lifofoHfifiiuMfai THE FREE PRESS, ACTOK, HALTON CGUNTY, OM\, JUNE 1, rpuE AVTON FREE rRESS ' " "' " : .' ' Pablifched EvfcrvThursday MoTnii)R. SI Per Annum in Advance.' j '-iWS H. fiAOWNQ tOITp" TrirBsavT MoRNiKu, Jus* 1, 1ST6. fr v^r. K^jT i ?*,- * : -x-'. >^- ^H-- *\%-)^f '"r ';" ; rt 4. 5*".-- mi tr'r'J ,:.L ":'. 1 ^ i^'4-ii" :' . ' M = /Si{' yj i&-\& -r-: til-' Mr. Adam Gordon,"'SL P. 'for North Ontario, died ron_ Sunday morning at his homo in Pert Perry II is proposed that China Mid tiro United Stat**; shall agree to a treaty enabling either of them to restrict'_ the irtiruigration of the Othert people with the exception of those* engaged in commerce. The print mills in theiymtod States continue to reduce opom- tivos' wages owing to a falling; off, in pTices of'the-'goodV]i^ideedknd a reduction in the cost ofjjiving. Prints only fetch five ajid a quarter cents per vard at the nUlis. M ( - : -*" .' ' ! The Queen has created EarlDuf- ferin a'Knight Grand Cross of [the order of St. Michael km! St. George, an honor conferred orrhis predeces sors,. Lord Lisjjir . and "VisJnjunt Monck. :!'" . A,.niee point is to - conip before the Police 'MagisiraU-vnt t'-ith- arinps for-decision, as to'whether a grocerv keeper enn legally give a way liquor. - Itishehtthat the pnicticeis illegal according to jthe statute, and. ft he License In.^Hx'tor is going to bring before the eon rt a ease pf' this kind in. order to test the value.of the'kvv From'an official return \vo find t.htvt there has br*-n expended i iin the construction of Railways in shis Province dnrin -Ij\st vea'r the hvrge sum of $3,806,153, ."- ' Tie-report that'-Hon: Malcolm ' ' - ' " " 0f The an igb Cameron'-s illness was softenint; the brain, proves incorrect: hon. gentleman is suffering fronn abcess of the lungs, eausing n h fever. At latest accounts (he ft 'had suicided, and there Ti*. prbsT- pect of his ultimate rccovery The Pensylvania^ New York Central, arid.. Eric : railroads], in; tljeir fight for businesa jiave ?ut down fares from New York to Chi cago and' other western joints about fwehty. per cent. Of the threetie Erfe, though !'the hist to act, has gone the lowest in rpd jc- ing the rates. ~ r A resident eC Waterdown, fail^ |- ing t murder his vife, Sunday morning, made away with himaelf by the aid of a revolver. A Betle- ville shoemaker committed suicide by hanging himself with his strk|T to a bod-post. In Toronto, Sunday night, a young mart of bad charao. ter~sbot bU mistress at the rear'of a hou3^.:"on JEHizabeth'-stfeet, yue bullet entering the heck, niakingNl dangerous though not prpb^vbly a -"fittal wonnd. ' Tbe wax between-Guatemala s:id San Salvador is ended, the forth'er being victorious. A; prelimiijai-f treaty of peace-baa been signed, j , A despatch ..says Servia is prepar ing to iavl the insurrection in northern Turkey, while- Gre&be, .. Thes?nly, and Crete will all Tifee _ froru the other side. . ! ^m-fn' BinMajr; In JirloB. Tho fifty-aeventlji anniversary of Her 'Majesty's b'irtlitlny ?waB."colo-> brateU in iho uRual rnanner last we^k. The day was ushered in by tho"booming of " cannon.," firing of squibs, and] a genenvl uproar, E- .signs flutteivd in tho breeze, and everything betokened algrand-gahi day7 AH nuturo \Vus 'just betleck- ing herself in her beautiful robes of emerald greeu, and Old Sol shining in his magnificent splendor over all, aroused lUTunusnaT spirit of joyous- ness and enthusiasm amongst tho loyal people who bad assembled to do honor to tho occasion. During tCo afternoon, a great many jxK)plo w.eixj' on- the streets, amusing thctu- spLrus in farious_\vays. Givat in terest wa|j ^taken in tho athletic games anil riicos wliich were well coutesfeti. And in tho evening, tbe'eoncert luill -wtis tho eontro.of attraction, 'and then the fireworks. The following is tho record of tho giiuics : , ' ' Bask 'Raul. Match. Tlic day's aiuust-mcnt commolu-ed .it nlxmt 10 o'clock, witli nbasoKillm:itoli. lt\v:ia expfctcil that a chili f|k>m(>urliili would arrive h\ .tlic nioniin^tr.iin tn play with our hoys, Jmt as .none, came, It was re-' "solvisVto choose two mixed nines from out Inane players, under the captaincy of 'Messrs^-Thos. Kennedy and' .Tames Nieklin^-tii contest for the $10 prize. Keimedy"s side made a score of "JO, and tixik the Iprize against Xickliu'.i 17. Qrnrr-MATVU.- 3 entries- 1st prir.e, Huuh L'imeMu, $ 1; 2ml, Thos. Mc- Malioii, $2. ...-:' ' ..IIkavv Siuorum:!: Stusk. eiitriiis lst Jkmald Mann son's Corners)-."! ft. ofli. ; MeU.nald, 2fi ft. oin. I.Kiirr; S-m'sr.- 1J Ihk -3" entries 1st I),iiialdM.->nn, 4'Jft Cin ; "Jnir \Vm. MeUon.ald, 37ft lin. Tossinc. tiik l),\-in:iu 1st ;D<ttiald Maun, iid Wm. McDonald. ' Foiit Pack. 100 yards 1st, lien. Siii^ett, 'jnd T-hns, Kennedy. .Foot ltAr, ,200 yards. 1st James Clarke, ii<FrAii Su^gett. / H.!--ni>LK I!aci:, 300'v.iril*. 3 entiries lit dames Clarke, -Jiul'W. (ianlener.' " Hot, Stw _vm> .Irjir, 5 entries':-ji't Pavid^IcMaiuni, 3S -fU ; "Jnd Pich^'nl Eacapo pif two. Murderers from "jOnyusra Jail.- Cavitoa', May 29. John and Jame,\ William Youinj, who woro coiTfipcil in Caytiga gaol, undor on- trinco[of death for tlio imlrdev of iUrqubart it Co., wholosalo gro cers, Montreal, utvo suspended '.with liabilities of ab|)ut $30,000', Tlio Bt'antfoi d Krjwsi'for says tho Btntomont that has boon circulated, that tho Hon. Goorgo Brown! has i , ^iii. , vutti, vuu a\jiu uuut^u jdiuwu rutin Abol McDonald near Caledonia, (disnosod of Bow Park, is incorrect, escjiped on Sunday about < :30 p.m..' , i . On Silnday evening Jamoa William *- Mr. Wntion walked on the Young ov^rijoworod tho gaoler, took Quean Hjm-thiNy from Toronto to a key [which ho had niado from ul)inHlton, a tbst buckle oF his clothing, wont to Jphb Voung'a cell, unlocked it, and tioth < acapod. Tho Deputy Sheriff uudfn strong paste of constables im mediately; went in jmrsuit. , Up' lo Wodnesday nothing has l>oen heard of tho escaped murderers Young. Thoy oror'supposcd to Ik; harbored by relatives, jof which they*havo ninny scatUu-ed through out itiddiniiuid and Wenlwovth; J311>s.-^-4 (rnf Crcw- 2nd \\"i. Tno Hamilton Tragedy. HaMilton-, May 27.. Tho in- ipie'sfcon tlio body' of Mrs.- -Macroa- was b| rough t to iv closo at. eleven o'clock ;ou Friday night, tho jury having retired at half-past four. Thoiverdict wits that deceased caiuo to litri dtjath from injuries received at tlio'hands of-her husband, J. O. Mai"iivji."| Tlio defendant, Macron, wasj tiheu formally eoluuiitted;' for trial at tho fall .assizes. Clivat.iiP U'riwt'j was manifested during tho evening, largo, crowds of citizens awaitiing- result of inquest. Attempted Wife Murder and ! i' Suicide. . A dispatch from Waterdown says tjnit a! Dr. Walker, residing-hi that vilhigo, attcmi>tcd to kill his wife by shooting, h'or.' The b.'dl took ellcct iu'her arm. lie subsequent- shot himself twice iu thebrcast and expired instantly. Statistics of Canada. - utt. sin. ^'taia - I ". entries 1st Lcri ad Richard HilJ^ : ,-: : J " Mi,- <>t f.-i - ".' The Macdonneircase wasdiscjiss- ed in the Toronto Presbytery Tulte- .day, and it is now considered-that "Mrs. Lkxikra}' f -the difficulty has baen settled,1 the. -fantasia,6p.-th(Vi follawicg statement from Mr.- M;ic- donnell being taken iis the basis :-P- " " ifotwithstandiDg the ditficulties wLicb I have regarding tlie eten)i ty of future 'jiuhishtnent, I continue my adtic-sion to that doctrine as- im plied in my iissent to the Confession of Faitli asi formerly ^iven." Wliile Rev^ Father Chiniquy was returning liolfle from delivering ja lecture: Saturday night, in fche-Teiii- perance Hall, .Ottawa, bus carriage was pelted with stones, one of them striking him on-the bejel ; ho wis. not seriously injured^ At the hall . several rowdies attempted to raiseja ~fistiiTbance, brut; the police intelr- " fered an4-prejVentecl them. _ j Eliza Carleron sang-." Thou, art so near and yet st far," iu verj- gctod style; arid "fdlowed' w4th a lively ano, which elicited so in both Tho Malum Hill, 37 ft. Pin. ; Pcnnixi; JLMr 1st James I locatedl Clarke, 17 -ft.'J in. ; 'Jnd David .\Ic- Mahon and LAj.Si!gi,'eti, tie,. 1(5 ft. tjin. Three ^T.vKDjjKfi JrMrs.-i-(5 /eritHea 1st Len Sagge^tt.^Sa. ft. Sin. ^End Richaixl Hill, 32 ft.. S in Standing Jit.iip. i ent Sopgett, 11 IL 9 in.; 2n 11-it. 7 in. -i~ [For the Tligh J/amp, Sack Race, AVhcclharmw i Race, and Climbing Greased Pole, jthere were no entries. Neither was there any for Lady Eques trianism. J Trottixo Race. 1 Bt, G. W. Moore, of Rockwood, bay marc.^sarl-i die, bridle, &c, $15; 2nd, Wm. Mitchell,' Esquesing, bay mare, $5. Rckktsg Race. 1st Alex Campbell, . ?10 ; 2nd Alex. Wright, sorrel mare, $5. -f Cossol-vtios Race; John Arthurs, chesnut horee, $8.00 -: THE COKCERT. ' -by {he Acton Brass Band was weH attended, mrit de served to be^the proceeds netting about 40. The Programme., opened with a f' Quickstep " by the brass baj&J, ffillojv- by a song by Mr. Haf^gart. pf Bramp ton/"As he'd nothing else to do." Then "Two Captiyo Maidens" appeared on We are in receipt of volumo'four of the Census of Canada, which not only refers to the one taken in 1871 but go."s back to 16G5, and affords a very interesting synopsis of Cana da in tho jrast as well as tho pres ent. As a volume of reference it \yill j) rove very - useful arid often interesting. An estnuatf! is given of tlio number-of Indians in.tho Dominion, with an outlineVmap of the territories "in which thev are Tho whole volume seems got up for the "instruction of its readsm in French or English, ac cording; to their nationality*, the left hand pjge l>eing in English and the right in French, in ordinary read- ; iter, whilst the headings are languages. distance- of forty-fivo tniles, iu a little lestf tliiui eleven hours. .' Tho Montreal Star says: Messrs. J. D. Williamson fc Col, of Guelph, lmvo bought \ tho o'ntiro dry goo<ls stock of tho iato firm of Etupey, Johnstono & Co;, amounting toovoir $00,000. --.- . f Two largo sjiw mills, ono at'Lin- do^i, tlio other at Napaneo, were bur.nod on Sunday along with it copsiderablii quantity of lumbar. At Lyndon eight houses were also destroyed. , fl'ho necessary plans and specifi cations for tlio new building at (lUelph to, contain tho I'ost-Oiiico, Customs Houbo, and Inland Kovon- uu Offices are now completed, and tonders will bo called for very shortly for its construction.. Tho Presbyterian Church at An- caster Village has boon burglarized and every thing portable carried off, including stair-'carpet,-cocoa mat ting,.minor, brush and comb, and a'small diini of money.-'. Jarrett fc Palmer's fast tt-ansdoi^ t'irientjtl train, coin'inoncing on Juno lst,.undertjikeS to run froni Xew Vpik to* San Francisco; iii forty- eight hours. -The distance is .%S17 miles. Distance'will ero loiig be annihilated. iMr. Juines Bradley, Georgetown, purchased, at tho Assignee's s;ilo, tho ])roi>erty of Mr.- Hurst, in Glenwilliams, for $4,100, and in tends carrying on 'tho manufuctur ing business as usual. Tie intends removing from Georgetown to the Glen in a short time. ' , Errs' Cocoa. OitATKyifL ani>[Com- KoiiTiNO. -"By a. thorough knowlodgo of the natural laws which govern tho operations of .digestion' anil nutrition, and by a varuful application of tlio fine urojiurtiuiL of well selentod ooconl Mr. Knim him provided our breakfast tables with a delicately dlavorod boyurago which may Have its ninny .heavy doctors' bills. It in by* the judicious use of Biieh articles of diet that a constitution may bogradunlly built up until strongenough to resist every tendency to diijcase. , Hundreds of subtle mnladicB are fliliating around ub ready to attack whcrevor: there iu ft weak point. We may oscnpu mony a fatal Bhaft by keeping ourSelveB well.fdrtiflod with pure blootl anda pro- jierly nourished framo." Ciril /iert-iee Gazette. Sold only in packets labeled-- "Jamks .KithI & Co., Horriicopnthio Chemist, 48, Throadiioodle Street, ond 170, Piccadilly] Inrndon." i . Flour White Wheat ; .-Treadwell. . .1 Spring Wheat | llarh.y ... . Oats - ..I J'ciis . ...!" I'otatoes, perba Putter ... kk-:. ' I lay; per ton ACTOM MAK.KKT8, i '..- $2 00 to 2 .lO 1 0(1 to I 02 0 il.1 to 1 0(1 ' 0 0,1 ti> 0 ilO 0 Wl to 0 70 0 .'(.'(t<> 0 40 0 (l.'i to 0 <ir> 0 45 too m o i/; t4 o oo 0 10 too 00 12 00 to! 14 00 N KW ADVER'L" 1S KM 13NTS. HILL Bllltf.' Base Ball. T HAIti OX IHK " MAPCE LEkfS.' Gluclph " Maplo.Lcaf " Club plaved a championship match in London on |the 24th with tho Te- bumseh'Club, and at the eleventh inningsj were defeated- the score being S to 7. The following day they played in Detroit, with the ^Etnas.fof that city, and only scored 7 against their opponents 10. j The Maple [Leaf Club suffered a third defeat at Jackson, Mich., jm Friday. At the conclusion of the game the score .f tood1 Maple Leaf 4. Fbr years the Londoners' have in vain. endeavored to w|in a single game from tho'Guelph boys, tho aid of a half x ... ... . _. .. ------ the rfpge,in th person of the Misses -dozcn nkid profeasiohals,-they have iichob, and were lughly flattered. Miss Sliccecdinr in beatinc them by one succeeding in beating them by run, thu defeat being-.u'ttribiitabic to a uiasjiky by the Maple I^eaf. London has yet to win two gimes . . , to obtain the laurels Guelph lias much enthusiasm that Hhe was obliged rLe]d SQ [o : and we jmvn n0 (]' ubt to repeat the performance. Thch came "A Hun admirable thcrs, ant! " Ronald Cameron quartette Ircd Pipers " Irc-prcseut'ed in stylp;by the MeLachlrm Pro- a rousing oecore brought out MeUonald." Mis.s Augusta sant;- very nicely a lieaiitiful' b;illad abt ut'"Xhe J;ittle Footsteja. A coii:?i5ting of blisses Xiehols m& II The Sultan. Dethroned, j VA cablegram informs the world t}iis side of the "Atlantic that tlie Sultan has Ixjen deposed, and- that his nephew, Murad Eii'endi, reigris in his stead.!' The nw ruler of Turltey is thfc nephew of the d6- ppstad Sultan, Abdul Aziz. . Ho iis tlpe^ eldest son of the luti; Sultanj; Abdn) Medjid, who was-tlio gentlq- jnan ^for whose sake the Crimean war was undortiiken, and who dir^l in 1871. Murad was born in 1810, and is therefore of mature yedYs. . it? |*r i jr.! Sr- 1 IjOOks' Wasi,ike. The Ixmdot Standard says one Jiundred tons ojf : gunpowder aul a million cartridge^ ~ have jiist bn despatched"'-froni Woolwich UGibraltar, Malta, antj : tbe- MJefliterranean jieet. ' :This is qnjte independent of the.Ordinarl supply. It was stated in "Portsl mouth on Saturday that alt avail] ablo workmen are to bo placed a -work on the ships which : are nearr est to seagoing condition. The.tnrf ret ship Thnndeirer is understood tcbo tbe' first; whose completion will ; thus be pushed forward. The Tinted [ says' sjnjcs iFriday afternoon insur-l i' ances at. Lloyds' iiave been made to cover war risks. ; St .:---- i The popubxtion of Elora is 1^547, being 15 less than lat year. and Messi-s, Hnjjgcrt; and .Nichols, saiitj' joyously " and an encore brought them back to " smiling mom."-- ";; I'art n~opciied with a " Red Rose " ^uicksteji bj' tlie band, very creditably ..performed. Tlie Misses Cameron Rang a beautiful.duet, each cnquiriiig-"WJiere do" Fairies dwell':" Mr.-.Haggcrt told us aliout " 1'lic Old Musician aiid his harp,".-and afterwards said "I can'tfor- get old Erin." -sThe Misses Nichols sang a dufct entitled "Music and her .Sister Song," which was duly apprecia* ted lry the audience. Mr. Jacob Iiemp- sey gave an Irish solo al>out the I*akcs of Kjllarney, but Ids voice was so near ly drowned by the buzzing noise throughout the. hall that' he could scarcely be heard. A piano solo by. Mn,~ Dockray was skillfully performed and heartily.encored.' Miss AngufitarCamcr- on sangoiit elearlyj and. distinctly that "Her bright smile haunts .me still." The McLough'firi Prothers/'electriiied the audience with their splendid render? ing of the rousing Scotch song entitled " 'Hunting Tower." The -Brampton quartette said they were " Upon the Boundless .Sea" and were encored. The Band then struck Hp "God Save the (ueeu," and the audience reWcd in. good order. [Thrtse.folks who had so much w}ub- puring-to do during almost the whole of the entertainment were not appreciated by the balance of the audience. Their chiquer could very-well have been.dis pensed with.] , ; A new lot of Russell and.El gin watches just arrived this week at C. & G. Hynd's, Post* Office, Acton. " -For the best Tea" Cakes' 50 to , Galloway Bros., Acton Bakerjr. ] Gents, studs^nd culfbntton8 in great variety at C.& G. Ifynds', Post Olilce, Acton. . . ' ..'( pi; that at iie neict match of the series (which" the Ma oppone.i to scqre will be . played at Guelph) plq Leaf will defeat their ts j without allowing them a single run. CV.i;b it Valley ".It ailwav.- A. meetin^ was "held in St. Andrew's Hall, Toronto," Friday evening, in response to-a; cull by the Mayor for further (discussion a.s to the advisa bility of granting a bonus of-?250,- 000'in' aid of the Credit Valley Hail way. The meeting was com posed largely of respeeUible citizens. After a speech from Mr. Geo. Laid- hivv, and considerable discussion, the folk wing, motion wus put and carried; "That, this meeting re spectfully petition tlio Mayor and Corporation of tho city of Toronto to subm it a by-law as already peti tioned fijr to aid the.Credit Valley Ilailway1 withja bonus of 250,000'." An amendment waK moved, that consider ng the fearfully depressed slate of business in the city the nieeting would unanimously oppose afi furth sr grants to tho Credit Val- \ef. Rail way, but it.was lost. Tho meeting broke up in great confu sion, a largo nuniber of those pres ent declaring i that "the Mayor's! de cision in ruling; that the amotion, wils earned was wrong. JBuitoLAnY in Walkeetok: Last-Friday night burglars entered the premises of Mr. James Blair, hardware merchant, and carried off the cash box from his bedroom. They also took the keys front tho pocket of his trousers and opened the safe in store down-stairs. The books and .papers were scattered about and 106 in bills carried off} besides some Canadian silver. A qnantityj of American silver was left behind; also two gold watches on a stand besido Mr. Blair's bed;, Entrance!..was gained through an. unfastened window in the rear of the premises. Some footmarks out side this iwinclbw look like thoee of a .boy. It does not speak well for; tho credit of Toronto that tho Secre tary of the Mechanics' Institute iii that city should bo forced to write iii his official; report that. 231 vol umes were stolen Jfrom the society's shelves last year. ' I- Despatches from Toronto 6ay that one good, effect' of the new li cense; law was plainly visible in tho streets on Saturday night and Sunday, namely, tho total absence of persons under tho influence.of drink. Tho'tavem keepers steadi ly refused to supply eyon their best customers during prohibited hours. BeECIIEII OX OllTHOriOXY, : About 200 delegates to the Presby terian Assembly .attended the Ply mouth church last Sunday morning, when Beecher preached'a sermon, the.gist of which was that some people .placei too much" stress on orthodoxy, foolishly supposing that little goodness and a great deal of orthodoxy is; lictter than a great deal of goodness and a little ortho doxy. . j 1 '. P. O. Notice. At the written request of the addresses, undeliver ed mail matter will be re-directed and forwarded from ono post, office to another inj Canada or tho United Statos without any additional |>ost- age; biit mail matter re-directed and re posted after having been taken put of the post oflico is again liu,blo to postage, which' must be pre-paid, or j otherwise such mail matter will [be sent' to tho Dead Letter Oflico at Ottawa. . The .".'Herd Lamue " Vicxoiti- ors;; 'Iho dmught match between Mr. Willie and the ccljubriited Bos ton player, Mr. Barker, has now coroe to an end. Tho match was to comprise I fifty .games, and the fjtakes to be ;10 for each gamo won;, and the'i'o was a clauSo in the agree ment that the loser would not bo compelled to play the match out if ho saw no possibility,of winning a game. On jSnttirday night tho score stood jWyllio 5, Barker i 0, drawn 2C. Barker thereupon jlo- clined tjO play longer, aud Wyllio was ..declared tlio winner. The champipn will remain in lioston aliotit two.wepks. We unddrstalnd that Mr. Martin, the English chajtn- pion,.has declined for ,tho present to play a.match/or tho champion ship with Mr, Wyllio,; and therojis, therefore, nq likelihood of tho chal lenge of the latter for $500 jor 1,000 (which still remain open) being accepted by anyone. The success of tho " laddie '! in Boston gives.much satisfaction to tho de votees of checkers. . " Haiuvav Accident. A man about sixty years of age, nunie un known, was struck in tho side and killed by a cylinder of a locomotive on Saturday (afternoon, 20th inst., when within a few yards of Bramp ton Station. | He must, have been put off at Malton'j or missed the train, as, he had a ticket in his pocket from Toronto to Brampton, dated the satno day; also a piece of paper wjth " Kobert Horn, Mount Forest," written on it. A Settlement. The creditors of Mr,vB,. D. BoonjfJr, general store keeper in Erin, signified their will ingness, at a meeting held a few days ago, to accept seventy-five cents on the dollar. ; There is a surplus it is slid, of soven thousand iii the estate, the assets being 21,- 000 and tho liabilities $14,000. Ladies'- sets in gold glato, and jet jowclry in all the latest patterns, at C. & (J-j liynday Tosf) Oflice, iliiton. Ciiriun ____ _ (iitoi;.\u." ! t Notice is hereby given to all. parties interested in the Maria] .Crouud at Church Hill, that there will bu alptdi- lic meeting .on Wednesday, of pose of appointing Trustees, and t range for fencing, and enlarging grounds and collecting money for till same. ISAAC ..SNYlJiiit, S|ec. , KjSijuesiug, June 1, ]S7(>. AL pur- t ar- the ?SI, >OVc* Tall, Sfcc. \\rALKER lAHHiE Xo. TT A. r. A A. U. i Tlie. Itegular meeting of the I<f>dge will be held in the Masonic Acton, on MoinLiv, ,hme fitli, at p.m. : JOHN ItU.SS, S ^T ANTED, .v.'-' I00O Cordsiof GOOD HEMLOCK BAI For which'I. FITS DOLLARS PBR 00?.jD At the Acton Tannery, if delivered in summer. - . O. L. HBAKDM0IUE. Z. A. HALL, Agent. June, 1S7(;. ' 4!|-3n s TRAY COLTS. From the promises of the tmhscri on.May Jfitli two-year-old Filly, 1 K, |NKW ADVKIITISICMICNTH. /S E0R<JETOWN JT; : Implement "Warerooms AND FEED STOKE. The subscribers beg to|Annouiico to farmers and others, that they have opened, a wareroom on ^Inln Street, Georgetown, next the hay scales, whore thoy will keep always in aijock the most desirable kind of I 'Farming Implements. Also in connection, tliey htivo[ opened a; FEED STOlEE, . wlieAi will always bo kept In largC;stock of flour, feed aiid seeds, ot various'dc- Beriptions. ,7. C, PEYintHAUX. Al.I.AN Mooi:k, Manager. . J f .. Ueor. etowii. April 12/187(1. ' 42-am her, ight bay, with small white star in forcl cad ami. Heavy mane; also ono yearling Filly, dark bay, white star on foreh ;ad. Any person bringing them to thelunricr- signed or giving such information] askvjll lead to their recovery mtII'Ikj rewarded. They were last seen on town line be tween Krin and Ksipicsing. , l'KTKi: GKIIKIK, Garafraxa lf.O. May 27, 1870. _ - 49-3t 3lidv^:e. Thei.unlerjiigned keeps always, on hand a large quantity of first-class lJlas terers' aud Builders' Lime at hisiki ns Lot iM/Und con., F^qmaing, half a taili from Limehouso Station. Price, 12J cents per bushel at the kiln, or (jeli'rcr- ed auywhero in reach at a reasonable rate. On 40 bushels of Limo the buyer will save $1 by buying from me. , JOHN CUAIG, Prop. Ksqucsing, May, I87. 491 ^HALL FARM FOR SALE I s Adjoinincr tbe Village of Action The undersigned olfers to sell the pro perty, belonging to the estate of the late Thiiinas Uurns, eoinjirising 4V> :u;rei of land, -most of it under cnltivUtinii,' s ated a few rods from Acton ritation. branch of tlie Credit river runs.-through part of the property ; good- Oedajr. tim ber along,tlie! creek.; log House am frame barn. Apjily to ' AL10X. BUItXS, Scnr., May-22. *4S-4t. Kockwood V. 0. UNDERTAKING. The .undersigned the peni'de of Acton and %-icinity that will furnish all J Requisites in I'ndertakii on short notice and rcasdiiablo terms can be had llcaive Supplied when Dexir ' Also that lie will Fit up Stores & Offices in the best style. ((bow CiiHex, Book Cases and Desks made to order.. FUIiNlTUIlE JIEPAUIED. Shop on-Willow street, near Main st V. M. McCANN. Acton, March 20, 1870. - 39 -r>TEN7^" Butclier Shop S. ZIMMERMAN ' ' "- . ' :} j " Would inform the people of Acton and vicinity that bo has again, com menced the Butchering1 Busine In this -village, and from bis loAg experienee in this lino ho will be able to furnish fresh meats of ill kinds of tho best quality, nicely aijid cleanly dressed. . Moat -delivered at tho tyousbs Tuesdays and Saturdays, and always on hand at tne Shop. The patronage of the publio Is rs spectfully solicited. w S-. ZIMMERMAN. , Acton, March 15th iS7s. BOOT NEW DOMINIOTf '. ' ( / '~~ !- "" '." \" ' . Msm shoe stoe,^ Havo fust received tborr Spring htock of SON p.-t'^. - < % -. 18 milE Rock River Company A. il'atcnl BUILDING-PAPER -l ': I - -1 : DAY'S BOOKSTORE Inodorous Sheeting Paper Sic a lb one pound to a square yard. J? Prepared Plastering Board 6c'a;lb. Tarred Sheeting. 4'c a; lb 1| lb. to cijuare yard. Moth Proof Carpet Lining 7c a ll>. one pound to a sijuare yard.: Call and Esuminc tln\ Stock at 'Diuj.t JJu'iItvtiiYci ;!" f D.iy Sells Clicnp. BOOTS, SHOES, AND PRUNELLAS, . The Best'tha't eyorca&e into Acton, for Prica, Stylo and QnaHtyi ptXR GUSTOia WORK Will receive careful a itention, and all work guaranteed to. ^rve-eatfefactio^, "! j --tar Repairing Done Neatly, tv \ ~ Don't forget the placed- .. ',. llata. Strebt.i.lTextJDoor to Agriicw.'s IBfotcL '" Acton. May 29..187G. ^^NEY':<fe-S0K.-::t-' MANTLES, DRESS GOODS, r | GMERAL DRY OO0& -:;' A very handsome stock just opened out at .' \ " MILLINERY AND DRY COODS EMPORIUM, ()ar stock of Millirjery'is i^ot surpassed by any hdu^e in Harton ootrnty, Our sales during |tho;pa3t two weeks have been .extraordinary large; foor r first class milliners kept exceedingly busy from eacly--niorning tilt-late at - night attelnfing f.o the wan'ts of our customers. .Everybody highly pleaptd. ' . with the neatneaj'j beautiful styles, superior quality andreheapness of^tnr millinery. I no longtr any necessity for 'going to.fiuelph or elfr> where tercet fashionable goods. . H-r -. ^' i We havd a larce and handsome stock of MAtS.Tl.ES; of tlie most jfashioifeL ' able-styles, in all]sizes and tjuaiitfe^ very cneap'And good. [ i.^ .: Ladies'Kcadj'j-madc SuitSj^ ' r '~'-'- \ , Klatik aiid CoWred Silksi "v.. j * | -': Dress Goods of various kinds - IN GEF^SRAL DRY GOODS ,Our stock is much larger and better than ever before. A good assortment .- ; ' ' "i i. '!' . i? of" ueiitleme'n's <Toods; ' ^Sr.JT'fry/A/pi/ Mnrl-ea IJoiru iofhv Vcrtj< .Loicist. Figures. :Jg> ? We believe in small profiljs and quick sab s. A fine selection of BANDSOIIE ^S'vTELET at all prices/ , " - - , Also a Qood StooK of v3-eneral Groceries.; ". B.b- Millinerjf Show Koom I'p fitalrs. ^ *:- -" Pleaso call and-see our new-^oods and low prices. . .'. i'. ] D. MolTAI^i: .- Acton, jjlay 23- ISTb. ; -.1 Train? Momin>rJ Expre3 Mied ' '. ;,Kigbt Kx Night Erj Mixed Pay Expl vMad-r JMixed J mac, 5<"o is I -. VVhen I ..' "Shed i Rich pr] Will wJ f On vi -Hal Tuesday l ',_spH crbp3 loola y Bktl Georgefc day of ncd The I bftiiding .Bansoin . I-I S DEAR CUSTOMERS louring ike. summer J inill' trnd a. jtcrsoii from myxhbp into iho -conn- try to examine and rejm'r clocks which'arc warranted-by inc.- Custo mers whose clocks are not. going writ -will plfJtsa send in word. Should, you favor the. young nutn wJioin I sh'dl send, I will he he*jjn.7blr, for it*firing sq/i.ifactio?!^ Ariy~cour/vy extended brltim will be reciprocated, by mc. . . , Yours truly, ". , Ct. D. PRIX-GLE, "' r, Gnclyh. April 2Gth,'lS7ti. ' j.' sTcnrEJS AND TINWARE! , If you want a Boss GQOKIKG ST0V? ' ' .on - - = PARLOR STOVER <io TO WILSQltf JOHNSON'S* Stoves Tin Always in stock, , Stove Trimmings, , Sheet- on ' uul Japanned Ware. Particular attention paid "to E AVETROUGHING. S ten cell ing" and Jobbing -done on the and other jp; 3hortest:iiotiec. Cotton Rags, Copper, IBrajis, Iron odiice taken in- exchange, j .*&- <$all and Stic lis. *ea I'emember tho stand, one door west of the Canada Glove' Wofks, 1 MILL STRiSET/U.OTOS'. W. It. WlLSOir. Acton, Al'ril i],.lbV0 I. P. Johnson. GOLD ' ' ! " CHEAPEST I) LION G-TTrBiL^IH-. RY GOODS STO^E m ONTARIO. Eabrmqus Sales at Prices never "before i^a|4;of. irs. Are now Selling AIL are Good,' Sound and HonestJCioods; ~We. giiaraiiteo Satisfaction. - B J- TL "Williamson ^0o, that Jmraonse Montreal Bankrupt Stock recehtiy, pur*' chased at 50 cents on the dollar. ' *-. Apd . Several "| in Act<vu . It isl ton.Volnni ton neit; - Act day .next, I fair always lowing CuJ j "Wednesdal M:e Speight' aJ Crewson's [ Tennjerand in convenn ^;-i"5fbrii ly ccaisfded firrg |he vi - Aftei ten i tlie girls' cjl pinched wa .' ^ against which ws the inagist FjiJay lasl trial-at thq catered int aiice. _ "'- :..:V-Mrf a ..lecture' f" Katurdaiy |". nessed bs-ll Vtral Prison 3mnsiiig-_ ' araoauted. 'i benefit of building ful .SicfalV. A social - of Mr. Bel evening, 1-j j . Metbodisf' ;i .other .ente ;' ) election." i .! .attended, : '<- ' will be got| I ' - Jfr-w Bnildl - . Mr. Ran-J Up 3 tWO- sl vacant sj/a Mr. Storey j \Vo learn fq be intends - ft' .. nd erect in i!' " buiidmn jijj. - ,^- iftj - 'l stove and i f^--.* tenuetB.foij tjfs '.! block are t<l "S- ! 1 withat ono-J Ji.T ; \>er of "otheJ n j.- '.': - tion. -il-' SE|E f HE PRICES I ESS ^UiiSo M Newest patterns in Checks and Stripes, lovely 'shades, in plain colore Beautiful Silk liixtares at 10c, lJ]c, I5c,'20c, 25cy 30c and 35c par yard. WORTH DOUBLE THE MONSY; v i Thousands 6f pieces to-choose from.. . : .! ". ..' A yyholeDepartiient is devoted to / '<.'i lack ;lustris: Qualities t nrivalled-^pricea that cannot bo approacbod elsewhere. Silks in every possible pattern and.shado perfect m'arvelsof "cheapness? Grenadine:;, beautiful colored and.plain stripes at 10c,\vortb;25c.- ; Gossamer and Striped [Dress. Lawns at 12J ccnts-S^nnot be bo?g5> elsoivt ere under 25.cents. ' ,r ;.- . " Costume linen, hundreds of pieces at 12Jc, -worth 25c.' "_ Brilliants, 10c-f Cobou'i'Rs, 18c"; Japanese Silk, l'8c; Linch .Embroidery,, Swiss.ljjmbfoidery, Check-MuslinSj 12^6. '$ ':'-" ' \ r." Tni Unlse and. every, other lino ofS&ple and; Fancy Piy <?oocls -i_ il - The Lion Defieg Gom^titiclI great marvels, beantiftil Kid Gloves, all snadeSj-Sfie}. Don't forg|t thbso ^ araso isj 3T^c. WORTH THBEE TIMES THE AMOIJ^T.. \Vo treat -v 'itli silent contempt all insinuations of diBappointed;Tiyal*> Our prices !,' : UE GOODS ARE PERFECT. 25 per pent below anything to be met with, elsewhere. Our-sales tiireo.tinies as great as any other houso-in town Lola Tr ices. ane{ Pofuct .G\>ods. ' Small Profits and Large <&*{ . tfs" Come and See Is. i^a;,;-.; . T -u.. y- ~~: For a] fresh and el I Acton'BakeJ _ |. Acton Con "j'-. \. '. Tha..Coim| Si ] ' :, IlaU- -Satr '!;! V: Public noticij of Revision . engaged for j Hi they'resolve Sri "" - ii j/ffi f the member^ '^' -at tEe flail 1 .Sj| -Want .of a. l| |^r -; to i j. this 1 I; |night.-; "Aftj |: '-.} hall.door J } commenced I . "T'quest of th| ; '_.' lineniinoUy . i Wag\p^o n -I . | r -co I MeriibetB i &..! 'ehairhian, 1 of appeal! I*. TJeardnioJ .njent oa' pe| anestfrom: bave their j property' ndJ latter W-a* gj " ;I* Bcardmo ' stated that -I statement of| ^jbide^fbark! ^ ^tannery, an3 *toodf that "il r; rfor ohl^y abo I '- U^v && WisI ' [4uced US a fc[ ' |-| pi^hairn : the law re^u ftonal- proper caseswheJ ^.itwas not| f^ted that- a uMm 3f *H