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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 18, 1876, p. 3

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"-H: U : i m "' -!-('! 11 kind*.'.'*- THE JFR' "fr""t::'"r^ .^^^"t^.-J^-.V.-, - w fSBAS TUl.MK TIME TAM.E, " Trains leave Acton a* follows : OOIW "WEST. - ,:, ..," Pay .Express &>&* ' -Muobd./ -' I.- Xiffct Express . . .-' OOINO EAST. 9.10 a. tii. tOfrpnl. .ft. I? p.ni. 7:15 p. hi. 12:45 a.ni- Kirat Btpros* - Mir - ' Dy Express ; Mail" -' . Mix4 : - 3:37 a. ni. 0:10 a.rn. Ih35ivni J W7p-Ri lOHttput LOCAL MATTERS. no} l*rSixi.1 above coat. t.tejation_|idr. Si- - l>ffioe, keion. H mx m liieaid oi j ' recently pur* | Satisfaction. ' i, ' V ' "- ^ plain coljsrs j 3>b-per_j*rd. IT. Mr. J. W. Mann m putting jip a a*t verandah io front of his store, Henderson 4 Co., shipiW car load 'of eggs to Xe^ . YoA, * few days ago. _ ' , | l%e Court of Beriaion which 'wasrto liav been'hold this evening kis been postponed until Saturday 27tli Cisst. : --. ~" ^^-Messr*. ,Applebo <fe Simpson -1-. a new. law firm, havo hung out their shingh^in Georgetown, and inserted their card in-tie Fres Pjrbss like scn-j a.ible men. "'- - .y Mc. J).'XChrfetie,-of tho firigj , of Christie, Henderson .& Co., started ^ori Monday-morning for the Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia. "Ho will _ probably return on Tuesday or Wednes day* ncxXL . ?; ."We r-Arn "that 3Ir. O. M.i Scott will shortly remore into the store* now occupied by Mr. Creech, and that' the latter is about to erect a'bkildiugi for hi* aaddler}" business adjoining Ida i ' present one. '._.' r The Concert to be given by: t be~Acton Brass Bind next -Wednesday' evening should be well 'attended. The- .. boys deserve a full house afitl we trust they wiU have it. Vocal; and- instru- inentil mnac of a superior character inay be expected. __. . . The' lecture . last Thursday eveii-ai:. I>y Mr. Widdows, the reYorm- id Monk.:, was a^riui attendee! by a very lirge audk-uce, and it appeared to l- Sjirtiiy esjoyvd by every one pifiseut. lie prucisyi'to'drlivrt- another djxTure Si'ine tiaic * .'& for the benefit - of .the '."-new'Methodist Church jbuililin^'toijd. The contractor foe. the. .'new Methodist ..Church .fcuildiug jjs making :_' gi"*! I'ri'-jres-!- ith the work, .luti- th<-- m r:cat:ou> -rv. tli:.t tlie ^vLo]e M-ill le . 'cissplet-jj U-:'-.re tic lbt ^f July. "We |. 1-jiTt: that arrangeiceiits art l^-iug inale f'T.the formal oj>cning hi the church ab.i-st tie.it .iate, ^iu4"that the l!ev. Mr. - Ives, 7tf.'Au!>urn. ?>.Y... is exp.vtt<i t.>" 1 tr jire-^ii*. .' -if tiie occrL.H'U -' loarn that tho price of tlie oaU had sud- denly fallen to soveiity.-fire centa per bushel. "A bargain is. a b.vrgain'" quoth Sir. Heed, "you agreed to sell to mo (or a dollar 1 bnalicl less than tho selling price. As near as I can calcu late it you will havo to deliver nio the oat* and pay me 25 cents per bushel for taSing them." "That', so," assented the part^ of tho second part, " aiul as ny word is law, you shall havo tho oata and the money.'! <-Mr. lUsod said ho had no intention of taking *o unfair an ad- vantage, bat tho man insisted upon it, and tho oats and -money were duly de livered. , " ^ ' - ,^1-_________ -f - A sompwhat ciimplicated case was brought before Dr. Mearvin, Keeve, on Wodnestlay evening, arising out of a dispute as to tho ownersliip ofi a small piece of proiwrty on Main street, Tho complainant was Mrs. Matthews, widow of thclatio George; Matthews, auil the defendants were Duulcan Xcnnctly atid John Stephens, A f-^.w -weeks ago Mrs, M-atthcws' son was dinng some work on the strip of land between'hers and Ken nedy's wf^cn.he, wag; driven off ami as' saulte\l by Stephen!. Complaint was theai laid -before the magistrate against the latter for -.assault, and a counter' charge against the boy _for trespass. After a fair trial, the complaint was dis missed as* against both . parties, tlie questkm of ownvrship nut l>eing within the jurisdiction of the magistrate. Sub sequently, legal advice was liad, and a % charge brought against Kennedy of I forcible ent-ry upon ^certain lands. Mr. .Peterson, of Guelph, watched the case vn befialf of the plaintiff and Mr. Watt, for the defenilaiit. Several wit- .uesses were examined as to; the locatidn of the piece of laud in question, and as to the- respective claims to righ,t of Jios- session. Mr.. Watt for, defendant von- teudevl that there was no vase and asked for its <lismissal, while Mr. ,Peterson urged the necessity,'of sending it to-a court of "competent jurisdiction. The ningistrate" reserved his decision until Momlav next. ALWAYS SOMETHING I MW ATTHK FASHtOffABLE W Our Stock is kept attraotiyo by tho oonstapt addition ol now gpods. SHOWING ap- Now] Tinoe. Curtains, choice designs. New j Linen Cojatumos, most ])rove<l styles for tho seaBon. 25 piooos Black Lustre, correct Bhades, at 20c, 25c, 30c, uiui ' 35c. j. -1 - ' . O-DAY Now Dress Goods, soleot END. case goodt casei Now AmericAu prints to ibo sold ut Go a yard, casoBoys' "Everlasting" Twcods, s. io bo sold at COc and 75c a yard " | Will open this afieriwon, CASE' STEAy G-oaJiD Direct from Now York, embracing tbb latost styles only. 1^^" Inspection Inriteia^JiSgji A. O. BUCHA fnHhlojnnWo West Bml Dress, Mllllnpry nud .Mamie Kstabllsjjment. Guelph, Mo# U. 1S7I). ~ ." "-.- .', CLEARING SALE FOR TWO WEEKS. rfc-ere. ;';- lof chepJ>e*. Ib'SSeT'-;' ->t bo boaghv Embrojdlej7, Goods , iitibiii shades, 2-5c ; (li-ed rivals, vhere. rgc Sate*.' ih Srkws'I Cjitraarr ExasnlBatlan. ~s An eiaminjytiun of pupils fur adiois- tioB to the'Oakrille High School, will ,be>eld on'Taesday, the27th;and Wed" csiday, the 2$th Jane, next, beginning at Jt.-.ff'cLxA a.a. Candidates.are re; quested to notify the. Head Master, F,. A. Switzer, E*j., (Oakville PU).) Hot later than the 31st instant, of their in- tentioc'to present themselves for exam ination," so that an estiintite may be raadef the probable number of papers to be printed. Xssetieam SUrer.; - ~: In common with nearly all the tctwna the busLneiS : men of Acton hare unanimously resolv-; ~ ed-thatan ami-after this date they will take American stiver only1 at the follow- By rates: The half-dime ipieces for 4 cents ; dime pieces for 8 cents ; qoar- . "ten fair 20 cents 5 half dollars for 40 eeaU ; aid dollars for 80. cents. Brit- iaa sibrer will be taken" the same as heretofore:'Sterling shilling, 24c, and York shillings for 12 cental -': Utrvr CsAlapse. The new catalogue of the books in the L.i Acton Library wdl be ready for distri- tetion jib a few days. Ail persons who hare the privilege of the free use of the books are-expectd to purchase a copy 7"of^he catalogue, the price of which will . be only 20 centa^The library now' con tains ' sorer 'twejv": hundred volumes, many of them taring recentlyi been -added. For the informatian'pft those who do not already know, we-imight .- a44, tfeat "fcci library is open at the L"*y8ol house- 'vrerj Monday evening, aatt-that the. nse of the books i*;free-to all persona reiding in Acton School \ Dwisioiu - -^-Lecture in Baptist Chapel next uiiil.iy Kvening, by Mr. Kv.erto:t,:_ou The Closed Door.'-'... - " -"Sow is tlio'tiuie to beautjfy jt&id euliance the value of your houses Jiy giving them a coat of p-dnt; as it "preserves the wtt-d, ailds to -the Ixiauty and maki^s them, warmer. ' Secord Uro?. have just received a splendid stock of all kinds -Paints,." Uils, Varnishes, Brushes, etc.,--in all -colors, including ithe following brands-'of \Vhite Leads, at [greatly roluc'ed jiriccs, James', ("old Medal. lolp,Uiu, Ferguson"*, Brousdun's, et-c. etc. " I Another lot of those bcatitifnl rAmerican prints at 7e, just to hand-- really the cheapest prints ever offered to the Canadian public.- Christie, Hen derson Co.; -, r Cakes go. to Ualloway Bros.,'Acton Bakery. Ladies, if you want your Jew- GIYING- .UPf.BUSINESS, KENNEDY Having determined to give up business in ac . of their large stock 01' J on; will- offer tho balance AT O O S mm ITow is tlie time to secure Bargains. Full lines of Men's,tWomen*s, and Children's Boots, Shoes and Slipji . select from; . ETo Reasonable Offsr Esfusod for Cash. tO- All Ccdloction: Overdue Accounts r. ' -. must bo paid a t once, io save Cc Acton1 >rayjai876' KEJJN'EDY Bl DRUGS, DRUGS. Drai *!' iclry repaired neatlv, send it to C. i G. i jifynxls, Host Otiice", Acton.. : For all kinds of biscuits, good, fresh and cheap, go to Galloway Bros. Acton Bakery. Repairing made a speciality arid all wort warranted as represented, bv C. 4 G. Hynds, Post Office, Actoa. ers to sts of OS. . iS::-,4 R.ufe^332^Sa E PRESS, ACTON, HALTOIfl COUOTY, 0NT., j MAY 18, 1876. THAT WONDBRFUti .MAN, Upper Wymlliam Street, A^ma Block, Tremendous EzoitementI A Panic! SedLtto Husal I hogg-; guelpb;, Great Slaughter.; j No Old Bankrupt Stock to JPalitt 1834 Cakeg and Bales <>f Fancy and Staple Pry Goods at prices that will astonnh the People. These are times that people must havo good, sound and ! cboiu intelligent day], l have had to come to the resoue m i honest goods in return faritheilr money; rraoth;; prefiont intelligent day], 1 have had to come to the resoue before to day j and now thit the Trade of Guelph to battle against high prices, inferior olaases of goods and old fogy notions, I have tbi|* day marked off J An Iinmerise (Quantity of Staple ! : And I will astonish the Inhabitants at the cheapness of really firstclaas go Millinery; Millinery: nSbSSS^^&S^ X_____. *..- presents to the pubTio tho mos( elegant taste and designs in Ladios' Hats and Bonnets to be found on this Continent. Indeed tliier eulqgiesibestowed on hor taste In Trimmed Hats, &QJ, are almost beyond description. I would earnestly req jest a visit of tneJjadiis to my '[ Black, Oblored' and TlEiid Silks^ j V Suoh exceedingly good and elegant qualities as are on sale at such esttremely cheap prices,-cai)notfaif tototisfy all that there cannot be a-.Ooubtabout purchasing at that Wonderful Man's Mammoth Store. Ladies fancy dress goodsTare anlarvel of beauty, elegance ssnd cheapness. _: \ -j Bon't forget those wonderful Lustres at 12A cents per yard, wdl wort|i 20 cents, amazing value. My i rices all through-this department are a terror to competition; [it's weakness in m<k but! can't, help it, togive cheap goods.} meassk^sBsstiJifpji je^uires regulating, {.aba agtin called, iri and Fani3y Dry Gt)od^ ds. gST"Don't delay,; bot call and be satisfied,*^aii in Ladres'iHats, Bonnets, Jackets, Mantilias, and all-the ivew- ^antle Departmen(s, MISS SDL LI VAN the. Lady Milliner, My Old Motto is: Large Sates j Cheaj. My old friends and customers will be glad to hear of this large arrival off cheap aitdjiood goods by double better than any bonkrupt stock JOHN HOGG May 5, 187 -L876. SPRING. 1876. Goods; Sr.ta/l Profits and Ready Pay. THE BEST COODS FOR THE LEAST MONEY THE GLASGOW HOUSE. The Fountain Head for Bargains CHRISTIE, HENDERSON & CO., Chemicals, Dye Stoffs,. Patont and Proprietor? XSodicl&os, ; Eaaey and Toilot ^oaps, Sponsroa, BruBlica. r ._ , . ' j Paints, Oils- and Varaishos. \ ' -r | . I i S"aa.c: PXTSE ^n4raS AND LIQUORS for isiiielnai Paxposes inly. Ail goods warranted of the best quality and ut U n per cent below T< ronto prices. " i S ' . Don't forget the place. rMedfcal Hall, Mill slreGjt, Acton; March 13, 4s75. Paicy and P-nhter C cods Acton. G. E.' MORROW. Hoes. :frt^_ Ike seea> Birtkdajr. ' We fearn tiai irrangemenis weWbe"-" iag made yesterday to have a grand celebration hereon the 24fch inst Gon- jderableTmottey has already been sub- scribed Horward*i the fobject, and it is Wly expected ^atJSip demonstration will be one of the Very best that has ever beeniheld in Acton. This village has bag had the reputation of being amongst the^nost loyal in the PsjSvince,' and its -.celebrations of the natal anniversary kve generally been " first-class. "The: foil programme wiU be announced by'> ^ge posters to-morrow. The A!cton Krajj Band will give a vocal and instru mental concert in the evening, and we feel jure itwill be well worthy thejpat- 'VP*age of every, one who dan possibly <Stna. .. ."-. :-'. . ,- - feel GO* " I f30*E8^>" + ]- \ f. 1 'I A remarkable instance of .the ; -fliIfi!ling of the adage that a " Bargain' . .*' Bargain," was related to us the other Say. Our old friend Mr. lieed, 'poBtmjster and "Mayor" f -Knatch. blU, made 4s bargain some tf^tc ago for ^certain quantity of the celebrated hul- ^i oats, the selling price of wliich jwas~ -**: 88 pej bushel The seller as a Wal favor to Mr. Reed, (hVjbeing an frd and a granger) agreed to deliv- oats it certain time for one dol- - per bushel has jthan the regular seU- ' ! Pt!Ce' A few: dayrago the parties ?. When Mr. Beed was astonished to tT'-'. * I To tie Editor of the free Pre**. I .'Dear Sib.,- Will you allow me. the opportunity to reply, as requested, to a short criticism published in your paper last week, on my! lines as'touching the earthly career and death of the late Alexander Weir. Do not all who knew him know that be was a drunkard? and Where will the future residence of the drunkard'be! Will it be in heaven? Can any mau who has led a life of sin and ^olly ind drunkenness, and Anally com- spitted the awful'.'crime of taking hia 4wn life, inherit the kingdom of God^ (GaUatians v: 21)? No, he caiinot; and 1 think it shouM be a serious waru^ ing to drunkards^ and moderate drinkcra also, to turn away from the cup of in toxicating drink and-lead a sober life. If my work has been criticized, what is so uncharitable that it ought pu be no ticed. - Sons of Temperance don't need a warning such as presented by the life and death of this man, but it is the slaves of strong drink who do. I a"lso say. that a moderate drinkers' society should be shunned by the Sons unless they mingle with thein to reform them. Were not all drunkards moderate drink- ers once, , Then, referring to "perdi tion's cave," I would merely assert, See- ing.that'the friend of the late departed may not know,the meaning of the word perdition, that it is destruction, rurn, atid death ; the future residence of the Wicked has more names than one-given; to it, (but perhaps hn doesn't know| that;) and-then, if .the less said of thq style of the life and crime of the one re ferred to is the best, can any say that it is the best to never warn poor miserable drunkards of the awful course they arp pursuing ? And if . a change^- in the theme- would be more acceptable to those that have to endure the reading of all such warnings, and would secure a little .more patience, then some nobler poet will have to take the pen. And I would say to every Son of Temperance who has an.old acquaintance orIfrienil ofi either sex who is jeither a moderat^" drinker or a' confirmed- druiikard, to warn and Btrire with them till they are brjpken loose from the chains-with-whic.'~ Satan has bound them ;-and if it wn uncharitable for me to warn - dninkan as- those lines of poetry were intend to;do, and fM entreat the Sons of Tem perance to work bravely for that. cause,' thfen I humbly, beg their pardon. 1 Very much regret that |I do not know the name of the frierid to whom 1 am indebted for the correspondence through your paper, and sincerely hope that if he replies to this be will bravely put his name to it as I do. Yours, Emma Cnirre. Eramosa, May 1G, 1870... FRESH ARRIVAL OF SPRINC GOODS. MAMMOTH HOUSE i G-EOEG-ETO TO THE FRONT Beiu< satisfied that Large Sales, Small Profits, and Quick Keturns, will not only pay better than having the go,<ds remain on the shelves, but will enable them to constantly show a greater variety, . .'. Have Marked all their Goods )own to the Alma Block} Upper "Wyndham Streot;;Gueipli; LARGER STOpKt TM'^M I3ST ALL XjHSTEIS AT D/l^cNA| EVER New pry E3 Just openinjg out full'lines of :V Goods, New 31fllinery>I 1; - - Indies'Keady-inadfi Snits, .' " ' Children's Keady-uiade Snits, 1- Be^ntiful Grenadines, Farasors,- etci 'Qp i Also a fresh stock of - ' ' oceries ancl: C^odker3^ ; Real Oood IToaat 40 Coats. Ji J,w. . ,- . -_. H.; - ..- . Sets of Disaes from 15 Cents tq gS.50. i An attractive stock of I T .-' ' The store litis again, been enlarged and refitted,to accommodate the ad.%: ditional line s of goods, "-" --- ' Acton, May 3; 1876. Call and; see jis, D. McNAIR. STO"V"S3S and ficen Dry AS USUAL. ;' : With "all the newest styles NEW SPRIN G In consequence of the depression of trade one the eagerness of rr anu facturers to secure money, for their goods, We largest and cheapest stock of ' GOOD Very Lowest Figure^ N Ify1 AA"I> WAREi ou want a Boss 1876. hav e npSv in stock and arriving daily niagni- lihes of have laid/down here XMR Ever imported into this cour try G-OO ID IK DRESS GOODS, we have jail the latest no^ lies in Check, Plain and Fancy Colored Lustres, Silk Poplins "and Kepps, Black and Fancy ' Lustres., ifcc, Aic Silks, Black and Grey Grenadines, I lac: For Fruit Cake, Pound Cake, Madcria Cake, Pastry, Oimjer-bread, Gihgersnaps, Confectionery, &c,.-go to Galloway Bros. .. - p-A_. good stock of thirty hour clocks always on hand, and at the lowest figures, by C. & G. Hynds, Post Office, Acton. \ Gents, you can get anything in i the" Jewelery line at reasonable ftrictz, C. & G. Hynds, Post Office,- Acton. IN PB1NTS, a largia and varied s^tock, 'embracing Ashton & Hoyle's Checks, American Checks, Percole's Gingh!;ms, . Ac., Ac.,_all remarkably cheap.' IN COTTOKSj fve have the best and cheapest ! . stock-ever oHered to the public. Beautiful yard wide grey and white Oottons for 9d per yard. iThe American goods, such as Prints, White Cottons. Tickings, Cotton Warp, Cottqnades, Brown Drills, Brwrj and Check Ducks, and other notions, have been imported direct f-om. the manufacturers, and are being sold by Us only at the Cahac.ian whblebale prices.; We have ^lso on hand linens which we arje alv ayd able to job, such as Dress Goods, Prints, Tweeds, &c, j <MlLZfi:NEBY.i Our Millinery Shew Koom ils no'wj - in fdll blast, replete with all the latest nOveltif s from all the|f!ishion- __; able centres, conpisting of Shawls, Mantles, lats, Bonnets, ;Flow3rs, Feathers, Kibbons, Parasols, new Check Waterproofs, Sun Hits, & s. OEDEKED: CLOTHIMGr In Ppite of [the| hard times and the depression of trade Jour Orderec Clothing Department is steadily going ahead. It iafar in advance o;' any season yet. 1, is proof positive ol the cheapness and fit of bur G >ods, and the unive "sal ; satisfaction which we give our customers^ A arge lot of cloths fioro 1 the best manufacturers of Europe and Am'erioi. to choose from, An. immense variety of Gents Furnishings, Hats t.nd Caps, Keady-mi.de Clothing, &c, &c. , , -..-:'. I CARPETS. ,A m-agnificent as'sortment of jbesi ii- tiful. patterns from 50c. per yard. ' BOOTS AND SHOES. A fine variety and ve ' cheap. "- f i We would.re'mind tbepublic that we are giving wonderful bargains, t tint we are now selling goods-cheaper than we used to. juy them, all in confse quenoe of paying the cash down. i . LADlESl Madame Demorest's patterns for Sprin; are now to hand *3~'"<oods Sold for Cash, ~So Second Price.' C-oods, Fancy Goods, Prints, Uotions, idillinery, Sats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Black Dress Goods, Stoiijags, Ducks, Denims, ~~ Grey and White Cottons, Cottonades, Tickings, etc., etc., AT THE GHOST OF FORMER PRICES. FRESH STOCK OF G-sisTBRAIi aROCERIBS Also full lines of the best brands of TEA^ Green, I Black and Japan, at the lowest prices ever offered to the Canadian 0QQKING STOYE : PARLOR ;STOYE;: i "-^.: CO TO WILSON tE ! JOHUffSOIff^S. M Always in stock, - Stoves, St^ve Trimmings,' ; TinfiSI>f5etiIr6n ~ and Japanned Ware. Particular attention paid to E AVETROXJOHI NO. public that our and, if y goods, We and ' Our 50c. TEA has no equal for the money. Money may be scarce with you, but refnember prices will be in proportion to your purse; ou have the moiley to spend and want oui- dp not fail to see ns soon, fidhere striefly to the Beady Pay System, Popular Cash Prices/' and the popular ver ry April 6, 1876." McL30D, ANDEES01T & <"o MAMMOTH HOtUSE, GEOBGETOW '-' - N. diet oh our prices is that no goi|>ds of the same style and quality can be bought anywhere else for the same money. . , ' - i uantity of FRESH EGGS "Wanted, \|vhich we >vill pay cash when required. rriis are Cash or produce, e, of our customers are obliged to pay the bad debis of somebody else. ; It; won't cost you anything to examine our stock. Stencellmg and: Jobbing done on t be shortest notice. Cotton^ Rags. Copper, Brass, Iroh i and othei produce taken in..- ! - :' exchange. ) '- - - i - - - i ' j3"CaII_and; See Cs." ' Remember t of the Canada (. /.; UXX& STREET, ACTON'. \Y. R. WhsonJ .!" I. P. JoibffiQN; Acton, April le stand,, one door-west loveJ Works, BASE BALLS. Base Guide: For 1876> CHEAP BOOKSTORE. Oh tbo.Eastsideof WyndhanJ;Strc'cij;" :~"' GUELPH. .---' i:< UNDERTAKE f* ACTdJf LIVERY & The trhdersigned 1>egs leave to inform the. people ofiAAoirand' viciuit;- that.ho will furnish Sll .' [,_' - Rconisites in Undertakftig : ion short notice and reasonable te'nns- dsS . . iz -. -' : can be had .'., Hearse Supplied - whed ZJesfred-.. : | 'Also that ie will ; Kt up Stores Sc^Onices ; '". Show Cases, B*ok Cases and Desks made to order. -- '_ ' FUJiX2'T&SE' REPATKED. -;^ . ! Shop on Willow street, neariM^ain et. ' SALE STABLE No one ik compelled to purchase, fully splijcited. Acton, Al A call respe=ct- CHEISTIE, HENDERSON & CO. ril 5, 1876: ~; '-"_.,- '. J. If. ALLAN Takes pleasure in announcing to ihe public generally that Be ls; rrcparetl to urnlsh -* _:' First-class B jrsos and Oarriaibs At RSn sonablo llates. . s His Rigs olid lorsesnra tlio tiest .that can bo hitili and'bo Is (ieU^rrnlned not to bo surpassed by tnyDlty Stable.- " . Aoton July Isi.'ISTS; . x s1 DBSCKIB E FOR THE '" " P. MM Actnii^March 20, 1876. [c'SANK ; 39-Cm tree : Press, Only $1 a Year;' ' S. SIM^EPwTiIAIT Would inform therpeoplecjf Acton iinci vicinity that <he=has again-com- mehced the -] Butchering! Business In'this village, tind from his. tohgv- experience in.vtbia line he! will be able to furnjahrlfresh megts of al! ktn'da':od'. the best'ijuajity, nieely and cleanly dressed. !.Meatc delivered at the .houses 'hre'sdays and Saturdays, and ahv..ys on hand at the Sihop. ; i" The; patronage of the public is te^ apecifuily solicited.- ..; : Si- .ZIMMERMAN, Acton, MarchlSth l.S7s. ... . - I. -:r

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