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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 7, 1877, p. 3

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i^^^^^H :'i? 7"=^Tc-v f01^ At 'V'.'- t f'.v ( i Lj i > cr ^ +U'" ator^ loasere. -1-"-- I; y . * (- ! ifrkod< \l.iad~ptnmr then, " *- it they bate I itock*f ; > per aiort of I JOHNSON- /-:*-. ^'"i "** **??****;;:*% - > THE FREE PRESS, iCTON, HALTOIST COUNTY, OOT., jtfljS 7, 1877; Trtiai lafl b AtU* li foHoWt >; COtS^\VSTJfi|fct Kxpr^ a Toronto "**! " * ny Biprcs* - ,Kipre ' eit ><i -. - - - __ \OOIXU KAST. Sight EspreW - C^jt mixed . - Dv Kvprss Western mail - - i=Jon rataed. -; L. -^TJ two busiaoji pUoi b* longing to tho iCoNair Insolvent estate 1:04 a. m. 9.10 iv. m. 1.57 p.m. 5.20 p.m. 7;07 p.ra. 3t38a.n. S:10.m. 11:34 a.m. S:20p.m. 10:10 p.m. LOCAL MATTERS. While thp Baptist Chapel is^ Mergcahg repairs, sorvices will lie hold atsfa Sunday in the Temperance Hall. The spire of the now Congre jiiJonal chmrch waft slightly damaged kj* stroke Of Ujrhtaing last Saturday averring. '._.. The Grand Trunk will issue -snt tickets Irem any Station' to To ronto and return, on-Friday and Satur. t day of tjiia week; in: order to induce people to visit Rirnaa'i Jdeoageria on . those days. ] Jl Bead-Beat "Beleetlre." A medium-sired" fellow, about 23 years of age, with spectacle*, arrived in Acton la*t Saturday afternoon. After .looking around the Tillage a short-while, he -ent into Maney'a hotel and ordered snnper-and the best room in the house, stating that he intended remaining till Jfonday. 'VyTiilst Traiting -supper,. lie entered inlo conversation with tne landlordandjtold him conndentially that he was a member cf Allan Pihkerton'a avtactare^ force,' of Chicago} that ho war working np avriibbery ease, and that he hid got on the track of the' parties wanted ; that they were a short distance from Acton, and that he was' son of making a big hauL He tried to persuade Mr. Maney to prociinra horse and beggy and* ro with him on the proposwi raid.- He then went out for - s Talk," and enteretl Agnew'a hotel,; -where he care a similar order, and wait ed till te-vas read v. He partook of a hearty meal, ..then strolled back to ilancy's and repeated -the operation, hems hound to have^enbugh to cat, at all eventjt From there he went to "the 1 ^loutreal'telepraph office and seat an unpaid.message -to Allenford, County of Brace, signing himself "<*W. H, Itees.'" Whilst waiting a reply, he went to Leveu a barber shop for a shave. In "the meantime Mr. Money was informed that'oae of his table napkins . was mis sing Irom the place where_Mr. " Detec tive" had sat. Following Klin to the barbershop, he charged him with*theft, tad while speaking spied a corner of white cloth projecting from his vest. SOTtching oat his k&nd, 3Ir. Money polled forth' the missing article from xsastts^{ilace,-azKl-sieia is wp. tx> -the aiioDAhai gzie' of tLe by-iUiulors. Mr. _ * Deu^tive" immediately wilted, aso$egan to plead for mercy. After ge;U!ig a severs tongue-lashing from the cnivd, he was ht g<i with a parting salute from the fruut part o^ a man's boot. He paid for the shave by pawu- iagafifreeeutTr^reh-oiain. XWuuver Vi his telegrani stilL lies in the""lilict: en- eslled for, with 3-j/ccnts t> lpay. His bills for twosnppcjs als<>. await settle- kttit_ He a] |-carp tv> Lc not only a professional dead-list, lot one of the iaeacesi kind of Kecr.k-thieVca. Such chiracjers ceed watchn^; wore put up at public auction yoaterday "The old store property was"sold to Dr. Freeman, of Georgetown, for $t>00. Th new brick building, was bid at about I $2,400, by Mr. Jas McNairof Michigan. ' witbj^tho proviso that Mrs. McKair should peeeive a full discharge from the creditors. Whotlier or not the aalo be thus completed rcinaius yot to bo do- cided by tho parties intcjestod. Xetoa SrwoI (ur<. j Tea regular m inthly meeti ng of.thi.- Sehool:; Btard was held in the school hame last Monday evening; Present . afesata. -A. Kennedy, chairman ; H. J. Ha!l,HY. H. Storey. Edward. Moore, ai>^-Jos..tas]iy. Minutes of last meet ing were~-Tead and approved. Mr. - Storey, chairman of Finance committee reported the-following accounts and re- eoe^mended"-their payment, viz: Wil- snoi Johnson, $il0>T, Ebbase, 7%T J,;~H: HaeEing, 52.75; JA'Kois, month's oUry. S45.83. On motion tlie report ^ laiopted. The Inspector having ^lvfen notice that*an additional 'teacher was. required, - on account of the large nastier of pnpils in. the lower depart ment, a conversational discussion took pit was to the best means of providing *ecasamodation for the same. It was finally resolved to hare a partition run across the centre of the first depart ment, tho* giving the required room . with hut EfeUo erpente. . It was also deemed necessary to. have one of the . himneya reconstructed, in order to se- ltu> Ccaairll, Tbo Council met last Thursday even ing, and after having taken and sub. scribed to tho necessary oath, formed into a Court of f Revision. ; All tho members were present. Mr.Hcndor. son read a list f. corrections that it would be necessary to make on tho as- saasmeht roll, which were taken up xriatut*, and disposed of. Tho altera- tions mado aro as follows : James But ler's namo inserted as owner of lot 13 iu Dickson's survey, instead of Thomas Prout, removed. The letter " E " was added to James Cobban's name. Tho description of Daniel W. Campbell's lot was corrected, and tho lettor " W " added to his nam$. Description of Ed ward Dines' lot corrected. Tho letter " W " added to" Elijah Deveraux'a name. Edward K. Cook inserted as tenant lot 4t block'16. James Gootlall inserted, ns tenant lot 2,-block 18. Archibald Campbell iuscrU'd as tenant part of lot::29, -d coaccssion. John Alsiiit'V-liiiWjrt*?d as tenant of Exehaitge Uotel instead of John McQuame. Al bert E. Xicklin .inserted as tenant of bakery preraiso*. Darius Wardell in serted as tsnu(i lot'31. Church street. ; Moved Byi Mr. Henderson, secouded by ilr. Smith, that- the assessment roll4 as revised, be now confirmed. Carried. On motion of- Mr. Christie, seconded by Mr. Smith, tho Court dissolved, and the Council resumed. . Tho miuutca of previous meeting were read and con- hrmed. By permission. Major Allaa address ed the Council in reference to the state of Queen street in tho .vicinity of his p-emij*es, requesting that the further diggine of sand be stopped, and the street be put in a state of repair tit for travel. Referred -to tho Street and Sidewalk committee. Tho Major also made a statement in reference to cer tain arrears of taxesjov a lot now owned by himi for the years: 1870-73. Refer-. red to Finance committee. Mr. John Kennedy, on l>ehalf of him self and several other pro{>erty owners on Main street, stated to tbe Council that they wished the sidewalk about to be laid down in front of their premises to be ^nade six feet .wide instead of ^onr as was contemplated, and otfering to pay the additional eii>eiis of the ektra two feet. He also wished to direct tbe attention of the street committee to the " .desirability of: reducing the hill in front'of Mr. Iinhtan Keuueily's resi dence. On inot;on 9f Mr.. Henderson, seomded by Mr. Smith, the matter was refcrrei to the Street and Sidewalk committee with instruction* to accedo to the request of the petitioners if-Jthey deemed it ailvisable. Mri Henilerson, cbnirnoan of the Fi nance committe.e rep.rted the following accounts, and recoiujneuded their |iay- menty viz: J. H. Smith's for chair, Sl.Ta1; rC Creech's for cushion, $2 ;" J. H. Hacking's for advertising and print ing, ?00.17. Ou motion, the report was parsed. The Council then adjourned tine die. ^ ----------- China tra'&ets at first cost to- clear out stock af Secor^t Bros. W'o')L, Wool, 50^000 Pounds W"a>"Tei>2-^ Highest market price in cash for.clean nfeerohantable ^Vool will be. paid by John- Langan, G: T- R. sta tion, Ueorgetowni. Or: McLeod, An. derspn i Co., Gcbrgetown. j Ice Cream to be had fresh and good, at C. W. Hill's. Ice Cream by the quart or otherwise, at C. W. Hill's. G. T. HILL, Mill Street, ACTON, f DEALKRIN Orootrle*. .Orookory, , Boot* |g Shoe*, . TOtll fttptr. "Wladow" Bli&li, NaUa, aiui, Putty, Xsiaset&Oll, . Paixita, Turpeatlne. OoH oil. Salt, oto.. .411 of which will be sold low for cash, BOOTS and SHOES . Selling off at cost. i Also agent for tho RUBBER PAiNT COMPANY Of Cleveland, Ohio, J Cftsth for Hides. iletoh, July It, 187G. . The undersigned >t inTorm the people of Acton and stir rounding neighborhood that fan has procured a magnificent HEARSE And is prepared to attend and con duct Funerals on tbe shortest notice and most moderate terms. ! ; . . C<id--U, Cojiiu, Burial Jiofxt, And all kinds of Fiineral Furnish- idjs kept in stock, and supplied on the shortest notice. Hat Bands an d loves supplied when required.: JOHN SPEIGHT. "Acton, Feb. 10, 1S77. HURRAH! HURRAH! rra TIK... BESTPHOTOGRAPHS in the County, at J , Thi Oatarte Photocrapi (Hllery For Beauty o/Finiitfi and Brillian cy in Tone, they cannot he turpmtd. OOPYINO & BNLARQING In all iU branches, in the best style of the art, done on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. .dlsoa splendid stook of Mouldings and Picture frames kept on hand and made to order. A call is solicited and you will be convinced that this is tho place to got photographs. \ Yours respectfully, C. W. HIEL, .4cton, Dee. C. 1876. THAT WONDERFUL /MAN. TRADE MARK THE GOLDEN MAK. QNTARIO SADDLERY, -a-OTO:NY Tho subscriber takes this opportunity of thanking his numerous customers for for the very liberal patronage given him the past year.' and would state that it is his motto to do a Square and Honest Business as herotoforo, and hopes to retain tho same liberal appreciation from the public. . All orders entrusted to my care will bo 4.TTEXDED TO 'WITH . PROXPTNESR. A iwne but Good I TForA-je/ are Employed, Parties can rely on, getting a good arti cle and as cheap.as good work can bo done for. Repairing Done with Neatness COLLARS A SPECIALTY. Our Spring and Summer ktock MILlin:^^ Is now fully In and opened np. BOTTOM PRICES AHE ONLY ASKED. ATTRACTIVE STOCK OF SILKS. An attractive stock of Black Silks all prices, all qualities, and at prices that are below anything in the trade. We have an immense rariety of Colored Dress Silks in plain and brocaded, and our prices are amusingly cheap. Beautiful Brocaded Silks a> 60 cents per yard. Fancy Dress Goods Department. th/^fi!?i^ifef^Vd/hUdrren ' T,imn*d Hats cannot fail to con,&. Itl ^1 ? f lb5 mm 0f town 8Dd >ter, nd in addition we tek ta specwlty to cut down prices jn this deMriient to alTeirisui t&BsT ' ^rVlo^rt1* ' ^egari^rifflmU^Kne^C. ?Q0 dozen Best Xiolored Kid Gloves, two Button^ at 50 cents per pair, just halt price. [ WE REQIJIBST &1T EARLT in the town, atufif In this Department we show the most attractive goods Indeed our variety of styles, colors, fabrics and prices, cannot fail to meet the approbation of all. ' MANTLES AND JACKETS. We show some of the prettiest goods in this line to be found, and it will be to the advantage of every lady requiring the newest styles in material and make to pay us a. visit. Our stock, of Mantles and Jackets consists of. Block ailk, plain Black Cloth, Black Mattalasse Cloth, Casliraere Cloth. The above are all this season's importations, and really beautiful goods. . <mrVDan.^fewC<mfi,leiltU,?tthe "^ satisfaction wiH be gJren W our_patrons. We may mention that^re do not offer old stuffr" ' totbankrupt B..- CREECH. Acton, Feb. 14, 187 4 lor tbo Free Press. non*e-BrraVIe. - Lnst Thursday night, two j.oung men with : a horse and buggy, on their way from .Acton, supposed to be on the " drunk," after having spent the evening in the tavern, were returning home about eleven o'clock. They Jeft the horse at the thi safety of^, the . bnMiiig a/ramai^ brick school hotlse,4tb lineEsques and went down to Mr. " fire. Mr. Storey mored, seconded fay HaO, that a committee, consisting pf MeMm- Kennedy, Moore, Ljuiby, Ball *ad tho mover, be appointed to take j aia^wsdaatniii certain alterations Becessary :to. the school house, and re port thereon, with probable cost' there of, at the aert meeting of this Board. -Carriedl The Board then adjourned tat-tkeifira* Monday in July. '. Base Ban. _ ,^\^gamo was nlayed. on the Guelph Maple Leaf grounds between the Pas- tisi 11, of JLeteja, od gDver-jCreeks, of GuelphJ on Safcoxday. The Mercury aaya that " TJifongh careless play the 'Paatimo scored three runs in the first lng, and went down to JU.R Edwin .Worden's shanty, and with tbe end of a rail buret;in the-door, break ing the fastening inside. Mr. Wor- den rushed out, but they made their escape as quick a3 possible to the buggy, and proceeded up the fourth line. This on unlawful act did not satisfy them, for it ceeraa they were bent on mischief. They continued their journey up the 4th line as far as lot No.! i in Erin, where Mr.Peter Massales liyes.nn'd. there leaving the horse at the road, they both went up to tbe house " " a After *ettlig<fcwn-tp wos^ however, ; tiie Pastimes were not allowed to score again. The Vleitiag elnb played an ex cellent fielding game, but their pitch- i^ wa|-ireakv.irhiplKinsnred fo^them leather kuSSa^ op. <ii large soaJis.. The seat* af the end of the ninih -innings atoda: 24 to'Tin favor of the Creeks." "The eomplste score appended will af- ford. jummary of the game played: Jnningi^a^d.l^e, Cheeks were,* JittlaJ through the garden. One threw a frahtenWa when JfieK-firstwas a Mank iarge stone in through the winddw, breaking it; end tbe other with a A CTOSf LIVERY & SALE STABLE J. P. ALLAN.! Takes plensare In announcing to the. public generally thiit lie Is prepared to furnish First-class Horses ani Oarriasrbs' At Reasonable Rates. tl is Rigfsand Horsesnre the. best that can bo had, and be is determined not to' be aurpasse'J by any City Btable. Aeton July 1st, 1875. DAY SHOWS THE LARGEST STOCK OF WALL PAPER Eyer shown in Guelph, all ragoii* |<SftT, te gem*** tt-triekiini C f ' WOUams, 3b.. |torey,-ni.^.. |mith,if .j.... cpeight, f ... .*. 5 .. 4 ..-4 .. 3 .. 3 IB 0 1>" V: 1" 0 0 o' 0 0 T o u. o _2 2 6 1 0 0 A.B O- .6 3 l- _- 36 27 , sh.rzsi CBEEKS '<-!';,= :. i; - food, lb .... Hutckeson, 3b..., 7 4 W^^-SV...^.. e. 4. -fr^^ct"c ..... Stsnllt *-"""" 6 52 :3mfi*Ji...Y.*. 6 _i OTrd,H ......S I 3 3 27 16 1b 4 2 l - 2 o 2 3 * 3 i Wagonay IpwperJj:^ ' * .^ 27 -24 21 -27 18 Owe of gape, 2 hours and SO min- ^.'Ci'lia^doek; M.L.B.B.C. 8ilver Creeks, C. Chas.'Lasby. Lindsay; go to -molest a poor man, i e. one who Bbjould: rather be pitied and assisted'by the public. Remember the golden rule, " Do to others as you would, they should do to you." A SUBSCBIBBB. :' New and C hoice ' ' ' f . .' and prices lower than ever, i Children's Carriages ! " i^ To fee sold off cheap, at P . - . ....... Day's New Bookstore Nearly opposite the old Btand, Guelph, April 2J, 1877. ' . rail broke open the door,'as in the first case. Mr. Massales went out immediately and saw tbe- un run ning toward the/TOBd^*n^diriy*ing' down the Vconcessibjn line to'wards- Esquesing." By thisitime the inoon .waa just jrising. ilr. ilaflilea' idog was not at home that night, as he had sent him away !a few days be- &re ;> this - these | house-breakers nrust have knownyafj the dog wQtild not let any Dtrangerinear the house at night if he was fit home. The buggy was- tracked the next morn ing. We have noi heard as,yet whether Eny further mischief was effected that niprht- As those par ties are known (and thoy do not Hire^ a thousand, miles from Acton) we would warn tbem for tieir own safety, if they want to have sport, not. to resort to such low, mean and unlawful actions, or to' bear the consequences, as they will be prose cuted to the utmost rigor of tbe law. ,We>..-have, supposed, them to^be'dranlri'iu'no sober man-w-palcH i^ASH FOR WHEAT. To the Working Class. Wo are now prepared to furnisn all classes with cou- stai.t employment at home, the whole of the time, or lor their spare moments. Uusiness-new, light an<I profitable. Per sons of either sex easily earn from. 60 cents to $5 per evening anda proportion; al pom by devoting tnelr whole time to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That all who see* tins notice may send their address, and test the business we makothis: unparalleled cfi -r: To such as are not well satisfied we will send one dollar to pay for the trouble of writing."- Full particulars, samples w orth several dollars to commence work on* and a copy of Home and Kirpside. one oi the largest and best illustrated Publi cations, all tent free by msH. Header, If yon want permanent, profitable worlc, address QEOSOB SilKsow A Oo^ Portland. Maine. v LIST OF MUSIC BOOKS Sold wholesale and retail by Jolin Anderson Bookseller, Guelph. Burrowes' Pianofort^Primer. Jousse's Musical Catechism. Bertini's New Method for the Piano, Clarke's New Method ror the Piano. Han ton's Piano Porte School, flowo'a Plaao wlthont a Master. Richnrdsori's New Modern School, Gilze's Paj"lor Organ. Silver Wreath (Vocal). 109 different Music Books. A Big Discount on all MUSIC BOOKS AT ANDERS OriS CHEAP BOOKSTORE Ou the Eostjiide of Wyndham Street, GUELPH. . PLANING MILLS AlfD Pnmp, Sasli, Door ond Blind Factory. THOMAS EBB AGE, Manufacturer of "Window Sash, Doors, ^ Venetian Blinds Mouldings, And other Building Requisites Also Maker of ncpaovas siroxzoxr puxcts Lumber Planed and DreSBed to orde in the best manner. g^F All work guaranteprf :.. Acton, Jan.,1870.' AT IT AGAIN. The subscriber having bought the stock of Goods from the creditors of .George Yemen, ot the Post Office' Store, Acton, on very favorable {terms, would now announce to his | old customers and others that he is again ready and. willing to serve them with any. quantity of first-class Groceries, . Provisions, Crockery, &c. _j Our Goods are all New afid<Sbund.^ JOHN HOGG <& SOW, Alma Block, ITpper Wyndham Strewt, Guelph. Claris tie, erson -!> ' & xm at a considerable former prices. discount from Trusting that by strict personal attention to business, and keeping at all times a fresh and well assorted stock of- goods, to he able to give the utmost satisfaction and secure the patronage of all his old custo mers and many new ones. By doing business on the only sure and satisfactory basis of strictly cash or trade, he will be able to offer ex traordinary inducements to his cus tomers. Soliciting a call and a continuance i Of past favors, '"" I am respectfully, . JAMES MATTHEWS-: : Acton, May 1, 1877. FASHIONABLE WEST; END miLUNERY DEPARTMENT Hiving during the jpa?t week, taken advantage of M# Toronto, are enabled to offer the* CHE A RXST-.-.tfOT Of Ever Broug-ht into Actoii.- AH new, fresh, and' comprising this Spring's Im- , portations. ' ^ K " : ^ Instance the /] ^fblldwingii v_ ....... , j Any; quantity of; good merchantable wheat wanted at the' the Acton steam mills,' for "which the highest market price will be paid in cash. . - . :^cton;Feb.7, 1877- 32-tf mo BltEEOEBS., The thdroughbred Durham . Bull " Zephyt,"J.wifl serve cows on tho farm' of the subscriber, near the Grand Trunk station, Act on/ Torms Grades, il2. ]Pedi|^ee---?e\>hyFti|!J80J bred by K"w. Stone, Guelph, Jot-by Imported Sheriff (29964), dam Sanspa- riellOth. ' " . C.,S. SMITH. Acton, Feb. 14, 1877. 33-tf This Department, which-is always an attractive one, is particularly so this season under the able management of Miss Johnston. Sales are rapid- ly increasing, and orders are coming in fast. During the past few days our show rooms hive been largely patronised' in fact often crowded to excess. Our superior Millinery, great variety of styles, atwl reasonable prices never failing to please and give satisfaction. JSvery lady should make it a point to visit 'our Show Rooms this seasob before buying. We can show one ol the finest stocks'to be found in either town or city in Ontario. We have just opened Direct from New To|rk, Two esses of American (Straw Goods, latest Now Vork and Philadelphia Styles for the month of May. One case Misses Hats, also in the latest American styles. . 100 down common Straw Hats, at 10c, 12JO and 206. Ladies, come direct to the Fashionable West End for Millinery, fhe. finest stock in the trade to select from. A- O. BUCHANI -' i Fashionable West End Dress, Millinery and-ManileFstabllWinient. Quelpht May 8, 1877. ^,3127.58^8 of American Prints at 5c, worth 9c 2113 yards of American Prints at 8c, worth 10c . 1000 yards of English Prints at 10c. worth 16c. 100 dozen Canada Straw Hats at 5c. '-. i0 dozen Sunshades^ lOc'-np, . -J 60 dozen Kid Gloves, veiy choice, worth $112.5, for 80c. Dress Goods from 10c up. -Parasols at ell prices.: ) C^R MIL-LINERS Is now complete with all the novelties of theseai- ", son, at pur popular low cash prices. K; Call Early and Secure TERMS CASH AND SMALL PKOFIlUi _ 0HB1& Acton, April 20,187T. r IE, HEHDBBSOK * 00. (:

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