TEST - IPR records

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 9, 1876, p. 3

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:M-rfm "'I. mt m O 9.10 a 2.00 p. MTp 7:15 pJnv. 12:45 aJm- ; IS T*CSK riK TlBlls I 'trains leave' Actan-fts follows: , ' Morning Mail Day-Express KiprcM JtireA^ Xjght Express - - ' UOlSC EAST. '-- j- - Xight Express -- - . - 3:37-aJm. Sited - - : ,9:10 a.m. Day Express -' - - 11:35 a.m. Mail - .- .- - 5:17 p.m. jMtsl ; ,-- "'iv .. 10:05 p. m LOCAL MATTER8. ., etc .vr arils. i -n Heavj Ulster Overcoats tnale ^t* order for 58.00 at Dicfawb i MqNal'-s. Elder Scott of Toronto, will (D.V.) preach in the Disciple Meeti ;ig ; House in Acton next Lord's day. at 11 o'clock *.m. also at 3.30 o'clock p.m. A log-cabin quilt comprising over3$t)0 pieces of calico has just be-'tt ;" completed by Mrs. Jool Xoslie, of _t'i tirst line of Erin, near Acton. This is /a remarkable instance of patience aiid . perseverance conrHngd with a laudable ambition to excel in beauty of desij n and correct taste. The tpiiljiis repr l-- _ seated to. be ah exceedingly naudsoaia . it the next fall shows.- Igfe Sekaal EKtraaee Examination. An Examination of pnpiU for admi: sionto the Oakville High School, will be held, .on Tuesday and Wednesday the 19th and SQ^nvlX-ccnilver next, bi ginning at 9 o'clock, a.ai. Candidates arc requested to:notify the head mastei: P A-Switrer, Ksa}., not later th.-ui-th 13th November.- of their .intention present themselves for Examination, that an estimate may 1 made of tii number of papers to be printed; >THIS r Sit. SSr - ." v<0-,T> 4' ' Jkctin Sfclpmekti. ' That the business at the Acton Sta tion is constantly on the increase may, be inferred' from the fact that the ship' ;ment of freight during the past niontl of October was nearly double that of ^h . cpms|omux}i month of kxst year. 2Ir, .Hsnt, station-master, has kindly fur nished us with the "-following figures : Atnocnt of freight shix'I*^ during Octo ber, 2,20S^)S5 Itc>', or nearly M03 tons net, the local charges being 52,140. This total wis made up principally of the followini; articles : Barley 432 tons; "peas 156 ; apples 100 ; Kme 2S0 ; lum ber 70 ; flour 20. Iu Octolier, 1S75, the the total was 590 tons, with total charges $1139., . The largest sum charged "on freight in any j month on record was 52192 in the month-of. June 1S74. the bulk of it being for Jpeas and lumlicr. ...Jfie charges on inecming freight during t^epast month was alio ninch" larger than the corresponding^ month of last . year, being 346.11 against 212. Si The number of passenger tickets sold in Oc- . tobex, 1S7G, was 1515, representing the aura of $194.4-5, against 63-1 ticket* and $351:15 ia October lS/O'1 showing a very-large increase. ,_..' hat,kftcr hearing Mr. Koas'a explana tion of the several charge* preform! by Mr. Grant, this Board lind thctn with out foundation and therefore di&miu the case. The chairman in his remarks1 stated that he considered the conduct of parents in repeating the idlo tales of their children without, sufficient ,vr- dence of the facts, as injurious both to tho teachers and tho sohop), and rocom- mended tjiat in future parents should Uko the troublo to cnfiuirb of tho tc^cli. erwhen th9ir children made complaints or carried tales from tao school Onmotiou of Mr. Moore, seconded by Mr. t^aby, and carried unanimously, Mr. Rjoss \ras rc-engagcd for the ensu ing ycKr at a salary of-lf550 and free real- deuce.j Tho re-cngaRcment iof Uio as- aisian| teachers was deferred till next meeting of the Board, but the probabili ty iT that both Miss McKcllar and MtBS Aloora will l>e re-engaged. Mr. j'ltnss presented his monthly re port. I The total niiiuber of children registered up to the 31st of October is 2G3 ; tiie ntt-endenee of the 1st, 2d and 3d departments-during the month being respectively, 39., 31 nud 48. In the se cond aiid thint departments .tho/atten- daiicu had been very irregular on ac count of the jprevalineo of whoojiing. couc;h,'|but in the First department it had lioen better than any preceding month of the past half year. Tho aver age attendance for thoTialf year ending '30th .1 tine was 139.44, or about 5G per cent.. Mr. Boss continues : "I have also to report a very pleasing feature in con nection with my departments, namely, that the pupils aro more; obedient and also more diligent iu; their studies than in any other mouth, of this year. If parents would only second the teacher in his efforts in maintaining discipline in the school and insjsting upon their children preparing their lessons at home, there would lie few if any caiises of com plaint against the teacher. Several of my old pupils have returned to school, so that I anticipate a large school this winter, which I consider-sufficient an swer to those who say: that the school Is-re troi-radi a^. Xew ndveriisoruent from ths GuelpU. "Golden Lion" received just liefire. going to press. .It announces the arrival of 500 "buffalo robes direct from the Hudson Baj-| Company, which are offered at prices ranging from $2.50 to 59 ; also a large quantity of overcoats and other prices. clothing at' wondorfully low CHEAP SALE, GRAND OF THE EXHIBITION SE Begs Jnat arrived from Great Britain ad the Vnlted Slates, 1833 PackasrsAntnmn and Fall roo<If, JOHN BOte & S01T, Upper VTiKUiam street, Gnelph, are tlie Progreseive Men of tiie Trade. to announce to tho Inhabitants of Aoton and aurroundiog country ' that ho will hold his Grand ANNUAL EXHIBITION SALE) ' Silks, I>res Goads, Shawls, Millinery and \ Mantles. ON THE WEEK OF THE_CENTRAL EXHIBITION. Our Stock on this occasion will be one of the finest ever Offered for sttle in Gualph. The various departments will present varied attractions/ while our prioes will place the~ Very Best Goods Withrn tbe Reach of All. For prices and other particulars we must refer to circulars and hand bills now being circulated. $gr- We will make it an objeot for people to deal with us during (he wjok of the Central Exhibition. ; - . . j i i A. O. BUCHAM. Fashlonablo West End Dress, Millinery and Mumlo F.stabllshment. GueVph, October 1. 1876. j FALL SHOW ^CLOTHING, Stragers vishinr the Central Fair nt Guelph should siiould make it a point to call and see j the immense stock of nii AT TUE GREAT jFIejivy dark-grey Fulled Cloth nt-i0c'per yard at lWckson & McXab's, Galloway Bros.--make the best J bread in the county. Give them a call; ' ILEPHANT CLOTHING STORE, No. 31 Lower "Wyndliam Street, G-uelph. )VERC0AT|S A SPECIALTY, *3" New Hats & Caps, and Cents* Furnishings Goods. " Beantlfnl Goods, WM. RUTHERFORD & CO, Guelph, Oct. 2, 1876., - : I : 'i'oof.oQght to call at Secord Broa., aniisee the immense piles of Gro- eH Teas, Sn^nra, Frcits, I>clicacie3, Crockery ware, Axes, Ac, which .they {" just Teeeivibg taeapejt prices erer heard of^. ^Their fitebfa is worth a dollar^ any'-anionnt o.f new 50c Tea best they eyerTiad just received. >ds i lontj:wfc>ca Canada largest,rfio**r ? lire jrtoek X~_I. in el bfUW% j rilsbBUckl^' . Winc5r*^ f: L shade*. '^:^:'..- enade 'Sew* ."V; wto.i/'WwiliT': lionable edJow^Si kept on hand-at the Post Office ; Acton, :tore, For goil tea.cakes and. buns :go to Galloway's Bros. v Acton Bakery. . .: Gitlipwiir.B'fosl'give 100 lbs. of: bread for 100 its. of flour. I BIBTH. In Acton, Friday, 3rd Nov. wife;of Mr. Albert Gisborn ; a.son (stillborn. ab thU*MPB-Hr-: Xodiez,--.JPPff [yon bay, -*[ s \ead teste**i* jirer*, *w- ,Fura |li,^*^ KoBo*e^;a '- -1. Casaert aad Laetare.'.' . The entertainmant under the auspices __ of the Acton Division Sons of Temper- 1 ance in the Temperance Hall,.on Tues day evening, was fairly attended and well enjoyetL The chair was ably oc cupied by Mr. D. D.-Christie, and the proceedings commenced by a"n excellent performance by tlfe brass band, followed by a song from the l>iviJon Choir. Mr. John Speight made a few appropriate remark*; quartette comprising Messrs. "-* Matthews, H. Gibl<>ns and blisses C \v"^tson and A. Cameron, sang a very beatitiful song. "" Mr. Ji -.Carswell, th? Celebrated' temperance lecturer, was _ then- introduced, and made a remarka- ', Uy "effective address occopying more : than an-hour, the principaigtiicnie being on personal influence and the importance ! of exerting it in the proper manner and- f on all -proper occasions. The '^cture I was interspersed with a number of iainsing anecdotes illustrafive of the power {of personal influence over the unfortunate drunkard. At the conclu- - fion-o' the address, several songs were "' .given in a delightful manner by several- of oar local amateurs. The Acton brass hand di<f~good service in makingitho entertainment enjoyable. if~ Tbey_Bmell it in Erin. - . Tbeyshear of it in Kelson." ~ They talk of it in Eramosa. - They go mad about it in Esqnesiiig. ;Ther buy it and drinjc.it in all those , ^ces,jui well as_6iorgetowp, Milton, ^oeW^aDd many dtheri.pIaces7-ond *y ate ot happy if they can'ttget it. k??0"1 Broa,-^ new 60 cent Tea is decid- *u|ythe greatest "bargain in teas ever oBtted in Aeton_or anywhere else. It V " .80 cent tea. Try it and you. will ,' bay it." " A CARD. To all srinVrlnj from the Prfitrs'ttnd lndl^er^tionsoryoutn,norvims wi-aKnes-s, early decay, loss of mannixxl, Ac, I will send a recipe Ibdtwlll cure ron.-FRKB,UP CHAKtJE. Tnis great reoiedy was discovered by ftjnbwlooao In sontn AinTlca. Send a Heir-addrrssed evelope to the Kev. Joseph T. txA,w, StaCTon i>. Bible Hou*, N.irVork CIIJ-. 18 77. -? <( THE WEEKLY GLOBE' HUPwHAH FOB BAFw&AINS. STILL AHEAD. AT *Se*ol_^____ The regalar Monthly Meeting nf "trie School Board was held in the, school rt^** 1**t" 0*lday evening, jail the .** "embersjbeingpresent. Onmotipn Mr. Smith] seconded by Mf.Snydtr,, ", f faUowia^ accounts were ordered Ito brfpsi^ riz : g. Zunmermaai's of ?10Jl3 wr building division fence between ^he **a4 teacher's residence and. adjoining Pfemises; and Asa Hall's, of 88,- tor . A communication'was received from ^" -A^fixaat preferring some complaints. ^ ^mating the-desirability of a: change of teachers. After bearing an PJsn*Bon of the charges, the Board * luiaaimonsly of the opinion that * WmplsinU were frivolous and with- _j 9t foundation. It -wai*-move^ by i- MT.ySnyd^r, seconded I by Mr^ Lasby THE GLOBE PRIXTIXG .COM PANY gmtelully aeknotfldee tbe . trlumpnant &uccess tljut has tftteuded trie ( appearance ofthett'tEKLV HVbBB id Its ' new andMmproved form The vast cir culation It bus secure!, and tbeenthusl- astlc approbation that comt-s from uli i-eeflortJi of the Dominion, as well as from numr-rnus readers in Great Britain anil tue United siatps, ituve no reason lo douM that the publishers have succeeded in producing. ' A "Weekly Journal of the Highest Class... _ Bo< thi succenh'achieved In the past y^ar J onJ> on<! other st<*p In the path of ifi van cement. In the coming yeur fr sh progress wili be made, and thatof achar- acterW-hlcb rajiktglve greatly Increased inierestand value to tbe paper. -Tfifi series of Illnstrated Biographies of prom'n'ent Public Men ihit.bas mis year jitraded i-o much attention will be cn- tlriued durtou I he coming year by uble jn'd'experienced writers and .engravers; jut there will flso b? nditcd, as t->Unliy lew feiiures, portraits cil m-'ii dlsiiu- joi.'-hed In tbe early history of Canada, iccflmpanied by-lntereKtlnR bislorles of :hclr lives and times. Sketches.oj Cana- Jiaa Natural Scr-neryi Vlrws x>f tbe ^rln^ipal Canadian cities and towns, and .-lews of the Tnost notable Public: Build- ngs of the Dominion, wttb copious let *r-press descriptions attaebett to each, sketches of the early blKtory of each ilace and of tbe various Industries now TTos<?cutecl by tnem. Thrse will pe care- iilly prepared for The Olobe &y flrst- lass artists and writers, whose sf-rviees . 'or the coming year bavq already been iecured. - ii- uver twenty thousand of the subscrib ers or The;. Weekly globe are agricol- lurallxts, said tuey will -all gliidly learn i)mt,TnECAXAi)*TAKMEKoffi 1-t Janu ary next Is to,be amalgamated'with that inppr under ihe title of The Weekly GLOBE AlfD CAXAD* FXBMEB, The FabJier will cease to appear as a feparale publication; Its entire stall of dllors, contributors, and correspou- i ents will b^ transferred tothe Weekly < liosE, and Uie whole oftbe valupble iig- r looltnral matter heretofore published in T'HE VABitm will tbereal'er appetr in TttK -WiiEKLY <iLOBK. Tbls new attrac- t on will alone be worth to every intern ment farmer much more than his year's subscription. \ . The Departmental of Ecclelatlcal In- t "Uleence, Science Koles, and Kducatlon- al Aflalnt, now so popular, Will be maln- t dned with IncreasedviBor. , The Deparlmentof Answers to Corres^ I undents, on every [variety: of subjects, y bleb has pioved so valuable and inter- e ilinc to crowds ol readers, WiU receive li icreased attention and carefnl research. ' The Political and General News from a J parts (of tbe world np lo tbe latest mo-' n lent ottmbUcatlot-the Parliamentary L ebatesj Federal and Frovin.:!aJ-Jbe ft arSetand' Financial Keports at home a nd abr'opd end-ihe .Letters of Special C OTTepbndentalrom all points of Interest * 111 continue to be collected and collated ulth oli tbo care and e energy that has Globe In tbe front rank of i Journals for thirty-four-years klept Ti CinadlE put . . . The Literary and Ladies' Department" n ider tbe care of special conductors, will b ! fr?sb_and racy. 1 fro first-class stories,, bwldes minor productions, will appear d iHng the year | Tbe annual subscription to The Week> l r Globe a d Jaicada Fahmeb 111 re a slnss herfitofore only TWO DOLIiARS FEB ANWUM, sentkb EOF POSTAOic to alt parts of Canada and tbe Ui-lted Slates, rable In jartably in ad vance. The Club _tes for 1R77 wilf be as follows; 6 copies i id under 10, at the rate of $LW per.nopy. copls and under 20, at .the rate of *L0 p<rcopy. 20corles andovor at thej-ote nfj(1.75percoj)^. ' 10; iTS'W^P'ANOT BEaBSS &00CS Stylish and Cheap. NEW BLACK I/USTKES, JSxtra value. NW WINCEYS, 25 per cent lms than last year's prices. | "White, Scarlet, Grey and Fancy FLANNEL?. Coarse TWEED3 and ETOFFS. i- Hollands, Table Linens, Towels, Towelling. Factory and Blrjached CO'lTONS. j Hosiery, Gloves, Crochet and Knitting Cotton - J' Ladies' and Gent's Collars and Ties. Laces, Edgings, Kibbons, Ac, Ac. A Fins Stock of Hats and Caps -. ' . lniall the Latest iSngliib. and American Styles. ' Also a v^ry good ' ' :'L j Stock of General Groceries, Crockery &. Glassware If yon wish to Save Money, don't ifaU to call at G. M. SGOTTS : . Next door to Galloway Bros.'Bakery,'Mill Street, Acton Acton, Sept. 20th, 1876. . ' -1 ' ._ OUR FALL STOCK OF First to recslve Fall Goods, flrst to sell them, fl-st th battle azalnst hlh prices and Ions; Profit, and flrst to brine down i rloespfall goods In order to meet tbe pres-, ent hard times. Hurry to tht wonderful man's store f-the stock Is Immense, the variety Is Immense, the qt allty n ireods Is wonderful, the prices amazingly oneap- A most complete assortmmt of New Autumn. Kali and iVinter Ucodi will bo pre sented to Intending purchasers tlfet will call forth surprise and; admiration. We will mention a lew departknenls that cannot be approacfaed in Uualjh. Tr> flfllr anA Vnlvatn obr Stock Is really Immense, and all boogbt 111 QI1K ana /eive&S oy week,beforean.v knowledge of<aq advance. Those goods area maivel of excellence of quality and style as well as cheapness. -- i . In Ladies' Dress Goods -gggf,!? ^^'ISSSriS. and price, that no Idea can! be conveyed of the b<auiy and richness of It. Suffice to say that the leading rolorsof every material IS to be hadatour store: and We would especially call attention to the ne' rest prodqcrlons nowlu use for ladlos dresses, vis: The coroU, the Clcllllan du Chnng tbe Mattulf se cloth, Armenian Stripe,Serges, Ac. Tbeso mate'laUaro kll at present bn show, and in tbe lef ling colors and shades. In Ladies' Jacikets and Jacket Gloth "MSSy"^ presented Mattalas-.e Jacket Cloth, Bear, Seal cloth,j Venetian cloth. In all tho shades of brown, green, navy blue; aquiline bluo charming goods for ladles'dresses and costumes. i.- ' A.,4, T0 silw-n+o arc a novelty to behold, and every lady Intending to use o V-tUJ. UalsrLOl/B r Jrackiet this Autumn and Fall, should call and examine and hear our prices. . .- | | . . \ j i^ _ . . . CSJiaTrrla In shawls we have a tremendou|stocWrthe variety Is large, tOlXOiVV la. tbestjles new, the prices cheap, the quality ezoellent, and,a pleasure to have an opportunity, of showing such nice goods, Howiol-o PowtAfa Onr stock of Brussels. Turkish and Tapestry KsailyOlia, \JCblUK}va, Carpets Is wonderfully large. . The styles, olorsand ueslgus of our stock of onrpeU will be dlffloult to equal oven In Toronto- Sept. 1, 1875 THE CASH SySTEM Works Wonc.srs toyond all Anticipations. All Goods Reduced from 10 to 40 per cent " o|n Credit Prices. Below we give a few of our present prices, show ing a striking comparison between tlie old Credit Prices and j|he new. Cash System Prices. We have not room to quote all the Goods we handle here but we have given most of the principal articles in -the trade. All oOier goods are being slaugh tered in the same manner, and our- patrons will recognize the fact at a glance that it has been our aim hi marking down our goods to make a genuine reduction on everything that it is possible to reduce. We respectfully iiivite all persons to participate in the benefits of this great reduction. kECORD BROS. t> mwmM IS NOW COMPLETE, Call and examine onr-Coeds and Prices;^ CEAINE &S0K! Actonjjept. 6, 1876. . ~1. Best [dollar] Hyson Tea Medium Hyson Tea : Splendid Hyson Tea, bettejr than Meteor Best [dollar] Gunpowder lea Medium Gunpowder Tea Best Japan Tea , ... Medium Japan Tea Good Japan Tea Tolerable Japan Tea -r. Last pick Jajian Tea Best Black Tea Good Black Tea . Medium Black Tea Best Amber Syrup Best Golden Syrtip .Best No. 1 white wjine.Vinegar Best XXX Pickling Vinej jar Oat Meal, small lots,, per It'. Pot Barley . . .. Lamp Chimneys,"large' ... Lamp Chimneys, medium Best Benson's Laundry Starch.. Best Corn Starch . , . .. Best Brown Soap, per bar Beat /udd's Soap three bars Best new Currants Best old Currants Best Turkish Prunes, new- Best Layer Raisins Best Valencia Raisins ... jlixed Pickles, bottles Mixed Pickles, largest size Mustard, per lb.. ..'. I Best Java Coffee, extra choipe Good Java Cofiee Faro Java Coffee Best pure (ground Pepper Brooms, ektra heavy Brooms, medium ...,." Brooms, light Soda, baking ... ", ... Soda, in five pound boxes Set best white granite Tea wjare, 44 pieces: Set of China Tea ware, 44 pieces. 1 ... . ... One dozen white granite Cup a and Saucers ... One dozen Tvhibe granite Dinner Plates, largest Set white granite Toilet ware, nine pieces ' ... One doren Knives and Forks .... .... ; One dozen Knives and, Forks ... .... ... James' Ibest.Np. 1 Wb^te Lead Gold medal White Lead All-other Goods; in onr store reduced accordingly. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING PEOMPTLY SXECDTED AT "1-lr FAEE PRESS OFFICE goods at such astonis Otl> CREIT NEW CABI . PRICES. PRICES. $-90 ; $""80 60 50 fiQ 46 80 65 50 35 80 70 .60 50 50 40 25 .16 15 12J 80 60 50 50 40 1 00 85 80 70 50 40 40 35 6 i. 6 ; i 8" I2j ; 10 10 -.ji.;. 8 12 J" '! 10 15 13 12f 11 ' ; 25 23 : 9 ,. 7J 8, 5 10 7 16 12J 10 . , 9f 25 20 ,50 35 30 25 40 35 35 "30 30 25 25 20; 40 35 35 25 25, ! 20 10 8 . (5 - 3 50 \2\ 85 5 50 . 1 25 ,4 qo1 }l 15 . 125 1 15 : 3*50 2 75 3 60 3 00 .. ~3 00 jig 60 3 00 j \g 40 .2 SO \S 35 pricesJoweT.' This dennttmient Is well orthf of/rp#ct I attention, and we Invtte all lnlenJlng4o purchase to o*ll on us, aw; we will sltlsry. tuem tnat we coojunt be beat, .1 - T?iAJlfiv-T!riaH A' CYlcti"hintr - *W-Orrretr.-79-tls'f Deters,top iv . -'Hil2UT/ ,*Sr UT \il\i"aS- Jackets alf special y made tor cur e^tabllshmonl. 100Tweed salts at $9persist 300" i *in panialont of every kind and qUBilty, very cheap.- MW Hlioollng Comts,8a,ck Coats and l>re. Conts. HOT Vests, dou We and single li>enslerf, Fome nice goods I We would Just Aentlon, without attempting to disparage onr neliili Dori'goods, that there cannot poulbly boas equal quality of goeds In any oth^r store town at the samsr prices. We >r an exnellent overcoat at $4, *orth id, tin 111 iter overcoat at $o, worth 8ff, a twoed suit al , worlb $U. Come and see. We proa tie: a saving of at least 23 per cent. ; . . .; l . - :r - ;| ". Blankets,; Quilts, Counterpanes -nvl%$<ocdi'f, prtces^ Blankets that are good and and large afftia pair, up tng(Gr whlteiiullts $1 eaon, to$5: ColoredQulltrftWeentseach (oS^;UutltedCtulI.sfZeain Ui$4(e. AllklndsorHott.e'Fornlxtiinir, ana-it will atiarAn-a pleasure to f rivtde at a very low i rice all thatls n cessaryin the wayof beddingvsheetbi'gs.'brank i way orbeddingvsheetbigs.'branfctks.qnitis, table , earpets In tapestry, Brtuu I, Ti rktati, KIdder- pthlnf tli* Is nece.sary ibi matrit Jonlal life, ex- llnen, napkins, towels, table covers, earpets In tapestry, ISrms I, Ti rkisn-Kidder minster or American Indcd everything tha<t is nece.sary for matrit lonial 1 cent tho minister, and all ata specinllv low price. 7 lW'ilt'iriO'rrrr --In thla department wo have pleasnrn In stating that Ml .". ""rV3.! X '. . KuHiwan. who h< slhL braneb tender bcr cba ge, shows Vfift finest and most tasteful novel)Iom in tii-lles'bats, ladles"bonnets, anil an Immerse varietyof-thi 1 !adlnx trlmmlne* \s\w\ KatdMti.cm, I'aris and New Vorl:, -LaWles who would like to procurethe very .newest novelties, styles und desurris, will Dnd tb*)r tftRte gratified by calling at ourplaceorbnalness. We ofler this Fsll to tl:e Inbubl Unts he most cuolce stockwt l-.ancy and Staple -Dress Good?, Carpet u Ready-made Clothing, MnilnejT,Atw ever prescnii\io this section. Our piles ari dowtintboi- tom:aures,and we only ask intending rairchaersto visit our place of l justness lntl v~ same liberal mariner as they have done lieretofor.-, wh- n we will cor, vjua Jbem 01 our motto, viz: !n JI protlli-, quick sales, cueap and good goods, and d]own with bleb prices and long r/roflta, ' john Nogg & so ; Alma Blook^ ITpper Wyndham Stree; Who woiild buy en Credit When they can get Acto^i, Sept 14,1876, ling Prices. SZ00SD BROS. 2l' Guelph. post mm cm pay, . I will di. Ttrssubscriber desires to thank his numerous cash customers f< >r the liberal manner in which tbey have supported him in carrying ott tb ; Beady Pay way of doing business.'- Whenlcom- T - menced on tbe Cash or Trade System: j ' and 8 per Cent discount ' ' ') '" ' '- ibrcagfa,.: .'>-.'; ' j , ' I had to coinpete..' " ; : "" . against the credit trade of our vil- , Iage, but to day I am pleased to say we are all doing business on the only right principle, that is ready Since the trade of our village is now done on the Cash System, continue f-iving discount for cash on nnd after 1st Oct., ant reduce i ) . all my goods in price to the strictly cash figures, .. My customers will always find my stock complete Grwri65, Orockory, Glawwtire, ' { , '\"^VaU Paptf/StetloaMT* Sro(idai, *o V. . JWCASH FOB PJiODUC^. Bpecialties kept in Season. Sausages, Finnan Haddies, Oysjtera, Ao. JAMES MATTHEW! Conveyancer, Issuer:-of Marriass ikcensea,-&e. Acton, Sept. V), 1878. . ' X"^T^ ~. THE NEW DOMOno: B00t AND SHOE; ST' i %" ^ KENNLY & SON Have'just received their FALL ifOG K CfIGIDTS AND SMES, The B^st that ever came into Aoton, for Price, Styia [and Qaalit/., QI7R pTJ&as*om Will receive ctueftil attention, and all work guaranteed to give *2* Repairing D'one" Neatly, f* - , Don'tforget 1 tain Street, Host Door to Apncw's. Hotel. Acton, Sept, la 1876.. the place / satisaoUon " KBNNEY & SON. DERTAKI UN .H':-.:-. The undersigtisd begs-leave to inform the people of Acton roundnijj neighborhood that he has procurod a magnifioep _E3_ JdJ ^/^l. Jztu S OBj, >ta terms. Caskets, Coffins, Burial O. ^ih^.M^^M^ if. sor> And is prepared to attend and conduct Funerals on the shortas* notice ' i and most moderate terms. A And all kinds of Funeral Furnishings kept in stock, aad supplied1 on the shortest notice. Hat Bauds and Gloyes'supplied when required. Aoton, Aug. M876. , JOHNl SPEIGHT. DRUGS, DRUGS. jirttjri, Qhemlejala, Dye Stuffs, Patent aad Proprietory JStAiatoM, yaaoy |n4 Toilet soapa, Spoasrei, Sruttea, Paints. Oils and Varnishes, ffancy and Uttobar Creoda PVAB "Wnras AND,LIQTT0ES for Usdtolnal Purport* only. Allgooda warranted of the beat quality and at ten per-oent behnr T^ontq plores. , *' " * i \ i Don't forget the place. -- i Medical Hall, Mill street, Acton. Aoton, Marob li. 1875. 6. E. MOsJBOVT. "L i-

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