' if K & .V Li-LJi M 1y-' yr^l^ -^ i^-t-yiiijy]- fr, Tirasgl?ja^^ eovm,r .op*-, august ^ fc^tr- i< i wont." AS OU> FASHIONED" F.vniY. TJO.E.- - " fell .. fnto a gooKepbnd, untt " 1" won't" is ; apt t6.como_t6-.?i3 better end. At Jfjiat ui v grandmother tolls me that Avh4 ljpV Uie Miller had to quit his fiau.vtt lown, and leav*- the tip of . liis-nose behind him. It all comes of his being allowed - to say .V J. jypnV when lie- jyas - .quite "j}.' Jlulo boy., ilia mother thought ^ie looked i>ix?tty whfin he was j*ou.,tjflg} HH4 that wilfulness gsVva hiin au air which distinguish- TnjBi jftom .other people's children. And when she found out that his _ lower lip*was becoming so big that Lis wilfulness gained bis way twice and stood in his way eight times out jtf ten; it was.too late to ajtar ihhu.> J Then she said,." Dearest- Aiitina- dab, do be more obliging," null he replied, as she had taught him, ",J jj-ou'tr"1 - - . ">: #H always tpjjjS.whai'ho could get, and would neither give nor give up to other people. This.be thought was the. vay.-to get nibmWt of life thtfn his neighbors. A motfgst othr things, he 'made a point pf taking }he middle of the path. .] -V ' . - it Will you allow me to pass, sir ? I am in a huriy," said a v;oico;-be-' "I won't,' said the miller,1 on wiich a poor, wash woman, with her - , gasket scranipled- down into the foad, and Amiuadab chuckled. \, ' Nest da\* he was walking as .be fore. ,i Will you "allow me to pass you, jsirlT-I am in a.hurry,"said a voice , t behind him. ".I won_'t_," said the. miller. On "which, be was .knocked into the ,.- jiitcb, and the/lBaron yal^ed on -and left him to get out of. the mud "the best way he liked. ! IHe q-aarrelled with his friends t*H K<f had none left, and with the: .tMjtsfKSfia of Ujj) AQifP Uil tjiepe sras.only onejwbo would serve.him,- and this man offended him at" last. ; "Til show', who is master," said the mi^er.~__:" I won't ^ay a penny gfrth* hlll^-not a peBny." .* s'*Sir, ; said the 'tradesman, " my - gfting you offence now is: no just . reason wjhy.' you should refuse to pay" for f hat yon. have had. I piust beg. fbii to pay for what you have bait! and been satisfied with _; J mUBt:begyou to pay at-oncei" '" l! want," said the miller> " and wbatjlsay I mean. J vroi't. I teli yen,.! -yon't."-' ' T - Sb the tradesman3u:i-tr>6nea i^:":;! before the justice, a*id "t-Le Soiticv pondemned him to pay the biii axul ". ge costs cf tij? syi - "I vfon't,'! sa\d the miller. ; But they put bim in prison, and in prison-h_e would kve re'mained if _ his mother bad not paid the money |o obtain, his released - By and.by.she died and left him ler blessing and some good advice, whicti7 as is sometimes the case with beqrtest3, would' have bten .'lippe Useful if it_had come earlier. /Fhe miller's mother had taken a - ~ great deal qf trouble off his bands .' 'Vnich now "fejl into tbem. ^Shef ir^ took in all the siraU bags" of grist! - which the country folk brought to be ground, and j kept account of _-hem. and spoke civilly' to. the ens- fomersy-big:-.and(;litt.le. ^%qt theao-Bmall inatters irritated Jhe'mtlter. ~ J way be the slave of .all the pld women on; the country side," sai4'he, they shall see that I won't?* ) ' ...- So he put up a notice to say that "ie"wouId .receive grist at a ceftaiu Jionr on: eertain days. ' Jfow. but '" But you must livesomowhorc'/ said his friends, .. l-i ' ' '" " I won't/' sai4 tUo jtfillleir. . i Ho was%no .iongo,L yoting inan,. and the .new tenant piticS him. J^.Thopoor fejlow j,s .out of l>j Benaes," ho said, and ho )et \i\fji sleep, in .one of his barns. thie of tho mill ca\s found put Jtliat Jtherp was a new, warm bed in this hai-^ *n'd she came, and iiyeirthei-o" top. jud kept a\vhy tlie mice. Pno aightj.hgwojver,*-J^rsTPussy disturb- tho njiller's rest : i5ho \yas in iind put of tho;-wiiidoW constantly, and iiowpd uorrribty hits tho bargain ." It seenis a inan cau't sli>ep in: :jcace," said tho miller. '* If- this happens agiiiu you will go into the jnfll race to sing to tho tiahes." - U-ho nojet night the cat was still on the alert, and the following morning the miljer tiexi:; j^ sjono iironnd her neck and drq^'neij her. "Sjiaro the poor thing, there's a good' soul," said a bystander. / . .1 " 1 won't" said the -miller. -. " I (Jold her w-lmt would -happen." . j 'But now the cat was uwuy :"the ictj could play ; and they played ide and seek over-thV |niller's| ig'Iit cap. _ : .fy- .. ^ It's got to such a pass'that there \yas no rest 14 bet". ' ' i " I won't go to bkl^ I declarft-J won't," said the jniller. So he" -sat lip all night in un armchair, and threw everything he could lay his hivuds on: at the.OQiriera ^vhei^i he hpard die mice shuffling, till the place was topsy turvey. ^Towards- niorning he lit a candle and dressed himself. He was in a terrrble hu- nior; sjnd ho begun to'shave, his hand shook'and he cut himself. The draughts made the flamp of the cradle unsteady, too, and tho sha dow of the nller"3 nose, which was a "urge one, fell in uncertiiin shapes, upon his cheeks and interfered with the progress of the razor. At ifirst be thought hp would wait till ilay- ligbt Then his temper got the'bBt- 'ter of- him.-' , _. -rfc TTT^SP3 i?pin^ rushed oflf at reducpd ra|ess }o *MX BTQCK Now j AftRiYiNG *" ' -:" '. ! " ). '. - ^t the: .. ... * . X " DIOIfSOM & WpITAlJ Aotou, Autnpt 1.JS7/5. r..' "I'won't." he said. "I won't! why'shcuiid?:" " ^ --" 1 So lie began again.. Iak_many otber men he held on by his. nose to steady-his-cheeks, and he gave I it inch a spiteful pinch tkat the 'tears ca-me into his eyes. '""Matters have comei to a pretty pss-wljen a man's own iiose is to sfcind in-his light," said lie. Byliind by a gust of wind came through tho window. Up flared thacandlev and the shadow of ."lie min's nose danced over his facCy and; the'ra?or gashed bis chin.". Trans ported with fury, he: struck before lie dpuld think what he was doing. TbeJrazbr was'very sharp^, and the Xi) (^fj&e" miller's nose cai^6 off as cl?aii as bis whiskers. K \Jhen daylighj came and he saw -hi mjelf in tibe glass,, he resolved to leav^ the I place. > "I wonH stay here to be-alaugh- iiig^stock/' said he. '--' '. As be trudged out on tlie bich- ay. with his bundle on his back, e Baroh met him and pitied him. e disniounted from his horse, and leading .it up to the miller, he id:: f .:' . "Friend, you are, elderly to be going far "'ifobt'. -I will, lend you. niy mare to takS you to your des tination.- When you get there, ktetrthe reins anil throw them on her. shpiilder, saying, 'Home .' Sho will then return to me. But mart one thing, she is not. used to whip o: spur. J-fumor r.er, and she will carry you well and safely." The miller mounted willingly enough, and set forward. At first the niare was a little restive. The miller had no spurs'on, but, in spite "qf the Baron's warning, he. kickett hjer with his heels. On this-she j_a third of the old women coujd read danced till tho mflle^s hat and 11 Jhe notice?, and they, did not attend '.to: it. Bwple came as before, but the millet locktd -the door of the nlill and sat \ the _!OunUng-room and chuckled.. "'.-".' " ^&Z go0 -friend," said lus_ peighbor, " ydn ckn't do business jnthi8 way. / If a man lives >.l|^ trade, he inus^ serve his customers. A^nd miller must take a ~g?iii ^vben it comes to the mill." '" '. " Others . may, if the.j please," paid the miller, " but I won't. When I' make a rule, I slick- to it." -f.'5/ake advice, mki}, or you'll be ruined," rsaid bis frienthj^- "' '"" " |P won't," Baid the miller. In a few weeks all the country foljks "tnreed- ffaeirj donkeys', heads jfowgrds ^h,e,^ind.'ili An'the heath. Jfc 9*8 '4 litt^s further to gpi b,iii the windmiller- took custom when jt came to him. gV honest mes- aure, and_added civil wOrds.; gratia, ^he other miller was ruinetj- . u AiLyou can do" now is tD leave |he mill while you can pay the rent, nd try-another trade," said his J friends. ',:'7*1 won't," said, the .miller: "Sha| J be turned.out of the house1 wherp -I: was. born, because- the Country: .. ^^wever, he could not pay the jent, Jtqtj t^jf* landlord .fojind. an* -__ pther tenant. '.' Yqu mnst quit," he" gaid to the miller, "^a Tfa^t I won't' &aj4 '|^jp \va&X'&t, not for njfty tenants."- " I ii Wherepja the- landlord sent '. fpr th,e oqnstahjes, and, he was cn.v-. . fied axfo wbicb is iqt a yerydigni- jfod wy of changin,^ one's residence. "'- Battbeq it.was-noteasy to beobsti- ri -gate and dignified at thes^me time. ,z\ His wrath against the. landlord Jcnew no bounefc. .' r : 1 f'We* there evef siich V "Irei. to," pe cried. t " Would any-m^ii ,of ~i-. spirit hokl his home at the whirn \:i* landltwdf . ITtf-nver:}-eiit a&~ 1 ' '-' fi&^ liouae as long as I live." *&'?] W- undle flew right-and left, and hia Was very near to follow them. j .';'Ab, you ;vixen !" he "cried. 'iYo'u think I'll humor .you as the .Baron does. ;But I won't no, you shall see that I won't." And grip ping his walking stick Srruly in his band, he" belabored the Baron's niare as- it had been a donkey, on, which she" sent the miller -ilean oyer her head, and cantered away back to the castle. ~ Then wherever it 'was that he went to, he had to w4jk., .: ./ i '. He never returned to Lis -native village," and Byeryb^ody was glad to be [rid of himi One must beat and forbear withjihis' beighbors, if _he hopes' to be regretted when 'be dfl- paita. ":,' ; ',-.' " '.}Ju't my grandfather says that Ion % after the mill had fallen into ruii, "the story was told as a warn ing to willful phildren of the miller who1 cut off^bis-ndse to spite'his own lace: Aunt Ju3.]fs MayazinQ.- Eng- Blake - wilt sail fropi land on the 24th nist,' .'..- . Cfh, Charles!" she gasped, *H! ?be rose! with some difficulty from her foufth' "plate -of'Strawberries- and ijre^m, 'f If I eat any-more I think I will bust.".. And Charles fumbled abstractedly in his pockeiapd mur mured : "That last plate just bust- bdme." - : Iiadies wbp. follow the common practice of parryiug-^he purse in the -hand on tlie street .may be wak'ie^ by"the e^an. pie- of a- girl in Halifox,, wb,o. on' being' takein leave of by name by her companions, 'vy^s accc 3ted by a strange^ with the" re^ mari;"'.' Maggie, * clpn't -yon - know me,'1 anji upon her baiting to look at tie man, he snatched her pocket- book containing all her money and ma4e off with it. Carrying the pun e in tbB hand seems .to besini^ ply 1 temptation, to thieves. -* . ". 7 "' _________'.Ul CARD OF ' GhriF.tie, Henderson <fc Co., Acton, desire to tender their sin-' oera thanks to their many custo mers for the large sharp of business accorded them during tho past On the 1st April last, in order to W&b the views of the closest buy ers^ they determined to adopt the POPULAR CASH SYSTEM, .doing business at tl.P least, possible expense and selling goods ut the sviaUesf possible profit. ! JThistep they have no reascrn-to regret. Tho result has proved most satisfactory to themselves, and ibey trust much to the satisfaction and . pecuniary advantage of their custo mers. : JjFotwjthstfnding the'groat ^de pression in money matters gener ally, their sales, sinco adopting tho cash principle, have been largely in excess of fprnjer years and their . circle of trade much extended. " . They trust that by close applica tion to business, always watching carefully the [wants of their custo; mere, and selling goods at Closest prices, they shall continue tpT'nierit the large share pf trade so liberally accorded, tp tbem. -fhey invite close inspection and comparison both in prices arid qual ity .if goqds offered^ anjd haye nQ fear of the result, - .'.' . "' ' ": .' !;' '"' Hoping thfjt a bjonjitjful harreafc may crown the labors of thehiis:! Landman, and that a good price ' may be obtained for the same, they j again assurp jheir numerous friends that no effort will bo spared on their part to supply good reliable goods at the least possible cost. CHRJiTIE, HENDERSON & CO. P. S. Try our famous 50c Tea, the best value in the market.- ; 0., H. &, Co. ; . Apton, July 19, 187G. fmstm ai^l k;inds OF THE.~NE"W: ^MI^IOM"- KENNEIY & SOW - JSavio y^t rpce;vQd Uiair-Spring ^jtojsH of: BOOTS, SHOES, AND PRUNELLAS, Tho Pent that aver enmo jnto Apton, for Price, Style at;4 <uajity. OUR cUS'TOBi work: ./ Will repe.vp careful a(.teptiop, an4al! work guaranteed to give satisracfiop . tii- Kepairlus Done Neatly, "fia ppft't forget tho placo V ^ .. : [ _Ualn Strept, .S^cst Djfor to AgiieWs. Hotel. - I Acton ear sn, M ny 29, 1876. KENNEY& SON- GREAT SALE w DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING Preparatory to Eemovial, tl OP. Our entire stood of Dry Goods and (|!Iothing is now-joffered regardless of Cost, to leiiuce stock before removing to our new premises, now building. The public merely on'.(he Best and' Cheapest Bargains eyerl \ offered RUSSELI4 WATCHH?; SWISS WATCpfcS, SeoQud-Hbkd ^Watches, Glieap, :r i f Post Office, Actpti. Acton: July 4, 1878. HOI FOR BARGAINS. osar Tps KAiKPaisB, Uopk Qut 11 for Giaeap CroodSi of (Cheaper; thun Old Bankrupt S'tiick at -Half price Cheap because just the goodB wanted C'heiip, bcoaue:Fresh and New.: TJSB ST002 KT7CT,' WILL JkiTD SS&LL BS 's2L5. Bat we are aware how perplexing it is for honest people t< tisements hero and elsewhere. Who'll t-tlk'the H brag the most seems to be the mixim of each; ap intelligent Public know well that "BhodJly ' Goods are dijar at Half-price, r - 1 read the adver- udest and But We give a'few quotations of ! G-OOX5S H,pE33TJp^]ip. 4,500 yards of Dress Goods,; 25 and up Cents reduced to 10, 15 and 20 cents. 1>.50. Striped j'jil^s reduced to 57 centa Striped Grenadines to 10 cents. Striped and Plain Ijin'en to 10 cts. Pamsols froin 15 cents.. : Blacly and Colored' Lustreo from 12i cents. - White Cotton Hose from GJ cents;1" Straw Sun Hats from 5 cents. Cashmere Jackets from 1.25. Linen. SuitR from 1.50. Table Linens, Bed Quilts, Table Napkins, Sheetings, Damasks, Towel ling will be' offered at striking pricey, ' : Colored Shirting from 10 cents. 4^ lot of Woolen Tweeds reduced from $1.00 to GO cents. Colored and White Dress Shirts from iO cents. A JOB LOT of LADLES UND^RCLbTHINa to bp SACRIFICED. ' This Sale ia no 6lap Trap. - ; JSTKednced Prices Must Be Cash.^ea } ;' ' : i WILLIAM STEWART.& Co, jQuelph, June ;5 1876. MCLB033,-^.NnSBSQ^ & Qo ! - . . 3! ARJ HAVING.OSI^OF THEIS " ~ ~. '; ; -'. ' "* IMMENSE; ;CEE^BIKG BJiliEB- i - .'.'..' CUTTINC AND |SLASHi?IO RISHT AND UFC. UJo quarter will be given;] JL\l goods marked down, and -wiH be spld rc ."'". fDress Qoodk; Muslins, Grenadines aSU Priiiis 1 - ' i^-,'! MILLlNtilW ^MANTLES AT HALF TJUVfU: I .' ; '^ 1r^:^\+ R eadv^-tnade^ . and Ordered ' -Gl&tbihg, Tweedy Mtp Gents' Furnishings, Hats and Caps, &c., a* extraordinary low prices, ?T^ . Call and examine ^ it will pay you. ' 1; ' --i "7- -'.- '-'.'- \i' uarpejts, Oil 01ot!is, Eu^s, &c.^--a clean sweep 'OTut7 be- made Of these gocjds.^/Cottons, Tablings, Pucks, Drillings, Towel-, f .i^. Jjngs, &c, at vgry low^jnces. - --) -i *./j'| X I We commence bur Anhtial Sale on Thursday, July 20tb, and .shall .; continue it for 30 days. Hemember. vre.nej'er advertise anything tljat. wo- do. not perform, so that ycu. can rely upon getting bargains'and firs't-'Ciasj;. ^'oods cheaper than ev^JU Come and Bee our "prices and oxamine ow goods, '; -..'"'"" HcLl0P, ANDEES0N & Co., M AitMOTfl HOUSE, G^OHGETOwkj,. STILL AHBADAT THE O^ral-iobt ma 'it BQQC AJUP JOB PRINTING .paOMPTty EXECUTED AT the; riiBS PRESS OFFICE and Shoo Store. ORAINB &! SON Have just received their SPRING STOCK OF BOOTS & SHOES whjph is ahead pf! anything evjereddffered in Acton for style apd durability . and at prices that cannot be Undersold. GUR dttsipM j WORK Will re<jei?e .oarefu} personal attention, and all work guaranteed Jo give ' , v .r- mill Street, opposite (Morrow Acton, April 4, 17Q. s Bruff Store. CEiME & SON. hi1. Begs to inform the inhabitants of ACToi and surroundins couiitry, that ho h^ removed to > iskx: i street, Next Door to Galloway Bros,' Bakery, in the Imilding lately i copied by B. Creech,' i which has been neatly fitted up. It has the beat light of any store in! thfl, tiro cohnties, which is ^ery essential rfor the proper selection of goodg. His stock, which is very choice,, is fully assorted, -~, j^nd- will be Sola at an TJnusually Low Figure,.' i He is determined to still maintain bis former reputation of keeping NOTHING BUT THE BEST OF GQODS AND SELUNG ;A CHEAP .AS |1NY HQTJSE, tN/ THE TRAD^, * f {j^5 Qive bim a calj. I > | G. M. SCOTT'S 1 "' SquareODealihg Ho^B(}, ActoftJ -J"une 27, 1876. J < - i . / 1 U. ~~r to- J Z'Co- I *n ft. ancf sari reparC " irea IS r-Pnb| 'Watf oir.- at-i) JBibe- ISiTeei Att| ery, I street) til.it) iday o| mm fortl a\ oesq dtly iTESl expe iJT aud'j, tl ilea i eli y tl and 1>| iVsrr ". {& I BinesW i at XM ty Hall er-urj IJucwml roaranl raffld: ret SJSlI f_ei6ae I I Howl'| Dmrao laiitil veScf tdcel Lrde ^r-'Ac to | rood.. ^ereaso| Sit innde i'tor 1 ; tbe- he.isjnd Ibo ad twld * and I fat ihei| ssetlt ty-one] i-rance, I |ents- f oivK-pV 1 U sXv. I ?' eEB.j $** ;.-** imi .