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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 14, 1876, p. 2

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THE EREB PRESS, JUIE fAt'TON FREE PRESS . Pa'nishcdfivcry Thursday Mmninj;. ' , J. Ik HACKING, Proprietor.' $1 Pet Annum in Advance THE EASTERN MUDDLE Promising: Aspect of (he Ton- ... f; -frrenoci' AN AliUKKMKNT KKKEtTKIV :u',:'T ""' <*y m^': I CuNSTA^tixori.r., Doc. 12. Tho -* I - I here is resulting in reconciliation. London, Doc. 1*2.-~A despatch & JOS.H -M^IKINO COITOR Tnrusrv.vY-JfoKMNc, Deo. .14, 1S7G . Tlie Imperial Parliament lias bmv ivryrpgucd until the 8th of 7"FeUrwiry-jito-meet then "for the urgent and important! basinets," BrotliPr Jonathan can do almost everytiling, lint l>v this rtpie In* must beCoonvihced that theelectio'n "of a President is-n little oak of his *- lino,"' "--:-,- .. '.}' - ' - DjT Schliemann ' announces the discovery, on the site of nn^ient Troy; of the tombs of AsraniPiiinoflf, Cassandra, and KjivviiumIoii, and their conipanionrv who wore killed . iby 'Clylemnestra and .-Egixthus!- : The President of the Now York Stit Working men's' Assembly" -- esvinwtes the .number of working riiehoiif of ' employment in Now York City at 4."i.()00. He assorts -flint many families are on the verge' Lof starvaaon, and that the situation is becoming desperate. . .',j The construction train on the II. in I N. W.'.Rv readied MiltoiTon ' Thursday. '-_ A great- dial of interest ris manifested" in thn prospect of soon having the road f.o.iicn for through travel. The Milton and Bronte stage funkes two trips daily how. ' Tho Brarrtford Council have de cided to go on, and ehtain asjiecial Act incorporating Brentford as n city." The ' Kj-[-"--ifor' thinks the only honor to he secured besides the name! trill l<e the increasing of Prom Constantinople to the Renter Telegram Company, says : At nn informal meeting of the plenipoten tiaries held at the Hhsmuii Kmbas- ny yesterday, there was nn inter change of views which is under stood to have been a favorable nn- jjury for n peaceful result of the Coiift'ivlice. = Paius, Dec. 12. A despatch from Constantinople says-. At the preliminary meeting of the Coitfer- i>ncfc? yesterday, undir tho Presi dency of General Ignatit'lV, Russian Ambussadoi', the Plenipotentiaries commenced by discussing questions concerning Servia-tind Montenegro, and agreed on' tho following points, which, will be officially sanctioned later : The Conference admitted the .expediency"of- the rectification of the Montenegrin frontier, to Uo de termined by uu international meet ing ut liagtiyiL It would comprise an addition of eleven districts (all named) to Montenegroj The-Prince of Montenegro would! go to Con stantinople to do liomagu to the Sultan for the new territories con ceded to him. -' The- Conference .admitted that Servian "territory should be evacuat ed, by the Turks. "Prisoners onj both-sides are Ho be' ret.uriied and Xhe armistice prolonged until the conclusion of pence. It was further agreed ihat the valley of the Drina should be considered as the western . Governor CuroTi of Quebec, in ut the point of death. Judge Maeilonahr, of Guolph, has been elected President of, the Ontario Rifle Association: I Tho United Suites Senate yeator- dy adopted nn n'mtmiUiioht. jivnvul- iiig that electors shall vote nt Pros- ideiitial elections ri'ivi voce instead of by ballot. ' | Who is to bo next President 1 Answers tij this conundrum would bo thankfully received by, the peo ple of the United States. Silb-Inspeetor Dickons, of tho Mounted Police, sonYof tho late Chirlus Dickens, is sani to -bo pre- I>ar nga book on 't'utr'KprtfiVost. Awnniiin living iit^Jryson, Que.,. murdered -her two Uttlo children Tuesday. She b_ supposed- to bo atlUcted with insanity. :'-: Six thousand dolhu-s havo bpnii subscribed in Brooklyn in aid of IheisuffurcrH by the (ii-o. Perfomi- aiices aiv being given in the jMon- tieal theatres in aid 6f tlie'same fund. ACTON, EJiLTUN COUHTY, ONT., DECEMBER 14, 1876. Tho following, from tho Colling- wood littllctih, is time|y ; As the time for tho immicipal :x>lect.ion:?_ draws'near, theciinvuBsing becomes iiioi'o- various, it has become so custo'inary to ask people for their votes that u candidatij can "scarcely look for success unless hu engages in a personal canvass. And j'ot the practice of canvassing is rt very objuetieiiablo one, and fruitful of great'evil'. If there;.wen* no can vassing there would bo very ; Kttlo bribery or improper influences at elections. It Seems to.be nlniost necessary, hoi\ever, under existing circumstances, for if vour opponent frontier of Servia, this rectification Uu^es a vigorohs canvass, and you implying the dehnito cession ot j Vijuko none/your opponent will bo Little Szwarnik to Servia. These ^.^ like)v ^ wiu the scat; Son)e 1 sqiiCHlim Council. il '-J Tlie Council nieton the 1st inst,, pursuiint " to udjournnieut. The Reeve iii tlftrohnir. All the nieiii-j hers p esent. On motion, the Tr&iBUi'.ii' was authorized to pay Nelson dtanilish; SG.50 for grading voimI or' the cliopk lino unit ciunr*' ing out Robert Bcssey 5?5 for building a stoiio'ci lvert between tlio Gth and 7ih co 'cessions; 'Mr. Duvenmx $1-2 foi building n culvert,on the" road o] posjto Lot 18/on tho Tl.lr line, i d tho nccouiit '< of D. Wil- liiuns fir liimbm' imcd in repairing, bridges, amounting to .?14.'17,'"" On u 3tion"of Mr. Warren, sec onded I y Mr. Lindsay, leiivo was granted to iiitrodiieo u hy-law to appcjint returning pflicers, and to provhlo places {or holding tho Municipal Elections; The said by-law vas read a fiifit, second and third" ti. ne and passed, On motion of Mr. Liiulsny, fec- onded ly ilr. Wrigglesworth, the ; !* was instructed to pay Noblo-tho- sum of 73.43 jor furnished by him from tinjo for repair ol bridges tho (year 1877, and also to Thos. Chisholm for a like NEW ADVERT.I$EMENTH. H OUK TO KKAff. A two-Htiirey riiu^licjint lioimn, enn> ttiining ciylit romim, ih ful' rent. Apply :to,TAMILS UltOWN, Aotouj Dae. ! -', JSjO. " 24-4t Treasnr RoViert for him I tiiuo to during S10.45 purpose), On taxes, for extra official At a meeting of the Royal Col onial Institute in Lmdon, England, Rev. Donald .FruKer. n>ad a pnp>r on Giuadu in which i glowing terms-of the ie spoko countrv, salaries.' in its resources -r and political In thf! diseession'whicli foremost of been leen's Be"ieli ith contenip climate, svstein. followed.-: the Ditminien was, char- acteVi2ed.as Wing the Great Britain's colon cs. Hon. George Browln has before the Court of Q .' in Toronto, cbarg-d w of Court, for ">pi"ulWiilng in tho Globe a strong av*wleTcriticising or. c'-.ndunciug Jiulge;"Wilson because i J some severe Ltri^nage used ro- spectiiig him itrfcAferuuc> to the " big push" let(e.r"m.U'e libel suit , of Sjiiipson r.^-^ilkinson, of the r West Durham'-2\wrs. Mr. Brown, although accomJMn'ed intoccinrt by two counsel, dj-fended himstlf very vigorouslyv-' The-'decision will be By Chief-Justice" Harrison. ^Judg- inerit- is to ba rendered between Christmas and the beginning of the new. year. first results confirm tho expedition of an uudets'.aiiding between the Powers. - Gen. Ignatieff, in the last inter view with the Marquis of Salisbury, is reported to have' declared that he would accept the occupation of Bulgaria by a neutral State such as Belgium or Switzerland. Acton. While we are not able to boast -_of any very extensive buikling Operations- in Acton during the past ieasQEL, it is nevertheless satisfac tory to hot that cjuite a perceptible progress' fias; been made toward.^ fillingKup the vacant lota. Last :. year we figured-up the cost of the-, -'new buinlings at abont S3O,00(>i but this year's total will fall con siderably'short of that" sum,jjwihfr no dpubt maiidy to the prevailing ; BtagBation in all kinds,? business throughout the country. We hoped to bavv had. the pleasure of .record ing this year a considerable addi;i ' tion to our'manufacturing inctnst-' ,tries, but this hope is- not realized - a jfact not to he wondered at, 6'eeing that {Canadian manufketur -- vnrd hare a!mV>st - njiivei-KrtHy been ' their opiration?, and that scarcely any newrmannfuctories have been established in. the Dominion. We feel satisfied, however, th'ilt with a revival of business, thej'uvorable ^ location and other inducements wJiich can be otT'.-rcd for the estab Iishment of additional manufactur ing'enterprises here, will not much longer be overlooked. The build. 'IS- operations this year comprise -; quite a number of private dwell ings}- the handsome brick church coinpiei^cd last fall by the Metho dist denomination, has J. een com pleted "tlis Srta-son at a totalcost of about .7,0pb); jl. beautiful brick chinch, has been erected by the , CrtJiigregatiohulists, and is being rapidly, pushed forward -to comple- L.t:on ;" JVIr. D. McNair lias built an imposing red bvicft store an<l dwell ing adjoining,- two~stoiinH, with Rrr.Y.\r! 1)fi-ki:ed. rvii^s. M^aria Dunlap. of Lockport, N. Y., offers a reward of SI,000 to anyone who will bring home to her the living tKHiy of her husbalid, Hon. Robert Dunlap, who has been missing since ' the fifteenth day of--November last ;n'nd has been tweed to London. The mU'siug man was partially in>- , sane at the time of his disappear- nce. lie is CO years of nge, six feet in height, grey beard and hair, bronzed complexion ; wore .a black slouch; hat, faded blue overcoat, dark- pants and undercoat.jand blue vest, all well worn". He is suppos ed to be in Canada. The Lincoln Election" Tuial. Although the judges who. are trying the Lincoln (local) election petition will not bn able for. some time yet to make their report to the Speaker^their recent decision declares that- Mr. Charles^ Rykert was not legally elected, a sufficient .amount ot bribery and other cor rupt practices having been proved to convince the Court that it was to these illegal acts Mr. Rvkert owed the slender majority by which he was returned. The.recriminatory charges against CipUiiti Neolon have been 'abandoned. This nar rows the whole question now at issue to the scrutiny of votes. The contention before the Registrar is still jiending', the result'so fai ar rived at being .that Capt. Neelon has a majority of thirteen. of4our best councillors are tho poor est canvassers, and some-of them nitetiy refuso to canvass at all. It is inj behalf of the.se we speak : let, their- interests not be neglected be cause'they do not nsk for votes they are tho very men we want in our councils. A Sad Trasedy iu Stratford. A second Gilmour tragedy has mansard roof, Mt a cost of about- :!j3,000y Mr. Ed. Matthews a frame gi-oocry store; MiV H. Fish or'" an . addition to Lis" tin -uirt stove shop; H annit>er.. of inij roveiuents and additions'? to "d.wellings and places r .of business hnifn been made during;- ths season. _ !VVe;^believe tbat-the; buil ling operations of Acton will "at least.Tsear favorable comparison \drith -any other municipality in -fcbia county. Progrf a.s^of ' a: m uch. :more-K extensiyo and LStibst^iiitial character is expected during the eoiniiu?j&ar- .' -.-" "r" ' v ' TEe Dunkin Act. A petition was presented to the Wellirigtoii';County Council on tho Gth, to submit the Dunkin Act to the ratepayers, f Mr. J. Hallat,Jon behalf of the Licensed "Victuallers, Mi. J. P. McMillan, and Mr, Chas. E. Roumine addressed the Council in opposition to the ^ prayer of the petition. The; committee appointed liy the County ipoiincil to consider the petition reported adversely to it. ; On being put to the Council the report was adopted by a ma jority of 27toL-l. Tlie friends of temperance intend trying again. In Huron^apstition', containing the -^signatures of 4,000 electors was sirbmittecTto the County Coun cil, asking ' theui to submit. |be Dunkin Act to a vote of the Coun ty. A counter petition, contain, ing 2,660 signatures, wasalso pre sented. The Council, on a division, refused, by a majority of seven, to submit the by la\v. -Tho County Council of Perth have decided, by a majority, not to'take any action towards sabmitt-i Ing the Dunkin Act to the . elec tore.,'. The County Council of Bruce has thrown out the Dunkin Act by-law on its third reading by a. majority of two,. ' ' N Oxford County will vote on tho Dunkin Bill January 17th. ; . The Dunkin Act willlje voted upon in Kingston on. the '4th of January, !' . - " Dunkin Bill and a school con troversy fill the Brampton papers. 'happened in this Province. Tin inllity abortion case in point happened in Stnitfoixl last week. From the evidence given before'a coroner's jury, it npptnrs- that the unfortu nate victim, Matilda Willis, was, a few days ago, to all appearances', a healthy and piepossessing girl in the. bloom of womanhood. She came to Stratford with two of her friends to bo inarried1'to a"yoting man named Worth, who resides in Mitchell, aad jwho promised to ineet them at the station and_uc- ;'company- " them.' But he didn't. The reason alleged for Worth aot accompanying his intended bride to Stratford, was that his people, .were opposed to .the match. This seems, however, to-have been a mere rwc to get rid of tiio unfortu-. nate girl whom he had ruined. Finding that her seducer had made her his dupe, her grief was inex pressible. She had fondly hoped that once nnitcd to him sno might bo ablo to lift up her head again in society; She refused to return to Mitchell with her friends, but'visit ed a medical man) who afterwards attended her at tho hotel atJ which she was stopping. Tho.^trqatment she received resulted in hee death, and there is little doubt but what it was another foul case of abocticm. The suffering of the poor girl, men tal and bodily, during her last hours, were intense. Had the mis erable wretch who, under promise of marriage,. robbed her of that which is woman's brightest "orna ment, stood by her beside and wit nessed her last agonies, his heart, if even made of flint, woiild have melted. After an exhaustive hear ing of tlie case the jury returned a- verdict "That the girl J,. Matilda Willis, came to her death in conse quence of an abortion,-and that Dr. Lucas was fe'uilty of irrnrder." The doctor was at once arrested, and is now in jail to await his trial at the next Assizes, - A warrant has been issued for the apprehension of Worth, thceupposed. seducer of tho girl. 'I".."--' lotion of-Air. 'Warren, sec onded by Mr. Wrigglesworth, the Treasuier was"authorized to refund-i Mr. iMsEnery 4, three of which hadbetn expended by hiiu. for ne cessaries for Isaac Cooper and'pile dollar f>r repair of qulyert. Mr. 3icEners* moved, soconded by Mr. \Vnrren, that the Treasurer pay J. Miti'iuy, Esq., the sum of G0 for recording births,imarriages "and deiths, stationery n'nd other expense s for the year. Mr. Lindsay moved, seconded by Mr. Wirren, that the Treasurer bo refunded the sum of S10,' ndvanced by him in part payment of th'o cost of tho ] assage of Archibald Walker to Scotland, the iCouncil of Erin having advancwl |?15 for the samo purpost.- Mr. Wrigglesworth moved, sec onded >y Mr. McEnery, that Mrs. Abbott 'receiyo' 64 a week for the support and maintenance;of-Isaac Cooper iintil further orders. C.i'-. Iilr. JleEtief'y moved, seconded by Mr Wriggles worth, that- Mr. Lindsay bo requested to iuake' in quiries iii Toronto us to the possi- }f having Isaac Cooper re moved to a hospital or other in-' stitutioi where incurables are inainta nod. Messrs. Warren and Lindsay were appointed-a committee to ex amine the allowance for. road on Lots 5 and Gr 1st con., also the al lowance for road, Lot 15, 2d con., mid icq ort to this Council. The Treasurer was authorized t-o pay J; ines Moore 5, being two- thirds value of a sheep killed, by dogs; also to pay Duncan-Clarke >}0 for the maintenance of Archi bald Walker; also to pay'in con nection with the Municipal E ec tions, "pSVRAV Sl'JKflllti.; t'nntb on to the premises.nf tho sub- liher, Lot No. '2',i, (UU Aim, Kwpioningi- ahout tlio 1stnf October lust, a Darlc Hed Steer, risine, tlireu year old. Tho !c>wnur;in reiiuenteil to 'priivo propwty, nav uhni-Ko and tnko thii animal uwny; 1 ' . WjM. MJO'JT. . KM(pi(iRing, Dfic. 9, 187(6. S4-8t | ; SPEYSipE | IShingle, Stave i. ! ASI> HEADING MILLS. Any parties wanting Shingles would do well to give us a call, Wo will al ways have xii hand i good supply of No. I tuid No.2 Shin^letj. Best qiinlity No. 1 f-hitigles.?1.7<'> por sipiaro. No, 2, "0 cents per square.. .P. <-|lI. SAYKHS/ Speyside, Dec. 13, 2S7j(i. *24.Gm. SPE3Ct^L.~7H"6TICE. I * - ! " FItOSI' THE Acton OarriakeKShop All jtarties indebted to the under signed'litre earnestly requested - to1 pay up (in or before the ]nt day of January. All accounts not then; p.ii<l will be handed over to the' (,'lerlt of the Divis ion Court for 'collection, without respect to t.ersons. . '. -3"AMES RYDKH. Acton, Dec. 12, 187(i. 24-3t Lumber, (Latli , and Shingles The niulen'igncd have jor sale at th^ir milhi in Acton a large Quantity of all kimla of _ |. - ' PINE AND HEMLOCK LUMBER, Pino Sbis?lc3 and LatH. Shinglo3 of the best quality for only 1.80 per fiquarc. . QIJMMING MACHINE. ' We ihave, just introduced a new Gumming Midline, 'and are prepared to gum Drag or Cross-cut Sawa. wujvhc &;hall. Acton, Dec. 12, 187U. 2-1-Lin . NEW AD-VERTISKMEJN.TS. VfOTICE TO DEBTORS. All parties indebted to the undersign- ed either by note or'boiik account arc requoHtoil to make immediate. Kettle-- munt, aitd greatly oblige mtpWN (t HALL, Actonj >qi. 12, .J870. 24-3f . riAKKTAHEK WANTEW. Tenders will be received by tiicActon School fioartl, up to' tho 1st day of .Jftiiniiry next, for the position of Caro-' taker- of, thej Acton .School.'. No ofl'er aceeppud milieus' otherwise-satisfactory to tho Hoard J. Tenders to he handed to tho Secritafyt ' ; - . | II. !J. HALL, Sue. Actonj .Dc?.-G, 187(5." S" " O. Bi .] *1 " & W -" tet 8 p. KJ0. >: J3-W no p P 'f-t" I a o 1 0) <J>' ct- !? 'P < 8 2. -.- JSP ^ 3 sj p. a> CT" a p, rt- O tr CD 0 n H Q ^!"2^M 9 '1- r*> -y* 2 m f 03?kl Waated- 50D0 Drew oil Hogs wanted weekly, for wiiiqh thp Highest Cash Price will be paitLj Frrtin $2,000 to.?5,000 iu cash to be paid ou ; to farmers for Pork ivery week during Deceinbijr, at ' i SECOND BROS.' Store. kJAS. SVIATT^IEWS To with the Municipal E the following sums, viz?: each Returning Officer, $4;; ;Poll. Clerk, 2 ; each Constable, .^U.-frO ; tnd the necessary sums for E!ee tion Blinks and Ballot Papors. Mr. Wriggl'.sworth nioved, sec. by ilr. Lindsay,-thet 4 each be paid bj tho TreiiBirror to tho'Ptcevo ind eaqh of the nip'mbers of this C'ounci ACTOX,: The disaster which Brooklyn, and the whole country, iourns-lias never been exceeded on this conti nent - in respect to loss of life, though it fails to reach the numbers attained in similar calamities in other.parts of the world; Eight, hundred people were killed in the burning 'of; an Amsterdam play house in 1772, and 1,000 perished in tho Sarugossa Theatre: in Spain the same year; nearly 500 died when the Palais ' Royal, at Paris, was burned, in 1781,, ' and 1,000 men arid -women were crushed; and burned to death when the Cafe d'Istru Theatre in' Italy fell and took firo iii. 1794r Ab tho burning, of the Richmond Theatre, Now^ York, in 1811, sixty-one persons! perished ; by the destruction of th& Pemherton Mills, at Lawi-ence)" Mass., one, hundred and twenty persons . were burned, and about the same number fell victims at the burning o'f the French Catholic Church at Holyoke, Mobs., last year. But tho most, extensive tragedy oh record lis that of j thej burning of the Catholic Church of Santiago de Chili, South America, for services as Road Com mission era during, the past year. Mr. ,Warren moved, seconded by. Mr. Liidsny', that the Treasurer of- this municipality bo authorized to pay! to jthe Treasurer of the County of Hulipn tho amount of the M.u- nicipal'Loan Fund and- its interest' up'to thol8t of November, 1876, j in terms of By law No. 282, appro- [ Soljt; priating s^id money in liquidation I CLERK 4TH DJy^SIOH COURT, .':'. . -Commisslonos -ia Q, B. : Piro Inatiriace Asent, Lifo Insuxauco A^ont, Issuer of Marriftgc -Licenses'. U it SIS'CflMHe IS CpMHSCr; [AND SECORD BROS. Have laid in a mammoth Stpck of everything. Kicb, Rare/Uaefnl'wj and Beautiful, in .>, j '::.:.' v-iii t; ;-l'; : . -I -Ko# "<Ud hi*] Iti GROOERl i Glassware, Hardware, &o/^ .V. <s Charles: CameFon -. is preiiared t Price for .50 |tons of Good Pol and see him street. Acton, Noy it the Old Stand!on 30th, 1S7(>. 22-t3m can Iienr of fioueekeeper. jiay the Hig])esC Mjrkot; CHINA DEPARTMENT- Gents' Mjpttoed Mustache, Cups and Saucei-s, ; i !' >-'" Ladies'Mottoed Cups iiai Saucers, j '.', Children's Mottoed Clips and Saucej-s,. \ I Cajl I Mauri Glass and Chinii Mugs, n ottoed", all colbra. _FJower Vases," 'TXOL'S.EltBEPEll WAXTED; .-In experii :nced, middle-aged woman an ; excellent -eituation as by applying at tlife IFutx Glass Pitchers, Preserve Dishes, Giblets; Tumblers, "Celery GTaa^,'. Pickle Jars,"Witte Glasses, i ' Glass Sets, Sict Cups and :Ee6& Ajoat Hoaoy to Loan or Borro-w- Agoat Montreal Tolegrraph, Co.- OoHoctoi os 0oaxiis3ioa. Woodstock's new buildinga for 1870 are valued at $170,000, and include twu-churches, a tannery, three-flouring mills, an eleyator, . , several factories, and a registry: in 1863, when over two thousand office. . .' j people perished, of. the portion of tho indebtedness of E^quosing to the Hamilton aiid Northwestern Railway, a'nd the Credit VaileyJRailway,;as follows : The Sum of 0,985.50, being the levy for tho If. & N. rW: Railway for tho years 1874, '75; and '76, and also S223J3, and tho inlterest to 'accrue thereon from date, to be up: plied b-y^Sipd County Treasurer in redaction of the levy for said, raib way1 for the year 1877; also 5,- 175;87,.to be applied in payment of Esquesing's share, of the Credit "Valley rate for tho years 1876,18< 7 and 1878, together with the inter est to accrn 'thereon until the rates for 1877 and/1878 respective ly become due and payable, and also' thej sum of "45.11 to be similarly: appropriated . and paid oyer to the said treasurer in reduc tion of the annual levy to the said Credit Valley Railway, the latter sum being one month's interest on the said fund, froih the first of No vember to tho first of .Decebbe'r instant, and which is hereby added to tho amount orijginally appropri ated to the said Credit Valley [Rail way in .'reduction ..of tho said in debtedness, the wholesum to which Esqujesfhg is entitled from- tho Municipal; Loan Fund, together with the Interest up;-to the 1st of December,il87G, being; S12,430.2.1_ and that the seal of tho^corporation bo attacuoil to tho. resolution. Carried. j < The Council then adjourned. ------------------------------ \-TliQ funeral of the unrecognized victims of the. Brooklyn Theatrp lire, numbering one hundred, took place 'at one o'clock on Saturday, and notwithstanding tho . intense cold was MJitnes8td by crowds- of people. Thje :remains. were buried in a large.circular trench iri Greene- wood Cemetery, arid the: funeral secvices were conducted by minis ters of the Episcopal', Baptist ana TJnitarian Cnnrehes. '.-.; Aal Qeaoral Agoat, Sec, ft'o."' '".!.-- 'j ' Parties .intrusting their business with me will be satisfactorily [dealt with. -' ! ' - i ' | Office at tho Post OiRcje, Actonj " Acton, Doc". 6, 1876".1 I ": : wu THOS. RUSSELL & SON, ". ' ^ ' ' < Watchnuiliers, Licerjipol, Having; determined to sell "out their Canadian bi siriess previous to their, opening; a Jobbing House in England; have instructed jtheir agent, '. GL D OF iGUELPH, IAT PAYS? IT PAYS every Manufacturer, Her- etinm, 91cchanfc7 Inventor, Fnrnier, or I'roresuuiiul Jlau, to keep Informed on all tlie improvements and discoveries or Hie akO. ! ; IT PjvY-3 the head or every family to introduce inio h(s household a newspaper that isjlnVtructlve, cho that lusters a taste for iuvpstlsation, and Proraotes1 thought and encourages discussion. : THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN whidhihasbeeh published-7?ei kly ionho lai-t St U'ears, dots this, to an extent be-' youd that of any other publication; in fact His the only weekly paper published in the united States; devoted to Manu facture?-, Alk uanics, Inventions and New Uiscoveiiies in Arts and Sclom-cs. E^ery number Is p'rolusely Illustrated and lis contents embrncoi the latest and most interesting information pertatoinjj to the Industrial, Mechanical, and fcicleu- liflc pnogress of the world. THEiSC'lEyriFIC tMEBICA\ has been the fnremosl of all iludustrial publlra- tionsf6r tho past.81 years It4s H>0 Old est, Lar-gost, Cheapest' and Best, Weekly Illuslnit-ed paper devptedlbiSug'.neomni.', Mechanics, Chemlsiry, New'IuventlouB, Solepcb and Industrial Progress, publish ed HI the world. 'Ihe pr^tctleal Reci|ies areTsroll worth ton times the subscription price, aid for tho shop and house will save1 many times tno cost. ! It should have a place In every Family, Library, Ktudy, Office, Heading Kbom, College and school, | A new volume commences Janunry 1st 1877, A year's numbers contain 830 pages and Several Hundred Engravings. . Tfirmjs, 53.20 a veor-J>y mad. itictudlns; posUtty, Ulseotint lo^cInUs. Sreolnil Cir- r.uliirs.'elvlnij olub ruies.sent freo. ' Sln- clo dofilcs mailed on-reoflpt oriOcontS, Slay bd had of all no*Sdealers. DATCMTC ia chnnectton iwltli CH IjCil I Ob Ut" SclcnUOc Ariicrl. r.nn-.sMtssrs. Munn A Co. rire HoIleUors of American and Forolen Paieflts.iind live' tho larpest establlshpieul, i-n ilio world More than nrt.y tnousaud: appt lent Ions havd bcon mode for patents through their apenry. ' Batonts are obtained on lh,o best terms, Mod^lsiofNew Inventions anu Sketches examlih-d, and advioj.- free. \A pamphlet containing -full alreq'loml lor obtaining Fate-Ms, sent free.. The 8<jlcntac Ameri can KeJTcrcnce Boo!;, a viurao bound in cloth and tftt, coi.ikiniigf tho Patent Laws, qe"nsuK of thei U.'3M nnd US En-: gravlncs of mecllanlcal! movements. Prioe 25 cents. | j A.d(lr<jss for tho Paper, or concerning PatoW.?, MUJSS 4. CO., Si7 Park Row, Now York. Le, To pnorlforjaala tho Whole of the Stock loflRUSSELL Wat41ie f Clocks and Jewelery At a Special Discount pf"2:S per cent, And continut commencing on Monday November si^h^ Aa Aaotloa G. Stbrie and China Tea Sets, - ' .^- >: k, - . ' ; "Lamps, Lmterns, "' ; ] i _. Everything in Granite^Ware," j-_ - "..-."-'" Everything beanti'fal in endless vaiitjt- . "; ^ " !GBQQE I?,l|ESw; Canned Peaches, Plums, Gooseberries, Blackberries, CherrieSj Pattf,.;! " . Preservesi Jams, Jellies, Pickles, Lobsters, Sa|mofaj 1.* .'. ' j Sardihes, Clams,. Oysters, Fruite',p^Raisi.t, CniT^t^^;.":- Figs, Nuts,.Biscuits, Confectionery and Hf^ef.- The Jlargest and CJiea'pest &tock* of Tecfs ever brttffi^ into Acton. u> Tobaccos, Rice, Barley, Corn Starch, :Rice Floir, Soaps, Ate.-. L ; _ ? y \~ Hardware, Cuttlery, Spoons, Painta, 03s^- ;. Acton, Nov. 9, ,1876:.- SECORD BH0S. until tho wholo stock is sold. will be aeldj! every HURRAH! HURRAH! TOE . Ghristmas is;-Ootning, And now is the best timevtp secure tho best Photographs Ever offered to the people 6/ Acton i and.vicinity- - At Astonishincly tow trices. Tho p'ublic are invited, to call and -in,- , | spect niy wotk. : COPYING &. ENLARGING. Inallitsibranches, in thef best stjjo of the art, done.on the shortest notice arid at reasonible rates..' '. :-'-..'.'. . Also ij splendid stock,of Mouldings and Picture frames kept on hand and . made to irder. -. A call |is-aolicited and-you will be Will cointinue business and the ,. re- 'convinced that-this is, the place to get ^tches and Clocks i will go ! photographs, Satt .riay .i CPRINQLE The Oldtest anjtBesji'*(*: is Fomndtonslaf i " / Wood's Impravfid Balir B***^?J is hhUke any othir, <1***^, The Improved bus kew; Veetlvf^ propejUes;! retores greyinstr **^S>-- natnrfalcalor; MsWreiififded^oWi^^. and falling hair; restore,<fa**|e^S?:* vigor to tho hair; rasloreshairtoj^T turely bald heads: rtmorreB dUKWR.^. ; more, scaly eropfjpns; iaS - tlon, llchlng an* fe*t ^r3^i arttcie_produces soph wondeO^T Try It, call for/Wrtod"* .W^W Kestoratlvei. and dpnt .* any other artlole. Sold, by f)' ffSSi: V in this place aad pealeis ;2*Ehj-C Trade supplied atriawfi^W*^^,/j by C. A. OOOK A Qtf JchftwA^^gSftf' for the United Statfes and W^X-T:: by Lymas Bbos,,* tbo., Tbron*^;; tiSjaSt M pairing .pf. W on as usual, but1 the present atobk must be sold withi l three months. < "' Net Reasonable Offer RafHased. This is a bdna^Jide cheap/sale. G.rD. PRINGLE Gnclph, Ndv. 20, 1876. -Acton, Yours respectfully, - --. J C. W: HILL, Dec. 5, 1876.'. ' "DERISHIKE UOAK. .'".,. The !. pnre bred :Brkshire Soar, ' Acton Prince,'.'; will be. kept fop sor- yie'e-'on ti e premises of the undersigned. adjoining this village. 'Terms^l.OO, to bo -paiiLai i time Of service. . -' : C. S. SMITjH irinew?i.|%^ you. FREE OF c%*?S?i remedy was dlscovMeil by. -inSouth Am-'rtcai: B#ndM* ..... ovelope to the Ksf **&&xW&&t- Stationx>, Bible House. H'* ?5^^j L' ,1 * All parties indfebled tdj ed, either at thefn^illort are respectively temindea* i setUement js aM# ?j*U-7 hope att vrill resppria W*W^ greatlyoblige. ^.j^JB^ :-Acton, NoW 2^^876.';;:!.;!^^ . ri -. h qnn fori tW Korj Hmj selv t\> n r1 - r the the I to, Con tr- t % . jj I iji't- derii thisl TariJ fori be pi M rfe --5il-i

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