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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 14, 1876, p. 3

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' - J--.li- i ":^feySf: [iy^.:':-m^ ftps; '::^uv^ f.V* 45. V .>M?kV;!X ij^.- vr" -=?/'St;; idf- :iiT^l,'-:4: ' i r.'"-..J': 5 r "" rrSy. ...; ] ot toed7, all ctAini '%lerj d^amy'"%_ '1: n --f^-'ii i *: i ill -"' , 5^-^jj ": '.4 "" ! Jt; imon, -'/j- ^Kfftfir ,[: lonery: **&l1f$@i&-:-' S*ntf*2 ES*. :*$&! TfiE FREE PRESS, .e*SPL**5*.* TlWfS TAsVLkf.- - Trains leave Acton-aa follows s . , -Morning -Mail :._. - -iajlOvm. PayKxprcss -f- ' iJWp.ru, Knsre* rN 17 p.m. ,. **a. - ,ir :**p-w- Night Express --; -, ; U>jwiu' I .liOtMS K.VST. "' Stehi Express - - ': > 3:37-a. m.' MiseJ V -r- - 9^-10 .m. >-=Dv R*Prc'i!S -r - - 11:35 a.m. Mail.- .- ' * 5:17p.m. 10:03p.m. LOCAL MATTERS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Bstra'y Steer ': .fecial .Notice J amos Rj^er. | rftasc to Rent James Brx^Ti. ' Spey<i Mills P. & H. Savers. Notice TO I>el>f>prs Browu ft Hall. Lnmbefr't^j &r Saler Brown *' HalL HouscholA Oomls^-Ji. 1>.- Williamson it- Co, -; ;_ /_ -j Good slfiglifhg'tKe'past few day*, tnt sno^v now fast disapttearing. ^-Mr.' 3Ic5fiir -will move; into bit new bricfe'stare ia about two wcclts. It is-heing'Tcry'neatly fitted uv. ; -^Bres^d hogs have ieenj sold Berie as high: as $75, buttha highest price yesterday and to-day was $6.50i Sabbath School JTestimi apd ConocA to be held ]H the Me&odist Church next Ifhnrsdaj^ evening; Ad dresses by several Ministers from a dis tance and singing by the school children an tt choir. - Municipal matters are still' ' quiet. . So ^fw names are mentioned" fer the . next y<ear*a Council, either in this village or neighboring townships. Nominations' on Friday of" next week. Hurry np, .gentlemen, and show yourl selves. ; ' "Mr. Pringle^ the well-known Onelph jeweller, is now selling off the whole of ,'his stock of watches and jew- ' ellery at a rwluction of 25 per cent: b^- Jcnr the regular prices, prior to effecting radical change itl his trasitfejs. Read his announcement in another column. Aetrsi rubllr ftr*iKK _ , The following is the result of a Writ ten Kxamination in Spelling of 200 words. To the 4th,class wcroi dictated the most difficult words-to be found in Uio 4th, book from pago 80 to 24C } to tllctUiril class, from pago 1<54 to end of Srd'lHXtk; and. "to thsj second class, from page 80 to 164 pf 3rd book. FIRST DEPARTMENT.^ ACTC&, HALTGF jfcGtjrNTY, O^T., DECE1 -L^a roritTn cl^ss. pijct, rret. S niRLS. Clntaspelvht 19 RllUnfcelh Stono 199 Chtirlott Snclgjit IBS KannyM'GarviHin; Augusta Speight 19J /. \. BOV*. FreiH Kom ann Chester HIU 199 Alb rl MxttheWBlM Oscnrilimwl ~18S U'llliiim Smilor 197 Wrtt Knn<siJy ISO ' innrlck MatojeylSl Henry liur 1S3 l:o<ilSnjtler 17%- John B Uanieron li ' V - , TltlRD Ctiss. -. V\"m McMaehon 109 | Mlnervn Blnrey 300 AleTlUxniRbHW 1'| Ellen Humtltor. MOO Jas. MeContoll 187 rMaxsleCArapbellWO Peter.Kelly l'WlNeifie Watson a John Aenew 178 | Annie Ijildmw 200 Thps8pntht 178 I Majnrle Nleklln aw Wesley Hokbrs 185 f BertaM'Harvm '197 John Kennedy 130|'JennIeIQ-der 190 JtecosD CLASS. Msrshnl Fe'arnlrlKfl John Moloney ^ l?s Mary Worsnop :!no Mary Bm4ih 500 Ixnnella Hill lot Kllllan Haeklne 1! Ida E, HncKlnjr 199 Ella Spelttht 197 Marl Ida Ma sales 1S3 St.' .llban"* rbreh. Divine^ Service will be held in this church (D.-fV.) on Snndav next at lftiSO a_m.j^3_S:K)-p.m'. ' "* The Railway Debrmlarrs. At the.Couuty Council bu Tuesday, the. Warden stated that he handed over the Railvray d.etntnres of^ this county to the President of the H. and N. W. l^njpany, and tiiat he had purchased srase of them fur'the county t*> the ex- of $10,000 Jat a j>remiuni.of ODe and a quarter cents on the dollar"over-their ,-face value. The whole of theThalance were purchased atjkhe same rate :by the Canada Life Insurance Cv>mp.-.rjy. -This sjtlows the .confidence which investors have in Lthe value of Haltoo County de- lecturc*. - , Edwin b. Ross ' 191 John Kcniiey IBS Jas McSnunn 190 KlchM Waloney 1 Fran* Women 1SI Chan. Matthews 177 Alex Watson 1TG SECOND DEPARTMENT. Tbos. Mltcholl 1MI l.lisle Yemen Wlllte Speleht. 193 Miijrcle Moore Erasmus KaWdy 197 | Emily GockIUI Angus Kenceiy B3| Mary Brown . THIRD DEPARTMENT. ST0 lft"> 19o 193. ^Vllilo storey James Smith Willie Brown Thos. Kennedy Albert Oood all Henry Ryder Willie Cook a 199 199 197 Jul:a Moore May Hacking Juneyfenrnley Mnilldil-------- Brown l?)l i Arnle Moore ISO 1781 A11C8 Ramshaw lea 173 |> Wajninir; ! -..' All accounts not paid by the loth inst. will be handed in to James Mat thews to collect with cost3, with 'no exception. -.. . B. & E. KICKL1N. Acton, Dec. 6, 1S7G. Arty one wanting/ a. pair of good overshoes, should call at Craine ft Son's.,.. ' ' ^-Llon't forget Dickson <fc Mc- JCaU's cheap fulled cloth. ; Cash for "BtrTTEn.-^-Christie, ,Hend*rson &. Co., Acton, will pay the 'highest cash price for any quantity of -nice, dairy butter. '. For good4pa cakesand buns go to GaUuwaj-'d Bros., Acton Bakerj-". Go to the Post Officp Store, Acton, for cheap Groceries, Christmas luxuries; etc,/ Geo. Yemen. L ulie's, -look, at those cheap1 clouds at Dickson ;& MeNab'sj-, A splendid lot of goods suita- 11 '" " for Christmas presents, daily ex pected ar the Post Office-Store, Acton. Don't fail to see them.-^GEO. Yeues. - |>alB!kl Arrldrnt. i ilr.: S..p^r, a man aJxjut 70 year3 of a^4 ^Z*~ii*n, cesir Creir^ms Cormiers, itahed to walk along the. railway track from Itockwood to his hnie, one even ing ln^t week, "when by s^me-means Jor other, u'nexptainlii1,, he fell over an ein- I<anki&cnt and sustained serious iuju- rjes. His arm and t^iree or four ribs are bn>ken, and his body otheitwise in- jared-in Several places. ItisUibnght that he mnst have been struck by th cow-catcher of an eagine coming upon him unawares,- and rendering him imme diately insensible, as he appears to be unable to explaS the cause. He;u well known. as the manufacturer and pedlar of "Soper's salve." - * ' ;/' ) j :; GRE. , Poultry "Wanted. Christie, Henderson i Co. will'be; projjured, "as soon as Lard frost sets' in, to buy any quantity of turkeys, seesp, ftucks and chickens, dressed uicel7 for market. _ ,_ Ne^w aoods for the Cold Season Arriving Daily 30 PACKAGES J(UST OPENED. :.,- . This Wceltf we call Special Attention to some of , our Great Bargains in I HOUSEHOLD GOODS Blankets, very.large Stock, $2.75 a pair, very cheap. Quilts, great Taiietj,$I. .1 Bed Comforte'rs, $2, .cheaper than over before. Sheetings, Bleached and Unbleached. . boa?T<p3srs. White nnd Grey, splendid value, unequalled in Canada for quality and cheapness,^ ^ iu'ia^.asrasrEix.s. \Vo l\avel the. largest stock in the Province including Scarlet, Grey, White, Plain, Colored, and Check. Prices lower1 than in any previous yeur. Home made '25 cents1 ia yard. Special value In Home-made, white, single and double width. Table Linon, To-walling, Straw and Feather Tiokings, Cotton Flannels. The Lion has always bad the highest reputation for cheap Sinple Goods, and our customers acknowledge that this season we have surpassed all previous (Sorts ut selling good sound goeds at the. - _ . lowest figures. CABPETS. We have, without exception, the largest assortment of Carpets outside of Toronto.. . W invite;inspection, coaGdent that in ibis Branch wo can safjisfy every one both for quality and cheapness. A few lines specially suited for Carriage and Cutter Trimmings excellent goods. REAJDY-MADE CLOTHING. An immense variety,'cheaper thari jan be found'at any Clearing Sale . I Ulster and every other'kind of Overcoats, very low. Our BufiFalo Ro"bes. - . ! - . ; i Are famed throughout the. whole of Western Ontario, so that we aro con stantly receiving orders from all points. We have sold an immense number,' and have still a few left. Secure one at once. - ! --1' i \- . PRIGB PROM $2.50. No Place Like Thei Lion for Glisap Goods. kfcN- t.v I GLE&RING ADE Hav ingodecided to go out of the Ready-Mode Clothing busines?, frill cotBtn-ence OTEB! $i4LQ ao Of Men's Overooati, Mon'a Uls|ter Coats. Men's Sacquje and Shooting CbaUjof Canadian 1 weed, Silk Mixture, andF BTaclt ffroa'tf^ ClotS, CaiaHn-es, iff. - | Also, Men's Pantaloon^ of ererjj class of Cloth. Men's single aBd Double Breasted Vests. . . .- CJ= Boys' piptliirLg^..if IllVerj^ Dpsoription.^ This Is a rare ohance of'Staining FIRST-CLASS As the entire stock must be cleared oat. Any clothing that may b unsold on the Speciai, LvbrcEirzxTs. ^-Parties or dering one dozen _phbtop^aphs during this month will receive a choice rlair of Chroinos. - C. Wi Hiir.. ISr^NTgb. Any quantity of .Torkeys, Geese. Ducks and' Chickens, ' ', for which the highest markiet price will ';bepaidat.the"Post Office Store, Acton. .V-. .,' G0. YCTfBV. Eastman Wallace favors ns with j another screed, bristling witii - quotations from- Latin, Gfeek sad other^ "of it) favorite an^hora. Poor - old Cie.:ro {flippantly nained- ^"TuUy") ia even roused from his grave to express his views on.', the ^.cton School ques tion. Indeed weiare .so overwhehned with the : excellent " grammar " and good "taste." displayed by friend Wal lace, that jre willingly cry peceavi. The public don't care one-straw wheth er he has succeeded, in making a donkey of himself -or wSether we have acted very; wickedly towards him in rousing his ire. He prates about our not rper- - mitting free discussion on a matter of public interest. We have yet;to dis- ^eorexaae syllsblein^any of his letters, ither published or unpublished, that could possibly be construed into any thing affecting the interests of our pub lic school either for good, or eyii 'TThe letteCwe declined to publish wastsimply * fine specimen of twadlle, with neither. /___' 7 -'-. . \j.mvuo .. i. . . Mryme.nor reason. Ai_2>e seems sped- -Potatoes j-per bag ;1. ^ lly anxious to- know what disposition. 'we-made of his MSS;] we will relieve his"anxiety~by saying that his pri vate letter has not' t>ern seen, hy, nor * ,ntentr wmtnunicated to, any body "but ibe writer; "hereof; that his public letter -iras road by us. and its Publication ;>.consider/l quite unneces sary in view? otthe fact that we had an- s Other: of a similar charadter from a resir dent of <rar village ; thaf afterwards at * the request of two of the Trustees it ~"wi* read in thei^. presehce> and fiheh I laid asichvas-of- no value whatever^ .Is " i "' If ;he.jeally ha anything to say con- : csndng the school or anybody, connect- ,d yith it, why donit-fie say, it, akd .^-have dor^s with hi- silly! 'vaporijjg* ,*Wut nothing. Our columns are oben. -. for complaints of a substantial nature, " Cash for Pork, L Christie, Henderson,"'ATCo., Acton, . wilt pay the highest price in cash for ay quantity of wiUjdressed hogs. J. D. WILLIAMSON & CO. .----Crockery and Glassware sell ing at a slight advance on. cost prices at the Post Otiicc Store, Acton. .Don'tlet this chance slip for securing bargains. Geo. Yemex. ^ Gal-oway Bros.- make the best' bread in the county. Give them a call. Galloway Bias, give 100 lbs. of bread for 100 lbs. of flour. . For a fine, well-fitting boot caH at Craine' &. Son's. r-For nice fresh. Oatmeal and Cornmeal go to the Post Office. Stoite, Acton. Geo. Yemen. ! ... I .{ boots and shoes are the best in the market. Try a pair. ! Heavy boots for winter in "all sizes, at the sign of the Big Boot cheap ) and good. Craine A Son. Epps' Coco.v. Gratepcx axd Com- fortisg. "By a thorough knowledge of -the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, ami by a careful application of the fine properties of Srell selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which :may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of auch articles .of diet that a constitution Way be gradually built up until strongenough to resist every tendency to diseased Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating; aronnd- us ready to attack wherever there is a weak p0int^_We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a pro perly nourished frame;" -Civil Service Gazette. Sold"only in packets labeled "James Epps t Co.,. Homoeopathic Chemist, 48, Threadneedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London." '_ Giielph, Dec. 12, 1876. Dec. If, 1875 Tfr 110 T H1 n m * &d so3^r f. at oocp to sell,at about one'hajf tlie ofainarj pnc^f "WlORTH ...K xt nurry to the Wonderful Muq's Store and save a 9p bill on crery $12 yon spend, "a , " - '. i" . N HOGG 6l SON, - i * M Co. Thi Week offer Djecided Bargaijas in Season^ able Goods: 1 ' ' Men's Overcdfct^ from $5.00 up. Menfs 5hirtsi and Drawers from 50c upl Menfs Stoga Bo^ts from $2 00 ^jp. Ladies' Fur Setis from $3.00 up. Ladies' Dress Goods from 12^c up, Blankets, white] per pair from ^3.(1)0 up. Blankets, grey, per pair from $L.7i> up. Winceys, extra .-yalue. FASHIONABLE WEST END 20 READ AND REMHM3ER. , MED. " Kear Acton, on the ,9th inst., wife of Mr. Joel Leslie/: the ACTOJf MAKKXT8, ,. $250to2;75 Flour White Wheat New Fall Wheat.. Spring Wheat, Glasgow New Spring Wheat Barley ... Barley, Ko. 2 .. Oats...... Peas ;' ..,. ._. :. Apples perCbag .' ' ~ Onions .. -'7; - .! Butter- Dressed Hogs Turkeys .. Geese . - .. Ducks 1 00 to 010 1 00 to" 1 05 1 00 to 1 05 1 OOtol 04 0'55 toO 72 0 68 to 0 70 0 38 to 0 40 6 65 toO 68 0 60 to 0 75 1 00 to 0 00 0 60 to 0 75 0 18 to 0 20 0 17 to 0 18 6 00 to 6 50 0 07ito 0 08 O O^to O 66 0,06 to 0 07 WOOD WANTEfi. ^ Tenders will be received, by the Acton School Board np fb" 12. o'clock noon, December I8th, for tfie supply of 30 cords of .good dry hardwood, two feet long, cut from green timber..' All the wood to be"! split and free from rough, knotty pieces. No tender'ac- cepted unless otherwise satisfactory to the Board. ' y - - - - . H. J. HALL, Sec. Acto&yDec 6, 1876. - At ft meeting of the Ontario. Poultry Society, held in Galtj last week, it was resplved_ to: bold the- next annual show of the Society in Gait, ori the 16th,; 17th, 18th(. and 19th of January, 1877. About $2,000, will be offered for compete tion,r j -- ^Having, purchased the entire stock of Groceries, Crockery, Glass' ware, Wall Paper, Stationery, etc., of Mr. Jas; Matthews, and leased the premises lately occupied by hint as a store, I intend keeping, a first- class stock of all the &baye-rconj tioned lines, which 1 will sell cheap for Cash orProduco only. Believing the, Cash System to be the only right principle on which to do business, my motto will be Small Profits and Quid; Returns, t believe that I can supply the . public with goods as,cheap as they: can be purchased elsewhere. : All partie^ requiring goods are respect-" fully lAvited to come and examine my stock and see for themselves, '. that where they can buy for cash ia the place for cheap goodfe. - - GEORGE YEMEN* K. B. My present large stock of Crockery and Glassware will be sold at a. very slight advance on cost pneei, (to make- room for new stodk. Now is the! time for bai? . gains. 17on't forget the place( - ' The Post Office Store Acton. GEO. YEMENV '- " ' ' ' ' .".'- 'All kinds, of Produce taken in -exchange for .Gpods. [u Acton, Nov. 23, 1876. ALL WOOL Extra heavy. FACTORY A new lol cheaper than ever. i i i. FLANNEL, Ladies* glotids in gitsat vaTisty and very nytiiiiLiliNrEi urz: In immense "variety, in all the leading styles and colors cheap. 1 fancy prices for Millinery. Ladies, remejfnber this. i:f I :| '. Ladies' Mantles in Bt9Ck and Made to! Ord^r. y"' 'y'f- FULL CLOTH AND HEAVY CANADIAN TWEEDS . GREY ) AND SCARLET FLANNELS In great varietyi CAPS .?QR MBK,' . i CA^S FOR YGtTTfl^ I1 AND CAPI5 FOB You can iely on Saving Mbnky by buying your-^inte|> OoodB f>om; CUM S TIE, Rsmeirjlber th!at Which still Aoton, Nov -J HEND&R804& Famou^ |5po Te^, fail Maintains the l^adj against all competitld|n. Don't " ' secure a 6 or 10 lb. l6t. i K'i'i :;-' . .^ rir Terra* Cd^U and Small Prtflts.." OS 14,1878, HE1TMHSDN 0 CO GO, to ' /- Tor Cheap C^PTHSNa:^ at ahout half % value. 15th of llinu^ry, J877, wilt be offered at Public-^ action* ' . Alma-Block,:TTpper Wyndham Stretjtj GnelpTi. ^#ii AT %HE 65 Pieces Brocaded Lustres, 10 cents "a yard. Itceg Brocaded Reversible;. 12i cents."" 3 3 Pieeea EaahiotiaWe Serges, new shades, 15 ien -s. 125 Pieces Wool'Sergos, '25 cen'Wy reguhiri pi iee 40 cehts. -. "!'- Special Line Black Silks, 90 cents a yarl. ,j 53 Pieces Dress Silks^ handsome Dress cleared-out at 50 dents a yard. Goods, htdios should visit the Fashionablei West End- goods, to'be.; A. O. BUCHAM, Fashlonahfe West End Dress, JtllUnery and Manjle KstabUshment,. j Gtojph,December 1,1870,. v ' _ . ' ['.;: .*.'! BOOK Knx^ ' ippl&ni$ii(M FECiSiPTLY JE3tECUTE. At It 1^ FREE ?RUSS OF PIC wortb any persoiife ^im \Ynen in GrueliU to cajll and see ti e: o-> ?V?:W.m For Men.and Boys, ,1all colors :aaad pricear.at '.. '"', !".- " /' - liutherrbr^'sjpiothmg cBstaibl^liiB|ent. defy Immense Stock j>f- ,;.., . o XiK< Jfotetli<ir.laving ita best assortment/r<fcl'oTpr&ito^ i ition. " Come and see. Guelpb, ^b>; ^1876;. v.. i ^jMi^ :-ii.-. mm, ---"fS" z- m V-" j =.' -. . 1 " i prices V:':':';3't tha tyT'h , .- T.

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