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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 26, 1877, p. 4

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-Ire-eK"-" -'-V m*m ,n~-~ MATI10\V. ~ Acoupteut Ix-sivlc the tire, Abating which should first retire ; The husband positively had said " Wife.awm shall ro ami warm the IhhI. " 'U never will !" sheN|uick replied ; " 1 did so once, MuLnearly ilieU !" '* And 1 wilt not :"rvjiiinod the spouse, With.h'roier tone and lowering brows. And thus * war of words arose. Ci-ntinuing till they nearly froze, . When both grew mute, and hovering Higher. . -.. .- ..: Around the faintly.'irflWim'riiJiHirti, Tiiey treinblevl o'erraif'dvingVmt'OtS: * As though the ague had-tieized their i niember.-i, Resolved like heroes ne'er to yield, liuttenoeeach ofcliorfrnnv the tiold. And th* this iwc ftmd loving pair In ailr-nci* shook nuil shiveruil there, Till midnight faded into morn, Apd cocks were cTowiiu; for the dawn, When all at mice the husband said "Wife, hmlu*t ice batter, go to-bed!" -^ :& The Luxury of fold Wiley. The plague" of {winter is .cold, aud the plague of saiaiuer is ~heut, but we-may do imicbj.to lessen- the miseries of both seasons..." Now that we ai-e amongst-1ho dog-days, it may be well to poiriiont that by moans of a ii-bentl He of, waterofie way pass JthrWigh' Uie au-mmer furnace, without any Berious dis- oomforjt ^Yater is good for other thing* besides the allayhijj of tliirst. RTSWr^tTOaeent 'tonmiTtion to evaporate, and as it cannot era- pOrate *ifiioiifc heas, it ;s constantly ; ditbinjkhe*} injtfce^r&cesa tie h4t :oif<m^ipotoaf JVoioifvWAtor, the cooler the better, stationed about a bedroom will positively reduce not only the sensation of heat, but the heet,it*elf. Should anyone doubt this, let bin* have his tub, with its' . shallow depth ,and wide i surface, filled with spring water, or water with a small block of-See in it, and placed in his bedroom, and. mark in-half to bonr how many depreea the thermometer has fallen; It ought to bo six degrees at least, and will be eight if Was not stingy with his ioe, and this1 improvement in the temperature will last for hours. If the heat still remains toojreat, throw up the bedroom windows, fasten an old blanket or travelling-rug across the space, and drenoh that- wje^l with water; in five minatejribe art in the room will be Teauetfl "to 'thit water's tenjperature. . Kever ' mind the breeze. -' AiFinc Distinction. A young: ui-.in, whoso uttiro was oloKli Hiid neat, and whose general appearance wua rather preposses sing, sto|6d beforo the bar of a police court. By his side stood a young uim of about the same age with n coal black face and 'wjooly linir, and who was dressed with all tl.e gorgeouaness of a "swell.:'; "W lint's your name, whiternan? naked the Court-, ;-. -. "- " McFinnigW, sir." 'And- yours,_J_'niy man' and lirotllt'l/f' '.[ - - " Qu'Wge Washin'ton Jones, aah."'- ." What was the niuttpr, George Washington i" ; __ ' : ft " S.ih, I'll toll you.do truf, sail. I wus-ngoin' up do street, Bay, Inst night, when I nret thiu nmn, an' 1 kino' of jostled agin' -'iin, Bib, on' he turn" .right roun', an' fetch mo u eli'p on de nose, Btvh; den I call an offisav nn"- had dut, intin arfestodj .an' data all do tnif." "Mow was it, McPinaigan.'?' " Shu re, yer Oner, alid it- was ill the nayger's fault. I was n cornuiin* down the iiv'nie, quiet as a lawjb, sor, say in' nothin' to no body, whin that sphalpeeh came forninst uie, sor, wid bis elbow, an' I up and hit 'iin ujxm the spur o' -the momint " ----- ---- " No, sab, ho hit mo on de nose, aairl" -U t: . . " OnJ the spur o' the momint- " ' On de'nose, sab IT :. ^ i : " Never mtud fine distinctions," said his Honor, " it costs a man $10 in this Court to 'hit a man, whether it be upon the spur of the moment, or- upon the 'spur of the nose. Georg^ Washington, yon are discharged," - Keio York World. M\t And Humor. t4JOjPUt gfce most ondonifortable --a^U| rruBTcan bare,, as a steady Unng, in the long run, is self con ceit.; ' '[l think we made too much of that 'gigantic Cxardine," is the way a paihoiif orator *tat*d tbe ease with regard to tbe Grand Pake Alexis. " Keep love a secret IV exclaimed -AuHt iCesish. j> Can yon keep the ibbthadke.* secret T Well, nA more can you keep lore or tight shoes a secret." A pert little girl boasted to one -of her friends that "her father keepB a carriage." ' Ah.-t but,"- was the triumphant reply,:" " my lather drive? an omnibus,"' "The only jokes women like, to read are those which reflect ridicoln on men." " Yes," was the reply; "on taking up. a paper a woman jnTariably tarns to the marriage 'column/ ' A doting yonng father boasts that his baby son is bo affectionate that he sits up with his parent* all night, tq^if>/t6agk that he seem? to have xk\oitipeptu)nvt fatigua or the time The telephone will soon reTolu- ( tionizs domestic afliirs, for the man, instead of blusbingly telling bis ' wife, at the supper, table, that he will be detained at hbi"office, -can go down town and whisper throngh the telephone that it is lodge night. ' - ** One-more question, Bir. Parker. Yon have dnown tbe delendant a loDg time. What are his habits loose, or otherwise?" "The one he's got no now. I think, is rather tight under the arms, and too.snort ' waisted for the fashion." " You cdn stand down, Mr. Parker."- - <- '.:--. . , . -i - . ,--. It is generally"obEerTed that per sons of about forty years, .especially of that age, are Tery. forgetful of those with whom they were acquaint ed in childhood. This remarkable dimness of memory has been .very ppropriatory styled 'I the darkness of the middle ages." The County Council of Peel held a Bpectal meeting at Bramp ton, on the 5tb init., at which $1,- 000 u voted toward the relief of the Sk John juffarera. ^ i Tne numbeV oMW Sioax who hiive migrated to the North-west is estimated at 4,200 souk, including 1,893 warriorB, The-'recent'out* rage at Wood End occurred two luileS-F.outh of tbelioundary, but it ia not thotight to have been a very important affair. ' In St. Louis, on"Monday ever*, ing of last, week, a tall, well-dressed man went into: a pawn broker's shop, selected a revolve and asked the proprietor to load it. On re ceiving it back from the pawn broker, who supposed tbe man wished to purchase it, he suddenly shot himself in the head, iand died in about an hour. The man was a stranger in St. Louis, and there was nothing on his person to iden tify him. SUBSCRIBE } FOR THE Contracting and Expanding. John Henry was with Jub'a tbe other evening when she observed. "John, der, what is all this talk about contracting and expand ing th currency, and -which do you believe in J" "Well, my sweet," said John, pulling up his collar, " that depends on circumstances. In some cases I should advocate contraction of the currency, and in others an expan sion of it It is according to the circumstances -that is ,the oondi- iltiwoJFtfiingBV'r V r.'!-/"' * -, -"Bttfwbat is tbe diSerenoe <T>e- twead the two, and bow does cir cumstances affect them? That's what I want to know, John.?" 'dh, that's easy explained," said John, in a tone of .great cheerful ness. I " for instance when we - are alone we both ait on one chair, don't we]" . .'- "Yea." , : Well, that's contraction. But when we bear your pa or ma com ing wejg^fc on twoishairs, don't weP "Tshould say we did.".. " Well, my love that is expan sion, ! So you see it is according to on^mnaiwtoes," - " John>" aid she, very softly, burrowing.under bis ear,." we .. contracting now, ain't we 1" f * You bet," ?aid John wjth creased cheerfulness. are A-.C'TiOisr FREE PRESS, Those . *' THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HAtfON COUNTY, ONT., JULY 26, 187T. WonAerfal PRICES. ROUSING- SALE. TREMENDOUS BARGAINS, THE Great Slaughter at GOLDEN LION Only $1 a Tear The First Store in Upper Canada. . On Saturday, the 23d Of June, VV oommtneed bur Grand Annual Clearing &*! of all olautt of bummer Goods, to make room for immense Fall Importations from Great Britain, to purchase which our Mr. Williamson sails from Quabeo by the Allan Steamer of tbe 7th July. J WE DAVE DECIDED OK MAKING THIS The G-reat Sale of the Season. So that for the next six weeks our prices will W snoh as will more than gratify every buyer. The tale will embrace all Glasses of the choicest Summer goods, including Millinery, Mantles, PancyjOoods, very kind, I ; Shirtings, Tweeds, etc. In fact oar entire Summer Stock. We can only quote a few. particulars: Beautiful Colored Drew Silks for 50 cents, worth II. Choice Silk Mantles for $ 1.25, forth $5. Csshmere ManUejs for 76 cents, worth $3. All styles of summer Costumes at half-prioe, a handsome one for 91.50. Parasols at merely nominal figures; a fu'l-tited farasol for 37Jo. All 12JO Prints reduoed to 10c Summer Tweeds,* wonderful-bargain. Readymade Clothing at prices next to nothing. Muslins and Grenadines at 5c a yard arxaTTHnra xtsz on tss sAica soals. Townspeople and oountry people rally to the Grand bale at your Own 3tore do not bay a oent's worth elsewhere till you have seen our bargains, a glanoe at which will OOiiTinoe you that the Lion is the place at which to tpend your money. Come Early to tko Sale; Wo are Crowded Dally. In. Advance. Guelpb, Jane 26. 18 J. D. WILLIAMSON & CO; THE FREE PRESS PRINTING HOUSE. To Merchants and other Business Men in Acton, as well as throughout the County, the Free Press is an invaluable Advertising Medium. Our Unrivalled Facilities for Exeouting all kinds ot BOOK AND JOB PRINTINGr finable us to turn out work equal to anything done in the cities. .V SECORD BROS.. 9 W. STEWART CO 'Havo commenced opening therr j New Spring" Importations And in a few days will show the finest stock of FIRST CLASS C00D3 submitted for Inspection in Guelpb. Hpocial efforts have been 'made to show the newest Drtt Goods, Spring Jatkeit; Mantlet, Costumes, -j . Kid Glove*, ' j Hosiery, Lace Curtains, &fue(ing$, and Mourning Good*. OUR COTTONS wer# *J1 oontraoted for before the recent advance. Customers will bare the benefit. i - Goats' Department. In Cloths and Tweeds, M Drew Siirti, Ties, Collars, etc., . ... Stoek ot Felt Hats, inriting in styles ^.otojst v. W-: mty&&t JU5T RECEjVED, e~ K *~r Are-particularly and price. WM. 8TBWABT A Guelpb, March 6, 1877. CO. FOE THE &F{BJ3STGr TEJlDS Bought Low, and will be j' .' r - Sold at Prices never Heard of Before. Barrels Of White and RefinetlSugars, Syrups, Mola* ses, Vinegar,, Oht Meal, Com Meal, New Cur Oil Raw Oil, Japans, etc. rants, Prunes, Coal Oil, Borileu Spirits of Till pentine.JV arnish, POST OFFICE STORE A.OTQ3ST- The subscriber having again gone into the grocery business, would in. timate lhat he has always a full line of goods usually! kept in first class grocery houses, freshuand of the best quality, such as TIAS. Blacks Finest English Breakfast Conguo, Souohong, Oolong, : Flowery Orange Pekoe. Grkkks Moyune uun'powders, Silver Leaf tlunpowderS, Moybne Young Hysons Uhoolored Japans, Imperials,. Twankays Our teas are all selected for their superior drawing qualities Special discount on purchases over 5 lbs. COFMESL Our stock comprises the best grades ot. Old Government Java, Laguayra, Maraesibo, and Rio. Roasted and ground, daily, on the premises, thus retaining all the natural aroma and flaver of the berry. - COCOAS AND 0S000X.AT8S Taylor's Coooa and Chooolate, ; pp's Homoeonathlo Cocoa, Menier's Chocolates. BVOAaa. Befined, in Loaves, Cut Loaf. Dry Crushed, Granulated, Extra Ground, .Extra C, English Kefined grades, Demerara, Porto Rico. j Amber, Chewing, Soaey aal ByiUBa. iStaadaxl T08AOOOS8. Smoking, Cigars. JTlfcU Ittt SBZS9, , Valencia ttalstns. Layer Bai^iris, Loose Muscatel, Sultanas, Seedless, Vosttna Curranta, j -Black Patras do. iri cases selected Do. do. in bbls French Prunes, Tunis Dates., These goods are the Xleme Figs, ~ wis D finest ex. - 0ANNKD GOODS. Ca1iromis> Salmon, Portland Lobsters, French Sardines, Cove Oyster*,' Fresh MaekereU Ourtd Sams tad B*coa. ObMM aad Butter. Burnett's.Sxtnteti ft Ztaauo**. The Flnett Goods Manufactured.' Bom ei all IdatU. Pickles SAd Sauces. Mixed Plokles, Crosse 4 Blackwell's, Chowchpw, J'lccallII, Mushroom Caunp. Joan Ball Sance, Les 4 Perrin'a Worcnestersblre Saoce, Tomato Catsup. Favorite do- do, Yorkshire Relish, trench Mustard, FAEnTAOEOTJS GOODS. Carolina Klce. Arracan Rice. *earl Saro, Rio Tapioca Fearl Harley, Corn Meal, Oatmeal. SSSSSSjTj FRUITS Currants. Valencia oranges, Mt-sslna Lemons, Pineapples, Tnnls Dates, Bordeanx Walnuts, . Filberts, Almonds. SXS0UZX3 ft OOsfTSOSXOs^ZaT. Arrowroot. Wine, Bo4a, Abernetbr. Cream, Lemon, Butter, Boston, . Graham. Oyster cracker, New York (linger nuts. Ulng-er Snaps. Candles and Sweetmeats of all kinds. Cbsese, Batter, EsVs, Hope, Kegs Of Prunes, Soda, ^ ^1 Lead Colors of all kind*, etc. White Lepd. Cases, Boxes, Caddies and Sacks r Of Biscuits, Confectionery, Spices, Starch, Canned Fruit, Fish, etc.,;; Tobaccos, CiRaw. jtaisins,. Cheese, Soaps, Candles, Washiilg Crystals, Pickiiesj Jams, Jellies, Matches^ etc. Chesty, Caddies and Boxes , ! Of Voung Hyson, Gunpowder, Japan and Black Teas, ranging in price from 10 cent* upwards. The best value iu the county. '. Acton, March 14, 1877. SEC0ED BS0S. 0S00SSB7. China Sets, White stone tists, Flfored Stooe Sets, Cbarabsr Sets, Tee Plates, Bowls, Jellies. Platters, Bakers. - 4 And a roll line of other kinds. ' Mill Pans, Oream Crocks,- Butter Crooks, jugs,1 Flower Pols, Ae. Belling at the manafisolaren' prices. GLASS-WABJC. . Tamblsrs, Goblets,; Prepare;for the Dry Weathetl, GET A PAIR OF NEW BOOTIl CRAINE & mp*. Lamp t?l____ Qlass Plates: Olui Sets, f, FruitJai|s((W,#o.v , ,, . ' Insrestvariety ;9Q99PZAAXSOT78. R01 Tub?. Falls, Brooms, Wi " - - - *s,W__________ Patent Medlcinrs, 'ashboards, Brushes. *c Wire and wooden Bsskeu. five Stuflh.' ', School Books, ported otufwis ntvns amb vegb- TA8UM. ' Peaches, Pears, Cherries) Pineapples,- Strawberries, Sueootash, Green Peas, Cora, Beans, Tomatoes; Besides many other articles in season, not here mentioned. HIT Cheap for Cash or Trad*. a., lft JAWtes MATTHEWSI. Acton, June, 1877. -; Stationery,__________, . Purses, Wallets. School Baas, Speetaelesy VloUdSif^^ -. Violin StHnks, Briar Pipes.' Faney Goods, Combs, *c. Bdaeleas Codfish, Herrings, Oysters in can and bulk In season. Conveyanoer, Com. in Insurance Afent, &c. Q- B., Issuer of Marriacfe Licensea, Havls now it* stock a splendid assortmsnt of 1^- Smtable for the S}irjami|r Seaeaott-'. '-'A W i.1! Sizes and Styles from the very - .-| .-'....- 1 - - PRICES AS LOW A$ THE EOW|p Special .4tteie^ (kHv^ prdeyef Kevatrlssgr PrWsnptly Attended ttWr '- . - ^CBLAnS3?> Acton, Mayob 13, Ie.77.- - r- l M. m-: %r.

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