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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 15, 1877, p. 3

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T mrMHBM r - . ..!4-HW / ;' ' i^e ^ ^^^^^ J_ _ . :-,. i '**~^^j:'% p* H-" : ; - toil ' !?r^V',. if it -tf?U r ft **:..! - - i .' - ... ' f . _4 " ^IRtitX ,ttao -ir THE FREE *i3t^- , ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, Otfl\, FEBRUARY 15, 1877. .. cftAVB TSUSk TIMVi TABLki, - OOXNO WK6T, KigktKtpwM Toronto mail - py KxjwcM ' -F.iPs -/ Gait m*d ~ " liOIJlVSAJT. 5i*ht gxprc*. ^ . - * ' Gait mixed "" Pay Express - Western n^" ' ~' * j^odonraixed - - -TKV4 a.m. i). tp a.i. . 1.57 p.m. 5.20 p.m. 7;07 iv m. '3.-33 a.'m. 0-.UVa.in. ll:34.vra. 5:20 p. ni. 10:10p.m. NBW- ADVERTISEMENTS. I ! -; ^ATeoot j Iprewojami- 1999 Tree* Co. i - Too La*e-G. D. PHngle, ^Breeder* C. SJSnfith. Ontarie Saddlery K. Creech. . Big Posh -Willladeou * C<v. Durham Bulla for'ajilc C. S. Smith. Swphenson Flow To th Working Class Goo.' Stinpou <t Co.' W. H. ^ Walker. havo decided to contiuua their groat Choap Cash Sole foir one week longor. Mako no rats. take/bring yjnir cash and make money. Ak IJjSbottBTKD Bargain. Christie, ^Henderson,-* Co. on opening a freahLlot .of 4hcir fanjous' 50c Ten this morning vera pleased to find it turn out by far superior to Anything of the kind they had bofo'ro handled. Evidently a" mistake hid been made by the shipper as the line is worth a great deal more than..they paid for itjbut they.will^ not withstanding! offer it at. tho samo old- popular _ prioo, .giving their customers' tho docjded advantage of thefr. good Tuck. In view of the probablo. addi tional duty to makv up for the large Government deficit,, no one should -fail to procure a 10 lb_lot of this iri- diapeuiiblo luxury. ; A curling match *m played at Brampton on Saturday' between Brampton and Milton, ..three rinks eaob,' resulting in,; favour, of tue home team- by 27 shots. This is theii* first'Viotory. LOCAL MATTERS. lOXLT <**w Si'-t Id bcryk *rai FIana>ia ihirto.; . ^^ for tfi*y > to<soser bate Wen abb* t>n,: to iu present.' le adtniner k \iait hratltbe. knreit that, Umt always "courtesy are )lN* & CQi ' ' Tn Comity Spring!Show will t heMTat Milton, on the 20th of April. A Social in aid-of the Congre gational Chttrcb building fond, at tho r*iJnea oi Mr. P. S. jArmttrohg, next Thunday eveningr Htb. R. Ramaba is recorer- Ingfrom the acFore accident recently ' u>tain*d by being thrown from a cut- Ur near Rotkwood^ :: Prof. Buckland, at Toronto, iB announced to deliver, a'lecture, urider the antnice* of Halton Comity; Agricul tural Society, at Slilton, next Tuesday, 20th insfc, on " \VomJout aoU." The new Temperance Hal], =t Orewson's Corner*, ia to bo formally opoiied" on Friday evening, 2<1 March. Tho programme of rntertainrnpTit U hot ytt decided ujn>n. boated Canadian cartoonist and lectur- j, ii aanounceii to:'gi\"e one of his ixi- ^iaiitable entertainraents in the Temper- . ance Hall^ next 'Wednesday ^evening. fe> and be amused an_d ediliexl. ' "'.-' . The Acton Plow Company's abops are now under the charge of Mr. RobertrKanuhaw, who has had consid- f erable experience' u the manufacture of ; tb* Stephenson p~tow. Bengengh, the. cartoonist of 1 Grip, ir gorog to amuse the people of Acton next W^ednesday evening. He 'wilLshoweome of hia " Pictorial Pleas- 10 pounds'-pf Tea for n dollar, C pounds of fair Tea for a dollar. 3 pounds of good Tea (worth 50c) for1 90 oenla. \^ 2 ponndarof their t!0c Tea for a dollar. The groat Tea House. ;-. r--- Skcord Bros. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Q ASH FOB WHEAT. !_^ Any quantity of good merchantable wheat Wanted at tho tho Acton steam mills,- for whioh the highest! market price will be paid in caslu ! ' B. k B. NICKLIN. Acton,.Feb. 7, 1877. < ^2rtf ;'.. mo BREEDERS, j JThe young thoroughbrod .Durham Bull "Puke of Kent," bred [by Mr. Stono, of Guclpli, out of tlio imported Those Bbeep Prlxes. ' :At the County -Show in Milton last; fall, a misunderstanding occurred 'as to" ..the proper.*eading of the prizes Vfferod for a eertauv clt of shcop, owing to the omission of a 'vord and other errors in' the printod posters. Some of the Di rectors ^took the- responsibility of cer- recting the, errors with a pen, making it re.%d differently from .what some of the exhibitors thought was the - fair and of Springwood," (soo 3d vol. Canadian Herd Book) will uerva oowai on the premises of the uudersignod, lot 24, 1st 'H*on- Ksquesaig. Terms For Durhams 5; Orados.^. - I ALUX. WALDIE. EsqncsjngpFcb. 1,1877. 31-3m HURRAH! HURRAH! TOR THB BEST PHOTOGRAPHS -.in ike County, at 'i. "'." Th Ontario Piotofraph OaUery ForSeautxj of finish and Brillian cy in Tone, thty cannot be turpaittd. COPYING & ENLARGING In all its branches, in the best style o the art, done on tho shortest notice and, at reasonable rates. . . I Also a splendid stock of Mouldings and Picture frames kept on hand and tnndo to order. i A call is solicited and you will be convinced that this is the place to get photographs. Yours respectfully, ' C. W. HILL, Acton, Doo. 5. 1876. WONDERFUL EXCITEMENT! TREMENDOUS RUSH! THAT WONDEBFULi MAN'S COST PBICE SALE. TO Ever The largest amount of Ctoods so^d yesterday Sold in one day in Ghiel^h.; ^GREfAO? BABGKi|lNS! s c>jsr proper understanding. . The effect of Jit was that Mr. C S. Smith was awarded first'prize for his pon of Leicesters, and "thatMr. Waldie entered a formal pro test agiiust it. Tho matter came; be fore the Board of Directors at the annual meeting1 on the 31st ult., when, accbrd- ing to the published report,' decision wiis givcn.in favor of Mr. Smith. Jlr. TNVsJdie, howerer1, ' states that heiwas picserit at the meeting and that the pSw was awardell to him,'and- further thatho received the prize money from the Secretary. There appears to l>e a mistake somewhere. It should bo set- tied by the officers of the societj-. s-The Ridgetown iPliiiiiiJealer. says: "The Centennial Exhibition in the town hall last. Thursday.night, re presenting the groat ' Centenni;d,' was certainly a capital thing, and the"best of the- kind we have ever seen. -^Many went to the ball expecting to see: a com mon n*agic lantern affair, but were agreeably surprised and astonished to rind sncha magnificent display of scon- 'aatriea.-and giveJa lifelike sketch*! a ^; ^ t*tuary ^ere really^grand' =r . ^ . , , ,: - - ^uid the scenes most beantifuL Shou,lil Messrs. Chapman & Co. exhibit here again we thing they would have a QLENLAWSON MILLS. ACTON. " '! G. & E. TOLTON Propose hereafter doing a strictly cash business. All flour and feed must bo paid for on delivery, or at loast within ono month. All accounts now due must bo paid before tho 10th of Febru ary noxt, G. k E. TOLTON. Acton, Jan. 24, 1877. 30-4* T O BREEDERS. The young Berkshire Boar " Wel lington Chief,";bred by Oeo.-Rudd, of Guelph, has been purchased -bo!me and will be kept for service on my premises adjoining this village. This animal is from imported stock with first-class pedigree. Terms $1.00, to bo paid at time of service. S - C. S. SMITH. Acton, Dc. 18, 1876. 25-tf PORK! PORK!! Charles Cameron is prepared to.' pay the Highest Market Price for 50 tonsof Good Pork.;"^ Call and see him at the Old Stand on Main street. Acton, Nov. 30th. 1876. 22-3m I.. . ; <bsrqcw_ . - */'-"' - r. -: T 2 - - - 1 * : ". -f - + ' is the place *> ' )CK9, Stoe^Ae*^ :: + :>d iBipTdi* ' %$ teai#n*" 7 r.: ?#;-K; > - ; Al*P iNOS"-"' - /- ^jWfl** \ i - i ' * tt ' V" *l? " >- : l.;f'f-Vfc few of our local eelebroties. -Kemernber the grand Centen- , nial Exhibition in the Temperance Hall to-morrow (Friday) evening, under th* auspices of the Sons of Temperance. It is said to be the finest representation of the jwonderfnl. exhibition in America, aod gtres a capital idea oi it3 tnjigni- tilde and grandeur, and the next best "' tHng to eeing the real exhibiuon-it- sefe. : !.: The stock-taking in Jfrs. M- Xair store was completed yesterday by Mr; -Tfeos. Christie and) a ^onng- man sent up by one of the insolvent's ^credi- tor$*in Toronto. The value of the goods is found to be within a trifle of S30O. The liabilities are said to be about $11,- OOtt Mrs. -JfcXair ia supposed to be ojourning near Chicago, where she has relatives. r' - The annual missionary (Services in connection with the Baptist Cburch, Was held la*t Monday evening.' Mr. ":B. B^. Cook occupied the chair. Ad dresses we delivered by the following ministers: Rev. Dr. \ Davidson, of Gaelph ; -Revs. Thoa, Baldwin, of Galti Stobo,-of Brampton, and McGregor,-of Georjfetown. The audience was not very large, and total receipts. * only ^12.43. Wristlet parties are the latest. Th ladies famish wristlets, and each pair Is numbered. One of each pair, with the number, is put into a box and old to the gentlemen by- a committee', and corresponding wristleta with the numbers are" worn by the ladies. The . fun commences, when each gentleman buys a wristlet and finds the owner of th mate Jio. it, to whom he ia W pay at-; tention during.the evening. -[ ' The Champion ia J slightly wroag in a paragraph stating that Mrs. -3o2iair^s ator* b*d been "broken into" and a quantity of goods stolen. The goods were takfn away without resort. feg to tbo naceesity of " breaking in." "We hare sot learned the particulars as to how or where the .goods were "discov ered, but we know that they were, ra- tarned to the store one day last week. . Thay were valned at about $300. i ' -^Tha CohTersazione nnder the aaipiees of the ladies aid aocikty of St Alban'a drareh, last Monday! evening, Was well 'patronized. After tiring of the various other amusements, and par taking^ of refreshments, the company were introduced,' to a novelty labelled "fishing pond." ;' With a silver bait of fite cents and laxgerj the fisherman j threwluM Ifne aiid hook nttb& "pond" and drew out'a prize; this amusement *as enjoyed for more than an hour. Total receipts $37.50, to be applied to . reducing the debt on the parsonage. ". -----;------------- m ...' - :----.---- Tea BeeUoc >' - A tea-meeting will be held in-the Epiacopal Methodist Church, 2d line of *qaadag, one-and-aAalf-miles west of Acton, next Thnrsdayf evening, 22d asfc Addresses from aaveral well Bxrwh speakers, and a prize cake to be " contested for-by two yonng ladies. Pre- ",' <*ds in aid of the Sabbath' School -library. \ I"rtai 5,Uc. j All partiea indebted^ to Galloway ]- Bros, are earnestly requested to settle - P their aooounta by the 28th of this ""rath*: All acconnts.nqt paid by that *t wiirbe handed into court for col- *?tion, with costa. crowded house." .. SPEYSIDE Shingle, Stiv"$ - - ' axi> ; HEADING- MILLS. : Large stock of new fresh Toas, very fine, cheap and good, just received at Secord Bros. *:".-' llon't fail to secure some of the Te they are RfiUing at tha Post Office Store for 30c per lb., or four pounds for 1. It ia extra value. .^ Secord Bros, are offering and giving special inducement in Crockery, Glassware, China, Hardwire and Gro ceries. Go and see them. Krr4 >'otlre. . Hereafter all parties doing business with Galloway Bros, mkiat pay_up in full on the last day of every month. Xo accounts allowed tojTin more than one month..: i Ga^lowav Bros. Any parties wanting Shingles do well to give us a call. ^ o ways have en hand a good su No. 1 and So. 2 Shingles. Best quality^ Xo. 1 Shi&gles $1 square : x"" "" x No. 2, 70 cents per s juare. P. << H- 8AYERS. Speyai-'te, Doo. 13, 1876. l 24-8m gHINGLEgj Lath, Lumber, | And all building requisites kept on hand or dolivereiTon shortest possible notice. Best quality No. 1 Shingles only 31.70; best quality Noj 2only.70 cents. -Any of tho aboye will'bo delivered wheii required. i Any. quantity of oats taken; in* ex change for any of the above delivered at the mill between Acton and Milton, on Lot No. 8, 2nd con. EsquesingJ j Orders by mail address to Acton or Milton P.O. , It. ;0. MILLER. Esquesing, Jan, 3, 1877. ; 27-3m Lumber, Lati. . . and Shingles IE1 OK. S-A-HtilEl. The und.ersigned havo for sale at their mills in Acton a" largo quantity of all kinds of ' . . I PINE AND HEMLOCK ILUMBER, Pino ShixLglos aal Litli. Shingles of jthe Ijest quality (for only ^1.85 per square. Best quality of SeasonaT:lo G-oods less thanM^nufacturor's Prices The great; Sale continues each day. Hurry in und partake of the great advantages offered* JOHN HOfcC l SOU, Alma Block, Upper Wyndham StrMt^ Gnelpb. Feb. 8. 187T would vill al- aply of 70 per On Sttike FOR ONE WEEK ONLY. ^ V: V-- QUMMINQ MACHIN1S. Wo havo just-introduced : a new Gumming Machine,) and are' prepared to.gum Drag or Cross-cut Saw*. Acton, Dec. BROWN 12, 1876- t HALL. 24,3m Henderson! JOB PRINTING of all kinds neatly and promptly erecutefl at the . FREE PRESS OFFICE, 1 .1 " T iSexC the Pst;Offlee. Ml Btreel. & a DECIDED BARGAINS IN Skntlnc Masqiiemdc. The ca.cruval at the (ieor^eto-wni rink on Tuesday night, was largely attended, the number present being estimated at about 500, and it was a success in every respect. A large number of the skater* were in character costume, and as' there / wrere so many, in each class who deserv ed,prizes, the judges had a. very diffi cult task to decide in favor of any one. The costumes were ihiefly <Jf home manufacture, and reflect mucft^ credit upon those who got tlfem up. '"There were representatives o{ the mythological deities, his Satanic majesty irii three dif ferent forma; ancient -kings, queens, princes, cavaliers, fools, Africans, John Chinaman.-and various animals. It. is impossible to give a.description or the names of tho wearers. ' The prizes were awarded as follows : Best lady skater, Miss C. S.' Sugget, Brampton; Best dressed lady. Miss Bella McKenzie, Georgetown, representing the "Flower GirL" Best gent skater, Thos. Ballantyne, Georgetown. - Lady comic. Miss Jenny Hardy, Georgetown, "Centennial' costume." .-Best dressed gent, Mr. Thompson, mtrchant, George- , town, " Scottish thief." Special prize, | W. A. Green, Brampton, ."Cavalier, Princo Rupert.. J. R. Barber, George- town, comic, representing "Night." Boy comio0Wra. GuthHo, "Heathen Chinee." "Miss Aggie Freeman, George, town, best dressed girL The judges were Mr. Ryan, G.T.R.agent, George town, F. Secord, Acton, and Mr. Mc- duire, Brampton. There were throe bandain attendance, Acton; (who well deserved the compliments they receiv ed ; also Brampton and Georgetown bands. t Okasgeism in HALtoii.f^-At the annual meeting of the County Orange Lodge held onihefthinst., the following offioars .were elected for the.ensuing -yeati.Bro. Wm,! Eaaterbrook, !Co. Master: Bio.- John "Wale*, B. Co. Master ; Bro. iatoes Btokes, Chap..; Bro. J. H. Jaokih, Sec.; Bro., J. P. Bopei?, TreasT; Bra. J, B, Lindsay, E>ir. Ceremonies; Bro. John Baird, Co. Lecturer. 5 -:.|. ;. ' - i r Potatoes, But ter, Apples, etc.", ete,> wanted at Secord Bros. ; - - '-" -' .- . - " yiCK^B FLORAL QtJlDE A beantlful tlnartprly Journal flnelylUag. trate<J, and oontalntngan elegant colored Flower Plata with the flrst number. Price only 35 cents for tne year. _The first No. for'1877-Just Issued In Herman and English. . - Vlek's Flower and Vegetable Garden, in paper 80 cents, Willi elegant cloth cover, Vlck'a Catalogue. 300 illustrations, only. 2 cents. "Address J Ml F V1CK, Rochester, N, Y. GROCERIES, CROCKER!, Glassware and ^jb^JSTGW GhOOIDS SECORD BROS. HiTe laid in a mammoth Stock of everything Bich, B*re, XJaefut jmd 'I 'ajid Beautiful/in' j GROCERIES, CHINA, Glassware, Hardware, &c. \- :-r ^-OTonsr, hi AT THIS Post Office Store, Acton. The Subscriber, GEORGE YEMEN Is now prepared to offer a choice selection of Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Wall Papery, Paper Window Blinds, &c, jase even those who rail at the Hard Times. At prices that cannot fail to pi XTO SPECIAL PRICES AftST QTJ0TED, As a trial of bis[ goods^ he. 'A call is solicited. February 7,1876. .. -v. - - - I ' - t This We6U will offer extra special values in the following Goods to reduce pre paratory to Stock-taking: ; 2 dozen Cardigan Jackets, $1.50, -worth $2.00 2 doasn Cardigan Jaokets,,$2.00, "v7orth!$2.50 22 pairs Blankets, $2.50, worth $4.00 17 pairs Blankets, $3.30, worth $5.00 i ' 20 pieoes Full Cloth, at 55o per yd, worth^Oo 16 pieces Fall Cloth, at 60p per yd, worth 75o CLOUDS, / WOOLEN GOODS, At ,Give Away Pricp^. Any one in need of Full Cloth for Men; or Boys' Clothing, Will find bur stock well suited to the times. Positively free^ from shoddy. CHINA DEPARTMENT u afftxia* Mottoed Mustache Cups and Saucers, -.-., Ladies' Mottoed Cups and Saucers, . Children's liottoed Cujpj and Simeon, Glass and China Muga, mottowi, aU Oolam Flower Vasedj Qlasa Pitchers, Preawva Diabea, ^ Celery (3k^^ Goblets, Tumbters, Pickle Jan, Wind Glasae^ ,:.'.;.;:/> . < Glass Soto, ;.. Sick Capn and IWlett Eemember that Famous 50c Stone and China Tea Seta^ *v . Lamps, Lanterns, ...,. ^Everything inGraniteVfato, . JE very thing beutifuMri#n<l!e vjx J-v ^-/ KmJ -Mj JEv -L J2j C>- Canned Peatines, Pliims, Grodseberties, Slackbeiries, Chearriaa, Peart, ^ - Preserves, Jejne, Jellies, Pickles, Lobsters, Salnurn, j , - Sardines, Clams, Oysters, f"ruita, KaMns, CurranU, o .' _ figH) Kutt, fiiscoite, (MafeetJonary! d fi*ay is convinced, Will be found advertisement. to be the best CEO. YEMEN Post Office Store, jActon i" ' -', ' i '--'-i Cash paid Tub Butter. for any quantity of really good Acton, Jan. CHRISTIE, HENDERSON & CO, lite Zttrgest and Cheapest Stock of > . into Acton, ?eas etier brought Tobaccos, feic, Barley, Corn Stajch, Sice Floui|, Soap*, etc. ..j-...;; .-..! Hardware, Cuttiery, Spoons, Painty Oibs, t. icton, Kojf/ 29, l$f6. SECORD BROS. i -a Si

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