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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 12, 1876, p. 4

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iSKS1 "* vVf fa.5 V ,"- nr. ' i*l P :' fc. r ^T^i*r iaBs8BEB^S i--'^ii'^c-.^ - T -. - - F THE FREE TIip aAiUir.w-as od" (and tlu> carrier too), And the editor- he was -tnost awfully ' - For iris^ rent and a host of small mutters \i-re \}uo, t' ."I. And his asset* were naught but a'cold. jind a cough : v, - . -Huta viiit'or" oauio t& thii slingcr "f i ink '. It was ,1'ompey, the Ijoot-blajsk who " stood in the d*>*r, l . Waggirtj; wisely hi?head with its Afri- While * jvur of elpYens Just Covered thettour. | - Massaboa*, herwuai-ked In welliflu- ou tone*, | ~ ; * !Isc excludedto'scrtt* fui> dU paper of vourn i i ". -". ! 1 . > - Suekurastances is sicb datd*jld uifciy boiui ; . "I Will acquire me to quit the pcHushun I go'on-:-. ' - . An* do faek, Mas*a Boss, nab suggested , *q me . " Pat aiufiro proper tiug couldl hardly be did i pap to- hat> a good'pai>er to rca4 "*d to see, ' _ ., .' An' dat> why-K come up for to-4Uflke Then_the eiUtor roeo with fcla face all . acliwj. And his eves had a gleam, of that heavenly- fir* . Which the poor'and the great Can ex perience and know, ; <<~ ... "Wheii-eeeesaity and genius .jonibing 1 to inspire. r 'You are wiser, my. boy, than {most of milling book a vourraoe,1 Said'the editor, bright with cheer, ' .; ;- " I will find your name in my. good"' place ' -1 I suppose you will iyan.\ to subscribe tor a year!" \ ']'-.'." '* Well, I'll fell yon, Massa Baa," was the halting reply, j- ft De condition ob. ule eon atry is '" ; t mighty jubose, I .. . f lAV de folks!fi de. fix ob s3ch fellers as I Habs to watch and to scratch putty tolluble close ; , ' ,. But 1'se got to make haste it is nigh night; " ' - An'Ibe got to-go back all de de sreek : But 111 do for deeper what's -all right i .. , Put nre down, for de weakly for de ' tenu of one week.!" . tni(jh~ty way, fc fair an' So Fun to Hint. One of the members of the Meth odist Conference, recently hejd here, was out for a walk at an/earjy hour one morning, and-while oil iLoward street he encountered a swapping big fellow who was drawing a wag gon to ttie blacksmith .shop. * "Catch hold'lere."and- help.me do*u to the shop withwaggon-and 111 bay the whiskey <" cullpi the big fellow. .. - ' > - "I never drink," solemnly'^said the good man. 0 , - " Weil, Jou can take a cigr." " I neret smoke." -. /' The ruaii: dropped the wagRon- tongne, looked Lard at the n: ember, and,asked: - " Don't yon chew % .._,____= " Hi), air," was thejdecidec; rep4y. . - "Yoa must getmiglity lonesome," - mosed the teamster, i . "I guess I'm all rkht I fee! first _.;raTer" " ' \ '-, " 111' bet yoa even I can ay you on your back," remarked: ths team ster^ " Coma now, let's w irni np a little." ,- " I never bet." "Welltlet's" take each bths r down for fun^ theni Yon-are si big as I am, and I'll g^ve you thf -ujjder bold." : -' -.'." j ' S j . i _*' I neyer have^fun,^^ leinnly answered the member, __'.-'- "".Wellj.-Fm going to tactile yoaj, anyway. Here we go !" , The teamster slid up and endea vored to get a- nieck hold, but he bad only just commenced to iobl about when he was lifted clear off the grass and -'slammed against a tree box with sneb force chat he gasped half a dozen times b-:fore he &>ald get his breath. ^ f 1 " Now, yon keep away from tne"-, ~ exclaimed the minister, pieliog tip his cane. j : . ': " Bjgst me if I dontl" replied the featoster, as he edged offl *' What's the'tub in lying and saying thut you didn't have any fun in yon, when your-full-of it f BLim } jt yon ^wanted1 to break iny back, didn't you % Yoh just hang aroujidr Eere about five minutes, you old Texan you, and I'll bring onVTeJlatyb'o'Jl _ cave in your head }"- . | - 4-" i never hang," said thd minis ter, as he-sauntered on*^id the teamster leaned on his waggon and - mused. -Gave it Up. A little fijye-year- - old' boy was being instructed in morals by "his grandmober. : The old lady-told him all tuch terms.au "by golly,1?. ity thundei1' " by jingo," etc,, were oply minced oaths, j and bat Httle better than other prp- .finity. -In fact, she said, be could . toll a profane oath by .the prefix "by," All such were oathsj j" WeJl, then, grandmother," said tie little hopeful, " there's a big. oath in the new8paperB-^-"by telegrapblf' The .old lady gave it up, and tbe boy is -j bewildered on morals. _ Clubs fob ^wtoss.-^' Tomniy, my son, what are you^gotng to do with that'ciab.f . " Send & to die editor, of course."! ' ^ut what are you going to send, it to the editor for V " JCause hi saya that if iany- body will send him a elub,fbe will f send them a copy of the ^gaper." {The-mother came near fainting, -hut recovered herself Bufljcintly to ask, rj-" But^Tonimy, dsar, what do/yon suppose, he wanted with aidubl" ^ Well, I don't indyr* replied the urchin, "unless it be to knock down subspribers aadon't nay their papers I suppose theraare plenty of och i piean people." ^ 'f I yielded to his persuasions," as the young widow said,.after trybg <W jeju? to cktcu anpbjL baifegor, j Desire again to ackno of patronage "bestowe PRESS, iOTON, HALTON (D.OUlNTY, OOTm QCTOBEU 12/jl8fG, ENDERSON&Co. 03?03ST. i ledge with thaakti the lange share __. _____ ,. ______ on them during the past season, ana again most cordially request a continuance of the many Tavors extended to them by their numerous custo mers and the public generally. They have greatijDieiasure inf announcing that their Stock is now complete,, and offers all the advantages that close buying and low -cash prides can suggest. v As a matter of Fact. Acton is kno^n not only thr:ugliout thq.Oounty of Halted, but adWoiuing courities as well, as one of the CHEAPEST PLACES to. buy Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Teas, and Household wants generaly. The business men and manufacturers of Acton, by their ei^feerprise, push, and square dealing; have placed the vil lage in a position quite: in advance; of rpany of its, older and more pretending neighbors, which Position1 they are determined to maintain. The immense quantities of grain delivered daily in Acton' afford th^ best eviderc^ thait BETTER PRICES ARE PAID than at Other points east or westi and the enormous quantities of Eggs, Apples, But ter, and other Farm Produce shipped from Actpn Station, prove conclusively that a large amount of businesses daity transacted. "Where Produce or Goods are handled in large^ quantities, only a very small margin for profit is needed. I ^VND THIS IS THE GENUINE REASON .: Acton merchants pay higher prices fcir produce, and sell goods at lower prices than in -<j>ther.places-. In advertising pur goods, iwe make no rash sta1;ements, and are determined to adhere to anything we state when we say our goods are cheaper than others, we know it to be a fact, The public assure us it is the tsase, and we"intend to stick to facts, and small profits. The people are our supporters and R11MOVBP! R. CREECH. 8ADDLER * HARNES8-MAKER, Hm romoved ono door west of hit old stand, and is now prepared to tttrn out work, which for "'.; ' STSATOSSS, 0B2AWTS0S AXtD 5VAAB1TJCT' cannot bo surpassod by any house in the county, \ ' Harness of all Kinds '.supplied on the shortest possible notice, and warranted to give perfeot satUfac. tioo. As he is doing business principally oh the Cash System, heisprepared.to sell cheaper, than ever. Give him a call and be oonvincod that- this is the right place. June 28.1876. we mtend to 1 eep on their side, ami will sell goods at lower pripes than ever. Large varietyl low prices, r ad the best goods are inducements we offer. T' .1UJ. This season will offer more than usual attractions, In addition to cured the>gryices of an excellent Milliner of long experience in fashionable circl We ask no our former sta K. CREECH,Acton. Honest Pric es." Ladies, 4 ff we'have se es, which will fancy figures enable us to execute all orders neatly, promptly and satisfactorily, as is usually done for millinery, but sell, as wc do other goods; at remember this] .. Our Stock of Ladies' Dres^ Goods thi^ season Is large, variecl add cheap. All the new aijd fashionable shndes and patterns 'will be.'found on our shelves. Being determined to make a specialty of this line we have marked every piepc down to bottom prices. No fear of comparison. Liadies' Shawls> Jackets^ Clouds, Fur S#s, Silk Ties, &c.t in great variety and chgap, l "Gents' Felt Hats, Cloth and Fur Caps, in all- tpe new- eBt niafees and styles, T HeaTy Etoffsv Tweo^TJnder^ Shirts^ ; Aad Shirtings, decidedly cheap, ; : OUR STOCK! OF READY-MADE CLOTHING For gents', youths', and boys', is immense. JWhy go shivering to church when you can get a| >yarm, ripspeetable overcoat for only 5.00. < . Blanfeets from $1.73 per pair up. Our Stock of Boots and Shoes i "fbis season'is really immense, bought directly frojn the manafacturers and at tl;e lowest cash f>rices, We-positively assert without fear of contradiction that our stock of; Bo<^ts and Shoes for cheapness, neatness and durability combined, is nb.t surpassed by any house in the trade. Special discount off our Jow cash prices for any purchase of five or more Ipairs at |any one time. Scarilet and Grey Flannels, best Canadian and American v_ inakes^ 12 to 20 per cent lower than last yesar. , Our stock of 'Winceys is pronounced the cheslpest by alt who have had an opportunity o( comparing values. We are willing to compare our York UhiHiag Wincey: with any other sold at 15 lor 16 cents, and have no fear of the iresult. Dont pfuW u> wimre apiece. Te^$>Bugars, Soaps, Tobaccos, &c., at1 decidedly p^o-p pieces, ($t^R ^F A TVTQT7S qo Glllsra Now^oHiThands a larger sale'than ever. Buy a 5 lb* lot,' and return i$ an|d gjit yojjr hjoney ^^ back if it does not givei entire satisfaction. : v: ; ' OUR TERMS ARE STRICTLY CASH AND SMALL SPECIAL. V lOO WRITING DESKS ! i ' ' . f " . ' i < ' -.".'-, WORK BOXES Les3 than Half Cost ' ! ; " ANDERSDW3 CHEAP BOOKSTORE On the East side of Wyn dham Stree OTJELPH, OUR FALL i y OF Call And examine oar Goods and Prices. Acton, Sopt. 5, L8I6. ORAINJ.&ft9l| Now is the Tinae; to Ptebh^ NC. 1 TWEEDS being rushedi off ^at reduced liafoi^ make room for SCHOOL BOOKS, FALL STOCK Noiw AjRBi^il AT THE - .yjQ:-i ^*: Tolot College, | '. nhtlsiyi ^jM le'gfli treM Coileg*; I Jfaesaafi r.m. 1 Actos. fj yeya^ yostma* alonejr t ^geLpb. CJ ' Cora, hi f titte is^j - *e., prep ': and on " 'Jjo^n od .Glasgow! \ - . I *$}+ m "*c. Ofll} Btreets,< flcltor - <:riaace^d : JC ng strl Mi lion <-f TBaenfTrft ivr villi ,'i>D Frlila* m ,IK8 Agent foj All bsslal I'talibttiU'yi itoiieilea^f rnCiUJ.itll i*aCjBt 'bI for pHnlr" aU >a.ten School Children should Buy Day's S cent Copy Book. It contains forty copies, and- is made of sood paper. All the School Books used in the Town and Country Schools on hand at DAY'S BOOKSTORE. Day Sells Cheap. Cash saves expense from collection and losses from bad debts. We rely oni mmense sales, land are satisfied j with small margins. We put in no threads or buttons for the purpose of extracting a fevK more cents per yard from our customers, It is easy to buy of us, sjacc alt are treated alike, no one getting favors that are denied to others. J If you live 15 or 20 miles from Acton you will be largely repaid by a visit to ourCheapG ash Store. AJ1 we ask is m opportunity of showing the goods; you, will do the buying J ' CHRISTIE, HENDERSON & Co. PROFITS. C. T. \tt\-L, Mill Street, ACTON, ' ; CEALEBIN. ffroceries, Soots Ss Shoos, TOill Paper, : w ! ' i VTintaw Bllads, ' wraiur, aiau, ?utt7, - IiiMMd on, i Ealats, Turpeatiao; jboalou,Salt,eto.[ |4JJ of yhicb.yjJJ be.iapld low for cash.' BOOTS as<l SHOES Selling off] at post. ' Also, agent for the RUBBER PAIN? POMPANy i .Qf Cleveland, Qhio. Oar entire stock of Dry Goods antt Clothing i now offe: t, to redaoo stock beroro removing to oar new pres ' building. The public, may rely on tiha -"' - Best and Cheapast Bargains erer Jo:3feid 'l -.- Cheaper than Old Bankrupt Stock at Ilalf ^rioo^T-Cheap oect am j Cheap, because. Fraah and New. tss sTOos mrss. wxtx. Airsi ssaxl sa jold. Bui weiare aware how perplexing it is for honest peoplW tdfrei cl ti* iisennenta here and elsewhere.; Wao'U tillK|lhelonde* brag the aSost seems to^"be the niaxinrof ea^h. &i! , .; . aft iiitliigi=mt Public know well thai Itflioddy h i . tonifjs'f I during tf -tnai iief :-.' dilionJ i . sure.f to . ~jne,uii<l| .*, tins Who : TheaperJ "." preU at.- j : welHotd . Twenty-H - Jn advai lor So ceil Aqtoh,] f:^^ We give a few quotations of :'-r'M^GKDpD0: 4,500s yarxls of- JQtceoa. Goods, ^ormar ^pi^cea, 15,| 20, cents ^reduced lr Striped sdkaieduoed to J57 cents.-; Striped Grenadines to lO^oenta. ] Stripei an4 Plain Linou to 10 eta.; :Pa>asols from 15 pents. Black, [-and.Colored Lustres ' ; ,l-jt}:eaiav "-; :.- ,15wd.'SQ'M?i; '- .' ; Lac* Curtains 75" osntt^ rWhiteCottofli Straw Sun Hats Cashmere Jackets , ^ Linen Suitsi ftep-#L^. Table Ljaen^ Beol Qrmi^-Table Napki^lSbBe<&^, , ling will be t)fiered at striking paces. Cash for Hides* Act?^ July 18, 187^. / Colored Shirking from 10 cents. A Jot o ,WooW.-T*e*r, - $1.00 to 60'oenta. Colored and^Whitetkr^ss A JO}* LOT of LADIES iraDERCLOTH^ajie,i>aj^M| I This Sale is1 no Clap Trap I. " _ ..... wjleduced Prices Mnstj.-Be-^Jasfc^^ Qnelpb, Ju ,5 1.875. LaaiaJieA. '.hjtas&J&g&Si

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