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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), MAY 25, 1876, p. 1

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. --.-.-Wf ./*U;.<fl" L j WW Volume I. Xo. 48 ACTON, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1876 > r ices \ hat Call wwi jt^ ' lumvartik intli which , tig Goods. r p.~by so doing" CO, 1HE 7- ~\\p H. IOWRY, !H. Bvi-M. ; Y rt*. l\-s. t'rsduiue of'Tiiliilty f'oHi-EV, Morabi'rol t'olH-gvof l'hysieliins and Sunrean*. Mn.t,8TttKT"A0Ti.iNj. <- DR. R. MORROW, Pliysl- cian". Sunr<xin. Jte tt>t Ilellrvtv.'j Col- \ei*. N'evr YorH. lUsoHr.uInntc ot Victoria TVOMINION HARNESS SHC>P. The subscriber bogs to Announce to-j tho ..'inhabitants of Actori and vicinity that he Una commenced the 1-S.lcps i\.ad. CV.iir..ion di.v,- , *"* Tucun.vs nml Kridayv from 9 a. nv, till 4 "_., . ^> /-v ,>. * v. , ,. p. nv. Residence-West llowcr srwl, (Jl<J 1'oSt OlllCe JiUllUIIlir, JAKES MATTHEWS. vey:incor l>Mitrof Al;irrl8eo 1.1c <fou- MILL STREET, ACTOX, (~1HEAP BREAD FOR THE MILLION 9. & E. NICKLIN ' ' ' ' ' .B'ojjito announce that tlicy havo scoured - i thu services of n First-Class Baker,* r-ostuyi.-ui-. insurant Agent,. AWni ."whoro he is 'prepared to turn out irSl?ci.eeri $%\ "^Vis ^rt V?VOk MTd * "6ini1lho ^mln: And that-their slaking business ..now &min^.;*< fu!ltoperation, in the promises-ou nod - Ion the shortest possible notices I | by Sjtra. Ilaniia." B HENDERSON, Conner- ]'hVe onj hand n largo and welt select- 0 anoer, *c... iiiso AJient CufuttlA' ed StOCK Ot i* -. ' ! ' r "I" i' N *' tJle A5roo rCo. IVoiln.' .Mortgicts; | *c, prepared neatly,;pniittuuy eorri-eily.: and on rcinon ible term*. Moiit>y to . Loan on .tfori<agi security, uince Glasgow ifouse. Acton. |--l JD. M ATHESO>\ AUoritey- iit-Ljiw, Soileuor lu"i:k.-iin,Wjr, *c. Office Corner of JUultj_and Chtirca Strerj+s.-Utorst-fowiu j AP PL E B E & SI MPS N, Barrister*. Atlorne>s-i-IrfiW. S<- lidl->rs In Chancrrys. Oo'nveyauoariy ic. Main Street,' Ukoi:gi.tu\vn. : 1 I .. WM. tllDLAW, Barristler.' A'ttrne.i-!<i-lrftw s. IioimrL in ' _ : , <'nur.v. Ac. i)RU--h>: Hurrall. Kilj str^ei;-Milton, 'Main_in'.-"i. Tt'lm "(. - MtUon (.'inct^ ffiii tw>" nnder xhv iii>i:)^^t^ menfitf U. W. L\tnipltfll'. an I Atr Uii.l*' UiW will n!Ir:iil .11 UK' 'MiltOu l>113ci" , ofi Kfid--*y o.' t^i.'ti vvi'eR. |- Horae Bl&nkets, 'WTiipi, Bruli. Cojabs,: TruaXa, otc. Repairing promptly attended to. Give xne ajsuli and be*onriuced. -J.F. DEMISE Y Acton, Not.-2o, 1IS75. Broad will lw delivered daily at tlio hoilsles in tho village imJ vicinity.,, Wetddinar Cakes, Tea Cakes, Pastry, Buns,1 &c., ma<l| in the very best manner, and kept always on haud.'g.HHl and fresh. Also t all 'kinds of ' Ccmfe. Clicvke, &e. fectiunery, ISi.scuits, C TOX BAKERY. H ENRY L DRAKE, i\SIKl\<E Aceni for tl.<- M A:: i.i::>lia->> r.ii;h ii::t .ut <\>aciu-J. " ACEVT, VI r.LI". |_- rpiiJit-'U- ninl \\ iU.-rli-.). m l*u&i i'ii Xo p l> fare" J I ri,. i-ii.ii.ii ui; Ui-ifi> i.y:iii:iil i \ H.-I.. IIIIAKK lliirrub. CHEAP BREAD; SHOES nd durability prib.veed to girt >re. . .- St)N. PATE^cTSjfbr INVENTIONS is titrl U iij C^n.ivi.-'V tn-e-.-lTuiU* ( Sl.tt-js :i ud KlirOlH-. ^utt-^i g-.*ar.;iiie--il- r -it> ci.;uvt*. St-ml fJr f.ri:i.t-"l ai-tri.cr:ori--.- ,*jc-,tttv in t>f* r- aUou icn yi*r^,.^ ilKNfrV Ut.lsiv uiUi1a, Mrc nflTr.i! KngiV.e^r, x.ici:ur *-pI i** torn* an>J;h.aMCli^Hiun. ^y ILLIAM .VAT-KINS, (user MarrJae,.Ll'Si'>r> JttrllBratr, Ky Koyal Ap|H>iiTiiiit-ino i fcuaiuci* gilV'ule-ai.U coctiUrwlial| 35e^ l Mi?"P*)t inil.-e-. lil.'nvrlfliiiiii, Cvii^ly Ha'Uon. ' '.. I .1 - M RS. S. CARTER. Teacher rBIrraw(ns ^ If *T K>RS^ ivfltwa; ' sarkeU for Cah ,".-: 4 - - i if jlph-'price*. - _ } r-3 " ' Agaetfe Hotel > SCOTT^ OLIVER LOZIER, Pl.-tHtcr<r . ACCTju, <-:it- E.vry .lcJ.T.:|.inii I'l.-Ml-rinj.-aiiil Iloit'li-caytin^ doiie' on,' tht: la-J^^. ri >ut I.-.I tiori'^Tl;i'*iilitcei;- ... A CTOX FLO IK MILLS. .-!. ii. A ! SICKUIS, Proprivlorsrr I .; Floor an.i Feed alViy> oli i and^-i'li.'iW-j nU i<n.l re'.aii.. ;fi..inj; irn i Ci>"i>iiing Lijyi.-.^CesU or all kin isc.r lir.tn'. ; BUssi-N' MOt'Si;, Aptn. ' CliKeto tlirii. T..Uii way stiiii^.. Kic^llcnt>'coinhio'Jdlioti f'ir Hie traVfl- li;is pibljc. THu*.' LfAJir-HELL, Frojj*. BOMIA'iO.V HOTEL, Actoin, . itotiert Atjnew, rn>i.rii/ior,TliL a-i* Hotel is ai ef ":> m tirsi-class ivli with iw lurmttir.'. Gominerjtfail T.'-niieHprs wl 1 nr.il sr>i jKCoiuino i-liuu mjl1! biminu iIiju- >u^ijhi- rzmfnx*. ^itcial a L.iitiuii-ia4i tnth- wau.JLO' Hie travtl- liuj ljuiJIic. Jinr upp U"" wiili tee best Kf]u^r a.Kl C'igaii-. cx>J-S uliiiuif iid attentive Ho>il< rs. - ^-v ji ipDoslilon I,-; the life or t-nilo Huy Ualioway'i. Mljit-l-'or , Jtrrail. D. GAL^)WAYi ; . " i ! tu jrs to ntinutirce to tho InhalUtunt- uT'. A-cuvn ami vj'clufty thul he has remUrU hi* Bcikiiit K*ialrti>hmeut to the pretn* '"'IkC's nt-xt door to Morrow** Uruc ftturV. j When? lie tui* buili u <1iS>t-claM~n^w OTrn | and n rUtoti the premise- in a rirV-clio* hty)e fur n Battery. a*id Conftcliontry HiisincsA. uudfm turning out - !. i BBTTS2. BESAl^ T2A1T SVZ&, Baas,,, CaScs, Blssults, ' Piutry, j ' .'." Cialio*, Alio; the bes: ijii ili:y ami nt grrat-y re- Uucvij iiricv. The iKitroiiage of the public is res- Jiectfiiilfy solicited. I' B. '* K. XICKl.IN*. Acjton. >Vti.'29, 1ST*!. I ' ' G \1 ELPII ARMORY, WklTTICK'M CE\TR.VM II. niMV. , 'I Hltpping on my ilrcBH I ci-opb up the Our Father'sgU from pu .whose hand, stairs to tho door of tlio rpolm con- Ihu Centuries fall like grairta of sand, i'*;.:_. .1 Tl \Vo iheot to-day, united, frtie, And! oyal to our land and Thee, IV *kL..l. til... '. ._ xi . h ... ' To thknk Thee for the era done,' And JIer Tl: .Win trust Thoo for the ope linjj one. , jwero of old, by Thy design, lathers spake that word of Thino Mu ebhn is, thu glad refi-ain Of rdnded bolt and falling diaiu, To gijace our fest;il time l|o The Wines of earth bur guesta we call. lie with-U8 while-the Nuw,1 Vorfd gn>ets Thu t^ld World thronging al 1| its streets, Unveiling all the triuiniiiiM Won liy aiif. or toil benoath tho skurj And mto ctmiiuon good ordain This fivalaliili of hand anil jrain. Thou who hast here in cone 3rd furled Tho war (lags of a gathered world, liciie^tli onr western skies filtil The t>rient's mission of cool .Will,! And, Freighted witliLovus golden lieeee, Send back the Arjjuuauts ol peacei. I'or Art and Labor unit in inico, ForUuauty made the bride if use,] Wo thank Thee, while withai we crave Thu a latere virtues strong t r------ The biinor proof tojplacu orj JOHN KIRKHAM, ' j !.- " - tiuusmltb. Silver-PIatrr, &c^ Wishes to inform tile public thathe lias .rehmveil to Mived Candies at S5e per .L. "W M^ HEMSTREETj^ ;; Licensed Auctioneer" [ \t Ko<tlii-'C*oiJiiitle of Vtllli g'.on and llld- tonr uniers 1--1 ;at the i-'kkk Pitit-w "P/lieo, Ac1ui,.or at lay r^>iilenr>-; .lu Koctwoid, rili bepromrtli treUle<* tu- .Ttfrms'rea-si>Dable. . . i 3-A' :i>A.yib'sojx, i." ' i: Licensed Auctioneer '" '. ior itic C*mtif^--'oT Uallon. '. S^Ie* atten.l&l to in anv part of ttief jtounty,.*t reasonable rati?s. Ad3>"esi; A. D-iVJOSOX.-- - Carapb-illville, P.O. I alter* / ided t. -;'/ "r Marble Wprks| Opposite sicle fronlu \ Mills : & GixKliellow's^Foinidry; and Xear Eralinosji Itridgc, GiieJpb. ALi KIX1>S OF : MONUMENTS Tomb'Stones, "Mantle Pieces, ic, made bo any sizfeor ilesifin, and put ui'in any part! of the country. * ].- . tar .Seetch Granite ironu- meiits imi>orte<l to order. P..S. A. Kennedy is a prac tical marble critter.! -i:roili;ce ffuil kimli- inlti n In ixctiajic? ' ' toe Good*. ' Wi iuht.for wV-Iirli! given In llrcad in ex- ci ani,*t for 'rlour. | ' - ,r " ' Gruhrnn Jirni'l <i x^Kcidlty. -i ' r Itrenri, Buns and Ck -nilellxereil pvefy - .Uny, fre*b,liriuud tbr village. WEDDING & FANCY CAKES miidpl'iordrraniliiii hunil. In the latent Btyl.s utid at reasonable cliurKi N. H.-i-A'i;Ei>is are warranted pure, hs "jnnbii g bin (lie boi of mulcrial Is und, The:patroTia,'t5of the public is reKpicl- T-ily tolici.li.d.J" " ' f ! . ' .' . " ' -' I ' i Calliind sefor"your.-elv(.. j .Vext Hatch's Block, door tii Tyson's Butcher Shop -r AMMUNITION FOB AU< BKBBCB LOADCNO ASMS. Elj"'4 KynochV Cartridge Case" and Uu(n Tor re buidliKf raine., Kc-loailcr*. Ke-<-tipt>er, Cip iyrti-lors,. 'Gjurlers, aid L'retistH-a.i'leiitiliiK KodF, and all articles btr(-e.s.>bi v f..r a'si>ir.ii.ail's ouiilt. All soils of It'-Viitlne: aiid Jobblne executed on the slioriest notice utr Gaelph, April "27, 187t>. tiiining tho youth, who 'wis Uo- fiituding mo of my riglitful: ifest. I listened, all was still, mid I stood hesitating what to do vlien I heard u Ioiul sob from within.. la an in- Hliint I'liuluckcd tlio ill or. There lay tlm lad on the cold floor, liis head, on hi.s crossed arniH. lie lift- save gold, or sol The 'manhood never bought O! ui.1 kuTlum ns, througlrceijituriesjloi In pei.ee secure and justice i trong j A roili d our gift o freedom ilraw ' The_s ifegiiards of Thy right ions l.tjw, And, :ast in some diviner ill itijd, \xl the new cycle shame tlitl old ,' MY KING. Acton, Mart^h fi, r uAiJ.OW-AV UROS5. 1KTU.. 1 .VCTOX '-- PLANING MILLS! an a TROLLOPE t'lIAPMAX, * i " f m F Practical Bookbinder. -. ,::rf- M >..| AIL descriptions of >Bitadfiig; Xeaily Executed. | I Actount Book* of all Kinds Order. Made to TJuling Promptly Attended to : i8iKDEBv-fSt, George's 8quafe, Guripi - ^.Orders left at the Free Pees 'Office will receive prompt .attention.. $5 to $210^^ wortn at. home ,. __ '~ "-">-' fjmpiefi worth i *ee. Stissox <fc.Co., Portland, MalDe. : AlO-a.<ly'at Home. Agend wanted. _??r"T. <^atflt a1 * ^f?"8 free- XBUE i Pump. Sash, Door and Blind v- Factory, : ' THOMAS EBJ3AGE, ilanufacturer of TOadow Sash, Doorsj : r i Venetian Blinds ' Kouldiags, And otlier Building Seqaisites Also" Makers of 1: , :' Z2?307D EUCTIOiT TVUS8 Lumber Planed and Brcesed to orde in tlie best manner. t&~ Allworkguaranteed. Acton, Jen., 1; m. jfaENtt 25c. <u> G. P. ROWELL & CO.i 7Hc. .T Yi*Ztor Eamptilet of JtW page* CMtaialng Iii,t* of 3000 newspapen.-, uutl *UtejiUowlng<SostoradreriUHng. : pVBE MILK. The undersigned begs to thank his customers for the liberal patronage re ceived during the past summer, and, would say ^hat he is now prepared to supply an additional number of custom ers with go >d,' pnre,^fresh inilk.'deliver-! ed every ni irning, and twice ft_jdy on Saturdays. Parties who keep cows will rind it nine! i cheaper aiid liss trouble to get milk delivered at their doors, and they would- do well to sell their'cows and'bny th sir milk. Twenty-one quart tickets for $1, if paid in advance, or twenty-one' pint tieketsfor 50 cents. - -I ! P, S. ARMSTRONG. ^cton, Kdv. 10th, 1875. HEIGH HO, STOP! What's the Matter? Why any person who wants a good ) ana cheap SET OF HARNESS Should call on Robt. Creech, ! MILL STREET, ACTOX, " Who is always ready to supply cus- tomersiwiih everything UHdallyi kefpt in a tirst-elass Barness Shop, ~ Harness made to! order on the shortest possible notice. COLLARS A SPECIALTY. j I B. CREECH ,Acton. Nnv.J8, 1S75. I " Joseiiliine ! Josyttiirie ! wuko up!. There is soine one tij'in^ to get it to this room."-. Aiill my aunt' shook ine roughly. I s ining up in I bed .utid rubbed my "eyes. ' 'How where? "Whit fori I asked sleepily. Shit laid her hand on my mouth on shd j-wLisjieretl, " Sh ! Sh! don't you bleUr that:" I listenwl, by this time fully awuke, and heartl a sound as of some one at the door. " What shall we do, Aunt Mafyl" I said fuintly. She shook bar bead. !. Tiiero we were i.lono in the house, with the exusplion of John, the hiied mail, wl.o iletit on the floor nbove us, and who ini^ht us well lmve been sleeping the .sleep . that knows no wnkina, for nil the good be could do uh. .[ clutched hold of my aunt and laid still, with my lusirt beut- ing wildly. "O ive shall bo murdei-ed, I know we, shall Itb JOB PI peatly IXTIX of all kinds nd promptly executed at the FRHJE PRESS OFFICE, itxX Ike l> OMce, Mill Street. MEAT SHOP. The undersigned baa commenced the Butchering Business ! ' " ' Opposite Allan'* Livery: Stable, 7 "' : and will keep oonstantly on band Fresh and Salt Meats, Fish, Fowls and Vegetables i at all seasons of the year. The support of the public is most respectfully solicited. . i CHBAP FOB OASS, the best plsn-r&o say ypu all. ! EDWAEO MfTTHlW^ Acloo; March 15, 1876 -38.?m ought of the silly wish I Lad expressed-tLut" name evening, ns 1 coinpluined of. the dullness of my country life, "that sOmetl.i ig would Implied to wake us up u little." Here'vas the awakening, I hid Iny head under the bedclot ies while I'praytU softly; then not (luring to lie alone, for my aunt hailTlef: my side, and feeling'it would be better to die together, I, too,found my way to the floor. With the only wea- [K>n slie could find, a pair of curling irons, my . liite bed-feIlo;v istood shaking behind the door.-: -Very gently it opened, and a lieid made its'appearance. Tighter and tight er gew my wins around niy com panions waist; but when our house breaker stood before tis, e\iery feel ing gi'tVB^pIace to astonishment. Instead bf the hideous -face I had ex|>ected to meet, there bariie to view the handsome face of a mere stripling. My aunt's,fears seemed also to have vanished, for, stepping boldly up to him, she c night hold of hjm, saying : " Ah, I have you now, my pretty fellow; at the 'same'time ciying for John. The Captive struggled to free himself, but in vain, fo- Aunt Mary only held biru the closer, while she screamed louder for John. Very soon he made his a[>- .peai-ance on the spot, where ]he gazed in amazement on thejpicture before him ; but as bis mistress kejit sayiiig, " Tie Jiim, John, tie him 1" lie went for, the first thing handy, which happened "to;-bo my aunt's long worsted garters.] They being strong, answered eve y pur pose, and soon our-jirisonif stood meekly before us.. Ther Aunt Mary, looking sternly at him, said : "Now, Jchn, take and leek him in the room at the tojrof the house, and in the morning we will see whether peaceful citizens must, be robbed and murdered in beds." I had stood quietly by, no part, in the programme, and feeling, it must be said, mo re pity than anger for the handsome youth.; Once I met his eyes fixed earnest ly upon me, and as John led him from the room mine "was the last face he sought. After my aunt bad expended all the threats she could upon the. culprit, she fell fast asleep; but though I tried to follow her ex ample-1 did not succeed, "cr the face of the burglar Jcepfc'risng be fore me.. ! I was only . sixteen, and of rather a; romantic turn. Ipic- [ tured his dark eyes filled with pen itent teai-s, and thought jtbat bitter necessity had perhaps driven him him to this act for jwhicji niy aunt would send him to i piTBon )n the ed liiir teur-wet face, j Ah t how pule it looked as the dim morning iightjfell upon it. . I am- siiro my voico was very gentle as I'said,- " Thefe; do not weep, but tell "l" what has impelled you to.'fluch work?" , " Ah?.miss," and his voice was a ftraiigely sweet one) "such bitter needs us I pray Heaven -you may never .know. This is niy first of- fenco, belioye me." . j I did believe him, arid made tip my mind rm U151 spot to get him away! before my auut sliould wake. I bade, him follow, me, iind silently we cjiYJpt down tho stiiirs, andto the front, door, then telling him to wait until I returned,! I hastened buck to my room. Tlie sounds tlmt issued from the bed told me that Aunt Mary still slept.. I took from my pbcket-.book it contents, and hurried back, utid just as I had placed lii 111 1 found the loy. I gave the money into his hands, whi.sper- j(-"ed, " Go and sin no.more." Ho';caught- my hand] and while hot tears fell upon it, he kissed it. " Go<l bless your sweet: fuce, I sljall never forget," .ho jniui mured, and then he passed down the path and .out of sight. , | With a warm feeling around my heart I I went softly l>ack to bedt and wits soon fast asleep!." It was about eight o'clock when my slumbers were again interrupt ed by !n shrill voice crying : " Josie, ho lias yone after all 1113' pains. [. It's too- bad; ill John's fault; 1 I'll nev!er forgive him, no, never." ; ' I. [ Poor John,' IIo swore bo1 had fastened the door, but it jwas no use talking, she believed through him she hud lost her captive, j And aunt from that day ceased to| have any confidence in the poor fellow. Our'sleep after that was unbrok en, and the years carried me safely to my twentieth birfb-day. |I was called a very pretty girl at that time, with" a handsome pUir of dark eyes, and 11 wealth of golden hair, tuat (let :ine confess it here) I pridetl myself veiyriiiich1 on. I bad several admirers aiuong the young gentlemen of the village, but| never felt any great inclination for them, and'on that account had acquired the name of being rather proud and- cold. Aunt . Mary, who had not grown younger or better natiired in the past live yeai-s, predicted my becoming an'bid,maid. As I look ed at her I felt somewhat frighten ed ; still, I could not bring myself to accept any of the illustrious names-offered me. dreams that visited mo nightly. Several of the girls, .calling on me had-spoken of the .handsome gen tleman stopping -at . the " Lioii|"/ and sighed to think" ho was beyond I their reach. ';j How I hated my life at that : pe riod, with its same dieary. routine. Tho sound of my aunt's voice as hIio; called rue at six o'clock in tiie morning. "Josephine, Josephine!" she would scr&uii, "going to sleep all day V- Then farewell to the castles I was building, anil back to the endless making of bread and cakes. HoW I longed to get away from tho sewing sho had always ready for the long, bright afternoOn/ and out into the woods' and fieldo. Wo were going to have ;a pic-rtfc, and the guests- at the hotel' were | to favor us with their company, All Was excitement, for it was not often we liad the pleasute of being in tlie company of geutleineu who w^re' their hair parted in tho niiddle; and called us dused pretty girls. Tho day came. Don't think trie vain, reader, if I tell you I looked lovely it was some years a]jd-- and'I coujd see that I did by the' whisperings .among the girls, and by the envious glances they cast, at ine, also by sbipe-tender ones fi-oln the opposite se^c. - '.. !" We were at our first dance when, the gentlemeifcfrom tho " Lion" ar rived. I felt my heart beat quick ly as I saw atnong them Edwin King', for so my sti-anger was call ed. Truly a king in manly beanty I thought, as I looked at his tall, graceful form, arid into the strange ly, handsome face. As he saw me his eyes lit up, and coming forwartl, he begged my hand for the next dance. I assure you, gentle read'- er; I did hot'refuse. Very happily jMissed tho day, and I was sorry ! when Aunt Mary called me;" As Mh King led me to her, I thought he locked rather strangely atJier, but soon forgot all. else in the plea sure of having him by my side as wo [walked slowly home through the scented fields. My new friend did not forget me, and hardly a day went by without bringing him- to me. Even my aunt seemed pleased with his visits, and spoke in the warmest terms of his gentlemanly bearing. One 'eyening-r-ah 1 how it comes back to rue as .we were sitting-in the parlor, njilit! save'by thb soft moonlight, Edwin said, after a long "Josie I have a little ^tory :to tell you ; ,will you listen?" I whispered a faint " yea ; " so taking in his bands the hands lying idlyiUrmy lap, he went on: " Once on a time, a boy,'friend- less and alone, came one coid night to a village. He had been trying! for weeks to find- work, .but mttj nbr-ono who cared to give him a! kind'wonl. So, faint' and weary,! he came to this village I speak of. I do riot know what devil tempted him, but he crept into a farm house, {#1.00 per annum in Advance. Ours was a liretty place, and for having but one thought, and that their taking aiorrow: No, I could not seep, so hud Jnot seen hith save in I tho tho i past two "yeais hud become quite a resort for city people in the' summer months. I used t6 look with envious eyes on the pretty, show}: ladies and gallant gentlemen that flitted before' my vision like <ay birds!, and who acted as if the world was make for their sole en- joyment';land after thssummer had passed, taking them with it, my foolish helart grow harder audihard. er toward my Country swainsl and stronger the longiug to get ;away from all,) and out into thei [world that, my Jonly zsal pleasure'was to read about it. j It was on a beautiful liftei-noou in the latter part of Jime ithajt, re turning from the p.ostoffice; I passpd the hotel. I sayJ the hotel, jfor it was the only one the town aflbided. The stage!had just nrri'ved, and' as I went by, a' gentleman; stepped from it. For an 'instant. I paused involuntarily to,look, at h .hi.' He' was, ! I 'suppose," twenty-t.vo: not move- face I had ever seen. I found my self blushing deeply as I met the glanco ofi his ddrkt earnest [eyes, aud with averted, face quickly I pass ed him. Alas, for popr W ill ;jlay, that J saV shortly after 1 ndjwbO walked with me toward howej As jthe face I had just Been rose bjefore me, the n^ore silent did 1 j become, shorter my answers to his 1I0 doubt witty remarks. /'Iwas glad to get to.my owh room, where alone I let my thoughts vest uninterrupted on the handsome stranger. Not ".long was I pefmitied to do so, for my aunt called me to make biscuits for tea. ' I went down. Better foi* all had I remained where I was. I do not know that I was in love the honor of my sex, I hope ncu> b|ut I must havd been!- blind ; for, instead of the white sugar as I should have taken, I. used salt. \ ." j. ji H eayens ! I see to this <la!^ my aunt's face as she tasted one. j j Bu!; let it. pais. A good nigh't'^j rest" made a different woman dfhei-j A week went by; arid though I had heard the stranger's name, I 1. ..1 ,___1. ;__1.. i.-:.L n____ : ^i.n "AIjovc their BiiHincKS." It is exceedingly fashioriable.now-, ttdays tb Hy fulso colors. Justus/ tliH skinper o'f a coasting lugger might throw, to the breeze an Ad miral's flag, in the j hope jtliat the people on shore anight mistake liis craft filtja lino-of.battle ship, so do some foIlCH put on "ilirs and graces" in the hjjpq tliat otlier folks will believe tjliern dp lie - I what they are not. 'ibis desire to deceive perme ates socjefy. J SpeciriieriS; of i tlie class may be found of nil ages and in all positions in life; The child deceiver will make out that he or she oceu lies a far higher place at school tl: an you supjiose. Or there is It diN K)sition . to i-epreserit .-the parental control as almost a myth.; A- stej); fiirtherT and we lniv'e " laKlies'j who think it a line thing' to represent themselves as wholly i;;noraiit of domestic work. .Sueh as Ihese affect to .regard'girls who can uiend-and !rnake .clothiiig]" or-.fix-up u dinner, iw prodigies: not far from, being monstrosities. '" La!. I couldn't do' that," or,: " Gruciot h ! I wouldn't dare to at tempt that," are-the kind of excht- miitions*_ these young people-'are prone to use, though the provoca tion may merely be, a suggestion that they should/perform soiue sim- l>le domestic duty; We, pity the poor fellows who riiako inch, girls thefr wives! j' !' ' In the working world there is tlio same spirit at work. LEaborers!are niet-who want, to be raistakenifor, urtisans, and artisans who do not mind being thought! foremen'.and foremen who are immensely flatter ed if addressed as "theBoss."' The boy who Sweeps. the'office is apt to pass himself off] as a'" clerk," and the clerk Ss given to fostering-*the idW that he. has " full charge," jor, indeed, isjpart or sole pioprieton And tiiero ia little ^oubt that those who stoop, to this habit; of inagnifyiiig-their status, 'sujceed i irr deceiving a! great many people, jln a.great many -instances, howevier, the paltry-fraud is seen through, t and, excites a feeKng of mingled- for plantmg-^everytliinj contempt knd pity.- .In Jiduseholds the same desire to deceive has mufh to answer for. . ifc prompts extrava gant expenditure^ and a, sacriticejof real comfort. TO "keep up appear ances," tile family will live iri' a dark, unhealthy' b'asemejit, so that there can [be maintained 'la draw- irig-.rooin/j-for which usfe is found alioiit once a year, for, ii further flaunting of false grandeur, Itjis the genu from which springs insol vencies," embezzlements, (forgeries, and cntnes inniimerablc.i It insti gates people to have " splendid )fii-'.0K VOaCly netMlH." t.He r.nat. nf wbinlJ nviipniTpf) I ^hinted How Mhc .MsiHiijjcd It. " Is uiy hut dpne V inquired a QoldOooking'Judyiat a' Chicgo mil linery establifchnienti 'ma phasaiilb day last' week. ' I ! . . _ ' . r." ."yes, aia-'aui," !poHlIy re.rtoirl- wl the slrop-woliiitiij j*' it. will bf) here iivii ln'onient." , j -. All assistant. soo'iV'bi lbolmet, and , while, tl was duly inspecting proprietress ventured to enqiiiit) '>Hosv do you like it, nia'ani; ",It's siiifply horril," was the rojily, ' f - " lint it is ynst as Jon- ordered" it,* .pleaded, the maker -of. jthe head gear.,- " :. =--- ' h .'.-j ; " Yes, something as I ordered," was the short and sneeMnHr uiiswer. anglit'ii.fi-tlT(57.~ le'.wisUBiier!-- it the- sjton)! .' " Well, l^i-really s Well, never nun ;i- ony, but ' ' broke d} the buyer with set lip's, Expense %" ' '_.." i"Abo^fc seven dolla said the shop-woniiln.'t The money .was p'aiii the bonnet ordered up to whiiri the purchaser'", j.i upofrj the street/and ,i 'wliiit's the s I guess",f midi-y; over, the boi; anced out' li mediately Mm ouspX Hit accompanying 3ly!n :'["- iend," it's d-yoii; talk -exclanned -to an friend :. ; l- " Isn't it perfectly lovje '. -." Yes," replied the- ravishing^; but how coil so to that \yonian.f' Talk so !-' exclaimed-"she of the bonnet, "why, if I hid let her : ' know how inuch I liked that-hat,':'$". tliat.woniin would certainlythave charged me ten dollars! but^ now; yoif see I've got it for Weveh dot- ' lars." ,J ';' ' . -".-'-' : The other woman saidjshe would- r not have thought of that, Lbut would ' profit by" her friond's rijie'exiieri-: '. ence, and never lite an article again until after she had bought it.r :iiH , JlieTImeto Plant.- It is useless to "piit seeds-in the ground, the American- Garden sen- . sibly says, before the soil becomes warm and-dry. For this .reason. : no particular! tune can bet si>ecifieil 1 depends upon the location} soil .kiibV tern- ! jieiature. -A very good gijftde is the taking up of a handnil -ofT; the loam and closing the! fingeis ti"htly-npow"' it. If, on opening! the"]handr-tfa'e-; soil remains in. a [hard lump, and retains the imprint of the fingers, i it ij too wet; while if it fallsjapart in an iiTegular heap,!it hfcijr be- deemedin.a condition (be"the*;-seeds.' "Another -reminder^, arid; one jtbat- will pi-ove a guide" in aU latitiides,- is the forest tree. When .trees put forth their young leaves^ alinattire . for active work. Seeds- was to obtain food, which he failed, in doing, for he was caught and fas tened into a room, to wait until morning when he Swould be taken to prison. Too miserable and hope less to speak in his own defence, he lay weeping on the hard floor, when his door softly opened, arid a young girl, with tender, pitying face stood before him. In her tender voice she bade him weep no more, but'to"follaw her and.she would set him free. Noiselessly^ they crept down the-stairs, out into the silent night, them telling him to wait ah instant, this boy's good angel left him, but soon returned with money, wbich she gave him, bidding; him 'go and sin no more.' 'Sliall I tell my darling of the prayer that went up to Heaven, of the vbw this boy took, of five yeai-s lator, when he had become a. man, ho\r! he return ed to that village, hoping to find the girl, who had never been for gotten x how he did find her, fairer, sweeter even' than on the night she saved him 1 Shall I tell Josie how he knelt at her feet, praying her to be his own ! How he'w'aited with fast beating heart for her ..answer, knowing if she failed him the hohie he had striven so bard to win for her sweet sake, his very life would be worthless." . '"' My kyig was on his knees be fore me as he ceased speaking, his eyes fixed earnestly upon: my.faco. What he saw there L cannot say, but he was answered.- . ' . nerals," the coat of which] expended in -nourishment might have dine away witli the nocessitjy of any, such sad display. - j '" Thus we see that this teqiplation to live a false fife hoveis about lis " from .the cradle to the grave."' The nobleness, the bapp'iiess of living a truthful life furriishes min isters with a theme to which thtfy may periolieally return,] with riO fear of weiring out their! subject.; It is a lesspn that cannot too well. x learned Intro Iifeing Eyidfciicc. ! . "One diy about 40 years ago," began Sylvester Norton, i,b he face!d the Court, when his haiov hxtek-- rupted him with: 1 " I-don't cai-e anything)about 40 years ago. What I- want to know is, if the Officer '.here is correct in reporting tiat he found y>ii riding, a fence on hi^h street att midnigb' last nightJ^ -; ' ".One diy about "foijty years ago,7" began the prisoner Again;-" horseman riding along the h .'*- -1' "' Let tliat horseman in and. l'est.]'.' " I haven' stories." -. . , "But it tested the exclaimed tie . t ; time to --ib!ea.r |hway down Court. Cany__ 7 l'r- phtnted then germinate_ tt-once,and and grow gained bv. seldom fail to come up vigorously. 'Nothing is; very early planting. . Better a grain too late than too early, Our fin- _to. re-- Gruiigersrwbuld thei^ atteritiori7 bears on the ease, risoner. . | -.- help-it if it; bears oh Were you drunk or " I. can't three cases not.?" . : "Can I introduce evidence?" j : ' " Yes, if y'oti have any.?' j j ;" Well, one,day about forty years ago a horse That isn't evidence-!11 shouted the Court.; It's' th 3 biggest kin h jof evi dence !" replied the prisoi ler. fool any longei'. I gi v,e days' in' the House pf Shocking profanity .that of .a man who was born at Mecklenburg- Schwerin. There is some' minds like either concave or 'convex mirrors,"! they represent objects Buch as they ro- ceive them, but they never receive them as they are. ' '; At tbe'ratje of 120 a "minute, counting ten hours a day, it woulc|- take a person"38,0QO years to count a billion. And-yet in the face of thiB there are scores of people g6ing about thje countiy complaining that they can't get hold of a steady M" '. " - ' brokj his "I can't you thirty (Correction.']' j "I appeal the case," said the prisoner, pi tting on! his hi it. :'.' "Take" iff'your but a: vd appeal into the cc rridor !" was the coin mand, and" in he went. [He.must Jiaye recovered his spirits soon, for it Ay^asn't ty p' ininutes before be was jieard sayis fi ':'j."'r' I'" , j'" One dry ^'ears 'a'go^a hor iem.an was sefen, seen,' seen^^ridin 1 along, alengj' ; . W'hetber tliat jidcf; fell off aijd neck, or Xionisville, mav; never be known 60 the anxious got 9 safely t'o public ; The wintpr Iwheit |-_ripects in the Westerfit giatea ti- j^.iod. " ; '.. Wholesome Trutlii A correspondent of, one of etehangas, writing on diary prove'inent; takes; occasion mark that" if th^: give" such subject!, endeavoring to tiducat^ their pat rons how to'make their cows yield' 500,pottua,8 of cIVeese/ for tlie sea son, in stead of 3fM)/arid jJso-hoy tQ-i-.tise 40 bushels of wheat per ' aere instead of 20 and 23 ; nialcing two blades ofgras.'? g'row where one now grows if tlify would:, take jfaoTd of such subjects as these audit dozen more that might be named, instead of attempting "to !purchaso their .own cotton, teas, &c, tliey wonld be doing theinselveslveiy niiibli "more good 'and have a much.', better field of usefulness in store: for them. . . - y' __ ] - T'~ There, is ah almost unlimited field of usefulness for the Grangers in these arid "similar direction^ and we hope to. see the organization sw;it"cbed off from impracticable side issues, and devptihg itself to wiiiit is so greatly needed both -by the farming commarittyT a<l by ..tbo Country, at large. Possible savhigs_- by amateur trading are but as. the small ilroj*" in tho bucket, compared "with, the immense.gain that will ac crue frpui better farming in alt de-'-, partmental J , Wisdom, in ParacraphM. The rest bf heaven is-ill be sweet." er for the. toil of earth, ^/fhe vsliie . iof "eternal'e8t will be enhanced by the .trouble*' of time. " God has no' need of falsehood ; but falsehoods very often has'need of Gpd; and. it is never so }>o'tent as when it is set foith in his name. The.reflection of what we might", hare done, compared with what we- have done in a -given* time, must ilways be mortifying to esrnest ria- . tures. _ i Theodore Ciiyler well say^tbai . the woikl's worst want itotday -isr_'. more Christ like men. and' women-; the piMrach11.1g.it.needsis.sermons,in - ahoes.!!",; '.:. ". . "X- -Poverty is, the.grimni.est foo the - worlvl has a su(prnt "tbaistiiile.i tilent;era talant/caa,rise,-that,-sowa hot hate ,by a cokl 1 *rth, -aa'd th tiu-ns .tho gejmo.; good into gi^nt of evil. T : ; A : i

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