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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 30, 1876, p. 2

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J te.* is- hi-th P B^v1 2"U FREE PRESS, ACTOT, HALTON COUNTY, QNT., NOV13MBER 30, 1876. pUE .Pi'.ui.vl'.ccl Kvery Thursday Mornine;. r_ _------------------.----------- '-------------------~~~--------~ ATTON FREE PRESS jtionuTor, gigantic conflict with ull' Apple* pell in }Y'j.\mpeg for'Iiitiu 'p!|)Pod. 'ITiHlcrtlirsocimiinst-.uicvs, dollars pe* barrel, " it is not wondeiful tlmt qnfet spec- Tim hinting fishing iji Nowfound- J. IL -llAOKlNc;, lV.t>iiUor. I '?,ora interpret, tie designs of litis- {>>l l>s proved it failure. ,l f" [_:- Um l>^ a' csnVi>r. Htiuultmi \lin tho | Tim sunt of 380,000 hits linen $1 Per Annum, in Advance "JOS HACKlXO eoiTo*i -Tm-iwiixt 'MtxrMXtt, Nov, 30, 1ST(5. "The Georgetown JJiiultl matt, titter rocking bis- jniwi'i'fnl bruin' nnd searching tnfi'ngst musty doeii- tuen'tn, (or tk euitublo rejoinder to: ' our " basely i.usinutfting article;" /fcas |<ouncJ~h]Mh something which ii feels _sore ia of itself jierfect clincher, -jjlw the exuberance of bis joy,-he cries cut " EuiyAii .'- I hkve foil n dp1 it," and straightway seizes "npou a, section_of an old iownship IVv-hW and flaunts it at usHvitii iui j wonlsjof the CzuivMuet'i-cMtind eur- .iiest though they Ik'. Tlio .policy of Russia is to secure, lirst the com mand uf-the Danube, thus shutting off Austria nnd Germany on the South east. Second, the command of tlio strait botttt-en tlxf-itlnek Sen niul tl.o Mfditurranvan. thus im perilling thu ronunttnication- of England nnd placing her nuvnl sn- ] reuincy in imminent danger. This tsjho fixed policy of- Bussiu,^ and sIim turns not Xroiu it.-iimther to the right hand, nor the left. ' Thu Berlin Correspondent of tlm TiiiifJ, iu a despatch to that paper, after tin elaborate estimate of the force 'which Russia ia capable' of bringing into the field, concludrjs 8 fellows : "Russia uiuy defeat .Turkey, but she has no chance of crushing her by : overwhelming strength. After allowing for th '. At-the meeting of-tin; County Council of Peel hint wetdc, ft petition (signed by .'),1 " eleetoiN,' was pre sented in favor of the Duukin Act, The petition wan headed by :Judge Soott^iiind u. largo. jn'umbm' of indies expen,di:d iu buildingJoiH'iiitiutiM in attended tho KJouncil meeting >to to tho 'feeder to Si.fiO, whoro' Ottawa th a season. ' urge the submission'uf the ..By-daw. J mow- I Hiii'.K -C'Arri.K ted that-pur ftuniei's do not set m to recognise the constant demand which really exists for first class heuf. Tho exiiii expense would: not ho 'grudged which w'ouhl yield air"of defiance tlhattimkes one ataud ghst;Rt our s$t-tiiig prtajwmption lf^rce"which wrll >o necessary to nnd. ig'notTioce. ^\*hile we feel h i defend thelBIack Sea coasl", and for sense of-gmtitud* to <>ur estwnteil [coUrrii. for.Jiia kindne^ in thus fur- wilTi infornuitioa . so Drnntfofd nnd li.dlovlllij have given Dotiw of ii))p|icutioit for in- corporation us cities. - - Hon. Divid L:Hid, Lieut.tJover- lioi' of thu iNoKh- west , Territory; was sworn in on Monday last. A full rliginwiingatiifTja Rnrvcy- ing tho- jrigh't of" \'y - between (Jedtgetown Hiid Jlarrie, for the riiuiiiltou uud North Western Itail- wny.. -. I ..-'"'- ' The clothiii" store of W. II. Den ton,! Poit. inioj on :mailing ais *A-ery valuable, wife- trust ' pardon us for assnring bitn - provisions of the ouofced b' neitlier new dot poveL he will the fact that tho Tin kaF havo u| sjitticient force to hold"'Sei-via and; lloiiinaiiia in check, And that uuy, aBsisUECe Greecg-might oiler could hie neutrallized by the Turkish tbatthe f fijeit, it appears that.the brunt of -laW are i tye war ^H Europe must bo borne > jjh|v 50,Q00 Russians, to -confi-ont , . . . - iwhoui "the Turks have nt least an Bume the same in-.whsUnce may be [^^ {orce^nowied by .the River found smosiKst t^e W-Uws(of e*ery ikmubo and tho Balkau tuouutnins nd fortresses.'1. v-la ti.L 11 township in Cknadat,. *\%A -with L whicfc n?arfy all intefKgiTit'rate payers are-familiar. Biit wherein lies the reply to onr " bawly insin uating article,"- we are unable^ to^ discover. Perhaps its because our literary penetration is not sufficient 's ly acute. We do think, however^. .*ver that pur frieud'a taients;]de- mand somerecognition at the hands of the C(iuricil, and that ht has fair ly earned tlie,aji|ii>intmt'Qt of pat&* - master. Iu con.siiWratlou of his kindness to ns, w& would l>e' haj>py to urge his eluhus-t^a ]tesition the dutit-s of-which we feel assured \\f!r ' would-be abje to" fill wb.Ii honor and credit "to himself jand all con: cetned-._ IJiiiterJiis valu.-iHe super intendence, wei cuuU all rest easy -in the assunineef thttt trr lownship .loads'would bq -misgil to- i.hp-bJsltr i1 est sUua*rd o i:xc ilence wiibont our havirn; to arppwii o that august bodv th<3"!iruu1cip;t} tV)UDcal: improve the same setting ". The Eaef Jim Tllneslian. : /".The" EiiStenT problem ii still in the bsiifls of diplomatists, and ha- - soiutk>D;is consequently involved iu as muph; uncerUiinty us ever. Out of the masses of-: rumors iiiiif tle- - rgrams aa(t-'despatcheslrand conjee" turea it_.is ik-jible, however, to. \gathet a few hard facts which tend Mo simplify" the. problem, 'j* . The difficulties o!"the whole case are redneilile to two circumstances. | The firj* is that the^ Tot !of the jpn^k Cliristasn^ of Turkey ban :-:Jjen reiidared insupportable_by the -niisgovernfment and- oppression of their Turkish nilnrs." The second is that Russia seeks to their ^ndilion," and it - time to better' he*- onr;b; rid of the iiksome boucls of the Treaty oT^Paris. These two facts - we say lie at .the bottom of the trouble, but they are not all the ; fict* that have a. .vej-jr .itmiorfant bearing in the case. ^.Of the double purpose of Rti&ta it is sufi cient to xibi-erve that she is sincere in strid ing for the improvement of the con dition of the- Greek Christians, but still more deepTy in "eslriiejt" about hep own aggrandjpruient, England is heavily will Russia in" the first jwrt bf.the programme, "but fully-determined to oppose her ia carrying out the second.'. The mistress of India-cannot allow her great Asiatic riral to command the " direct line of ^ommunicntiqns with .the Eastj aiid if Russia is determin ed to ruslr-tliecIuiBceaof war for thejaam|4isbje.it of tba!; object, 6reat Britnin, thipngfc tfii Prime 'Minister, has cTcaily atatett that she will accept the cb-tlleDge uatl fight out the battle "oo>1tlwV..Jirie. It -" would be almost sojeida) to do ny- i thing else. ; Botfr-Etijfland and Rusiia pro j The Wheat SInrket. i The . following, from the New. Tt ork Tribune, contains some vlu- "able int'oiiiiatidH respecting the grain trwle : " Ordinarily this is "the doll-sensop of the year in the grain trade. Throjigh N"oveml>er and'December dealei-s -andship]iera are^itccustouieiI to cheer themselves with the assurjruce that with the new year trade will revive. ^ Some times.this is the case, but. uipre frequently the reTival is postponed until February or /March. This sfwson has proved exceptional, ^ind within n comjsiratively short period the dewrandJ for wheat has greatly increased at an advance in price of! months,, or. fixmi the tii-st of ilav to from five to ten cents per bushel. This is-attributed to two causes - the war rrfmors.from Europe and a short". American stiji^ily. As is usual when the mar-Let is atfecU'd by two-or moie iufluences.wor'king in tho icime direction, it is difficult to estimate their several effects. On Saturday' a Triliunc reporter conversed on the Sjubjeet with many of the leading merchants and exporters, allof whom gave their Dalhohsie, was broken Fiidav night, nnd about 6150 or SJ200 "worth of cloth and clotjiing s:olen. It is said' that Cipt.. Allan Young, coiiiiuai,uler of the tPanduiii oh her i^cieiit Arctic trip, will niako another exploratory voyago next spring in Ihe same vessel. It is reporte^l in Montreal thatu further reduction p( ten ;jer cent, lis-to be mjtde in pay of all (Irani! Truijk Railway employees, couimee ing on thq 1st December. The aggregate force of the Amer ican armv\ according U) Gen. Slier- mati's last] l-ejiortj con.sist.s of 25,:1:J1' nien, all of >vUoin -are as "actively enijiloyed las though' war existed. A travelling missionary of the Muriiinii faith was ejected from a prominent dry goods stbfe in Lon don", on Friday evening, for preach ing his -doctrines -to the] ladies as sembled, i Accounts from the famine-strick en districts of India are gloomier, especially from the Presidency of. Rijmbay, where the rain-fall this year haibecn only one-third of the average. -' , '" : ' ' " - Tliomiu C'arjyle writes to a .friend" on the RiLsteiu Question, endorsing tu.the fullfst extent the recommend ations" in Mr. Gladstone's paJii]ihiut fo.rlthe expulsirrii of-the Turkish governing classes from Europe. The'total losspg by fire in the .' town of Guelph during the past six Tho Ootmeil By law will be votikl upon in Peel on tho 18th of "Div- coniht'i'. Tho superiority of thu Oimmliail chei'se over all tin- otherii is tlilia biii'iiti tMit by it lettiir l'roin <mu of tho juriirn on dairy product* at thu Centennial : ' Tim' linest U. H. cheese did not ooiihi n|i to the best Catiailian. The bttet eheeHH in the iStaU's. was graih*drut 1)5 |H!r cent of perfection, while three Canadian exhibits wort) graded at 100. The- Herkimer ami Oneida County cheese was Very fine, but did .licit have the clean iiiul nutty flavor of tho best Canadian.1' II-' ]Y / ' i 9fE\V A'DVE7t'I ISEMENTS. Pork "Wantod^ ntlij'r a iliHiuIvantiigo to tlioso ;Wiio leiiiii! really Kiicculentbec'fiI In Driller seasoiiH the cattle have beeii f .^a, and doubUefcSi sincerely, tbeir ..-,_; dSrres for peace. TKe Czar pledges v Lis sacred wor3 off;Honor that he ; does not desire cdnqueBt, does not design .attacking Constantinople, ~- nnd hopes for-* peaiceful solution of ll*e whole- matter./ Yiet^re" says tht the jioMlion^if/Toi-Tcish Chri4 ' tians is so intolerable that he tuusinteife.re in- their behalf, iind he , thinks it may be nece*ary, i i order' /. "to.make tBe l-efornw",ibe proposes '.*" tre*lly efiScfiefift, -for him to occujiy :' Bulgai-ia.^TiliMf, is itlie r>ld " mat^n l gmcrantee"" .of Nichohs d\-er- again. H* <iB^inas8&g.troop&. on ..'the Turkish frontierj^aisTn " 16an& whereif p lie can? bift with i ndiffer- iCUt BUCK'S idf mailing jrepcia handling A" correspondent jn u Detroit paper says : " (Jamidii audtliu l'/isC- ern States ale seiidiiig their uiiem- phlvcal 'West,' under the idea, .that work is brisk and Wages good, De.r troit is easily reached from Ganvia, benco wo inay expect a tide of. iln- fortuiiidu iuimigriiuUs wlio will bn doomed to disap|ii)intineht. We have hundreds of strong able-bodied men and women cif oui own who.aro. able and willing to work nail can not get it. -.'Boss/'Tweed's- Holiday.'has not- been of much -.advantage to him. lie has lost greatly in weight, mid is dejected and miserable. , Great care, (if him is now being taken, and hf wiU-iuii eseiipu. so easily again. Suits for forgery !i will be pifsstd against."himj audlaltogether there is a very blue lookout for liiui. Tweed lis not the cully, successful swindler by a very great unmy, mid" those wliM are at pivsent in what is ordinarily^styled.the enjinnienC of git-at dishonest gains will, wo hope, consider him and his- reward dili gently. -If the're .in such a thing as enjoyment of wealth so obtained, it will curtainIy.bb greatly lessened li^- thoughts of tlio'Uncertainty of retaiiiing it and the disgrace and puni.shmeiit which:is "the due and may be the reward of the' means, used in getting" it. ho gets $11 to ;83.7;V More euro in LhoiisitiK and feeding .Would .do much toinipiovo the qimlitiy of beef, and u'shui't e'xperienco of] the. ( better piiees jioSHiblo to ho j had would pavo the-way for thctiiri- pi'ovumwn in the breed of catUw "whiyh is very tnuch to lo desired. TlKnpi'eseiit opeiiHuiisoii is jierlnipH rnthj'r'ii diHiidvantiigo to thoso r who - - (oi-nj forced indoors earlier and have) hue) u loyg peiioii of stall feeding-wjhich produces u better lihro than, the liappy-golueky sort of gruzingl" or foraging, by which th^e catJttlo are orilinalily left to supply theiitnelvcs with food in the Into fall uiolitha. : AUCTION HALES. Friday, Dve. 1st Farm stock and implements, oit'tho premises of ilaeoli Fisher, lot 7, ltli con. Erin, G. Gibhs, Auctioneer. Tuesday, Dec. 5lh Farm stoc]t and iinpleiiieiits, on thej-premises of Isaac Snyder, lot fl, 3d c(i. Erin, W. 'Ilodgkiiihon, Auctioneer. ' . ;/>000 Preuaad Hogs foVjwhioh the'HijjIi'exl bo jmiil. Krom $12,000 tobo-jmid out'to fttnm weeik during Ducombtfr, at "KKUDKp. 15K0.S/Htorc. wanted weekly, Conn 1'rico will to ?fl,000 in caulf n fi>r Fork every M IlFtXEK LOMT. [r.irtits getting s;ile billH printt'il nt thu r'lil'.K '.I'iskss iitlicc, may have k n- ticu hiinihirto tlienbevu tree of charge. J .Lcjwt' between Ad on. nnd, Crouk, on Thura'day oii largo Urown Mufil retuvniiig it to tho f nKE^l'iciuw ofllco" Silver oiling, Oth inijt., r. s Any panmit will he suitably rewarded. Aotoii/'Nov. J4, \8"fi. "OERKSlUKE JtOAR. The nil rb bred I" Acton l'rincuj'-1 will yicp on the premise* of jaajbiniiig thiH villngo. be paid nt time of scnliue; 1 C.S. SMITH. Acton, Nov. 15, J 87 j-f CHRISTMAS IS OOMINQv Wkuhiro Bonr, -hoitept for scr- the uudersigiioil. Terms $1.00, to Itll^ll. Near Acton', on the ii.'inl inst.'; tLe wife of -Mr. ,J;ui. 1'ell; a hon. im:t>. .... - i In Acton,: on the 27th iii.it., Itosannn^ yoan^'..^t tl.-m^hter' of .Mr. Levi L;um- bert, .igoil one year ami nine inontliH. "-A1TON: }IAIt(ii:TH..; I '.. $2 oO to 2 75 .. 1 IHt tojO 10 l oo to i cr, ;ow . . 1 00 to 1 0". . .' 1 00-toil. 0-1 .. 0 ."5 to'o 72 AND S EC0RD BROS. Oil Monday, Mr. Dclton McCtr- ihy, Q. C.,a]iplied to tho Couvt'of Queen's Iteneh on beliulf of tho de i^Uihmt l:i *,he ca^i; of tho Queen V. Wilkinson for a rulu.c.illmJ; u the Hon. George Brown to bhvw cans.' why :i writ of iitt;ichmant should the first' instant, were only SloO. This in u town of nearly 10,000 in habitants/ is indicative of!the exc'.r- cise of great care iu the" of tire. ... The, writ for Card well haft- been issued',"the nomination is fixed for the 7th Deceliibv on the 14 vntives will hold a uieetin" on ]'Vl- i , . , > , , , , .. v . r . .1 r'l 6i.li i day fst, for the purpose of choosing I ,', , : . , a- camlidateV ^Jp to the. present"! ^ "^ V"4^'"^ ", d":J"J^" opinion freely, agreeing as to th' time we are all:, in the dark as to |""':'f SltVI!.,,v-".-Mr- f1' ^t!^ W'1^ condition of the market, but differ t who ^ reuih. tole chosen ' I'?-.1 "l>i'li<--atioii of tlie'llou. John I S ' j Simjison for-a eriiiiiiuil jiifnriiijitirin At tha sessioni of the Grand Flour :.. \\ hit.- "Wlifat .. N'csy 1'all Wheat.. Spring Wheat, (ilas; New .Spring Wheat IJarlev .. '.) Rirlev, Kc>- 2 . . tlats ... .^ Peas ' . ..' ..' Apples . J < biions .. .. I'otatoe B:ittcr perba; l)rer.seil Hogs 'turkeys .. ()j.'Ci-e .. . Ducks Jecelnber, aivdthe pollnvg, ; , c.i 1 tJ -i.i ,i I not, issue againsi linn as bublisher Ulr. ; It 11 said tlie Coiiser- c n<i vi 7 i fill an iilUcIe winch ing lomewhat as to the relative in- ffliience of war rumors and the short crop. There was an average yield of winter wheat, . but the-spring. Wheat crop was one-quarter to one-^ third short. - This was caused by the drouth, which prevented the ; full development of the kernel, nnd. caused it to ripen prematurely. As a .resalt the crop was ne-ver gather ed mj^better condition ; it js'per fectly dry, and will keep ia all weathers. , The >hortness,of the crop did not influence prices until war rnmbrs from Europe opened a pros pect of inereased demand. Dealers had been j content to curry light stocks; and exporters filled their foreign orders at tbeir leisure. When an increased fcireign demand steiped prolblerfeiFger stocks were laid in, and: haste-was made in fill ing orders. This tended to stiffen prices,, -and maintain the advance which had lieen caused-by the first warlike-dispatches. It was esteem- 'ed by an exporter-who had H' brarneh ho^se in Liverpool that, there were .not less thaii 2,000,000 q-jaiiera of wheat (IG.000,000 busliefs) now afloat, on- the way from American to- European ports ; a large part of wbiehj, was from California and Oregon. "Many gentlemen with whom the reporter talked were of the opinion that, though the advance Was the direct result of war rumors.it was not of a.speculative nature, biit that the rumors nad simply hastened si natural process ; that thes jirice of wheat was: not alioye-its intrinsic value, nor greater than it would have been in a few months without the , aid of war rumors. Others 'tooM- a different" view. Wheat could hot be exported, they ttaidr tna session Lodge of the Independent Order ot Good Templars in Ottawa,-if motion by tlje Pitst Worthy Gi-und Chief Tpriiplar "condemmitory of the se cession of certain lodges, and .sus taining the action of the II. W. G. Lxlgeat-the sossipn iu' BltHiuiing ton, was curried by 1G4 to 5 votes.' A report comes fi-oin Bmntfonl that the Grand Trunk car simps are to be, inoved from that town to Stratford. Only a few years ago the town of Branrfonl gave a largo .boftmrtol the railway companyv.to .get the wjorks established, and we -fuiLito seic'.how thciy cin ' be taken iiwijy without a brencbofcontiitct. . Tlie two Waterioo villhi'gn by-- i laws granting a liojnis (<f 15,000 to the Grand Trunk Railway to build and extension, to Waterloo from Berlin, and j also 3,000 to Hoffman, Wegenust <t Co., furni ture manufactilrer.-i, were carried on Monday.! The opposition ^usJight, j but litvleiiuterest being taken furor against. ! ' Mr. Vennor forcasts tho weather for December us follows : nThere is every .prospect of its being a very stormy and ; wintry month, and -a particularly-- blmrtry one." Last year we had no sleighing during thu month. This year! we will {have 'jileighihg throughout. Ho expects a great-deal of snow and a severe snap of cold. The Maikdale 'Expositor" repoj-ts that Mr. John Buchanan, a quiet, lespectable farmer of Glenelg, be- caron crazy through ntt.ndance at revival meetings and uttimipted to kill his wife and'son. Both Were 'badly-cut!with a butcher's'knife. Buchanan,| ' whose intellect was for libel against Mr. Wilkinson jnib- lisher of the Wept JJilMt'tiil X>:ic*. The court granted a Vule- uiti. iiencii ot inagiatniurs John Marwoo 1, ;of .1 East Wawaliosli, "ill School Case. A few days ago an interesting case was tried before a bench of inngisti'ati'fi in Wiiwanosh. lot 30. con. 7, 187.0, failed to send hi-i children, |igcd respectivel'y 12,' 10 nnd 8 years, to school fur fo^ir months of the year-as tlie law prescribes. He further refused to pay the line, which the trustees are empowered to impose, and which' was in this instance tixed at -10 cents per mouth of jhsence. The 'trustees of S. "S. No, 7 thei-o 'iijion cited him before. the .inagis- tiates and having consumed to.can celling the fine iu , tlie case of the; younger child, Mr. Murwood was ordered to pay the 80 cents fine. Th-i line and costs amounted .to '.3.80. / ' .. 0 o'8 to.O 70 ..- o :tstoo 40 . . O io.to 0 OS ... 0 40 to 0 70 . . J 00 to 0 (<i) '.. o <;o to o t;." .. o yo to o oo .'. o ir> t'o: 17 .. o o0 to 0 00 .. o o;"t(. o os "> to o on .. 0 BG to0 (.7 El'l'-i' Cll'Vl.l. fSllATKFt'I. ,AVI-(ViM-. foiltiso. " Hy a thorough kticiwled.L'e of tlie natural _bv\v<< which govern the oacralioiu of ili='e.-;ti.iii uiol iiutriiiun, a:(il by ;i cnriiful ap]>lic:ition of tlie tine p *oj>i;rtic.-f of u-el! Kelc-eteil eoci.-, ^ti".' lvjp.i has jirbvichi'l our brunkhut tables with a ilulic-itely. flavored beverage whicli may h-ivc u.i in:oiy heavy ,loct<jrft' bill.c. It is by the judicious use cif such articles of diet that a constitution may begradiiitllv birijt nj nnt;l,atroiigcnotij;li to re-iist every tendency to disease. H'uiidr.'.'.ls of .snlit.le in iladics are flou.Uim around ns lv.ely: ta nttac!c 'wherever there ir.i. werik point. We inn}- escape m-iiiy a fatal nhaft by keeping ourselves well foriiliejl with pure blood and a ]>ro- perly nourished frame." Ctril Sr.rrin' i7.iv//c Pold only in pickets labJlcd "Jami'.s Ki'i's & Co., .Hoin-vopatliiu Chemist, 4S, Threadnecdle Strecti and 170, Piccadilly, Ivondon." THOS. RUSSELL & SON, Liverpool, Wuteh'iitulu Having determined Canadian business p opening a Jobbing If have instructed their a Gh- D. Sringle, OF. GUELPH, 11 out their wvions to their nise iu England, gent. Ha 1 "-V. ve laid in a mammoth Stock of everything Rich/ Rare, Useful aod and Beautiful, in : , - - ' ! QROOERIE3, CHINA, GrlaJssware> ^lardware, &c. Trams fP Morning J&! 5ipre* - I I SigbtEjpfe^ |).yEipres "'ill - xei Ittil CHINA DEPARTMENT. -To offer for f.alo the w .. of ItL'S.S Wntclics, Clocks -At a FpeLi':d discount. . o.niii Jiiein nde of thestack i:ll Gents* Mottled Mustache Ciiue anil Suueers, Indies' Mottlect Cups iinli Siucersv' i ; ^ ! GhHdreii'a Mottjed Cups and.Saucers, / , . j i Glass and ChinaTiliigs, mottled all colors. Monduy A'orfuibcr *J7tIi, And continue'until tho whole - sold. several ceuts.per buxhet, und when ever that whs the case tho price whs speculative. It was the opin- at present prices, without a loss o,| wtf,Pl.weuk before, has/been sent to Owen soTmd gaol, The beautiful new Congregational ion of tbe^e gentlemen that reports J< Church jjust completed at Listowel Lof well-aicsui'fed peace ^*ro|jecfcs would 8end ]in>68 il6wn very ma terially, though 'the ad vanes bad not been so great as to create any danger of i* panic. --. A contemporary hits the nail on the head when it says: "The Americans haYe; been" "assisted by the.world to get np a great exlnbi- tion. . At. its^ end, \they showed their gratitiide'by enforcing burden some custoiuB restrictions, which compelled* reauy foreign jexhibitoi's to take their goods: liome again. The goods wipre cheap and of fine quality, and tho Yankees' would have profited ,by buying them; b(\t J.he Government forbade the pur chase, practically ordered tire, arti cles off their soil, and so - favored the sovereign people by ' kpeping theii'tuoncy in Uie country.' " was opened for divine, worship;..on. Sunday. The Rov. d. F. Steven son, of Montreal preached morning nnd evening, and, the Rev. John Wood, of JFoi'aiito'in the afternoon. The congregations wore very'large On all three occasions, axid. the cob lections liberal. The now edifice is of bfick,:"40 by GO", feet. ' .. . One day] last week a remarkably sudden1 death took "place'ut Hufl- ^hian's Corners, in the/Township of iBiirford, Out. Two brothers, Alex ander and .John Gibbons, hud filled their pipes'and lighted matches to tHke a smoke. The probability is- that John; Gibbons,1 tho'deceased, inhaled the fumes.of the burning match, us ho seemed to be strang ling and Waking a violent effort to cough, oo ^vjiipli- blood gushed from his mouth, 4n3 in three minuttSTiie -was a corpse. / ' j ) Jfc?&ste& 1 Impouta^t Liquoii^Case.- Mr. G.'Loiint, a "'driiggist in Norwich, was a few weeks ago convicted be fore a Bench of Magistrates in. In- gersoll.for selling liquor without a license. The facts of" the case aro that a Dr.'Padfieid had given an ) order to an old man, superscription' for a'pint of bnindy twice a, week. This w-as ordered to be.eontinued. Gamble was iw' "object | of cliiiriiy, and being old.and fektile, he had ordered the liquor! ns ja-stimulant. From the conviction ' Mr. Lount appealed, and the appoal was argued before His .Honor Judge McQueen. It was contended by Mr. Ball, on the jiart of the prosficntion, that a certificate must be. issued anew in each case of Supplying-, liquor; that the verbal continuation'could have nj effect, and that donsequehtly all subsequent sales were illegal ; that, the liquor was supplied, more be cause it was a customary and ns'mtl drink with Gamble than as a nirtdi- cine : that a written certificate,vvas Attorn! to Vour Head ami JIair Won't Wcliij 1/ ins This. It'ooil'n Improvci! Hair nrslorallvr Is unllKo ai-y other, unit li.snoi.iio.il. I'llo I in |>royc J, has new , wgetaulc tonic > properti ' j'r-ioi e- grey hnlr to-a.^losvy natura! color; rsloren f olcil, drj, fn'sh unci.fill I iiiz'hair; restore', dresses, five* vigor to tilt iiilr; rcTsioieshalr to pijciiin- turi-ly bal J licjob; ri moves d ii'lrufr, !ui- mor, (.ca'y eruption'; icnrovcslr lloi^, iichlng nnd .only c.'rynrsH1. JCo urMcb; j>i-.Hloees Mich Avonclcrful efb cts Tri-' It, oall for Woo .'s Improved Hnir Itestorattvf. anddon't, le i ut oll'wlili any oLhfiiut c>. Kiilcl] l,y a 1 <t~xtigjr s:s In this pliiTu nnd deoi.-rs ea-eryo-lirrc I Trade sunplli'd n't man farlurt is' prlc h by t;. a f. k K i t'o , CblcnRo, Sole Agcnls for tlio Unlii'd Stles noil Cann'dasJ and .by l.vM.iv Bii'isr'* Co., Toronto. - A CiAttD.-^'o n'l snll'.Tlnc from tl>e "Tor-and l-.ili>er.J.ions ol > onin/iiervi us weakness, enrty <Ti.e i.v, lo^fi of imioli. O'.l, lie., I will seivi n r-elpe tloit Mill <-ni-c> yon. Kill-: I-: OF OHAifiK; 'I'-is <;-..nl frij oeilv us dlseoVHinl by a tn]>slo ary In .South un rlc->. S li't a elf-nililr.. ss-d ovt-lopo to tlv; ItEV. JOSBI'II T. INMAN, atatlo.i J), !0c House, N.-w. York Cily. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. An Auetlcn will Laturiu7 LTcni&g:, G. D. PR INGLE and Jewel cry >f 25. per cent, ; on , Flower Tases, 1 ", Glass PftelierHj Prest rve Disbes, Ctlei> Gileses, itoci bo hold 0V7 ^.Vill continue busine pairing of \Vatches an s and the re- Clocks, will gc rlln" "" '"' usiial, but the prbseiitetock unlit Kri J ho sold within three m|>ntli>> No Reasonable Oflfer Refused. This ia. a bpna-Jhfa cheap sale, G. I'. PRINGLE. Guelph, X<i.\-.',20. 1878. H ARPEnS* PE]tIl>l('ALS H OLSEKEEPER WANTED. reqnired by. law for u supplyV6f over twelvevounces^ In defence; Mr. Beard contended thafa ceii'tifi- cate need not be in : writing ; ltlntb the jict does not say1 ho ; thkt a supply may be given.jmder a ctifti- t cate-as often as the; Doctor'-direet- ed ; that Mr. Lount being n; regis tered medical practitioner, could sell liquor on his own certificate, and that without ' writing. His honor'has since given 'judgmnt,: holding tlmt the'defendant's con tention; was. supported, rind ] sbj quashed the conviction witb/'epsts'.; An cxperiencetl, middlfs-aged woman can. hear'of'ah excellent situation as housekeeper by,applying! at theFjiKK Press jjflicc. , to-O.TIC^. - All parties indebted to tho undersign ed, eithur at the mill or at the bakery, are respectively reminded that nil early settlement is absolutely ncce3sary. |Wc hope all will respond without elclayand greatly oblige. . Ji. & B. NICKLIN.. : Acton, Nov. 29,, 1&7G. . 22-3t At a young; ladies'- seminary;, during an,'examination in historyl one df the"most prorrising pui>tlp was ' interrogated i~l Mary, djd Martin Lutlier die a naturujl death 1" "No; he was ejcconimuni- cuted.by a bull." ;| Charles CamerorLJ is prepared to pay4ho Highest Market Price for 50 ton^ of jGood Pork. Call and see him at the Old Stand on Main street.: ~ ' ' ' Acton,Tfovt 30th,.1876. . 22^3m,. C14KD.'-. "\J ' ' ' - 'i i ". Haying djspnsod of my rmercahtilp business, I bpg to tender; n>y sincere thanks to my ntimcroua customere "vvlici liave favored ine with, their patronage during the past quarter of'a'eehtury, and would recommend them to continue their favors with roy successor, Me, Geo. Yemen, who has boen in jny einploy} as. salesman the past two years, feeling con- flderit that he will givo entire satisfac- 'tion. I wiU-continuo-ftg heretofore^ to irtanage-the tost Office/Division Court, Telegraph bubiness.JConveyaneirjg, ln: surance, and General Cpllectiiig rfnd Agency business irr the Bm<j premises; Parties entrusting their business'with me will bo ^promptly and satisfactorily attended to. at all hours. : I ' . iJAMES ^lATmEvva- Acton, N6v..28th, 1876. (;ob!et;s,.Tumbl.trsr . 'j '/ Pickle Jars, \Vine Glasses, r " *. - ' Glass; Sets,' ' j ; | Sick Cujis and Feeder*, f Stone and China Tea Sets, i ; ' Lamiw, Lanterns, j ' - < "." "./ I',' ,-. Everythhig in Granite ^Vpre, :' Everythingbeautifnt inefldleasvariety. GIEfcOO A El JEl I IE S. L i'ow rt|de em, jmd boti ly ne >r, Y, ith s 1 hi /fhs ^an^narl ,A.ail notlunj l>ai d That w th 1| Vill *ge| ^-E^qaesi ic morrov v-ILhI e% I clonds at >ici| t TniS ll f\ir- Sojaety the|annive-sar| coster*, f stuj 1 Methodl cuirsary i nil fay, Decetibeij kjrs will "fe-%p few day* J-Soci-il eti tionbl Chi Catye DecenJber, anil on,I One PicVson 41 Cantied Peaches, Plums, Goosebc nies, Bhickborries, Cherries, Pears, Preserves; Jams, Jellies, Pickles^ Lobsters, Salmon, Sardines-, CTums, Oysters, Fruits, Eaisins, Currants, Figs, Nuts, Biscuits, Confectionery and Horer. : i ': '."".. ".- ! ' Larger^, and Okeapisl Mock <>j"'. Teas ever brought into Acton. .,, . glSSS W^^^::^ Toba^s' B-,.Ba,Icy, Corn Stirch, Hari'kii's Bazar, 3ue Year.. 4.00" $4.00 includes prepi.yment p{ U. S. or Canadian postage by the publishers.' 'Harper'a Magazine, jlarper'ri lYakhj, and Harper'H litii.tir to one address, for one year, 610.00; or ory. two-for-$7.00;- lAn extra copy of eitl cr the. Magazine, M'ecL-ly or Bckmt will b > supplied gratis for every club of Fiv \ Subscribers at 4.00 each, or Six Crpies for $20.00; 'without extra copy ;. Pistage Free, The.new voliimeorth't JI *OAZt^com- menc R- with, the IVomb>r Numbftr. T o voUmcs of t'.ie VVEtiKi.v and UaSsah oommence. Iu Janmir L oubscilotions may b'gln atiniy time'|: TliasH drsliliig to ren"W their Snhgrrlp- tlons to Harper's Peiloill'qnla will n>U"ti oblige tho publishers by Bending: their niunes In ns eyrly as convenient before Ho- expiration of tbel'ireseht sabscrip. tlons- 'I'rtis will obvlrpo tho delay l^ lendant, opori, r0'Oiit<>rpig names und niahlOR baeii number^,|j -. - .- ^ '. WABIJFBiN- .MAQA/.tNE, HABrttn'S U'EKKtY or JlAni'KK'tij JiAZAli WtU De It sent, lor one jear to any Bub-oriber lntlio Unite "- -- --------------^----------- s publlsu'crr, o BAHPEB c] states or Canada postage prepaid - von recteiptofFouruol Adjirosif, .' by i be publlsn'crvop re mrs. 20 BBOTHftRS, J5*ew Vorfe. npi|E OTTAWA IJREE PRESS Daily and 'Weekly.' ' DAII/yi EWTIO^ mailed Krep of Post- ane to all i arts of the Dominion. $0,00 PKIl'AN'NTTJfp. ; ' !; WiSKKfiY RblTIOM !- Eight pages. Blxty-Tour columns closely pnnted mut ter. -$2 FEB ANNUM, Postage Free. 77ie only first-elaes Jourifd published at ;, . , :(hc -Capital. Earliest Political Intelligence, Intent Telegraphic .Vewn, ... Mplcy .BenclBWo Articles, . Parties dnslrtnit a newspaper from the Cai ltal, n'riJ a Lively, Sparkling Home. hoJd'iIoniiJai;wiH take the Daily FSkb P.KESS. .!. '. allnd .to ever.v Subs:rlbei of. the \Vebki-v Fbke --O.W.MITCHEijW Proprietor. Ottawa) Nov, U7ttj, l^TOr1 " Hardvraie, Cfuttleiy,, Spoons, Paints., Oils, & ' 7. A< ton, Nov. 29, 1876. sice Floni:, Soajisi fcc. it "* - SEC0RD BROS. 1 _. Immerfse is wdrth aaiyl jaersoii4f \wiufe when. ii| Gueljih tp iall 4ind see the ^ _ "V^E !Et <D t- t Bui|herfprd*s Clcthing Establishmenli Stock of For Men and Boya, all colors and-prices, at No. 31 Lower WyndJiam Street, Gu '..' , Note4'for^hviinig the'best assortjnieni %est of Torontor^tui; at pri* defy competition. :Cotue ithoVBee. ! r . ^^ i.. VW M. WiifttBtteOROit^Ppi Q^ei|pii, Not. 30,187&. .,_- .-."i '" doubt Lc we, U el Caineron ti ili J the evenpg '* e| }y enjoyaGI: < Greeil iraii'ed at Sec J Go ti Acton, for Jphlatur.ej, etc till !>l clothes *to of tell react.} - The Post Ofiee lie ujnld get more satisfaci many joun^l a^nnst th<" 1 little of the I customers. jibmi lllUt, Jtt! jftfc anuojtd wl One of l)naiD,j merc'i: hiiiilieNS xaen ] Tierythng hel red out iu a tl n 'r Last \\ cl ni'iceit gAsbgl evl p ed all1 1h trai-tcsl imai nj *-itne<!s the|h=i tootls adaj)u,lt| _ Jf-'soajr. Ln.it Mondal j m )"itnly meetil j tBe following ll j'ficrs 4ir tbef bunt, \\ M. AUr B" \Vnjj| j ird, Chap - John Rus&r Tjlcr. 1 A s|Henl I He for Chnstl f pected at the J ,Dou!tfaate[s An egot bghts xn tfce "A. Eastmin 1 having secun 'Aitiji,; editor ol a median. f<jj qilcaetic ffm k*s Jssjjc s| tlie editor-af T. W wbieh-we the lueane^t sxer asd our 11 pnttaJiJu*' iol A. Ea<ai "bon ,-concern) ^e asrtaudy f< *nd bataino] ef kjna tnun ottelitabftoia IJ" Macbeth ***& KietcK *"; ^ for d. feo " some/. ** * at Jus *3eepet he cirennwi ^IPH :#1'4' IN^^1

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