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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 7, 1876, p. 3

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M- ?m ; 1 THE FRE1 PRESS;. ACTON, HALToir COUNTY, ONT., picEM^R l \lj$& akNi rkrsKA "rniK tabIe 1 Trains leave Acton 'as follows: l' . - I (SOIM VTK<T, l >Bfmfig.Mail " " "\ D&v Express . - _ -. . . ' Exp"*8 - * ' - " Mix**. - * Sight Express 2.00 p.m. 5.17 D.to. 7:15 p.m. 1:25 a.nr C0TKO KAST. XigM-S5Pross rjT Express Mall - * . Mixed S:S7 a,m.' gitlftjum. ll':S5kTn. 5:17 p.m. ih-^j -fill - 1 i' *f^r:;igsga: 10CAI MMTER8. j^r/ ADVERTISEIOENTS, , ttork-t^wttol-Seco-raa....- 7 tice fames Matthey^ Clearing Sals. HoCR & t*>n. _. Wood Wanted Acton befool. Park. Port Charles Cameron.^ J Keaasm WhV. JamesMatthews. . Busumss Card. lames Mafetnowt Caretaker Wantedtor Acton SchboL PtlckSlaiorBy 49 Chester HUK, 48, Louis Snyder '.. 41 Wm Kennedy J 85 THIRD. CIJLS3. I Jan. MoConcell 78 I MogslaChropbell S3 I Wcstov Hughfs "5 I Elton Hamilton w 'John Kennedy 711 Annlo baldlaw 88 John Aanew : "11 Minerva storey 85 '-j JtertaMWarvm .85 %a . r"-mm For a fine, veil-fitting call at Craino fc^Son's. The Canadian 'Alai&nafc for 1S77 can bs>; had at-Anderson a store, Guclph, (or 15 cent* postpj id. Dressecl nogs' hare broegbt to -ioaarket in coosic trahle quantities during- the 'past few (days, Tind found ready - sale at. good prices. ^ Secords, Christie 4 Hendersor; and -Chas. Cameron, arc the leadin? Bayers. Prices have ranged" from $5.50 to! * .- ' - ' l Municipal elections ,will " " be oil Mattera very quiet jhereJ bo irprd of- any new candidates] presume1, the present Reeve' a oifer7 members of the Council, wihib-tbe -dceptiim of jSIr- Hamilton, will: "soon J. be making ttelr. obeisance to th tors again. Two bories, supposed ( ;T owned, by^r. D.' Cross,^ of Stiirart 71-.'town, straytdoa-to the prand rr -:,: tjick, a short jlistance-;'west' < f -*MSBi ' lastj3Jonday -44' ,-l ttqpiafl $m -mm ; and were knockeil over" the en)ib.vik r inenX^by a freight train,. and so 'icjnred that it was thongbt they ;- have to be killedi ^ ' .. Foi nice ^fresbrr-Galmea)!^ and tore, -ifeifel Ce%ry. Corneal go ta""the Post Ofttcaij ' Acton, Geo. -Yemen. -The entertainment i-v m. ly tSe ypuo^ huEes of the Congreg: ,tional Canr*h, in Georgetown, last 3i onday evening, .we-naderstand was.a -sacc^a. in. fvery fnirticnlar. : venr Ta^^ly; attended.-' the town yfaa h:all f !being~we{l filled. ^JThe enterta nijpent coinprUjid.' vocal andinstmnienta of averf pleasing character t&xh Ifer- yier-'-aiid- Miss. JXIihnie -Clarke takin pro:2ifc<ni pj.rts.-. P.efreshnientp vyeee boot1 bookr- beem It A<-|a> Public 8choot> ' ' the follpwirig is $ho result bf * Writ ten Examination in Grammar, held in the; First department of the school, on Monday. The following percentages were obtained by each pupil: j. - noTs. Fred H Boss 8S William Snyder 72 . Oscar lsmond- 70 Albert Matlbowa S Henry Hill TO John C LttldliW &5 gllllam_Ki-der BS FOURTH CLASS. Vr ot. rrot. amu, Chartott Speight 85 Klltatotb Stouo 70 Clara iielht 80 August Speight 60 Fanny ATuorvja 67 - I Morle Nleklin - 85 i Jane Ryder 43 . . SKCOSr/--CLASS... ; John MAlo'ney B2 IMnry Worsnop 06 John Kenney 80 I LUllan Httcklnj D2 Edwin. 13. Ross 701 Ida B. Haoklng - Vri Marshal FaarnVy 72 | Isabella HU1 78 Chas. Matthews 68 USla Speljtht Ti Klchard Maloney/SS-I Mary Spilth- 68 Frank Woraen 64 ('SlarUda Masoles 56 i ^ " -r-Don't. forget Dickson & Mc- Xab's cheap fulled cloth. " Cash fob BotTER.-^-]Christie, Henderson t Co., Acton; will pay the highest cash price for any quantity of nice dairy batter. For good]tea cakes and buns go to Galloway'4 Bros., Acton Bakery. ..^ Green Alpplea. and .potatoes wanted at Seciird Brbs. " ~ Warninpr,:, :- All accoujits not paid by the 15th' [ inst. will ,bo handed in. to James Mat- thows to7 c dlect witi casts, with no exception. " B. & E. NICKLfN. Acton, Dec 6, 1S76. t Go to too Post Office Storo, Acton, for cheap Groceries)) Christmas luxuries, etc; Geo. Yemjcx. Ladies, look at ihosV cb|ap clouds at Dickson & McNab's.: : -----A splendid lot of goods suita ble for Christmas presents, daily ex pected at the Post Office Store, Acton. Dori*fe-fail to see them. Geo. Yemen. READ GREAT CLEARING S&LE OF" ADE j,. READ AND REMEMBER. . alslibefally'prvilled.-. LA Ca.\XCE 'AOQCAIXTAX sK10B>l rB}fw0taei 7 A- handsomS "v-oliflne of 2S3 k>ages. _, / : bearing the above1 rtitle, has bten're- i i^iiived fronj. the publishers, :desrs.J ; Belford Bros., "forcjnto. It isfiom|hft pen of the popular author, W. D. -.'- Hpvce'Js. Front thei hasty glasceiwe have given it, we juil^e' th^ stor; - to be an interesting nne. The scene., a prin- -"eipaBy Canadian. Price in boar is 7^c, cijtk$i.oa.": ' JtcfM Courfi. -- !. "fSeX%adl met lastThtiTsJaJy ev| ing, aft the members being presanfe ex- .-eeptttie Bjeeve. Mr. Cnristie o jcupied -; the chair. : A by-law tb provide for/the appointment or a returningynffi 5er !and . for the hoSding of the ninnicip (I yec- tions, wat:introdncedand passe 5. The . nominations are to be held in tl le Tem perance Hall on Friday, Deceml 'r 22d, and the elections on. Monday^. < onuary ' 1st, John Boss to" be ^ebMni ng 0|E- cer. Two or three small acconj its were - passed, and the usual two dollar s grant?: y . edia John McPhee. Ko other ' rasiness ..was transacted. Council adjou ned till nart Thursday, 14th inst. Craine's boots and ah' )es are tie-best in the market; Try a jair. -----<i ._ - Aetau ScIumI Baxd. - - The regular monthly meetin r 0f the School 'Board was: held..last Monday eTeningJ Mrr-Kennedy, chain >an, re ported that in accordance witl a reso- lation. of the previous /mating, he had cehferred with the teachers of the Second and Third departments and-hadr re-engaged them for the" ensnin); year-^ Miss ilcKellar at a salary of $ 775 and ? . Miss Moore at 2250, Jtbe latter >eing an increase of $25 over last year1!! saWy.- 6n motion of Mr. Smith, secoi ded by -Mr,;Moore, it wis resolved tg-t dvertise "for a Caretaker ..for the ensniig year. Oh uoiiou of Mr. Snyder, aeco ided by Mr. Moore, the Secretary was i nstrnct- edjto^driertise for tenders for the sup ply pf thirty cord* of good h irdwood te ihp.nse ot the schobL f M ;. SmitK - m*ved, seconded by Mr. Hall, hat Mr7 y ^ Eh^Siyder-be e-ppointed to t ike tta i . sehsopcenius for the yearT, and that he be paii.aSLSO therefor. <^ mofioo, the tE.;i &&$>. SV:' I Boardadjonmed to meet agai i on th I ^ L- lfithonst., at half-past seven p. m. ;- *~Heaty boots for" wintc r in all *u,'at thsign of the Big Boo: 'cheap -,'.. **& good.^eraine"ft Son. J vCasi for Poric '. '. Christie, Henderson k <To.l,Acton, wilTpay^tfie highest prico'-Sn sash for any gointity of "well-dressed h( gs. ,' ' Any onjB wanting a pair of good overshoes, ehonld call at Crsine "" * SonV. - t - Special Iktjccemests. -Fa ties or - dering one .^zen photograph i' daring thisimontli -jyln receive a chpk e pair of Chrbhios, -f" : ", ', _CJ m ^iiX "^W : ? "--v^ts U-rn J,. -^Crockery arid Oligsware sell- . wg at a slight advance on cost jpricai at '^he Pos^ Office Store, Acton, pon'tlet. '.this chance slip.for sscuring bargains, { >-*>, Yjoos. I J! Poiiltry 'Wanted. 'Christie, Hertderson & Co. will be prepared, as soon as hai-d frost sets in/uTbu'y any. quantity" of turkeys, geese, ducks and; cbjlckfins, dressed nicely for market. r TolheEililorofihtFrtePrtsa. Sir : In yop'r paper of the 30th ult., Itiml you expressing a great detil of. sorrow for the friends of .Mr. Wallace,' wving to the course which he has lately seen it his duty to take. It is altogether uncalled for. His conduct so far has met. with our hearty approval; : Wo ( trpst you will allow us ,td state that wo regard it as little less than an insult. On behalf of his friends, 1 W. H. GKAKT. Acton, Dec. 5th, 1S76. - i ' BIBTD. Xear Acton, on the 30th ult., tho wife of Mr. Hugh Bell ; a daughter. . ' DIED. . Xear Acton, on the 2d inst, the in fant son-of Mr. Jame3 Bell, aged nine days. ! ~ ' Eramosa Township Coancil. This Council met at the Centre Inn, on tba 1st inst. All the'mem - bers (with, tte exception ' of "Mr. Carter)j present, the Reeve in the IrCh^ir. The minutes of last meeting weno read and confirmed. - Ten dollars were ordered to be paid to Thomas-Moore and $13.50 to Wm. J McCollongh for gravel taken. froiBr J-.ttieir piti Ten dollars were grant-; ed to John Howson, 19 to Thos;: Balton, 10 to ;Mrs. Kavanagb, 5 to John Carter for the-rbenefrfc of Mrs. Burton; $5,-. to Margaret { Thomson and $4 to Peter Black, f indigent persons. |- It was- moved and seconded, that no action, be taken in the matter of dardages claimed by Allen Mann. Ten dollars- were ordered to be paid;.to- Mrs. Lamb for the use of therCouncil room during the cur rent year-fyand $10 to the trnsfees f the Rockwood town hall for the use thereof for Division Court busi ness. - . By-lawa appointing places for holding the nomination and elec tion of Reeve, Deputy Reeve, and Councillors to serve diiring the year 1&77, were introduced and passed after the usual number of reading?. Sixteen dollars were; ordered to be paid to the Clerk for registra tion of births, marriages and deaths> and 8 for blanks and stationery for the use of-his: office; $20 were ordered to-be paid to tbe Treasurer for extra Services; $5 were'order- ed to be refunded to Matthew Dorion, he not:having had bis li cense the whole year; $10 .were ordered to be paid to each member JT>f the Council for superintending tile -improvements on the roads I daring the current year. The Reeve, on motion, havingT left the chair, it waaT- taken by the" Having purchased the entire Btook of Groceries, Crockery, Glass ware, Wall Pftper, Stationery, <fco., of Mr. Jas. Matthews, and leased the promises ;latoly occupied by him as a store, I intend keeping a first- class stock of alj the above-men tioned lines, which I will Bell cheap ' for Cash or Produce only. Believing tbe Cash System to be - the only right principle on which to do business, my. motto will be Smalf Profits and Quick Returns. I beliove that I can supply the . public with goods as cheap as they can be purchased elsewhere. . All parties requiring goods are respect- t fuHy invited to come and examine my stock and see for themselves, r that where they can buy for.cash is _:" - ^ - - the place for cheap goods. I' GEORGE YEMEN., N. B. My present large stock of Crockery and Glassware will beJ sold at a very slight advance"-on cost prices, to make room for new stock. Now is the time for "bar"" gains. Don't forget the place, The Post Om store Acton. GEO. YEMEN. AH' Jcinds of Produce- taken in -; exchange for Goods. ' " Acton, Nov. 23, 1876. ... x,r ..... FHESE BAnaAINS EVER? DAT. We have just-receivod an immense stock of DEI IB S G^ O O 7X5 S A ' ' ' ' ' . ' :-- " : In all the latest colors and designs, which we are offering wonderfully low. \ '- NOTE THE PBICEsJ " Self Colored Serges, 12 and a half cents a yard. Check and Stripe Matalasse, the latest, 25 cents. Stripe Damasse, yery choice, 25 cents. -. Stripe Sateen, beautiful goods, 30 cents, a-:- Brocaded Sateen, very fashionable, 30 cents. iFignred Alpaca Lustres," great value, 30 centa Beautiful Line Plain Wool Serges, 30 cents. All WoolSerges 37 and a half cents. ,. , -Matted Lustre, 30 cents. - ..- ) Bussel Cords, 30 cents. In all these lines a;nd others too numerous to mention, we have all the fashionable colors, : including rSeal Brown, ITavy Blue, Myrtle Green, Prune, Ac. >. ' ' y isk for the Seal Brown *ith * Eoru Stripe , .".-"...' ' This is all the rage and looks charming. The whole of theWgoods we managed by a lucky' chance to secure at less than the manufacturer's cost, and rather than pnt on a big profit, we have parked them at prices that will be found . i '* - iTWENTY'-PrVB PER CENT BELOW'ANY OTHER HOUSE- This Isinoelppty, talk, but the simple trnth, and we challenge any other house to sell goods of equal quality at anything like the prices. Ladies judge'for yourselyes, Dep^y Reeve, when it was movedi Jf y0J want aI Good Dress. gO tO THE J!iI01f. and difly seconded, that the thanks -^ -V V . of this Counoil be tendered to Johnr' 7Rea>,_Esq., for the able and impar-j, tial manner in which he has. pre-j sided over;^ the ^meetings of this; Council vduringthecnrreht yeer. The Council then adjourned. - J. A Davtbson, T'p. Clerk. 0LO1T HINC &J:;SOM"':i;;;-"', Having decided to go oat of the Eeady-Made Clothit g business, willioommenoe at on< to sen at abxnitanevhalf the ordinary price, o -v E b $ i4;o Q p^ ^ O B* H .l v V .-" : 1 Of Men's Orerooats, Men's Ulster Coats, Men's Saoqae and Shooting Coat* of Canadian Tweed Hilk Mixture, and Black Broadcloth, Caesfaere*, *c. i' . Also, Men's Pantaloons, oferer;' claas of Cloth. Men's single and Donbto Breasted. Vest* i (^ Boys' OlothiiLg ^ FIRST-CLASS ClXTHINa at atout lialf it rain- that mabr be unsold on the 15th |>f January, 1877, irillbe offered at Psrtdio'AtHrtioB., TUla is a raro ohanoo of obtaining As the enUre stock must be cleared out. An v. clothing to Dec 1,1876 Henderson tar Horrr to the Wonderfnl Mania Store and gare a 85 bill on evtrf 1* yon spn4. "** . ! JOHW HOCC & SON, j I - \ to This Week offer Decided Bargains in able Goods: Season Men's Overcoats from $5.00 up. Men's Shirts and Drawers from 50c iip. Men's Stoga Boots from $200 up, JLadies' Fur Sets from $3.00 up. ' Ladies' Dress Goods from 12^c up. jBlankets,:white, per pair from $3.00 up. I ' ..." . . : Blankets, grey, per pair from $1.75 up. "Winceys, ejstra value. ALL WOOL FAC i 0RY FLAHMEU The track of the Hamilton and Northwestern Railway is laid near ly to Mif ton. Montreal^ dealers are thinking about selling firewood by weight. ' - I Galloway!Bros..make the best bread-in the county. Give-them a call. , ^-GallowayrBros. give .100 lbs. of bread for 100 jibs, of flonfc. -One thing astonishing, : how Dickson & McNab can manufacture clothes to order as cheap as-others can sell ready-maaes. '] MILLINERY AND MANTLES. In these branches we have an assortment whloh is unequalled outside of Toronto. All the latest designs in great variety. Don't fail to pay us a visit. Everything marked low to suit the times. We call special attention to our stock Of Mantles and Mantle.Cioths. If you want i- a gobd-ntting, ktylish Mantle go the The Lion. fixtra heavy. Anew lot cheaper thanever.. 5 ' . ' J * ' r ' : . - * I ! Ladies' Clouds in ^reat varioty and very cneap. 3vn7ii,Xi7j:3srE In immense variety, in all the leading styles and colors cheap. JSb | fancy prices for Millinery. Ladies, remember this. Ladies' Mantles in Stock and Made to Order. .'[. FULL CLOTH AND HEAVY CANADIAN TWEEDS . i .-' . At-"Decided Bargains. Remember the Tremndcm Sargainii* Buffalo &&9*4 fyWf ff$ and$i.50t :', I [ Qnelph, ttor. 25, iW' 2>(D. "WILLiAMSON & 00. Grl^EY AND SCAIILET FLAXNELB, | j In great! Tariety. V caps Fok Mm, I CAPS FOR YOTTtliS, I ; , AND CAPS FOR BOYS. - ' '. i - : .' ) You can rely on Sating Money by buying your Winter floods from PRRISTIE, MENDE&SON & GO. ' ' ' I . ': * Remember that* Famous 50c Tea, Which still maintains the lead againBt all competition. Don't fall to . secure a 6 or 10 lb. lot. x mr Terms Cash and Small Profits. ** '= > CHRISTIE, HENDEHSON & CO, Alston, Not. 14, J1876, CHEAF AT THE i 65 Pieces Brocade4.trttttreB, 10 cents:'a yaro. ~: 20 Pieces Brocaded Reversible, 12J cents. j 30 Pieces Fashionable Serges, new shades, 15 cehte. --;i ; 123 Pieces Wool Serges, 25 cents, tegular price 40 cental> Sppcial Line Black Silks, 90 cents a yard. 63 Pieces Dress Silks, handsome goods, to bet .-.-' j - a yard. -' , For Cheap DresB Goods, ladies should visit the Fashionable West End. * -"""'- ' " " '. A, O- BUOHAiyi; I fashionable Vest. Bnd Dress. MllUnery and-Mantle^EstabllslinienU 7 Gnelphjliecember 1.1SW. >~ mm Will Remove To theit NEW PREMSES Ipplier jllV^dlakm Stifeet^ WEEK^ BQ0K AND tTOB PRIISWriNa! PaoMPTLY EXBCOTBD AT THE FREE PRESS . V':-.- .". -M':.i. OFFICE It is worih aiiy person's "wli3^ I wlien in Guelph to call and see the j . .Immense Stock of - ' r '.'-. O %* ^El EGO .A. T For Men and Boys, all -colors and prices', at Hutherford's Clothing Establishment, S1QN OF TKS ELMPHANf, Ko. Si Lower "Wyndham Streat, Guelph. Noted'foT having the beat assortment west of Toronto, andat prioea ilai defy competition. Come and see. ' ! WM-RUTHERFORD & Cat Gnetpb,OT.20,'i87. 'r':--. M m

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