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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 30, 1876, p. 3

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'T ' ' <-"-.-J : I,- * v^t- i" 1-1" TUS '^ipgjjj ife '.tf"?'M#ij v^n -.-..-"-"-' 'iJI."*i2S5f-' TT 1 " THE JFREiB PRESS, ACTON, HALTOft CQIJNTY, ONT.[ NOVEMBER...]% 1876. S,i ,t*r\K TIME TtBLl; ^inUe.>f? Arton as follows^ j. ' ", .noise: \v>t. -" I 'Sfrminf.# biv Kxprew. < - ' - -OO^nu :S&Wi- ' iHw- ^htKiprcss - - :awr " j? COINV. E.VST. ' ; 3:37 a-m. 9:10 M. sight &rt* _: dt Exr"*- r Vl - '-- :'. Mii?<l : "- " - ? ll:5Ti vm. S:J7'pjm. 10:05 plm. LOCAL MATTERS. efotW c. ' all color*. m. '-- f-J:-' ass r.-'..- ;>. --*^' : .- .: V. l-V1- ?'VT-"- - it*-.: X ^".'-5;'" :.i - - ' r*~ Ji"i* *:. H-; m 23;H- nv^ V^V '-.V*^ - V W rry .GL-tsa*py lad EWerv i I *fe-|:# less wietf.. :.^K8? -Pear*,- arrnts, '--1'v'TN^f*^ -.""' ?il'ri:5.C-1' ind "HoEffjrl^ . An egotistic individa-Awiiooie rgiit^ in lie ep"i&n5oua et>gno;nen *%, :"i- Eastman: Wallace;" is happy ~'.Laving secured irom the very' accomo dating editor of tYivJaeorgeto'vn Jlerald .5l"W< 3; ' >, (,** rude trumpet souuiU upon.jthe ; . eir, . _! .. I ! near,' ; HVith all his l>Jer storms ; l^c fincnardttf his army is at haml, =~ , AJJ nowing can restrain the anient i: band - "" *' " " That with his lianiicr forms ! ; Village Council tbis eyvning. Esquesins Township Council -.' to-Eiorrpw. Ladies, look at those chejipL" ' ^ -THis is Su A.ndrew's day. , TSt Society intluelph wstl eelebrjite ~^i inniversary this evening by a grand . aiccert, fo.jtival ami KilL - ' , "" 'j^-MethbdTst Sunday School Ah- 'trfersary win be celobratcil- on Thurs- foy, DecemOCT-Sl st. Fufthtrrpartiijd- lcsN"ill]be announced ,by-posters, iii a few days. ! ' . 5fr. " JiL Cameron, next AVetlncVilay tivcuhig ih.l>eceml>er. in aid of the C'ongrega- \ tional Ohnrcit-^'uihliii.:: fund. Tlnjre Vii! doubtless be a large, attendance, -, tzi -ire-feel assured' that U> JI ssW i d'imeron will spare no pains to render "tieevenini:'? entortaihraeat a tbor\m^b'-. .. lveafoya'o!e one.' - .. = ;: Green Apjijes and ^potatoes " vaa:ed'at Secord Dr.is. j l"^" _..- Go to the P.>st OSqf Stor>, Actoii, for cle.ip linicirias, Curiatraaa ^-. lnmriei, e:c.-rti&->. YtMEX. - " istoii:shin<-, how I>K-kv>a it' MeXab eon manufacture ' dothes to order as cheap asjotiiera call ;. jell ready-inades. ' ' u.. " -i^The n'ew pi-ojnie/or of' tho. ; Post Office Store feels convinced tljat le coi!d.:get along juart as -well, and mnre satisfactoriH", without having so ; nAny i>aag men a:il l*>ys louir^jiiig ayiiustTthccounteh'. ~H<r hv>u!<1 like a -little of the sp-.e= K->ervtd i.>r liis ' cartomcirj, - Boys, you should take a -jiUin hiat, and not--,>inpe' A"Jor^e |to ^e aanoyul-aritli yoa. 0ns of G.ui".l]>'i'-s most cntpr- p.-Uiag^merehants and 't!iorongh->ijig l^>ine=is men- is Mr. A. O. Bacliasn^ Ersrything he uu U-riakiS; to do is ciir- rl^Ioa: in a fh.iroaahlv c3ic:ent man- Ji.Tr L-ist Wtrdnuslay eveiuir.g the mr.g- 5iiSeeatrg.\'<l!ghi. ilb-plr-y :iin his st<ir'e t.-fpi<ri.-'-all Ijis f.iraier eSir's, au'i at- ',trapsed imiaeast; croirds i'l visitorsjt<> iirae.^s the hail Isi'iiAe exhibition of tine j.-'jod adapted to t:u sca^.in. A copy oi a circular addressed to_Uio Tcmpcrsace Societies, Sabbath Schools and Ministcni of1 tho XJoapol, in this Caunty, has bepb. scut na. The object is to secure, ifj possible; the uniting of all the temrjoratace element in this coun. ty for the purposo of greater efficiency in the work of temperance reform. A committee, of which Dr. ftobertoa waa chairman, and C. W. Abrey, aoorotatj, held-an informal meeting recently and it -as roaolvod to form a county associ ation. . Tho11 first session of this asaocia- tion will be hold in tho town hall. Mil-, ton. on Wednesday,. 20th December- The committee are anxious that a full delegation be sent as important subjects are to bo brought uprT Crockery uud Glitssware sell ing at a slight advance oireost prices at the Post Office Store, Acton. Don't let this chance slip for securing bargains. Geo. Yemen. ' fact that those who waut a really tirst-class Tea must go to Secord Bros. The Tea. they are selling. for 50c now, has been- sold for a dollar thousands of times in Aetop. A large stock jiist-receiveoU Try It. - . Ddn't forget Dickson i Mc- Nab's cheap fulled cloth. . i>qar*lns roaartt. ' At the last rojeeting of the Esquesing Council, a uumlKir of accounts were "or- :<"cred to be paid as follows : to James Warren 17 fori surveying and staking the boundaries pf the road leading from "Acton to thol Xassagaweya township Hue ; to Henry jUoss, pathmaster, $8.00; for plank and repairing-of bridge be. tween lots 17laud' 18 in the oth ct>n ; to J. Murray,] pathmaster, $4 for cul vert between l.Vand 1G in the 6th con cession ; to Lewis Price, pathmaster,- $o for culvert ami repairing of road oppo site lots "27 and.23 ia. the 6th con : to Paul Kennedy $11 for removing rocks and repairing roads-on the hill lot 24, 5th com The slim of 5 was granted to Wm. Itolson to purcUase clothes for James Claik, ai^d ^8 to Mrs. Abbott for tjxtra attemlancu on Isaac Cooper during his sickness. I Messrs. .Tweedle, Crosi and Nixon were apiwinted Comnii&siLuicrs to rejiair : the road ou,the .Stewarttown hilts and the culvcrt^oTi the cross-ruad 17 and 18, instil confession. . i w . ' -A furtl-er sumf $50 was granted to .the commissioners appointed to oversee the oustrnetiou of the .culvert and drain in .Stewarttowu, also$i'Z50 to V>. Cross for. a culvert on John streetin that^'illage. \ , ' The Tre.isiirer was instructed to pay -?6 i>cr mouth to ^^ra. Whitesiile for her ma ntenance, until iilrther nojtice. , Tiie Council adjourned till Kr^lay, i I'iceiuber. l>t. *: .',' . S "THAt WOND^SjlT^A^ ,, ! : Juit arrived from Great Britain and the United Stated lBjepf FackaKCs Antomn and Fall Goods, : i J0H2^ HOaa & SON, XTppisr Vsratoaxttrtree^ rirovwrBcetvePall Goods, first to sell them.fl t to battle awlpit high prloe* a-d Wfl will ffuanfbtce our prices lower. Janrt long nroot and flrst to bring- down i rlet-soriUI go-ktuin order to medtbepres- -------' - ' ent hard limes. -Hurry to tht womierful mHn's sUire-the stock la Immense, the Variety Is Immense, theqnallty of noodn Is wonderful; the-prionsmli gly ojieap READ AND REMEMBER. --j , ' Having purchased the entire stoclTof Groceries, Crockery, Glass- vare, \Va^;Pai>erj Stationery, &c, of Mr. Jai Mutthews, and leased the premises lately occupied by hint as a store, I intend keeping a first- chilis stock of all the'above-men tioned lines, -which 1 Will sell cheap for Cash, or Produce only. Believing tho Cauh System to be ; the only right, principle on which ' to do businesp, my motto will be SinaU Profits ami Quick Returns., I believe that I can supply the public with goods as cheap as they can bo purchused ersewherej All V parties requiring goods ure.'fespect- ftilly invited to cpine and ijxuiuine my stock and ace: for (themselves, thuV where they can buy for cash is the plade for.chejiplgofeda. ..': EOB(Je|\EMEX. N. B___My, present largtf * stock . of Crockery and Glassware, will bo Bold at a very alight, advance on j cost prices,-;to make room for new .stock. Now is the time for bai- giina. Don't.forget tho place, The rosl Ott Store Arfu. GEO. YJEMEN. All kind* of Produce taken in erchariije for Good*. Acton, Xov. 23, 187C, A:n.osteohxpiete assortmentoTrNew, Aw%.'*i)T*L^"^u2J2iSilll? "S?- EeadV^made Glothlllg^^itTl]ftec^ ^^etontprrewIdepar^T,.Vh0aVca,nn^ advance. These cheapness, titi.' Chaji. ; Ja7 .Matthews/ Treaa. John Eess,.Sae.; CcarlesJCiimeroo, Wit. _ ' ;| :', A splendid lit of good* suita- . He f"r.<'Iiristi!ias preststs', ilaily^ ex pected at Uie Post OtacK Store."Actoiu ' IWt faa te.seitliem. Geo. "i^a3r.' :-^-" Ililloa, old lujtn ! wliere are you g<\ing?" r ** Well,; I heard t'other lay that young Yetnfii wluit used to work for Matthews, df'wn to the Post OiSce S.tore, haa Uin^ht <ut his hull stock of goods, and is scll'ng them very fheap, and 1 i tliongiit I would step down and sec .for myself." _. Well, now, da tell I Why I will g"~too, as my wife has jnst sent me out to lay in a stock of groceries for Christmas,-and if he sells cheap, I should say^that is the' jdace to huy." Read St?cprd Bros.' new adver,-. tiremeut all through' twice, but if you wish to form it correct idea pf the enoi> B"*ai"e. \. . r ha^t. Moo-lay eveiiiag, at the.-regtrjar IB >-\Mj meetiiii: of the"Walker Lodke, the fiiVoring brethtra wr;e elected |i>f- fle;rs ior the ensuing- yearVrrHenrj^ Ksat, \\. M. ; Taos. Kennedies. Vs. j . . - ,: -, , ... ., - .r. . . -. ... . ." . j J mous stock of new, useful and-taaty Jlei. B. Wright, 4. W. ; Johu/P. S? - , 41 , . , , -i ..',-->.< i'L.. . . m -' goo<ls they have on hand and ale re ceiving! daily, it will' be necessary to go- and -*ee it- . 'Their atore is re^plen- rpleaetic effusions. A column-in last Veck'sksue is especially - dedicated to the editor of The Tpft. Puess, by name, I in wlaeh we are made to figure as one of ithe meanest of wretches for daring! to -eiercise our judgment and declining: to pnblith Aur,cammouicivti<iO the wonder ful X. Eastman jWallaee's comimunica- tion-r concerning 'Asian School matters, ^"e certainly feel ivery "badly wounded, - and wfiafa more, -ire^lrre in deadly fear of'having to undergo the infliction of an ctjaerstah from his vnoinousgi like Macbeth's, onr dreams are *ith wretched rliuous of dant with lteautiful and tempting goods of all kinds. We have not been to the Centennial but we have "Been Sccord Bros.' store, and anythiug that beats it is worth seeing. Go and see, even if yon don't want to bny. We admire j their pluck in bringing such a stock to - Aeton. THE LION, FUESE BARGAINS EVERY DAY. . i We hare Just received an immense stock of ' - >^EjSS C3-OOX)^ Poultry Wanted. -.- Christie, Henderson <fc Co. will lfe' prepared, as soon.as bard frost'sets a -medians for_the pnUicatkm of his in, to biiyjiny'quantity of turkeys. __ o vefrer, things, for does-he not threaten to^J^ jjjntTufficicut^STwe cannqt I ay for ?pi" somebody's " cloak," and it may be that hrs " dadgex.-" will soaxe day be . thrust deeper than we wot/of. "We must . he caenmspect, aad deal gently with A. ^^f1**; yes.aadwie will iive it sugar Plana! and buy"-it a. hobby- horse/ and 5nat all ita" letters, .so wt wiil^tM- ^t^darlins! But, feally.'Who is this: i firman Wallace.t. Where doesjbe J*l*i when he's to hum :is lie tjie, J'otfjli.wlio wonld to lik to get thi-sit- /Bationof teacher in our jmbHo scbooll^ - ^* ^highly honorable Jrohng man. - *ho.niade apphcation for the position fore there was any of head ^*Kko9* f itsbeCTnHng^vaeanl, j -R ?"'Wool^t he like to stir np troja- , ^iw inrent chargea against, the pfes^ ^P^panC.and have.hnn discharged, Ma* ftere might be a vacancy ? Is he HP danger who "/eels U his duly " %o ^^ into: the conduct of a school fardiaihichhehaano concern?. |ls ^.f^?* tMident or a tax-payer tof! e or eonnty !: By what right dictate to ue what- we shall ICO, > t),,.-.-it. ""ai* or a tax-payer- i. Mahetodtttate to u? what- we shall ~:.1iUb*?- "\ *tt-*ot pnblislrJ: A. - it*l^7^' *f feel S"T fr ya' and we ^.5" 7?uch Skater sorrow for yoA- J *bt^,r ?e M^y flrteemTaia "*? weht not are deeply mortified ZbLZfJe>er- &d you had any SSw1^ *ei*m2 the coveted situation ^Z -At ^ time,become vacant,) ^have certainly not improved ityibnt Hf SS^2wn -^ythmg but whaVpS F foSl?1 **te.o!. youth, is b^t 1 "^"ofully apparent. There now; ! geese^jducktf and chickens, dressed nicel^for market. Warninet- We have been compelled, ; much against ourrwill, to place about; thirty accounts and notes in court this week. Many" people apparently think that it- is not necessary to pay any attention whatever to the notices served on them from time to time, both pers. inally/ through the post office agd^ie public *y onsider thatjfF sutBOreTnt for V .r- our Kobds by .telling opf crefitoi i that we~"haV> sevisralthousand dralars due to ns by good menr^No man is goo 1 who does not settle his accounts proit " whether htbe worth thousands or not! ingy it is all the same. -We have re- peatedly called-on-those who oue ns, and who cannot pay at once, to a 11 and give their notes; though many have done so, there are yet jnany wht Jiave not, an 1 these laljter we are now plac ing in' court a rapidly- as we ci a jjet' them ready, andwdl continue to do so without reference to whether the. party is good or bad,!or whether,the aejcoui is much or little." We havejeijen*fiSple time toall to settle^^jE^TOonnfa,. and. we will insis^^^^wing done Bc ^'" SgcoBD JBbos ^^Gailoway Bros; mak-e th< best breiidjin the county. (Jivethem fc call. ere might be a vacancy * U lTe CASH FOE; BoTTER.- 'Chliatie, ' Henderson & Co., Acton, will pi y ibe highest cash price for any quant :ty of nice dairy bnttpr. ~ j! 7 For-gooxltea cakes arid.jbiins goi to Galloway|s Bros., .Acton Bal & -Galloway Bro."jpve. IOC lbs, of bread for 100 lbs. of ion r. v . Christmas is Qbiiutot. ilany patterns of China tea sets; ladies' beau, tifnl fancy china caps'land saucers; gents' fanfey moustache cnpsandsi ucers in grea^ variety ; flower vases, ce eries, mugs, 'glassware; sick caps and sick feeders, no bouse should be w thout them.; lamps of all kinds. . Everything imaginable in granite and common ware, the largest, most' beautiful, and < heap t'st display we. have- ever brought to -. Utou, -at Be'uord Bros. In all the latest colors and designs, which we are .offering wonderfully low. NOTE THE PBICES. j Self Colored Serges, 12.'and a half-cerits a. yaid: '""""~r Check and Stripe Matalasse, the latest, 25 cents.. Stripe Damasse, yeiy choice, 25 .cents.. j ' i ' r 8tripo Sateen, beautiful goods-, 30 cents. Brocaded Sateen, very fashionable, 30 cents. Figured' Alpaca Lustres, great.value, 30 cents. /- ' ' .'- / Beautiful Line Plain Wool Serges, 30 cents. //' -..-. i All Wool Serges 37 and a half cents. ' -i . l Malted'Lustre, 30 cente. Bussel Cords, 30 ceatsl .'In all these lines und others too numerous:to mention; we have all the fashionable colors, including Seal Brown, Navy' Blue, Myrtle Green, Prune, fec. . r. V'.j . - | ' -.-..- AskJ for the Seal Brown * ^ Ecru Stripe This is all the cage and looks charming. The whole of these goods we managed by a lucky chance to secure at less than the manufacturer's cost, and rather than'put on a big profit, we have marked them at prices^' will be found ~ ' ' - In Ladies' Dress Goods -SKSdM?.5B^.SS:iS5!&i lnrlee,ihtnol.leacanoeoonveyedoftbe brauiy a^ rlehneas otu, oee_to that the Ia eelally call t SMsroll.theJ These mats^alsure all at present on snow.ana in toe ieajin cu.ors oo - * ,ow , rie4a"lMhatiM Viary^ ay <1*V --i^----ij^-.---.WAWrfnllI Blankets, Quilts, Counterpanes. n^^zooa'-iZ7n 1^!^JSJ^tn^?iIh^^^i 2i;lce*- Hlank^thftt^r* aoodjnd and large at *fa pair, un tomSw, Wmte ^fla %?, 1S^ le^to$6j.CW..redll.,li5flOnteahtof^tulU*dq and prlee. that no Idea can oe eon veyed of the or amy aih. ;.u .. thai thr loading colors of every roaterlallsto be hadat Mir store: and Sept 1, 1875 ... ,-----ht<>er.nrprlees1ower. Thlr department Is well wortbvrf cjv-f I/il attenUo.Hf.and w invite lf ntea.Jfrij{ topth-obase o call on uir, and wo will uiis,.y them that we cannot be beat, _- ! *:: / -j - tllfer*,fln0j'a. made for . iir- -, _______ ___.__________fpi of every kind and qnsilty, vry jnheap; ..------ . -------lejn $6. worth fjo, a tweed suit at *a, worth SU, aHaastiiroent. ., -" , u t -fXiell'-ntppftiW, aooopairs lanialooiK* JBW HhooUng Costs, Safek CoaCB'tx.U l^i'ei. "'-----Dice^ooils. : onr nnJsJibon.' goe'ds tHt " 'lip'retorp in town nt'tha. . , _ S5,.eu Ulster overroat nt* ftomeand see. We promise-* uovlne oi ," anj Immense linen, napkins, towels, table co'-n>, carpers hi vpastry, Bmsii^lr, Turkish, Ki'ddeT^ -----------------------r tx-- presented Maltalase Jacket Cloth, BearJ 8eatoloth, Venetian qloth. in all tre cent tbe minister, and all at a specially rowprlee. I shades r.f brown, green, pav^blue. aquiline blue-eharmtng goods for ladles' dresses */* ,*,-" -to thU department we baw pleflsnr Jn*tatlre: that Ml. andeostumes. / MLllXllXOfy., . Mulllvnn. who lms)bl< branob under br cliHrge7>hr.w, the "t and mont tasteful novflile<< to ladles' hats, indies' bonnets, ami u imiut i to iRti'Of tt 1 wlloi trim,mlu<< used tnl^nrton.l'arls and New York, 'I>ii<Hes who and hear our prices. ' i' tyles nd di tsterv, wlfi flnH.ihoir. mi i,- r h. o imn,inna n'toek the variety Is large. Jaato "faMOed oyoalHngat tir plaoe of buslnesii. We ofler th) Foil t-1' e lr histii.- Sha^ls ^".H^JfTil.^0.^ fB*nHeS,mehe2p the auaU^VXxoel ent! and a fc'in'l-ihe m">,t/noleestock of rancy an<LgUpIe DrefsGood,-,Carpets. Ken(>y-:ro;.<Je ' OUttWlO. thestMesL"erwi]*e-Pri,w ^^ Cithlnfe Mlllhiery,*c l<k pleasure to have an opportunity ofshowlng such nloe goods, . "om nures, ond we only ask Intendlaz purdhawrsto.vlsltour^Jlflco:*rbURliT6>:s 1m tl? r*1n^k4n ' ri^-nivia+a 0"r stock of. Brussels. Turkish an< I Tapestry urae llbsratjujannerBs they have done1 heretofore wb n we.wlil conviPci-JI'Fm/o. OarpeuS, OarpevS. Oarpew Is wonderfully large, The sty.les. our motto, ylx: Hnyill profitr, quicksalpffflueap and good eoods, and down wiiU-bisU olorsaudueslgns of ourstock of carpels wlU be difficult to equal-evsn tlf Toronto-' prices and long p.oflm, ' , | " < " : Henderiion -/ Co., This Week offer Decided Bargains in Season able Goods: Men's Overcoats front $5.00 up. Men's Shirts and Drawers from 50c np M en's Stoga Boots from $2 00 up. Lt dies' Fur Sets from $3.00 up. - Ladies' Dress Goods from 12ic up. Blankets, white, pec pair frofla $3.00 up| Blankets/ jgrey, per paip^from ?1.75 up. Winceys, extra value. ALL WOOL FACTORY FLAKNEL, Extra heavy. A new/Ml cheaper than ever. Ladies' 01oa4s is great yaiiotr and very ^iiDiiLi-israiRrs:- In immense; variety, in "all the leading fancy fences-for MiDineryJ Ladie& remember this. styles and colors cheap. No cheap. Ladies' Man Stock and Made to Order, FULL CLOTH AND HEAVY CANADIAN TWEEDS At Decided'Bargains. aREY AND ^XNELS, TWiSNTY-FIVp PBR CBi ANY OTHBB HOUSE' This is no empty taJk<4rQt the simple truth, and we challenge any other hoqse to ne^goiTSaot equal quality at anything like- the prices. Ladies yourselves. ? .v~ ": . . ..-/ '^ If you want a Good Dress gorto THE JLlON. MILLINERY AND MANTLES. , In these branches we have an assortment which is unequalled outside of irprontb. i All the latestdesfgnsiu |reat variety. Ton't fall to pay ns a visit. Everything marked low to suit the times. _': j. We call special attention to'our.stock of Mantles and Mantle Cloths. If you want a good-fitting, stylish Mantle go the The Lion. ; ' ' ' ' " Jlcmcmber the Tremendous Bargdtm^in Buffalo Robea at $3.50, $3.50 and $4.50. "' "'.'"' j . J. D. WILLIAMSON & CO. f Ouejph, Koy.-'p; 18T6; a;s--5 In great variety. CAPS FOR MEJT, CAPSn FOB YOTJITHS, ilND CAP& FOR You. can rely orj Saving Money, by buying your Winter tfoodt CHRisTI&r&EMfe&sdN $ CO. B&jM$n^^ 50c Tea, Which still maintains the lead against all competition. Do i*t foil to j secure a 5 or*10 lb, lot A ^ *r T^rtns Cash and? Small Profits. -s 'iK"^EisTis, JOHN HOGG & SON/ Alhja Block, T'pper Wyjidham Su-eet, Guelph". Wi SURB TO PALL ANIhEXAWIJip'iti&$&~1-'%Ceateimial ^de -Siiitiiif s. AT THE Bast End Glothing* Sj^dra ^ ALSO (^ Jb great variety from Si to $.50 jr>er Salt., DICK30N Sc HclTAB. Aetou, October 31, IHTfi. WM. STEWAKT k CO. Will Remove To their NEVy PREMISES Upper "Wyndham Street, NEXT iWEEK. T THE GrRAND EXHIBITION OF THE ' SEASON: Begs to announce totb< Satutants that he will of Acton and surrounding country hold his BOYS. from 2ENDE&S0N &C0. rand ANNUAL EXHIBITION SALE Silks, Dresa Goods, Shawl^ Millinery and 'Mantles. ' ON THE WEEK OF THE CENTRAL EXHIBITION. ** ' 1 Out Stock on'this occasion will be one or the finest ever offered for sale in Quelph, The various departroenia will prtunnt Varied Wtraotioius, While our prices will glace the? Very Best iiooffs Wltfcin tne Keaca T All* For price*and other particular* we mjust refer to circulars and hand bills ' iow being circulated. fef W^wUlrTOfke tt an object for people tp deal with us during the wjekorthe Central Exhibition j | 1 AP O. BUCHAM, yashlonahle West End Dress, MllUnery and Mantle Kstabnanment. Ouelph, October 1. 1878. J /T. BOOK AND J<[)B | jPFllNTING .P^OJiPTUY ECECUIEIKAT - 3PJSUbaSSx PRESS OFFICS r ~\

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