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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 1, 1876, p. 4

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-5SB55* , r^. mm u *. I - -.Jiff-" 11 m 'A'SOW. OF THK R.K\ TIIIW.S -....' UROWIVK. Oil. the sun slihio*' bright ami bunny - OVr tlio bndJitig fields of Spring ! \V winp, \>ithJiLs'glaru(< tVn'int,j . Kvorv tender, wwnding'thin^. W.Vde ofcTAM aftil (nut* of lo^llct, Pfnmy fern. .-u>il rfiifiing thorn, ?4?>H a<l throb, with life puUatiitrf. . 'Neath tkopriugtimoVi3<>Y)'ingmorn, AiuV; tho gladsome. cArth laughsloud ; ' with mirth *~'.\ ^' ! - For tho. joy in .horj veins thnfs flow-- =". . ~ . !: AiivVtnv heartgiv>iv3light \vilh a strange '- -,- _\$ tbystjjlit of; the jfreen "ihi!iga- \< Oh,.$>o brxviklct ripples nyly \i- Mht the'imjsses on its >Klxe ! ;! - Murmuring lovcsnotos soiftly, sweetly . To the pcijpipltitig-soj^e, . . Sunshine, moisture, dews ilotvni drip ping, . ! : Valms of heat mul-stormsr of rain, Iaxvso tbo. tle.vl earth's shrouding cere ments. "": " - "; Caliper s\>iil to life ag%in. And thv' glad earth hick to the sunlit sky. S'.iuls her incense upvrartljlowing ; An'd niv h.oart crows lmht with the dear i- ' ~~ . delight ': ' I-. .Of the smell of the green things grow ing: . I .. -Oh. the guilds of Spring are Kinny ! Trills the robin, pipo^tlie thrush ; AniV thexurtle's tender ooo.ilK llnmot bee ami-drone of insect, lveep of binlling, song ;of lard. Through the throbbing Tails of? sunshine Yin the sprintrtime's morn art' heard. ; -And the.?Mtfhe-'birds'.Singfon their t; glaheing wing, . - ".\ While the sun in the sky is glowing For thev clad lutite iu my heart's de light . : L In the joy of the green things|-gro\v- i Wiii. Stewart'ft5-*. WYNftUAjr STREET, GUfLPI 4Javb just opened ft third .omo'or ..' .' thoso Uhoap Boversible Dross Goods AT FIFTEEN CENT8. p.- ,otM' Also a case of White jCotton lio,sioryj cheap. 4 pair for '25 cents. 1876: SPBINitt ELEPHANT, ennnot thcui LEPHAWT. eplenishod -with 4 The Elophant's Tmak NEW AND FASHIONABLE S Pi RIN G ^OTHIN G; Our Stock is now very Complete. i Wo have in stock - --*7 Di^oiibl Coats, all styles, j >>- Tv^eed Coats, in Frocks.and Sacksr at, prices that l>o equaled for cheapness by nny hbuso in Guelph". Call and see wo will 2,(|00/pairs of Pants, ranging froin $1 upwards.; Hji(s,.Hats, Hats. Job lot just jto hand, which run off at 2oa., 50o , -GUo., S5o., ana 81 <3ood stylos. g*- ?; >' 'iffl^m- Bt if t-iMbm pliiil ,: Urn '- % %: - * T*mW$i- %ir %"'.; tT:1$5-:'3~~'v- k [When do twoland two not ninke irbiir f Wlientliey sUvrid for twenty- two. [: ^ _ li Have you heard ruy last soagl"1 risked a music teacher of a prutF: erilic. "I hope'so,'J wEiis the reply. ..What is that which' no' man- wants, which, if an^.nian has, he; ' would not \\&tt 'with for "untold-"- \re.dtli"? ' Aliallhead. - "When she.struck h^m over the. head with a-tin dipj>4i' for trying to kiss her, he calledjt; the tintin 1 iiubalation of tlie helle, " Cnjeterj-" is tbo narce of u "station an the-Stoney Creek rail- : road. All.,." dead ;heads " are ex pected to get off at that station.. A ccfrcespondent^ntered n printr ing office atid accused' the compost* tor of not?-ibaving /punctuated his communication, when the typo eak-- nestly replied, "I'm not a pointer; I'm a setter.' ._ . ' srsixo.' , J Xow doth the little ^ilioa Poke up its little head, - And' the restless bttle.raddkh .. Stretch in His littljj bed. " - ^ The sunfiah aid the minnow _ . -'". . Wag their shiny little tails, e. W'Hile the chipmunks and the robins Adorn the fence's rails. . - The blossom by -the hedge-side: '. And along the city's street spring-time And the roses blooming sweet.; New French Kid Gloves. . case of very choice Dress Goods ut -*0c and 2jc. jadies' Silk Ties from 30c, very stilish, at 25c. |n Swiss j Embroideries we hold a large assortment and j prices that astonish, from 7c, parasols and SHk Um brellas, froi25o. XtTottiiigham. Lace Guf- i tains from 1 to 15 a pair. Misses' and r Lathes' fc'triped CMton Hose, all -Bizes. and qualities; also. White and Colored, every sizj and quality. Beautiful assortment of Gents Furnishing Goodsj When in Gitolph don't forgot to call ntitho Etophant Store, by so doing you vril savoTnonoy. : j . WM. RUTHERFORD & CO, 2To. 31, Lowor fWynlliam Strcot, Qnolpb May 1, Sfew PrintSf Jt'ew CottonsT ^re ^re selling White Shirtings by tne piece at whole- salo1' prices. Whito Uonnter- panes, Sheetings,. Towels, Table linens,.&c New Oent's Dress Shirts, | !JNew Oxford Shirts, New Felt [ and Silk Hats, New Coatings and ! 'Tweeds.' WM. STEWABT & Co. S7G, cBEAN & CO'S -- j :he mm mes^, ^cton, HALTot county, qnt.v jjj^m i, im GALL DIOKSON AMD SEE & MbNAB'S SPRING STOCK" Large Lot of PRINTS of theMost Select Patterns at the- .. " Ajlso the Celebrated ceedin DUNDAS COTTONS at ex: gly low rates. | ' Wo havo rioiv an immense. Stook-of . . Of tho Best rutternsjlhat can be had in the maikct. ' (' arc dclcrinineil not to be UndcrKoId. DICKSON & MolTAB: Acton, Murch W, 1876. 1876 SPRING1. 1876. FUli Spades, Shovels, Ra akds, {N F0IIW& CACKLE AND SPORTING GOODS . :" of temperance hotels, ststrting in ^ -varioxis parts of the Province, the : proprietora ha-ving been ither dis appointed in obtaining "licenses or irotharing applied for them. The trade in pica apples- is.tiow" lively. More thai 5,000,000 of -this fruit -were impjoVted/ into Kew Tork last year^. large" porrtion\of them from !the";3Jahamas. Porto Rico pine apples are now worth : SG5 or .$70 i.a1! hundred in JXew " York, those .from Aaraha S3Q^ a hundred, and those from Nassau ~18 a hundredl. - A no^ed: ecclesiastic Eaid that jEUtualists were papists without the p.:' ,- The question'how much be- '-. Jongs to taejp has been seriously .gone into- by the Rev. Edmund, V:, \Vo6d. ,:The adoration of. the saints^ '^-indulgences, papd supremacy., eblk gatory ,confession, plumlity of al -. tars and vpbiye offerings, all come ! in his view within this initial eate-* -gory. Crosses, crucifixes; candlesi_ crosiers, mitres; maces and wands/ ' processioTis, elevations of the chah ' ice, genuflekionjs and probably tran- wibstantiatio.n, Jall-cpme under thq remainder of the word. _. : THE MAN Who can sell you Throughout, they-havo'the best assortmen Hoes. t in Town. May 3, ]S76. . A. McBEA-N & CO. ,' ;-|A'LMZ,'BLOCK,' GUJsipH.- NOTHING LIKE I-tsT, GOOD GOODS and 3D When you hare the Tin to buy it. R CHEAP GOODS l Begs to announce that having pur chased an ^entirely new stock ot tools of the most improved charac ter, he is now in a position to turn out all kinds of m Wagon:" aad Carnage FACTORY. JAMES EYDEK, Prpprifetor. Vegans, , Oarriagoa, _ --, ^ Sleigh.,' "j.."r ."-' Cu^teprB, Sep. th< Kept In stock and made to Order on the Shortest Notice. - . f . Strict ^attention paid to j' . - J - Horse-Sliooia? &:Geh.eral Jo^Wng and _atlf tetlrtn (riio)riante?,d, Aiton July 1st, 13"5. ' . j r~. " j is the TIN RIGHT MAI to deal with, and_his name is "W. MANN. foui'will find him every time at tho Jentral Emporium, Corner Mill & Willow streets, -A.CT03STL AND SHEET-IRON WOKE Buy 3FV33E* O-^S] TherebV.gaining, the advantage of the traae discounts, he is determin ed to 8;llgoods of first-class make and material at Becidodly lo-wer. Prices Than. can be obtained from any other hfjuse in the Province. This is not blowing, but genuine facts, ijf you doubt it, give him a trial. He can show yon a ijno stock of 1- ITosrPry aopds, ' Rflad7-Kado Olo^hlng, Groiortes, Osoofcoryi, ; J. Call and bo convince A that this ia T&6 R^ht Spot. , ': ,T. W. MANN. J_ Acton, April 5, 1875. FISHER in tho VEKT2" BEST STYLE. I ' : "Being in a position to all hM * Stock c. T aiill Street. ACTON, DK HILL, VLER IN EAVETUOUCHIKC A SPECIALTY. ,Having just procured the most im- ]prbved. appliances for doing the jwofk, ht feels satisfied that he cannot be outdone in "this branoh ' y- .......k The ably en always shop^wi ill shortly t>e consider, ljtrged, and 1 intend to keep hand alargo stock of f all Kinds, which will be sold at ery low prices. | i . Ooal Acton T O V E S General Groceries, Boots a:id Shoes; Wall Paper, Crockery,! ^Q-lasswiirej ;-: lii&ri .-.:.' ' "i3iass,": -,." Linseed C il, sau- & souod Pair.ts, Tu,rpektine, "; : ' ] Machine Oil, oo^i oiii; alt, etc - Oil 1 for Sale." ' ..--r.r I B. FISflBB. Feb. 22, 1875. The subscriber be gs torcturn his t'banks to the lnhoultantsol Acton andsurround- lag conntry for thft liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, and 'at the same time Solicit l.heir further sqpport N.B.r-Oosh Paid tbr Hides' dpllvdred. 35-3m Acton.Julyiiflt, 1876. O T.HUiL, THE BEST GOODS FOR TliE iLJEAST MONEY fiT THE GLASGOW HOM, The Fountain! Head foj4:.'B&gainss 1 CHRISTIE, HENDERSON & CO., Being Satisfied that Large Sales, Shiall Profits, audi Quick lietunjis, will not only pay better than haiing the goods, remain on the' shelves, but will enable; them to constantly show a greater variety, - ! : -.' ' ': !" '"'. Haye Marked all their Gbods Down to the Very Lowest Figure, >' M, WJi YS ' SOMDTHINGf1 jtfETW AT 'i'HK FASHIONABLE WEST EM)[ T -> Our Stock is l^ept.-attractive by the constant addition of ne^r eootib VSHOTING Td^>AY ^iovt Laco .Curtains, choice-designs, Now Ltnon Costumes,-fmost ap- ]>roved styles for-the season. 2i5 'pieces Black Lustre, correct :*BhadeB,mit '20c, 2,5c, 30c, and 35c.: ' ij. case New Dress /floods, tele,i. ;.=:good. { j 2. cases Nojv American Tania\t be sold at Cc a yard, Jcaso Boys' " Everlasting" Tvaei to be sold at .?0c and 7 5c a fui' J-Vl m S3 I i-. isr^y . P ^;.;= .; . .- Direct'frord Now Yorkj.'embracing.the latest styles only, Inkpectioi} Invited. :";*< { A. O. BUCHAM, Fahhlonablo West End Dress, Millinery and Mantlt KstahUsbineu. aublph', May 10, 1870/ FRESH ARRIVAL OF SPRING GOODS; IVIAIVJIV1GTH HOUSE TO THE FRONT AS USUAL. ,.."-. -? N |E W S P R I W G GOO D3, *iln consequence of the depression of trade and the "eagerness of malic* facturers to* secure money for their goods,-ire h;ive laid down here the largest"'and cheapest stock of Collese, ; . siad Sargq JUt cjn| 6olI^geJ ; a]uesiiays| p. m; . Stcras. fc' ------------' t/ Y&yunif . fostmaftd {Xjfdney tol {:i rraphX>x| f Com. ta;tjl I>. -ffe DE &- OOD S r an . L,lfe -Assa I Ac., pre ' . i And on * i-i) y**" ott t-'f, eisgpw -Pit* - at-l ijf. Jo. .Offledl $!&" "vricltor.-i in 'Main Sfreel .' Cnancery, . King streel aifttOB Offll tnent ori>,| tw" will ai on Friday ol E^'KI H 1 and have how in stock and arriving daily maffni- l - _ ficent lines of ' ' J ' ; Dry'Goods, ra|noy Goods,,Prints,1, ] Notions, Millinery, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Black cress Goods, Shirtings, Ducks, Denims, j .' i." Grey*'and J^Thite Cottons,; I; Cottonade'si; Tickings, etb.y oto-, I : IN ^RESSHGOODS, vvelmve all the latesl noveh tie's iii Check, Plain and Fancy, Colored Lustres, (Silk Poplins and Silk Kepp'f, Black and Fancy Silks, Black 'and Grey Grenadines, Black Lustres. <to., <fcc. -u IN PRINTS, a large aiu^varied stock, embracing Ashton & . Horle's Checks, American. QJiecks, Percole'3 GiDgndms, &c, ScT, all remarkably cheap. ." ^ -,- IN COTTONS, jue have ihfr best and "cheapest stock.ever oilered to the public. Beautirtil yard wide grey^and wbits C^ottons for-9i peryard. "TUie American gobds,-elich as Prints. White Cottons. Tickings, Cotton Warp, Cottonades;' Broivn Drills. Brown and Check i>uck.<j, and other-notions, havebeen imported direct from tho runfluf-xtureVp, and are being! sold by us only at the Cinadtan \Ve 'have also on linnd lines' which oeaie alwats - able tojob^istich as Dress Goods, Prints, Tweeds, &c. i MIiLLlNEkY.^^Oiir MilHnbry Slioyv Roopi is i|0,w iii ftill bUst, replete with all'the latest noyeltips fforn all.the fiflrion- . ahle: centres, consisting of Shawls, Mantles, iHats. Bonnetc, Flmrlf Feathers, Kibbons,- Parasols, hew Check Waterproofs^ Sun Mat-, Ac. ORpEK^CLOTHING:--In ^pite of the hard times nsd-the depression of trade our Ordered "Clothing Department Jsi steadily going ahead. It is.far in advance of any season jet It m ,: .-_ proof positive of the clieapne-s and fit of our Gpods! and the universal satisfaction which we giro our customerf. A large lot of cloths from the best manufacturers of -Buropejvnd America to ohoo.=e from An immense vakiety of Gents FuniisbTngs. Hat3 and Caps. Readymare .... O-AjRPETS.f^A magnificent-assortment of beau- . Ufiii patterns from 50c. per yar.d/. BOOTS &m> SHOES. A fine variety and very" cheap; -,.',,. We would remind the public that we are giving wonderful bargains ths* we arehotr selling goods cheaper thsa we used xo. buy them, all in conse' quence of paying; the cash down. ' LADLES! Madame Demorest's patterns for-Sprihg are now to hand. s-" Goods Sqld for Casli. Xo Second Price." IVSIEI Agehi for il ATl'-borfiues*i faitlifully- >iOUcltd. ------ s----- TCMtTEXl J" CttBaxl.i, ll patent gnaif for printed i| (lUou ten ye 5te/;han'.cjl T-tnisnnd X)f ; AT THE GHOST | FRESH GENERAL OF FORMER PRICES. STOCK OF j Gr^QpRBljlJB, Also full lines of the best brands of ! TEAS Greeril Black and Japan. ,r - at!the lowest prices, ever offered to the Canadian public. Our 50c. TEA has no equal for the money. : J\loney may be. scarce^ with l you, but remember that our prices will be in proportion to your purse; and, if you liave the money to ^pend-and want our gpqds, do not fail to see us soon; . j _ We adhere strietly to the JReady Pay System^ and "Popular Qasb Prices," and the,popular ver diet on out priees fis that no goods of tlie jsame style and quality can b4 bought anywhere else for the| same money. ;~'k :'\:1- : ' ": : - J AnY Quantity of I'RESH EGGS Wanted, for which we will pay jcash when requiretJ.!""' Our terms are 'Cash'.or produce] -\-"' ! v None of our eustopaers; are obliged to pay] the bad-debts of somebody else; 5. 11 \ It won't cost yqii anything to examine.our stbek. No one is compelled to purchase. Jl cali.resp|e;ct- fully solicited. . j^- April 0, 1876, McLEOB, ANDERSON & ^o., ." ilAJdaiOTfl HOUSE, GQBGTOWlt O'Uivei i fictoii, PUwfcpf-big al tlie m)>sl re-^f OX * E. Pious; ^nU.Fd ' sWl Unci re-.ul .Ukil(L! Cxsuf DRUGSj DRUGS; OHEElAi'EST, Drugs, Plipmipals, D70 Stuffs, :" -"i .. I Patos.t and Propriotoiy 14^diciacs," _- ' _ . "," . i '"":"2paae'y aal'Toiiot Soapfc Spoagros, Brushes. ' Paints, 011a and Varaiahos. --1 .'.' "jPaaby and Euoljer Good*. "PURE "W11TSS ANIJ LIQTT0RS fop iBIe&lelial Purposes only. > AII goods warranted of the best quality and at teniper^ent below Toronto prices. - " '"..' , - ':. i' ' - -. Ij . ru ' ' Don't forget tih,a place. !. - .'. Medical Hall, Mill street, \2eton. Acton, March 13, 1875.; ' [ i (j. E.MOKKOW. 1 '."' ' ' " . ' ' ' ' :- ' Steam Carriage 1 Wagon Works i MAIN STREET, ACTON. eherar Bla|ck*niith, Carriage and W axon alakcrt Best H6rse-Shoers m the" County . Perfect satisfaction guaranteedorno price oharged. ) - ' -- "" ' f COLLAR1TB PATENT^ IBO^ HARROWS tf '-.^lways on. hand, - , ~* A Gbod^ Stbok of 'Carriages andjhrT'agoas,^" : RfcPAiRIIV'G promptly nd properly attea Jed to. ij Actodj'July'1,1875;;'. ' - . ' ].-i'-. , ' neur .Hniel style [with i T.-ayeflers'wll a n'd ~-ca m n o*i i I aitentloiLpai f Ilnyipulic^ J "l.tqubcs aud att^duve, HohI 7~HJ Ldc'eal nlbeCminti Orders ..liw? -Acton,I . Ttf^B rea^oa BAVi -. i Frith!| *ale4 aiteb'JfL Coantfr, at rc3.-| ' - ,'" Adlress; Mirf Opposite . O.oodfeilJ Sear^Ei M0! Toinb iSt &cl, nsadel apd jafc n| conntry. . :-';*r scot. meBtsihin _ ..p.s; i_ tical marbll JP^ - T :l f CHEISTIE, HENDERSON & Acton, April 5, 187Q. CO. f r-wbo keep J **!.* their Jf ALL KINDS OP BOOJK AND ipB : -PRliSTlNG i 8TIKSO>i j PEOMPTEY EXECUTED AT. THE FREE PRESS \; FREE xi Y*9iV OFFICE, f$U i \ >i \>

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