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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 14, 1877, p. 3

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'*; sk-. TUX Mi riM: taiiu. Tr*iwl*v Acton i * follows : T THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT JUKE 14, 1877. 9* i .oire LE col NO \> M, !' SijM.-KtprcM fbronW mail l>,,v toprosa KiprtM ooiNo r.|5r. Jusht Express G*5t mixed r Pav Kxpross. - Western m.vr - London mixed - liO-IiCm.*: 0.10 .v. lit..' l.'i" p.m. .V'.'Op.m. 7:07 p.m. -3:38 a,m. 51:10 a. in. 11:34.tin. .V.-0p.m. 10:10 t..m. Strav Steers John WhtsSn WLhito (i.v>ds~A..'0. Hucliam. XoV Oiwvries Servant Oirl Wnntt-d njt a Karm ]{or.?o. LOCAL MATTERS. Stock 5>6seri ccJ- -- j. ick store' tctaoneers. MNS1 June is said to w " the year's Bost perfect month." Milton is to have a new-town b*li weighing 400 poui ids. --- ' ~ The Baptist Chi ipel will be re-/ open oh Sunday, 24th i nst. _. . McNair's old i itand is being rtmi.vlcL.Hl ami ritbad up for a drug itore, for Xrr.-J.':E. Mc Garvin. A church without ft Strawber ry festival nowadays e.-ai hardly bo said to/b fellillinj-its mission, - . r' sThe brst value in the market {s Christie, Henderson Tho following amounts havo' bootvgnuited wiobin tho last fort night, by.wayiot bonus, to the HamiUon-^ Nofth-westem Rail way, upon couditiion that the Com panyBlmO eotnploto their lino to Giencairri by tjio close of the present- year. Tho village of Allia- ton gives SS,000,i tho township of AdjaUi 82,.r)0O, bksn 2,500, Mul- ninr Sf',000 and iTosorontio J?10,- 000, in 11 2S,000. Mr. J. \V. I)oVr,- of. Afilton, lias been appointed Duputy judge for Ilalton, and !\j.r. -S, J.jhno, of Owen Sound, 1ms boon appointed Deputy Judge fori U ivy. " In tin. Court of tjneen's Hom-li in Toronto on Saturday, the appli cation >v;is grnntejl for ft criminal information ngainlst tho publishers of the Surma Cititmlhni for a li belous statement; reflecting .on the Premier. ^-Tho MiTtorxi Champion says that the indicatioris of a Cousorva- tivpjreaction in the county of Hal- ton must be rather discouraging to the party, if tho {condition of tho press may bo takcin as a critorion. ; Leas than two years ago there were three rapid Conservative organs : The Oakville -}rt7.-~, the Milton J\ . undone Go. Tho Ai"7iis was t >: te.a. Sold in 5 lb. Hots at 4<h:. f' Tiwo of J.tines MeGuire's fin gers were badly d.-imf.^ed in- a stave machine, at Coat el' ft The doctors .lo t Co.'s famous I ffom.t-he liehl, the. and cucumbers for a re--i-Mr. John-P. i yesterday to attend tl lirar.d hodce K. o: delegate iron: the .-Veto: -fjn KockwooJ, tl wiU;be celebrated with :-otown JJcrahl. l> lii-st to retire .Vfvr.-- next died premature deatb, ami. the Ihrahl C T. HILL HURRAH! HURRAH'I * ' vou tub BJEST PHOTOGRAPHS ..H-... has now iltlgccl pivprietors avowi[g their uitention swliole attention land living in- jry oa Tuesday., i of devoting their k for^nxl to V l0C;l1 :,"llUfrs. hai'nts, tho new the tirao cf crea-ap-pW,, ^tcrmel^a ! dvpendont of politiixk \ The Conser- iv.il0nmS-nes3."lVa.t,Ve' lurt-V, ,f l?'lUn 1S 110W L-tmrepixv-ented bv : ;a Single news- cord started : j,;i[,ei-. Jc j, ecSiiT-n of thV1, : , _ j . r . A Poor bTF.c! A farmer in ; Missouri township bought a lo.id of , . ipoUtoe? in St. Mary's-at $1.25 per e.lirat of July | b;i?i dlt>w ^ tolLondonand told ^aruir*. as L^hIe Mill Street, ACTON, DEALER IN Orocorloa, 1 Orochjoxy, Soota 5; Sboos, ^"all Papor, "Wiadovr Blinds, ' Nftilq, CHass, PuU7i Linsood Oil. Paints, Turpoatluo. '-[ Coal Oil, Salt, otc, i ! All of whi^Ii Will bo sold low for cash, BOOTS an(i SHOES Selling off at cost* Also agent for tho RUBBER PAINT COMPANY Of Cleveland, Ohio. . . t-ash for Hides. . tetmi, July IS, 1876, t games, a-p:u:cr ; at'-81 j.er ba?. He lost two days acd & drama, full particulars of which j work""tTd 810 over the si>eculation, posters, -" i and givw so sick over it that a doo- s. bv-law will ! tor had "to be called iu. 1 i ' i - to raise 7000 i A St'AK-E. Whije tho Bishop of axe ancouiieed hy large -I-a Georgetown. shortly 1 e Tot<d urnin lor.the.jvirrose of I'mvljasin^ the Mar- | Huron wa holding a confirmation ket Square and erectiSigja town hall. j on \Vedursday mon)i:ig~ at Thorn- :___Tiie prmcinul -business at the " dale, the' pl.itfornl'. on which the ] rounding neighborhood _ttiat ho has ' "" atio/of ! candidates weie'stiated pavo" way, ! procured ft magnificent UEAliSE rri Tho undersigned begs leave to inform the people of Acton and sur " CouEty Council was the e<iualizat the i.*essm>'!it ri>IU._ The striking-of | - the rite will be dune ati a sp-.-cial meet- in .to be convened-hy the Warden. A_jiut>iber of farmers in this neieal-oriioou have alresady conmcijccd CTitliDi.' Lav. Teii are iu full blsi<>iii;- and rye is well headed out. All.[this" intiicates that the stasoii is. nearly 'two' iiceks in advance of what.it n'sually is. The Vkkv J_A^E3T.i^-Ci.riatie, Hcr.'icrs. r. & Co; are .laiiyi by' express A adding zo their Mil'iuary Sujw Komui. j ---Everyriling new and- nice. , -Yosi can always ^rly oa getting the.-very. latest. .-> The auction SKif ot drv "ooJm . ia McNair"? new hribk store 'coes on :0VE DEPOT. Sc ^ lerctu Mmdt ^: iir!d~patroiir to tbett. and te stock of: 'Jspannei |chepfr than- |r*cMJtTT. pnreitfim* jiictt, most P* made op 1*7 iti6d tks* jg proxBp0/ : JOHKSON. 40-3at, , l - "". h . Y, Sib ff|>,. ' (7(83); g**'^:.". I", dam.I>i*> " igned WsiOTC/af&l'V 11.50. ^ Bitjxn. Enn. , aiid they were : prj-cijlitated to the i floor; Xp one was seriously injur ed, ukhougb- con4ide?ably fright ened. . | j - i. ' - .Fi-scn.lL FLOwtns. Flowers at funerals ard jjettin|g out of data in tho - Urge citics.j For the last mouth in nearly ejvery number "of the leadiiig dailyi papers in New York some pf the death notices conclude with thei words, " friends am r< nd flowers." One of the d.ii!y papers oh Thurs day contained six such notices. At Qup/en Victoria's lastdraw- iiig-room a lady attracted consiiler- ;oes on H|;je attention by the remarkable Bea:-]y .very n!fc-hr. . The-e is a larKe. [ eoml,.;naI.iou of ^^ in hel. drefa_ qnantotyof ood g.K^ds to l,e sold yet, I gjie ,. ilk allof whichmustle dose-d ou. in ;;| triuimed with black laCe. With .icw.tiays. .^ .js tiiie wore a i train of brocaded _ A friendly game of l*M Iwlb ! aatin.-of a striking vivid yellow / agori Acton. arri&ge |* , ' I - Lnd- Wagons. Iproptfly t' -I was played ou the Live Oak grounds last Satcrday between the " >*assac.a- weyaCiab" and "Live Oaks" of-.tha Scotch Block, resulting in favor of the latter by a score of 11 to 5. Mr. P. S. Armstrong informs Hi that he his just been adding, up the muH of his milk basinejs, for the past two years, and finds a total of 17,730 quarts sold.', also tliat he has ruaxfe a littl-over TOO lbs,.'of bntter from-.the sVrpliiS milk. . Hq hasj.kept, ou 1the average four cows, giv.'irg. milk. He ays that if he ' had a few more cut' tomers, so that -he conld sell about \j6 tjaarts a day, he could afford' tb rediSce. ';the price to four cents per quart. By anoyersight, we have hith erto omitted- to j mention that the Georgetown Herald had changed hand*, i -Mr. Stairei Bold crct m. fe-iw -weeits ago tpl Maprs, McPonaltV* Diltt, and we now cotSce that .the firm has already been dissolved, and. that the paper it being eanducted by Mr. Sylrester Dilts. The new proprietor disavows allegiance to either of the leading political parties, _as& states his intention of devoting tho paper mainly to local matters.- In dependent7 newspapers are constantly . becomingmore and more popular hi the 1 "estimation^ of the ""reading, public. We eongratala.tB the Herald on.its casting o3[ the shackels of partyism. Xcib^diit Conference- Th ^oimsterial appointments for the " Oae^h District mak* several -changes in tEs vicinity. Mr. Eiehard Hohbs, "a newly ordained minister, is appointed for Acton, and llr. Calvert goes to the London circuit Mr. Wilkinson, of Kaasagaweya, rocs to Fergas, and his Pl&ce-'isto be takai by Mr. D. Mc- enne. In Eopkwood ilr. Atijd re- . laaini another year. For Erin, Joa. A. Lever and , J. W. Freemani For Georgetown; Hugh McLean. !: 'esUrals. = " - . J5as "v Tea Meeting by> the Baptist Congre- gstion on the 25th. Bazar and Social by the English Church congregation-p'n theiSth. /Strawberry Festival by the &>ns of Temperance on the 1st of July. -lhe following paragraph in*he Milton Otamphn, is all true- aha" well deserved: . , "Mr. Eobert Agnew, the popular Proprietor of the Dominion Hotel,. Ac : j^??"' reeetiy added Rreat improve , T*1**0, aiB premues, in the shape of ~S "dioa driving shedt-iwhich, with ? _nu.stables, are arranged m the form of A"- JL!ia?rc around the neatest gravelled tlje county. "His hotel is a green, edged with a broad ruching of velvet of the iame color. And is prepared to attend aiid con duct Funerals on the (shortest notice and most moderate terms. Cinktt*, Comns, Burial Hvbcs, And all kinds of Funeral Furnish- iniB kept in stock, and supplied on the shortest notice. Hat-Bands and loves supplied when required.-. JOHN SPEIGHT. Acton, Feb. 10, 1S77. ' '. ,--r,"^r < %:J*i :.-:.t,3 in the County, at Tho Ontario Fhotoffrapb Oaizory For Beauty of Finish and BriUlaii- cij in Tunc, they cahilot be 0urpasted. COPYING & ENLARGING Ii> all its brandies, in tho heat stylo of the art,-done on tho shortest notice and at reasonable rates. vtlno n splendid stock erf Mouldings and 1 lct'uro frames kept on hand ana made ti) order. A call is solicited and you will bo convincod that this-is the plnco to got photographs. Yours rospectfully.- 0, \V. HILL, ^oton, Dee. 6, 18*6. 1 ,i' " ' i QNTARIO SADDLERY, -A.OT02SJV The subscriber takes this opportunity of thanking his numerous' customers for for the very liberal patronage given him the past year, and would state that it is his motto to do a Square and Honest Business as heretofore, and hopes to retain tho same . liberal appreciation from the public. All orders entrusted to my care will bo ATTENPKIt TO WITH PItOMPT.VESS. As none but Good Workmen are Employed, Parties can rely on getting a good arti cle and as cheap as good work can be done for. Repairing Done with Neatness COLLARS A SPEOIAX.TT. E. CREECH. Acton, Feb. 14, 1877. THAT WONDERFUL MAINL TRADE MARK THE GOLDEN.MAN, Our Spring and Summer Stock MILI^HERT Is now fully in and opened up. BOTTOM PRICES ARE *s*m- *m m -.,__. *h.e atfrijiration of the ladies of town and country, and in addition we make* OXiiiX ASKSJJ. t ft specialty to cut down prices ^n this department to a vaiy fine th W, thereby enabling ladies lo drove) *----- - - - ....... very low figuro, ATTRACTIVE STOCK An attractive stock of Black SUke all prices, all qualities,'and at prices that are below anything in the trade[. " We Colored Dress Silks in plain and,brocaded, choap. Beautiful Brocaded Silks at 60 cents per yard. Fancy Dress Goods We hato now on exhibition a full stock of all th ftoritis fn" Millinery, Our styles in ladies' and children s Trimmed Hats cannot fail to commaiirl OF SILKS, have an immense variety of and our prices are amazingly Department. at 50 cents per WE aJBQtrBST When we feel confident that the utmost satisfaction will be gir td In this Department wo show tho most attractive goods in the toWf s*urgJ>at n3' ^^Y mention that w do not offer old staffotbaafcrupV indeed our variety of styles, oolors, fabrics and prices, cannot fail to meet ' - . . the approbation of all. MANTLES AND JACKETS. We BhoW SOttlO of the prettiest goods in this line to be found, and it will bo to tho advantage of every tody requiring the newest styles in material and mak'o to pay us a visit. Our stock of Mantles and Jackets consists of Black Silk, plain Black- Cloth, Black Maltalasso Cloth. Cashmere-Cloth. Tho above are nil this season's importations, and really beautiful goods. Our Ooods are DEPARTMENT an- elegant trimmed hat or bonnet at a 200 dozen Best Colore J Kid Gloves, two Buttons, pair, ju^t half priee, AN BAELY CALL. all New and Souad. j^crroisr. One pint off kerosene oil and five'giillons. of water put in a sprink ler will knock the spots otic of po tato bugs, current and cabbage worms. Tho mixture should be thoroughly mised before applying : >Tew put awayi the hclebore, ^-Vnd'cease to foo] with I'aris green ; . Potato baija aiid currant wunns Are etLsiuat killed with kerosene. .. Theif'Tapaht'e D'VU-rr thus des cribes t5e latest [ swindle : One day last Week a fanner ibecame the victim of the lock dodge. lie was in the *ta/ble yard of ;the Brisco House, when a sleek individual^ approached and offered a door lock for Bale for a dollar. It seems tho price was objectionable, for the seller said be would go to his room and get a cheaper one. While he waa absent on thia errand, two men (cappers, one we are sorry to Bxy belonging to' town) came by and began handling the lock, which was of a peculiar construction, with two keyholes, one in the proper place and ono in the edge. ' The ne'*r: comers kindly 6howed the farmer the trick of it bow to un lock it (in reality only professing to do so). The farmer, of course, understood berfectly how to do it, at least he thought so, and "when ; the lock selleij came from the house without the;cbeaper lock couldn't get in his [room, etc. be offered to bet the farmer ten dollars that he couldn't unlock the one he held in his hand. Done; and that's where the swindle,came in; he couldn't unlock it by any means, and lost his money. Moral: Never bet unless you have a sure, thing."" m * TheOatebpillabs.- The follow ing plan for the destruction of the caterpillars is ; given by. a corres pondent of. the^/foraZ Home.^ He says : " This morning I fastened a bundle of cloth as large as my ust to the end;.of a pole witbr stout twine (wire would have beerj bet ter), this I then dipped in a shallow, cup of kerosene oil, and, after learning the whereabouts of a num A CTOX LIVERY & SALE STABLE j. P. ALLAN Takes jilensu.ro In announcing to th* puhlle generally that he 18 prepared to j furnish S'irst-class Eorsoo and Carriages At Reasonable Bates. His rtlgsajid Horsesnre the best that ran i>; hail, and lie Is determined not to b surpnssed bv any City Ktablo. Acton Jutv 1st, IS75. DAY SHOWS THE LARGEST iSTOCK OE - ! WALL PAPER Eyor shown ia Guelpb, %\Y IVTemr and Choice ' i . ! and pricoe lower than ever^ .1 CMKirQii's Carriages Top be sold off cheap, at Day's New Bookstore Nearly bpposite the old stand. Ouelph, April 21,1877. .. j To llic'lToflclDR Cliiss. Wo are now prepared to furnlsii nil clnifes wltb eou- stait ompioymentnt liomej tho whole of the time, or lor their spare moments.' Uuslness new, light and profitable. Per. sons cf either mx eafclly earn from 50 cents to $5 per i-venlmj, tiuU a proportlon- Ti.1 Fum by devoting tnelr whole time to tho business. Boys and girls earn ilearly as .much as men. That all who neo this notice may send llielr address, nntl tent the business we make this unparalleled ofl'-r: Tosucliasnre not wellsatlsffed we will send one dollar to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, samples north i*everal dollars to commence' work LIST OF MUSIC BOOKS Sold wholesale and retail by John Anderson The subscriber having again 'gone into the grocery business,'would in' titnate that he has alwayB a'full line-of goodi usually {cept in first-class grocery houses, fre8h,.arid of the best quality, such as " * TEAS. Blaces Fines! English Breakfast Conguo, Souchong, Oolong, Flowery Orange Pekoe. Greeks Moyune Uunponders, Silver Leaf (-iunpow.ders, Moyuno Young1 Hysons Uncolored Japans, Imperials, Twantays Our teas arc all selected for their superior drawing qualities' .! I Special discount on purchases over 5 lbs. ] . u PANNED GOOES'. ; California Salmon, P-oi-tland U">bsters, Krenrh j8ardlnes, Cove Oysters, Fresh Macf-ereU ' ; . Bookseller, Guelph. Burrowes' Pianoforte Primer. Jouase's Musical Catechism. Bertini's Now Method for the Piano. Clarke's New Method for the Piano. Hun ton's Piano Forte School, Howe's Piatto without a Master. Richardson's New Modern School. Gitie's Parlor Organ. Silver Wreath'(Vpjpal). - 109 different Music-Books. A Big Discount on all T0BAC00ES- MUSIC BOOKS/ Chewing, Smoking, Cigars. C0FF2fi I Our stock comprises tho best grades of ~ij- | Old Government Java, Ltiguayra, . Maracaibo, and Hio. Boasted and ground, daily, on the premises, thus i-etoining'all the natural aroma and Haver of the berry. 0000AS AKD CS0CCLA72S. Taylor's Cocoa and Chocolate, JBpp's Homoeopathic Cocoa, . Menier's Chocolates. STTGAB3. Kefined, in Loaves, Cut Loaf, - Dry Crushed, Granulated, Extra Ground, i'stra C, English Kefined all grades, Demerara, Porto Rico. Amber, Soney and Syiups. Staadaxd eredtt to the village, the rooms being rge and airy, the table first-chu e bar supplied With the best, rge and airy, the table first-class, and "* bar supplied With the best. Mr. Jgaewiavea his personal attention to * wejfare of hlH guc.at3i and we cor> 'W}I,-^ecomraeiJ'i his house to the ber of caterpillars' tents, I set fire on, and a copy of Home una fireside, one .. . , . ,, -J ., a____ l of tbe Iflrpest and best Illustrated Ptlbll- to the torch and allowed the flaine I cations, all sent free by mall. rKeaUer, If to^omo in contact with the nest or yon want permanent profltable work. , . . ~, - , . , addressQBOBOBSTiifsoN4Co.,Fortland, tent, removing the fire and apply- Maine ing again at short intervals, so as not to injure the branch of the tree." Denllslry. . S.-L. Peer, Dentist, will visit Acton on the first Thursday of each month. Office at Agnew's Hotel. ANDERSON'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE On tho East side.of Wyndham Street, GUELPH. , A CTON PLANING MILLS A9D - i Pump, Sash, Door and Blind Factory. TECMIAS BBBAGB, Manufacturer of Window Sash, Doors, Venetian Blinds iiouidings,. And other Building Requisites Also Maker of lUPaOVBD ST70TI0N EETHPS Lumbar Planed and Dressed to orde 1 in the best manner. All work guaranteed Acton, Jan.,1870. FRXTCIS-DRIED. Valencia Itaisins, Layer Raisins, Loose'Muscatel, . Sultanas, Seedless, Vostizza Currants, Black Patras do. in cases selected Do. do. in bbls., Eleme Figs, French Prunes, Tunis Dates. These goods are the finest ex ported. tJAWiTED FfiTTITS AWB Vfi&E- IABLE3. Peaches, Pears, Cherries, . Pineapples, Strawberries, Succotash, Green 'Peas, Corn. Bean8, Tomatoes. SdAides raany other articles in season, not here mentioned lOrCheap for Cash or Trade. Cured lams .and!]Bacda, Olioo^s aniBattor. Eumctt'o Extracts ft ESsoncoS. The Fines. Goods Manafactured. seaps cf a'u Mads. Plcsios and Caucn. Crosso * BiacB-weH's, Mixed.Pickles, Chowchow, Plccalill, : i Mushroom Catsup.John BulL Banco, Lea<S I}errln'a tVorchestershlreSauce, Tomato c-nlsup. Favorite do., do , - YorkstUIro Relish, French MnsUrd, . tfAEfcTACEtotrS G0033S. i Carollnn (lice. Arracari Ulce, .. I'eari Sagp, Itlo Tapioca, Pearl barley, Corn Meal, Oajmoa'. S5SERT. FRUITS . Ciirrants. N'aioncia Oran'eeG,' *li stinalljomoni, Plrc-apilesi ; Tunl Ihites, u<irdeau.\ Walnuts, -. 'Fiiboitji, Almonds. ^ri-oivroo4, \\'liio, -^mia. Abenii-thy. Crenm, I,( mon. Untier, Woston, Uialiiim. Oyster cmcl:er, New VofkUlnzer nuts. - UinserSinDps. Cand'es and Swee meats of nil kinds. Cheese, iiulter, Effjs, Hops, ' - 0R00SERT. Cblun Sets. White Stono Btt, "I'-'igurel Stono Sels, Chamber Sols, Tea Plates, Bowls, Jedles, Plat tera. Bakers. And a lull Hoe of other kinds. Mlli Pons. Creim Crooks, Butter Crocks, Jugs, Flower Pots, 4c, Selling at the manufacturers' prices. GfcAiSWARSi, Tumbler*, Goblets, . -. - Lamp?, Lnmp masses. - ' i 1 Glass Plates, Glass Sets, -' I Fruit Jars, 4c, 4c. JOHN HOGC <fe SON, ..Alma ^BIckJIs, ITpper Wyndham Street,'Guelph. May 22, 1877 . / ' ' J' CBiJ,risiBC% ffs. \ : ei'soii Having during' die past vveek, takeiiLiitlvantage of Imnenso Slaughter Sales at Toronto, are enabled to offer the C H E A P EST LrQT OP 'Wall Papers and "Window Blinds In great variety cheap. ',. MjSOELtANEOirS. ! ' Tubf, Pal's, Brooms. wash boards. Brushes, AC, Ropes, Wire and Wooden Baskets", -." Patent Medicines, Dye BtmTs. Btatlonery, rschoo' BooKa, ' Jt*nrses, Wallets, School Sag*. Spectacles, VIOIlJs, Violin Strings. Briar Pipes. Faaiy Gox|s, Combs, 4c; Boneless Codfish, Herrings, Oysters In can and balk in soasoh. Acton, June, 1877. JAMES MATTHEWS. Conveyancer, Com. in Q. B., Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Insurance Agent. &o. ,""_.'. '-,' ' SEASONABLE GOODS Ever Brought into Act0n. M T O BREEDERS. pASH FOE WIIEAT. Any quantity of good merchantable wheat wanted at tho the Acton steam mills, for which the highest market price will bo paid in cash.. B. & E. NICKLI'N. ^cton, Feb. 7, 1877. 32-tf < .The thoroughbred. Durham Ball "Zephyr," will serve cows on the farm of the subscriber, nearthe GrandTrunk station, Acton. Terms Grades, 82. Pedigree--Zephyr [4260] bred hy P. W. Stone, Guelph, got by Imported- Sheriff (29364), dam Sanspa- rieflOth. Acton, Feb, 14, 1877 C. S. SMITH. J [ 33-tf J* FASHSONABLE WEST W i=LIT3B3 G-OOPS. - . - - . ' I Wliite Pieties, ; ! White Lawns, ; White Marseilles, ;'. - White Brilliants, . | Wliite Mulls, J-' .U W^it Books, Whits Centennial Stripes aad Gheoks, White Swiss Embroideries, In great variety at the Fashionable West End,- . A. O. BUCHAM, - fashionable West Ud Dress, Mtlllnoryinnd ManiloEstabllBhmel.t. Gnolph, June 12, 1877. I ! All hew, fresh, and comprising this Spnrig's-Ini : 'N. Instance ttte Allowing: > 3127 jardB of American Prints at 5c, worth 9c. J~ 2113 yards of American Prints at 80, worth lOo. -_ ] ' . ; 1000 yardu. of English Prmlts at 10c. worth.15c 100 dozen Cunada Straw Hats/at ,6c. ..-..- 1 4.0 doeen Sunshades, 10c,tip. I "t 1 CO dozen Kid Gloves,:very choice, worth $1.25, for 80c ' Dress Gboda from 1 Op up." T'l V Parasols at all prices; OUR 1VIILLINERY ROOM Is now complete with!all (he novelties of the sea- son, at our popular low cash ppices. Ca^l" Early an I Secure I . TRMS CJASll AAD SALt ,PBOFlTt, " - :'-- CHE1STIE, HENDERSON & 00, Acton, April 30,1877. - 1

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