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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 17, 1876, p. 4

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teMXJSPusm^cstogsturuaimiMM THE FREE *l'Vi- rose lie pliK-kod, warn livs? vye >m-|. "{'si vi t tout fasU'ir m my liair- .-^Ittv. f.-uin^ ri*N*T IS tlvasulI'd^X't, ' A'liiliiopc is sliMii^i'i- tlmii-ili'sj^aW =i'!lo"ii|>!< of liivc will J<f>t !v! ;iy, TIk-u-Ii, ' hope *luild.':stiiv i laanv'lvars ; The heart jHJovc tivm day tovdav. Is yliAiiuvli'sj tlno%h tlilr cluiirfuR :" yo.irs> '.( - ' TIip >>vf Tnv Kill. , Vol' kisshig si pivtly i;ii'l,; "wi'h do.lliiv.'"" I'W kis^in^'a iiiiinolv one, two ilvHni-s. - (The tax fs levied iii order with ' '\v,!lvak "P (ho-custom nlli'^'i'llu'i1, fit! I't-in excusable abs'imlitv.) ! iy -iiiyatt ii(i iiiim'iimiiui niH\!^cincr, * "id I't-inn ivynwled-tis a piece t" in- I v or ovi'i'v llirtation, ton cents. &?-'3l fj?--"'*^ Ku Wi' live in hope' Wrtrtist and-wait!; "' Tin- stars tliSt' iditU-r tli>-onj;h ]ll> ni>;ht Witt taint aiid fall : the i;ohU'ii u-ato Of morning will 'disr-lwv the )iii\it. 'i'hv rose hepwe, 'wln'li (irstAvv iAi'U To Mtyvlcwith: lifiU^y-rin niy hiv"r - The withiivd n:31 is thpusiuvd yvt : TVinl Ih>(h' i ?UV<ngW/fh.'m despair. 11-flnawd without .Warrant; BJiT-y "'.'-"' f* T1;' .?*: v siH5in>!Pri:\V:t'01risv: skxtexck on TiiV: ai tm>vlTv'or ,v xKWBturER KKI1IKT. - jC. " ; In the : olden time -in Plumas t^Simty, fC.'il.) \ niun Was :ii rested ' lior 'luxmler, tried and wmvjcted and ;VeiitMionl to be handed. The ease j was taken Uv the Supremo Ciiiiit ., on spjvftk FiimUy n decision was Med aitirining the jjul^vnioiit of be- re-sitit^iV^reil to ie defendant, -;Ui. ,..^ ' . I-; _:t , ,--.-. [<- In. tlnisP days tlio .Kacivn-ehlx?' ~.iW was about- the only _p_:i]itr leiditini; in that remote ecmnti'v, nit wlitinnvr ai>jv:i/*-(lin jtsj ool- ii'iuns -vras taken as Jeftii; muloirliF l"or o\tiv \oiin^ man vilio luiK nioie than oivv j;ivU five doltai-s. - - in tliokili'lien, tvvelityr Hvi; Ci-nts. '! CVurtinu in thi* parlol-, live dol- t'otn-Iii!^ in foiiia.ntieplaeost,. (Ivc dollai's.atnl lil'ty"cents tlicical'U'r. For.i\ girt 'jjivlnij a yojin;* man' the niitren, live dollars anil u'ost of suit-, , 'i ~. -Seiiiiij [i yoinyj; lady koine from church, twenty wilts. ^ ' Fniiii'g to see'hev hoinf, fiyo, tlul- liirs and costs. : ~ . '] For Imlies \vho"]>;|int, twodoiiai-s. Proceeds to lie devoted to tlie relief of disconsolate lnishanils \\Jio h&vo been dc-ceived liy outsule appear ances. Wearing a low-necked dress,.one, dollar, i. l'rocceds to ho deviated t,o fiiiil'old hachvlors whose carlv Si'el- fsrto has 'been put, in jeopardy Ky these fashwns, Now is the r"' -~t-: FRESS; ACTOk HAMON COWTYl qm\,jmQS^ :*}+ W& Time to Ptirchase CLOTHING, T'WJBEDS beiiij? riislied Ofl" nt reduced inhke room for 1 rates to P^IuI- AT TUB Now Arriving A EAST CEinsrr) , DIOK^QN & MoNAB, Ctnn, Au.MiM 1, 1S7V *r he court .U-lgsv, and .directing tliat j1. Wearing hoops over, t-i.ylit feet in di:uhetcr,;Vi\t;ht cents per, hoop. rfav-lHiloi's over thirty- years of .Tt;e, ten dollats and banished to Utah. Kach boy baby; tiffv Cents'. ~" , Rich girl bal*_\Yfeiicviits.i _. . . , " , cne-imndivd ilolhii's pro- _vuiy the fact. The 'mimt-er eon- | niuni to'be. p:nd out of. tlie'fiiiiils tainingthe 8upn;jiie Court decision j accruiny^froni the tux oifiSld bach-, "mnveilat the.county seat; sinxl tiie ! i-lois, -1 ,' TSheri'trsaw it,,flii'l coBclnde.l that ; H.-ads of families of mow than the matter was settled tinally, &1 j thirteen ch'il.hen. lined a huiiilred ..- e -iralknl into the jail and .addrts-1 dollars ami sen: to iail * >d.tht defendant >vithv '. Well the i_________.-_______ nprcme Court hixs .idHrtiieil rli'e-[ Hliat a Woajc Woman ran do. f i'l^'iiient iti votircnsv'i it's in int- i.- . i - ^.? , - ... *?ue can sit at the open window .-.fin the ;>:icreii'lUo ( ivii; ^r . :i - -.i .-.. j - -., :, ,. , " , , ,, I of a i-.ulwav carrii'ge with a still '- ;'\T T ^tT ^ " ^hoftl.Past. wind blo.wi,,. in. that - v pb.l.nt I-giii^ I have ro stand j chBfa ove-f 0^iia tl,0 ^fcinity. to ,' fe. ."..,.,. ,, r'..,, , .'-., T, j the-inari'vw, foi-r two Ifoers, in a i - U , n I ^ro: to hans: von t \t>n-Iutv^ wen i cm \ .. . .. t ^ tshe can -ihince or waltz uowii the 1 i i , nere a "03il wii:le, an ej;>e:i35! to ! i -I - , - ,-, " , ,' ,-' ' A> captain oi -:l, nmrditiiM re<riiiiuit, a..- County, and -the soqiier. the' , ,, :, T1 i i j ' .... '_.-, . .,-. land of- 11 o clocK putawav Jooster ' - "- " i I ,.5,, . > j . ike "There- is no use bema Jn a h . 1 - . -.i . \" -i^ ,r.( ... . =..*j Uiml cotlee without tfiinihni-', sidh-1 .irrv,". said the .prisoner-;- ' v - " t -.',;' , x weeks.uiijhtin.ire toji . tellow^x chance.to get ready- ^ti-on^'fi'iaii I -" -J T i ...... .'.. >^!i--' can eqmh iicr- Ikiii- all 4>ack" " ' . ' . . ,, ". ,,. .i \ .- .1 - - rr'ir .1 " * I so as tf> le:vve ihe rootj to- the. lull | r, . ,, - ,r , - -, i ! l>lav of tiie December l>ree/.e, anil.' I.urrv,: call it the last ff the week. '. - " , " i \ . :, , .1 - i >'<,. i wear a biinet. on toi> o: a chi"non: j -^ \\ ell^we .vilf'spltt- tne d;flcr ', - : 11 i i - i _" , leaving e.ns and Lead exposed with- vace iiiiil call it V\ fcdnesuay uiter-j -. -. - , ./ - - i Siopn," siid the otlicer. '- -! This was acoiiiese'Hl in by the' CARD OF THANKS FUlLmnity with tire t!'.eniiOn;etcr at'; ten degrcc-s behiw zero. . . ! .} -.,; . i I She. can pull over \i thousand j party intend, and at the appoint- j-ft0i,aiv ^ovtlh oUn.v ,wcis torin0! -A time knst^aoManJ^.^^^-,;,^ , .,-.j (h.ingi'd, ; j\t thej opening of the disdrict ;sTift at the followiiu; term, Judije She can stu'dy -niiisic ..fin- fen ! yeajs, sulliciently to-en'able Jier fo j . .. .. ^ , ~^-\ -. ,, - r perfoi m'"excellently,! when not in I }M- 1L %^' now 5* } IrffjU!^LiyH,the,pivsence of thoSe who desire to | ^v-ho was.then on the bencli. lnotui^ Ui I i i J ..of tiie ci?rtk"4f the reiniUUure l. ,c;' rii-__u j , _ , , , . , 'Kcum iKilance feej-soi. on the v i.aJ freen:sent down, axis! ueintr ad- i i n ,-i ^. . . i i i i ' ."- _-||o:iiI"ot her great toe and shoe heels, i'tlie size of -rsedT in th'eL affirmative, said : I \:ess we had better have the pris- :i'.T brought up this mbrliiiiLJ and '.sentenced." Ife was rather snr- a dime, all dajvin the public streets w.ith^ut falling. I , She. c-.m occojiy three seats .in a i t i .- - i - t - - i i horse car and be utterly oblivious ':" lied wlignjuje-fclierin innocently -,. . -, L ..' . .>. i , . , ,. ,> ,'--., , ,J ! that anv oilier own sex ate stantl- it-jruied him that.the law alre;iuv ;- '""- 1 --. i ' . id been fully ! s;tti.-ned, and that i - > - ..-.-*"" t> t ^'!:e criniin-.d had bes--n'st?nt bc-fqre_a I - ..jurt from whence there could be ":Uiii)pj_ieulv~ Phiinyjn-fifm I: ;iaen pay a^ they -- vcrv ^l,w. . " 8Le shows, uniisnalsirengtii and i firuiness in the holdfng of :rejl. es- tiite, iolitirtre 'diumonils, and other valuiblo - property which lier lius- Ijund:places, iii her }inii.|s pievions 1 to cosupromisiug w5th his creditors s.jmex.;' tLta. j at iwMftv cCiits. on a dollar. .Vk-it 5}<.1<U o8 the snnff iii tliejeci.rH ? oat n.fc .f falseltoo.1 paralyzed th*i li-tigcc. ar.i n dcatTi I5ki->ncrn-e wi ' " " <.-ie:'y." ';,!' Th *s\Hi&i height of mscr . Kiend Wtlront Lniislfink. " Home of our exchanges ale )mb- li pervade liking a curious item to the ell'ecfe -- I that a horse in Clinton' pulled.the' aali hoy witR a new pair nf biwitn ami i-innil puddlik'" ': ... .-. - lilies trayelliR^ acr)?s : the ]ilr.ie.* ;-irry their hriir iu'thfcir j'oclitito toavoiil i>8iii"2 siadped. "" Warm weritlVcr heljH <rae tf>\ be g<xk Z'r.ii'.in, yoa iluVt 'care'whether yi'iis L'i^lilT Iuls a big H"u<Ml-pil <>r ajtiii^U if>eaking of railrr^uls, twng remark'til /. tiiey are' uowT|ifliilt ef JhrL-e ^l.igcs,- ' ^>nirul ^XiY^i:, narreW jjaage, iii'.rtijfi^e. ;. :- , ;' V plug oHt of the bung-hole of a bar rel for the jutrpose-.of slaking his Ttliij-st.- : .Wc do not see aiiytlunt' extra,br. dinary iij- the occip'rencc. Now if the horse had purled the barrel, rmtv of ith6 btinghole- and slaked .'lift' thirst wi* j dug, or if the barrel' had pulled the bung-hole ontofthe boi-se ami slaked its fiiiirst \vath the j plug, pr if the -barrel'had j'lilled the | buiig-hole out of -the plug and slaked its thirst with" the hoT.se V.ri are !'f the ping had pulled thfrlioiw, ," s'ai4:ait oll'eiiilud judge to a noisy. wtt- dt" tha barrel and slated its sou in court. -" You have no right joiiiinitajiursaiice,"-*aiil tliuulfcinler.' >lfersf*n why was tent to prison 'for ; -rrying^two.W'ix-esj excused himself l.y " :.yiiig tjiatyvieu Iwliail/oitu .li<; fought ! ';ir,--h#-whenf he got two they fou^iit \ "eli others . .-'. ' " >Ir3. .S]njiks," observed a Loarder lislandlady, "the ^.ipial adjustment this citajSishiH^iit limiM "l>e more ,' lyiarur<itif_tlicre xv.-is le-is Jiair1 in ," Jja*ii and uioru iii the mattresses." : ,i"iica a ni.iH it s"fenick T>y Ii^litiiijlg, , k a p!iy'siciidi, la-y him on his.lock, '. ins clothing at the pit of thestoi!.- " '. iiid jlash on it a pail of the coldest ,-r. 'If= he cluedn't die, he will ask it in thunder is up. - - - ~T This'is the way a citizen of 75enver .vt;rtisc3 for a hist calf;'" IJiuul : . v.? 1-1 ted udd rite caf. His til Iju - >t[Jeg Tas p'laek, he was a she caf! ": ' "s^-itti vat prints him pack, jiairs i>_ j -v'.r.t. Jacob znihlerin^, X'ltar L'reek, 3 miles pjhiuil^the pridge. . yjijy? lhan,liaviiigpreaclredforjiis .ip,-wasaiixioi!g t get a W(r<l of 9l'- '-'..se-for Jiis-lalior of-jliivts.' The bijthop ( * ever, did n<it uitniilmSc-the Kabject. t-liis younger hrothur-waTT<rhliye<t Ui /it the h<Kk for him. "J hope,-sir, J -, ~A not wearj-yoiir people hy the. length f-niy swiii'oii to-day J" uat ,i all, nor by the'depth either. *. ; Ai:A-n>orican paper"tclhi a-gnad story- .bouji a clergyiua" who lost h^s horse "as ftitnrday evenings - Aftei Imntiiig, '" i cfuji*iuy with a boy,iiiot'il midm'ght, ^/ e give up in despair. The next day, >":newhat dejected at his lo'ss^ he went iCo ^ie rpulpit, ami took for h']s text he fothiwmg passage from.Job: Oh," that^ine^ w'here-t< liiid. him 1" The -<; wlio ha<l just."ci)iIne in, supposing *le h<fre was still ,tlie burthen of lis thirst with the b.fnghole, or if the bnhglio'le had jmlled the. thiiist out of the liorso and slaked !fcbo plug with the barrel, or if the bix'r'i't^-liad pulled the bqrse.otitof the bnngj-LoIe mid plugged its tbirat with-tlio slak::, it mlijM bo worth' while to piiike some fuss over it. 'vA. Chinese vessel was .wrecked lately|in Chinese wafers, and rofli- c'al' ei quiry, af p.- bai-barian Jash- ion,.\Vas instituted to.T-stabhsb the cause.. After siivcral weeks .spent' in (lelilicrirtion~!the'Chinese"of)icia]s gravely came to the "decision .-^that the. loss'of the ship was due to the presence oh board of ari: ill -fitted orang ontarjg. . | A bright young lady .gave hey. slow'lovoivfl delicate leap year hint. the other evening.; ' Irttliejcojirseof conVergation the gentlenion jaskodf liei- what form : of niarriinge' 'fihe- tlionght;most beatitiful. Her^quick reply Y'ks : " I -mhouJd- care litUc for form.' The'sixbaj^nceiaeems of most iinportaiifu-." That girl wears the engage ment ring now. The in ania for escaping that pos- s.esses prisonei^.at preHont is ;owing to. three causes :.; First, because they* can't stand tlio Jieiit; se'eoiul, ^ because Jfche Jiieatl throws the turnTieys .iiito W gijritle fijiiinber, which enable.1; .thom to get1 away) and third, because they wish lo t'Jirii tie,: - ileniicrson . it V-a.f Acton, tlesiiv to tenilol- I heir sin- toi-c thniikk to their nm i.y cristo- Incrs for; the large share of btisiliesS ticcoi-ded tLein dilrtng. ihe past seasoni ! ! ' ' t On the 1st A'jrt-il lastyiii onlet- to meet thej views of the clusest buy-' vi% thpyjiltiteitninwl to ulopt-tho POPUlivil CASH HT8TKM, "doing" business at the least possible! expense'timl selling gxxKlij at tlio .Kinalhsl possible prolit. This step they lufve >jo mxsrTn to Regret.. The result has proved nipst tatisfactorv to themselves, and tliev.- ' |_ trust iiiueh to the satisfaeiion and -' [ ,. - " |jecuniaiy ad vantage of tliuirjciisto . mersi . - j -. ' '. ;: , Notwithstaititliiig the great i\c* \ " ". ""'-! I' " ' l:v, . pression in money matteis geiier- nlly, their sales, since ndbp.ing. tho cash principle, have ibeen largely in fxeesa of-I-former yeara and'their - circlejof tndir inuch PStohdeik They trust that by close applica tion to uusiiiesj, alwuys Watching CaVetulIy thej wants of r'their custo* Wiem, ami spiling goods nt closest prices, they plmll continue to merit tfie' largo tilidrc of trtxde-so Ubei-ally HCcol'ded to them. - S ' ' -They invite close inspection and comparison both iii prices and quat- ity of gDoils offexed, and Inive no fear of tliei result! 'i ' .""' Hopingjtliat a bountiful Laneat tn.iy crowii the hibbre-of tile Iiiif^ - Landman, I'li'tid that a good~pHco may Vje obtained for the eame, they again assure their numerous friends that no effort -will bo spared on tlieir jmrt to supply good reliable goodBiatitlfeleast j>pssible'cost. CHRISTIE, HENDER80N & CO. P. S; iTIry our famous 50c Tea, -. tiie bfest vane in the'rnnrkot, '" ' .jll___l_J a, h. & Co: Actoir, J ily 19, T87C. - *im :the:kew domimon" j.j BOOT AND SHOE STOHE. KENNtlY & SON ' ,. Have mt itocol^cd their Spring. htod|t of , ( - BOOTS, SHOES, AND Tho nest that over o.ime into Acton, for I'rico, Stylo and Quality our cusToni PRUNELLAS, j|yl.e WORK Will receive-careful nttcntidn, and all work guarantee ' : ' '1' . '. *-'"Kcitalri'iig Ionc A'^atly. Don't forget the placo . iffain- Strdctr Next Door'to AffncWsj Hotel. II to give Batisfactioh Acton, May 20, 1S70. 'Iv'ENNEY.'&'SON. GREAT SPBOIAL i SALE OF r-i ,'Ph'-, CtJ Pi V: ELfelEWApHES. SWISSrWAtajBjEJ SeGond-HaHd Watches, Cmeai -AT O, &c (3r. SZ"S"2sTID^ -, Post c5^ace, Acton. Acton. Juljr-4, 1870. DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING i ': . - i j Preparatory to Rembyal.. . WM. STBW\LHt Our entiro stock of Dry (!oo l Vind ("lothing j Cost, to. tcducn stock boforo.ronioving to building. The [public may i & 00. bur now e> on the is now offered regardless (. HO! FOR BARGAIN: ON THH RAMPAGE. Look Out for Giieap U-i i V"- premi^en, now $est and Cheapest. Bargains'-.wir offiwed;- of ' ; . " . ; ' ..! '.".-< Cheaper than Obi Bankrupt 'Stock, at.Half price -Che p because just tlie few. po9ds wunted Cheap, because Fresh am ;SHS ST03S UTJZ1I, "WILL ASH 5SALI, Hirtwe are aware bow perplexing it is for honest pe'opl; .lisemehu here and elsewhere. Who'll talk th 1 brag the most seems to be the maxim" of eae ! . . an intelligent Public know well that Shiddy Hoods are ddar at llalf-pric<BE SOLD. to read the^idver- loudest and _ ll. But "IN AUE'llA VlSG VSR OF Til Em 1 ' #' V?6 "give a foliv-qubtatiatvE of ** 4,500 yards of-*l>rss Goods.y-former prices^ 13, 20,12.5 and tip to SO cents reduced to 10, 15 anil 20 centel . IMMM8E' EEABI^G Bi^LE| ; T?p? Thirtyr^Days.Cnljr. -\^. ..' ^V |. CUTTrNC aHp slashing right mi* iiri^ No quarter will be fejven. All pqods marked down, - . ; \'S' -gai'-d'ess oi'cos^ j and win be f<JQ.- Striped silks reduced.to p7. cents! Striped Grenadines to 10 cents. Striped and Plain Linen, to 10 cts. ParaSols from 15 cents; Tixco Curtains 75 White Cotton -Hose froniG^ eents. ' Straw "Bun1 Hats ents. From 5. cents, Black and Colored Lustres f,pn, J t-'asL.inbre Jacket^ jfrbm 51.25. ,121 cents. " | Linen Suits from ?1.50. . Table Linens,' Bed Quilts, Table Napkins, Sheetings Damasks, Towel- . Jing will be oflered at striking prices], Colored Shirting from 10 conjs. A lot of Woolen Tweeds reduced from S1.0Q to GO cents. Colored and White Dress Shirts from 40 oents. A JOB LOT of LADIES UNDERCLOTHING to bb SACRIFICED. this Salelis nio Clap Trap." ; j; *^" Kcdiicect Prices Must Be Casli.'fcx l " i I' WILLIAM STEAVART i Co. Guelph, June ,5 I87G. i > STILL iLHEAD J^T " i ie uorw ^s nu ;ic ijurmeu oi ana - , * ,. Vi?ht- cri-1. oat, v Itknmv where U. f^ th^Centcnn.yl before tLey a - he's hi Deacon SnuthV bai'i^ I'/. , j j hatigea.'.- ALL KINDS OP BOOKi AND [JOB PRINTING WlOMPTl.Y EXECUTED AT I THE FKEE !' - X'- PRESS OFFICE it ;* Central Boot and Shoe Store. THE ORAINe Have'just received their. SPRING STOCK 0F|0pfs|?H0ES which fs ahead of anything evered offered in 'Acton for style ond durability and at prices.that cannot be iindersoldi . j oxjr gjjsto^;;^ Will receive careful :prsonal,atteintiohj arid all *rork guaranteed to give " . ' - Mill Street, oi>i>osifc ^ri'ow's ttriij; Sterc. . Actott, April 4, 1876. ; Dress Goods, Muslins, G-renadines andjPHir "^ MILLINERY ^ MANTLES A^P ItArLF ^RWl Kcatly-matlc and Ordefcil CI<^tIjin^ -Shve&Mi '. Cents' Furnishings, Hats and Caps, &c, at #raorduiafy jcjvr pric i Call and examine 5"it xrill pay you. * arrets, 0i! Ioths, Rn^s, &c, a clean Mvecp iniu be made* of these poods. .Cottons, Tilings, Xlucks,' Drillings, To** lings, ic., at very low pricea. ".. ? \Ve commence jour Annaal Sxle on Thursday!." July 20th. and' shffl continue it for 3D'days. Kemomber we never advertise ar/y thing that wfti, doiriot perform, so that you can rely upon getting.^) iigxms and 6rst clartJL goods cheaper than ever. Come and "e our pi ices and examinee! goods.'; ' . _^. ' , . - ' >, ,- j ilcLSOP,'.AN-SiJlS'Oir & Co., REMOVAL* REMOVAL. o-; BOOTT Begs to inform the inhabitants of .ACro^i and bui rounding country, ill ',':. ' he has removed to i^IXilL STEEET, Xext floor to Galloway Bros.' Kitlicry, in tit*- building lt occupied by ft. C'rccoh, "".' . '. ! ' which has been neatly fitted upj It lias the be=t light of any <tore two counties, which is very^sessential for the proper selection- of | His stock, ivyhloh is very cbofce,jis fully assorted, , ^ ^- - < And will be Sold at an XTnusually Low Figt* .. ^ 7 He is determined to still mainjain bis former reputation of keeping NOTHING; BUT THE> BEST GF-.CfoODS A^"D SELLIlfa A| -'CHEAP AS ANY HOUSE IN THE TRADE. i It Eg?" Give him a caH._ June 27, 1876. G M. SCOTT'S '"-- Pquaro Dealing House, & -rt-41 11 "^l

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