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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 26, 1877, p. 3

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>. THE FREE r reek& |ttesai*j.wiii tWec ' eEU WM* TIM YAM*. * uAibwa lt04a,m. -*\, A. SO p. in. Ifed-". - 7:07 p.m. "^ ooiNt: east. n*iSa - 9.10 a.m. Westers ] " ' 5-20 pro. j^oasaised - - - 10:10 p.m. ACTON, HALT6K CGtNl^, 3NT., JULY ! S6, 1877, NBW ADVERTISEMENTS. {Svio Holiday Village of Acton. gjwiUlty Sale John Hosg ft Son. fury's Meadow Lark again.viotorioua, t1eerng$al*-j- ft. Williamson * Co. LOCAL MATTERS. ^Harvest OU. l' J.Tnr busy. -. 4-3Vhew ! nw ho* ! .-Raspberries are ripe.' __Cherries arts plentiful. _Fall wheat very good. _-0r.pt are looking firy. Picnics are in order now. The country looks mairtnncaot. Dr.Tvoa. Who stolo the church beef from Mr. Ryder's cook store Friday night t Did anybody feci hungry at the ire hours' begging meeting on Sunday? fWucesaW 'odred yards; I'ewleft. N6H. . - f s>dfc.^t* . &ico - 4 ^V JWISli* Factory er*fceJM* sttck for >k* bst saatriai. iron* &**** |me to seesre jjveh to' .oppoHi^ Farmers, you can save money by buying your Dye stuffs at the Modi, cat Hail. Actcn. . " Why is advertising like" the religion o a camp-meeting !" " Because it is good* to all in-tents ! and purposes _to mikcfOQ known of all ra^n "-, ,__ ^ j : Combs, Brashes and S.pi in j . gmt variety at J. E. McGaxvin's Hall of Pharmacy. Fait, -: We plant and the crop grows ; but we do not harvest it nntji the end oi the season. Most people luck too soon for the effect of advertia- >s- ' - .' Holiday in Acton on Friday of next week. ' Elder Hortxog will preach in the KsSple Church on Sunday 29th, at 11 a. m. and 6 p. m. Xassagaweya Township show-] at BrookviUo on Friday- 2Sth Septejr- Ker. Eramosa; at Uoekwood oil Tues day 9th October Esquesing at George- town on Wednesday 10th October.r .' -; Friday, August 3d, is to be. : obeerveri in Acton as a civic holiday. ' Arraagcxzirzits are being made for an excursion and picnic at Burlington Beach, near Hamilton, on that day. Two big egsrs, each measuring 7; by 6-j :cche3, :i the product of a htu T>Kn*d by Mr. Nicholas Forbes, at Crewion's Comers. W are ico^ueittd ' to put them in the Feu Peess, but they are too large. They-may be;Sten at thi office, however. ^ . You can get Dye sfufis 20 rx r ipent below Guelpli or Torvu^n pricci it tfce Mdica! Hail, Acton. Why do' you not keep kool when you can^get a cheap fan at the Medical Hall..Aston. _ . The Medical Hall, Acton, is- somewhat noted for cheap drugs and Dyeltnfa. You can gt school bopks.upte paper 'and 'envelopes, and half dime sittsic. st the Medical Hall, Acton. -^V-Full ranges of Sugars at the Glasgow House, where you can get the faaoua 5(te Tea, aold in 5 lb. lota at *5c. See those Fancy Dr<s Muslins, , only "i per yard new ahd in MaSOa. J -J^nBt received a large consign- ! meat of the celebrated KentuckyrMa- chine Oils, far better than seal or ele- phaut oils, snd much cheaper. Also .Castor Oil ior wuona. Ahd a la* oi that excellent 50c Tea. SacoRD Bros, j Spcciai discount on Reatjy. made Clothing to clear out balance of stock at:Christie, Henderson tto'i, Acton Where you get the famous 50 ct. tek " The Ladies will please ask for 10 yds of their Fancy Dress Muslins, only 7i cs. smithing by Mr. R. Fiahar. Tho (urnl- toira was supplied by iaasara, Burr 4 Skinaer, Gttelph. TSa uaiivtcs*, rc Religious services wero hold on Satur day and Sunday, with largo audiencM on each occasion. An axcalicnt dinner was provided iu tho basement by the ladies, on Saturday, and a tea an the Timing, both, or which Trar* well pit. roniwd. The opening services on Saturday- were conducted by Rev. Dr. Ives, of Auburn, N. Y., assisted by Rova. Messrs. Unswprth, Hobbs and Davics. Dr. Ives preached an interosjtingsermon from Romans. 12 : 1. " I beseeeh you, brothrcnv by the morcios of God, that yo present your bodies a living sacrifico, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable sacrifico." Ho pro-, coadod to make a practical application of tho words of tha text, and showed by, plain facts that roan cannot sin against ,God without feeling tho effocts in btdy aa-well as in mind. The wicked do not live out half thoir days. A happy state of -mind, hi illustrated, tends to physi cal health' and long life. God wants people to tako care of thoir bodies as well as their souls. We havo all heard of disembodied spirits, but he had not yet heard that any or all of them had ever dona any good. Tho apostle refers to the whole man soul, body and spirit, to be a living sacrifice. It was a great mistake that all God wants was the heart. Ho wants the whole man the intellect. The entire animal must be offered up, cleansed with blood! ~ We are required to come out to bo set apart and to conduct ourselves with a fooling of sanctity. Referring to the church, he said, it was a house to be sanctified, to be set apart for a spoeial purpose fur the purpose . of worshipping God. Here we should meet to consecrate ourselves to~God while we have physical strength pre- sent ourselves a "living sacrifice." We should .give our hearts to Christ early " Remember thy Creator in' the days of thy youth." Speaking of the early conversions of the most active christians, he mentioned that the aver age age of conversions of persons in the christian ministry was thought to be at about 1-J years. God honors those who early consecrate themselves to him. No Pian can serve two masters can't serve both God and Satan ; there was no middle ground. The sacrifice must be a "voluntary act ;' it cu only be accepted as we come in the nnmo of the Lord. We must render our service .in the name of the Lord. The Dr. then [proceeded to ejthibit the motive which impelled us to make sacrifices, to pro mote the happiness auil pleasures o< others. It should be a pleasure to givc,- especially so when there was a prospret of reaping a rich reward. It was but a n-ajauablt: sacrifice that was askedi ?>omc men say they have nothing but their health. Well, this is everything. What would many men worth thous ands, give for health ! He related a J number of incidents in bis own experi ence, where poor persons with nothing but their hands to depend upon for their daily braij were eager to make acrince in order to give money toward building .houses for the Lord. We should .ill cultivate a spirit of gratitude, and make reasonable sacrifice. Let us to-day reconsecrate ourselves to God. He concluded with the fervent hope that a gracious revival should spring up and that this beautiful little church should be the scene of the consecration of many a heart to God. The services having been brought to. a close, by singing and prayer, a large portion of the audience adjourned to the basement When an excellent dinner was furnished by the ladies of the conre- gation. In :the evening, addresses wero de livered by Revs. Messrs. Hobbs, of Acton, Wood of Toronto, Unswbrih of Georgetown, and Dr. Ives. The subject of giving liberally towards 'the building fnnd was the chief th_eme dwel t upon by the several speakers, prepara tory to a systematic appeal on the . fol lowing day. Collections were taken up at the close of each service, which we learn amounts in all to about $li50. SWEEPING SAL Enormous Reduction in Prices, The Grand Cheap Clearing Sale of the Season NOW GOING ON AT THE FASHIONABLE WE8T END C3-TJE1IjEBL Entire stock of Silks, Poplins, etc., reduced to 30 per cent. Entire stock of Fancy Dress Goods reduced 50 per cent ' Entire stock of Plain Dress Goods reduced 20 per cent. . Entire stock of Costumes reduced 50 per cent. Entire stock of Shirts and Shirtings reduced SO per cent. Entire stock of Shawls and Mantles reduced 60 per oent. Entire stock of Laoe Shawls and JaokeU half price. Entire stock of Trimmed Millinery riduoed to half price. Entire stock of Untrimmed Goods reduced 25o each. Entire stock of Flowers, Feather* and Wings half pries. . Entire stock of Small VTares regardless of cost. Entire stock or Cotton Goods at mill prices. Entire stock of Shirtings, Tickings, etc., cost price. Entire stock of Tweeds at cost price. Entire stock of Coatings at cost price. - Entire stock of English and American Prints, oost price. Entire-tock of Table Linens, cost price. Entire stock oT Flannels, coat price. Entire>itock of Underclothing, coat price. M&- Uur entire stock has been reduood and will bo sold. Wo are determined to clear out every piece ot goods if prices, will do It. Intending purchasers will please remember The Grand Clearing Salo of the Season. 1 tar These Goods must be Sold." A. O. BUCHAM, Fashionable West End Dress, Millinery and Mantis F-tabllshment._ Quelph, July 4, 1877, , J THAT W0NDEREULL 4 TP.ADE MARK THE GOLDEN MA.K, OUR SPECIALTY Has proved to be the Greatest Success, SALE of the Season, And we may add that it has stimulated us to renewed efforts to place be- Ai neariv : i fore the publlo I *' Special Lines of Goods each week During the Remainder of the Season BIE8I Iton't fall lo secure a NEAT SUMMER DI7ST2E fpLEXLAWSON MILLS. Having thoroughly repaired our Mill, and put in a new j middlings Purinor, we are now prepared to give a bet ter yield of flour than formerly, with quality quite as good. - ; GRISTING AND CHOPPING .- promptly attended to. The patronage of ttie publie re- spectfuily solicited. The, highest price always paid for any quan'.ity of wheat- " A quantity of seed barley for sale G. & K. TOLTJjN. Acton, April 10,1S77. . 41-3m CHURCH DEDICATION. __ sjpwPM - [aws/*"-***" y*r will h* rie^sjrias**1 *,#** **: ?*** ,J,e*tes '{HOSBGB- J i Zion 'Comrrefiratioiial Church Completed the entire cost provided .for and Formally T>ediCcvteal:by I>r- Ivea. 1 TIVZ HOCB JIEETIKO OS 8TJSDXT. Tear Tkosajs4 Dollars Smb*rte. Wien St few individuals undertook hut fall to erect a brick church for th Congregational worshippers in this vil lage, they contemplated spending only some $4,000, and even this was general ly considered a ram which would not be , raised without considerable difficulty. ' And now that the building is completed and furnished, the total cost, including "sheds and-fencing, foota up to about *7,O00. Many people were heard to ex- press very grave doubts ehout^the pos- . sihility of;securing' contributtona suffi- rieut to provide for the payment of this amount.?. But through the 'indomitable energies of the Rov. I>r. Ives, of Au burn, y.Y.t the Doilding committee are at 'coco relieved of all anxiety in the matter. Tiff whole um has been' nb- cribed, and-the money irill n all pro- hahuity be. duly paid, The church, which is built of brick, with stone base- **nt, prseents a very neat and comfor- table appearance, both inside and out. ' .ft is nicely finished, in the most modern trie, wd Altogether reflects credit on . the taste and enterprise of the building eetgatrttes and the ]various contractors. ~The brick work was done by Messrs. Clark ft Cadwell, the carpentering by Hr. John Cameron; tho plastering by ? ' Messrs. Loxier & Gelding, paintiDg and flaring by Mr. M. Cooper,-and the th.- A FIVS-HOCRS MEBTISO. On Sunday, s erviccs commenced. at 10:30 a. m. by Dr. Ives, and was con tinued without intennision for five full hours. After preaching an eloquent 'sermon from Hob. ix: 22, he : made an earnest appeal for subscriptions to cover the balance of the debt on the church, before proceeding to its dedi cation. The entire cost of the edifice with necessary appurtenances was esti-.' mated at $7000. Of this sum only about $3000 had been provided for: by' the building committee. There yet re-' mained $4000 which he proposedTshonld he raised by liberal subscriptions, ; He suggested j that ten' persons subscribe $200 each; the balance to be made__np in smaller sums. The task was a hard one, bat it was. fully accomplished be fore the appeal closed. The church was then formally dedicated ;by Dr. Ives, assisted by the other ministers present. I -rjyEBSTEK-s UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY For the School Room. 3400 Engraving* $ 1840 rages Quarts A NEW FEATURE To the 3*10 IllustraUons1 heretofore In Webster's Unabridged we have added four pug- s of I COLORED' IIXISTKATIOMI, engraved expressly for this work at large eipeme. ! ' Nearly every RUvte Superintendent ol Public Instruction In the Union, or cor responding ffleer, wber*. *uch ah one exist*, nasrecomm -ntled Webstcr> Dic tionary In the strongest icims. Amopg th^m are ^nosc of Kt^tprn, Vorth'ern, Mlildlr-, Bontbern and Western mates, Twenty-eight In nil. | STATE PrBCHASES. | The Slate of New York hiw llrtred 10,0*0 copies In as mariy of her Pubdc He^ool. Tho State of Wisconsin, about 6000, nourly every t*chool. TMe Slate or New J every School. The Slate of Michigan, made piovlnlon tor nil her Schools. ! The State or Mauaehnsettsbassupplled her Schools. nearly all. The State of Iowa has supplied her Schools. J The Sinte of Connecticut bas rood* pro vision for hr Schools Over 30UO Schools in Indiana were sup piled during the year 1872, aDd many each year slncf. i ' In other Slat's many oples have been j>nr:liael for supplying Schools of oltlcs, counties and towns What better Investment can be made lor Schools 7 j Moro tnab twenty limes as many are sold of Webster's Dictionaries, as;ol any th**r -eries In this country. At least four-fifths of all the Bcbool Books published In this country own Wehgteras taelr stannard, and or;tbe re mainder, few acknowledge an BtaQdardy. Published by i C. *% C- HEKBIAM, 49 Sprlcgfleld, Msss. LIST OF MUSIC BOOKS Sold wholesale and retail by John Anderson Bookseller, Quelph. Burrowes' Pianoforte Primer. Jousse's Musical Catechism. Bertini's New Method for the Piano. Clarke's New Method for the Piano. Hunton's Piano Forte School,. , Howe's Finxo without a Master. ! Richardson's New Modern School. . Gitro'a Parlor Organ. Silver Wreath (Vocal). 109 different Music Books. A Big Discount on all MUSIC BOOKS AT ANDERSON'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE On the^East side of Wyndham Street, guelPh. At prices that must command the attei tlon of every intending purchaser. ent The greater portion of the goods that we have been offering this week have been sold, only a few of the higher prices in Costumes, Dusters and Skirts remaining, these will be oleared out at a I STILL GREATER REDTJCTION. one'half the original price. We willofler seat week faeUonsble | , and seasonable goods. Wnite lyvoe* Stripe Maslins st 1ZJ cents, fcrnMrlf ij oenU, WhfU Lace Stripe Muslins st 15 cents, formerly 30 oenti. "White UhecklStfipe MoJlins at *H prioes.. White Marsellfes 124 cents, wonderful value, Bltck Plain GreiMdlnf. Black Check (Jrenadine*. ?lack batin Stripe Grenadine. - Black Check Silk end Wool Grenadine, beautiful goods. Patronise itha mosrk entoTpisinjr store iaQtieTph< -JOHN HOGG tl SON, ' -' <! Alma Block, Upper Wyndham Street, Quelsdj, STOCK- a' x SALE! , ~' " . I : ' ! -- - ' . The MAMMOTH beg ^o annoiinca that they have commenced their 1 -fijirLual Summer Olearing Sale And in order to reduce their immense stock before Stock-Taking, GREAT BARGAINS WILL1 BE GIVEN. The Public will have a choice out of one of the finest stocks ever import* ed. The stock is even now over It50.000, and'as we never advertise anything but what is bonaBde, you may depend upon getting the CHEAPEST 1 ' 1 t/r- GOODS YOtf EVER SAW tito irill commence Jersey, l-5?0 enrljr PLANING MILLS AD mo FARHERS. Now' is the time to improve your stock. The first prize bull.Sia Wil liam Tkmpl*. the THian, j83),jgot by Sir William Temple [2296], dam Diana by Red Prince [602]i will serve cows on the premises of the undersigned! durinp the season. Terms, Thorongh-brei cows $4.00; Grade cows $1.50. | JOEL LESLIE. . Lot No. 5, 1st cob. Erin, April 4, 1877. 40-3m Christie,' H enderson & Co. are stock-taking, and offer rare inducements in job lines. A call solicited at once- Ask to gee:thoe Fancy Drsss Muslins, only 7Jc per yard, wide width. Christie, Henderson & Co. this week open a line of Fancy Dress Maslins, wide width, only 74c per yard well worth 20c: Ten yards will make a full dress at only a cost of 7Gc. The goods are new and just in season. Who would be without a new dress. Destlxrr. - 8, L. Peer, Dentist, will visit Actcn on too first Thursday of each month. Office at Agnew's Hotel, v- I,, IP ^aHf.TisrfnV CONSUMPTION CURED Pnrop, Sash, Door and Blind Fnetoryt THOMAS EBBAQE, Manufacturer of "Window Sashy Doors. Venetian Blinds Sffonldings, And'otherBalldlnKReqaisites -r Also Maker of Z2CPS0VS9 SVOTZOXT PtTMPS - ct m T<S*isU ttu, ConfHtnjXian, ^ttthma, JBroncfx Isd&l Cars r*r .*srrrms Uo an___ JStttTS ssdTUdl_____ ___itr snS sn Hsmai lag BMioiutur twt>e rsn la UMnMsaSi otesstt, U knevs 10 his mBVtIpi thu mottn uUt raUTS assum nrAriaf, .. Or CHiSSfctarsuvKBdsiin vttataadineUoni lor rv wlss. Stat by re witb tump, esalsg UU espsr. Da. a STEVCttg,___ par- . - Box 86, Bsooirroxs, Out. -*' sSkrlsc fsitowa jjeta. IxsOerMstaf As wo want money, press Goods at 5 cents, worth 25 cents. Prints at 4 cents. Cottons at 5 cents. Shirtings at 10 cents, Worth 20 cents. All wool Tweeds at 50c, worth SI. j Cottonades at 20o, worth 37Jc. Brown Denims at 12i cents, worth120 cents. - ' i i Gents' Straw Hats to bo slaughtered at a quarter and half their prices. Beautiful Colored Silks at 55 cents,1 worth at wholesale $1.00. Black Silk at 75c, worth $1.25, A Black Lustre at 25c, usual price 50c. Ready-made Clothing, groat bargains to be given to effect a clearance. MILLINERY & MANTLES Al| fiALF PRICE. And a large lot of LADIES' HATS at 5 and 10 cents each. CARPETS- at 10 p6r cent off. The above is an enumeration of a few articles and gives you a faint idea of the Great Reduction in Prices. This will be the Most Searching and Thorough Clearing Sale wa have ever held. The whole stock is reduced, and whoever will be kind enough to sail on us with their money will be amply repaid for their trouble. The Sale -will begin on the Fourth of July, And will continue one month from that day. GentH don't Forget our Ordered Clothing Depart ment and Gents' Furnishings. i We turn out the Haidsomeat, Cheapest and Best made Suits in the Dominion. Great bargains will be given in the above Department likewise. * . Patronage Is Respectfully Solicited. Cluristie, & Co. Having during the past week, taken advantage of The Immense Slaughter Sales at Toronto* - i ' M' - . j are enabled to offer the dHEAPESTv LOT July 3, 1877. McL0D, ANDERSON & Co., JIAMMOTfl HOtlSE. OBORGETQWN. OF SEASONABLE GOODS Ever Brought into Acton.- All new, fresh, and comprising this Spring*t Im "v.1 portations.. Lumber Planed and Dressed to erde in the best manner. 19* All work guaranteed. | Acton, Jan. ,1876,; 1 i '% 1 vi \'ki To the 'WrrKlu *JIs. W are now prepared u> furnish all classes wltn oou- aia.Lt employment at home, the whole of the;time, or lor their spare moments. Business new, light and profitable. Per* sons'of either s"X easily earn from W cents to 09 per, evening;, and a proportion-' ai sum by devoting tbelr whole time to' the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as rouohas men. That all wbo see tbfs notion may send their address, and test the business we make this unparalleled oftr: To such as are not well Satisfied we will send one dollar to pay for the trouble of writing. Fall particulars, samples xortb ievoral dollars to commence work on, and a copy of Home and Fir( side, one of the largest and best Illastrrted Publl cation*,all sent free by mall. Header; If you want permanent, profitable work, addressGnonCEfiTI.HSOS*CO.,FOTtland, . Maine. { BAST END CLOTHING STORE. The undersigned in tendering their sincere thanks to their numerous patrons for the liberal support with which they have been favored in the past as members of the late firm of Diokson & McNab, would beg leave to call attention to "their j Speing stoqe; Which this year is larger and better assorted than ever, comprising a large . assortment of TWEEDS Scotch, ^English and Domestic '"" * Manufacture. The patterns ate the choicest in the market. Our_stook in BATS AND GENTS' FTJUNISEINQS Is well assorted and at low prices. Cottons, PrtntSy and Staple Dry Goods At prices that cannot fail to satisfy everybody. We- respectfully Invite an Inspection of our goods. ~.^ *.. . FYPE &McNAi. Acton, Apjii 17. J87T, r Instance the following: 3127 yards of Ameriaan Prints at 5o, worth do. . 2113 yards of American Printa at"cVs, worth 10a. 1000 yarda of liiglish Printa st 10c. worth 16. ; : "r 100 dosen Canada ^krawEtats at 8c. ~ 40 doisea Sunshades,10c up. 60 dozen Kid Gloves, Very choice, Worth $1.35, for 80*"'" Dress Goods from 10c up. r j Parasols at all prices. OUR MILLINERY ROOM I Is now.complete with, all the novelties of the * son, at our popitlar low cash prices. ' ' Call Early and e* ' ^ . TERMS CASH AMD AMAIX' FBOIITSsl CHH1STIE, SSNDERSON * 00, Aoton, April 20,18K. irf' Hi ;l - I ^ i^. i^.- mt'

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