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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 16, 1876, p. 3

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**- fm^mssB^gmm^&B V -1. ' Season* "f up. cieajt ta Lhia. '" [to Order.i TWEEDS >R BOYS;, 5oods from ' -. 'O. ,'DenH'&n.t* -' in & ca vv MtiT .' rail P#erf 1; to compl^** viJ." >ood |w prices lou ^S-l - '- '^ii>. r. 0.10 a. in. 2.00 p. in.- o.'17'p.m. T: 1 ."> j< 'IS : a. in" RA>n-TiHNK ti\ii: T.utM;. :. Trains leave A.-ton .1* .follows :- ooiNi; w T. Morninj: Mail - .. . Dy Kvprois - - . KtJh*** " ' ' MJsrd - . . '"Sight'Express .-. uiilNP ;1-'AST. '. [ Sight-Express i - -; -- :;::ir%i.'ni. Mixoi ,- "IblO.a.ih. lHv Rxpwss j- '.- ll-S.i-.a.in. -Mail-* *--. V -.- * '."" : 17 p.m. Mix^l v - v rihiVip.nu LOCAL MATTERS. Tin X ;ood r\iiti>n. The following is "the result,of an ex amination in lVtMhiu ami Spelling of the pupils of thc; l'nblie -School, diehlon 1'rhhw, Nov, 10th. ,Oiio. hundred of ' \ tho most ililVioult words to ho found in FREE-Tluv1:klaiioo of this Ki':v!'VilVVi _~- i _. . ., ... i. nosu>r 11111 year. TTu- Free Press will bo n'cu-ummu sent to all pff Subscribers trout now until the 1st of .Ian* tlve respective' Isadora and spelling Ivok wore d'iotatedNo each vlass: It will l-o observed that quite a numher of- tho pupils suejV'o'dcd in spelling overy tuie of tile hntidrvd words correctly, and that very niaUy others were! not fAr behind : , - _ I 1-UliSjT nin\\KTM'KNT. 'lwirrii m.ass. - .: I niur.s, liW I Fanny ifeiiurvlH nil !K | KtU'.uceU'i Stone !>S S Jtr* JbU rib tHE FREE PRESS, ACJ^lSr,! HALTON COUNTRY; 0MT., ifO^EMBEfi 16^ Ifitftf G I -A- S FROM paid strictly iiiiadvanco. -.Af 5'XXf."! .icerxl mo ovvrooav ferfrtat Picks\MvA -MeNal.-*. ' V- ^-Tf vo;.^ want stylisli i>iillincx\dciii't fail to- fee Mrs. MeS.iir's li.i'.'u!- s^:ne si.v-k-Titv irhe.-.p. - who"" has heen eanSned to. bTsr'Vcd for the iia.'.{ t^n days with S severe .v,t;vek'<>: iitHam- mtii!n_ <>t t!ie lui:-jn=. is r-cportou soiilr- what ly.ter thrs morni: *. A "l^fure- on Prohibition of thci l.:<i'nr>r Tfattic is .-4iiiouneed to l-o <ieliver<Hl in th"e~Tviniv.-aiicc- H;di. tlii.- Tinrrstray cvtnin^. by >lr, ,!. J. IW" Sirnpson^fvtitTSf'-r.iresit s:'*id !i-u:'.-.r.-= of thptJraad lT\"ision Sens of Ten'r.ierat'.eo. --r^AL;.number:of our vjlra^frs n- sr .... , . ., 1 !>:! jr.lnraiMvlnht I'T VVlilian^Snvdor SO .vnnlr Mnoro V7 AlUexl Matthews tiff I.CliuiUitteSpelcliti>l ll<-nr>- Hill Siij ' nary. 1!*"n. for One Dollar, id \\-m Kennedys s-r 1 ^iuls Snvdi r SI I '- r.itrlekMalo.iicv John.C lhtldUw" C- . Titntn ci..\s.s. .Ims, MeroiVvoll !i> I MasttioCiimplwllUK WesTi'v Huchcs i)t | Klla Hamlltoi. Uh\' Win Me.Maekcn" V). Matrslf N lekllii !>!l John Avnew . ss | Alberta M'Osrvuil'S Jvrtiu Keiule.ly 71 I Annie I.alilhnv W | Mlnetva Siorov '.d ... 1 -laiin IJviIit '.'-' I ; I Nellie Watsoir '.>'.' .' >!:i;e\'li ci.vss. Jiilm Moloney !:' f4<:il?el!.-i Hill KleliariiMirlonev !>1 | Kll:i Spoliilit Kdwln 1'. Uoss -. !>l I Mury Worsnop A'U-x. AV:i:soii ;jj J Mu'fv- Smlili Flunk Women , STrl.illlau irai-Ulnf; ' libi l-:..H":u-l5lni! 11X1 lit) m tC l7 Maiil.lii Musiiles't'l SKi'DXO nKl'Alvl'-MKS'l'. llliillKvr 1 l.ASS.- Wmt'J. N-ickl.i' l-o | Kli/.'tieiliYemen PW Wm.' Sp.-li.-iit ' lmi I AlJii Hii:;lies 1<'1 Kriismu-i I'amdv li! [ Mary I5n>wn- '.'7 Tho-. .Mijcli-tl J^'l-Mn-at" -Mo.ro i'.i .\n;r,- K.-lll>.'ilV: '.! > | Kll/.-lbflii Smitii S3 -7rnii;n t>i:PAi:T.\iKXT. iiiiini>r class;' Yllllani Sfiiri'V nvi | .ta.m> 1-Varnlcv IiV> t 1 bus. Ki-.llU'.lv li\l | Annl-tMlvij-e -"Jo'- ttirnevlrrx^m the'LVntonni:.! i:x!ii!':tion .'Ais.Vi t uw fall .1.1 | Mny lliicklii!: .<>:> 'M.-iiry Ky.l-r (,9 i .MaiiMa lirnwn J!".i J:;r.i--> smi!'.' .-'^ ; i:lla W'or i-ii - Us.J FrTday aiid_Sa:i:nlay^-.af;er' : senee o::aKiu; tvti t-vay^.' ThV-y- i;:\v ^kly ;lat:e.-ir.^ repert of thi s-^h and seeses. , i -'- - " - - ' = o-X-per yard.-.t Oirks.y.i \- MeN.ib's.* \' Xorral Shipment*. -Mr. Erailford. aqent at Xorval t: tieu, having SiV.-:: the tvpert o.-t'h.> shi .n^ats for O^o':-T;r rfi>-sn Aet.'.'u ste.ti as ptndished in lis: creek's I:::kk Pr.i:.- r!;<s:i the :\>!lov.;in^-::o'Le : - Sic, I_ral id-i over, the b=?:u-.-5? yor.r% t-.:i-:-, do:n;. ' Of-eor.rsc-Ac:->" is-e.--;is:-iL-r. quite a to;-ri!, hv.i let !:le IS-I-yc::^-.-!; r. e^"nfry srni: r~ , X-r'.'rd is .li-U: /. :.t -e have iid-r.othi:^ :.!>,-::: it < ::":.-_ Here you .-.re for U.-r-.'b-.-r -. Xi.-: -.:-.:-.-. for freight forward-.-I -t'.i^-C-S.I1.1. X-> -'5^>a'c he, ash.iTr.fd j: >. toli your rrlo:)- I Willi isu Itrown Wi:ii;i;n Co i; I Julia A. Mooro " Marvellously Low Prices. THAT BUFFALO ROBES, BRFFALO ROBES, BUFFALO ROBES. /iOdChoice Robes just received from tho Hudson Bay Company, selling at extraordinary i.ricos. in fact cheaper than if wo had sent out our- 7: "I ' own liuuteis. y\ ' . .- A Prims: Little RoTjo for? $2.50. :_% ? FuU.Sized RoTse, Ci,50. :. "Splendid Rote, whole, $7 to $9l ^o oo jshould bo without a Rpbo. BB^DY * MADE CLOTHING. In this Department wo can boat everything in tho Province. 'Road our puces and say whether/they aro not Avonderful. msmf % MAN, Just arrived from Gircat Britain And the United Stated (823 Packages Anfninn and Fail eoqds." JQH2T HOGG & SON^ XJpper "Wfnti^xi Street, Guel^h, are^ie ProgreBeive keit of the Made. a.id Wo.ylll Buaranieeotir prices'lowe?. This deriaitmert iBwpli wrirVbtr r. ruu*rf ... ---------------,___ t........ -. A montcomplotonssorlmontof New AWtimiilFall and lr>tn in o* _?*1 OvercoatF, TOO Over TJltri,)0 P<f- ""..... ......'"......."" ?.e!*^?n.Peol"y made] for en/ eKtibllHhr - First to receive Fall Gorids, first to sell them, fl'Bfto biittlo Bstnlnst hlgh.prlge^ nnd lqiiR profit, and first to bring down i rlc ...... ontbard tlmoB. Hurry to tbt wonderful I________ variety 1b linmongo, tho <iiuillty or icoods 1st wonderAU, tho prions amazingly cheap A niontcomplotonssorlmontof New Atflutnil! Fall and Vlnter'UotxJs ^>ll,bopro- somod to Intending purchaBera that will Call foHhsurprTBo and admiration. Wp will montlon a few departments that cannot bo approached in OueljMi/ Tn Silt an^ xTckltrofb.ourStock 1breallyIntmonsi,aodnilbongbit Cwf'^i^iliY.f.'.'^.-.,- ... -.-. J.D, OllK alia VeiYeiJB overayofikbofo?oanx k'nowledgo of an ihZr%Z^J^^tL**,wltbo?t,*iH!.mW"*^ advance. TncSo goods ore a marvel of ox?e.lenqo & qaalityWfBtyloas wo.l.to nlTe^&^l^l^X^^^^ ImmenB.. sp &^&%7&&d^* Wrlb ^H Comolnd^ ^WfSW^ vortod in- oolarB," (ityles, material and price, that no tdca can bo convoyed of the bf amy and richness of ft/ Snmbe w> say that tho loading colors* " ........ cspcolally coll attention to ohoopncBB. In Ladies' Dress Goods ^^.l?-S52^ i bo convoyed of ine bf mny arid richness of overy material U to bo had at our stored' and nu ithe nowost produdilons now lnnns for lod;ie(f drelse of.every kind nnd;.qiillty,-vei:y oneap, .lux). Hhoollr/ u- i iYes.ts' d0-l,bl ""J SIn'P "reastcti, romo nice goods. HOCp pairs paDtalooi. Cpiils, Sack Coatsaiid l>re eoodB.- 1 r< Tho i-croll, the Clclllliin dii Chnng, tho MattulpBseelot4ii Armenian 8 ,rl n..-----------1...-.-------,_ _........ --------__._.----------------. ._|j.- . _ ..---------------- J_ Theeo materials n'ro all at proBent on show, and In the leading colors i md shades u-Um: jd^.M^N <&&?# iMSSSSSisS3 presonted-j-Mattalan;n-JncSrot Cloth, Bear, Seal eloth,'Venetian cloth, in. all tr.p Bhodewof brown, groou, navy bluo. aquiline blue charming goods for ladles' dresses and costumos. ' Our JaflcO+R arP * ",,'t"?:i' **? bEih61d, ahd'ovefy l^y.tytendjng tao_soji flhoj and Hoar our prices. j i 1,",',,n-wl"iWo nn OUdiWlB, ^tho styles now, L... pk-nRord to havo an opportunity of show 6t ills* 0r th<> rnroense- Uut es Who- ate a trtmondon* ,<xM<S knety Is large. ffisM^ , the prices' oleap.'tho quality-tfcellent, and;o S'"'?, owUnoice stock olhjjncy and Stable Dr.6ss Goodn,.Carpels.Kea<iy-mW bowleg such - ^r P'i^are do?Tat fcotJ- Jacket thlB Autumn and Fill, should call and examine varletj Wolil-' colors narTYA+cj- DnrTYA+R -,,r Rtock of Brussels, Turtovand Tapestry sanioliberai mannornaTtbcJ: havrdonTnTrS Sept.l, 1875 XMAS IS COMING. OYEpCOATS. y Tit vro^l _^vla us :_ vti:p i' ilr. B: tetel iTL-i^hT, pricerpa; :i r rlilf .Srboel. . Souie l:"!e-:::^s.".t:2iac*.';-'II rr-r-:r. 5>e eatt-rtiinei r.t the <um:n.-.ry in: ia fhich Mr- Hr-r.t's jl <z!:-i:~-<.:.<: Tts fr^act-I ct tho ].-.st izm-j-inz/r Jic'.m .ScaricI B.i.-.r.;. Tv-c-. ] .iter:-- hr.v he--a feui. tj the^Fi::-!: Pi-.->>.-, t.-yrt=. icg the t:sw; of the Vritih-ca. t::e rss. ;ter,_;n.i-ask:r.~ for fiir?;:tr vt;it-i:.-ir-; One of th=;-j, attir. coiSfiden-i-Ie hiiit lien, vc havt di-cMed ;o ruhhh'h. hi the other, -nhich is -rfa i-'^zi^wl.r.i iir.; lar character,- we_ r'j,--pecif:uiy -*3-:!:i; \Vherethe public uit-Jrcst is e'r-ueerc< _*e are nsnali- deslr'-eis <-f alli-winj: :';: scope to correiponitents. lijit >:. -.. 7v,--..- 1>--ai: S;::, ' have read. <-.vif tho proeo-.^fiiiji; of the Seiiool Hoard iu last iiu-k's i^^'.H of the Fhl'.i: l'luss, pro. e-.-.n'.ines the like *d v.ih'ieh 1 .trust do ru-t L-vyr t.-.h-l' ph-.ce i-.iit^r .any- othvr sr..h imard in Ontario. 1 mean that '- j :.-.i-..-ii v.pi-:i the e.-raplaint--of Mr. A. 'iiro.M'it: Why was tir.- e.>::ip!.-.;iit not <> ! j::^c:i i:i th.^-ir cou-.ic^naatv*ry r^porfr--so - -j ireeiy n a le,' .-.ml for ptibhcation ; v.-.-if.h.V lihe to tkiK.v,- \-f- the O'tiiphiint so y prof.ottitee-l friveheis and with- -*"t:i.it:o:i. V. !u:i and ivh'ere w.'is i::;:':r/ tn.vic ai to the. faLsiiy i-r i: < : Mr. (.rant's -e.>::iplr.int '. (low Sb-s-rs. M-.-iv an-.l l.ast-y. yet the -.-.:;:.1. s<.:.-::n'i tr. -iiem so eo;ivin- , ;h-.--th-.-y eov.Id so readily fail in the eh i.::i an-l^pr.'u-.nn-'e thetti i lie t:.h-.-'- I 1-e^ t->ii:fidui tile -v ehf.ir::;::!!. v. !: -evt r i:e Tnav b-*, i'.T; t Air. $12. the It".--.! I.-1 ' Irish Friez Ulster Overcoats for $8. >7ory pfood Overcoat for $4.50, worth $c A 1 Overcoat at 7, 8, 9 and 10 Dollars. First-class Overcoat-fur trimmed- . TWE^p'1! CLOTHING-. Pilot Jackets, -wall"lined. fzom$2.SO. Cwoed Pants, SS, 52.50,; S3." .... ] Tweed ~wts, 1, 1.25, $"81.50/ ' Tvced. Coats, 53 to 5S. ::: ': .;-.; j..-- Puil T-wood Suit for 510." Vory caoap. LOOK J&.1? T?DSClSi B'ack Clnth I'nnts. S'3. worth .9,5. *>0 Black Cloth Vesis,1.50, wortlrj!2.o6 Waterproof Coats, heavy twill'd $2^ Boys' Suits complete for 2.50". Overalls oO cents. Wool Shirts and Drawers 50 cents. ir.^ran^x^ "Winter iGlothing at the Lion. ie. .-.:.-.l Mr. Cratit is hot the only V-- */. ^ ... J- ' IVhprc you-tvill fiiid'it good and chcap> d ;::- f.t.t is we-i! ltijo\e;i-to iiis hi^h- .--;..:h,- ehair:::a:;'. r.:iJ.__ i-ttu-r. nietnle.-s th:- I'-':.-.'., ,-s well as a veil kr.'.wn ..'. .The chair- .:i o-.i^h:, ih -all f.iirne.--.atid ji^tiee, ^: atrt ti-v te...-her. to ve ::y. ': :: ju:ry into the faets of e.--".:-.;.-,:n:, i::-.ii ',' v.iiat kiti-.l ofm.-.ni- l?i--v. -di.r 't!^v-'.- tran-ia-. -rii'y.Mr. desire ot >f t .-".ehvrs wluti riotiiii-.^ of the r_-.h..-l of thent 7 lOalv a-change arti.-ahv- tea -her Avas'a-ked for. .~_r.;: tlieir jeariie-ular purpo:-.- did not suit kesr un.ux bags; $.1 A I)OJ?EX. ;. A FMST-HATE HORSE R-LAXKET FtOU S't.oO. -w-. its did a e. Sneh . M.-ore L'a-i'\-, L-ut in mavb \;r . inrtlser diHni?sx-n-of ti;:s ^ri 1 at all likely to rest:!: in- any her. be the m2.ati3 ci efictiuj arty eh tke ejisticr: mana^l-ni^t, vre -,v.- better pkas-j.1 t.Th.ivei:.ib 1 ihc- ib.i - t::e "t":ijer :ea-;iie."'.s ::ot CLtniplaiiir :t or!" t > a more siiitalde se-eson.1 i? :3."-o'.c np jn this haste as even Ldr. iioss--as T\'li3e a complahit .nst him heAyr.s mi the s=pot en- en(: tiir.se against1 wliom no STieh ur.lay, put on <prjet]y fos'-atime "Ail, yes, Mr. lifiss's explana tion v< rpiit/'satisi.v.-t^ry to the Heard, hnt p-_rhaps not jn~t \ satisfactory to ::^ani* veho vr.v to Mr. IIj^s Ids ^ooO. I do. not L'r-.'i !_ if lie - only iairiv ttir.i :n.-.i:"e.v had t"ik..;.1. ..ed-au.: . i. 'o :: fair to lay aj:- r compVa to suir. \vhe:i he takes the the parents of ' his as->i t-'i {i.ive^:,i!' >;: have do desire to 1-? a sr.-r:v t-i the stir-- I : _ . 1* i- ' ' ' rjfig cpo: perscija! Ill-i-e-jlin_r an-I there- ' by injuring the r'r.jr.:-ati-.>n of she I sciool, lor the sake of,'gratifying tli~' BTshes of curresp'.rKHriits. -As to' the , partineut School Board, wc presume: the r.ianbers ; iteed atr, are-preparol to. dkid their "actions, j ::r'!- -a. k':"'1 }'f sb"W ' ? nnmLers die: -., .- ijuotes tne re-'i.-trj-, an'I tacks on to tne ^lihoat our assistance, h-rrt la iu:s tar- } ^:,_.S,X,.,CC 4;hl4n in the -other dc-' ticnlar raatt-er. %ve rn-ast say that ;t.-< '.;-., cannot see -Bhat else L-ils to do thd .teacldiiLT, he iVnot so. } over hardened vrith numbers in his de- V.r the last twelve moiitli3 to lielp from parents ; but to KS* Give us -a call. i - - Guelpii, Nov. 15, 1876., j. d. Williamson & co. CAMPAIGN OPENED! WESTERN ADVERTISER 6 TCECXLY LICKIJ.tU A Sl3 Dollar Premium Given Away. Balance of Year Free ! e_, coi-.i-; nave i m1- done.' In order :that'.those iiitercjivl U'1-' may ee:the n^tureof the so-caiiedeeii!- ;:,.'. plaints, we hcicvridi pnbli-.li _ Jir, Grant's letter in :u]2 : To the Ji:ihl of [School Trv<-:.:rz. {. Srh'jsl, Section -Xo. 1^,- I'Mn'ii* ',T Aclun. ..: I, a^ a ratepayer of the .-aid School Section,, jd-6 .lhir.k-.it'would i.-eto the advantage-of my family as well as all </thc-r inhabitanfs of this vii'a'-v-, that the ser\dces of our present teaehe'r,-Mr. ^ohn .-Koss, be dbinsod" v.dth lor the following reasons : 1st His imir of ' -temper in'dealing with the Echolars arnder bis charge, 2nd-^On account of iis favoritism tp-so.me~of the children, . -and general djs_fikearjd-jndiirerer.ee to wards otiers of ihose under his care. 3rd The!section suffers loss in a peeu- iiiary point of. view^ to a large amount both-from th-e Government and Munici pal grants'on account of the "Teat fall-- - "lag off of attendance in his department forsome time past, as -whole .'s.arnilies - fannot and will not send their children for the above causes. I think :that In's ..'nsefainess - as a teacher is altogether gone ~w this stefion. Tours, -d-d.,' , - : . . A. GIlA>'T. It will be noted that there are no peeifie ^charges""whatever, and-no evi dence offereUfor the Board to act npor. 'OiO. 5fr. fJraat been.personally present at the "meeting or had hi3 " complaints ween more definite, it is r,-ery probable further inquiries, would iave.been ii> *fituted.bc-fore diEmisaing them. '.As to *hc 'first -and ecohd-counts, we have nothing_to say, either in defence or in condemnation of the - head 'teacheS_,: n ol -. Wwing any of the paHicuhirs of-the complaints. But in referensp-to the -third count, we wouH mostTespectfnlry a^are our frie-sd that he is evidently - iatooring under a misapprcliensiaii oF.tae -wte. .The Government grant to schoolB i -incorporated towns and villages IS ;jiotin the leastaiTected by-the-average - nuniber o pupils in attendance; A tated amount is, given annually, and . any increase or decrease in the number f popils Is not taken into considera" tuin, except when an" extraordinary in- - *reas<5 jn the! population demands an . .additional sum. Heav^ "Ulster Overcoats made -*>order for e,00 at Dickson & MeXai/s. ani i-jTI to Mr. I Its': Is lie a mcir- r t.io, v.-iieu he co;M so s-.ti-factorily 'answer ail <"f'?.Ir. ('!rant's complaints? It i", <-.Jdainly r. mw and easy way of JTirisT r::-l_.::.-e -alien the ac^u.-ed hec-jnes defendant. Tlie fact niist be ln-.de kunwn at once t'j Att^-irt'.ey-fJeneral Mowat tn a the Acton School Hoard may take their proper place as advisers of the bieuten- .":i!t-(.ioverr:or and have the neT>* system adopted . it AtiH save much' time and trouble t-o judges, magistrates and juries. (Jo on,- geut'ejiieii, you have got new light. you will make for your selves a great nKUie y yloijjire a long Way ahead'of the wise men^t Gotham ;" but with jail your wisdom,, power and mi;.ht, there is orre little thing.you have hot found out so cleaily as the- juris prudence ease, and I think you had better see to it. and it 13 this, your teaeher cannot .be anything else but .jsiinjdy and-nsolely a-teacher of Acton icho'oL Hei-earinot be cut up into, so many parts, for example, Village Clerk, Treasurer, .Secretary: of all small and outside manufacturing concerns. Some bad mannered person might refuse to pay his school tax, and I think he could not be compelled should lie. turn .nasty -about it. Mr. Editor, with your kind permission, I will subscribe myself Yonri very truly, HOMO. Acton, Xov.M4, 1S76. j 18 77. ' "THE WEEKLY CMIBEZ The gl6be PBINTIKG COM- PAXY flnitelully acknowldzt; the trliimpnant-Micics!. that has attended the npnenrancc of the Wkekly uude in Its new and Improved form. - The vast cir culation it has secured, and the enthusi astic approbation that comes from all sections of tho Dominion, as w"ll as from numerous readers In Great Britain and the United States, leave no reason to <J<tir.t that-the publishers havo succeeded in producing A "Weekly Journal of the Highest Class. Bu< the success, achieved In tho past year is only otie other step In the path of advancement. In the coming year fresh progress will he made, and that of a char acter which must give greatly Increased tnt-erestand value to therpaper. : The series of IildstrnU-d Bio_p"aphles of prom'iient Pub'lc Men that has this year attracted f-o m"ch ntt>i)tIonwUI he'eon- tinned dnriQjr Ihe cominj: year by able and experienced wi Iters and engravers; hut tliere will also h> added, ai ffally' new fe-.trnres portraits of mon dlsiln- m i riinv nf flip fn>,.-it st^el niate en- g"Ishr<l in the early history of Canada, is,, a copy ot. ti)t. grvai, BUel piaTC ei. . interesting histories of __ raving entitled ' \\ elllngton and ijlu- theirHv,- -a-nimen.. Sketches of Cana- tcher Meeting after the Battle of Water- ' dlan Ni!.- ': .Sci-ne'ry. Views-of the- ioo.-size ,S xlO inches. It i^L beyqnd f T^^ yM-. y-^-iotaM"^^^,?^ inpts ! .'.i.e I'iniinion, witTI copious let- In opening .the Annual Advektiscr Fall Campaign for lS7o'-7,we do sd with the full intctition of making it the most successful one entered upon. We w:aut to add at least 10,000 new" subscribers to :o"ur roll itbis year. The Advertiser,, in the fututci as in the past, will be found advocating every truo Beform and every really Liberal measure: Among other reforms it ad vocates an' elective senate and the pas sage of. a Prohibitory Lkjuor BaW. TO' xVGE|<TS.- In order to make this paper thejvery best and most remu- II'lw did ii happen that the I nerative oue in Cafiada to-canvass for, if ;the ehairmati ami-the we will present to every "subscriber, for You xmgh.t to call1 at Secord Bros., and seefthe immense piles of firc^- ceries, Teas,. Spgars, Fruits, Delicacies, Cro"ckery ware, Axe3, &c, wdiich tliey are just receiving and. showing at the cheapest prices ever heard of. Their. 6'0e tea is worth a dollar ; oqy amount of new 5Cc Tea best they ever had jnst received. . - ... " j vi,i Heavy dark-grey Fulled Cloth. ' at 40c-'per "yard at Dickson & McNah'a. i . .Galloway Bros.-make the llest S.rea$l.in"the county, Give them a-ball For good tea cakes find ~.biti\s go .to Galloway's Bros., Acton Bakery. , Galloway Bios, give 100 lbs. of. bread for 1> lbs. of flour, j - ; doubt, one of the finest engravings ever produoeil, being the premium of the London (Eng.) Art Union for IS72,.and sold at one guinea in six dollar^ in tho coloniesi This magnificent pure lino cugfaving was ex ecuted by Lumb Stocks, 11. A., from the wall painting iri'the'Palaceof Westmin ster by Daniel Alaclise, "It.A. It occu pied six years of this celebrated paiuter's life, and'the steel plate by the eqdally renowned engraver occupied five years) jmore, costing the sum of 3,150. The' ibest critios throughout England and Canada unite in praising this wonderful picture of the culminating point- in the battle of Waterloo. US' W'e also give rtc Valance of thin year free to all subscribers for 1877. TVIIAT WE OFFEfc. 1. The best 8-page family newspaper in Canada. 2. Wc hprejaypostage. 3. Xew types, new presses, good paper. 4. Balance of this-year free to. now sub scribers. ' -; ' . 5. A magnificent :steel plate engraving free. .- -.-,- G. A Ladies' and Children's department 7. Songs (music and words), pictures, chess, &c. ' - 8. W. F. Clarke edits our Farmers' de partment. "'..'.. is-'AUL for $i:eo. Either singly or in clnbs. To clergymen, "postmasters and school teachers, 1 per annum. 83T We want Agents everywhere. Send for sample and AgentVPackage containing-miniatufe /(ic-tmt7c. of pic ture, premitim list, club headings, term?, etc. Sent free to--any address. JOHN CAMERON & CO., ; ' '~A dvertiser " office, ' London, Ont. A Splendid Assbrthlpnt LU Wedding Rings, OF Q < Fancy Gold Rings, j Cuff Buttons, Studs, Chains, Lockets, Bracelets, etc., Clocks; from $1,60 tfp\7ards Call and See Therd. GEOEGE UlYNDS Acton, Oct. 31. IStG'. I ' A 'BE SURE TO CALL,! AND EXAMHSTE TH(t>SE REitOYSB Slau Axb Tumbling IN DRY GOODS MILLIN E RY Down PR JOES Of NEW T O BREEDERS. A CARD.-To a!! sufierlnBjfrom the orrorsand ludlfcretioiis of youlli,tierVons weakness, early decay, 1o;--b of mnnhco'd, &c I will send a recipe that will :care von, I'UKK OF CTIAKHE. This great rompdv was discovered by n missionary in^oulh AiiiTlcil. Send aself-nddresSfd . velope to the ItEV. Jose:":i T. X.viian Btation il.Iilbie Ifohse, New lork-Clty. The pure bred Berkshii'e Boar "Black Bobtail" will bo kepi ilii _____il" will bo kept for service on the promises of tho subscriber, during the season. Terms lor tho season. $1, strictly cash at the time of service. Black Bobtail took a prize at the Guelph Central/Exhibitiou this year. He was bred by Royal -Briton, imported by--, John Shell. A yonng Bpar from the- Model Farm, will also bejeept for ser- tr-r-r-ri .iptlor.s atuictied.lo eneb. skoicln - or Hie early history of each t.-^i~ T nn"iJ place ."iid of tiie various industries now Lngl^mi aiui=i ,,ro.spClui,j |jy tnem. Ttuse Will be carc- fiilly- prepared for TitE <jix>BK by flrst- rlass artists and writers, whoso scrviceB for the coming year have already been secured. ' _ Over twenty thousand 6f the subscrib ers or Tun Wkekw owbe are agricul turalists, and they will nil gladly learn that The Cakada Farmer on 1-1 Janu ary next Is to be amalgainiited with thnt pippr under the title of TnE Weekly (itxinE ami Canib* Farmek. Tub FAUiusn will censo to appear (is a separate publication; its entlro stall of editors, contributor", and correspon dents will be transferred totbo Weekly Gr.ofiE,- and the Whole Of the valunble g- rl'ctilti'rul matter heretofore published in The FAnMEit will thereat<er appear n The Weekly uixiiie. 'fblc-acw attriic- tloir will alone be worth to every Intelli gent farmer much more than his year's subscription. - . Tliepeparlm'entsof Ecclesia'tioal In- t.elllgence;, ScieirceNolfts, and Education- / nl Aflalrsnow so popular, will bo main- talned wltli Increased vigor. Tho Deparim^nt of Answers to Corres pondents, on every variety of .subjects, wblch has pioved so valuable and inter esting to crowdsol readers, Will receive Increased attention and careful research.- , Th" Political "and General News from allpnrts of the world up <o the lntestmo- ment of pcbllcotlon the Parliamentary Debates; Federal and ProvlnelnL tho Marketand Flnoticial KrporlB nt home and abioad and the Letiers cf Special (;orrepondents from all points orlnterest Will continue toJbe collected and Collated wi}h all the' care and energy that hns kept The Globe in th6 Uonl rank of Canadian Journals for tblrta jfonr' years past. ,j The Literary and Ladles' Department under the care of specfal conductors, will be frsh and racy. T "o first-class stori' 8 beides minor productions^ will appear during the year , Tho annual stibscrlptlon toTKE Week ly IGrLoBE anb<'anAI)A Farmer HI re main hb heretofore only TWO DOEf-ARS PER ANNUM, sent FE e of t"OSTAt3K6 all parts of Canada and the Ui-ttedSlntct, -payable-invnrlab'y In advance. ThoClub Rates for 1877 will be as followBj B copies and'ander lO.at the rate of $1.6X>-per ^>py- 10 coplPB ami under 20, at-tho Tato of S1.H0 per ropy. 20 cofles and over at tho rate of $L75 per copy. -v" D. TcrriTale Sacrifice. McNAIR'S. C00OS SOLD AT ANY PRICE. Must be Cleared Out. ' , .. i. We c .on'i 'want to'carry aiiy of bnr stock iito the new. -Btore,. which1 is nearly completed. DRESS GOODS, . L MILLINERY, : WOOLEN GOODS', ; ' .STAPLE* GOODS',. jrlfjs.t lall.bo EOla at oslomshingly Low Prices. SADDLER & HARNESS-MAKER, Has removed" one door -Vest of'hia" old stand, and is how prepar id to turn Out work, Which for NEATiTES'S, 0HEAt;iirESS A279, DTxaABiLrrr cahiiot be'surpassedrby the county. Harness of al r Si' i '. ,'e covrTe> carpets'in tJKtry, BrusselK, Turkiib, ^r., ,i,A-fc;fi?V"r'c,1,rT'1V,do-"d eveyythinsthat is nelc^sary for mawifcontllF ceptthe.mjnlsier.andall ataBpeclanvloWprtcet ^ " Millinery .r t,tabIW Kidder' Ufe^r. . . - pilots are dowiat bov nrz nnrchasers to visit our.place of basinet s In th" " rrrii f s= O 8 a CO etc. any house Li; snpphed oil the shortest j ossible notice, and warranted to give perfect satisfac tion. -."! As he is doing business principally oft, the Cash System, Ee is pt epare'd to' sell cheaper than evetv Give him a call and be (jsonviheed that" thieis the right place, June 28.1878. R. CKE6dH,A.<!toh, - : ROBERT-'SIMS, Xot Ko. 30, 2d con. Esqnesing. October 23, 1876, -17-2m : TOB PRINTING of all kinds .- " "-:"i. - '.- neatly and promptly executed ftt the BARGAINS ?OR YOTJ, BARGAINS FOR YOtf, BARGAINS ..FOR YOTJ, Bargains For Everybody. FREE PRESS 0FFICEr ' ':-V^"' Vext fhe-lPa(.t Office, Mill Street, Oar Millinery is firs^ clftsF^1 " Ml now.and fashionn'trfe. Oaf feress .ubodi are Just "what'.'s wanted for the season. The latest jpatteifas and colors. '.' A large stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Gowda :, ', Gontlctoon's IS'urnis'h.latf Booia jroo.d and cheap. Jewelefjr, Jeweleryr-^ RinRS, Brooches, Chains, &c AlBoa good ; stock of GROfCERlES. \ ~%f i: It' -;..',.' .:i I-.- -,' Prices.. G. T.mzt, Mill Street, AOTdN,. >r . ' i -. ._ ..'. . SEALER l!' Crockety, spots a shooaf, yrall Sajer, JTiadow Bliais", iTailSj 'Glass Putty, ' . s"ftintt, Wrjentiae, , Cfiaiai, Salt, etc-, All of which will be (sold' low fof cosh. 1 BOOTIS and SHOES $elling:-off at cf sii Also agent lor the }.. fitTBBBR PAINT dGMPANY :> . o: 0L Gkviokad, C h*x Cash for HiS> Acton, July 18,18?o\. ./ Alma Block, Upper Wyi'dhairn Street, Gutllpnr "T AT TH-B I Bas^ End Clothing Stor4 fn: great' variety from 31 to ^'fJ.50 per Saiit'. Acton, October 31," 187^:- . " ;~ .-#* ^.M JflL"'"0.':'"Bn3 Begs to'announce t the inhabitants of Aeton,andsurrouadrng ! to^f .-"' , i that i wilt fit)Id,his ' Gi-aii^ AIM V, A EWSI^Simt -,_ > Silks, press Goods, $Hawls, MilUne^ :|a4i<i Mantles.- ON THE WEEK OF THE CENTRAL EXHIBITION ^. -/* -*-. . i ". Our Stock on this occasion #ill bS one' oCthe finest 6ver Offered['i.(cj|"aife itf' . aelphl" The.various departnSents Will present varied attractions, wSilefonr-priqes' will place .the .->. yr ' ' .- , V:ry; Best .Goods If^aidn' thec Keacli,'of ill. Foj firlces and other particalara we mbst refer to' cferottlarS And" hsmi 1 bilW JT now being circulated. iekof tne We (ivill make it ah'object Ce'atral Exhibition*:. foi- peojrle id cfeffl ffith1 usf durli ig. thG A. O. BUCHAM Fashionable ^est End' Dressy Mlltlnery and Mantle Establlsb nenjU Gnelph, Oc wber-I. 1S76.-^ ! L _ j- r FALL SHOW OF CLOTHING, i. Strirgfefs visiting the Central j'air alGrtielph should > sh|ould makip, it. a point ^6 cihll an^ see tlie'irnmense s^oek of At TU*; GRte^T ELEPHANT C^OTHiHa SJ08E, OVERCOATS A if Nc-W Hats & Caps, and Gents' Furnisliing oods. -p* IScaatifnl Goods, WNI. RUTHERFORD &, C Guelph, Oct. 2, 1876. DRUG&, bRUGS, at(5i ] ' 1 Urti^, jBaeslioalS, Bye Stuffs, Pataat aad Irojriotor^ SEelitijhiea, 3Taa.C7"aaa toUot Soaps, SpoasroB, Brtu&os, ?aiats. Otis an! VamlsaoSi tfaaey aad Bu'b'boJ ' rT/RB- "JmJfBS A'tflJ LIQUORS fer I^eiieiaai-Parposea iy. All goods Warranted of the bestquality ahd at ten per cSnt below" 'oronto " "_ , Dob't forget the place. .. Medical Hall, Mill street, Acton. AatonjUarcbJ 13, 1375. MOfe0^

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