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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 2, 1877, p. 2

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mm ^1 HP #1 -'*H'| . T - ID' ' w It**'.--! ^ '^IN' M: r V- THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT.,1 AUUGST 2, 1877. miVh - l;i&i'fi F!?vSrJ '-' l:VM i " I'E*.**": i mM^ :H 1 r_*. i;/1 'IlilE; At'TOA FREE PRESS - - ' ' '!' Ti'lip'u-il H\ ory Tlmrnlay Morn MR. J II. .-HACK INC.. Proprietor. SI Por Annum in Advance JOS H M*OK!NQ tOITCR TiirRsi>AY Mousing, Aim. 2, 1877 HALTutt COUNTY COUNCIL (Reported for ti.o Frw Press! A |K'criil riveting .of tho County Council, at tlio call of the Warden, _____ was held in the Court House, Mil- H . ^ v*^ (ton, ou Tuesday, 31st. Fruscut; ^ClftUIJ 4*COAjrC8$. Tho Warden und M.aan.. C\.y, Ramsay,,. Meusiea, Foster, I<gon, Young, Frasor, McKoiixie, Robin- aou, Wutaon, Waldie, Buck, Mc^ Ourviu and Wimn. Ou the minntea of pravious meet ing being read,. Mr. Clay moved, seconded By Mr. Waldie, tliut tlie iijuno of Mr. Henries bo added to (ho committee on county buildingH, which uiotion beiu.g carried, the minutes were thon." adopted. Tho Wai den stated tho reason of calling this meeting to be firstly, to take iut i consideration the grant ing of a sum of money to the enf- 1 Reports from all sections of tho country unite in promising';!! niagaihVen* yield of the crops. A large portion..of tho fall wheat has leeii housed- in a splendid state, and a considerable quantity has lieon tln-fshetf with ex*v)>-:ii re-_ Milts. We have heaul ef several farmers in this immediate neigh borhood having 'threshed their fall wheat with a yield of thirty bush eli to the acre; and in some cases ferei-s by the St. John .fire ; second- even better than that. The pj-6 -' ly, to consider the wetter i>f est ah- " jnct for other grains has nlso con siderably imprqved during Ihw jmst few week*. So that altogether, we may Uke an exceedingly hopofwl view of thr state of bnsiin-sa-dririBtj tlie;-coming se.ison. ' Prices are likely to be good'tliis yar, with an abundant crop to realize from. r, - The labor strikes in the Unit- cd~ States are gradually dying out. A vast amount uf'property has been destroyed, lives have been -- sacrificed and business in nil parta of tha cun'.inent haB Buffered as a result of the organized outbreak of the railway employees, yet it would be unfair to charge them with all that has l>een done or suffered dur ing the strike. Tramps and crimi nals;.* and tho idle and shiftless of -all kinds, saw in the disturbed state ',' of aff-.irs arising out of the diffi culty, between the railway com panies and their employees, oppor tunities for plunder which they were not slnw to avail, themselves f, and in almost every instance the nnglonders of the riotous mobs arrested have proved to be men in no way connected with the strikers. - The lesson which this experience teaches should make law abiding and respectable people pause before committing any act, however justifiable it may at the moment : seem, which would serve as a cloak .-: for the perpetration of such acta of \ riot, murder an J incendiarism as . have been witnessed within the past fortnight. The death of the Right Hon George Ward" Hunt, First Lord o the Admiralty, iu the present Brit ish Cabinet, is announced by cable. Boston ast a, noble example of charity and generosity in extending aid to the Stt John sufferers. Con tributions from that city almost reached 50,000. .. The coal region threatens to be the theatre of lawlessness and Bloodshed long after the railroad strike has come to an .end. In all that section of Pennsylvania ihere is a bad spirit in the air, and riot ous proceedings hare already*" taken place at many points. I The St. Patrick's National So- ciety, of Mont rtal, has passed reso lntions of confidence in Slay or Bwndrj for bin conduct on the 12tb and 16th, and condemning the Orange denionstration at liackett's funeral. Ttie resolutions ' ooncluda as'foliows: "Andwhere as the Mayor was op]>osed to the lishing a Mo<.lel School in the county. Tlipse woi-e tho special reasons, but there were other mit ten which, wight be taken un^ such o tW pussfng of tho by-law for raising the sum of $10,000 for county buildings, which would re quire to be advertised three months. Mr. Clay moved, second-*} by Mr. Young, that Messrs. W*ldie, Rimsay,. Fos'er, Young, and the mover be a comoMttee- consider the amount to> be given to th# suf- ferer by the St. Joba fire, to repert to the Council forthwith. On motion a by-law for raising by debentui-us.tbe sum of $19(000 for tho construction of j\il, Ac., was read a first time. The Council went into- coraa-iti - of tha whole to consider the by-law and fill up the blanks. The War den said he bad estimated the year ly sum required to pay principal, and interest at $1362. Mr. Wat- die suggested that as interest w*, to be paid half-yearly, it would re quire ajbout $1370 to meet the pa/1. menU and avoid taking from other funds. After some little diacua*ioi> i and figuring, it was finally roofed by Mr. Waldie that the blank* be filled up with $1387. The princi pal debt of the county was filled np at $119,500 and the interest debt at $06,930, of which no portion is in arrears. The annual special rate to provide for the payment of the $10,000 was pat at one-fifth of a mill on the dollar. The Council resumed- On mo tion of Mx. Waldie. tha By-kw was read a second time and the Warden instructed to hare it ad vertised in'one of the Milton papers for the space of three months. MODEL SCHOOL. Mr. Lyon moved, seconded by Mr. Waldie, that Mr. Little, School Inspector, l>e requested to lay be fore the Council any statement he wished to make respecting the jirojKJsed establishing of a model school in the connty. Mr. Little gave a brief sketch of the scheme proposed by j the Minis ter of Education. It bad been found that the Normal : Schools at Toronto and Ottawa were unable to fulfil their proper functions on ac count of being orer-erowded wttk the lower grade of teachers. .To overcome this difficulty a acheme had been devised to establish train ing or model schools in each county throughout the Province, wherein teachers seeking third-class certifi ' Bum of $250 bo granted for thepur- posit mimed. Mr. Young1 thought ${500 qnite little enough. . Mr. Wiildijo hoped tho amend-, meiit would jbo withdrawn. He spoke, in elotpvent twms of the great calamity whit'.i hud befallen the people of Sft. John, and he thought that a lessor auiii than $W0 entire ly uuworthy of tbe rich county of Ualton. | Dr. Buck aripportod his amend ment at considerable length. So also did Messrs. Ramsey and Menxiea. j Mr. Warren xpreased his great surprise at the |>osition taken by Dr. Buck land his supjiorters. He warmly advocated the granting of resectable . sum if any thing. He oonsiderii|that calamities saefi as had befallen the peoplo of St. Jolta were lor an all-wise purpose they gave an 'opportunity for tho people of the various countries to show what kind of a spirit thy had. Ha instanced the spirit of generosity that had been exhibited by neighboring towns and counties. No person, he said, coutended luore against running tho county into unnecessary debt, but hnfrlt satin fie<i tlu* nine tenths of tho rate- >>-era wouUl.iijdtpJd^ia, i giving Si>00 for this purpose. T6 the in J dividual ratepayers it only nmounts to a few cents.' Mr. Clay said that one of the heaviest ratepayers in Esquesing had urged him to grant not Irs* thanjJlOOO. | Mr.: Foster said his principle bad always been to give until ho could fcti tbjtt he hed given. The paltry sum of $250 would not be felt by the ratetnyers. He thought $500 quite a small enough grant. On a rote being called, the amendment was sup|vorted by Meesrs. Buck, r Ramsey, Menxiea and Watson. The motion for $500 by liiLeas^a. Clay, Foster, Lyon, McGarrin; McKenzie, Robertson, Waldie, Warren and Young. REPORTS. The Printing committee report ed having received tender*' from the five printing office* in the county for trie printing of the, Minu^aa apd'Wamk'fornvi, *^d"tbe' advertising of the qnarterfv. list of coBvictiona, 'for the current year.' The report recommended the ac ceptance, of the Milton Cliampion'g tender for printing" midntes and blanks,,and that of the Oukvilt* Exprej* for the advertising, of the list of convictiona. "> . The JFinancs cotaroittee- reported baring examiaed several small ac counts amonnting altogether . to $121, and recommended their pay ment. I KEXDIKoi OF BT-UIWR. Tha several annual By-laws wer read the necessary number of times Bd passed, as follows: To provid*. for the support of pnblic achuob; to provide Cor the expenses for the current year; to provide for tbe> payment of principal and interest on grant to Credit Valley Railway, and for the principal and interest on grant to the II. & N. W. Rail way. _ The estimates for the current year wero put^al, $9,709.70. re quiring a levy on the rateable pro perty of the county at the rate of one and two-fifths . mills on the dollar. THE JfODgL SCHOOL AUAIX. Mr. Lyon moved, seconded by Dr. Buck, that the sum, of $100 bo granted to the Trurtees pf Milton School Board to assist in the sup- calling oat of the volunteers, and three- magistrates-,undsrtook that Cates might receive the proper train ing. responiibility, it is further resol vod i that the magistrates acted with dangerous indiscretion, which might have resulted in conseqnence as serious as the Pennsylvania 'not." PaoviNerAi, Exhibition. The aantul exhibition of the Asrienl- trrral and Arts Association will be held this year at London, on the 21th sad 29th Sept., next. En tries fdr horses, cattle, sheep, swine, poultry and agricultural: imple ments'close on Aug, 25thJ For grain, field roots, aod*-other farm products, machinery, and manufac turers generaHy, ri Satnrday, Sept.; 1st. For-horticultural pro-' duett, ladies', works, fine art's, etc., on September 8th. The .Chicago Timet draws the following- comparison betweekT the relative merits" of tlie Cunadiim and United States, fornia of Odvel-n- iu2iit. " The constitution of'Cana- d.t is the! best political constitution o-Anglo Saxon people that exists oil-the whole earth. The constitu tiori tf the United States is without exception the worst political con stitution of an Anglo Saxon people ihat ever was devised or set up in the world. The.'constitution of this ountry is an irresponsible elective monarchy, with all inherent curses and inevitable infamies of the spoils of disease grown chronic" , . Despatches from S^n- Fran eisco says that the Indians under Joseph are strongly intrenched at > Lolo... Joseph has nearly 400 war- - riors, and boasts he can whip Cfjneral Howard whenever' he likes to go nt bim. It is said that it is almost impossible to drive him In this county, Milton had been nominated a the most suita ble place for the school, and it was proposed that the first session be gin on the 27th of August. At1 present there was not sufficient ac-" conimodation for the purpose, and ho hod learned from the trustees that tbny were not prepared to erect an additional building without first having rieeived % liberal grant from the connty. Messrs. Watson and Robertson, as delegates from the School Board, explained their position, stating that the annual cost to the town was estimated at about $700 to support the proposed ~ school. If the county would grant 0500 or $600, the town of Milton would undertake to furnish tha required accommodation, j , In answer to an inquiry, Mr. Little explained that the existing Normal Schools at Toronto and Ottawa would not in future take any third-ilass candidates, so that if the necessary facilities were not furnished by the counties the low er grade?teachers would not receive Such training as would enable them to p iss the examining boards. Further consideration of the mat ter was postponed till later in the day, . GRANT TO ST. JOHN. - ( The special committee to whom- was referred tlie question of grant ing aid to the sufferers by the St. John fire hunded in ,their report, recommending a grant of $500. Mr. Clay moved, seconded Jry Mr. Young, that the report of the special committee be adopted. 'He was personally in favor of granting a larger snm, but ia a majority of the cominitteo thought otherwise, he would submit; I . port of a Model [School Considerable discussion arose on the advisability of making any grant for the purpose named at the present time. Mrr Waldie and Mr. Clay thought the (natter should re* ceive further consideration. They did not entirely ; approve of tbe .scheme proposed'. and were not prepared to support the grant. Mr. Warren thought the scheme a good one and of considerable im- had no doubt the council a He.thougjit the lit 'Torouty uiul aiiutjeful 4 they .out of tb'eirentrenchrnant, leven by j Dr. Buck moved in amendment, ahelHng them. ,: aeconded by Mr. Ramsey, that 'the portance, though it been sprung tipen little prematumly Normal Schools Ottawa !tere not ought to be, and jhe approved of the proposed counJty Model Schools. The scheme was j perhaps- a little crude in its deiaija,- and no doubt might be improved.; ..There appear ed to be no proyiaion made for securing any assistance from the government towards their support. It seemed to be imperative that all candidates for third-class certifi cates must hereafter attend the Model School, and it .therefore be came the duty of jtbe County Coun cil to see that the! necessary accom modation'was. provided. He advo cated the granting of a reasonable urn for the purpose.. The motion waa carried, ' I 1 . ..On motion of Mr. Lyon, second ed by. Mr. Ramsey, leave of ab sence waa gr^ntei to Mr. Little, School Inspector, to visit Algorua for tbe purpose of inspecting the Schools in that district, providing it does not interfere with bis duties in this county. . On motion, the ooiincil adjourned until the 18th of September/ J. . - Another Morm-jn jnnrder case is on the lapis, th^ prisoner in this inctance being Robert T. Burton, counsellor to the presiding Mormon Bisbo|i Burton hka been arrested on tb% charge of hiring murdered Joseph Morris, tbe prophet -who opposed Brigbam Young in 1862, and^iwo women who indulged- in comments on tbe crime. .1 Pen nd Sctfluor Selects. Hon. Mr. Blake's health is rapidly improving.; Tho fall in the pricu of potatoes. Ontario novel- saw a ivorv fruitful >er, barring tho fruit. Tho origin of tho 8t, John, N. B., tilo is being inquired ioto by a jury. Thoro is nn investigation ordered of the management of Carle- ton jail. Disraeli is credited with hav ing the " most remarknble face in England." Mr. McMaster has now three reliable witnesses who saw Sheehan fire at Hackett. The country, editor now shuts up- his office for a week and goes out working on the farm. Mr. John Quarry, for tho last forty years a resident of Dundas, died there ou Friday, aged 68. New Orloans papers say there has not beeuas fine season for fruit in tbosontk since the war. I Considerable diiiiiign was done to the civpti in tlie vicinity of Lnn tk> Uj the ati)-ui on Thursday night. Tho steamship Memphis, Do minion Line, left on Friday with L'oTi horned cattle, ami 200 sheep on board. F. Graham, Dtjmtj Grand Masterof the Orange Young Bri tons of Canada, died at Ottawa Wednesday night. It i stated in Montreal that the Dominion will pay the volun teera who keep the armories in that city on the 12tb. Considerable damage has been done by the: grasshoppers to the crop*, in the northern portion of the county of Hastings. Christopher Columbus is sup posed to have been the first man to set the bad example of leaving for "parta unknown." It ia expected that the majori ty in favor of tho Dunkia by-law in Kent will be somewhere in the neighborhood of 1,500. .,. ! -^--The Dunkin Act carries the day wberever it is submitted. The tidal wave of temperanee sweeps ! triumphantly over* tbe land. It i\ feared that a second peri od of famino is settling on South er* India In Bombay Presidency tbe prospects are more hopeful. Prizes tobe given at the forth coming meeting of the Ontario Rifle Association, amount to $2,300 m cash and $1,500 in cups, etc. The Ingersoll Chronicle objects to tbo formation of an 0. Y. B. lodge in that town. It thinks it would only cause bitter ill-feeling. - Tho investigation into the ori gin of tbe great fire at St. John waa opened on Friday, but nothing important bu go far been elicited. At the St. John fire investi gation on Saturday evidence was given showing that the disastrous extent of tbe fire mnst have been due to incendiarism. The steamships Redewater and Elphinstone, which collided and sunk near Montreal a few weeks ago, have been raised and towed to Quebec for repairs. The body of Lizzie Moore, aged 17, hna been found in the old Wei- land Canal at St. Catherines. Whether it is a case of suicide or foul play is 'unknown. It is said ! that the quality of new wheat coming forward -is bu excellent that millers do not require old wheat to mix with it, which is an unusual occurrence. The Bowmanville Furniture Company this year has a balance of $45,000 to tbe credit of the reserve account after paying eight and a lha'lf per cent to shareholders. , -'-Th<j exports of the Dominion for the mouth of June, exclusive of the province of British Columbia, reach $10,283,408'-; imports, $8.- 153,150; duty .collected thereon, $953,635. It is understood that Mr. nnd Mrs. Tilley will entertain the Press Association -at the Government House in Frederickton on the oc casion of the coming excursion to the EaBt. j John "Bright baa publicly ex pressed his opinion that the strike on tbe United States railroads is attributable', to the tariff system, which, be aayi, baa received iu death blow, ; A, man on wotn was found $2,400 in Canadian bills, has been arrested in Baltimore, Md., on sus picion _of being concerned in the robbery from the Grand Trunk of fice at Montreal Some weeks ago. -The Governor-General gave a State dinner at Rideau Hall on Saturday, on the occasion of his departure for Manitoba. Chief Justice Richards will act as Deputy Governor during His Excellency's aoaence. - ' The price of coal waa never so low in Boston aa at the present time,.and the prospect* are that it will continue at the same low rates through the entire season. Tbe latest' returns show that the com peting companies have no power to unite and thus forte up prices. Hon* Alex. MoKenzle laid the coriMir stono of tlie new" Bnptist church jn Ottawa Thursday iiftorV noon, utid w;as presented with an address mid * silver trowel. * Reports from Niagara say that tho weather is delightful, back- men's prices are am nanar, bridal parties innumerable, uud tha " cooing and billing" going on .at " redhot" ruto; abo> that the Horso-Shoo Fulls are still there. T The Harvest la Waterloo- ; The bulk of ihe fall wheat in South WaterlpVwill bo housed this! week," a grout deal having been hauled under (Cover within tbe past few days. Barley is ulso pretty generally cut, although a good; many fields aro still, standings Of both these grains the crop is a good I one that of wheat being better than has been ' harvested in this part of Ontario for many years. Whilo the yield in quantity ie large, The gold excitement in the the quality is also excellent, .and White Mountain region about j we have heard of very few farms NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. S1 AWL LOST Lost between Acton and the 1st con. Kasssgaweya, a Fine Woolxx Sbawl, belonging to Mrs. Dent. Any person finding the same will please leave it at this office or the post office at Knatch- hulL - ' Acton, July 30-,'1877. 6-4*- s PEC1AL NOTICE. Milan is at a high pitch, and so many prospectors have rushed in that the Grand Trunk Ruilway has established n stntion at the point of discovery, about a dozen miles from Gorham. : A despatch froar Por.thmd, Oregon, states that the dockyards at Victoria, British Columbia, ate being prepared for active service in case of war between . England and Russia. Esquimault will - be a dej>ot for victualling and coaling British cruisers on the Pacific. ; The Arthur Enterprite says wheat in that section is so plump ob which-the sample is not very good. We observe tbut in the j neighboring county of Oxford tlie papers claim that the yield of fall wheat will this year average 35 bushels to the acre over the whole' County ; and while we are inclined to set this down us being a high estimate,, we believe "that in this neighborhood judging from what the: farmers, say, it will not fall much short of averaging 30. bushels to the acre. Gait Reporter. j Panics not having paid their bread account, are requested to do so on or before the, JOtb inst. and thereby save posts. Hereafter, no acooupts for bread wilL be allowed to run more than one week. B. ic E, NICKL1N. Acton, Aug. 2, 1877. The danger-of interfering be tween a man and his wife has re ceived a fresh illustration in New this year that it bursts tUe chuff I Jersey. The peace-maker ie. dead And shells with tbe most cartful hundling. Even when reaped a few days b*fore it has reached the " dead-ripe " stage, the loss from shelling is found to be considerable. The Philadelphia Times re- marka : The complete blockade in the transportation of the cattle from tho West ia likely to be felt pretty severely in the increased and tbe husband is a murderer. Norval people have been vic timized by ypung men selling tick ets for a lottery on behalf3 of the London Orphan Asylum. Of course it's a swindle there ia, no such lottery. I ., .. This well-known Boom Weili- nndergorie a'thoroogh reaorr?"^ repairing, is how turaisaed'**^ ** : 1 andmoderg rarnitonPnf.tM- nrst-class secommedation t*AJ3t Th< present proprietor Jtts'SftS'^ *':ca#, asdhe wiU kefi'sTE*"; rrplred with tie rerj)H*+%Jp* andcigsrt. ThestahHsW i.____ weB-6ttd np; also sS. -CT* * The pstrtmajre-tpf.-ftbe oily solicited. Beet sn ^ '*5" In the United States, says an exchange, the proportion of persons priTO of beef. Tbia fr another of ^^ "**>** onl/ one in tho ways in which tho strike in ex pected to benefit the workingmen. The strike on the-. Canada Southern Railway is at a* end, the men having resumed work on the Company guaranteeing to adjust their grievances within a fortnight. Passe uger and freight trains are now running on all the brancbea of tbe road, and the workshops have- been re-opened. Mr. Hermann Rurtb, ef Mil waukee, has established, in Hamil ton, a manufactory for making a new and useful machine known aa the American Cockle Separator, which has been patented in Canada, the United States, and in Europe. The machine is used for. separating cockle from wheat. : At Hunteville, Ont., last .Fri: d<ty night about eighty armed men were sworn in as special constables and started out under command of eighty ; hence it comes that they have 12)000 dentists in- active service, who hse up annually half ton of pure gold besides cheaper filling material. A Bcaveb Dak. During the last few weeks the Beavers have dammed tbe Grand River,- near lot 21, in the 7th con.. New Survey, Metaaethon, and raised the water fully foar feet. Tbe dam is quite ingenioosly instructed, and is ap parently of considerable strength. The indootrsoue animals are still at work, and there ia no knowing how bigs they may build the dam before thiy quit. -The Mrrryhy movement is, making great strides at Osliaws and Sirucoe. . -{-The Ontario Grand Encamp ment of Oddfellows met at Belle ville Tuesday. The Medical Hall, Actoo. is Captain Hunt, to effect the capture i _ _. . . j , . . , , ', ' , x> . ^ . somewhat noted for cheap drugs and of four men named Pnnglp, who rjye staffs. ; stole an ox from a neighboring far nier and killed it in the woods. The Pringles are known aa daring characters. They are armed, and it ia expected they will resist mil attempts to take them. The Philadelphia Herald esti mates the total number of killed and wounded in tbe recent riots at Baltimore and IJittsbnrg at tvo hundred and ton. Eight were killed at Baltimore and 53 at Pitts burg. Forty were wounded at the former place, and one hundred at the latter. Sud to relate a ma jority of the killed were innocent persons entirely unconnected with the struggle, who were hurrying along the street to escape from danger. - A cable dispatch from London, July 28, aaya : Tho Great Western L bieb. -; Near Crewson's Corners, on the 29th nit., Mr. Samuel Soper, aged "9 years and 10 months. In Erin, on the 1st inst.. Mr. Jacob Snyder, son of Mr. Isaac Snyder, aged about 22 years. j . All-OS MARKETS. j -' ... f3 75 t6 400 HOW LOST, MOW UftTMEA; We have recent'? pabllsbvl new edi tion or 0r. Calverwell's Celebrated Ks4 say on tee rsdlca.' aud permanent euro (without iri> dlcine) of Nervou Heblllty, Mental and Phj-sle ! Inearacliy, Impedi ments to Marriage, etc, resultlna iiom excesses. Price, In a sealed envelore, only 6 centa or two poHtftgo slnmps. i Tbe celebrated author. In this Bdmlr- able Bxsuy clearly demonstrates, from tlilrty ytars' succrssiul practice, lb*t nlarmlsg conseqoaces may be radically cured without tfie daneerutu use or inter nal medicine or tbe application of tbe knife; pointing out. a mode of cure at once simpls, cert si u and: effectual, by inennsof wisleb everjr suflerer.no matu?r wliat Bis condition nur H, mu cure hlm-eircufaply, prirateir and MdleaJly. Tills J eetaro sboold be In tbe hsoda'tft overy yoath anjevery mto in the tvtndJ THE CDLTEBTTEU. HCSMTAI. r^ 41 j.nnSU, New York. Post UfJJ te Hox 1/B 4-\y TI^A.\TE1>, Ladies and gentlemen to learn Tele- graph Operating for offices opening in tlie Dominion. Stamp for aaswer. Address Mak*g*k, Box 955i Tommto. ! Acton, Jnn2, lTr?BS;,l***T. FLECK1 S MEADOW LABli AAI5i TICTOBIOIS. Grand Mowing Sbrtrfj held tinder the auspices of the East Huron Farmers', and Mechanics'-Association at Brussels, Out., co the 10th July, 1877, 14 ma chines were in competition, and FUVItrt MEADOW | LARK Was awarded the highest number of point* ei merit. It showed only 159 ppunds draft; the lightest of any ma chine tested. The prizes were as follows : 1st prize, Reury's Meadow Lark; 2d, Hliott's Meadow I*xk; 3d. Coleman k. Co.'s jRarsgon. Judges___Messrs. Ikmu SszaebKa^. James Johnston, and D. Mexauighlio^ of Orey Township. Aurora Agricultural Works, July 14th, J 877.*, J. FLETJ^y, Propriete*-. ffn HrjurBOT, Agent, Bock^ooeS, a t. MUl Street, ACTtl. %^ l>EALKIir --. -' . -" __^J. Crree*rli, -'" v' y '*" ^h'lOeto.e.llMM,, ;' -^yy- " ********* All of which; wiU be sela itoWfr U ' 300TS and SHOES Sluing oSmtmti, I > . AW agaat fer tie RUBBER PAINT OOtaPAJIT Of Cleveland, Okie.. ..-.-. CeblW ' ; uCctonr^Uy }, ISTeV $999 PROCLAMATION. CIVIC HOLIDAY, CaaiksaakaVSeenry acent rrry Bsieta ta -iriiiiir but those! wtrnacis : work eaaitsaUyetiaa dtxen dt|isn s> dar rlcstla *m> mm localittrs. Have nrsoar tfeasHeawik tfnsiness bleasaat and sosstisti. jf n>. , asHsoT and aw'a e> a* w*B sj """ will Jhrassk tn a miilin alMsc men. Wi Outflt free. Tbe hi nines* ap* WoirS- Flour ... Kail Wheat .. , Spring Wheat, Glasgow Ked Chaff Wheat Barley. ..L .. Oats .1. Peas ..:. - Batter..... . Es'K.. .. .. ) Cherries, per pail ';. . Raspberries, per^lb 1 45 to 1 55 1 40to 1 .50 1 25 bo 1 35 0 60 to 0 00 0 47itoO 50 0 75 |to 0 80 0 15 to 0'46 0 12 to 0 00 O 35 to 0 0 05 to 0 00 Errs' Cocoa. Gratxfcl and Cox- VORTISO. "By s thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, Railway Company has issued a i and V.a carefal application of the fine special report and called a special uieoting- for August 3rd. It is prO|K>aed to issue sufficient share oapital to the amount of .166,000, the difference between the half million new bond capital to tbe amount of bonds becoming due. Mr. Cbilders sails shortly; also Capt. Tyler and Mr. Ronton on the Britannia on August 11, on business connected with the Grand Truuk and Great Western Com panies. . English papers tell of a race from Dover to London between tbe Centennial mail express train add a pigeon. The bird was tossed from a carriage window as the train left the Admirality pier, and the train immediately got up a speed of sixty mileB an hour, and proceeded without stopping to Cannon street. Thepigeon, which was " homed" to a building in Cannon street, took , tho straight; route, probably saving tlOD( aching, and Wily dryness.- No .roperties of well selected cocos, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast; tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save ns many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious nse'of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strongenougb. to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around as ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may 'escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pare Wood and a pro- perly nourished frame." C!ti7 '{Service Qaxette. Sold only in packets labeled "James Errs ft Co., Homoeopathic Chemist, 48, Threadneedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London." I . . m For the Old and Young*!' Let all use It. Wood'i Improved 0alr BtesteraUve Is unlike any other, and bas no equal. The Improved has new vegetable tonic properties; retoresgreyliair toalglossy natural color; restore* faded, dry, harsh andfalling hair; restore", dresses, gives vigor to ththalr; restores hair to prema turely bald bends; ferrrbves d indrofl", bu- Tnam, ?osly., eraptlpns; lemnrea lrrlta To FT is Worship, the Rebvk of raa - Vilijk&E or,. Actos : .- BaartcTED-.. 8je. We, the inhabi tant* Of the Vill lg of Acton, l-eing (desirous oi setting apart a day for .public enjoyment, <lo respectfully request you. to appoint Friday, the 3-1 of August, a Civic Holiday. Craine * Son, J. Wl^Mann, Fyfe - i McNab, Christie, Henderson ft Vo., ti. E. Morrotr, G. M.Scort, janies Mat thews, J. E. McGarvin,-\yUson & John son, Jas. Kyiler W. E. Greenwood, W. R. Ksnney, Calloway Bros., Henry P. Moore, David McMaukon, Secord Bros., R. Creech, R ft, E. Nicklin, J. H. Hacking, W. H. Storey ft Co., George Hynds. GiSTLHEf. It is with pleasure I receive your petition, asking for tho -sp- poinrment of a Civic Holiday. I -will therefore appoint and set apart Friday, 3d day of Aasost next as a Civic Holiday for the Tillage Of Acton- . '". I am, respectfully yours. N. McGARVIN, Reeve. Act6n July 25th, 1877. PK>NlO. Arrangements - bave/been made!- by the Acton Division Sons of Temperance, to have an excursion on the above named day^ over the Grand Trunk snd Hamilton Northwestern Railways to Burlington Beach, where" a PIC-NIC will be. held. |The fare for: tjio. round trip will be about 75 cents. A general invitation is extended to the public to participate. By order of the W. P. 0RACF8 0ELEBRATEO SALVE, . A' Bare .Keller for the SsuTeicr. half ft miQe in the whole distance of 76 mikes, and beat the train by twenty mmutes, or a time allow ance of eighteen miles. On Saturday last a most un fortunate affair happened in "West Flamboro' Village, resulting iu the death of a ckild three years and a half old, son of Mr. George Kent, painter, of that place. It appears that the child had been unwell, and Dr. Shaver being called in prescribed some powders one to be taken each morning and even ing. On Thursday morning one of the powders was administered, and in a few minutes the child was seizedj with convulsions and died in about twenty minutes. It aeeus that the doctor got them from another doctor in Dundaa, who got them from a druggist in Hamilton, and that instead of being santonine, they were largely - made up of strychnine.' An Example asd a Warning. An Elora citizen gave a practical example of the danger of sleeping in oburob by dropping a quarter into the plate in mistake on a re cent Sunday. article produces *uch wonderful eflects Try ltvcall for Wood's Improved Hair Restorative, and don't beput offwlth any ottierarticle. Bold by a'1 druggists in this place and dealers everywhere. Trade supplied at manufacturers' pries by C. a. Cook a Co., Chicago, Sole Agents lor the United Suites and Canadas, and by Ltka* Bros, , Co., Toronto. . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ' DI88wLUTIw' Eaasiir. OF PAST- The partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned under the style of Galloway Bros, bakers and confectioners, in the village of Acton, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts duo to the firm are to be paid to Robert T. ! Galloway who assumes all liabilities of the.firm. DAVID GALLOWAY. ROBERT T. GALLOWAY. J. H. Hacking, Witness. Acton, July 31, 1877.1 In reference to the above I would beg to intimate to the public that I intend to carry on the baking business as heretofore in the same place, and hope that by strict attention to busi ness, and keeping at all times a nrst- class article, to continue to merit a full share of public patronage. ' Yours respectfully, ROBERT f. GALLOWAY. Acton, Aug. 1st, 1877. than anything ols*. cense ol tart!ne yon. FatOarAnfrcs. - .Write ar.d see. -rm~rs snf _ their ons and daogkUrs, sad Ml riim in nei d of paying work at boa*, saasj i . write t> as and 1~am aboat tMWbrtral V once. Now Is the lies-. Dsnt-^fisy^ Address TscxACs ,Aoaasta,J(aiar. i ' :>BKPAEEB BT 8ETH W. FOWLE & SONS, 86 HAIIRISON AVMTJB, ._ soerox, xass. - ORaCHTa CELEBRATED HALVE, Is a Vegetable Preparation, invented In the 17th eenturybr Dr. Wil liam Grace, Sorgeon In Kina James' army. Through Its agency he wured thonsands of the most serious sores and wounds that baffled tbe skill of the most eminent physicians of hie d-iy. and was regarded by aU who knew hlsa as a pub lic benefartor. -'[... PBICX 2> CXKT8 A BOX. KACK>S CB1EBKATK SAJ.VK ;. CURES ri.xsH woukbs, raosKir ximbs, salt BHCTJH, CHIt3LAUTS, SOAK BTtXAST?- sokc iapsy xbtbIpxxas, snro- . . WoJUCsycAz,I.nssS>sCAU>BSLaS i -' ckxrrxD sarm, . BDBKS,] i. ^C^KCZBS, , JTXXO?n3, -- . AND ' : WAGGONSi Jfow is the thne to dears yearerfst At 3. Ryde^s Psvctoty foca.-. styiisa Barrr r SenieaMt I m_making up at large stack-far 1st ., present season, troia tae best a^aWnsL Call and See our Bandttmit B^ffi* Now' is a good tuae t ssflBS bargains. Strict attention fivesis* ' Koa-Blioelar * toatTtilia^v [ rraUhlnf. 5* _ -I | ', Acton. Feb. 2. 1877. f QNTAKI*> SA&ULEBtH ACTOKi The subscribe* takes tl^ pppefcbjuug; of thanking his nmneroosctotoaf**?* 1 for the very liberal peJtroaafai' ! the past year, and woald stats 1 his motto to do a s<* SOAUXj WOUHBS, resTias, PILBS ' bunioitS, BITslS , WAKTSj riMPuca, SDBES, BTntGS, :wks, ABC ESS, SPBAINS, cora BX.ISTXBB, CnBICS; OLCXBS, -. BHUJOLXS,^ ; STiaa, ~, fbecxues, ' boii., ; - whitlows'. TAWl acnav-r,- itcii,. iKonowiNO- siiu,scnu sash, MDSauiTO AND jrLXA BITC8, 8PIOU .' 'SXIKOS, cutaneous diseases and .trnpttont generally) For sale by all druggl'U. grocers, ana 1 at all oountir stares tBreiiMbont the U*l- . tea Stales and 'British Provinces. Price 1 by raall 30 ceats. And alio and Hox*w4 BtUJffti* ,.- as heretofora, sad aspsi t w*j*jjf same liberal aaaMeieaMa . sla^w'! public. ... VVrr r ! All orders eatraded tosty'tsas 0:** * ." - '- .' V^-v *: aitaaWJir *s>: msH ^p *1S^,-: As rum .6uf Good"W*tt^ * .EntpUftd, a*" Parties can ftly oa ge^sT * gflTse cle and as cheap as good wo;a - done for. " v- ateaalriBSB OOLiAJW A Jh\CS*&F.'. Acton, Feb, 14,1877. SEND* Mc. tOrO. P. *Jfflk%,JSi estl aia'.es showing eest ef

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