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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 28, 1876, p. 4

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U:-m r^'^:=V-'*4i"4>^'t^*:S'^^i^j>i5*>KSiS-5 s t- vl ol BcnconsficM. ktion of = Itenjainiri Dis- pwragc, as thi? Eirl-oT i , The E Tho ch*v -r;u'i to the iWconslaJi, is ono of tho&o drama tic smprisrs to tho Englfeh;puhlie ^ J-. Disraeli is tlio jgrolvt- (of his tiiuQ. ' It bah'been him onoo befove, mid of wliioll o&t. inar.ter o'Vnvrod t 'I V < $ I t>oea sphere of I i:- r.n eiupt - KtaV.dsVlls, 'gratifying Mr; Dhvru it mulOS i iwhapx. rat THE FREE PRESSj^CTQtf, JHALTON COUNTY; 0$%> SEPTEMBER i'.i -' I r J:. ...J. P-"tl ? felYi -7 J ii r. t-. 1 M a 7 /- mod; in. favor of his w'ifr, who iUod";is tho Viscountvss of l>oacons- Jiehl, .Thi public htiyo therefore not lookvd fof new'honors to hhu in-tbat dirsction, but. at tlio eloso f a lum'l f ussioin, during which' tho ;iU i cf government - have thrown u insnal tuhks upon two premier's.shoulders, . lio has now trtvsjtdatod "'to tho sorenor 10 House of Lords. . It y honor, according to pur but it is om\pfOu4i;uTy to the tuiiTjH'ranu'nt of ]i, und tho deserving of jire.it. fo is not muoh,: v-bo dublvd Earl of B.u- ; to be ealhd men J of the ~;':>i .<,' on tho- following the grefltest.rneHvber of t that ever lived,"; that i. ' oonsiield, but itris imu-1 ia'the deliberate-' iuds: t of which great-Burke 1.ou1oiv Jnioruing Pail^r.rnei r-irll:unei was'S.-ineiuber. The praise seems to \ia:exiravagaht, fpr,.I5urko will still be gr?at a century i hence, and we doubt if Disraeli will, Witbov t doubt, England- is -pro> foun.dlyg -ati-ful to tho tPofy minis try for t.l e change iujher foreign .'- * The " mom spirited for- i?\y: which Mr. Disraeli at-: his hist iibcession to REMOVBtti R. CREECH, SADDLER & HARNESS-MAKER, iIn6.rinnovtHloQo.do9r wjfcst <if !>!ao3d' 'st.md, and ia now prepared to turn.out 'work, which It* ' NEATNSSS, OHBAPSTESS A1TB DTJRABXUTt cannot l>o surpassed by liny houso lit the county. Harness of all Kinds supiiliril on the shortest-possihio notice,' ami war'ranteil to give perfect satlatnc- tieu. - . ' j. i!HE NEW EfOMINIO^T ; BOOT A1TD SHOE STOBE. OUR ENNEZY 8c SON Hav just received their : business principally on oil to sell ' As'he is doiu thciOash System, hois prepare cheaper tlian over. . (?.-". ttive him a call and bo convinced that this is tho rii;Ut placo. June 25, 1ST6. K. CKEKClI,\oton. rotations. eiga>-poli promised at- Ms last apee ^ powers h! s 'boeii achieved, and in its glory dl other disappointments ' -ftiil be forgotten. Tim ^Miez canal jiurchase,. the Indian journey oi the Prince o' Wales, autt tho Indian title of tl e Queen srero sijraply the dramatic properties of that "' re-ap- pearaneo in Europfcui politics," ot which th i refusal to accedo to the Berlin iota,.wag Lthe culmination and trrnr iplumt stsseetion. "Within one short year, Engluncl.bas leaped from the tositiotfof spectator to thai of arbite r of the" affairs of Eastern Europe, It id the unmistakable , -ycork xd i ha old novelist, bub it is a -. dighVyrc rk, after all, to put'above j that of tl ie first Pitt. Besides, Mr. Disraeli's policy has its dangers as - ^rell as il s glory.: His successor in the leade rahip of the Oommons is "thought 0 be his Chancellor, of the - Exchequ ^r, Sir Stafford Northcote, but the Earl of Beaeonsfield will contanne'to be the /premier. Ad- ' ,iier|ey, I'resident of the Board, of Trade,-will probably be sneceeded ; by "W. IL Smith, one'of the finan cial . un<:er-secfetaries, aiJ8, ..with IJord Jslin Manners j of the; post oiSee, is to go~np in th!e chariotjof theirVhi ;f to the other House.r 1 . Sjjrinajtthl Rcvuhliban, s PECIAL. SITING DESKS Ffill. STOCK OF BOOTS AND pES, j Tho Bast that over oarao into Aotou,'for Prioo, Style and1 Quality. OUR CUSTOM WORK V^ill recoivo careful attention, and all work guaranteed.to give satisfne.lion * Repairing Done Nently. f - Don't,forgot tho place -' , Mala Stroct. Next Door to AsncVa Botol. FALL STOGE OP" V MOW 28;, Now A rnviiig, Api. vyill bd oompieto in a few days. fall and examine 1 our Goods and Prices. CRAINE & ^ON. ActQUi Sept, 19, 1S76. KENNEY&.SON- Pooplo's Cheap Diy G-oods Store. Acton, Sdpt. 5, 1876. Asp-: GOLDEN LION pmcr Wyndliam and.Stacdonhcll Streets, Guclph. ASadflcn Kepentance. "Yeste rday nioriiing a farmer en tered a restaurant on . Griswold 'street, hf.t-en the back ol his head' tiiid a j >yful look in hi3 eye, "and Uis hat on "the floor he ex soup, Sold jny wool, and a Thanksgiving, din- ' P1 "Hlnguig 'ehiimed " Whbop ! now I- tttani n|er - j Hew is invited to sit down to a table, h inded a bill of fare, and asked t< name his dish. " I v ant chicken, turkey,* dys- . ters, fisb, quail, snipe", pie,-cake, rine bring on- the ibest "you'vje got in the shanty T'- said"he shed the.bill away. WORK BOXES Less than Half Cost DERSDN'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE Chi tho East Eido of Wyndham 8tr oc GUKLPH. SCHOOL BOOKS, as he pi The vaiter started out, arid the farmer hauled out his pallet and counted his money. ' His-'face grew . serious ifter a moment, and he be- realize that htxuries cost money,- ahd m Anather minute he] poundeij. on the table and called out : : I b ant to see that'"vraiter !" The waiter entered:ond the far mer coi.t-inued : 'Yoi hold on a little. . You may'SCjatch out that other order and br ng me in some meat and 'takers and' bread: I've sold my \vipd], a; I said before ;,-biit.-T just happen id jto think. that the corn crop mny bust on me, and'.wkere'il quail and toast be tlisn ?" , Phunygrafs^ ~ Ohea p hospitality-^-Entertainipg . I ,W:hft I ago is the most cold-heart ed ? The cabbage.' " "|Yha; is the best name,for a'(n)ico '"BeRe ?- -Why,-it's Kate]' - ' "Vihfej are teoth: ]ike verbs ! Be cause tiey" are' regular, irregular, and tie fective.' . A..'% iet, When the angler was" orderei [ put -of tlie house,- he took his fjekk. it- '. r \jta.ld\lt'Jbe proper to call a re tired l.quor dealer's estate ft -Jiir- own-ia.' mansion T -" * is a'gtpin ofsand'in thieve like a .schooliiiaster's cane? Jie- yause it hurts the pupil. , Con Sentrnont is said to be bettec= than riches, biit'the. latter is good euongl for tho -writer. ;. Wlu.tin it that hasthreo; feet aodj cannot v/alk,-Kixteen nail kind can- - not~Bci atch 1 A yard "measure. A c -ass-oyed Chtcagp girl advor- :tisea f< r a husband alTected^ in , the same way. "What a cj-oss-eyedeat" Fabe Jiair is now. made to~imi- tafceKil hair so closely, that it. is iiai"dly .possible to tell wliich from iwifcefcU. '. '"' ,1 season. Schoolchildren should Buy Day's 5 cent Copy Book. It contains forty copies, and is made of good paper. All the School Books used in the Town and Country Schools on hand at __.J ;; DAY^S BOOKSTORE. Dry 0oods Cheaper than ever. In order to enable all our friends to purchase their Dry CoodB cheap, e kave been induced to continue our .Cheap Clearing Sale for the balance or the Season. We invite eve^r-one, therefore, to come to th Lion and Obtain the great bargains now being offered. Below i wo quote a few of our leading Lines, but as it is impossi ble to-bhi'merate, all we would simply is that we are SELLING CHiEAPEiR THAN EVER. And are determined to show the poopleot Guelph and neighborhood that For New Goods, for Stylish Goods, antl for Cheap Goods, the! XiXpnsr is1 a.seat~> ~ Of Every Other Store in Guelph. iSTcrwi is the Time to Purchase CLOTHING. WATCH IIS CLUCKS JEWELIl^. U 176. ma h -" mm WfTCHBS, CLOCKS & JEWEJuRY. t-H For ft large apd well* selected Block of "Watdhes, Clocks arid: J&jf@B^ CALL AT 0-!& B, TWEEDS beinff ruslicd off at reduced rates (TV make room for a tQ FALL STOCk Now Arriving -Post Office, Act6n. b; A NEW LOT OF. CLOCKS FROM $1- UPWARDS. \^ ^ ooolies, Sar-ringSf Fiafeer Riags,~ CJiaia^ Braeeloti liookots, Goats^ Studs and Cuff Bwt^tona; ; (..'". And everything tlint is kept in a first class Jewelry llousej All!gpodl warranted cs represented, and Repairing Ijtemember the plaob. ^ ... V i. . . j . ! jJLugas,t28, 3876. ... , / ; Post 0^c, JLcf6a LARG-ET ARRIVALS |QP CLOTHING AT THE V olurai Coilege, andSurxq \ul ___J clan College,- - "TuoRdayoj p.'ni... acton.-. -JAMI ' "*J jeya"! j-dstraa>t.-| Voney l<* itttfph CoJ . com.Jn it m B^ .__ ap 1 lsllB ASSH 4c-, pre pal and on rl tioarjr- on r Glasgow . J. AT THE BAST E3ST3D. Acion, Aucnrt 1, 1876. DICKSON & McNAB. Our Kesular Lines are Bought ifor Cash, Direct, Consequently'no on? can undersell us, while the half-pripo Stock, bough1 in Montreal has enabled us to sell at far lower prices than our neighbor*. In consequence of Ihb our sales during the past season have been. fifty .per cent in advance, ot anything ever known at The Lion, before, and For this liberal patroDage'wo desire to return on'r very hearty thanks. We would add, however, that our reputation for selling cheap being now so weilestab- lished-we ate determined to maintain it, ana we tharefp^ invite everybne 10 pay us a Visit, iasp'wi our StocS, ascortaia our Pricos. and "" you win always Tmy at.tilo Xloa. ."" WE QUOTE A FEW LEADING LINES/" Dress Goods, 6i, 8,'10, 12J cents and upwards. .. Factory Cotton, 36 in., 6 cents a yard. Hoyle'p Prints, at 8 cents. atriped Silks,\OrenadineB, Lustres,, Ac, marvellously; cheap: Fall Tweeds, latest, styles, immense variety, very cheap. Ready Mode Clothing, less than half the usual pi-ico. Best Cotton Bags, 3.00 a dozen. SPECIAL LIKES AT LOWEST PRICES. Striped and Checked Shirting, Derrys, . - i Sheetings,- Table Linen. American Duck, and Denims, : Bed Quilts, Towellings, &o. Day Sells Cheap. Br4 jebfidga is midway between" t,ho Ncrrth Pole and_-the Eijiiater. Thrjgliing-- machuio accidents soem ta'Jje as plehtifdl as ever this C. T. HILL, Hill Street, ACTON,^ DEALER IN l Qxocerios, ..; Orocfeory, - Soots St SJioe^, "VTail Paper, - ."' 'Wriadow Bllads,^ j Kails, G-lass,' Putty, j - . linseed blifct 1 .< 5alate. lurBsntine, - Coal Oil, Salt, oto.f. All of wliich will be sold tow for-cash. BOOTS and SHOES '_J_'.. -"I :' . \- ' Selling off St coiit. ~ Also agent for'ithe -'~~~! RUBpBER PAINT COMPANY c Of Cleveland, Ohio.:, | :' ." Ca^hufor Bides. ';Acton, July 18, 187C ' OUR RULiE. Our Rule is riot to decry our neighbors goods, but to offer our own ori their merits, and we find-this answer so well that AT THE LION WE ALWAYS HAVE " LARGE SALES, QUICX SALES, fcMALL PROFITS AND READY FJAY. . ' B3" Come and See Us. "sa Guelph, Aug. J. D. WILLIAMSON & qO 28, 187C, 3sT 33 "W <3f O OX> S NOW DAILY ARRIVING AT THE FASHIONABLE WEST EKD. GREAT SPECIAL SALE OF DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING Preparatory; to Reibadyal. i Our ii; STB-WART as I 00, entire stock of Dry Goods arid Clothing is now offered regardlessj;of Cost, to reduce stock before removing to our new premises, now I j . building. The public may rely On the Best and Cheapest Bargains; ever offered of Cheaper than Old Bankrupt Stock at Half price Cheap becaiiBO justice goods wanted TH? ST0CS MT7ST, 'WILL AiTD ' SHALL BE SPLO. j But we are aware how perplexing it is for honest pleople to read the adyer- tisembnts here and elsewher^. Who'll tafk the loudest and , brag the most seems; to b^ the maxim of each. But I an intelligent jPablio know well that Shoddy ] Goods are dear at Half-priC'j. ' We give a few quotations . . i cents red' S.3B3ID1-J CED 4,^00 yards of Dress Goods, former jprices, 15, 20,-25 .and up .to, 50 IlPHANT CLOTPINQ STOI CS-TJEIL^S^ VVM. HUTHERFORD >^ GO Seit. 4, 1876. 2To. 31, Lover "Wysdnaav Street, Qui lulu WO! FOR BARGAIN!^ ' !.( . *c. Offlcd stceefcsial ' P"P] : J&L ' Bar Uclcors lol Main Mipi 1 /!hancerj-, K ntf str& JlUwn Ofl ' meet of U . lw will-J .on Friday f H EWJ ':>'.cracj Agent.for I All bnjineJ aubruliy siJIlciited. -XT **M in Cansoln.l i'ittoia s ' for prlmej aliuii -tiu j| Mec'ifini| -fcents'-^JDti . w IL1 : liacr Mull V .' " '.(! 1 Baslnt Offlcaai if ';t*muty Ha 3MT THSMMFIGE Looil Out for Cheap Good$; :i:~: MAMWtOT ';- '"[' k ' :'i:.::iil' t3-BOEaEiTO"TO;|q' McLEOD, ANDEESOl^T & Co. ARE BAVINS ONE OF THEIR "n IMMENSE-CLEARING SAL1S" For 'Thirty Days Cnlyj; CUTT^NC! AND SLASHING filGHT j^VKD LEFf, 1 No. quarter will be given. All goods marked down, and will- be *old gardless'pf cost I Dresd Goods, Muslins, Grenadines and Prints or Stltfped" ced to 10,15 and 20 cents. silks reduoed to 57 cants. just opioiEDi v; ., 1 Ono case new S^al Brown and Navy Blue Drebs Uoods. ' 12do?ien new SUk Ties.; .; ' Now Linen Collars and Cuffi. Stook noW very complete abd attractive in each department, rf^'-:: A. O. BUCHAM, FasiilQnablo West EnU Dre?s, iliUlnory ond Mantlo Establishment. GuolphrApgust H, 1870. - '. . : 'i' ~ ' :" Tibbie Linens, Bed Quilts, Hug will lie offered at striking Colored Shirting from 10 cijints. . A lot of Woolen Tweeda retTucdil from $1.00 to CO cents. Colored and White Dres|s Shirts fromjiO cien,y.' p^tg^^roiaatbg^ffiaa 5 Striped Grenadines to 10 cents, Striped'and Plain Linen to 10 cte, Pura8ol8 from 15 cents. Black and OQlpr^d Lustres from. i23r.90n.tB.' JOB LOT of LADIES This ta- Seduced /3uelph; June ,5 187j?. Ijace iCnrtainB 75 cents. White Cot ion Hose from 6 J icents. Hats from 5 cents. ! Cashmere Jackeis from $1.25. I Ianen. ^vtitja frotri 1:50. '" K" .' - , ' l-i'T Table Napkins, Sheetings, Damasks, Tojyel- prices. . '-; I ' . M RS.I Ttacltcroi O1 kLIVl , Acv>1 piastrii>sr the BV :;* K. * .Floor nri.\mile.and ri Kie'ellSnt i liDg public U Kibl new fcioL-eJ ^tyle-witi/ Travellers! unlt.ctTin.n2l aittfiitioit 3 :- : ...LlC -t'oftheCol tbni... ijrUfl ; Ofifce, Ac| Itocfcwoixtl Terms real i'. At Cost Price and Lower. klLLINEKY$ MANTLksAT HALF J>AI<tii Rpadj^madei and Ordered Clotliipg, |Tweeds, ; ; Gents' Furnishings,\Hals and Capsj &ct at~exlrapriiinarjt low priC(.. ..| Call and examine; it will pay you. "._ * !' Garpets, Oil Cloths, Bugs, Sec}, a clean.sweepfliW* ! be mode Of these goods^ Cottons, Tablings, Ducks, DrillinaSj TjBW I* .\ -.'.%' We cpmmence^our Annual Sale on Thursday, July 20th, and' <U eoutinu.^ it for 30days. Remember we never advertise anything tbit 1 * do not perform, so that you can rely upon getting bargains .and firjfcSP*' 1 goodB cheaper tan' ever." Conie and see our prices:ana eJtanu8*p goods. | L.-: " '"'* ' - -1 -, . "rneiindtl . lonienf r,'rf . dorlnR the tbat bs is :i oitEbnat nd liure.rresli| Ine, and t tl-,s wlio L cheaperanl area "at: tbl welltbfelll Twenty^orl in a4v&Q^| torfi0eet>t4 ^- .Aotonirl M IL1 UNDERCLOTHING to bo SACRIFjCqED. Sale is n<?,01ap Tr^pr Prices Must Be CoshVGa WIlliaIm:., steward m c|o. i McL^OD, ANDERSON & ;/ . - MAMMOTH rjOUSE, GEOBG^JjPWf- ALL KINDS OP ^OQ^-,-:Al*0;:i-iIpBv fJ?Pl^ PROMPTLY. JXECUT:ED. AT FREE PRESS O m L-i % t| J .1- ^ u. +'-.' Sash, , ings,-| Planing, ;.;.Bli . ^rders -SWJmptlyJ -Milton',] AU be -1 j 'Atxoitnt 'X: s:. ?ik: EaTd -.: -3-.0r Whs'& <

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