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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 17, 1877, p. 3

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t -4' B2S*tf tt ^ it* h***Swr %) ir'-'j .-v i>. fiifta* KJRSE lAKER U :I I Hilton, ud Brampton, t; Umsob to Bight. agaweya, for j sbcb to Oak- toDruni- ton. and w% uVtbelaaiM ittingj dor- - llrpcatcber ; |rAiiI!l ] -bteinwres service Ire* Comi ion, 18T6JL1 ha. Centennial ! the report- ~ [ted the felt fewilh: * - 22, 187T-, Irakis.. Hi > p le'Teiror^V ibitor.i Canada. 1 J 51 1R' j described, jX"Wteaasl. I the follow- ejdam,ls- Ib- high, foaled in ytdolbi* dos* t^o Stod reHly, wB thoad^ 1*5,-/ DUKE* rdv -r;V-' ___5B," f^fAward*.* Bios/ >;" -: l-<3enoraL iB-twlxr, ' President. RAH! tAFHS t ':-.; --! CW14XTT": ! BriUifnt-/ jrlNCr ~ *!*<* t notice and Menldinff M' - itog**" r. ! \u -rtfi r IM m k* TIMK TABLft. . &AX9 Tstt'SK ' 2alevAc^us follow*: j ootMJ west. JHS Express i mixed 001 NO K.VST. Jfieht Kxpro** - QiJt mixed - ' ~ p^BxprcM - - tfrteTO nial - London pm>a. --' 1:04 a.m. 9.10 A.m. l!fi7p,n. .ft; 20 p. m, 7:07 p.iii! 9:10 a.m. 11:34 a.in. oi'JOp.m; lOJO.p.m. iW ADVERTISEMENTS. -Michael- Kalcy. b it am -Jamo-s Mat thew . riaitn Wsn'tci for Pidovalks. K**"^-------- .\YWkcr Mjjo. ision. Reaping Machine ana, wa$:oti tor F.ilei Qccen't Rirthbay Celebration in_ Acton. ! feeders ; uv UgMaiic Meeting Walker I^hIitc. f VjS^ of Acton -Cwt of Rov!Si ' ReP*S Machine anij XN.ajron for : tOCAL HATTERS, j ; __Now is thfe time to tirrn jour jkicktM cut to ^c^Uh \ip your nci^1- ton garden. ; ," __Orange* and Ijenions, fresh, Jtrge and choic, just: received at SrdBrcj. : : : j ^ , ^-For particulars, respecting thp Qbi' Birtlulay ceiehrati.dn wc refer ear renleri to>'tha.prograiunto in another column- -'j'.'". Sunday trna k beautiful ^ay, and ihe ldics all vrore their new Sunday ht. An assem/biago ot thorn lookod-j-much of lids kiud of thing ia neither like, a loyely rlovrer garvleii. We anticipate a eatertainnicnt nctt Xlin The splendid draiaa of. Chm" shoulcLxlraw a Very "largo audi. tace, and m shall' cxpyct to see th Ulge Drill Shed "chuck fuUr" -The: cats in this locality hare . commenced tieir niginly Spring seren ades and;love-making on the kitchen; reefs *nd in the hack- yards. It is su^.: rested that it would l>o well to have way them pruned. The correct this is to use a siot-guu. The many friends of Mr. Jas. .iUtthewS Ti-ill-doabthiisr he glad -to tgunsee hna behind the tiounter, as of yora. At ataeeting of George Yeracn'a- Icreditora last Thursday, Mr. Matthews* :o5er vas rea^LHy accepted, AnJ the irhole tt-x-twoi at;oncc transferred: to him. His annosact:aieat -iil ho ta'-ind in our advertjiinj; columns. Tbe'Datrict meeting of Minii- ten in.connection with thej-Methqdisj Church in Gcelph District, ifi no-w beiiig held hi Actoa. We 'earn that there rT8 2i Ministers hilletod' vith the' "teeaiVega gt the congregation ia toXvn. _/The bnsinesa is undcrstuuil to bs of a \ prirate njCiure, hit if theru is Miy-thing Tdoce o(pii*>!ic interest, we shall prob- Tahlj puhs,h it next-week. Mother Earth is out with her Spring attire of ' living grve:i."' The gorgecuiFrricin-.ing :s e-n"L-red, and wdl soon Wadds-.h "Satv.re's :V..-e" ha^ been washed by Cv*.y:or. sV.^.wer^, ^::d npfcan now view-the landscatte o'er ' ith delight." The tree* an.! .*hruhs are putting" foruh tiieir fo;lai:e a:u: hkK>ra; arid the feathered tribes.-are Tarbihig their sweet songs of wclctaije gentle Sprrag." ; r _ To tAc f ".'or of Ac Frtc iWw. Dsatr vStKv-^A. atatemeuthaTingbean made at a recent mooting of Calantho Lwlgc No. 18 KuighU o{ l^thias, to Uiv effect \\v\\ k\\\x Unlcr \\m\ been tra duced, it was considered iteairaltlo. to ap|K>int a conmiittee to investigato tho luAtter, and if deemed necessary to Yin- dioAtc tho l.*Hlgo. The conunitteo hav- ing made tho investigation, have pro- l>arvd tho following eoumuuiicaUou, I which they-trust you will kindly jier- ' mit to l>o published in your columns : t lV.tr t^ir : It is always a disagreeable and unpleasant thiug to bo eomrwljad to fasten a charge, or to jmblicly shot? any person to bo guilty of willful and direct iuaeurucy. Ihit, sir, when an individual who assumes to bo n leadur and teacher of men, and who woara tho cloth of a Minister of the tiospel, bo far forgets tho duty he owes to himself, his congregation, his church,"and his tiod',,as to be guilty of such conduct, overwind -over again, and when these attacks are aimed not only at individu al* who may chance to differ with his wonderfully august aud profouud opin ions on any subject, but against public Societies whoso auns and objects are in part to iitcukato those doctrines of which he appears to bo so cxtromely deficient, viz., Charity and Brotherly Love then, air, wolmvo'a duty to per form, and, \vith y<jur kind permission, perform it we will.- We have repeatedly had instances of this gentleman's animosity and vindic- tivcuess brought before our atteutijou, but hitherto wo have regarded them as the outcropping* of a miutl diseased, and liave paid Ifto. further, nttentioh to the in" But, sir, there is a limit to for bearance, a:id we feel that that limit has been reached ; that to submit to'too politic nor wise; and we have decided to fasten a couple of the latest instances upou the right-"i>arty, even though tlvo heah fall.'upoiijthe dvvuted shoulders of AGAIN. to' Mix* School Entrance Examination. An exanrinaiion of [pupiLf for a'dinis- aioittc-the Oakvifle High School, v^'ill' ,h held on Tuesday, the 3rd, and Wed ' aeaday, the +th July iost., beginriing'ar-! 9 o'clock a.ra. Candidates are re<jnest- d to notify the Head Master^ li. J. Wellwood, Esq., not later than the-3Ut inat., of'itheir intention, to- pn.-se'nt ,_themaelve4 for examinati:>h, jeo ; th:it an estimate iniy be niaoe of--the prubahle number of-papers to be printed. '--------- ' , '------- ._' CoatoUaaratarr Bspper.and' Presents- On-the evening -of-Thursday, the IDth " inst r a number of the friends of jir. Wta..Gordon having become aware of hia iatehddd removal to Kincardine, where ne iajaboat'engaging in the lum- . ber, huwis, met him at the Kossiu *H<mae, Acton. Ample justice hawing '/bees dene to the excellent spread pre- . pared for tie occasion, the evening was ;3pent ia pleasant interchange of senti- .- fteat, aU-expveuiag regret at Mr. Gor don's removal from hia native village, (tad wishing him -evny; success in hi8 new sphere of life. The chair was occn- pied by John Warren, Esq., Deputy fieere of^Elq^uesinz. Ou the vfplluwxug evening,- :t th; reaidenee ot Mi. Dean, Mr-.-Oordain -si . presented with the following address ' on tehalf of tie' members ahdiadhertnts- . of Knox Chnlth, Acton, accompanied ' with 4 purse, as a alight acknowledge ment tofi hia_ many ervieej,to t$io oon- - gregation: 5' To Whxixjc Goedos-j Esq., t Dear Sin, rWe, the "mtmhera and ' adherent! of Knox Church, Acton, can- > not allow yon to depart frpm our midst - withont tpving expreesioii to our feel ing of Borrow for, your removal. Dur ing the last twelve years "your services as leader of the Psalmody of the con- _gregation have^greatly, contributed to our eomfortin the public services of tbsij sanctuary. r'These exercises you per- ! formed with such heartiness that all I oreaentielt the happy influence of Voar "pealthy and cheerful Bpirit, your efforts to improve the style of singing by im- '_ parting, sound instruction to others in the theory and practice- of vocal music *e-appreciatecl7'and we'now cheerfully. testify to your skill and ability 03 a teacher of church music. While w,e wish that your continuance amongst ub ~had remained uninterrupted, we. pray for yoar success in yourlnew. sphere of life, and "desire that your services to we church and God in your new'resi- <nce will be still more valuable. Ac cept thw small tqken of our esteem wkieh we-have hurriedly, poepared to present to you, ;though its value is mall, it will prove to you our friend- ~P- May God guide 'you in all yoijr **yt, and grant yon. all paces neces- . aaryto sustain you through life as a eonsistent follower of Our Lord and Sa- yionr Jesus Christ, sp that His great *Jne_be glorified in you, and yourself. s*ejiTed-at' list into His glory. 'On b*- ^ nail of the congregation:" .'- - Mrs. Horace J. Hall; _t i MBS, C'IIAKLS T)t.h2i. Mr^Gordon, in reply, heartily thank)- '^^ftien^BSof.ih^fBapy kindnesses MQwntiin; ' tirst-clnss dav eveninc-. ,-* , , -. | one o: rar mv nom , .loiu.s. Vour .looal rcaiIer3 oamiot tailto recog nizo the individual, to whom we have reference, for these remarks, would scarce apply so forcibly to any other uuui ill Christendom. Still wo do not hesitate to name him. Tho I'.ev. U. \V. Calvert called upon a gentlemen, r. ft w days ago, who had just-b'ceome a'n'tmber of the Order of -Knrjjhtjyit I'ythias, aud after tendering the gra^:t-;:s opinion that he 11ho new lv. mi l".) S\.-.s very foolUih, proceeded to tell him that it would " cost him over i a huitAred-dollars before he not through ] with it/' >>'ow, this is eithertrue, or- :t is I.vlse. ' Which it is, we shall en deavor to show by tigiires : The whole fees foi initiation, all tho degrees, and everythii:.^ in the power of the Society in any way to" bestow., whether for beneht-s to widows, orphans, tho.sick or the iudi^ont, in honorsror privileges. t<i!i dollars. This sum entitles a nieni- Ivr in "good standing, to tho highest honors. It is oe> more incumbont upon a member to provide himself with a uniform thau it is iucumlieut upon any man to provide himself with a black coat or a silk hat. But oven suppose he does purchase tho highest priced uniform, the cost will be but $2i50 .which added to tho fees for all the d irrc-es, makes' a total or:S3Q. But as we ri-miu-tw nbov, members need not bo a. uay moreo^o^nse. (except their quar terly d>u-s, wnlch are the same as ajl other bt-nefl. societies) tban the $10. The UcKige-furnisUes each member with a regalia similar to I oat .worn by other soci-tics^pr.d it Is'enurely optiiiaaJ with ihniselves wlieLhicr they gel a uniform or I'ol.-. " i ' The Hame ccntleman also stated ond.ls cout'njial! v jcvMins thi-t the obligation taken be rui-nther. of our society Is a ' ciu.1 irvm oire." ami of a rucst terrible n-\.-ir.'. and (to u<e.l:U- own ehgant unci etiar teier.^tie piir:fs?_-) Is 'in f<tct a tlirty b.arlt o.;to," Ac-i dej- lie is also pleased to Ora- uufavuru-ae compar'.sotis be- tw-ei" 11 nul tbe uU'iga'Uon of the OUJ IVi'ow-.' Society. In tlie first u'.ace we would lifeeto ask: wnat lb-s individual knows about our obligation,jbtij). as it is utterly impossible iLai iierfan tjflow anythir.p abont It, or indeed *nievi(r know anything about It, how Oarfe lie presume to slanler and mi- sily a feisty of whico he knows.notb- n^". o society whose object is to be a -oo*;er tor kockI, J?y inc ncaiini; the.doc-. ir-ne c.f cliristlni.'. ca:ity-Jind benevo lence on its membt -s and otoers. Witn r^ieieu^e lo our obligation, we are proud lo say that wo have one and try lo f-.ilflll its requiremeoip, ana that it is ns nilM as an obligation can posslbly be; t'i:i-. there li roihiugln it that any man oi any i.-inciple or creed cannot subscribe lo, and when compared with the excellent soe'ety of Odd Fellows (a so-Ielv for which, we-have a great res pect) there Is "-o litU diirertnce between tiic/n, that the one mlsnt be adminlsjer- ttl la the lo-Iife n>oni of tho other, chang ing only ihe technical or official names. Ac. Ai leas* so say persons who: belong to hoiii soci-ties. So muebfor the "^ctL-t The subeoriber haring bought tho took of Goods from the otwdKori of George Yemen, ot the fost Office Store, Acton,, on Tery faTorablo terms, would now announce to hit old customers and other* that he la again ready and willing to eerre them with any i quantity of first-class Groceries^ Provisions, | Crockery, &c. at a considerable discount from former prices. '"' Trusting that by striot personal -attention to business, and keeping at all times a fresh and well assorted Etock of goods, to be able to give the uimost-satisfaction and secure the patronage of all his old custo mers and many new ones. By doing-business on the only cure and aalisfaotorr basis of striotly cash or trade, he will be able to ofier ex-' traordinary inducements to his cus tomers. " . j .- / Soliciting a call and a continuance of past faTort, I am respectfully, JAMES MATTHEWS. Acton, May 10, 1877. FIRST ARRIVALS Direct Importations Important to the Pub lic 1 187,320 YARDS OF RIBBONS | Bought by Mr. Darid Hogg, in London, England, at half value", now offer, ing exactly at half-price, at our store, Guelph. 4 yards beautiful ilk ribbon for 10 cents, S yards beautiful silk ribbon for : I 10 cents. Come and see. ; Crompton's Adjustable Corset Is only 91 per Pair. ' These are tho best goods in the market. Ladies see them before purchfts ing elsewhere. Ladies' New Dress Goods, Ladios' New Black Silks, Ladies' Now Plain and Brocaded Colored Silks, Ladies' Now Mantle and Jacket Cloths, , Ladies': New Mantles very beautiful gojotls. OIJHl .cardinal MILLINERY CEPARtMBNT,, SfeOW GOODS. Ladies' and Misses now Hats Also novelties jri all kinds white, browa in-new shapes and styiespl ntfqur store. New'Htowers, new feathers, new) Lnew Silk Ties. V : Our House Furnishing. Department embraces everything that can be rea- spnably looked for. Read^-r|ciade Clotbjiiig J' Exfraoidlnafy value is offered, in, Men'ji'Suits, Boys' Men'B Tjrousers, Boys'- Co^ts, Jloys' Pants. We" offer a good suit. bf Tweed, JJen's ^ize, for $7 coa"t, rest and^ pan March' 8, JOHN . Alma ^877 K Mill Christie, Q..Tl'.Hl'1-L, Street, ACTO^i, Henderson IX Qroosrieij Orockory, Boots..& Shoos, "Wall taper, black, navy: blue, only to had be Hibbons, | j ' , Call and examine this Departpient. Suits, Men's-Coate, ago 3tS. HOGG % SON, {Block, Upper Wyndhamj Street, GuelpL.. A Ctl>Ii PLANIN & MILLS ,L- HURRYJ HURRY! iron" or "dirly black o.ith.' With reference io his remart that ho would not take ituc'a an obligation as -oars, all we ha%-"o lo say Is that we Quite ^-n^ree with him ; at least we are satisfied tnat he will never have an oppoitunliy of taking H, and we believe further that when ht- made thai remark bo no doubt - remembered that one rf iho treat quali fications for membershio and prlnciple* bfour On'eris trutbfnlines-sandchrlsilan charUy, neither of which this geatleman appeara to be over^ndowed with, or re ceive much credit for possessing. In conclusion we would again remark: that we very much regret tbsi necessity of having to raise Aur arm in our own de fence, preferring that when It is neces sary tounsbeatb our swords, that It be in defence of the innoceat and helpless of the^arth; but there is a point beyond which pat'enca ceases to be a virtue, and we believe that point has been reached. We would- much prefer treating these danders with our utter contempt, Know ing them to be t-b natural rrwlt or u unfort mate disposition; but we have felt it a duty not only to vindicate oar own Society but to vindicate the good name of the long-saffOTing community of Acton who we believe have been vilified and traduced {ij- tbls man beyond measure. Our society is now strong, and we are not anxious to secure as members any but menor good moral character and in tegrity. We are quite willing that our Order maybe compared with any other .Society ami Judged by lts.merlts, and let ;fbe public be the Judges. j We remain, respectlully. On behalf of Calanthe Ixxlge, A. B.C. aTCi DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, - * Boots and Shoes V Co. Having during ihe past week, taken advantage of ' -P-',"" Tho Immenso Slaughter "at Tproiiitp, are enabled to offer the CHEAPEST LOT OP i ' SEASONABLE AT HALF COST PRICE For One^Montli Only. 11 J. B.:VtW.sl3si80K & Co i Baring bought the Epp.s' Cocoa. Ubateful and Com forting. "By a thorough knowledge "of the natural laws -which govern^ tho operation? of digestion and nutrition, and by a panjful application of tho'fine properties oEjwell selected copoa, :Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately llavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by-the judicious use.of such articles of die* that a constitution may! begcadually bnilt up until Btrongenongh ' |to resist every tendency to .disease. Hundreds of iubtle maliulies are floating around us ready to attack wherejver there is a weak point.' "iVe may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a pro perly nourished frame." Ciuif Service Odzilte. . S.old^onlyin packetB labeled "James Epps & Co.,. Homoaopathic Chemist, 48,vThreadnelle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London." <: ' McNair BANKHUPT Stock WHlrun off the whole lot at Half Cost Price, at j' . L '* McNair's Hew Store, Acton. Ever Brought into Acton. All new, fresh, aud comprising this Spring's! portations. Instance the following; 3127 jard8 of American iPrihts at 5c, worth 9c. j!113 yards of American Prints at 80, worth 10c. 1009 yards of English Prints at 10c. worth 15o 106 dozen Canada Straw. Halts at 5c, . "J " " i' J' 40 dozen Sunshades, 10? up.. - r . - ' -[ ... 60 dozen- |Cid Gloves, very ohoice, worth $1.25, for 80c. Dress Goods from 1,0c up. Parasols *t all pricts. ACTO Flour ... . L. \ . T)ld Fall Wheat.. j . KewFallAVheat ^ . Spring Wheat, Glasgow Bed Chaff Wheat Barley , ... Oats ..... Peas ... ' .. Potatoes,-per bag Dried apples per lb Butter '...-.. -j Eggs. ... .. . ntABKETS, $4 25 to 4 60 1 SO to! "90 1 70 to 1 75 1 60 to 1 75 1 40 to 1 50 0 00 to 0 00 0 47 to 0 50 0 68 to 0 72 1 20 to 0 00 0 06 to 0 07 0-20to0 22 0 10 to 0 00 This Great Chane of Buying your Goods for one-tnird the Usual Price will last for One Month Only. HXJRKY 3JS AT ONCE. -The- Slaughter will' commence .to-day, Thursday. 12th April. OUR MILL!NERY ROd)M im- in&vtrJSiiaAs, Nails, Glass, Putty * LiMMdOli,.-'. Pai^ita, Tanontlaa. / Coal Oil,Salt,ate-,! .411 of which will bo sold low for cash, BOOTS and SHOES Selling off at pos^. Also agent for the RtTBBBR PAINT COWfiPANY Of :01eveland> Ohio. ] AND .-. Pnmp, Sash, Door, and Bllit* Factory.; '. r!...;.v:^::a- THOMAS EBBAGE, Hanufjicturer oi Cash for Bides. ^oton; July 18, 1876. "W'indbw Sash, l ' Venetian Bliadi ^pttldiag^;n And otherBapdlngReqilsIte8> ' Also Maker of ..': [ UnTEOVSP St70T20iT PXJUPft ';:'" "^::-'/H::f liumbr.Planed ejnd ftxeued to orda . . In the best manner, r : Ji*Sf All work guaranteed , Acton, Jan.,lp8' !-;-5 AND : WAG-GONS. Now is At J the time -to leave your order . Ryder's Faetory ;i'. for a I Stylish Bussy or Serviceable Waseon. |; I am making hp a large stock for the present season, from t^he best material. Call arid See 6urSandsonie\Bugge9 Now "Is a good time . to secure bargains. . . J Strict attention given to Horso+slioeiac Se aoaeralBlao'B;- I /JAMES RYDER. Actoji, Feb. 26,1877. |- QWfARIO SADtDLBllT, IJSTiOP l: MUSIC BOOKS - Solcfrwholesale and retail by - John Aiaderson Bookseller, Gaelphi Burpowes' Pianoforte Primer.; Jousse's Musical Catechism. 1 : ' Berttni's New Method for the Piano. Clarke's New Method for the Piano; Huntxm's 'Piano Forte achooU - Howe's PUno without a Hastier. Richardson's New Modern School, . . Gitze's Parlor Or gairj Silvor Wreath (Vdeali. j -. - ".' - ! ' "-':." 100.different-Music Books. : A Big Dissount on all MUSIC Bodies m *T- OpTpO (Call Early and Secure Bargains. ActOD, April 11, 1877. J. D, WILUAMSON Sc CO. Is now complete witit- all son, at bur po|)ufar low TRMS CASH the novelties of the sea- lijprices. [-.-,- AND SMALL PROFITS. I A^tonrAprtt^ilotr The lubscriberta^es this, opportunity of thai: king his numerous customers for for the very liberal patronage pivon him the pat t year, and'would state that it is his motto to do a ': ' Squaire and. Honest Ejusihess as her stofore, and hopes to retain tho samo liberal appreciation from the public. ' ; ',; . "'.' '-"' All or lers entrusted fo my care will e , -1 -. . i. - ATTE iDED TO WITH PBOWPTNESS. As n md . but (food Wortynen are Employed,.^ ANDERSONS H CHE/IP BOOKSTORE On the East side of Wyndhanj Street, - -'- UNDERTAKING. :. ":.":,' mh The undersigned begs leave to inform the people" of Acfxin and vicinity that hb will furnish all - ; j: I'- "' Reonisites in t IlndertalfiBC. on short notice and reasonable terma" ..... " !S^.v|,.-|:.., ';..;..... , tp/icnv pesired. ts can rely on getting a good arti Parti . _ . _ ... do arid as cheap as good ,wrk can be donolfor. " I I RepjairlngDone with)featnc8s 0PX.LAA3 - A BTBOtAL-rT. KtifJREB'CHL A^tos, Feb. 14, 1877. canibeU Hearse SiQyfied] ., Also thaijhwill' Pit up Stores & Offices -.'. . in the best| Btyla. Show Coses, Baojk . . made to Shbp oh Willow Tg't "eton. Mareli 20. 18t& T O BREEDERSl. C^ m li"*"' 'The "thoroiJKhbred "Zephyr," will serve do- of the subscriber^^ near the [Grknd Trunk station, Acton. Terms- * ~~~ Grades, 32. Pedigree- bred by F. W. Stone, C Imported Sheriff (2*964)J riel10th/--vi ;.: " Acton, Feb.44, 1^7.. \

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