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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 16, 1876, p. 2

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aass!BU!r3r=T*"-Tf"- i"",.5-~ <;i> >- T- 7 , jpUE ACTOR! FREE PltKSS PibbsVcd IVrrj Thursday Mornhrj; -J. n hacking, proprietor. 81 Pbr Annum in Advance r' ^cfxmFroclfi: ess JOS H HACKUta tWTO.R r*-r -----------------.. TintfcSDAY MoRXtsn, Nov. 16 Councillors or Rnteyaiers. Our Georgetown- fiotemjiouirv >ro*ds the Fhke Pkkss u mo h ;<iT 1 cvMtrratilf THE FREE fRBSS, ACTON, HALT-ON OOUNTY, :JS76. ur! K3 u (lis i\v i\ =. Atui have schemes of improvement, it is most' assuredly tho duty of every rnlft- papr- to' seeoud their efforts by lending both moral ami pucunmry assistances eheeifnlly nnd intdli gently. This county can offer no excuse of inability to have good roads on -the jseoro of poverty. It is one of the wealthiest in the pro xlnco, and notwithstanding tho lurgc sums given to railways, it has a plothoiic purse. Tho ratepayers aro mainly in good circumstances, and oan well afford to expend large THE, EASTERN MUDDLE ri rurijicr Prospects of War. :. , , . ... . ' - sums in highway improvements. Iture for dMing- to ni&inintt<! that nyk . ,. , , . , lno mam difficulty seems to lo'm our municipal- councillors uro m It *i ? i* ny way responsible for tl graceful condition of the Ins and by-ways of this countvf satisfying himself that we committed an~egrogiom act of dis courtesy 'and have treated on r pub' las servants with unptcrdoDullo div rt*pe?t, ho sets himself to- tha task of pointing out tb*i tho whole -blame should be foisitni upon the defenseless shoulders of th; poor fanners. An attempt 18 mvde to show that the whole diffic ilty is chargeable to the " uttpard suable " indolence of the ratejwiyer:: when " working out-their resist crive shares ~" of statute Libor." The people, he says, '* ho are so indolent as to " do only half-a-day's woik iu a-day, ' on the highways,should be irensur- '" ed.and not their reprcsent,uji\-cs in __" council." Well, we will |-eudily grant tiat the statute labor [busi ness is a grand humbug, anjl we believe that if tho whole thing was entirely done awuy with, it would be far better for^ill concerned. In tho earlier d.iys^of ihe country _^-i when money was exceedingly scarce it wasdoubtless a great convenience for the ratepayers to be permitted to pay a portion of their taxes in the bhape of road woik. But now a d.ivs, there can be no .Mich excuse Tor allowing the system to continue. If the practice were udupted j)f com muting the statute 1 ibo- at t be rate of even, fifty ctuts a day, there is no questiou but the aggiegate sum could be expended to much greater. advantage by having the road wofk let out in legitimate cuiitracls. In ~_-order, however, to render this ef fectual, it would l>e .iluioat neces sary to hare ?n act of pad ament repealing the existing statin*: labor act, and there is no prs,ent proba bility that such will lie ha J. And, without further entering into adis 'cussioa of the system, we hive to I deal with things as we Bud them. Councilmen are-elected to repre sent the interests and welfare of the municipality. It is their legitimate business* to see th it the public highways are kept in a reasmably safe state of repair ; to levy a rats "the "people being unablo to unito upon any scheme which might not jjive undue advantages to one sec tion over another. Is it not possi ble to over-come this long-standing difficulty t "Where there is a will there is a way." (Suggestions are alwavs in order. CoNSTANTiNOVtE, Nov. 13.^Tho time fur tho mooting of tha ounfor- enco of Powi'js is still unsettled, as Turkey asks for preliminary) guar antees, J London, Nov. U Tho Puff Mall Ga:<tli) says : Once- morodajkness has fallen over tho prospects of peace. That'it will lift again wo may hopo, but tho nows that'comes both from J5t. Potursbuignil Con stantinople- gives us warning that what is called feeling may yqt con quer wisdom, and that a certain degreo of dissatisfaction already threatens to creep into th< judg ments of thoso on whom dopends tho tremendous issue of puico to ward The speech of the JJzar is not tho most alarming incident of tho time, but it is far from pleasant Vormdnt, caused a general alarm reading.- What are the gual-antees 1 among tho inhabitants thetc, and which tho Czar has in mind I Aro i they are forming a bcouiing party ly expended. When broken down or a culvert r ,rj* boon den ddty of our councillors to see that such is ituiur-diatily re paired. The Herald m in will per- 1 hap pardon us for ref.]>ectfu lly in ftiniating that no private imlividu.il has any right to exjiendone :entor one honr's labor in lepairirg any -of the public bighwavs of h s own accord, but that it is peifectly right and proper for any ratepayer " to "Appeal-to the council for aid to " repair a job which might bs done "in half-a day." A. ^athnister Dentil of the' lion. John Ilill- >nrl Cameron. After a very brief illness, the above-named p&itleman dicdTat his residence in Toronto on Tuesday afternoon, in tho ."iOthtyear of Ids) age. ilr. Cameroi^ -ivas ono or the most propjiueut law} ei-a und poli ticians of our country, having for a long period .been recognized as the head of tho common law_ branch of the lfgal profession in Ontario. Ho has been lepresentative of various constituencies, and at the time of his death was member forCardvvell in the ijouse of Commons. thoy such conditions aa thd Porto will grant I There lies tho whole question ; and if wo ate ;o rely upon this morning's new) from Constantinople, tho questior is not likely to bo answered to tin mind of the Czar. Turkey hesitates, we aro told, to accept aConfeiencoand tho Grand Vizor has telegraphed his objections to tho English Go vernment. Moreover, in mother report, proles&ing to con o fio ConsUntinoplo, wo get vvha i woiild seem to be the substance of the ob jectiocs thus reteired to. The Tuikish Government, who uro snid to be deeply stirred by tho injustice dono to their nation and by tho ill return of moderation, are stated to havo telegraphed instructions to their represeutatlvds abroad The -contest in Bothwell yester- dav has. resulted in the re election Df Hon. Dav id Mills by a sweeping majority. Tho figures give J\Ir. Dawson, the Conservative candi date, a total of 50 votSs, while Mr. Mills has 570, being a clear nn'jari- tv of 311. - Rise ix Sri. vr Tho Globj of Monday sajs that a privato tele gram frDm Glasgow received in Toronto on Saturday stated that the maiket for bright yellow sugar has advanced not less than'seven shillings ]K>r 112 pounds since yes- terday. The maiket in "Toronto became excited when this ipforma tion was received. Brigh'Tyeilow, which sold at 9ic rose to 12c dur ing the day. Daik qualities were firmer, but the supplies heie are small., Throughout the day all de scriptions of sugar were in great do- maud, a This state of matters is said to have been caused principal ly by prospective short supplies, and relief is not-anticipated before the arrival of the new crop, say three months hence. beat authority that thu Czat'sll (iluelpb is adding to horothe , .. spoeoh was intended to take tho na-! dustriou tho tmlkint? of damask ntair ' Dundalk, who iiavo b<^on stfidying tionnl inovomont out of the Slavonic carpeting audi ingraip. "Courtship tmfdc^ Easy "for tho A Blind forll mere h coiiHignniont of cit; bho fiist ot thii kind SooiotiiiH, and not as a nionaco. ~~ Othor special corrcBpoudunrs tako gloomy viows of tho state of affairs. Tho Post's Berlin despatch re ports thaMho Riftsiau journals say war is resolved on. The FeniiiH Scare. Tho Montreal Wiine?* of tho 10th says : A gontluman of credi bility who ni rived by tho morning train fiom_3ho lines states that about '25 or 30 young men arrived in his neighborhood, stating that it was their intention to go to col- lego. Thoy procuiod a house and moved several suspicious looking artiploB into it, which, along with other movements, and tho largo in flux of able-bodied, tramps from to the follow ing effect r " Wo desiri peaco -with or without a Conference, but we must have guarantees for the in tegrity of our territory before we cun admit recommendations lor re quests. We consider it an evil if not a fatal precedent to aciept a Conference upon tho internal affairs of tho Empire. If Euiopc has propositions to make, to lis let the signatory Powers of the Tieaty of Paris innke them collective^ and we will reply yes or no." Such is the account given of tho attitude of the Turkish Government, and if it be correct' it is neidless to dwell upon the seriousness of' the news. No comment cou-d enhance the gra vity ofsociitic.il a situation is it reveals. If the temper too pit,inly iudicatcd in tins haughty nieishge- i3 reallv dominant at Constiuti- to go and maku an examination of tho place this evening. Major J. Brcailnor, of Atholstan, who was in Montreal on b'liday, said that all was quite in his neigh borhood, and ho believes tho Fo- nians, though thoy may ba hovel ing round tho fi on tier, do not in tend a raid this year. Ho says Rev/Futhor McEvoy, of Kinchin- brookc. Ins warned his pcoplu to have nothing to Jo w itli the Fe nians, and to aid in diiving them from Ciinid.i. I The volunteers in "Montieul are much inteiested in the ptospect of a biuili with tho enemy, and the militia authorities arc moving iiinu- munition to the fi on tier. Tho Mon treal 11 ittery of Artillery is getting evei ything into peifect older await ing an emergent notice r An Ottawa deep itch of tho 10th ff'iys : Tho Department of Militia mave received information from St. Albans to the effect that arms and ammunition aie being concentrated there by Fenians. Majoi Geneial Smyth is taking eveiy piecaution to liave the vohkutceis in readine&s in case of emcigeucv. lmon. A hid named Ilya i, of Lonlon, Out., cut ono of his fiiot with a |^ieco of glass a few day* bndk. Lock jaw set in, and on Saturday ho died. Tho temporunco won of II iron aro vVoiking onorgoti ;ally to sojuro tho passage of tho Dunkin Actl Tho sentence of James Hyan, convicted at tho list Peter'joio' Assizes of wifu murder, has boon commuted to'imprisonment for) lift). MeBsrs.W. Bell fc^o., of Guelph, qozen ap- latit lHHon us to Bri ONT., NOVEMBER in-1 .Two'bachelors in the village of linpr ain, iom tho Doin havo just shipped organs to England, pear to bo woi king u is oigans in the inotl: mlf a Tho Boll ) quite it trade er country, Tho yellow fove' Savannah is declined end and absentees urn it is safe to letuin. Mr. James D. Lew of tho Bank of Now repoi ted to have been raised t<> the epidem to his |t n'otified in, Preh dent 3iuiksvvit|k, is The Presidential Election. The latest despatches throw little new light on the result of the elec tion in tho doubtful Southern States. Both parties are still as persistent as ever in presenting of taxes sufficient for such pi rpose, their claims, but the indications are and to see that the money is proper- j stronger than ever that the Demo- '" br d"e i* f*nlts have carried the^ay in more i h in ono of ' these Stites. I A i'~ I Ctrarleston despatch even goes so' away," we conceive it to be the j f u as to say that the Republicans concede South Carolina to the Democrats. If this be tho case the election of Tilden is placed beyond a peradventure. appointed by the council, course a public ofiicer, and -als such is empowered with certain limited authority to effect repaii-s requiring immediate attention in his section. Nevertheless' the public seldom think of looking to him to effect , any important improvement in/lbe leading thoroughfares. And to whom ljut the council should we look % They are supposed to bs the representative men of the-muniti- pality, and hx the absence of any other corj>orate body hariiig public authority, our thoughts natuially revert to them as the pro|>er par ties upon whom to either cast re proaches for delinquencies or show er praiEes for meritorious acts. If our Georgetown contemporary would think for a moment of the ridiculous attitude in which he has placed himself in crd^r to havo a i"drive" at the Ehee Press, we imagine he woidd wFih he had em ployed his talents ou some topic with w-bic-h he was better ac quainted. _ ' As to the main question of roads, the subject is a very prolific^ one, and is at all times open for sugges tion's looking to their possible im provement.' , It is a subject in -which' wis are all interested, and on wbicb we all need to be educated! While we~ look to^our representa tives to initiate and carry out Ward, the Caledon wife murder- pr, whose death was commuted to imprisonment for life, has died in the Rockwood Asylum at King ston. A medieal examination of the skull of deceased waB made by four professional experts, wjio Un animously agreed that Ward must have suffered from mental derauge- juent. This proves the entire propriety of the course of the Ex. is-1 of ecutivejin commuting the punish- There is nothing new from the ^Eastern Townships in regard to the . reported Fenian movements in that duection. All is repotted quiet at St. Albans. ment of the unfortunate man imprisonment for life. to It is stated that Germany posi tively declines to participate in the Exhibition of 1878. , Judgment was yesterday given in the Charlevoix -election case, sustaining Hon. Mr. Langevin in the possession of his seat. Peel County Council has agreed to submit the Dunkin Act to the vote of the latepayera. The vote will be taken on the |8fch Decem ber. About forty ladies were in troduced by the Rev Mr Learoyd to the Council, when Mrs. Dav/id Smith said a few words in Bupport of the petition. A full engineering staff is em ployed surveying -the " right of v*ay " under Mr. John Caddy, be tween Georgetown and Burrie, for the Hamilton and Noitth-Western Railway. The Whitehall Review says that the India House authorities state that, in the event of war with Rus sia, the Government could, in a fort night, call to the ranks in India some 500,000 Moslem-soldiers," all trained men, who would be only too glad to serve in Turkey against their old foes, the Russians. nople, fhe prospect is a gloomj indeed. ! The Czar's speech at Moscow on Friday lust has had a depiessin 5 ef fect on the Stock Exchange he:e. ViKrtCA, Nov. 13. Tho Pc I Ur eal Cvsrapondcncc publishes intel ligence from Constantinople /that the Turkish forces in the neighbor hood of Erzeronm will shortly num ber 120,000. A camp will be established at Schumla for the corps now stationed at Nisc/i and 150,000 men of Dervish .Pasha's iirmyT Battalions fiom Yemen, Damascus and Aleppo pass through Constantinople daily en route for Schumla. / Losdox, Nov. 14. The Staml- ard'i despatch fronji Berlin says tho failure of the Conference project is considered there as almost certain. The same impression pievaUs in Vienna. [ The Post publishes a paragraph in a very conspicuous form confirm ing the news-that Russia is about to'niobilize her army. / The follow ing sentenco is a striking featuie of the paragraph. "It is ho secret that public opinion here his viewed the Russian propositions! for the occu pation of Turkish territory as a pretext fpr aggressio 1", and taking our stand on tho Tieaty of-paiis- wo are prepdred to lbsist invasion of Turkish territory!" The para graph continues- as follows : " Tho question at issue, however, if all parties are truly bent upon a peace ful solution, ought to bo capable of being dealt with in 11 spirit of con ciliation Wo cannot but hojie, therefore, that an issue may bo found which may avoid war." Tho foregoing is printed in what is usu ally considered a semi-official form. It is noticeable that several an nouncements recently made by the Post in a stmilar manner have proved correct. The Vienna correspondent of the Times says Russia's acceptance of England's j confeience pibposal seems as complete and unreserved as could be desired. , The Times' coi respondent at Ber lin; on the contrary, asse>ts that all the Powers have agreed to the pre liminary Conference, Turkey hav ing repeatedly declared that the contemplated reforms cannot be confined to her rebel provinces. A reply has been-^iven that the Sul tan may extend"the reform&to other .territories, but Europe will super vize their application-only in Bos nia, Bulgaria and Herzegovina. The Times'^ Berlin despatch says, Russia's war'preparations are too public fa cause alarm. A despatch from Belgrade .to the Daily News says tho Russian Con suls are'being-withdi awn from tho interior'of Turkey. v The Daily Telegraph's Vienna special reports tbat in the highest quarters it is qonsidered that the Situation has -not become less pa cific. The Sultan will not refuse his assent to a preliminary meeting- of the ambassadors, and the con ference 1 wilf foHpw in due course. The Writer adds; " I hear on the A Little Bo> Shoots his Sister. A son of Mr. Nelson Gage, of Bowmanville, accidentally shot his sister on Friday evening, 3rd inst. The St'ite*ni"n gives' the following paiticulars of tho hdd affair : It appears that on the day pievi- ous the father had been out hhoot- ing, and coming homo Jate, laid the gun upon the sidebuaid, as ho sup posed, carefully, intending to dis charge it on thd following morning. This however, Was neglected, and it was left whero it vv.s laid. On the afternoon of Friday Mr,. G.igo went from home, and returning to ward the evening, her little toy Charlie, of ten years, and Fanny, of six, accompanying her, the two little one3 ran on ahead for lhe pur pose of lighting the fire for their- mamma. In a few aeconds tho fa ther, who was approaching tho house, heard tho report of a gun, und rushing in saw. his beloved daughter welteiing in her blood, the charge from tho guri having enteied tho back of her head, scattering the brains, and almost blowing oft' the top of her head. Little Chailie boro back the sad news to his moth er, bow that little Flmny (who bud a few moments before left her side full of life and beauty) was -dead,* and that he had shot her. Tho shrieks of tho poor mother on re ceiving the tidings were heartrend ing, and tho scene in the house in ado tho stoutest heart ache. How the gun wus discharged seems n mystery, but lit was -supposed Charlie was trving to put it in its place, and tho ,trigger having got caught, or struck on something, the result was as we havo descubed. c at an that The island if St. visited by a hu 'ricano Sept. On e vejjsol in with all hands late. Mr. cast. senate in tho root) of th Hon. John Robeitson. The building: of tl e Wellirigton i County Poor house at Kiunettlcs, ' has been h t for 5?10,000, -whijeh is M,000 less tlmn the urcliitf CT Victor Stewart, estimated tho Ni-lson Newcombe, of Kinci^dino committed suicide on Thursday night week by takinv two oijinccs of laudanum. The c,iuflo| is nttri* bated to intcmpciancc. j Election contests for b<lat3 i:i the House of Cumiiioi s aro now pending in thfeo provinces : In Jjotlrvell, Ontario, Jjcques Cat-tier, Quebec; and i^uejii's,' Princu Edward Island. 1 The Right Hon. Hugh' Childcrs, PiPhidcnt ot the G. '.V. R. uccom- pmied by Miss ChiDdors1 and Mr. John Fell, ono of the directors of pnst few months, finding the prac- tico vory unsuccessful, resorted to rather a novel nothod of procuring partners. A fnw days ago one of them kept a fa nily engaged, in a very interesting conversation 'while the other by means of a j Judder mounted to tho window of U rooih in tho socond b ory and took! there from what wis supposed,] when viewed frbm tlio ground, to bo a- very beautiful young lady, bn^t upon a oloso examine tion proved to be a largo wax doll with a broken heud. A raid is proponed on another house shortly, for'tho purpose of securing a partnor for No. 2.j Parties in tho village should beware and not ex^iose wax dolls on the win low. 16, 1876. Christie, - / Henderson & Thomks was, on tlje 13th reported lost Wlfff j IIIRTII Near Acton, on the '9th init, of Mr. Thos. Klliott ; a <laughtit. I >IEI>r I la Hamilton, on the 7h fnat.i at the- rctiidouce of Mr. John Burgess, Kmily Fj-anciH, cl<14at daughter of Chris. T. and He-Ion Ucnif Lhc, in Jtlie Kith year of lier age-, forme -ly of Acton. In Toronto, oil the 12th init , Mr. John O'Counell, ye ir-3. the company, ailived on Thuisday. They of Mr. Bioiighton, Manager of the G. W At the Na>;sagaw eya Division Com t, held on. tho C,h iijst, John Shielib failed Duncan Morrison lor loss subtainet) in paying $108 for a mare at his sullo, whicii vvas war -ant by the auctioneer to >e sound, and the animal iinned out to hare a discru-o in th" left foie foot which ciused lumeness. Thcjiny awarded 610 d imagiBj Faimais oannoi bo too c ireful in nllowin ti wan-ant any aium the-v uiav have. A correspondent viiting to | the kes the follow- iltou in "Ham nie the g lests tho Geieral r! r t auction eeib il a$.|uny silo Clinton A" ic Ei a ma ingiemluks : I will jack, or wjiger my daughter to pioe'u farmer* daughter of mot 111010 than 25 vein* of age, in tho vv hole couui'V of Huion, foi any sum (from one bundled to one thousand dolhirsLnot less than four ^pecinkensfiohi iach of the following domestic employ ments : Loundiy, cooking meat or poultry, fmiy calces, confection ery, fiuit preserves, fruit wines, and not lops then ,twenly varieties of ladies' fancy arid nee Jlo work. I Tho Custom officer at Paris, Opt., was Burpusei| tho other day by an ancj.cnt dame presenting \ erself ijnd insisting on ptying the duty on a number of gpnoiH iiho qtated (she smuggled into Ithis couiitry some twenty years ago. l'hero was no mistake ub^ut it. Thoso silver spoons had I troubled her dreams from that day t0 tins, , and lately, having got tdigion and joined tho church, H'10 fe't she could not lejive Flour . . White Wlie-it New lall "W heit S])nn^ Wht.it. (I of Esqi e; esmg, I aged 44 AUCTION SilES. Wednesday, Nov. 22 Sale of house ahd two lots in Acton, estate of the late Samuel Wordcli. \\. Htmstreet, Auetioneer. [Parties "gettin 5 sale hills printed at the Pm.B 1'ubss jfliee, may have a.stict- tiec similar to the above free of charge. J At'TOI 3Ilniil.TM, j $2 r>0to2 7Ci J 00 toO 10 New Spnng W'huat Htrloy JJarlc-y, Xo. 2 Oata . . Peas ... ,. Apples . , J. Ontons . J. Potatoes, per bag Butter ... Iv.'s. 'I'll rice j 8 .. Oeeso Ducks , a--g6w ., 1>?V CoC04.-J-GltATKFPL AHD COM roiiriNG. i thorough knowledge of the natnrall.-ws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application e^ the line pioperties of wei selected tocbn, >Mr. Kpps has iirov nltd our breaktat tables deli with a delicately llavored lle\erage which miy 8.i\e is many heavy iloctors" bills It is by the judicious use of such ' articles of diet tl at a constitut on may begraduallj built up until stronjicuou-gh to ro=iot every tendency to disease, Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us reid;' to attack wherever there is .1 weak point. We may escape U11113' a fatal slnit by keeping o irs^-lves Hell fortilie-l wit 1 pure blood aid a pio Cu-it So, ict |ce, a0amst|any ( Ga.lll^ So!ll ouhyin paei:et, h-lbeled ".Iwii-s I>ra ii Co, Homoeopathic Cheini-Jt, 4S, Thieadneedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London. " conscience any pvy up. The at last fixed tlTe Curious Bueach of Puo.misc Case. A few days ago. when the Couit of Absizos was Iteld in Cayu- go, the county-seat of Haldimand, it case vrns brought up and the is sue tried of a | most unusual and extraordinary character. The facts of the matter may bo briefly stated thus : A 'woman 85 years of ago brought an actjion for breach of promise of marriage against a man 80 years of age., She was a great grandmother, and he was a gieat grandfather. Tho old lady claimed that sho ought to be allowed her winter's wood as compensation far tho breach of Contract. Both par ties were about equally 'matched as to tho possession of worldly goods. The jury awarded her $100. Vennob Weather. Several farmers have expressed themselves in favor of Mr. Vennor and his weath er probabilities recently, and now that his predictions have come to pass, some of them, aio becoming anxious to hear from him" again. Farmers particularly have benefited very much by the present mild fall weather, , their icattle being now nearly three weeks on.pasture mpre than last and several previous years thus saving much valuable feed. Ploughing and other outdoor work is also in a forward state of prepar- alion for early operations next spring. This state of affiurs, coupled with the satisfactory prices farmers are receiving* for their pro duce) should have the desired effect of diminishing the hard times cry. The Moulton-Beecher suit has been discontinued by the plantiff, owing to' his inability to prosecute the case in Delaware county, whithet it has been transferred, and to leave his business: to attend the " trial jn that1 district. by thp back door, apid three coats were left fpr repair vveie in at the harness T---K-"!--! i'iU- ~j^L~z^h their Weight on*her longer. Shu must nstouiht/ed collector taiifi'of clmiges to her satisfaction, and sho went forth with light heart and ficer RouhbiivatWuliIingTOn Squaki: The cai riage Bhop of Jas. Allen was broken into on Tuesd ty night, and some chisels abstracted. Also the shop of Mr. Gedrgo Rlnshbrqok, tailor. An entrance WnV affected naii" which* were left for stolen. They then [broke rear of Mr Chas. Magee'i shop and stole about'TifJy dollars worth of whips of i(Canadian 4nd New York manufacture. I* One of Mr. Allen's chisels was {found at the tailor shop. Na cluolas yet to the thieves. j A case cimo before Judge Sin clair at the Di ndas Division Court, which is interesting | to the public, and may serve as a useful Jesson ito such Sewing Machine Agents as have' been over- endowsd with persistency1 in push ing sales, In the case referred to"a sewing machine p :dlar offered to sell a machine to a'farmej, who ie- clined to purchase ; but the pedlar requested permission to leave she articlej thinking, like Sam Slhk, that by the time he returned, the machine would have become a ne cessity, and that he could then effect a salle. Well, he returned' hut found the' farmer in exjactly the same .frame of mind as whjen he left him. , Tho agent was directed to take |iis niachine away 5 but finding tliat it had received some scratches, he sued the farmer,"who had been the unwilling custodian, for dam ages. The Judge commented some what soveiely on the easel, refused damages, and hinted that, it would be in the interest1 of the public more farmers treated more pedlars in the samo way, 1 00 to 1 03 1 00 to 1 05 1 00 tp 1 04 0 r>5* to 0 72 0 'as to 0 70 0 38 to 0 40 0 firs to 0 C8 0 4d to 0 70 1 00 to 00(5 0 6d to 0 -G5 0 171 to 0 20 0 14 to 0 i5 0 00 toO 00 0C3to0 0G 0 Ofl to 0 06 Co ' * This Week offer Decided Bargains able Goods': in Season. ;r Men's Overcoats froni-$5'.00 up, Men's Shirts and Drawers from 500 41^ Men's Stoga Boots from $2 00 upj /rl . i Ladies' Fur Sets f^ora $3.00 up. , ; ' ' Ladies' Dress Goods from 12|e upj. ~ - Blankets, white,, per pair from $3.00 up. f Blankets, grey, per pair from 1.75ptp. . ^ - "Winceys, extra value. ". -'- ALL WOOL FACTORY FLANNEL, I Extra heavy. A new lot cheaper lUan evep. Ladies' ulouds in great varietT^and yeiy cEeajl, J i dvcixiLhste: fn immense variety, 4n all the leading styles and colors cheap, fancy prices for Millinery. Ladies, j-emember thisM I So> Ladies' Mantles in Stock and Madfe to Order, Attend to Yohr Hcqd anjl Hair Don't Delay I'sing This Woml'ii Improved Hair Br:or.iilio iR uuliko any othpr, out! 'jins i o equal Tho Trajirovoil bjis new vpgcttible tonic properties; rc-lor ? srey lia(r to a Ios=y natural colors r i lores faded, drr, ta-sli and filling hair; restores dresses, gives __ restores hnlr to prema turely mors Fcaly ernrltlonE) removes lrrlla Hod, ilchlne on|l icaly drjncps. No article producebsueji^wonderful eflects Try It, call for VlVocxi'a ImprovfcoT Hnlr Kestoratlve, and don't-bo put pfTwlth nay otlier article. Sold b r a r di-ugjr.sts In ibis place an I de-ilen everywbrre. Trade supplied nt nian'ifnctnreri.' pries b}-C. A. Cook & C>, Chicago, Sole Agents fdr the United Stitei and Canada?, and by Lvjian One", t Co., Tojronto. GREY AND SCARLET/ FLJlNELB> , " In great variety. I * " > bAPS BPR MEN, CAPS FOR YOUTHS,, I AND CAPS llOR BOYS. NEW ADXERTIS EMHNTS, Mu UF*fcEK LOS1. Ixibt bctvi cenl jVcton and I Silver Creek, on Thursilav evening. 9t!i inst., a large lirovvn Muffler, i Any person returning it to the Free Pke* ofllce will be suitably rewarded Acton, Nov. lly I ivanleJ. 187<i. X>EKKSHlkE BOAR. The pure bred Berkshire! Boar, "Acton Prince,' will bo kept for ser vice on the premises of the unde:-signed, adjoining this village. Terms 51.00, to be paid at tune ol service. C. S. $MIXH Acton, Nov. ]J>, 187G The building committee of the Con* gregational Church, having a surplus of White Brick, of) er the above ( uantity for sale. Apply to JAMES RYDER. Acton, "Nov. 1 1876. 1 >-3t T>Ii\E TIM SER FOR SALE. Sealed Tende -s will be received by the undersigned up to the 20bh inst., for the purchase of all the Pine Timber- or Pine Trees on the north-wesi; half of the west half of [*>t 20, in the 1st con' Esqnesing. Terms, onedialf ciish, bal ance in three mo aths, properly secured. Chrisxi::, Elen Acton, Nov. 1 A ACTION Valuable 1876. SALE OF Real Estate IN THE VILLAGE OF ACTON. The undersign 3d Executjors 0 ! the Es tate of the late Samuel VTordi n,~ have authorised Mr. SVilliam Hems r^et to sell by Public A iction on| Wee1 neaday, 22nd NovAnber, that valuable ] iroperty situated on the corner of Agios and John streets, consisting of two Jots 6n which there is a good frame ho use and barn. Also soma fruit treies. Terms, One third of the turchase money to be pai 1 at the time of Sale and the balance .vithin one mor th from the day of Bale, vaen a deed of convey ance will be give a. JAMES J HAW ) _, I . JOHN WAItEEN { Bxsctors. FULL CLOTK AND HEAVY CANADIAN TWEEDS At Decided Bargains. -/ You can rely on Savins Money b^ buying your Winter CHRISTIE, HEXlDERSOiy Which still maintains Goods fromV ,' GO. Remember that -Paijaousr 5(l)c Te% ; the lead against all competition, seeure a 5 or ] 0 lb. lot. " b'Terms Casli and Small Profits. " & Actob, Nov, CIIPwISTIE, 14, 1876. f ENDEBS0N & 00, fe Co. U-3t :LAD IBS ri - *. < -Save your Carpets and make 1 your rooms warm by get- tine: the FELTING . PAPEE1 Fo*c going, below your carpets. &. large and cheap stock at ANDERSON'S i * - CHEAP BOOKSTORE ' On the "East side of Wyndham Stregt, "l , GUELPH. X)-^. Book Don't fta*. -- V 'S -X -T Pa*"E*J E^rei! Mi?**1 Night" Night Mixed Mi^11 year. $ent frm nary /paid A . for^<J"i| I ddn't i some s been cp] ten jnation what A, the Lk; deliver tPriUrs^ Simpso . the'G; - - A, 4,n tried - listFr eence o: o kighly -and seep \ L 50c per -Acton been Si; i<lgtti ter, ^ttt| One of. tion, we] f^eoti lar cha; AVhere ihrthei ataUI? hn the i "thc^eXii -lie tier j fcve i risg< by eciool,! wishesj School): sre pa withou ticular} , canuotj- done. , may] plaint Grant's *2'0 the S<i At . , I, j. "Section -advanjt other . j'theser UAn." folowd 4e^iper! lurjjflerl 3^yfavd -andgea go4sm*: WallF* We have no reason to com] ,_ __ ^____________ "r**!.^; dull times for we are biisyj all "3*?i?S^ Our tra|fe is jncreasin. 5_pvery ^fL * because we bay for dh, a*l **^?^ cash, apdivvoidJoss^yl^d'**WiJ-t|' My Stock is full'of feoods ^*g' -for children, and .my low Pe*^*.l?,1* lots of customer?. , _ JXf'; Day l^s, what ybu ***n^ sells cheap- ing off for aoi cannot far the fiefae- m It- ikcte. S~inc ~.*ted antinoi oCipnpij 4in/, *dUTSo] i'i

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