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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 14, 1876, p. 2

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*w &!Baal in THE FREE; PRESS, ACTON, JHALTON COUNTY, Jit.-ifsffKffJi "' -'tPrlt*'-IfW mmf .'. :':, /:"' "'1 ' .-tin a H*: BffiS*.? I?:*-'31 THE TURKISH ATROCITIES IN ."'-*- DUICARIA. "Wall. enclosing a. small chiiioKyard about fifty y;mis wide by seventy tivo'IoUj;.." \~p-on inspection .vi dis cover that what aj>iioa.ro'd to he n t.mss of Rtonos and rubbish is in .reality and immensto" tliitv layer! of atone*. ' Tho - whole 6 *no HJtlo churchyard ia hcajied upwith-them . tie depth of thro, or four f eot, and it ia from here the fearful odor oomes..; -,-;= " Bomo wocfa after the massacre, ?-orders.were efcrit to bury tho dead. But tho^stench at that time had " bocomo so deadly that it was, itn- possible to execute tho jprder, or to remain in tho neighborhood of the village. We were told there wore rh'roo thousand people lying 1icro. in this little churchyard alone, iad wo could well believe it. It was a fearful"- sight a {(tight, to haunt oire through' lite, 'lhi'iv were-little curly heads in that fes tering mass, crushed down by LeuTy stones; little feet not us long as your finger, on which- the OflesTi was dried hard, by the anjent heat, before it had time to deeom- poso ; little" baby hands stretched out as if for help; babes th:;t had died wondeaing at the blight gleam cf ssbrvs and the; rod hands of the fierce-eyed men n'uo wielded them ;. children who UaU died i-h"rinkiri -with-fright audjterror ; young girls who hud diedjweeping, aiul sob bing, :md begging for. mercy; niptiiers who ['had died' trying to shield their little ones with ..their r>wn. weak bodies, sill lying there!', together ft storing' in one horrid. Bu ass. They. are silent enough' now. There are" no teal's nor cues, no wel-ping, no shrieks ot terror,.nor prayers for'mtrcy. -l!ie -harvests are rotting in the .fields. and the reaj.'i-s are rotting here in the. churchyard. "We looks*! into tho church, which bad'beeu blackened by the burning t>{ the woodwork, but.-not destroy ed, nor even much injured, "It-was arlow- building with a low roof, sup ported by lie-sivy irregular-arches, that as we looked in seemed scarce Iy high enough for a tall, man to _1 stand under. What we saw there "was too frightful for more than h - hastv.glance, fAn .immense num- i l>er of bodies had been partly burnt there, and the charred and'blacken ed remains,-tha* seemed to till it hklf way up W the low dark arches and niate them-'.lower and darker! atill." were?lying in a ftate of jm';-.--j faction too frightful to iook\ti]o:: ; 4 I had never imagined anything so '; horrible. ,We all turned away sick and faint/and staggered but of the : fearful }>est:-house. glad to get into the street, again. We Walked a.V-ouj the pTiicfl-and~saw the same things repeated over and over a hundred times. Skeletons of men with the . " tlbthbsg. suul 'flesh still hanging to ' and rotting together ; skulls of wo men, with the hair dragging-in the " dust; (bones of children and pf in- fants everywhere. Here they show us a houso where tweu'tj. peoiile were burned alive; there another where a dozen girls had taken re; ;- fuge, and been slaughtered to the last'one, as theirbones amply testi fied. : Everywhere horrors upon horrors: . t l){ the eight or niiye thousajvl-- people who made up the popuk'iten '- of the pj.ib" there aro only twelve "" .or fifteen^ lmndr&l le.fr, and; they " ."have neither tools to dig graves nor /strength i<j use spades if they had , -them. ut why have "the .Turkish .authorities not buried "thetn out of sight;? The Turkibhatrthorilies: will tell yiou they have buried, them and there-were very few to bury.. Of'all thecr'uel, brutal, ferocious' things the-Turks ev.did, the mas sacre of Batak.is among the worst} Of all the uj:h],. foolish; things thoy cver did, leaving these bodies to lie. -"" liere rotting for .three jmonths up- buried is ifobal'dytthe maddest and most foolish ! "Bu* this village was r.MK VIITON FUEE FKEB8 t'u^ljj^hcd Kvcry -Thurattay Morning. .T. 11^ HACKING, Vreiwiotor. Si Per Annum - iu Advcvnco J03 H.HHOKIHO IOITOR i THE WHITESIDE MURDER.. THE INQUEST RESUMRO AMD AOAIN ';[. AWOintNED. Mrs. WhitbBido Arreafced. STARTLING REVELATIONS EXPECTED TONIGHT.. Tncr.HPAT Morsiko, Smr I*, 1870. The Consorvatirea hold a largoljr att'ciulcii pionio: at (Bpllevillo, on Tuesday, at which Sir John A. Maetlonald afid other party leaders were present. .' . Tho Reform demonstration "at lhriinvillo on Tuesday is said to bo one of the largt<st and most enthus iastic of its kind ever held in the country. Mr. Cart'wiight delivor- i\l an able address on tho- tiiianccs 'of the Dominion. Mr. Mo.wat also s|ioke at. some length on tho coiireo parsued by tho Opposition in con nection with the Liconso 'Bill, and Mr. Edgar.'reviewed tho'relations, between British Columbia and the Pouiinion and Imperial pov.ern- menta in relation to thof Tacific Railway. ~ ;! . ' Tho commercial newR from Mon treal is to tho effect that the exist ing depression is being slowly re moved. Business is better at this season' tliah it was at the corres ponding period la'st year, this iR more especially the'ease in the boot and slioe trade. , The Grhnd Trunk Railway Ex tension between'Berlin' and'Water loo has been favorable considered by Mr. ITiekson, General Manager of tiioCrnihd Trunk Railway. He has expressed his 'willingness to build and run tho road for a bonus not exceeding $15,000, tho exact iiminiA being" contingent on the cost' ofgrading. * 'The J.idgo of Ontario County re cently held-that neither the defend ant, nor the defendant's wife, could give evidence in a liquor case. Standard Measures. At" a meeting of the Corn Exchange As sociation lately held in Toronto tho report of the Board of Examiners "appointed-to' fix-tho .standards of grain was adopted as follows: In giving'tho standard of barley No. 1, not Icssthan 49 pounds; No. 2, not 1;-': ;!imi; -}G pounds; and No. 3,not : to be niea- Mir i i-'y. Imperial bushels. The adjournod inqitoat iri' the Wbitside murder case was rosum- od last Thursday evening at Silver Crwle. l> Sareral witnoanoa wore examlnod but nothing of importance clioited. to shod further light on tho mys- tory. " ' . - Thomas llidor testified to having . borrowed tho pitchfork- whioh the deceased kept at hisbodBido a fow days beforo tho murder, and that he still had it in his possession. ^William-Whitcsido was rocallod, urid gavo 80ino vinimportant testi mony in: reference to n certain njto whioh ilia folks .bought from John Fqx a few years ago. Ho said that it ;boro sumo resemblance to thoono found beside tho dead body, but ho could distinguish a difforonoo in tho handlo and tho breadth of tho axo. He said he did hut know what became of tho a^o they'got from Mr. Fox. ].; Mrs. -Cooper sworn, said sho was at the houso of doceased on Sunday, the 20th; went there about 10 or! 11 o'clock' in the forenoon", and left between fivo and six ;isaw Henry Whitesido thoro, ate dinner aiul supper with him at T-ho table ; had no conversation with him ; don't know :.h_ow ho was dressed, but think'ho had dark clothes; was not sent for to' go over; just hap pened to go over on a visit; called at John Whiteside's in the forenoon and also when; .returning in the evening ; John Whiteside, his wife, Martha McDade'aruh Mr". Shirkey wore in the houso ; went homo be foro dark ; could not tell anything abput how the' murder ihap|>ened ; did not see Henry and his. mother talking together on Sunday ; don't think they hd an opportunity to talk much with any - person _whilst I remained there that day without my hearing.and seeing them; noth ing at all was mentioned about fa will; Tjj3 talking to Mr. .White sido ; ho did Hot mention'Henry's name in my presence ; the family seemed to bo all sg-reeabh>.: ; Robert Storey, Bworn, testified to having seen Henry Whitesido at Silver Creek on the.fatal Sunday evening; had no-conversation^ with , The Ab?RHliitaii War. riPTTES- lrUNnitKIl JldVCTIXN TllOOI'S UASSACllED IIY TUB ADYHSINIAKH. TXkw Youk, Skit. T. A'j/er- (ihl't.Paris spocial says!: "I havo just loarnod from, a- roliublo eouroo that a fresh diBaBtor has bofallon tho' Egyptian army of I Abyssinia. Eiftooiv hundred Egyptian iroops I with thoir oommandor, llahib PJjiissncawcyn Counc|ll ONT., Pasha, havo boon massacred. The Abyssinians afterwards proeooded to Masson, whioh they seised. The' garrison and Government oflicors escaped on board some ships which happonod to b in tho port, and ar- rivod safely at Sues. Tho. Egyptian Government is contemplating ro- vengo and Bonding fresh troops to tho sceiio of action. The cavalry ami artillery woro also being roor- ganizod, .Ul'.-i .s rei airg in the East It is rejiorteer from Constantino- plo thdt the; Porter has refused to s'tKjvud hostilities!until'Servia ac- cejiis its-conditions for peace which comprise the demolition of the for- tressess at Belgrade and Semcndria and the ilimitation of -the Servian army to ^20,000 men. " - ?T OKO ' DEEBT ON THE EA8TKR5 Question. ^A cable despatch from London, Sept. 11, says Lord Derby on that day received a deputa- tation on the Eastern Question. In reply to an address ho said be con-i sidered it had bocomo more compli cated by reason of tho atrocities committed. Speaking for the Gov ernment,, he said he could not'en tertain any proposition to reverse tho policy pursued by England for ixtv. years. j Qno Hundred CathnliCH IHnH- J~ sacred In C'liinn. San Francisco, Sept. 7;. from Hong Kong up to August ICthJ stato that tho report of .tho massacro in Ning Kouo Fou is' confirmed. The Roman .Catholic ctiurch was dostroyod, tho officiating prieBt tor tured and killed, and his asnifltant torn to pieces. Tho dend bodies were taken from their graves and defiled, and ono hundred of tho con gregation slain. Tho French Min ister, is taking activo stops to'secure the pupishmont of tho [guilty parr tiRR, among whom tiro. numoroiiB officials of rank. Several other as saults, and murdors 'of j Christians havo followed, and fort_\f buildings havo beon destroyed. The damage to property is estimated at $1)0,000. * ' The Seafobth 'Fike. A woman named Grifliths has been charged with setting fire to her place to get the insurance, and starting the Sea- forth fire. The Magistrates are in vestigating 'th6 -whole affair. One party swore that Mrs, Griifith gavo no alarm even when the whole in-, side of hor dwelliriij was in flames, and thorvolumo of flames were is suing from three : windows. The Court then adjourned for further evidence. ' Tho latest information bIiowb tho total estimated loss by the St. Hya- cintho fire to be $1,500,000, and tho total insurance was about $250j- 000.. A firo broke out in Warksworth, Ont., Stimlay afternoon, con'suniing thirty buildings. Loss about $30,- 000. liim ;'he appeared to be dreesed in t , . dark clothes; think ho was therei A fir" broke out in Hawksville whon I, left, a: littler after- nine ln tho tha premisea occupied by C, o'cloek.; '. " Mrs. Whiteside, widow of deceas ed, recalled, said her husband made a will between 14 and 15 years ago ; ho left it at Mr. Campbell's ; the das! The Arrest of Tweed. It is asserted that the' fugitive "\J5vs8 " of New York has' been aj-- rested at Vigo.^ a small, seaport town in Spain, and that arrange ments ate. being make for.bis im mediate surrender to tho American Government.! " F'-. Tweed's career may . briefly' bo Ktiinmed up as follows: Oh tho 31st Decernbe^, 1S69, just pripr to the complete formation of his irres- pcnsible Boss-ship, the debt of the Crt-v of New York was $36,000,- 000; on the 30th April, 1871,. a in an isolated, out-of-the-way place, ;fow weeks before his power was . difficult, of -access, and they never thoughtEtiro{>ean8 would go poking their noses here^ so they" cynically said, " These Christians " aro not even worth burial, let the dogs at them." ?;i.-.t r t j M Mr. Gladstone on the Eastern ."' Atrocllles. . .;. LiONDON, $ept. 9. Mr. Gladstone addressed-a^meeting of his constitu ents on Blackheath this afternoon,' O^a.-the Eastern question. Itesolii-' tions expressive of the senfie of the meeting at the Turkish )atrocieties were passed. s Mr. Gladstone, said, through all his.experience he had; never wirness- d-a movement to ;compre with that which bad arisen-during the last two weeks throughout England concerning the atrocities. -. Sir. Schuyler's reports, as coming' from ^.representative of a nation tjhe in'; habiurntspf which we rejoice to-Icali brethren, and from one whose 'p_ei>- sonai character of trustwortKitiess he;.had taken pains to asccrtaui, had produced a most ro&rked impression on bis mind, and convinced hiin that be could no longer bear the: re sponsibility of .remainiiig: silent. Mr, Gladstone .then proceeded to show thatJtcftlTiirkish Gevernment was responsible for 'tbjTKfjtQcitys. Ai hsilf-past four oh Friday nfte noon -P. Are broke out 'opposite, .tl: maiiiexhibitiori building, in PhilJ delpaia, jand before < extirigiiih(itl dHstrpycQ- property- to the .amount of about e-30,000. "';-~ ... broken, it was $36,511;000, an in> crease in fifteen months of nearly fifty arid a quarter millions ! On the evening of the 4%h September, 4871, the best citizens of New York gathered in Cooper Institute to protest against the infamous rob beries, of his gang, which had been laid bare in excerpts from the Cof- poration books published by the Now York Times. ' The case was .carried into the Courts, and after long and vexations,delays Tweed was sentenced too twelve years' imprisonment and- to pay a' fine of $1,800,000, and, subsequently, he was ordered to refund- $G,000,000. His own aggregate "-stealings" were estimated at- $19,000,000 and those ofhis colleagues Sweeney and Co'nnollv,- who .fled from trial, at e.s,ooo,6oo, Tweed, having been brought up to be examined in the $0,000,000 snit onthe. 4th, December, escaped froin the.'-custody-of tho-officers. :|te requested permission to visit his wife at her residence on Ma'di- i'.-.n 'avenue,.which was gnthted him.- Arriving at the house, the-officers remained downstairs in cenversa- ti'Mi v.-iih ono of Tweed's' sons, while the Boss himself-went up- fitair'B, arid was ho more seen. 'A.re gard of $10,000 was:offered for his capture,.and although a,sensational story in ftho New York- papers stated that he spent the winter in Muakosli, on the eastern shore of the Georgian Bay, nothing definite h:is been heard of him until this driiiouacuinfiut of his urrest' in- .Spain. j don't know of his having mado any other will ; don't know when ho took Jt from Campbell's;; to tho best of my knowledge the will has been destroyed. One . day I was looking- into the chest and found thitf^wUl'; Bhowed it to Mary ; this iraa only a short whilo ago; about two, weaks" before tho murder; I said to Mary to burn the will as it was of no more use; I did not burn it; did riot see Mary bum it; have not seen it since; she read part of it to, mo ; I have often; donp away with writings that was' of ho use ; did not want to be bothered keep ing tho will when it was of no use; heard the deceased say. that he was not going, to stand by that will';- deceased read the' will to mo just after it was drawn ; to the-host, of my knowledge the . property was left to Henry and Johnny; ho! wrote it;himself; think it was wit-j nessed by some of Mr. Campbell's folks;"can't remember who were* tho executors:;,'think Henry knew about tho will; frequently heard him mention something about mak ing another will; that he intended dividing the property" among the four younger 'boys; think Henry- know of this ; deceased frequently spoke of cutting Henry off without anything ; don'tjknow. whether he ever sard so in Itonry's presence or not ' When Willie came home to day, he said there-was a man asked him if he: knew the axe; and he *aid he didn't, or something to that effect. ' Have not seen "my son Robert for nine or ten years. Don't know that Mr. James Hen derson was a; witness to the will. The coroher then stated.to the jury- that he had other witnesses to bring forward, and asked for an ad journment of a. week, when evi dence, of. a very; important nature would.be brought out.. The inquofet was then adjourned till Thursday (today) at one o'clock. j Mrs. Whiteside, widow of the murdered man, was placed under arrest last Friday, at :the instance of Detective Murray, of Toronto, and lodged in Milton jaill rWo presume the suspicious rcircum- stances which haveled to her arrest will be revealed at the adjourned inquest to be hold this afternoon, Startling developements will no doubt be brought out to shed light on tho mystery, and it is most pro bable the jury will-be able to ren der their verdict this evening. J. Potorson, general:; merchant about two o'clock on Sunday momj ing, consuming tho entire stock, household effects, and building. It spread to the shop and dwelling of N. S. Ball, shoemaker, from that to the premises of John Ottman, Rud dier and harncHR-tnaker, andtthenco to E. W. Wood man's Hotol, com pletely destroying, all these build- in'gs, with part of thoir cohtonta. Mrs. Peterson,-her children, and her servant girl barely escaped with their livo, being rescued from tho window of tho upper storey. " Milton peoplo expect to Bee tho Hamilton and North-westorn Rail way running into thoir town before winter.- , r In Toronto on.Saturpny tho To ronto Lacrosse club defeated the Montrcalcrs in three straight games retaining tho championship. Suj>eriritendent Spicer, of tho G. T. It; has issued another circular urging on the officials the necessity of total abstinence'frorii intoxicating liquors. ; A. terrible conflagration has been. raging in Paris, France. -Many lives have already been lost, and an immense quantity of property destroyed. - r Tho rails on the H. <fc N. W. R. aro being laid between Wellington Square, and the Ocean.; Houso, and the road in that vicinity is progress ing rapidly. .;.....- Tho Council mot at thojcall of tho Kobvo on Monday,-'tho -4 th day of yopt. Members uirp.roHdnt, tliq lloovo in1 tho chair;; Minutcfi o^ last -mooting wcro read and ap proved. | ' A by-law was. passed to oishob4 cortain Bchool sootions \ri this tt^wnj ship, tho difforont truBtoes hTing sont in their application aa fallows 1 No. 1, 9533; No. 2, S436j|Np. 3 8350 ; No. 4,8425; No..5,81030{ No.. 6,8230.3 No. 7,8f00. The fol lowing Bumfs wore ordorod to? bo paid, viz: ?30 to Messrs, Wallao^ ik Panton, for printing votoijs lifttst 810: to Peter Blaok in aid ;tif Mrsi Brain, a poor indigent p^rsbn; $11.10 for oxponBes incurreti at the appeal caso of. McCallum w. Tho Corporation $84.14 to II. Stinglo for grading j gravelling, fencing afid pointing tho Towii Hall, Icbb $10 by E, Eas| torbrook and $2 for railb sohi ; The Bylaw for levying t|io Hpvj oral amountB necessary, for municif pal pnr])onoK for tjie current year amounting to a rato of'3 3-10 inills on tho dollar was passed. | ; Tho Committee on Roads and Bridges for the lower part reported to tho effect that they would [recom mend that the bridgo on tho conJ c^Bsion lino opposite lot 4, bijjtwpen tho fith and Gth cons., bo rop;aiccd ; and nlso that tho following sum^'bo granted, viz.; $20 to Wm. Elliott' for tho cross road between I lots 5 and 6, 1st con. A sum not exceed! ing $30 to Daniel Wingrove to build a bridgo aiid straighten the road opposite lots 9 between the ljat and 2nd con. $10 to J. A. Peacock foij pulling stumps and straightening the road between lots 10 "and 11; 3rd con. $10 to T- Donaveii to rej pair the road opposite lots 12 and .13 between the 1st and 2nd- cons.j and $5 to Josoph Hagen for pulling stumps oj)posito lots 4 ibotw'een the 2nd kud 3rd oon. I Committed MoBsrs". Monziea andi Hutjchconl The Committee on tho upper par^ of the Township teconimendi'd the following Bums to bo granted, yiz.; $20 to W. Coxe to build a culvert on tho cross road at the foot of tho hill between lots 30, 5th and'Gtli cons. 15 to E. Calyert ^n^-tli^ Townlino providing the Puslinch Council grant a similar sum. :$30 for cutting down the hill at 'jeorgO Black's corner. $25 for gravelling a causoway in Road Div; No. 21; $20 to W. Reed for gravelling a causeway at 'Robert Hall's. $15 on tho cross road betwoon lots ^20. and 21 in the 5th con. j $100 for gravelling the causeway opposite 25, Guclph road. $5 to U. [Aikins for gravelling causoway below; T. J, Bell's corner, and $10 for repairing Lamb's causeway. Confmittee, Messrs. Ramsay, Norrish, and Dr Winn. , , 4 . On motion tho Council adjourned, to meet again on Monday j2|7th'day of November next. ' ;. John- EASTr.ntmooK, Tl'p Clerk | Try A orrorH weak o S1 to p tako SEPTEMBER 14, I87&, It And You vrJIl Always IJsc Wood's Iinprored. IVoihI'ii ImproVed Unlr Rcntornllvc In uu Uko any other, and has no oqvml. Thb Improvoct bo now -roerota^lq tou<o l>rojxrUos; roioresgroy hair teais'oRHy nntuinl colorrrcatoro* f/ido[J,-dry, bnrsb und filling halrj.^08to're*, droiiRtm, glvoii vigor to tho hair; rontoronlialr to prozna- turol,' bald aoads; romovos dundruff, ba- mor, tealy eruption*; r.omovoa lrrlt.a tlon, Itching and toaly drynesa. Ho nrtlo o produoeaaneh wondorfnl fTocts Try It, eall for Wood's Improved Hair KonUratlvo, and don't be pnt off with anyctberartlele. Hold by all dragglit* In tt Is place and doolora ovorywhere. Trad > snppllod at maBoraotnrera' prices by O. A. Coox 4 06 Uhloago, Solo Agonts for tt o Dnltod Hlatoi and Oanndao, and by 1/ rt*.x finos, * Co., Toronto. To all snirering from tho Hnnu luuldcrntioridiof youth, tiorvouB nrarftioHS, oarly docnT, loos of innnliood, Ac, I will nonil a rfClro that will euro yOii.Jl'HKB OK C'irAKOK. Thin great roiioily was (Ilncovored Vy n mlKKlnary In Ho.ith Amorloa. HciuX a olf-iMldrKBod OVultpO tO thO HEV, JoHKl'It T. INMAW, Station l>. III hi o Hoimo, NfW York City. N.3W ADVERTISEMENTS. FECIAL. 1QO WRITING DESKS Aim AT STKAW Oood and clean for bed ticks, can l>o had in any quantity at my Ijarn for 20 cent! por tick, or 25. conts delivered at housps. . P. S. ARMSTRONG. Acjton, Sept. 5 1876. 10-3t TRAY COW. Camo into the encloanro of tho sub scriber on the 29th August, amilchcow, jfroy sh color. The owner ia requested ovc property, pay. charges and her away. JOHN SPROWL. Lot No. 18, 3rd con., KBqueaing M AKB STRAYED. Strayed from the i>remi9es, l<ot No. 10, Sth con. Esquesinf,', about tho 28th August, a Cheanut Mare, medium size, 4 -years' okl. One hind lug haa licen hlistared. An}-person giving such in-' fornintioh as vnll leml to litr roebvery, will bo liberally rewarded. JOHN EWING. Eiquesing, Sept. 5, 1876 10-*3t / ^IJNTRAL EXUIKITIOIV, 1876 $8,000 OFFERED IN_PSESVliyWIS WiU'bo held in the L Tp"WN OF &UELPH, on tho . 3rd, 4th,-45th, 6th Oct, C. Y. R.-Debentures. A bill has, been filed in Chancery by tho town of Milton against the trustees of the. C. *V". H. .It Beeui? that there aro $19,000. yet in the hands ot! the trustees and it is supposed, that as tho Company has not.coni- pleted it agreeniont with Milton it has no right to the bonds,"'.'"' Midnight Orgies. T<ythc\Editor of the Free-Prcm. Deak Sin, ^-Aa yourself and many of your village readers are aware, we have of late been treated totho caterwaulinga of a fow drunken Bacchanalians whose highest delight seems to bo to make night hideous, whilst poacoablo citizens are slumbering' in thoir hods. Now, while as a general thing persona of this character endeavor to conceal their in firmity, it'seems to bo tho chief delight of this^band of drunken rowdies to glory in their shamo,! It is a pity that in a peaceable community, persons "should bb found poSBCBsing so little self-respect, and moro's tho pity when wo find those persons young men who think thoy can lay Homo claim to respectability; a pretty respectability, indeed, and the end of which is sad to contemplate Public attention of-late has bocudiroct- od to tho increase of rioting and drunk enness j in a certain section of this vil lage, and judging, from j the direction which the steps pf bhroniq drinkers take whon.|8ober, and thoQiiartor from which they return when drunld it is no hard matter to conclude Who ii sinonablo to the Lhense Act. Perhaps, tho Inspector of Licinuos -will givo Ilia attention to this matter. Be that at it may, how- over, t' 10 time has arrive i when every good ttnd. truo man shot Id rise in lus majest/ and stamp out; lubvil, which has boi onie worse thah a b misance, T3Q assijrot' this thing will ho no longer tol erated, and if certain iiqupr dealers do not res )ect themselves au^l tho poaco of others, they will find at tho granting of license! for 1877. thoy hayo been woigli- o'd intlo balauco aud font d wanting, if indeed tho vigilance of thij law: doos! not sooner ivcrtakothom. : I ' yiGlLANCE, Aoton, Sept.'13, 1876. ; -Attesipted BoRaLABY.-t Some time botweon Saturday night and Monday morning aR attempt Wat; mado to break into Mri Hogg'n store in Guolph. The jwould.bi jrobbor or robbors extracted a pan of glass from a basement windo facing Woolwich street, when the were stopped by the iron sbutte on tho inside.. These shjitte'ra had only been .'placed in the: store on Friday, so that it was ndt a day top soon. Had an entrance been .af fected tho rorbbors would undoubtocl- ly have mado a good haul,|as a large number of silks were in! j the Btore, and as these .goods are neither bulk nor weighty a largo quantity coultl have been taken. , No; clue hois beon obtained as to tho guilt; parties. ' P had and Exl ( ACTON MAKKKTS, . {$2 50 to 0 00 I OO'toO OG Flour .... '. ... White Wheat. Spring Wheat .. Red Chaff Wheat New Fall Wheat.. Now Spring Wheat Barley .... Oats ..... Peas . .. . Apples .. .. Onions .. - .. Tomatoos., Potatoes', per bag Butter '.:-.. Eggs. :.. Hky.perton WORK BOXES Loss than Half Cost A^DEBSDf^S CHEAP BOOKSTORE On tho East eido of -Wyndham Street, GTJELPH. lc N AIR'S \ cton nA*fee|iv. Cheap Bread.- GALLOWAY B&0& ARE STILL AHEAD, And wc; Intend to lcp ed with car Superior. - Bread, Buns, and G'dkef, Delivered fresh aronnd tho vilLige and vicinity every day. A good stock of BREAD, BUNS AisTD OAKES- Always on hand at orir bakery, good^ ' . fre3h and cheap-for cash.- ;ft :J*0 C'SEJDIT (JIVl**, Except to prompt^paying monthly ous^ tomer.s. All -kinds of Producp taken in ex change' for i;oo<lfl. *'.. Weight for weight given in bread' in exchange for flour, .. j * WEDDING & FANCY OAKES Afado to order in the shortest possible ' notice, and satisfaction guaranteed! ^ -:. N.B- All goods are warranted trare- as' notlring h"ut the best of marunal is. used. Tlie patronage of the puUio-i:.". resi>*tfully solicited. '- - . - "' GALLOWAY BEOS, Acton, Aug. 9, 1876. '. TiNlTORBI If you want a Boss Cooking or Parlor .' Stove, go to -. ' ,W7LS01ff & ."" ' r'.'JQHHraOJIPS.;" v<}otOll .his ol iia ni can, a| AJjoi Acton every bJ aioii toI la now progressing rapidly, and the OPEN TO A*LX. fizo Lists and Entry Papers can be at tho Secretary's Ollice, Guclph, also from tho Secretaries of other Soeioties throughout .the Province. Parties not receiving their t;ntry' ots prior to the Show will find them at t :io Secretary's Oflico. Tho several Itailways will carry frei,;lit and passengers to and from the " ihitiou at single fam. ^lUKTON, O. SIIARPE, Secretiry. - Presiilent. nelph. Sept. 1>, 1S7C 1.1-2t SCHOOL BOOHS. GhOOIDS jii the'present.store Mast ^be all cleared -out N I School Children Shonld Bny D|ay's 5 cent Copy Book. H contains forty copies, and is mhdc of Kood paper. ., ' All the School Booksnsed in the Totoi and Country Schools on hand at AY'S BOOKSTORE. "pR0C*hAMATIO3: 0 98 to 1 04 0 85 to 0 90 0 75 to 1 00 0 90 to 1 00 0 00 to 0 00 Q 35 to 0 00 0,60 toO |32 0 40to0 70 l1 00 to 0 00 ll 00 to 0 00 ti 50 to 0 60' a 17 too 0 11 to '8 00 to 0 19 0 12 0 po To"-Nelson McGARVifr.lEsi}., j | Reeve, Village of Aoton, , ItEsrECTED Sir, Your' petitioners rospoctfully present,r that tno inhabi tants of tho Villago of Acton aro desir ous of having a Civic Holiday, 6r the purposo' of recreation and 8oeial]inter- -cburso j and trusting that you also foel an individual interest in tho matter.; humbly pray that you will appoint such a day as seems to you most: convenient and best to.meet any contemplated ar rangements for an 'excursion, and' ycjur petitioners as in duty bound will oyer Pray- :-^>~ ' : '-i. : i 'I ' W. H. Storey-& Co., |Christie, Hen- dersoii & Co., James Matthews, Wilson & JohnBon,!,H: J. . Hall M. Speight, Dr. R. Merrbw, James jRydor, J. ^V. Mann, D. McNair, G. E. Morrow, G. M. Scott, Socord Bros., ChaB. Cameron, Ghas. T..HU1, Dickson & MjoNnb. |. ., To W. H. Stqrey, Esq., kxn Others. " It is with pleasuro1! jeecivo your mtition, aslsinc for tho ap pointment of a Civic Holiday. : I m|i11 thoreforo apiioint and set apart j Friday, 15th day of Spptemb^r lriBt, as a-divic Holiday for- tho [Village of Acton. . f7 I am, respectfully yours^ N. McQAJlVlN, lloo' Acton, Sept. i, JJ81G. ' ' Bay Sells Cheap. -A-OTOUST Qystw & F^uit BAZAAR. . :' ' -Always in stock, - .. . ^ SloveR, Stove TrlrsirUng*, Tin, Mket- Iron anil-Japanned-W'aro^ ;___ :' Particalar attention paid to- ' EAVpTROtTGHING-; ', Stencilling,'and Johhihrj done on- tie- , elictrtezt notice. ( -^ : Cotton Rags, Copper, Brass,'Iron aa& other produce taken in: exchange.: .-, Kir Call [and See *Us.-a-' RemcmVjer the-: stand, one door west ^ of the:'Canada Glove Works, w! It. Wn.sos. . - Y. P. JonssON. Acton, April il,;137(). '[ ' ..' ..- Within tho . .rillEAPBEEAD.-."- \ ';' . FOR THE MILLION 3XT FEW WEEKS We don't want to IMIOVE" A-WA--Y Any of our Present Stock. ' Things must be sold at any price. NOW FOR BARGAINS Such aa never'beforo heardof. J.cton, Aug; 2, 1876. u GEO. LEVEHS Baing about to removo^into ji'ew'- preni- isos, offers all tlio present stock at - reducbd prices. Fresh. Oysters Every Bay. poaches, Pears, Plums,. Grapes, &c, , 3?resh and Good-J * , A BARBER SHOP ih tl. connection, wliero Shaving,Hair-eut- tirg, Shampooning, etc., can hodouo in ) hoBt style of tho tousoriol art. kcton, Sept.' 12; 187C. D. McNAIR. B. SS. ITLQKZm. Ik-g to' aimmmec ilir.t t]iey have secured - the services of a First-.Ciass Baker, and tliTit their .Baking husiness is now - in full operation, in the premises owned - by Mrs. Hnnna. , Broad will bo delivered daily t tW- houses in the village aiid vicinity. Weddingf. Cakes, Tea Cakee, Pastry. Buns,-&o., ' ." - * ' ' iv" mado. in tho very best manner, and kept always on hand, good and fresh. Also all kinds of Confectionery, Biacuile,- Cheeeo, &c. ' . . - . Tho pfrtromvgo of the.- public i re^ pectfully solicited. . B. &--E. NICKUN. ^tcton. Feb. 29, 1876i . HARNESS" SHOP. Tho undersigned hegs leave' to inform the people of Acton and vicinity that he will furnish- all Bequisitcs in Undertaking short ndtico and reasonable torma as : can be had . - - r fliarsi. Supplied ichch Desired. Also that he will , Fit up Stores & Offices in tho beat style. Show Cases. Boob Cases and Desks :made to order. .- .,. FURNITURE REPAIRED. Shop on Willow* street, near Main st. ' 'p. M/McCAKN. cton, March 20, 1876. '.39-6m The subscriber begs to-announce < to the inhabitants of Acton^ and , vicinity that he -has -commenced the harness business in,the . ..- ~ ; - Old yPost Qfiice Bqildihg,: SI ILL' STKBET, AflTOIf, -^ where ho-is prepared t^ turn out- work second to none in the Dpmin-:. ion. aa cheap as. the cheapest, -and i on the shortest possible notice.jli have on hand a large and well "lect* - ed stook of' ;; Horse BIan3set3, "vTliips, Bnaieii '.' . Repairing promptly attended to. : Give me a call and be convinced, f J.P.DEMPSET Acton, No7,25,-lS7,5.- "' QTJEAM ' ! . ;' ;' "_'" "/' Garriagf & Wagon . w ci>*Et"]S.<s Main. Streoj;. ,-- iAxtoa. '. SHALL; FARMS- for Sale in . Enunou and Erin. I'hei undersigned offers- to sell his fr n, iboing the East half of Lot No. 3, in the 7thi concession of tho-Township of! Sramosa, comprising about 63 acrtfs, abcut-40 of iwhich-aro under cultivation. Go )d!:log house and barn, orchard, etc' It is! situated aTjout midway between Ac tod and Rockwood. Also part of Lot No. 2,- in 7th con. Erambsa, comprising 28 acrcsi Also part of Lot 3, in the 1st coi, of Eriii, comprising 50 aores. For pai ticularS,: enquire -of, Mr. Wnj. Hem- strjet, Auctioneer, Bockwood, or the ow net on jtho promises. - .':' JOHN MoINTOSH.' ]Cramosa, July 19, 1876. 3-3m theirne wh5c4 "-".linis.| next wo| of-the ftj -' gregatie rS78.$o; Barber, * "notsvish ,- Oil " ^Vatson | dont.' - gles.hel hack anil ><a"f racfca . The irkcl Lowiy, ia will i tbilo-mq ' .advantag ofourvij ciniSj-. .: wilJt.bo i have a ga ber,'_Ifc.| pic-m'anj .". '/:_% '.' .-. ishisd JjcJ j - 'be foUHiil i est city el seen .-vt Jl Acton J diythatj : _ -Tieautj' in of .very ' ". they- dou'l .:;.in Gu'elpiJ teady-nirJ ^ sizes. Mj pfoci;red quality "-; . than is ' i,^- -(rtocki?, anl '}/ 'ngocmallf : p-.aaany- mj . -. .':- r ;gentlemei ': j '.,: .very com]! Tho [ * - . -the auspicl in the Brif _ .Was.Trail- agreeably, . a distance J Mrs.-,E. S3 -D/d'ohnsoJ . -local atnafcj . furnished J- -Demp; : Band. At few hours - .and other -; -r-MonJ . it What'eyJ ' ^?jd Bro^J * since they f '.' tern and^ihj '"; their pricS IHlCHAiEL SPEICIIIT, _, - General Blacfeihith) "earriago nd ; :. Wagon-maker^ v.,. . l: Best .Kor:sc-Skoei-z in the. Couriij/. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed: or no price bhared. : Flrst^Ctois Plows and Collard's T***& _ Iron:narrows! always on hand.' .- A good stock of Carriages and Wagons- , -^ Itep'airing p^ijmptly and properly at:.' tended'to. ..'i ' "". .". - r- *' - Acton/July I-S, 1S76-. . ;.' - .J ' "EtARM FOR SALE* ji Tho' undersigned offers to sell Jus;'_,..:_ farm consisting of ahoilt 50 acres, bemgi : tho sonth-west ihalf of Lot No. 21, . . tlie-2nd con. of Esqucsing. Goodhoas*. .. and barn, smaU; orcharcL - The-Jand^ _. of excellent qttidity, well watered^W acres cleared, balaiicu'good maple wood.. ^ Apply to W, L. P. Eager,.Miltonj.orAo-.^ the owner on thp premises/ or by letter f. to Acton Post Ollice. . . -'ii:.'- DANIEL THOMPSON. ', Esqucsing, July l5,'187ff.- ,,-5-3ni.j .: _ . ^ quantity iol Eggs at Ol Be Tea.'*t : ' r-chbk ; >t Christie, I 7 #Pronouncedl j - -at 15c. j J'nl I Per dozen. -I I ' Secor " i? prices eoj see,- and hej !.^ -Perk : ordered- wol ."ad Shoe.Sf >' Streets A good - - this season, f of money, J . rstemtajte ol i.'%4th.e'-aiJ ;.".&wing:inl ;" far compleKf ad.i feetH -.:' *$> -MoMali :'"'"jw !?*Pairs] : -gSfert hiiJ '-.^erariaj &ttBuna>yJ .Synds'l^.L '- T . '^velil atsuaed anJ ^oa's'hai rtl : ' *2rt near j'J ^Sravellail . ***?*!: .from I ntranee to I osveral othJ . ^holeofthd Jotal^ox piP ,i ?*.rk naki| .- 'th? railway-1

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