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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 14, 1876, p. 4

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^5- _/_ THJ5 F$EE PRESS, ACTON, HALTOlJy COUNTY, -Old John florker. !'/X Alwmt Uvor^"t>loeU yohtorday f- tmux*n a liouso jmiiitoi-, s\vinj>iuy on ti ,>'e;dTo1d nUaohod Uv sv high, bnildrni; on Woodward iwemio, lirtiixl some one rolling vpon l.ijlii to XlKMH AKMORY, *&?*%% M l'i ->y E- v.- '?s:- m ! > I coim; down. Tliilikiiig it was tlni oxuut of the block, "he _ dosoonded. | ninl mtt :i wvinklo fuoisl old clinpi- vlio \\t.is holding'an. ancient uiiiii ^ S. lnvlla over his hcid. - i 1 Js your name Dnke 1 driqmrwV the old man in a.'soft -.voice." " No, sir," was tlui reply. " My name, is D^iion.'"' ]_,' ... 4 . .: " Tlioiv"it is, you sec'" cackled \ tlieVtrangw. ..". Yourrmnio isn't I Duke because it is Ogdon. A plainer c>s .neov came, to my yt- "toiitioii. If your name was not :_ Ogik'ii it would bo, Puke." "Did you* want^to seo mui'1 ~ nskod the- painter." . : '" Nominally,-iw iDid_you;'eveL' ' .devote any rrtuio.-.to the study/of :j> lyj^sojdiy 1"! ' *i """ -* Philosophy be banged'." growl,' ^1 the 'ipainter. '.'.If you ; dujn't want me -what,'did ypn call mo down, ; here fori" ;. .' ' V "Yon now> illustrate another principle !" chuckled the< old man, '?. " ' 'Why do you "bctrny'i vc-xntio'tf '?' .Simply because?yqu aro 'voxed*^ l^t us go back li*0"J years, ;te tho first principles of mind formation." "-You'd better, go back to the lunatic asyluiii!" muttered- tho vwirrtor.' ' \. . " Why-are luriatic asylums ms sary I'iisked -the old man. "JV- t. Why do . \ve have lunatics f" . ' Don't* talk to nve," replied -jlie painter, starting to enter the ii'uild- . ing.' ; ~ - ' - M .': " ^ ."; .- "V VTfey- do we ^alW]"' inquited _th"o; quaint old character, barring "the.-doorway.' "I talk.because I , have-a voice." Fish do not talk, and. why .not !" ;... " I don't want any more fooling nrownd. PexclaliBBd the pahiter, try4 ing-tOj pull, the old iu^n out cf his wnyv 1. . ' ' ;"We will go back to wliat is known as the stone age," said tiio stranger, spxtting on his hands as if be. niea^t to resist. 4_* Did you ever :refle*t that you might have. lieen a hill or a valley as welL-as a man X Suppose you had been a>side- . ' hill I What would have heeniyour policy F -^ - k "Just about this""gasped-the painter, as ho got a collar-hold and jerked with all his uii^ht. _ I sometimes thiink," said-tho old "man, as he kicked' tljb painter in the stomKch twice yx succession^ "that niari may haS:e descended from earii. I may j'liave _been a hill, you :k ktipll, that man over 'there a .glade." .'" :._ " iThere was a pause for a minute, as the painter hit him" on the month. H"6 retaliated by a left hander on! - the .nose and BecnriuEf a hold on -^ tbfe painter's hair, .he held him Hsminst the wall and" went on : *3 - " Why do we fight ? "Because we . are mad ! Go back to the days of Adam and let us-see how madness c;me to exist." They were about half-way; hack 'therewhen. a;policeman cameMong : and collared the old philosopher"] ; and marched- him pff. He J was : recorded as Je^hn Horker, and, as - he Was placed in the cell, he re- iirked: -~ ~ \ ' " 'by this prison jng 1 Beeaiise sVQ har-e joggers. . Let ns retrace onr steps to the drift period and dis cover who: was first incarcerated in a cooler." ". ;. ., j The-painter looked after* t'hp old coon as was walked off, and'giving his bleeding nose another wipe, he said : :" ~ . J" K-that's what they tall pniloso-. -. phy I'm going into training to-mor- . row morning 1" JOHN GnnsiuitU, SHvcr-Pliitcr, &c., Wishes.to liiforui the.iniblic tlmt helms : rfiiinvitl to Hatchrs Block, Xcxt iloor to Toon's lhitchcr t*hn'p AMMTJNITIOK FOR AU BRESCB LOADING ARMS. Ely A Kynoeli'8 Cartrltlijo C!nmm ami Cups for ii'-livxdlns same. Hp-lomlcrs, . Ke-riijipors, c,\\t E*elorA, Carltrrn, nnd 1A'ro*i>rit,v,ltMinlns K<xIa, -uml all urllcloB ncopKsary fora SporUiunnVoutlU. All sorts of Ilfrialrlne tinil Jobbing CKccutedon ibctiliortcsl noticeut anelhli, .4i>rU;27,- 1876. e's Goods Store. GOLDEN L10 Nil 4'orncr Wymllinm nnd llucdoiuu 11 Streets, Um'lplt. LIVERY & SALE STABLE pry^Cboods Gneaper than ever.: In order to^nablo all our friends to purchnRo their Dry Hood* chetip, we haire been inducod to.continuo ciurOlienp Clearing Sale for the balfince or the Sonson. w4.1'iivito every, one, therel'oio, (o coaio'to t|jo iUon and obtain tlio-'groat bargains\iow being offered. Below we quote, a teiv of our loading Lines, but as it Is impoesi- ' ble to eni'inerate, all.wo would simply is that we oro SELLING CHEAPER THAN EVER. And nre dolerrained tophow tlio,peopte|( nueiph and neighborhood that For New iiopds, for Ktyllsli oOls, ami for Cheap Cioods, IS ^JIZtt-AJD UNOERT N^^i*>yiiri'WP"'Jwhai\i.*iL tfai>a^i - fib SE^fBS|Bi|It 14H 1876. AK1NG. Tho undoi-signod begs leave to inform the people of Acton nnd sur rounding neighborhood that ho has procurod a magnificent . , HE JSL.tlR&JBL i. And is prepared 'to attend and oondsict Funerals on the shortest no|ico * I and most moderate termP. . Cashets,| Coffins, Burial Robes, And all kinds of Funeral FurnishingB kept in stock, and supplied on jtho '; -Hat Bands and Gloves supplied wlien required. : Acton, Aug. 8, 1876. : JOHN SPEIGHT. -rims LIOls' Ot Every <)tl fjonsequonily no on > ciin under* in Montreal has enabled us to se lor Store in Guelph, Our RcRiilar Lines arc Itoiiulit for Casb, Direct, us, while the half-price Stock bought I aCfiir lower prices ttian our neighbors. In consequence oV this our Bales luring tho past season have i)een lifty per cant in advance ot anything ovot known ut Tho Lioii before, and for this liberal patronagowo desire to r< turn our very hearty thanks. We would add, however, thai our jreputalion for Boiling cheap being now so well estab lished we aio determined to maintain it, ana we therefore invito everyone To f pay *as a Visit, you J. P. .1LLAN tnkes V1'?2^111^ In nnriotinclDfr to" the puhlic generally that ufc is pre'pareU to .:- . furnish First-class Horses and Carriages .-" At Reasonable Itatcs". His Rl^a ami Horses nre the best that ^ant>* had, and he is dot^'rnilnod not Vo be surpRs--=cd b.fnny City Stable. Acton July 1st.JS76T ' " JOB PRIXTIN of all kinds neatly and promptly executed at tho FRKK PRESS OFFICE. Xex tie Posf Offlce, Hill Street, i Dress Goods, G\, S. 10, Factory Cotton, 30 ii: mjirkec Women Always the Same; \CTOX . Wagon and Carriage -..';'.' FACTORY. J.UIES' RYDER, Proprietor. /, '; I "Wiaeons, Carriages, " / " t Sloieli3, "Outtors, ac Kept instock and made to Order-on the I , Shortest .Notice. ; " f Strict attention paid to Horsc.-"aoeiiLg & Gonoral Jo'b'bia.er Inspesi our Stock, ascort&ia, our Frlcos, and wiU al^rayf \svj at tao X4oa. i\YE QUOTE A Now is the Time to Purchase CLOTkiJlC- TWEEDS being rusiicd ^ff, at reduced rates to make room for u FALL STOGli Now Arriving AT THE "ELA.ST E3ST3D. FEW LEADING LIN&S. Hoyle's Prints, at !i cents. "Striped Silks. Grtnjidines 12|1 centt and upwards. 0 centi a yard. Fall Tweeds, latest stylos, immense variety, very oheup. Ready Made Clothing, Best Cotton Bags, *3.00 a dozen SFECIAL LINES AT LOWEST PRICES. Striped and Checked Shirting, Derrjs, Sheetings. Table Lihen. Lu9trog, Ac, marvollously clidap. less than hall the uaual price. American Duok, and Denims, ,- ' Bed tiuilta. Towellings,'&o. OUB RULE. Onr Rule is not to ilecry our" their merits, and wo find this ALWAYS HAVE " LARGE S AND READY FAY. : neighbors goods, but to offor'o'ur-own on answer so well that AT THE LION WE VLES, QUICK SALES, SMALL PROFITS txr Comi! and See l's.". qnelph, Aug. 28, 1S70. D. VvTILLIAMSON & CO ZsTIETW GOODS IjIQW DAILY ARRIVING AT THE *s FASHltoABLE WEST E1SD. "HinDai/'pleadeda weak voice, -" don't swear ag'in me I" : " Oh, won't I-though, yon bjrntel responded a- shrill female tongue. I'll learn ; you better'n to a-bmisin' home at two in the morn in'. r." " But I didn't do nothinVi '-' u. ." That's it: you nerer dornothin'; you sling, your time away a-fooliii' about the streets'and wearinj' your pants'off on barrels and goodsj-boxes waitin' for omethin' to turn up, in- Ktead ofgettin' around and turnin' sometliin' up,- while I'm kept, at j home a-washin', and a-ihendin', and! s-nursin'.Tbiiiuiy, an' be a-teetliin'." " Is poor little Tommy teethin'l" " Three a-comih' below and .two above.": . " Poor little Tommy !" ... "Don't cry, John." " B it I can't help itr H mnai Jive little wb^te.teeth a-comi u', and Ii won't be thore when they come." ' i " Won't bo there, Johu 1" -'.-, "No, Hannah \- You've lad me switched up for.-distar.bin* the peace, and that is thirty days in the' loose." " Don't take on' bo, John. . apd satisfifetlon caarantced. , Acton " July 1st, 1S75. A CTOS ] .. . PLANJNG MILLS AND i antT I'll take .go - to 'boose; with- jo Tommy'along." -. . " Say joa won't swe^rrag'jm.mfe, Hannah.?f; "I vqn'b, John." ' = -. ' " Come to my arms, old gpil I I'll buy yon a new calico :drew,1 and we'll go to the firewbrks on the ' "Fourth, of July." Tonmiy sha 11 have syrup, . rubber ring and a bottle of and you'll-'-com.e to my ai-mi, Haa- :ffah!" - Here tho husband dr^v^ the little -woman o.ver the railing and franti cally kissed her, wliile Tommy set up .a jubilee of crying; and soon after "John was discharge^ want Qfre'vidence," ," for Pump, Sa.su, Door and Blind Factory. - ,\ . THOMAS EBBAGE, Manufacturer of . | ' "Window Sash, -; Doors, : |! Vejistian Blinds "! v-:- ...-].. Mouldings, , And other Building Requisites " - Afgo ^Makers At XHPHOVEB SUOTIOiTFOTiIPS Lumber Planed and Dreaaed to orde -: "injthe best manner. B65"* All work-guaranteed. Acton, Jan;,1878.: '.""' QUBSCRIBE FOB THE ACTOH FREE PRESS, I : JUST OPENED: One case new Seal Brown and" Navy Blue Dress Uoods. 12 dozen new Silk Ties. j: . -'. ' i f 1 New Linen Collars and Caffs. '"' . Stock now very complete"and a'ttrdcnVo in each department. A. O. BUCHAM, Fashionable West End Dress, Millinery and Mantle'KBtabllsbment. GuelphiAugust il.'igiG. ! " i" ' CASH STORE, -A-OTOINV: Q3ST-T_- i Only One Dollar a l'eur; SEND iie. to . VlliOWKLIs A CO,f He w. Yorfc,.for Pam phi et pf 100 pajjes' conlalnlug llhts of 3000 newspapers, and i eatlmates showing cost of ttdvertlsloc. When yon havfe paid your share of bad debts to those doing, a Credit | Business, please call at thd Post Office .'Casb. Store, whore you get Goods Cheap aid ' ; Eight per j. cent Discount for Cash j fsr Casb for Produce. "5* Conveyancer, Isjsner of Marriage Licences, &c. JAMES MATTHEWS. Acton, July 10, 1B78," i Acton, Alijosl 1, 1K7C. DICK30N & McNAB. GREAT SPE3GIAL SALE OF! DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING Preparatory to Removal. "v7M. STSW^BT $ 00. ' ' ' I ! . ' ".-!! . *^^. Our entire slock of Dry'Hoods and-Clothing is now offered regflivlless of, Cost, to reduce stock before removing to our new premises; now building. The public may rely on the -t Best and Cheapest Bargains ever offered of TH E HEW DOMINION AND SHOS STOEfi^ .t _ * & SON '- .""' ' -.. .Have ;ust receive^stheir Spring btoc3{ .of- BOOTS, SHOES, AND PRUNELLAS, i'fhe Best, that ever came into Acton, for Price,-Style and Quality. OUR pVSTOTO. WORK 'Willi receive careful attention, and all wjork" guaranteed to give Bfttisfaciiott" _ tfir"Repairing Done Neatly, "taf Don't forgot the place . i! fliadn Stroct, Next "Door to Asr&ow's SoxeL Actdn, May 29c 18;7G. . '!- . ' "' ' ! FOR BARGAINS, .". .-".; -'. ON THE RAMPAGE. Look Out for Cheap Groods: ! r- 3--E2'W ^ 03E3 GOODS Cheaper than Old Bankrupt Stock at JIalf price Cheap because just the goods wanted Cheap, becaugeFroBh and New. THE 5T00K MUST,' "WTLL AJTO SHAIi BE SOLD. ' for; honest people to read the adver- Who'U talk the loudest and But we are aware how perplexing it is tisements here and elsewhere. brag the most] seems to bo'the maxim of each. But I an intelligent Public know well that Shoddy ' Goods are^dear at Half-price., - / '"' i ' ' - We give a few'quotations of G-003DS GREODnD"OEZD. : 4,500 yards of Dress Goods, former prices, 15, 20, 25 and up to 50 cental-reduced to TO, 15 and 20 cents. Lace Curfaina 75 cents. - Striped silks reduced to 57 cents. Striped Grenadines to 10 cents^ Striped and Plain Linen to 10 cts. Parasols from 15 cents. Black and Colored Lustres from 12^ cents. - . { . White Cotton Hose from 6 J cents. Straw Sun Hats from 5 cents. Cashmere~*Jacket8 from SI.25. Linen Suits from $1.50. Table - Linens, Bed Quilts, Table Napkins, Sheetings, Damasks, Towel ling wUl be offered at striking prices. Colored Shirting from 10 cents. $1.00 t5 GO^cents. A lot of Woolen Tweeds reduced from Colored and White Dress Shirts from 40 cents. A JOB LOTiof SADIES UNDEBJfaLOTHING to be SACRIFICED. ...' This Sale is no Clap Trap, 2* Reduced Prices Must Be Cash.-ca SWILTJAM STEWART & Co. Guelph, June ,5 1876. =V , DRUGS,; DRUGS, DrugrSjOliemicals, Dya, Stuffs, Patent and Proprietory Ub&iel&os, - Fancy aal'Toilet Soaps, SpoiiBeB, Brnahea, ) ., " Paints, Oila anl VaraisaoaV Fwicy-'aad^^ Ru"blJBr &eoda. ' PTJS.E "'WINES AND LIQITORS for ISedieinai Purposes only. Allgooda warranted of thebest quality and at ten per cent below Toronto plcres. " . :*| ' . ! . j , Don't forget the place. . MedijcalHail, Mill street, Acto^.y: Acton, March 13, 1875. Of E.; MORROW. Mammoth house ' V:'.' GEpSyJETO^-lT, ....... MoLSOD, ANDEPuSQH Co. ARE HA V1NG;. ONE C-F THEIR . I v K-V Thirty Days Gnly. CUTTING AND SLASHINC RIGHT AND lEFfc Njoquarter will be givenl" All goods marked down, and will -be sold re- ' -.,. - - Dress Groodst Mutslins, Grenadines and Priiits: " ': MJLL1NERY MANTLES AT HALF F*hlti&~ Koady-mad,e aod Ordered ClotLin^ Tweecfe: Gents' Furnishings, Hats and Caps, Ac, at extraordinary low priceiv Call and examine-, it will pay vou." " t :. . Cfirpets,- Oil Clothe, Ru^s, &c.r awclcan sweep muii be made of these goods. Cottons, Tablings, Ducks, Drillings, Towel*. lings,.&c, at very low prices." '. We cominence our':Animal Sale on Thursday, July 20th; and tbiA eorftinue it for 30 days. Remember we never, advertise anything that W do not perform, so that you cap "rely upon getting bargains and' firatolv* goods cheaper than ever. Come and see ourj prices and examiaeoor gjoods. -\'--~ -"_- -'-.., *' """ . ' -"I '-.....iy-/' ^cLJSOD, AKDEElSON & Co., | .',-. ^AMMOTH HOUSE, GEORGEtOWl;. !v-|:: REMOVAL, REMOVAI-. Or. I; -;"t %. saoffi T fl Begs to inrorm lh inhataants of ACTON and surrounding-countrjplW-;'.; he.has removed to . - .'_" n^niXjXi sa?s-E^Tn ~i^ Next Door to CJalloway Bros.' Bakery, in the bnilding lawlT. occupied by K. Creech, which has been neatly'fitted np. It has the best light of any tow,'lsy8fef two counties, wbicnv is very essential for . the proper selection of <**f*^' His s took, wbioh is very choiee, is fully assorted, ; q 7 r . And will b^ Sold at an tlnnsually- Xovyi pgjfff% He is determined to still maintairibis former rpiatationbf(keepiiig isv'F ,1 NOTHING BUT THE BEST OF GOODS AND SELLING A*j i ' ""-A CHEAP AS ANY HOUSE IN" THE TRADE. \t&i Give him a calL. June 27, 1876. X*. M. SPGTT'S Squaro Dealing House, :', ^m vi -i. Vol Mlei aad Gtlasj - T *.= * Surad Aeen. Mill faith I solle* Tcael .thqjj J-Lou Floiil ..-s^le - :..'iiiu>' svr ty)e| T.-arJ ' and c| Wter ling >L.-iqu| .atter Fof tl ton. Officd ; Tarn " I'sd. totae| darii, *hat - 'diUoij ,pure,l lntt,]' Jtiea <ara I welli Tweri to ad. iorSOl - AetT m .Sad Plan Ai h '.'.' oy .j. : ]?t6a ' I AUI t H i;-'-}:,"-l9ffic|

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