TEST - IPR records

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 23, 1876, p. 4

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* A|&K Ttt. Ot^Agvjft hill, -irlaip kue not,j Coming down hill, uarry u ie not; On lc<rel ground, spare mc uot; Loose m stable, forget me not. And huk yoi uo angry, ^(rike we not WU>uEndJ(aid. Miss Harriet Selwoxl was the richest heireaWbrher mtire town ; but she had already completed Eer th[e FitEE press, Potatoes mi ExJmiBrtln* Cro*. j xil A> A t|S (J Of hy and worn rob-toe tujt| Of clwa water aunt me no I j With sponge and water ne rfeet me not, i tity of manurial constituenter OC soft, dry bed, dapnre c ^ not. j facta show the reason why. Tired or hot, swash me no ; U ck or old, chfll tot not j Potatoes are hf far ^h moat j hattfeting crop usually sold off the ) farms. Turnij* opine next when they are sold off. Grain crops re move a comparatively small quan- These ! **** *uv HIV IOWSWU WU^j WulW wheat can be grown lUcoea&fuUy year after year on suitable soil, WJiL"Jil5*J?,!li5.?!!.L.4 ' without" the'return of any of "the ['aah constituents, the same cannot he done with' either potatoes or turnips. While potatoes and tur nips contains much nitrogen, a nitro genous manure is scarcely required for their growth if the soil is in twentysevexrth year, And oehehfel^j "con^on. The" fact that almost all her young fn ends united to men whom she had d ne time Or other discarded; - Ham et began to be set down f<s an old !i uaid. Her parents became really ineasy, and .she herself lamented ii private a, position which is not ai latural one,] and to which tiioae td tare and Foitune havj been nig gard of their gifU an > obliged to! submit; but Harriet, i a we have| said, was both handsome and very rich. Such was the statel of thinps when her uncle, a wealthy mer chant, came on a visit rents. He was a joy straight-forward man, to attack all difficulties cooly. "You see," said her hhmone day, afngle. The girl is what she is to have for you know 4 even in whom Nil to her pa j LU, lively accustomed boldly and father to *' Harriet continue? handsome; her fortune this scandal- loving town not- a creature can treatise an imputation aWinst her; and yet she is getting to*oe an old maid." 1 '< _ " Tme," replied the uncle; " but look you, brother, the grand point in every affair in this world is to seize the right moment.; this you have not done. Jt is a misfortune, bat let the girl go aton * with me, and before the end of tl ree months I will return her to you as the wife of- man as young and wealth/ as herself." " Away went the nieiie with her node. On the way ha ne he thus addressedCber; " Mind what I-am gc ing to say. Yon are no longer Misa Selwood, but Mrs. Luoiley, my niece, a widow ; yon had the misfortune to lose your husband, Gel. Liini'e.-, after a happy union of t quarter of j a year, by the fall fron. his Borse while hunting." " But-ancle green crops are so far independent of nitrogenoua matter in the soil is -no doubt due to. their having broad leaves to take the, ammonia from the air, and keep spreading roots to gather what they require through a greater mass of soil. The same remark applies to the leguminous crops beans, peas, vetches, dover, etc During the growth of clover, for instance, nitrogen evei accu mulates in the soil. So although leguminous crops contain" much nitrogen, nitrogenous light manures are found in practice, not to be re quired. On the other hand, an application of phosphoric acid, sul phuric acid and lime, which can cheaply be applied as a mineral superphosphate, generally produces a moat marked effect. - - SYSTEM - i Works^Tondera beyond ill Anticipations. i All Goods Reduced from on Credit Prices. B^low we give a few of our ing a strikiug comparison betjwe'en the old Credit 1 , ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT., NOVEMBER 2$, 18frl. 10 to 40 per cent present prices, *how- jein1 Prices. We have we handle here principal articles are being slatigh- Prices and the new Gash Syst I not roojrei to quote all the Goods but we have given most of Jhe in the trade. All other goo Js tered in the same manner, ondl our patrons will recognize the fact at a glance that it has been our aim in marking down our goods to make a genuine reduction on everything that it is possible to reduce, j We respectfully invite all per* ons to participate in the benefits of this great reduction. SBCORD BROS. |f POST OFFICE CASH AOTON,. OXT' The subscriber desires to thank his numerous cash cm^omers for the liberal rymg< I com. mannar In wliioh they have supported him in carrying out tba Beady Pay way of doing business. Wheq ' monoed on the Cash or Trade By stein, and 8 per cent discount for cost), ^' I had to compete against the credit trade of our vij tage, but to day I am pleased to say we doing business on the' only right principle, that] Since the trade of our village is now done on too Cash I continue diving discount for cash on and after 1st all my goods in price to the strictly oasb. I My custom is will always find my stock cdmpleU ! I* Oroetriei, Crockery, Glassware, VT4& {Pager, Etatldne|i7, Provisions, See The Value of a Compliment. At"the lower end of Woodward avenue an old at pie woman, offered her fruit to a'sea eaptain who was' sighiug. *wer the good times of &** [dollar] Hyson Tea 1864. j She wanted throe ceuts Medium Hyson Tea .. ,, apiece for her apples. He gave her Splemi;d Hyson Tea, better than Meteor a pleasant lotik and said : r r , , "Well, well J WhyyoulookaslBest[dol,ar]CunPowderTea young., as yon did ten years ago. j Medium Gunpowder Tea ,, ,, Same fright eyes and red cheekis I Best^aptn Tea same white teeth. I i "Tate an apple for two centaJjMed**mjraP*^Te* Captain," she replied. " I luresuuie you are fifty years old," lie .continued, "but who'd { know it 1 Lots of ladies at tMity look as old as you do." " Take an-apple for a cent, Cap- ] tain," she answered smiling like a rose. Good Japan Tea Tolerable Japan Tea I^ast pick Japan Tea Best Black Tea ., GoodIBlaok Tea Medium Black Tea " Some rich old fellow will come \ Best Amber Syrp " Let me manage, if jvjo^ptesWe, Mrs. Lamley. Your fal.nersas in vested me with full powi trs. Here, look you is the wedding ring given you by your late husbaqi L Jewels, and whatever else yon need, your aunt will supply you wil h ; and ac custom yourself to cast down your eyes.1 * The keen-witted undo introduced his nieae everywhere, and every where the young widow created a great -sensation. The gentlemen| thronged'about her, and aba soon bad a choice out of twazty suitors. Her uncle advised her to accept the one that was deepest iti love with her, and scrags phaoce decreed that this should be precise!; i the Baost -eimable and opulent. The match was soon concluded, and .one day the uncle desired to say a few words to bis future nephew in pri vates" " My dear sir," he txsgan, " we fca.ro told you an nntrn :h," "-How so i Are Mm. Ijumiey'e affections-------V ~ " Nothing of the kind ; my niece along some day searching for a box. om wife," said the Captain, " and you won't have to peddle apples any ] moce," - " Here, Captain, two for a cent, take two of the biggest!" she ex- ] J claimed, and then ran after him and dropped two in his coat pocket j -------- > 1 OLD CREDIT JWCBS, $ 90 m CASH FOi^ PKODUCE. Specialties-kept in Season. Sausages, Finnan Uod< lies, Oysterp, &o. JAMES MATTHEWS. STORE, are all is ready pay. System, I will dfs< pet., and reduce figures. icton. Bpi. 19,;18T6 Conveyancer! Issuer of Mjarriaj?e Licenses, fec TfiE NEW E>OMI^ BOOT AND SHOE KENNCY & Save just received their file Base-BaHers. About an hour before a game of bi.ae-ball is to eome off on the cricket grounds the members of [' each cfob asaeiiiUe at an appointed rendezvous. The captain arrives, j calls Ue rolij discovers that all are [>resnt, and then asks: "Secretary, did you order a gal lon of arnica and some splints and plaster"?" "I did," was the j*plrTreasurer, have you arranged with an undertaker to hold him self in readiness V + - ~l hav*." "Pitcher did j.ou secure a burial lot in Burlington f "I did." "Then let us march to the grounds and to a glorious victory or a noble death. " And they macch. is sincerely attached to-ypu. " Then her fortnne, J -suppose, is not eqoai ta wh^t you told me f' u On the contrary, it is larger." " WelJ, s>h*t is ths niatter, thenT r "A joke an innosent joke, which Came into my hea 1 one day, when I was in %-gpQd" h\ lujor ; we could not well re-call Jt afterward. 31v niece is not a widow." "What j'ia Co), Lumloy living P " No, so, she is aapit Ater." ^be lover protegted tiat he was a happier fellow than he ha4 ever1 conceived himself; and the maid^ was iorth with metamorp iossd ipto * young wife. __ Best Golden Syrup ,, , Best No. 1 white wine Vinegar | Beat XXX Pickling Vinegar , Out Meal, small lots, per lb, , Pot Barley ,. >, Lamp Chimneys, large ,., , Lamp Chimneys, medium , Best Benson's Laundry Starch Best Corn Starch Beat Brown Soap, 'per bar , Best Jiidd's Soap three bars Best new Currants .. , Best old Currants Best Turkish Prunes, new Beat Layer Raisins Bes]b Valencia Raisins ., Mixed Pickles, hottlea .. Mixed Pickles, largest size Mustard, per lb. Best Java Coffee, extia choice Good Java Coffee Fare Java Coffee Best pure- ground Pepper Brooms, extra heavy ION STORE. SON FALL STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES, The 8stt jftt ever came into Acton, for Price, Style and Quality.' OUSTOM WORK WJU receive caireful attentioa, and all work guaranteed Bqn't forget! *7"Repatrine Done JVcntly. "\% Tue Flavor of Ecss. There is a vast difference in the flavor of eggs. Hess fed on clear, sound jgwn, a#d kept on a clean grass run, give much fiber flavored eggs than hens that have access to ntable and jnanure heaps, and eat U kinds o iHthy food. Hens feeding xm fish and onions flavor their eggs accordingly, the same as cows eating onions or cabbage, >r i drtfijfivg tf&Bwre vtltei, imparts a ' bad taste to the niilk and buUei> The richer the food the higher the color of the eg^s. Wheat and <om gives /figgs the best color, while feeding on buckwheat makes them colorless rendering tbem unfit for confeotioaary purposes. fio More *ooliiis. A'woman named Hastings, iiv-| ing aear the House of (!orrection, .came down town yes erday in search of her-husband, and finding bim hanging round the post office waitijig for ^Litest reinrna,J' ahe .collared him and~ca|led out: " X want yon up home" i "Not yet, my dear; I want to liear the result," he replied. *> Von jsQme jlong hdmej" .she; repeated. . >'} ,waut ta jee *hisj thing decided as much 11070a do, but we are out of wood, Itour, meat! ->nd potatoes, and yr fot to eat' whether this country eyer~ has a^J ^President or not." ' I -f I will come up thji ejeeping] jifter t hea< the ^eswJt/' he Pro tested. . 5 _ " The result can e lea, ned-rightl here, Peter #astings!" alie^chuck 1 jsd. catching him by t\ w -collar. vNow yo,vi trot up J'U doubje you ap right before this crowd f " Cemme hear fr m Louisiana ' only from LowjsianaT' he "YoirUl bear iirom 1 4 fowled,"'giving him a shake, and 3 ; seeing tbat^he was backed by ,t^ef 3rowd he jseekly folic wed away. petroit Free Pretr, 8APDL5R * HARNE88-MAKER \gaid aJa4y to her n^bknd,, "Hy i?ar^ what is cotton duck r "Oh," ^tidlbe, sweleBly, afci^d of can- REMOVED! R, CREECH, n Has removed one door wo*t jot his old stand, and u now prepared to $nra oat (work, which for jmj4.TH2SS, Offi|AWrfSfl jam cappot he tarpassed by any house in the county,. JBaroese of all Kinds 1 applied on the shortest possible notice, 1 iBd warranted to give perfect satisfac tion. , iL "___ - f !As he i* doing business principally on be Caah System, he is prepateeV to-aeH heaper than.ex^r. Give him s.call and be cenvinced.that jiunaS8,Vl87#. tP.iOBEE^cjs^etoa. -* Brooms, medium Brooms, light ...... Soda, baking ...... Soda, in five pound boxes v.,. ,,, ,,, Set best white granite Tea ware, 44 pieces Set of China Tea ware, 44 pieces , . One dozen white granite Cups and Saucers . . One dozen white granite Dinner Plates, largest Set white granite Toilet ware, nine pieces One dozen Knives and Forks ... .One dozen Knives and Forks ... ... . . 3 0( Jametf best,No. 1 White Lead ...... 3 01 Gold medal White Lead ......... 51 All other Goods in our store reduced accordingly. Acton, Sept, lja, 1876. the place 2I&1& Street, Next Door to AemoVs oteL KENN htjuhah fob baeg-ains. STILL A HEA! CHEAPER THAN to give satisaction G-BIA.ND MAMMOTH DlSto OFJNBW FALL AND WINTER DRY Onr magnificent stock of new goods now to hand, oomprisioa all (fa* ~* I L- styles and I r "" ** - 'I ' ' Host Fashionable Assortment Western Cahao^ti 'I of We have been very successful in buyingjand getting opined out U* upon inspection^ will be, fee are sure, f ' WJ8^ The Cheapest Lot of Dry 51 To the Ladies. (Vs Will sho*r tfajj largasL ind most exte^slre s DBESS^ C3- Gocds in o6xd[s v G00D1 ^ ^46 '"^-l Goods hf 'H Canada i -v > -r .in the county, comprising all the new fashionable colors] in peal btOwaa^ navy blues, plum, prunes, find myrtle green Dress Goods. . Also KIm-TF^?,' -'; tres, Pammattes, Persian |Gords, Repps, Frepch Merinos, Wme*ntAW~" Trimmings, 'Jiusel Frihfies^Cordu, Bartons, <tc, to match all jhadea "^ Woolen Goods. ',31ia^5r"3aS; % Squares, Polka Jackets, Hc>aiary, (iloves, &c., in all the fai hionabLs coktf' nd styles. x - ^ >j[% Millinery, Mantles & ShaT^ T This department is far uueaU of all cqmpetil |onl We have- this seaso>aal* ' cured the services of a first-class milliner Crook New Yoijk. j Ladies:'jaajrlf should not fail to see our pnlhnery Be sum and call before yen hop1 jyt fl Mantles and' Shawls we have imported d reat from 4he beadeeotiFa^f; r"'ihion, viz., rx>nrion, Paris and New York. Npvelues in JFlowen, FsaO. Wing?, Velvets, cilks, ic. , j \ ^T Ladies' and Children's iFusS where in' the country is.such a displa t ok Furs, in sjablfe, ieL'^ ' '" er, lynx and beaver setts. Fur Jackets ind Fnr Caps In gtea'ffartU-r, Mfen's fur Caps, Fur Gloves, Fur ill Its, S eigb Rug*, Bu&lp ItohTaK 4a, t aper than the cheapest. 1 T We do the IflrjjWf trs4eZf^ __ Ordered Clotbfcg, keep t| beat cutter abd turn out the most stylish ana best fitting suits in tuu :"i' of1 the Dominion; We have just received a splendLi lotjpfiexira ^Tweeds, which we are prepared to sell at rock bottom prices, jtiajt and our stock. It Will pay you to, do so. No trouble to show onrgoaK Ready-made Clothing, Men's-aod Bojs' Ovsrcoats, Ulsteis,.. jBodsc^Bnt- Overcaata, Boys' Youths' and Men's Suits, warranted the largest variSr and cheapest,stoak in Canada. I ' t^l Onif Staple Department'*** with extra, good, cheap gobds in Cottons, both white and kray, W Fancy and Giey flannel?, Bankets, Table Linens, '1 Dwelling*, j&c . Carpets, Floor | Oil GloQtig-^ Bugs, Matls and Mattings, at extra low prices. Boots & Shoes. Aia/i -**-4t**Ai Ordered Clothing". t r -- vt Y&SON D. AT EVER Who would buy on dredit when they can get goods At such astonishing Prices.' i SECOUD BROS. Aeton^^pt 14^ 1&TS, E QUE FALL ST0OK OF swf s am mm IS NOW COMPLETE. AUo Stoc W* it#lf *S TOT DRESS GOODS Stylish ^nd Cheap. ' J5LACK LUSTRES, Extra value. |W WINCEy8, 25 per cent less than last yejw's prices, White, Scarlet, Grey and Fancy FLANNEL?. Coarse TWEEDS and ETOFFS. Hollands, Table Linens, Towels, Towelling. Factory and Bleached COTTO; *S. . Hosiery, Gloves^ Crochet a id Knitting Cotton Ladies' and Gent's Collars and Ties, laees, Edgings, KiUbons, Ac, Ac. |ia.o Stock of Hats and Caps In all .the Latest English and American Si.yleB. Ivery good "* j of'General Groceries, Crockery & Glassware [f yoo wish to Savp Money*don't foil to call at G. M. 3COTTS Next door to Galloway Bros.' Bakery, M^ll Street, Acton }\ Sept. 20th, 1876. : And ii And all Call itiad exmminfi onr Qo4* >M Friciuu Aoton,i^epj. 5,1876. 0EAI3ST|S & BQK s^sqsasafeaff^rsro NDERTAKING. rtZ Acton and sur* The-undersigned begs leave to inform the people of nnding neighborhood that he has proourod a magnificent prepared to attend and oonduot Funerals on ~ and most moderate terms. , Cof&ru?, Burial kiadi,of FaneraliFuraiifainsR kept io atook, and! I 1 shortest notice. JHst Bands and Gloves supplied 1 Aotdn, Aug. -8,1876. 1 BOOK AM} JOB PB supplied On the when rpquired. J0HJST SPiJEGHT. KPTLY EJCECnTED AT NTING TWpS TiiKm JPRBS3 OFFICE cheap. ' We wpnld i>sk a continuance of the patronage so liberally heatowed^qMJi^ 1, and in return we guarantee to sell goods cheaper than ever. l *p Oc^. 3. 1876. I I iUMMOrHoHODSE, h> OF ;, GEORGgrofajg- p GBBAT "SPBCI^LL SAtiB -r] DRV GOODS AND CLOTHING Preparatory to pemoyal, j - } ! r TM. BTHWART" Ss C0l; Ou^ entice stock of Dry Goods and Clothing iaTiow offered regardlaaii*^ Cost, to reduce stock before removing to our new premiss,-now w^ff, building. The public may rely on ;tae -f%^3 1 Best and Cheapest Bargains iB'ES'wr o:^:opr_o:E5 goods Cheaper than Old Bankrupt Stock at IJalf pricej goods wanted Cheap, hecauge Irash and "Sew. the sxoos rnrsT, t-Cheap becansa just ^%,-M 'vTZU. AND SSAIL B5 SOU.' Butj we are aware bow perplexing it is forhonest people to read the adtflfeJ^^ ^tisements here 'and elsewhere,-. Who'll talk the loudest and brag the most seems to be the maxim, of each. But an intelligent Public know wety that -Shoddy Goods are'dear at Half-price. We ^LVe| a few quotations of G-003DS , ZREZDjni-OlEm. 4,5p0 yards of Dress Goods., former prices,! 15, 20, 25 and up W,JB^3j| cents reduced to 10,15 and 120 cents. ants. - I Lace Ourtaina 75 cents. ~ White Cotton Hose from'6|! Straw Sutj Hata from 5 0^'" Cashmere Jackets from %%$$? Linen JSuit from $lv5Q. Striped silks reduced to 57 cents. Striped Grenadiaea to JO cents. , Striped and Plain Linen Jo J.0 cts. Parasols from 15 cents. f Black and Colored Lustres from I J.2J cents. j , Take Linens,ed Quilts, Tt^de Napkins,|Shj>etings,. , . ling wiU be offered at stri^in^ jpi^eea. Colored Shirting from 10 cents. A Jot of Voojen Tweeds redn.eflt[j6 I'M to 60 cents. .Colored^d "Wlate Dress Shirts irom Mb-eo^K^;^ B LOT of LADI^^TJNDEPvOLeTrillf G to be SAC; 1*1 This Saje is no CUpTi^p. ^Urtphj Jne j\ l$. t .1, ,^ **"Kedaced Priv Must Be Caslj.*^ ^ViLLjAJtf STEWART*. -!F4 r i^m- h JTonej tdfe , X flUs T 3' fjoai 1 ! * 1 , ~i^btleiti ' MeeS (tent* 1 Mrl ^t1 d1 1-1 4*M -

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