be valued by the ceatral cocamittee, in accordance with tie School Act of last aeasion. The re- ralt ef the lahori of the committee will probably not be kaon be/<*re ch mid dle of the month. - - Applicants for Third-Class Certifi cates were examined on the 16th, 17th . and 18th alt. Sixty-three candidates presented-themselves for examination, a~mcc'h larger number than has ever applied Wfure is this coanty. Four teen of the cand date* had previoasry-' hWld third-clxsx certitseats*. Of these, th* undernamed eleven passed the ez- -aminstion successfully, and will receive the desired certificates, subject to the approval of the Minister of Kducation \. Abwy, Wo Henry. i. Cooper, Henry Faton. 3. Cowan, Wm. Edward. 4. Smyth, William. 5. Stuart, Peter. 6. Carroll. Kate M. 7. Donaldson, Elizabeth. 8. Qray. Annie. 9. Mi.chall, MaoKie. " - 10. Stewart, Maggie Youlo. -'- 11. White, Jessie Ebxabeth. Of the forty-nine candidates who had et previously held certificates, twenty ware successful in passing this exazrina- which may be called the literary ex amination. Before obtaining certificates, however, these candidates will require to attend a County Model School forates- .*V, tor instruction in the. practical ' At the close of the session, the Principal of the -^odlScuijl-ffl ieposi-t^fae-eoOTty \ Board of Examiners, an the fitness of . each fanrr#*te, according to a form to be provided by the Department. The teachers in training will then be subject ed to an oral and written examination; on strictly pvfessaonal subjects, by thsV County Board of Examiaars, who wily apos a conjunct view of the Principal's report, and the result of their examiniv- ttioM, decide to whom certificates ihall .to Warded- J -The public school in Milton has been dominated temporarily as the Model School for this coanty, if the trustees are willing to accept the nomination of their school for this purpose. From the **tfssat of the Inspector at the meet- *fs* tU Coanty Council, on Tuesday, * nd*rrt*nd that the] trustee*:have ** yet decided the! question. The candidate* aelected by the Board ef.Exasataan to attend the. Model , School in. ' ]' 1. Foster; Wm. Charles. 2. Garbott, *uben- J: Howaon, Blehard Foster. 4. la^CuQoBgh, Jam** fl, t Praston, Bobert P.. & Smyth, James. P. 7. Wataon, Richard. ' *. Bastedo, Janet. J-r * * 3etmi; Bummjx., '-* > W. Fletcher, Elizabeth. ,'1. Howsop, Minerva. HERIOCH ABU TI4>N CA8E y IN CIELPH. A WelMlaawa WMewrr Lares a trl 1st* a Saarw aad rercea r ** sUrry ftim. One of thomost aorious abduction cases that has over Tupponod in a civilised community, occurred in Quelph;: fow daya since. It u hard to realfxo that the stoty aa rotated can bo moro than lha wild imagination of a dime novel writer, and one can easily fancy that the infatuated old fool has imbibed his notions of chivalry from that class of cheap literature But the facU of the case arc ajo well authenticated, and all the. parties concerned are so well known in the town that there can bo no doubt of the truth of the story in all its hid eous and heartleaa details. Mr. Fred Sturdy, a man about SO years of age, a painter by trade, and who has considerable local reputation as an importer/and broedbr of fancy pout. try, and who has been for some tinio a widower, with a grown-up family, is tho principal party in the nefarious transaction. : His victim is a respect able, modest, unassuming young girl of about eighteen, who has for some time past occupied .the position of sales woman in Mr.-McGregor's shoo store. Her name \m Miss Annie Mary Carr, and is a hcice of Mr. Sheriff Uow. Sturdy had recently boon making ad vances toward,: her'with a viow to matrimony, but his proposals* had been rejected. He seems, however, to' have made up his mind that ho would havo her, by fair means or byfoul. And as He faiTel in honorably winning her' esteem and affections, ho has resorted to strategy and physical force. One day last week ho caused a letter to be written which she supposed to havo come, from her father requesting her to meet him at a certain place on Tuesday evening. She supposing Bho would meet her father at tho place named, Went there without hesitation. Very soon a cab was driven up and a young man jamped out and told her that he had been requested by her father to take her to another part of the town. She unsuspectingly got in and rode a short distance, when suddenly the.cab stop ped, and who should enter but,Sturdy, and his daughter, one on either side* of; the cab. Miss Carr was thus taken by surprise and at once attempted to raise an alarm and make her escape. Sturdy immediately threw her back iu her seat and ordered her tol quiet. Presently recovering herself, she asain screamed for life, and was this time heard by a man named Hall who happened to' be passing. The'cab was, however, driv en as rapidly as passible, soon reach ing the York Road, and crossing the Victoria Bridge, she' waa again heard to give a loud: cry for help. Some parties at F>. McQuillan's house -beard the cry" Let me out! let mo out !" but they were .unable to inter fere, so rapidly was the cab driven. She was iu.mtdiatcly Kn^gefl with a handkerchief, ami an attempt was made t>y Sturdy and his danghtcr to drug her with a bottle of wine which was broken n the struggle. He however succeeded in forcing some of the liquor down hir throat. The journey was continued towards Pusliuch Plains and across to the Brock Road. Thence they drove to Hamilton, arriving there about two o'clock Friday morning, Sturdy's sin and a yonng man namnrl Lowes seem also to have been implicated in the affair. On arriving at Hamilton' the abducting party drove to a small house in the suburbs in which there was scarcely any furniture. Miss Carr was kept in the house by Sturdy until Saturday at noon, bs threa:e.iing to kill or destroy her unless she consented to marry him. She was forcibly thrown on the floor, and wine forced down her threat This cruel conduct was repeat ed until she was thoroughly exhausted, and when she consented, after her life being threatened, she asked him to wait a few hours. He answered, "No, you expect to be rescued- I am not going to penitentiary for yotf. If noth ing else can be dose7 we will both die.' Sturdy alto told her that he was not afraid of being found out.1 The painter that drove the cab was sworn not .to divulge,, iand-the only other persons who knew anything about the affair were |bers of. his own family. He finally phial.out.-of his. poc,ket, and after telling her that there was enough poiaon in it to teU *me^*aid if she would not go to the minuter at once and be married, he would force her to drink half of the liquid, and he would drink the other half. She, almost de mented,: finally consented,./iftd along with Sturdy and his daughter proceed- eit to tho residence of .Rev. D. H. Fletcher, where they were married. Sturdy'* daughter and .the minister's a somi-domontod condition, but thank, ful that sho had bcmi ruscuod.j Sho however, was still afraid to venture out of tho house, for foar of boina ail, led. Mr. Gow finally managed * to with her Bomowhot, ami bo wu Idriv- on hack to Ouolph in a carriage, roach- >ug homo at olevou o'clock on Sunday night. Tho constables brought Sturdy back to Quelph and plnced him in'gaol. Sturdy'* daughter was arrested about morning and two o'clock Muriday placed in oonrVucmont. ,Mis Carr was reported to bo in k, very delirious condition,, and nimble tu op- pear as a witness at the Police Court on Mouday morning. The cas i! w* therefore remanded for ono weefk1, to enable Miss Carr to recover sufficiently to givo evidence. Q.LENLAWKON MILLS Having ; thoroughly repaired Mill, and put in a new Middling^ Puriiler, we are now prepared .to give a bet ter yield of flour than formerly, with quality quite as good. ! QRISTING AND CHOPPING promptly attended to. The patronage of tbe publio re- ipectfully solicited. The highest price always paid for any quantity -of wheat. A quantity of seed barley for sale. G. k E. TOLTON. . Acton, April 10, 187,7. 41-3at LIST OF MUSIC BOOKS ttold wholesale and retail by John Anderson Bookseller, Guelph. Burrowes' Pianoforte Primer. Jousse'* MuBtoal Catechism. Bertini's New Method for the Piano. Clarke's New Method Tor the Piano. Hun ton's Piano Forte School, Howe's Piftuo without a ilostef. i Richardson's Now Modern School. Gitio's Parlor Orgar.. Silver'Wreath (Vocal). 109 different Music Books. . A Big Discount on all MUSIC BOOKS AT ANDERSON'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE On the East sido of Wyndham Street, GUELPH. THAT WONDERFUL MAN. -yVTEBSTEK'S UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY For the School Room'J " 3*ee Easravlap i IM* Paces Qaarto. A NEW FEATURE. [ To the anno Illuilratlons hcrttoforo In Webster's Unabridged wo naro added four pat;' of - : CvLVKKsV UIXBTBATMJsJ { engravrd expressly for this work atjlkrce ezien*e. i Nearlv every State Superintendent of Puoilc Instruction In the Union, or cor- responding officer, wbers Mich an one exists uas.recom mended Webster's Dlo- tloi-ary In the stronrest lermt. Amacg thm are those of Ka>atrn, Northern, Middle, Sontnern and Westeru States, Twenty-eight In all. j 8TATE rCsM-MABEa.. The 8'ate of Now York ha< L'aP6j 10,00 copies in as many of her Pub le Molo.ln. "The SUto of Wisconsin, about 6000, nexrly every Bchpol. Tl>e Slate of New Jersey, lfSCO nearly Very school. The State of Michigan, made pio'vlslon (brali herscho.n. Tho State of Ma-sachiuei l liassupplled her ScIiooIk. n-'-,rly all. Tbe Slate ofliwu has supplied ber Schools. TheSisteof Connfctlcut bos made pro vision for her School* j Over 30*l i^ctjools In Irwllnna \rens sup pll d 'luring Hie } car ^72,and munVeacli Vir since. ! In other >l-t"e miny c >ple havr been 1-U- -tia^e I for su'pplyln; Schools of oil Irs, cotniies and towns Wjmtbcir-r luvestment can boraailo tor Schools? Morj tnnr twenty times n mnnynre sold <t Webster's Dielionarlis, as of auy tlh*'r -erins In ibis country. -At \kuKl four-flf' lis- of all the 55chrol Boofc" -^uM'stird In this countrv own Webstei.m their sinfinnl, anJ of'llio rp- mMlnrl^r,f ,-*r nrknoirl. dire au sumdurtly. ' Publbhid by s. sit c HrstBian, <9 Hprlrigflold, Mass rviu xj[Te the WerkJag Class. We nre now prepared to fur.isn all cin-i>m with cou- stai.temploymoit nthome, the whole of tho time, or 101 their spitrc- m> ra'-nls. BuslneM new, lldtjind proUfibli . fer- tini.s it f-llhtr mx dajiily eum Irom SO cents to /> per < ve^inp, wnd a proportion- Hi sum by Uevotlngv,eir whole tlmvto the business.: lloysmd glr:s earn nearly as much asinen. Tiat all wno sec this notlo- may send lhr sjldrew, nml tent the business we nu.h, this i.npnrnlleled off r: Toslieh as are lit well sntlxQed w* will send one dollar to lny Tor the trouble of wrltlne Pull narteulAr*. utmplis or:h f-evemi dollars to>ommence work on", and a copy of Ht.mei>.iHr. side, one or the lunfesluml ben Il>ntr( ted Publi cations, nil Kent free by mm. deader, If yi'm want rermnnent, prajuhle work. addrerwOtcoRai: Stinsonto.,Portland, Mlne. PLANING MILLS LNl) Pomp. 8asta Door and Blind Factory. TRADE MARK THE GOLDEN MAN. OUR SPECIALTY SALE lias proved to be the dreatest Success of the Season. And we may add that it ha* stimulated us to renewed effort* to place be fore the publio Special I4nes of Goods each week During the Remainder of the Season At prices that must command the attention of erery intending purchaser. The greater portion of the good* that we have bean offering thi* week have been sold, only a few of the higher prices in Costume*, Dusters and Skirt* remaining, these will be cleared out at a STILL GREATER REDUCTION. 31j^IDXE!8jI T>on't fail to secure a NsSsttT SUMMER DUSTER At nearly one half the original price. We will offer hert weelf iaahioriable and seasonable goods. - --W White Utces stripe Muslins at 12J oents, formerly 20 cent* While Laoe-Stripe Muslins at 16 oents, formor'y 30 cenU, White Check Stripe Muslin* at all price*. White Marseills 12J cents, wonderful vftlue. Black Plain Grenadine. y> Black Check Grenadine. . \- A Black aatln Stripe Grenadine. ' Black Oheck 3ilk and Wool Grenadine, beautiful good*. Patroniee the most enterpiainff store in Guelph- JOHN HOCC & SON, Alma Block, TJpper Wyadasra Street, Goe^l:. ' if STOCK-TAKmG SALE! The MAMMOTH beg to announce that they hnve commenced their -Aaaimal Summer Clearing Sale And In order to reduce their immense stock before Btock-laking, GREAT BARGAINS WI1>L BE GIVEN. the Publio will hitre la choice out of oiie of tbe finest stocks ever Import ed. The rtoek i *Ten now orer $50,000, and a* w* never advertise anything but what i* bonande, yon maj depend npon jettiox the CHEAPEST GOODS YOU EVER SAW THOMAS EBBAGE, Manufacturer of 9 - Window Saah, ' Doors, Veaotian Blinds f Mouldings. And otherlfalldliii; Requisites Aio Maker o j As we want money, we will commence I2CPS07ZS SU0XI0N FtTSiTB Dress Goods at 5 cent*, worth 25 centis. Print* at 4 cants. Sv Cluristlea Henderson lliil llii- 1?.-" f_ % Ksll MM '-l>1iSK-'5 ' mX0Mm fair Lumber Planed and Dressed to ord* in the best manner. t&~ All work guaranteerf Acton, Jan.,1876. N C0H8UMPTL0N CURED. Ax oin PsrrsirtAX. ntlrad }rvm setirt pi- lles, kix hsa plsre4 in hi< hudj bT sn Est IpdU sUsiionsry Oi. formiils of s VcjsubU Aod/ for tht rpcdj tod pvmiSDent cura df Consumption, Athtna, llronchltU, - CatarrK, *" affections: slw s Potllln tad Radlrtl Cure for Hsrvnus Ds- blllt^ aiwj -mil Kerron* Compls^nt^ .Iter Smt- Isf Ihoroartljf tntrd In vondrrfsl csrstln porei In thotusndi ol ctstt, fitli il hli dutj lo ssk.il ksosn lo hi. raCtriiw rtllovi. Arts- !>m 344tsss4soosscVsalion.sstinlo tT.Jbs.'-lfcTr iiCii jssg.ly.atrCT.liis- uh smp, ssmlDC thi. pspr. IX. C. BTaTIENg, i*'. llox as, Bxvoinux, corr.- K A 11 i*nney,;EHa Jsate; la. Kimpton, Sarah. J*. MoCaUum, Sarah Jane. ;5" > Ann* Irene. << Kobertion, Jenni*. |7. Eample. Emily Wianifred, JJ gea^Ehsabeth. . JV .SCei^bt, Charlotte. . Jvarren, Elizabeth Campbell. *i*ter were the witnesses to 'the cere mony. Mis* Carr states that tbe reason she did not.refuse to be married was she waa afraid Sturdy would kill her, and if she should tell the minister, he would kill all of them. She was after ward* taken back to the cottage in the sabarb*, Sturdy'* daughter again Jeav- ing for Guelph. On Saturday afternoon Constables Hart and Couway of Guelph were des patched, with a warrant, on the trail of Sturdy. They succeeded in tracing him a* far as Hamilton, where they found that he bad tbe team of horses he droTe down with stabled at the Aroericaa Hotel stables. jrpvooe;bou t the Hotel knew where Sturdy mm stopping, bat a* he bad left word that he wanted the.hone* harnessed at five o'clock on Sunday afternoon, the. .con stables resolved to wait until he/turned up. At four o'clock 8beriff Gow at* nved in Hamilton, and -with the constat bles waited until about a quarter past five o'clock, when Stordy called for the horses. He was at once arrested and taken to the police station. While there it was learned that the number of thi house at which he had been Stop ping with Mia* Carr waa 10* Looomo- *tT* *treet, Mr. Gow at one* drove out to the place, and found his niece in GKR,.A.:r>r:D Enonrious Reduction in Prices. The Grand Cheaj Clearing1 Sale of the Season " j ftcrtr OIK ON AT THE FASHIONABLE WEST END Entire stock of Silks, Poplins, eto , reduced to 30 percent. Entire stock of FancyDreso Goods reduced 50 per cent. En.tiro stock of Plain )reaa Goods recluoeil 20 per cent. Entire stock of Costuas reduced 50 per cent. -. Entire stock of Shirtsnd Shirtings reduced 30 per cent. Entire stock of Sham apd Mantles reduced 50 per cent. Entire stock of Lace hawls and Jackets half price. Entire, stock of Trimred Millinery reduced to half price. Entire stock of Untrhmed Goods reduced 25o each. Entire stock of t'lowee, Feathers and Wings half price. Entire stock of SmallWares regardless of cost. Entire" stock of Cotto Goods at mill prices. Entire stock of Sbirtigs, Tiokings, etc., cost price. Entire stock of Tweet at cost price. Entire stock of Coatigs at cost price. Entire stock of Englib. and Arnerioan FrinU, coit price, Entire to|ck of TablfLinens, cost price.' ' Entire stock of Flanels, cost price. Entire stock of Undrclotbing, cost price. Our entire stoo has been reduced and will be sold. We are determined to dsar out every pieco of goods if prices will do It. Intending purchase will please remember The Grand Clearing Bale of the Season. Tiuse 'el 8o lis.-OB :'J i A. O. BUCHAM, Fashionable 'est End Dress, Millinery, sind MonileTstablisbtfeiit. au*)pb,'Juiy.:,.i877; .., . ::.i. ;,.;.. Cottons, at 5 cents. Shirtings at 10 centev worth 20 ceuta. All wool Tweeds ut 50c, worth 91. Cottorrade* at 20c, worth 37Jc. Brown T>enirn at!2J cents, worth 20 jceota. GenU' Straw Hats to be slaughtered at * quarter and half their prices. Beautiful Colored Silk* at 55 cents, worth at wholesale $1.00! Black Silk at 75c, worth $1.25/ A Black Lustre at 25c, usual price 50c. Ready made Clothing, great bargains to be given to effect a clearance. MILLINERY & MANTLES AT HALF FRICE. "And a large lot of LADIES' HATS at 5 and 10 cents each. CARPETS at 10 per cent off. The above is an enumeration or a few articles and gives yon faint idea of the flreat Reduction in Price*. This will be tbe Most Searching and Thorough Clearing Sal* we have ever held. The whole stock is reduced, and whoever will be kind enough to call on us with their money Will be amply repaid for their trouble. The Sale will begin on the Fourth of July, Anil will continue one month from that day. Gents don't forget our Ordered Clothing Depart ment and Gents' Furnishings. We turnout the Handsomest, Cheapest and Best made Suits in the Dominion. Great bargains will be given in the above Department likewise. Patronage is. Kespeetfullr Solicited. McLEOD, ANDERSON & Co., July, 3, 1877, MAMMOTH HOUSE.' GKOBGETOWK. 5P BAST END CLOTHING STOKE The undersigned in tendering their sincere thanks to their numerous patrons for the liberal support with which they have been favored in tbe past as members of tho late firm of Diokson 4 McNab, would beg leave, to call attention to their Which this year is larger and better assorted than ever, comprising a large '& assortment ol TWEEDS Scotch, English and Domestic Manufacture. / The pattern* are the ohoioest in the market,. Oor stock ta hats and Qairr? TxrxmvsxsQa Is well assorted and at low prieett ; Cottons, Prints, and Staple J)ry Goods At prices that cannot fall to satisfy everybody. We respectfully invite an inspection of our goods. ' \, PYPE! & McNAB. Aeton.Apfll 17,187f.- . X Having during the past week, taken advantage of The Immense Slaughter Sales at Toronto, V \ are enabled to offer the :' =:-: V.l ; "* " -, CHEAPEST LOT ;' '* -' SEASONABLE GOODS mm Ever Brought into Acton. All new, fresh, and comprising this Spring's Im portations. , L Instancevthe following: r'i- 3127 jards of Atnericart Prints at 5c, worth 9c. 2113 yards of American Eriats at 8o, worth-lOo, 1000 yards of English Prints at 10c. worth 15c. 100 dosen Canada Straw Hats at 5c. - 40 dozen Sunshades, 10c up. -^' \ 60 doren Kid Gloves, tery choice, worth $ 1.25, for 80a h H Dress Goods from lOo up.' " . Parasols at all prices. OUR MILL-iiNERY ROOM Is now complete with all the novelties of the sea- son, a^ our popular low cash prices* II OmXl Etmrly sand iSeoujro TKMB CASH Aft SMALL PBVITs>. CHRISTIE, HENDEEeSON & CO. Actoh, April 20,18TT. ^ , V .': -;u:,VM,'Vi .'i>'.. :'^i

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