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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 4, 1877, p. 3

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v-::?:-:--t.?a . :-->:m __/if i-L 9. IS a.m. -1.-B7 p.m. &50p.m. ?:S6p.nV. 1:04 a.m. ....."tm '/.-::--j CbUR TKCJiK THK TABU. Trains leave Acton as follow! : ;~" - ooiso wt. jrning'-Xail" - HieyKxpres* * * . JRJfit repress ; OOlNlJ EAST. , Sight Express'- 3:38 a.m. Afixed 9:15 a.m. PaV Express - - - 11:34 a.m. Jfatl 5:20p.m. Jtfixed .:-/ '__'9:90 p.m. issiBsess "f ' ' , IttAl MATTERS. Isatallati On\Ydne*day evening at the regular communication ol Walker'Lodge, Noi 541, A. J^i A. M., Acton, the follow ing officer. were installed by V. W; .Bro. Hugh Walker, assisted by Wi 'Bro. J. H. Moots., of Quslph.-i I, Bro. Henry Hunt, W. M. v\. Bro. Caleb Chaie, I. P. M. " Thoa> Kennedy, 8. W. AJex, B. Wright, J. W, 1" open on **** '/0-../ Kb* j.&. tir&M. :$ ITW* -.'---?-, .--sis I .^/: * ro^JBgi , Tb .public achoola Monday nt. ^ - ; Who runs this eeaatty! i easily answered. Grand Trank engineers, of course.' ' ' Y who haye not yet paid your ^iate* had better do so before the Col. lector ge|a irratky. ._.'"' At * mejetfng, of jth* School Board Monday evening. Mi*;- Hughe* r-was appointed caretaker of the school for the year 1877, at: a salary of about , '- ^The snow IshoVtsl is nol Used ' en oar aidewalka': mock as it ooght^p be. jPerhape oor eonstable will try and ' earn a U^e of hi* salary by poking: up the.delS^aeBta. - . - How happy w coald be w4th- rt raaroad* aad^thiag* if weoTrnod* good ox-team. Then we wouldn't be " keJbjiaea" to Grand Trunk engineer* for oar daily mails. i Just think of it! four mortal day* without a daily newspaper in Aetna I No. 5w .Year* letters t No Complin* Uwre' *K> telling what thoee oaashfy engineer* will hava to answer for. . Tb* patctico indulged in by ' bojiof k*gnig on behind skighidriTen ' through the streets is a dangerous amusement, especially in the more fre quented thoroughfares, .The driver who " whips behind " does the proper thing. Thar .urge wster wheel in Mam. ~ Nteklin's mill broke into aaHilhiiieeni yesterday without any ap- l parent eaasa. Twill cost orer #100 to : Repair th*,d<uaag. . It will not cause aystinpsgi oi the saill, as thir steam agiae-wUl be nude to do full duty. John P. Record, Chap. Jar m Mr. Donald McXair, who has been ./seriously ill for some weeks past, is re ported somewhat better. W. McCraney, Esq., M.P. for this - egmnty, paid a flying visit to Acton .yesterday. * ' -_ --Mrs. Secord, senr., <rn one of the many victims-of Grand.Trunk decep-; tkiti. She was compelled to remain in'; Toronto from Saturday morning until /Wednesday, against her inclination. [-^ Mr*. Wnidnsoa, wKe of Rev. T. X. Wilkinson of Xalnagaweya, was taken suddenly ill on her way home from Actph on Wednesday steraiitg, and has had to reauin at tie iouae <f Mr. Bobert "Aiken*. Mr: Job* Seoord may be congratu lated on the vigorous "ran" to made against the Doctor, tbe,tber day. V'erj- iw thought he would tally so well' - 5fe Waiter 'Laia*.^f Xassajjaweya, recently (trained ins side in sifting a quarter, of beef,-and Dr. Winn states- that a Wood-vessel has been broken in the region of. the liver, and that he lies in m precarious condition. . Mr. John Ho^an and Mr&.': }V<^an, daughter and son-ia-law' of Mr. James /Gibbon* are on a visit for a few days to the paternal residence. They reside in Shelbume. a*. Matthews, Trsss. - JohitRosi, 6c '.Ja*/^yder, 9.D. " ZDavidTGalloway, J. D. " John Morrow, I. O. ". Fred. Secord, D. of C. " R. Morrow, ) .___,! " Wm. H. Ldwry, { **?"**?. " Chaa. Cameron, Tyler. Immediately on the conclusion of tbs installation esrsmonies, Bro. Hunt, on behalf of the brothers of Walker Lodge, presented their ex-master, Mr. Caleb; Chaie, of Guelph, with a rery_ hand some and beautifully chased Past Mas* tor's jews], as a token of their^ esteem and recognition.of his services si mas ter of the lodge for the year 1876. it bore the following inscription : ' i Presented .to woKSsurrcL sbotheb calks chass, : by the members of Walker Lodge, No. 321, G. R. C. December 27th, A.L. 876. Acton, Ont. After Mr. Chasb had made a suitable reply to the address accompanying the presentation, the brethren adjourned to Mr/ Robt. Afrnew's hotel, where an ex. cellent supper was laid. - On the remo val of the cloth, a few hours were^punt in social conversation, singing, 4c., and the company parted, " Happy to meet, sorry to part, and happy to meet again." The Masonic Lodge. at Acton is in a vary proaperoui ^condition, and baa now a membership of ovet thirty. NAMAOAWstVA. At the,close of the Quarterly Exam ination of the pupils of Pine Grove School, Section So. 7, Naasagaweya, Mastera-Wellingtoo D. Cargilf and A; McTarisk jr., on behalf of the pupil*, (presented their teacher, Mr. h. Mo ^prhatter, who is about to retire from the profession, with a handsome gold watch- chain and the following'address: We, on bebalf of the pupils of PlneGtove 8cfaool,oa talsibeeveor -roar departare from our ratrtst, b*t; leave to present yod Trltb tnts memento asm atlxtit reooienltlon of-lbe ealeem ente'nalned by^ts of too. We ivgret that the Ume*as nrnted wlisn v^ most sever nor connection as- teaeber and pupil*, but U consoles u to l hlnk tbst weanalLoitensi-eTOortrenlatfiee aealn. Wearsassu.ed that you will be kindly rpm-mberpd by both ttie old and yoant* ofiM* se:tion. Many who have hitherto tlstenm to your Instruction with Interest will now mtks your friendly counsel. We do not desire to present tins chain on ac count ol Its Intrinsic value, nor do we prcOrt It as temuneratlon for servicis performed, out we present. It as a alight / ackiiowitKlreinpnt of our ntrard nnd es- I tre'mor you.. We conclude by wishing I A- m ^^^* TH? FREE PRESS AcloN, HALTON COUNTY, liffc., iJJ^0^mi:im OloclaS and Je^roleiy. JUST ARRIYED, I A CJood Assortment of S(tuds, Cuff Buttont, ! Lockets, / Chains. Fsnoy Gold Rinp, Gold Drops, Brooches, JUST OPENED, Call And December 19, 187. JUST ARRIVE!). RE A GRBAiT iv^ii-iAiii: Black Sets, V ! *T - | Separate Brooches, Dr<>p, Black LockeU, Pearl Suits, ' Necklaces of all'kinds, Toy Watches, Eta, ot., etc: JUST OPENED. See Them. 0EORGE HND& WatchmeJcer, Post Office Store, Acton; J SECORI) BROS. flare laid.in a mammoth Stock ol and Bet uti/ul, in yu every success In whatever sphere at 11 fe yon -may nease. Bisned on b-Calf of the pupils. Mr. WiUuvorus l). Cargii.l, Ancu. VIcTavisu, Jk, McPhatter repliexT In suitable '/ 4-Those yoang men who bet so high <a the* election, now'wish they hadn't. Moral: Don't bet unless you'r sore. '. - Mr. Bunt and Isaac have had easy .tunes at the ! station lately. So have /laird and DiXnn ho trunks or, mail- ^bags to bother them. . Their work has f bets principally to poke pert pons at - pesky people who 'presumed' to pester them with quemlous queries regarding the regular running, and to* seriously sudden stoppage of the Trunk train .traffic.: -.". -A / . 'i; v:r,M i'-.-^'.Tr^ :n. *AM? terms,'expressing his heartfelt gratitude for the kindness thus manifested., to wards "him./ He- concluded by hoping ttjat the school would contiime to grow and prosper; and be -assure<HTis pupils acd friends 'that he 'should not soon forget the many happy associations met with in Pine Grove school. The chain is a very handsome one, valued at $46, and was purchased at G. D. Fringle'a jsirelry store. Guelph. everything Rich, Rare, Useful and GROOERNES, CHINA, Glassware, Hardware, &c. Having decided ed.iogo * Of Men's Overcoats, Bien'a' qlater Coats. Men's Nacqne aW-ffcooHng Coats ofiCaoadi ut Tweed; Hilk iflxtiir, and Kaelc Kroawt Giptb, Cwsi*resv .]\\\ i'AfPt; Men's Pantaloons^ of erery class of Cloth. Men'i singU and I>ouble Br >ssted Vests'.. ;i.M -; ~ TMi li a rare -. I -,i , , As the entire stock mtii the cleared out. --- of obtaiaiaj: P1BST Any clothing that may bie unsold ;V OF CLOTHING & out of the Ready.M4de Clothing busines,, will ooiniflenoe at once to sell art jshrtrt onedwif the ordinary priw, "iB "VBR He. to the Wonderful Van's Stores /ami are 4 9S bUl erry j^I* yoa p4. ,t* JOHN ISES Upper Windham Street, OWTHIlTa at abotit half it raltti. the 15th of January, 1877, will be offered at ParbBe At>o. . GrfCCH3X,I>3aC. 7Ji" I ?-" iSelree. The-entertai*aa-*at under the auspices of tie.Acton WirisMw Sons of Temper- aaee, im~/n*8sr Ijall, eat J!ew: Year'* evening, was atteaded by a full house. After tkecaJcM' and thisigs had'been ynperty Bainifl of.Mi Gkristie took the chair, and the brass baaJLjtUyed a .afcruig tune is their sssal excellent style. T1|e**swaaa-oto40Bt" in *r<ssaiag ass'aasr, ass doebt as a sooth. sagbstat'te the smlertusHrt* victims os" the^aSet Mt B. B. tjoek gave a brief ^nfatnesitfniyriain Mr Chac. Dealt sag at' splamlid vmat tke touching Sesteh samg about ike "Drunkard's ^CPd We'en," and an eawbre brought out that fine old song 'rCastles in the Air." The band played ' Fair Guuiasi Mr. Jobs Speight made an iaterestiaj - and amusing address, occupying more than an hour, in which he touched apon farfjy- every subject under the sun. VksClaravWatsou sang a sentimental eesA-the title or words of which we wese aaable to catchy owing to the con-- i tsnt hsxsiag noise throughout the haU. ,! A tsartette tonsuting of Messrs. Dean, > Hill sad Gibbons and Miss Watson, * aij " We roam," and Mr. JDsan told 1 *lKt"r<m bright shore," 3Bv.T. CesapUBBeatary Sapper. On Friday, 22d ult., a complimentary ystcr supper was given to Mr. Wm. S> McTavish, by the members of Lowville Lodge No. 183 U. T. O. There were aboirt^lSO present. Mr, Wm. Hard- bottle occupied the chair,! and Mr. W.O. Morse the vice-chair. After ample justice had been done to the oysters and the other delicacies with which the table was abundantly laden, the Chair man proposed " The QueenJ" which was responded toby Mr. Joseph Featherson. The toast of the '.'Governor General" and the " Government of Canada".was responded to by M* J. S.Kemp. "The'. Guest ol. the evening" was proposed by the Chairman, in which he referred to the indefatigable efforts of Mr. McTav- ishin advancing the; interests "of the Lodge. The audience sang " For he's a jolly good fellow." Mr. McTavish re plied ia vary appropriate terms, thank/ tng them for. the compliment^ and assur* ing them that when a favorable oppor tunity presented, itself he would not fail to embrace it, and pay the Lodge a visit The " Learned Professions" was .responded to by Dr. McGregor, of Guelph ; The " Agricultural Interests" by Mr. L. Hunter ^nd Mr. Sam'l Dice; the " Cause of Temperance" by Messrs W. S. McTavish and Wm. Hardbottle ;" the "Mechanics" by Messrs "A. C. Mc Millan, A. Smith and Isaac Burkholder ; . "The Press," by Mr. John Turnbult Bev. H. HaU and Mr. Geo. Hardbottle responded with i thrilling speeches to "TherPulpit.'* . The conclndine toast was to " The Indies." Mr. A. Bobert- son and the Misses Nlchol and Hopkin son, of Cnmtnmsyille, Mr. D. 8 Elliott, CHINA DEI Gents' Mottoed Mustache Cups and Ladles' Mottoed Cups and of Campbellville, and Miss Bykeman, of WaterdowDj interspersed the toasts by ' ift some fine selections, Which were received and frequently eneortd. Mr. Griffin, of Waterdown, gave an ex cellent recitation, which, was fondly an* planded. The nsnal votes- of thanks were then given, -and the audience joined in, singing the national anthem, after whi^h they dispersed, about 11:45, all apparently well satisfied with the evening's entertainment. . r^flkiasoa, of Wasssgaweyji, then . , . ^- fdnwpsBy occupied in reviewing a -^~ Pseeh recently delivered in Toronto by James Vahey, in behalf of the licensed ictaalUss' Association. The--speech' wss eaustiesJly handled and Fahey's eonhistry effectively disposed of. ",' C as cakes, lunch cakes, pound cakes, fruit cakes, sponge cakes, *-, etc., at Galloway Bros.'Bakery. Bead ' This. It costs less than two cents a week to take this paper; lea* than a. diligent ben would earn in a month at the mar* ke* price of eggs; less than half a cigar a week, and a very cheap one at that; leas than the barber wonld charge by the.year to keep one's hair trimmed; less than a good sized Christmas turkey} lets than an en ergetic kitchen girl will waste in a week. A dollar.can be saved in many a better way than in stopping your paper; ' a^sts*. Near Acton, oil the 2&th ult., the ' Mr. AadrsV C. ARTMENT. Saucers, Saucers, ' ' Many Special liines of Goods have been secured at extraordinary low n Children's Motboe 1 Cups snd SsUCert, Glass a ad China Mugs, mottoed, all colors. Plower Vases,r Glass Pitchers, Gj1 Wets, Tumblers, Pickle Jars, Win e Glasses) - ,,'; ' " ' GL as Sets, Stone and China Tea Sets, Lamps, Lanterns, Everything in Granite Ware, Broi ything beautiful in endleas. tariety. Q- Canned Peaches, Plums, Groosebefri i, ^lackbertles, Cherries, Pears, - - Preserves, Jams, Jellies, Pic Ies> Lobitersj Salmon^ Sardines, Clatts, Oyslers, Guilts, Raisins, CurrallU, ^Pigs, Nuts, liscuitsj Conftetioiiery atod Honey The Largest and Cheapest \ Stock of Ten etifr brought f- , *7lfO lCtOffT^ Preserve Dishe( Celery Glasses, Sick Cups and Feeders S. All kinds jot. cakes iced and ornamented at Galloway Bros/ Bakery. For good tea cakes and tea buns .go to Galloway Bros.' Bakery, Cash for Pork. Christie, Henderson k Co., Acton, will pay the highest _priee in cash for any: quantity of well-dressed hog*. Tobaccos, llice, Barley) Corn Starch Hardware^ Cuttlery, i Aeton, l?ov. 39, 18^6, Bice Plour, Soaps, Ac. i^ Paints, Oils, &c. SBOOBfi nr &RE It unary low figures. BARG Be Qiveri. INS j / ;CALL|: An early call is necessary, as many Lines can not duelph, Dec 18,1878, ^5a Q^Q9. tPSSI ^e^o ^p be-repeated] :at the low figures, . i -1 i ir Wit, STEWAB-T i j T TflU rASIEI0NABLE"Wl3STElTD ieii, i2d Pieces 15 centai rVool Serges, 35 cents, n gular prlfle 40 cente. Specie f . oil For Cheap Dress Ooods, ^diea should yilti toe; I A.tOi: j^hlopable^W^stBndr^eaa, Millinery and dueiph,i>eoember i, 1876. BOOK Al*]? 65 Pieces Brocaded LttstrM; 10 cents a. 20 Pieces Brocaded I eversible, 12^ cehtsi " 30 Pieces .Fashit (table Serges, new suad & CO. f*" Alt This Week offer Decided Bargaine in Season able Groods : Men's Overcoats froru ^5.00 up. ' T..-'- !V n's Shirts and Drawers from 50c up; ii-a Stoga Boots from $200 up. ? Ladies' Fur Sets from &M ttp* I udies' Dress Goods from 12|c up. ^ 'i- 1 lankets, white, per pair from $3.00 up. Ilankets, peyx per pair from $1.75 up. oeys, xtrft ^i3i; .f: :f:' FACTORY - !*': J- ! ga-tra heavy. A new lorehekpiir this ever. /V. is4I{b' Oioudi in irrtat rariatr and wit elwj^ in Irhnietasn variety, thi alt the leading. styles attid oolwsi-cheap. jto fatiey prices for Millinery Ladtejs' Manilea in Steele tin4 Made fe Carder. PULL Ladles, remember tali. CLOTH AND HEAVY CAR ; At Decided Bargains* TWfEiS (mm and tine Blabk Silks, 90 cei its ft yard Pieces ilress Silks, hnidsome cleared out at 60 centi * yardf "WW- s, to be .1." ft ^^^^^^:^t" mi wz H: :i*y 'j*satnsnl sll" illss'l DiPFlICrB I. CAPS Yotl ^hich .^ill B^taiha thfe j i Aotoh n - In great Variety^ / v-f'/.^' ' GAPS FOR T0IJTH& -. - i - i . '. v't.'V-. : i :. ' ' - 'J CAPS ijatt rely oh Saving Money by buying your Vytnr Goods fresni j:/r,,/'-/v:i,: _. ag^nsi alt <lm| V a&orlO'lb. J"' '*" &r,i^isW ^., ^t^toY, -r-t-i--j:->I.V ,1:>.-,"-- K1.: I- ifr-

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