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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 18, 1876, p. 4

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iii .win i.jiiiiiaJMjjh.miojammjLun.aiiuM iHE FRER PRESS, "SffKraWni. Stewart & Co. if J; :W1 Sis-IE". - -%:X" |0:s': plfe '-V- _v- ^1$ ^i?f ill :-.Nf .JIoit^s" Pi\if. !Sl;v.'Ufr mv.s': I '. <_j\jId can lion t'hos6 'lio train'-or -.sv Iioj sos against.eistjrtinj; fho ilfr' " will-lof ibu-!iiiniil.',J.M:iny think , tu d'%-\> jifoud r c; Jtbvii' stt'ctfoss'iu-Uoi-si'-ti'iiiiutii _:U\v Lanvrtis of scvcm whipping of ..tUor\yis4' reusing .-n.n.d stimulating --ith^ passions,' iid ihoi>rfuvsi/ne'evsi- aitv crushing the mUK tuivnigi. : which thy-. resistance is proin^'ted!.. No liiist-ak-e can bo greater than iliis/iuid ther? is jiothing so-fullj- *xhibits the ability, judguieht i\\\& skill of the mil liorsemaiUus the 'jCiirc and "tact displayed in \vinnhiS: ;Viswd of repelling the .action ojt" vhe/imml. . The affection's-, and botj- fcr untuue .must be appealed to in. 'pdning horse as \vl uiiu tniini- aig a chilifcf- A repi'opf may bo ink; j eluded for the good.of tlie oliilJj,i ' but if oulj-j the passions are excited- ?i:e fii*'t. is depraving and iiijiui-.' .- ill \&- regarded in.UiV> management oi" sensitive, courageous horses, onTv" _; .:; ilia -iunnfnent risk\_ of rpiVtiini; ~:u hi. I have kniy.vif.itj.uiy" liorsi-ji :" naturally gentle1 character to b\' s-po-.lvd by Ifeing YvhipjaxtiOnee/anij bp- horse that 'was made (vicious by . Wing jstrnoktwitli a-whipohfe whilj WYNIIAM S^lrtJET. aUBLPH, H,avo just opened a third caso. of ~: tuoso Cheap ksyersiTjle Dross Goods AT .FIFTEEN GEHTS. ACTON, HALTON BOUNTY, ! ONT.J M^Y IS, 11876. AksTok Also a case Cotto "Hosiol-y, for i;5 corns. . of White cheap. 4 i>alr New FjreHeh Kitl Gloves. tv'iug jstrnoktwilii :i^vliJj>onti> SvlnH* ftamlUig ialhis stall. 1: huye ro- 'j"e: red to tht-se instances to show .1 he dangir of rough treatment, and the etToctr that tliay easily be liix)-. uueed by illusiga, fe-]>^ci^Uy witli ^^iitie blooii ' hoi-^es and^ti.tfc>e .of k ^^)iig3dy lierrous teui|>etanaent. ilaiii- . e-; Frpr casc>i> iuiglit lieltitpti, an _siojl at-e by ux> Uieaivfc iuocoiunno^. Sisu- siliveHiorAjs-tJiordd uever' lie left ;u"ter tliey feve Ijcen excit?{l by thl' v.i in or other iiiejus,j.mt .1 calmell tywiLhby Kibwiig or pa tiny .tlif.-1' "! lu?ai.p.and neck! acd "gl.ve.i;'a5-ii>iv-i, !j xr i .ugarKortemething^f^.kirxiip ^PttllJidiain A case of very choice Dw>s* Goods at ^Oc and -'>c. luiuial is fond.: Ladies' Silk; Ties froia lOe. very; stylish; at 25a. In Swiss 'Embroideries wfe hold fv largo assortment1and prices that astonish, from To. .'Parasols brelias, and Silk TJm- ... On beginning the.busiucBa of 2876, I. wou uiy numerous custoniei-B-ibr the very liljerul tnpport they have g- during tho past 122 years, and again I ii-.osi res iectlully ask a cotit; of their respectivo support. During cay^ oxj)priejioo in businoBi I hare pretty thoroughly foujul out tho Ups and Downs in Tra(|e . . And am fully convinced I hat a Credit Business is a Dangerous Business to r , Taotli Seller and 35u7er. v I am therefore determined READY PAY BTJSI^USS Aud give my customers the Udnefil 'by giving-tlicm Bight per cent off for Ga^fe ron all Qejiferal Groceries (excoptiiig Sugar). By doing buBiness ris nl '! ^ buy my goods and efleet ft SAJriJSTG- OF AT LEASl) 6 PER C MY CUSTOMERS WILL GET THE BENEFIT, And in reality get 14 per cent for tHeir Mon^y. d return Binooro tl nbks to vpn me nunnco osro, 1 will have the eish to 5NT TaEE '.Borers Tfiis\]if,st wijl so.on be fouud at work ; the_egiis are generally:Iaid l'et\v.een the tjrstl o:"J>Iay.aud July, aud if atteuJeil to properly there is an'iefiVctnujl jvtuedy to rid tjfe country of thj>\-vil. K.erosifne jliafeiJ^an tried wit li .Uitii*.success ani| without injuri-'- to the yrvoj by w; sliing the soutli- evu part of the trte.Aviih tfie liquid. Wt would not reiuRimeHi. jmrtiqs "iisir.g-tijis reinoJy to repeiit it, too ' .oueii; one or tjro'applicasoas du(-- ing the season would be wiough. Ls vce Cur- ~ taiujs irqia $1 to $1 j A pair. Hisse^: an<l Ladies' J Striped Cotton":ilose. all sizes " and qualities; also. White and Colored, every ssizs and qucili'y. Please consider the matter over, and give ni 6-yotir support to c'.rry out tho only right way of doing busideeB, thai is complete in -. My stock "will always be found CJroberi es,.Proyisions, Crock'xyf , : Q-iass'W'are;. Stationery, Wall Papers r "Windcw Blinds, Windcw" Rollers, Speoialtics.-SArSAE. OYSTERS, T^RHOrTK BLO^TERSi FINNAN HADIHES, &c, &c. PRODUCE TAKEN AS CASH Xew Prints, Xow t'ott.ons. "We ; -are' selling jWhitej Shirtings by.tue piece' at .whole- -J eale prices." : White -'Jounter- ' panes, Sheetings, Towels, Table I Lioens, 4c. I - : ' }ilfactory, 1 will continue to give tho discount as follows. .._ JveW Geilt S DreSS Shirts, cents discount; onoOcts, 4cents; on 75 cU. (5 cents; on SI, 6 centd ^T^iT^W;^wa^^n^yanccr, Jssuer ^-Harrlafcc Licenses, lUnronct Teed^ ' S '" Atient Money to^Loari, Agent -Montreal Tel. Co., Fourih Div. Court, Coin.in Q. B., &c. [believe :n tho blSCOUNT SV.STiiM. unci as it has proved viry satis- ..... " "' ^5 cts.'-2 ri m*^ pmmgi fBS&'M^ ~ y^^wS Mg;if| ^-r-WM Bafelrr"'"? > -;-a3M Hp.^-,. ' fej- ?-- v-^^9 ?=l>i,;-^iB W^if"" Fv ?1MI pr^i. i. i:';|l !^S j Er1-- : i-J^Hl &*.$m ai"..--' **flB pggHK ^ ' S'-^rP 'ijfil H ' lr ^-i -f,3SS fjiflBf ~"fe * &'--"*' >^iBfi Hfjjf ' :,: sh '-M'^B Ki,r - S^'^sS B - i ^>.'.v-.JfaH MW^5"" ttotjBB Htp'&itS <- 8ji~v"j'^H! B.W-1 -j, pscl^H B9k-->S ^'^r^^^^H WtmM"'-t' mm wikv.-mM HBE^i - Wagon,;,and' Caajnagp j factory!' JAMES CYDER, Proprietor* - Carriages, " " " L - ' '": Outtorsi'Sw. Kept ln-stpc3c auJ in.iae to OAler on the' ' Shortest Notice, y-' ^-Strict "attention' paid to ^-" and satlsf tciion g#arautey&\i.- . Acton July 1^-t, l~k ~ Beware 'of5-'Counterleit.-' .'." t For Liio protection oi the pabilc'.-of Brit ish Nortli America. 1 ilef m it my duty to state tnaMny.iIi.tJS a>d Uisi'*N5 are n^itticr njanq'fnctureii nor so]U in auj' part of.the Usiteij Siatia | j :,- EacU Pol-<ai)d Bn* b**r* the "British 'loi-ernmeut Stnrap, wltu lji.e woriis - U. >ttA}XTA.Y'S PlLL-S il>MJ . VUS'TJIE-Vrr, i'lSRi.v," etisrawd thereon.. On Jbe- . !al>el is tueaUiiriSfi, 503 Oxkokd' Street, Tiiin-notice iiii* becohae Deee^sary, in ' con^jn^npe O! yiie antl spurfixus imiTn- iifir.su! ' .nii.J" . I -in^ fabriqat- .^0^^^. e'i^t 78 Mai'd- - ;>n Lape, New ^^ York, ijy nar- :\t.< Htyiine >#< et4Selvts -V'"!Ioi)'>wrfy *-&Vta^Mm^ " i'ffwti- as<uine-J \ IP^^I M.rade i'mark, HTM* STEWABT & Co. THE :.:.'MAN Wiio can t-ll you GOOD GOODS Acton, Jannory IS^ 1S70. JAMES MATTHEWS. * NOTHING LIKE When ijou have fhe Tin to lnnj il^ -- !"> t i:.!...rinclptB(l-Tenf!.jrs cai; <^btata. th^K :z\^-:. j.1 a v-ejry t6w priiSf, and i-o deceive v-j-j lis sftlttwitne'same-fof my senuiif -"rioriii-yay'i" .Piils and Uii&OMnt, whiqh :.' ' laamfajctaredronly ill 3X1, O'sfotd v: :, LoDdon. " ' "' ' ' .1 Persons who may be so decoived will . u? iiT..;:ie<l un5oramuiriic^t'wibh fhe. I M<?jiv raVpct:ible OrraH-in fhe British t'rovinue-, -wpo ottalttniy nierliclne* dl- ' r-'t f-am here liave vfety properly ku^- _'e-:l tliat\f-Kbould, tor the] b nfilt-er t:!<::at--K*e .and t-h* Jpnhlic, litKeri ther' Vi mi'is in (h<> paners, that i|t mayibje i:ii!j.v ; 1'iat my mfdiotues^a!! bo uad '. z ". jiTio fmin tnicra. ; 'j' ' Ttv- tiAiuwlsz is a llsf of.Uie-flrins allnd- ! to: audi particularly ricoinroo/iu . 10--9 wffo desire to eet my nUfdlciiipB 1,0 :".y.i'iji'jUx of ttt<} Houses nanied:- rAU*, Mkticek & Co., Montreal, - "' S3- >T.B. rlottetowul i O"., Halifav, ' '.i.-.-i-rif & Co., 4Iullfax,.M. H ;. :;..-!! \:-Kr.n (trto-V-s, i^t~ J"l|u >.: tia L. >. - - i .'.r ' .I Co , Victoria. iJ V : .tHo., Victoria, B.C. , .'":-. f; tx.l'ALtns, Ciiatham, K H ii- -c:: / A Co., Afoutreal ; f ".'j-cititOj., Hamilton, On,t> U :. -T, .it-jsE^Toronto. -. \;-tii?5tAj;8JiiTH,*Jt. John, N, B. :. .t.-5- Hiso, Ufvfprlch, Oiit . ".;;i.: >T*;Go.,/roronto |: -I :. O'i.ii-ol.-ER. St. John, S". B. 1 - . if iXax-ts-iijiir-Brotiibiw, HI. Joliii, N.'ii . :. sj l'5irt>Y, Windsor,Ont- f _i \lrn./'jfSs, MonifeD, N. K '., ' ! .^;-;Ki: c. tiuxT.iun,. fredprloton.'TT. B ; ". I: Tii7>U'A>N-larborirace, N.F. L ; .f^'.l. s.'lZky; I'r.-dixUton. N, JK' r -.' - i fi'iSj aidjelnw( ire sofd at the loweift .'; :i.!^:deJiit nr^eea.+n quamJUec of not. 01^ fcii., aijid '..:.-'. i*r dozfn boxes of Pill ior pots of it> for wijfoa remlttnbes?must .;:*>;Ilt ;U aJvaiKW. " , i ^,aJjaiJtuj8 iit, 1875, '; j ^ L_. CHEAP GO(|DS Uiu RIGIHT MAN to deal with, and-hid uaihe is "/ ... ,. " . "'*' "I You will finil hini every time at tho * "T" .- Central Emporium, - -.-- Cornei: MU1 & Wirio\v"strects, ACTOZsTr I ;. Me caii snow y.ob'a fine stock^of, RaalTrKaio" Qiotliiasr, i . ^rpsMaw, Oroefcory, 'j and ^KTall Papori, " ' . ' ^ '-' " - :.\i. Call and bp. convinced that this ia ' The iRighti Spot. - X J. -W.- HANNJ Aetoni Apiiil 5, 1875;. ..].-; -V- B. FIBHBR Begs to. announce that'htiving pur chased an entirelyi-new stock ot tools'of the most improved charac ter, he is pow in a position to turn out all kinds of TIN AND SHEET-IRON ; ? '.,-'-.' in .the . VERY BEST STYLE. .-y ' \; .' " ,." Beicg in .1 position to Buy all his Stock - ^f Thereby gaiHUig' the advantage of the trade discounts, he is determin ed to sell goods of firsUclaas make and materiaL at ';i . - Decidedly lo"wer Prices Than can be Obtained from any " '- .. '! This is not iilowing.^but genuine fucts.^" if yon doubt' it", give him a trial.' 1 .- tin I! CALL. AND SEE t DllikSON & McNAB'S SPBIMG- >STQGK;F L Liir^'cj tot of PRINTS of t-lreMost Select Patterns '-Ij ! -:- Also^he Gelebratcd DUND AS COTTONS at c^ ceedingly'low rates. , j' -N '(f Wo have n.ovv 'an Immense Slock of .'.'." -. S ^ ^ I NG- T "W" E :E3 ID S Of the Best Patterns that can be had fp the oaaiket. 3-w4 arc determined not to be undersold. DICK30N & McNAB. 1875. Aeton, V arch IB, 1R76, SECORD B^QS MONTREAL HOUSE, etc Agent i'lcrk EAVETROUCHING A SPECIALTY. 'i:.. : -.__ Having just p'rocared the. most im->' proved appliances for doing- the work, be feels satisfied that he cannot be puWone in this fcrancjj. - ; jThe-fihop wjll shortly be consider ably enlarged, and I intend to keep always on hand a .large s.tock of :SToyis Of :alrM'Rinds/yrb.icli will "bo sold at very low prices, 'j Opal 6il for Sale, : K. FJSIIBK. I Act9n, Eeb.25',18.7: O. T. HILL MMI Street, ACTo|\V DKALER1N General Groceries Boots and Shoos, * ' wall P^per, Windo-w Blinds, ! '-" "i- - '. Crockerj, Gi^ssware, - Nails, '.; Glass, Putty, Linseed Gil, Raw- * Bouod Paints, Terpentine, Machine Oil, Coal Oil, . Salt,, etc. The sub icrlber begs toi'eturn h s tHanks to the Inl abltantjBof Acton and surround ing country for. the. Jlberal- pitronago heretofor 5 csteuded to him, nnl at the sanletlmo solicit, their further support N.B. Cash Paid Xor Hides delivered 33-3D1 Acton, July 1st. 1S75. C T HILL.! ^.GTCDJST, J "Vire believe the correct principle of advertising! and doing business geuerally to be, to show cus- tomjer-8 and others, clearly, positively! arid convin cingly, that it is to their interests to trade with -UPjZ ii- _ 1 'I X, ;.' t';,:i-. ELEPHA Tho i"T" ^1EJ^ANtli Elephant's Trunk Repleni NEW AND FASHIONABLE SRRING -^^3^^ sM Our-Stock-is; now very Ooinp|eit|^; Diagonal-Goats, W. jiave; in slock 511 styles. vK:: ' Ml: Tw:ed Coats, iniFrocks and Sacks^at prices tbat cannot fen equaled for cbepness :by any bouse in Guelph. Call id'^: them. " "' " 2,0C 0 pairs of Pldntsi ranging from upwards. Hat/ Sats, Hafs.-^iTbb lot just to j hand, wbieh wewiil riinoflfat 25c, odc.L 60o^ :85c, and $1. Good styles. \j-v "-v Bea itiful assortmenfe.of Geiiis Furnishing Goods. When in Guelph do"h't forget to call at tba Eiephant Store/^-by so Jdo&tg vou will save money.. | " ' ' v " ' i. Toll 1;co! ran4 May], 1876.: STILL AHEAD AT Ceil' 3om. WM. RUTHERFORD NoT31, Xo-wor VyndUiam Street, Oueiph '^"Pit^; Boot 'and Sioo Stc^ j GRAINE & ^<DN Il^ve jat received their AS1 ^Hcitori Main a which ig ahead of anything the pai'ty advertising. TlliS Of COm'Se IS not pOS-l Wmre<?ei?e careful personal attention, and all work guaranteed to pr " . ' ' satisfaction. sible to every merchant, for to do so he must be: -VD0ntfir able to show clearly that he can give thein better value for their money than they can get elsewhere. To iHceoilipIish this, he must not only buy well^but he must mark all Goods downto Bottom Prices. so that eustomers will see at a glance, that it isj!- to their interests to trade with |ilm. v OF BOOTS & SHOES evered Offered in ActojLfor.fltyle atfd dtirttbilitjr and at prices that cannot be uuder^olc ." (t)UR CtfSiOM; ()RK M .* 4-- ml rget the place, ; -. ,\ . ".- Slill Street, opposite Sorrow's Drus Store, Acton,-April 4, 1876. CKAIKE NEW SPRiMG GOODSl In the two,,invoices below we think we clearly! show the advantage gained by those who deal with ns, over those who don't. : ;, ;... .;-..; A customer bouirht of Secord jBros.: 5 lbs..Meteor Tea, 50c. per lb...........J........:.. 2 50 lldbs: UrightSugar ........-...........;,. l.L... L.. 1'00. 12 lbs. Medium Bright Sugar....'.'......J...: L J.:... 1 tK) 1 lb. Best Hyson Tea......................-....'..'... Sa 1 6et Knives and Forks........".....____:...,..>.. 1 "Q 1 set China, 44 pieces....... ..i. ... .......{... 4 00 1 gallon Coal.Uil . . .'::.... ........ '.'v. ....-.,;....'... ; 30 : 11 15 Another party who didn't buy at S^cord Bros., had to payjtlie following prices lor the: same goodsj 5 lbs. Meteor Tea, 75 per. lb. . 11 ;ibs Besr Sugaf'........... 12 lbs. Medium Bright Sugar . 1 lb. Best Hyson Tea .....;... 1 set Knives and Forks ..'... 1 set China, 44 pieces........ 1 gallon Coal Oil.....-----i.... Brought down.___.... .....'. .". ' .'.:. $3 89 SecJDrd Bros.' customer thus.saved no" less than : ^3.^9 on a purchase of about eleven dollars. The man who didn't buy from them now thinks it would , -q have been lo his interests, if he had gone to Second Bros. That manj is^ now a living, standing, Walk ing advertisement for us. These; are every day facts, witnessed tp toy hundred of of customers, and commend ihemaelves o the attention of everv frugal housekeeper, , jl (j>rders of five dollars and upwards^ delivered atf Georgetown, NorvaT, Limehousle,! Guelph. Bpck4 wood, &c.,; free of chargei a . $3 75 . , 1 10 . r 1 09 . 1 00 . 1 75 : 6 00 .-j 35 . S15 04 11.15 RECEIVED TIIlS WEEK AT &SGN. A- :^.- T"- w. soott's sirdRi, The Largest, Choicest and 'Cheapest Stack" of PRraTS, '; '. 'BBES-S--C! -u >i\V^ OQ -Vt. Cottpiaios,. tlaia and Checked Oaeks, s Cotton Sbirtiags, .', \'K ".' - - U 1 . Y^nittlng and CToiaBb'Oottga^ ".'..' i'4\". ;~ _'Ssisasrdng3,'&G. -rr. These Goods, were bought with, great'care, in' the besi markets for Cah and owing lo the stringency in the money niarketj 1 ' AT:' AN: .TJiWSTJAXJLT' "' They wilLbe.sold at ffO& 5 to 10 percent le'ss.than Guelph prices. '; Call and inspect Goods and Prices before going elsewhere,^ " ' 1 *" Midgely'8 Old Stand, opposite Agnew's Hotel Main Street,-Acton. '.'.' *, > t --^i^ Actonj March;14,HS75.,; 1- f ": J"":**! 'Agent fl All'busiir -Ca!th:ull"i , soilclled] tit CtuaU frprinil >: atlou tee .-t<nusan<f " Ewer I ' inei'%vl Vmiuty I 'M- (r o1 PtMt^rt-.l the mosLl iXon'^tiarf - 'JL/. H->l o-iw Hold ; style wHl Tvtler - jui4omi. - '-Al!^ioill aUotilive f '. - JK.I *r5>ir thfc Ci| -. ton, . UntJ Terms rea Steam CarriagefWagon Works MAIN STREET^ ACj^OII^ tl 1 ii II Ge aeral Black'nuth, Carriace and W^eon IKaker* Best Hors%Si^ers-i;ii the doiiiity Frfect satisfaction guaranteed or 110 priceloharged. . j ^ 1 first-Glass ^gws^I H COL^BP'S INTENT IEP^H^REO^ Always 6n' hand.1. ._. . ?< - : ";.- ;-"* :, A: Gd|d v.Stbok;; '&': *9T4fe|aifcf Kb]AIRIN promptly and properly attended to^ i> -Actbft,-ij(nlyIrt875.- .. f -; .'. .:,3^i'i| I :-^!'- j SEC0ED BH0S., Acton, The largest Botail; Importers of Tea We^fc.of Toronto. BOCK G t :;K'fl it. _r 1 I JU1? j|-v' 40UHi_S| A \S- ALL; KINDS OE 1>R011PTI,Y EXECUTfiD.-AT THE FREE PRESS y'mm Opp Go Nc lT?mv: iBwnitEv-T

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