tjpnK ACTON FREE PRESS / Pa'ftisued Every Tlfursday /Morning. "SI'Por Annum iib. Advance. . |h61 mi i^recff r ess JOS H}*CKtNa ECJlTOR THUI!AY MoRNIKO.jJoi'S 22, 1876. The Caledon Murderer. THE FREE PRESS, j -Tho vt>nigo" uttmiduneo t tjho s jfti^ commutAtion'of thowanton^, j Centennial during May was 18^71 pfc death passed on Ward, fur tflitf "' - . lJ*tk-i \hm HSUfh j Rtf-l|^L W:-MMn Kpl ?,'*-?!'!.- *fc: ';;' ' lit*-' ' ' PI.!-' B.J-i'."' "tfl '- ^BUSINESS." j I j- This' i* No. :52 of the 'Free t Press, and shouM. ordinarily, com plete tbo first yiat of its existence, But as the past year comprised ^nearly 53 weeks, wis give our sul>- -scribers the benefit of tho extra No., . in order to commence the next tqI- ume,tho first week in July. . ' Wo-aro pleased to bo able .to say that the business of the office" has proyed_snccossfnl, and tint w& feel warranted in contimiing to expend more labor upon itko papfcc in .the. effort to make'itipvore valuable to our readers. Onr business mou jave been liberal in their -advertis ing jjatronjigo, but v calculate in future'to be able to crowd the. ad- -vertise/iuents into less space, iby:] . nsing-jsmaller type, so as' to enable . us to givo" a larger share of 'reading r matter than we have done.kitel'v - This -will of course reduce our chief source of -profit, to. n consideiable -extent, but we trust . tol have: the loss made up by a niuch larger sub scription list than heretdtore.} If we receive the .support that.we ex pect (and trust we deserve), it will eive. ns encouragement to enter into the work during the coming year with a greater degree of. vigor. " We hope all our present patrons and many more will come forward promptly with thenr dollars for the coming: year's subscription. The Free Peess is in; its infancy ; it cannot grow and bo vigorous unless. it is .welt nourished. We trust tbatour efforts to estab lish the paper are. appreciated, and that our friends will show their good will by Knot only, reuewin .l^ukd murder 61 his wife in Calol dot has arouacdribe strongest feel* ing of indignation in .that district, which re expressed in the -roost do- toruimed mamierjn tiio Bfiumptonl Times, of Juno 10th. TJfnder. tha' headihg of "Tho Oailowa Cheated,', and "Tho scntoneo-of thb; funics; [murderer on /record, .cpnunutod to imprisonment,"' tho Tbne says: The Government in its wiloni (I) :has com touted tho sentence of thb convict .Ward tho blackest honrt- ed criminal on rt cord pto imprison ment in the .Penitoritiary, thus end ing for -tho present the Caledon tragedy that has for months past been a subject iti ovetjy one's mouth. On AV^ednasday j last tho press went with tho Sheriff to tho convict's cell to hear read tho ^offi cial (document !tq trim, but bofotc doing ao tho Rovj-Mr. aolitfe queu- tioned him as to liib giillt'j but when it came to the point of th6, murdt r he would alyritys evado it and could fell- every occurrence that took place beforc-tho murder and after lit, but nothing about the murder itself. 'Thereading of tfio reprieve to him had riot umch',elfect as ho ts of too haitlehed and'bull-headed ha nature to. have any sympathetic ft<eling in him. ' .Friends and money have conquered over justice, aiid this young woman's blood remains Tho now l?nptiHt Church, in Brampton 'vns opunud .'hist Thurs-: Sir John A. Macdonald has boon ofTurcd 'iv public ; baiiquot at Now- nmi'kot. . j Tho Methodist Conference will bu held next yoair at Quelph on tho 1st of Juno.. M ' :. .; . Judgb Dnggnit, an old citizen of Toronto, died last wotk. ; Ho had been ailing for weeks. ~-; The Orangemen of Montreal, at a meeting hold qn Tuesday, decided not to walk on. tho 12th of July. Wm. Talbot, a blind tnan resid ing in tho township f Kingston, committed' suicide ?iast Sunday night by shooting himself. Rev. J. A.| Campbell, M. E. Min ister, Georgetown, is removing to another field! of labor. ; Revs. J. Owen succeed him. unavenged, and if tho .mawkish [.signers of the jietition am now con sole themselves in screening tlie blackest villain on. earth frpu the fate ho richly ."deservcd^lhey are easier satisfied than wo could haVe imagined. Xf the govcrriment/had^ commuted his sentence under, the pTea of insanitv, tfey would'have instructed the Sheriff to send lum to Rockwood Asylum, but tho doc ument says I'Peuitentiary," and riot a word about insanity, thus show ing that itJ was not granted under that pica., i \V"e could give a col umn of this; brute's -indignatics 4rid beastliness tq this fair young girl in a strange country,1 and thousands of miles away from kind parents,: that we are told, fairly,, doted over ker. She ea'nie to this country j to l>etter her condition and help them, as instanced in her, going hack to England to see her sick father: who was supposed to -be1 dangerously ill, and after he got better coming back again. * ; *.- *i On his way to their own soWriptions for anbtber (tn? station this" moruinc; _hei ack year; but that tbey will one and all continne their efforts to secure a great many additional: subscribers. Now is the; time! to renew your subscriplions to th^, Fbee Peess. - Only one dollar a year, "when paid in advance. - - Our American cousins have been for some weeks; on the tiptoe of excitement o^ver the Presidential nomination the Republican con vention lat Cincinnati having been "looked forward to with intense in- ' terest by all classes. Tho conven tion was in session last week, and ' after much balloting finally united ob Governor Hayes, of Ohio, as the coming.candidate. The other names before the convention were Blaine, Morton and Bristow. On the first nowledged to High Constable Hurst and Mr. Glen, who had him in chaige, that he^sut his wife's thrpat with ii butcher knife. So ends rt tragedy, the like of which we hope may never again be our lot to chronicle,' which had such a case happened in the United States "the culprit would .long ere this have paid the penalty by. being strijng up'to the nearest'tree. ' . Machinery; at the Centennial. - The regulation authorizing com-r jietitive; field trials of ngricultural. fmachinery; at the Centennial h'as b^een rescinded, the jury believing that no fair ^estimate of the.value of such niachines'can be found from such trialsj as the question of durai biljty, which is- one of the most! im portant in: a competition of reap ers, ploughs, &c, cannot bo ascer tained at all by a simple exhibition of theirs working. The jury will" merely examine the machines as Lall'pt Blaine stood highest, but af-'they stand in the agricultural hall terwards; th"? Indiapa and Ken- J an(j wl\\ ^recommend the~ makers tncky: delegates" wSthdrew their favorites and united their strength on Hayes, the final ballot stinding - 38* for Hayes knd 351 for Blaine. T^he Democratic convention will EieiBt soon at St. Louis, arid wben. their ^candidate is fairly in the field, the .war will commence' in good . earnest The election'-takes place in November. 'V; , The. Prospects. The Toronto Munriary Times sayJ3-: Canada never,-probably^ bad finer spring weather than, she has jiiKt erijoyed. - The-alternate-, raid aud sunshine have b|n exactly what was best fitted -to promote .rapid and healthy vegetation. So, rorn^all quarters, weTbave. r reports of the same cheering'^character. The crops are looking remarkably ^"elL Some say much more, and, -tleclar^ that they never presented ' - guc^.an appearjince before. The. breadth sown iif undoubtedly large. Hay is certain .to be a Une crop, provided it can be well got in. 'And . \vit!i our increasing dairy produ'e- tiolis, our [lasture yield fe bet-oiuing - mcreasiiigly important.: i'Our cattle are"improving every ye^r. ': More and more attention Lb b^ingpaid to thiB'braaeh of: farming operations, and we are fast-growing up to thje English standard of varied produc- -tion. Ji.n& if our Grangers would -Jlouly imitate the example,of Eng lish agriculturalists, and club to- "gether for the purpose of develop ing1 tho quality of farming itself/so ' as to "make tho very best of the land ,they cultivate, they would nnder tkejwhole country as.well as them- - - seivjesj an.essential service. - ' -. * . t president Gi-anfr/in a message! to Congress on the/extiaditioii" ques- ;. tion, announced that Britairi hav- ~. ing ignored the : provisions of /tire Asiiburton Treaty rela^ng thereto, ho should not witqut'a^expression of the wish o^ Congress, take, any action; either in rujakmg or grant ing requisitions forjthe surrender of _: fugitive criminals Under t-he treaty, tiO long as the attitude of the Brit- iVili government ~ cBihained un- -' chiuigeJ tliat.'seem to them to combine the most improvements.; ; A general display of eath machinery, may, however, be arranged by the exhib itors, when a free field'will be-gSven to. those applying before the 22nd inst. Grasa will be ready about the 2Gth and, wheal the 5 th of July.' The exhibitioia of threshers and separators will commence on the f8tb July. The S'.tiurdaij Review has arijar-/, tide on the depression of business in England. It considers, the times dull :ratber than hard, but they: are veryalull.;, - Years havepassed since there was so bad-a'season, and it might have been expected that a season marked by the return of the Prince of Walgs -would have been ' one of more than usual brilliancy. In every directioh -there are 4'gns that the world is";economising,; and has l'ess .money, than it used to have for.luxuryahd recreation: Pictures do nop fetch their old prices, houses will nlotlet; the supply of horses exceeas the demand, and ; ser vants cannot get places equal to the height of their ambition. Ixsn- don isrless guy because London is less rich, and that London should bfe; sd ifar leas rich as to have' be gun to make its economies evident means imnch in tho current Ibistory of the country. . ' . , !' " Methodist Union*. The p *opo- sition of holdingVa MetbVdist Ecu menical, or-general assembly, of all the Methodist denomina'tion^of the world, is "being "discussed.' The proposition is fa vorably received, and in some Con ferences rueasures have been tiaken to carry'the proposed Ecumenical into efiecE. 4- 4 Tho reporjt of thp Committee of the General Assembly in Toronto, appointed to confer with the jRev. Mr. Macdoniiell was presented on Monday. ; It recommends thai fur ther timoliegiyen for consideration, and th;it be be requii'ed to rejjort, through his Presbytery,' torthejriext General Assembly 'whether he ac eeptg the teaching of the Church on f the subject of the fuftfre punish-. inent. of the wicked^ i- ! '.w; ." . "1 . ! Lynch and Jt - The attendanco at tho Contennial ia Btcadtly increaainc! jfro'n tho west and BOUtli. i ' . George McAnlcy-,' a Toronto cliiropo- dist, fell dead on Satrirdny in a fit of ippoplcxy hrotight ou fey iatoxicatioji. The Listowol Majnstratea livo. fined thrco hotel-kcopcre $'20-each- and costs, for contravention of thu new li<pu>r act. Archbishop Lynch will lecture next Sunday in St. Michael's Cathedral, To ronto, on Church and State, in reply to Sir A. T. Gait. {'.'.. , I 'Daniel. Hayes, tho young man who Jstolo a horso from'Mr. DoveVaux, St. .Marj-s, hna been Beiitencc'd to one year's iniprisuuinent iii thb Prison.' ' "~ ^ :i ' -- ' The boily of tho liitq ThoS. Ireland, of the firm of Forsyth (C- Co., D.iu'ulas, Oat., who was in tlfe canal there on the 13th of April lastj was fomul ou Tuesday. " j Rev. D. J. Macdonncll preached his concluding sermon to his congregation in Toronto on Suuday, previous to his departure for Europe,-where ho intends makim; a thVee mouths' tour, -i Mr. Franklin, of. the firm of Barber Bros., Streetsville, died on the 1st inst., of cancer, \Vhilo iii the: prime, of life. He always took a deep interest in' agri cultural matters, And Was respected by all who knew him. | ' '.' . A very sevcro accident happened to Mr. and Mni. Joseph Headiiu;, of *fhorj>- ville, aud Mr. Byriie. The parties were driving into-Gi)ulph, when the-horses took fright and rail away, throwing the occupants eut ot the waggon. Mr. and Mrs. Heading were severely injured. Mr. By/ne had (iiuj of his "arms broken. -J They were all conveyed to St. Joseph's ] Hospital. - .... The following volunteers of the 20Ui liattolion, Halton,:|luivc Wen selected to represent the battalion at the matches of the Ontario Rifle Association/which will be held in Toronto on the l"Sth Au gust: Lieut.-CoL Murray, Capt. Apple- be, CapL Panton, Capt. Shaw, Lieut. Fox, Jhasign Goo(hvillie, Sergt.-Major McKay, Q. ^L Sergt. Sj>cirs, Scrut. I5atohelor, 'Corpl. Moore, and -Priv. H. Htint. ~r | DoMtSio** Day in* Xass.icaweva. jgrand pie-uJC will'lic held in the beauti ful grove on Mr.. Jackson's farm, 2iid con., lot 19, Kassagawya,. two miles west of HaltonviUe, on the above day. There will l>e dancing, for which prizes will l>o given, also baso ball, races,: jumping and -j other amusements. Mason's Quadrille V,and has l>een engag ed for the occasion. Tea at half-past two o'clock p.m. : '. - The contracts for tho New Wel lington Hotel, in Guelph, have all been let and the work will be pro ceeded with at once.'] Tho totalof tho several contracts for stone and brick work, carpenter work, roof ing, plastering, painting, . etc., amounts to over 320,000. A. reward of 1,000 has been of- fored for. the apprehension of the Youngs.. Printed descriptions of the J. escaped murderers" have been i sent to-the various officers through out the Province, and a Govern ment dcteetive has been appointed to ferret up the,case. ", One morning last week Mr. H. Rush,' Peterborough, on opening his door, found in a basket neatly wrapped up, a male child,.about a month old.r It had been left there through \ tho night. , Constable Johnston has it in "caro till after, tho Council meets. No cluo has been discovered of die mother. A lnurjlorous assault! was com mitted iuitlib: township [of Tiijlor, Hastings bounty, oniF'hlay las^ by u furiuM'. named John jSmith upon his ndghbor, John AduniH. Smith hud for Bomo );imo been jeulons of his wife, Attributing, U> hor infidel ity with u sort of Adams, whom ho blamed for encouraging the suppos ed imprpi or 'intimacy.'! Oil Friday ho mot Adams, ionior|' and attack ed him with a'riflo, With which he attempted to shooi him, but the cap ftoling to explode ho seized the gun by thjo stock and dealt his vic tim tl liejivy"! blow on itho head, vhich: it is feared will! prove fatal. On ' Saturday Smith ' siirrcndui-ed himsiilf to Mir. A. F. Wood, J. P., lit Mudoo, and was--:Bent to the county gaol for trial. Oil hiB way down ho attempted to throw himself from tho buggy in which h^rodo ivhen crossing Hog Lake bridge, but was prevented bjy' tho constable, who lodged him in .gaol on Saturday night, j Aftor his in carceration he was veiy .violent, tho cause1 being apparently delirium tremens brought, oil by excessive drinking,'in which no bud indulged for some days, previousv to his at tack on Adams. Another difficulty has- arisqn:re garding the H. it NyWj. Ry. cross.? ing tlie Beach. The Hiimilton by-t } law spec lies that the rqadishall be" ' construe' ed on tho bay'jside of the l>eacli. ; Tho company want to; build tho line on tho: lkke side, ufc. leging as a reason for the change that a great part of the bay sido is under witer. v ; Twenty-four women emujoyed ita carpet factory at Ayr, Scotland, were burned with tho building last week. Escape by the stairs was cut,off, and to leap from the win dows oniy meant death in another form, j On Thursday last a portion of the Mitchell estate, on the Eramosa hill, Guelph, was sold by auction, when about 7V acres, divided into lots, brought $15,320, which-" is over 500 per acre. This, consid- -!-'~t" ACT0P, HALTON |COUNTf, ONT., JpNE 22, 1876, BUSY AS : AT THW - ' .'I . JEND. ARE NOW SHOWING A FjULL STOCK pF WE NEW FASHIONABLE WEST |SBBNADM4K9, NEV^ SILKS, lllaok and Colored, :." .j . " NEW PARASOLS AND SUNSHADES, j - .: j! NEW PRINTS; AND-CAMBBIOijI, !'.'.' ! . 'I . - i NEVV LAWNS, AL&O JUST OPENED KS/fKocay^d Every Lady SltouUl Sec our Present Stock. duel NE NV ADVERTISEMENTS. AM shooti: tresi)n[ising Esqne liable Action A' of tll| e'ring tluit the side; was virtually a cash" one, is conclusive evidence that corifidence in the: price of .pro perty in! Guelph is still increasing. T1 it'ed Gnml| ih, Juno j 10. 187(1. . . A. O. BUCHAM, FnKhlonftlilo West l):nU Dress, MlHlnery and Mfiiiilb KxlubllHlimcj ^OJTjTcEtO.ThESrA-SSERS J.1 I j parties aijo hereby wLnniQil ngainst iig, picking belrries, or otlier-w^se wing on jlxit 157, .in the lira can', ling, as they'will hold themselves to prosecution according t:> law; June DAVID CO, 187(i liRinn TICUKtrt, Parities wisli Rockw RVDI'lt. fik2tl iTIIRAL SOtjIETY ug to becotne members >od Union Agricultural Socle'y or of the Esipu-sing Agricultural. So-rfely, can procure fiukets for either from the undersigued. Tickets pur chased on or before' 1st of July, $1.00 ; after that date, $1.50. !C. S..SMITH. Acton, Juno 20, 187G. 52-2t BREEDKES. Tlu thoroughbred Durham Bull, 'ZEL'HYII," (sire imlKirtqd "Sheriff," dam 'SanspariellOth,") will serve cows this season, on lot No. 'Sf, 3rd eon. Es- quesi ng (near G, T. station) as follows: Durliauis $10.00; Grades ^2..r>0.- C. S. SMITH. Acjton, Juno 20, 187G. - 52-2m . lit. -^TAntei>, I 1O0O "Cords of, GOOD HEMLOCK BARK, * For which I Svill pay - - FIVE D0LLABS PSB :00RX At the Act6n Tannery, if delivered in : su'tmncr. '.. j ' ; . G. Ll BEARDMORE. Z. \\. HALL, Agent. ! .f i June,; 1870. \ r 49-3m STjCXV TirviwARt! IF 20 cents on (syery I><bpar _j"3L_ _J_ Jbv fc> DRY C00DS EMPORIUM, JMLcd MILLINERY AND . "^L-GTOOSr, Choap Goods and good Oisodfl ia g^eat ratietv. We have a large and hancisome stock of MANTDES^pf the njort ^'tfan able styles, in all sizes and qualities -. Ladles' Ready-made Suits, ^__ 7 4 Black: and. Colored HHks, f ; _ Dress CioodH of virions kind* IN CENERAL IJRY GOODS / Our stock is much larger and better than ever before. A good AMOrttomt -. - %4&- Er.nrythirig' Mnrl'td Domi to the Very Lowest: Figure*, We believe in smajl profitsand quick sales. " .. .--'-. ; A lino selection of EANESOIIE JE77ELH7 at all prices) ' ' .... Also a Good -gltobk of ^General Groceries. . z*>~ Millinery Show Kooui Up Stairs. - Please call and see our new goods and'low prices. ' '.. .-' . BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASHiv' : '-' - * -.. 'i ^ToiBre .Chorch 1 How to I ...Agricolt Notice i Basy as | List af ' Morning DarExil Bipreis* [ Mixed I Acton, June 13, 1876.: D> 2c2U%; aREA;T SFBGIAli SALE pijiUKCU Toroilto : Liboial Conservative Association: intend holding their annua! pic-nic on I Dominion Day, at Uxl jndgey Sir John A.. Mac; doiiald, acf Hon. T. N, Gibbs, Hon.-M. C. Camjeron and other leaders of the pu>|y have promised to bo pro- ' sent. I } Mr.- Perry, w DEDICATION. THE-NEW METHODIST CHURCH ~ Wab&'s Sentence . Commuted. Ward, the. Caledon murderer, who: was sentenced to be hanged on Tuesday last, has had his sen tence . commuted to imprisonment in the penitentiary for life. When removing him from Brampton gaol he was very violent, and refused to let the officers into his cell, and by placing his sheet through, the bars of the door, seizing the ends with his hands and bracing his feet, he kept them out for some time. When an entrance was effected, he savage ly attacked one of the officers with a bucket, but was at last secured and taken to the train. ., The Dominion Government an nounce that they expect to be,able, by the 1st of January, to invite tenders for building and working the sections of the Pacific Railway between Lake Superior the Pacific Ocean. ' They propose to proceed under authority of the Act of 1875, which provides that the contractors for the construction and working of the read shall receive hinds, or the proceeds of lands, at the-rate of 20,000 acres, and cash at the rate of $I0,00p for each milo of railway constructed together with inttrest at tho.rate.of four, per cent perjannum for twenty-five years after the' cifijpletion of thoj work, on any other sum which may; be stipulated in the contract. . This intimation is" given in order toaf- fcird to all parties the fullest oppor tunity of examination and enquiry'] before presenting their tenders. George Currie, of Port as the unanimous choice of the] Reformers' pf North Ontario at their convention last .week, at Sunderland. The Conservatives have nominated rW. H. Gibbs, of Oshavj-ft. I ' . ^ Both parties in .South Ontario selected their candidates on Satur day, tho Conservatives meeting at Brooklfn, and nominating tho Hon. T. N. Gibbs, of Oshawa, and the Reformers meeting at Whitby, and selecting ronto.1 I Mr. J. D. Edgar, of To- Tho National Republican Con vention at Cincinnati adjourned on Friday after having nominated Governor Hayes, of Ohio, for the* Presidency, and W. 8. Wheeler, of New j York, for tho Vice-Presi dency. GRASsnorPEBS. The editor of the Mflrr.iiry is informed by a farm er who lives in the- Goro of Pus- linch, that these pests nreJying off in great numbers. It is the opirt- ion of some farmers that they" will not prove-'aE destructive this year as during the past few years. -It isstated that in some places the dead grasshoptiers can bo gathered by the handfuir Tho| Toronto Telegram states that at a meeting of the licensed victuallers' association held tho other? [day,-tho 'opinion! given by Hon. 'j. H. Cameron as to the rights jof the trade under tho alleged grievances of the recent amendment to tl'e Crooks Act was read. Mr. Cameron thinks, that the Local Legislature bos full power under tho Act to deal with the licensing of all shops and saloons, ifec, as the Dominion Government have to deal with questions of trade and commerce. In the course of the1 brief discussion which followed the reading of the opinion,, one gentle man stated that "it would be best for ono man toy take action, and thus test the master, the others coming forward ..with, their means to sup port liim. The treasurer of-' the Unlicensed Victuallers.Association / stated that he had funds in his pos session for application: to that pur pose, vhich would bej advanced to at least an equal extent with any funds so advanced by the Li- sensed Victuallers. The sugges tion to take action was, however, a majority, on the ground that while the action was pending: another Aet;; might be passed through Parliament dealing1 more severely with them than does the present; It was also suggested' that money be subscribed-to pay the cost of getting up ^petitions to the Legislature, requesting that the present Act bo repealed. After some discussion on this point, it was d 8c6vered that /reporters were present, and in consequence Jof this fact, t le meeting being intended to be private, it was resolved to post^ pone iny action in the- premises until the; attitude of the Brewers' Assoc ation on this question be dis closed: Gue| Rey sarvl OF CA1TA2A Iii tho Village of Acton, *.Vil]-(D.V.) be dedicated to the'Service aiid Worship of Almighty God, on SATURDAY and SUNDAY,! July l6t and 2nd. Services as follows. On Saturilay, July 1st, at 10:30.-\.m.', Sermon by -liev. B. J,.Ives, D.D., of Auburn, N.Y., fol lowed by the Dedicatory Services, an,d. at 7:30 p.m., Sermon by Rev. E. B.- Kyciman, M. "A, Chairman of tile If you want aBoBS Cooking or Parlor Stove, go to OTTXjSOItf & l JOHNSON^. G. the j Always in stock, Slovrs, Store Trliumlncs. Tin, ^hect- | t Iron anil Jupauncrt "Ware, Particular |attenti'on paid to EAVET^OUGHjliSl 'Stencilling and \Jnbhing dontf. ii( .thfjrfest. notice. Cotton Rrfge, Copper, Brass, Iroiji and other produce taken in exchange.. b" Call and See Usl*ffia Remember-the stand, one <jloor| West of the Canada ('love Works, . ; 1UL2. SljiE3T, AOTjQlTl vf. it ^VILsoKj j . ' - p. p. |joi Acton, April li! lS7d. '. TQKIEO ME.iT, DRIED 3 iEAT ph District. O^i Sunday, at 11 a.'m.. Sermon: by A. Sutherland, Missionary Secrc- llepitions at the "close-' of. each On Saturday, JnlylBt, at One o'clock, GRAND DINNER Willi bo served in. tho basement of; the chut-ch, by the ladies of tho congrega tion. Roast turkey, chickens, beef and lamb, with; all other necessaries for a first-class dinner, will bo provjded in abundance. Tickets, 50 cts. ! In tlfo evening, at (i o'clock, a STitAWBERUY FESTIVAL willalso be held in the basement of tire Church. A cordial invitation is extended to all. G. W. CALVERir, Supt. Acton, June 20th, 1876. rjo FARiHERS. A splendid young BULL, from pure bred stock, (tho sire a. Durhani and-the: dart a Devon ; the latter a Provincial priie taker, and both . have registered pedigrees) will serve cows this season ou' lot 7, lstTlino Erin, at $1 pier cow. j ' WM. CHIKG. Erin, June 9, 187G. '.-' t51-4t . rjlEXDERS WANTED. , Sealed tenders addressed to.tho un: deraigned will be' received by the Street and Sidewalk Committee of: the Acton Village Council up to sixo'clotk on'Sat- urday Juno 24th for the following works r Istj Constructing an Underitrain ' in Speight's Hill, aud for grading Hynds' Hill. 2. Por bnilding a sidewalk on a; portion of Mill street. Parties 'tender- ingifor both jobs to make separkte ten ders for each job, and marked toiiders for sidewalks, and tenders for trradiug arul draining. The lowest or any ten der not necessarily accepted. Plans and specifications to be seen at the store of Sccord Bros. JOHN SECOTtD. Chairman of Com. Tenders to be deposited at the Post Office, Acton. -. ^ i ' Acton, June 14th, 1876. ', '. 61-2t- ph4rles. CamerQii Having postponed removal in. order to cleac out his stlick of.Pork, offers at a reduced rite . | , . . j ' Superior Smoke! an! TTasipfced Hams, Cumborlanl Cut & Baccm, curefl by\\himself, and which ^ill be found unfurpassed in equality. ";Try it ami. bo coliwnee<3. . -. : i - In futuiro, mcit 'will be found in the shop partly occupied by G. M.\ Sqott, Mam stnict,'Acpon. -. ! I OHAS. CAJI/ERON. April 26, 1970. . . 44-8m , .OF . DRY GOODS^OCLOTHIlli :-\^ir-Bparatbry to Removal.,; !, V^ wm. sTEw^n-r & m UNDERTAKING. will .furai Rcauiki The nnjdersigued bpgs leave to inform, the people of Acton and vicinity that lie i - in Tndertaking [shall on.shorthotice aiid reasonable terms as ,caii be had Hearse Stqyplicd when Desired. Also, that he will i Pit ip Stores-& Ollofes in the best style. Show Cases. Hook Canes and -Desks made to order; ' ': FUIiXlTtiJtE liEPAMEb. .- . Shop on Willow gtroet, near irain st. - : . j P. ,M. McCANN. Actort, Marolf 20, .1876.. \ 3<It'6m Tyri'LTON ... PLMING- MILLS. J. R^ MITOHELL Manufacturer of Sash, Doors, Blinds, mould ings, Door and Window i Frames, Pickets, etc., Planing; Scroll Work and Matching '. Done to Order, J JfS": Blinds 30 cents per foot. TE9 All work delivered in Acton free.. Orders left at Secord Bros.; will be promptly attondedto. Milton, Juno 6, 1876/ ' '50-ly . A OARD.-To "!! suffering from tho errors and iudifcrotions of yolub, nervous wealtness, florly decay, loss of mwilicotl, Ac, I wiilseHd a recipe that will cure you. FREE UF CHAKUK. TlUagreat. remedy was discovered by u missionary In 80m.i1 America. Send a self-nddressfld ovelopo to tho Rev.. Joseph T. Inmajt, SlUUou 1), Biblo ilousoj New York City; HEIGH HO, STOP! What's She Matter? Our entire stock of Dry Goods and.Clothing 13 now Offered reg-inHess-of'i ' ' Cost, to lediice stock before.removing tobur'net? premises, noi - J." buyjlng. The public may Tely on ttie ^ '."';; Best and Cheajpest- Bargains -ever offered M Clieaper than Obi Bankrupt ."tick at Half price rjise just tie-*' goods'wanted Cheap, because Fresh and New. - " V * TSS ST0SS 1TJCT,' TRTCLL A^T) SHAtt, jBE '5013.: "'!" But we are aware how perplexing it is for honest people to reJ\d-tb'eiidTe**.' tisehients- here and elsewhere. AVno'U tilk jtbe toudebt and ,' ; . brag the,nrost seems to be the maxim of each. ; But: "';: ."';". i ' .- H . , "j: " i '"' ' ' ' '^'-" ' ; We give a few| fiuotatioris of ' -j -{ '-. '.-"' 4,500 yards of Dress Goods, former priori, J5, 2Q,'25 and up to* (ft ~" , .*.. >,-^ Striped silica nnluced to 57 cents. - Striped Gi-enadines to 10 cerits.; Striped and Plain Linen (o 10 cts. Parasols from 15 cents. 1' : Black and Colored Lustres; frbni 121 cents. _ r A' ' - i: '! Ijjtce;Curtains .75 cents. _-...-'.', | t White Cotton "Hose from G^JjenU. Straw Sun Hats from 5 cents.'- Cashmere Jackets from 1.25. :C*" Linen"^uits from-$1,50. *.'. i ." C Table Linens, Bed. Quilts, Table' Nafikins, Sheetings, TMmatfcs, Towet.'. ,-/ ' ? Colored Shirting fi*om 10 cents. A lot of Woolen. Tweeds reduced frttn - -1.00 to 60 cents.. Colored anil White Dress Shirts from 40 centi;: A.JOB LOT of LADIES UNDERCLOTHLN^ to be SAQRIFIC^. ' . .' This: Sale is no Clap Trap. C3" Reduced Pricjes Must Be Cash."S Guelpli, June. ,5 1876. WILLIAM STEWART <k. Co. Why any.person.wbo wants - I and cheap ". j SET OF HARNESS Shriu^call on ' 1' ' ROBT. MILl STREET, ACTON, Who Is a; . - 1 a good ' ; GreeIch, ways ready to supply cus tomers with every thing! ubuoily kept in a-tirstnolass. Harness ' ' J-" Harness made to shortest possible notice1 OOLiASS A SPECIALTY. B. CKE E CH ,Actoa. Nov. IS. 1873.' n- ' " !'oh the G. M; . RECElViE'D' THIS WEEK- AT. SCOTt'S , The Largest, Choicest and Cheapest Sljock of - Oottonaiea, Plaia and OhecSo id Ducts, Cotton 'SMrtinga,:|iita' "Wilts 3)xowi SMrti i .. Ooraew, Silttiag an4 toooJiat':ObttJ,; ':_ '! Faacy floods^ TrtjajBdWti ^ These; Goods, were1 bought wLttoj great care in'tha best marl|-ete *>r.C"l|*' ond'Qwihg to the stringency in tfajs mobey market, They will be sold at from,5 to 10 per cent less tharijGUelph p.rl Call and inspect Goods, andPnc^es before going elsewhere Don't forget the place-rrMidg^jy's Old Stand, opposite Agn6w'i Main Street, Acton. ' " " Actoih, March 14, 1875. G^M/:C<^W1 -: |-Th cored by I is_bcing vals'and I _ summer.-1 . . Mr - "cently: ropet . WATrfen, , he had ar ant voyaj in Augusj * Mril Agent Instiranc ia now- vLsit. cations f| ' zens fo . good an(j ' - -f-W'i . yrekk Acjton Pi ., from-Pb .".: eral day - the ' with the __ The Act attention I stmctian-| are quit da. It id : will: d*cl . ent macL otitr a pr St^ben defphia 1 Tbc Orni<j A"trbcl TeSinesse Prof. Aslj sacred pi dist Chnrtl gajdaadil lour male f Earmonio-.l ^-thcrr renilj diespeeulj remark^b: ..delight; tl tff the old! ^-patireSvw'l classes,- nide by't the appro! being entij ^ character.! - for thebu| the color is well 'de lay cveain ' Methodist I gaver by melo'dies. Son* oi tJ Thc-qual ; of Temper] th<| Thursday were pf J. StarrefcJ ' GeorgctowJ M. McMd : gaweya -bride ; S- : liamb, o; Seoprd, Jo| John; W^ The follow^ . the. ensoins % '. of-Acton, M /-.bride., ^icd f' GcArg6*0*1 g* of George f; tn^n, pf * ' R* v. R. t ; .JAfter the^ 4 *- nesa of the I s LJto hoid- K'MBagawiJ - > , An bpa ' 'c held; Thu idre^ses'wer] 'Broley and) The chair 8ecord. j and were id I '..'Tlie.Sew-, is . Thenewl H ** ??a?iy cl f-% '. toiicEes rapidly ajs j ly;ail: in parritersarj in afair[ "Uiaf^arnisll The, for the church I 1st of Jufy.j . is to be , \ toinlfih:hjl time, andl ner in w'hic r CcompliahJ his skill anl *"" contract : tees thefto" ;' lot','$423 .-d - Snyder, oil "foundation,! drew Lang I pros., -One . ^ork, E. _ ^or^Day. 4