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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 11, 1876, p. 3

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:; '. i m, ss. *t*ttMX ."' KAS. :1TBC]IK TtXK TABLE. Trains 1vetActon as follows : OOISO W5T. Mining Mail -x ._ 9.10 a.m. PayEtpress ... . 2.00 p.m. Express - - 5.17 p.m.1 Miwjd 7:l5p,m] JCijkt Erproti" . 12:45 ^m| . COISU KAST. Xifkt Exprws Mixid _' " Dy Express Ma,. 3:87 a,rbj 9.10 .mj 11:35 a. m. 6:17 p.m. 10.-O5p.rn. fSEDY.BKOS: ItCAt MATTERS. pome to I Gim: ing purr fimpey |33 . r. ". ; ! tii4 sara^t N OHL lge Of; . oops, Ids, ^ ^OjODS. M Dri McGarvin has lost a cow'j 'Se idTWtisemekt for particular*. --Lecture in Baptist Chapel next Sunday Evening, by Mr. Evcrton, oh Tb Kctore GaUcrj-.* been titivted sup very nicely. And now bow attractive goods of various kind*. _ Ladie*, if you. want ypiir.Jew- elry repaired, neatly, send it to- C 3b G. Hynd*. Poat, Office, Acton. . .The windows of our stores, tare all. been', handsomely . decorated TriUnC-toSe past few days, giving them a tidy.'aad-spring-lik appearance.' The next Entrance Examina- : tions to Collegiate Institutes and High School* will tse- held on Tuesday"And: Wednesday, the 27th andrSSth, days of June - -i Some of" our storekeepers are keeping vyry late hoars. The habit is ' a/langeroua one, and if persisted in will rain, their- reputation for;--------(We'll . tell y<w .some other time.) 4-rThe Minister of Education has ": appointed . Monday,--the 10th day of -Jalj-, for the commencement of the ex aminations of teachers for the current jrear, |tor certificates of the first, second , and third class. We learn from Mr. R. B. Cook that he received-a letter from his - son vnairles, who recently" sailed -for Iiverfxi to. attend Spurgaoa's College in_Lodon_ He arrived at Queeustown "on ibe 25th ult.,"fiavinj$ Bad a very 'pleasA-pt voyage, and iii excellent' health an-.i stvrits^- - To tht Editor </ Me Fnx Prt^ Dear Sik, In your last paper I sec somo " Linos on the death of Alexander Weir." It is not an agreoablo task criticizing a lady's work, but this is *o Uncharitable that it ought to bo noticed. J The warning to the Sons of Tomperanco reminds' mo forcibly of a letter that api poAred in your columns a few weeks ago, advising them to avoid the " mod- crate drinkers " society,', and cannot bo very flattering to the Sons. In what ever part of the noxt world! " Prdi- ition's Cavo'f may lie, it ia hardly the place wo liko to hear assigned to an old acquaintance as a future residence. The invitation to the Sons to visit Milton jail and linger there- a while, is certain ly rather^original, and tho rust of the article is iii perfect harmony with what I have noticed, while the less said of tho stylo tie bettor. If our local poets must'sec t leir productions iu print, al low mo to suggest that a change in tho theme would ho very acceptable, and at least secure a little more patience on the part of those who have to endure tho reading of tho articles in question. Hoping you will excuse me for. trespass- ing on your spaco, I am. Yours, &c, Beadsr. Acton, May 9,;187bEsquesingr Council. This Council met at Stewarttown pur suant to adjournment.' All tho mem- bcrs present. i A By-law was introduced and read the necessary times and passed for the appointment of pathmastcra, fuhce-view- |.ers-and poundkeepers for tho current year. On motion, the Treasurer was author ized to pav $30 for the benefit -of the family ot -Win. Wallace"; also $35.36 for lumber and material purchased for the repair of bridges and (Julverts in the sec ond electoral division ; also $10 to Henry Cole for repair of culvert near Silycrereok ; also to Thoa. McClure for the improvement of thi hill 27, 9th con cession ; also $5. fiO for grave and coffin for the remains of the late Dugald Mc- Kecbriie ; also $2,45 to-George Kenne. dy and'Thcis. Henderson for repairs of the cross-road 22 and 23 in the 7th con cession. ; ; ' - Moved J>v Mr. Warren, seconded by Mr.rMcKhery, that Messrs. Wriggles, worth and Lindsay l'e a committee to examine culverts from Ballinafad to Asfagrove, and to order repAirs of the same as occasio-h'requiresi rCarried. Moved, by Mr.- Lindsay,' seconded by Mr.. Warren,.that Messrs^ John Stewart, John SlKirtrced and John Hanby be ap pointed commissioners to superintend the erection of: a bridge' on lot 5, 4th; concession, and to advertise for tenders lor the same. Ccrriol. , Moved bv Mr Wrigglesworth, stV- ond>-<l by MrJ Ltmls3v7 that Messrs. iJiiscph i'weddle, .1. ^Iurray and K. LARGER STOpK THAN EVER AT D. McNAIR Just opening out full lines, of JP s. New Dry Goods, New Millinery, Lndics'Itcndy-niadc Suits, Children's Bendy-made Suits, r Beuntiful Grcundlucs, Parasols, etc* . - Also a fresh etock of QroceriBS and Crocfcery| Eo*l Qool Tea at 40 cents. . Sots of Dishos from 15 Ooats |o $8.60. j - An attractive stock of ^f i nsr :e cr pi;<w :e Xi e, ^ The store has again been enlarged and refitted to acoonimodat^ the. ad ditional lines of goods. Call and see lis. i l D. McNlAIR. Acton, May 3, 1876. ' | | CALL AHD SEE D1GKSON & McNAB'S SPRIW3- STOCK. . -^pne evening--last week a g*n- '- tktsan in our'j-ilL-ige, while cousider- * aldv elevated, was accidentally insulted. As'thitiiicg 1-nt'WtKxl-wouId-'satisfy" his-|>"ix"l'p l* .lpp"i"wd.,to' superintend the l^iaor, the i'Vs-taixlcrs kindly Irsidcd up a donbrerK-srielle*! ^sliot gnn. "After ciiasideralJe.'troisblej tliti- decided to Uvs Utr tiiist shot, which file a^ressini; party was f*rtunate eu.Ki^h" t.i seci:rv'.- Ucr friend was acojrdin^U" p<i>ted Uj .it twenty jxaces distance, with instructions tn stAad still. Instead of this, he 'sur- ;,jr-jsed the sj>ectt<S by making' tracks i - in-a lively manner f,r. a neighlx>Hng wry>d - pile He escaped -two rH'iu^ shots through his adversary's want of practice, and lives toteil the talc " F<tf those.that fly may fight againj . Which he can never do that's slain.'[ Large Lot of PRIN'HS j.of theMost Select Patterns at the . Also the Celebrated ceedirigly DUXDAS COTTONS low rates. ; it ex- We have now an Immense Slock of SI'KI 3ST ;<3- T W- E E3 3D Of the Best Piitlems that can.be had in the maiket. rm.. pe -again Ode of the most-- injteresfing aadjeatertahiirig lectcreaT we have l"s- - turned Vy in^along time,,was delivered 'in the "Teniperance Hall, last Monday eveaihs by F. G. Widdpwa, a recently C^nverted monk- The Hall was crowd ed to it"utmost capacity, and notwith standing that the entertainment oceu- pledfolly two hours^ the best of "order *>nd the" deepest] of interest was main tained thronghont. The lecturer is a yoking man - of brilliant talent, witty, elsquatit^and instructive. He is Eng lish by birth, bat "his mother was an Irishman," and be has evidently Nle-j rived fr(,m fie:latter the true Irish wit, which enables him at one moment to convulse his.hejtrers with laughter/and at the next to melt theffi to tears with his pathos. Hia v^vid description of Iiome and its 3&5 churches, many, of which he ; gersoBally_ visited, ^S&. 1n- strnctive And Amusing S the manners and customs of .the Itoman Catholic, coan'- tries, with' incidents of the superstitious hmoranee with which] the people we>iJ enshrouded, were vividly portrayed, as also was the description jof the-manner, in which the. popes and other dignita ries of the church, were i nade, and how the were worshiped and idolized. His j Acton, wfohrdisc^nrse, howe^.'Vas not calpf _For tbe best Tea Cakes ?te.. riees that Cii and' . ppwards. ;^v ft i kudj-avhicb; ^ ' - ' ' a:-'VM '- ."."-. 6d+ 41 ltet, a*^* eulated to east reproach' upon any mem ber of the Catholic Church, or. to incite spirit of retAliation rthe object of the" lecturer being apparently to relate facts zad. incident* Viuch luui come under his '[ own observation,'and which when seen through the light of his converted mind, ' -appeared, now to be solsupremely ridfeu- . loos. The leetttre was interspersed with "a number of liughahje anecdotes, and was conclnded Widi si "brilliAnt perora- . , tion.. Mr. Widdows" has been but A few months-a convert from BomAnism, and has only :iecentiy^ comineHCad giv- . ing lectures." W understand it is his intention to cootinne ia the lecture ". field dnruyj7 tbe mnmer -months. He erection of a culvert in Stewarttown tho cost til?Ik.- al>t)Ut ^+*. Carried.'., Mn.vetl by Mr. MuEuery, seconded f>y Mr. Lindsay,' that the Inspector of Li censes |'Mr. I). C'oiikj lie p-iid $12 for his services for 3 portion of the year; i 'arrivd. - . f ' v.M"Vol by Mr. Wrig^lcsworth, sec onded by Mr. MeEuery, that the fol lowing alterations 1h! made in the i!i>.-id Divisions from Ashgto've to Ballinafal. viz : The Ashgrove I>ivision to extend to Lot Xo. 12, 7th:coucessiou inclusive. The next division shall extend to Lot Xoi lo inclusive, arid' one lot cast and west. The next division shall extietail from I>t 16 to Lot No. IS, luith|l>tt3 inclusive. The next' division, from! lot 20: to the old ToUtgafe, alTil one lot east and west oh cross r>*ad between 20 and ! 21, then from the Toll-gate to lot 26 in- J elusive,: and one lot east and west be tween 22 and 2-t, then from lot 27 to lot. 31, both inclusive, and one lot east and west between 27 and 2S, and that Joseph Tweddle's -division extend from Main street is. Stewarttown along John street to the cehtre_ut" the 6th concession. Carried. The Council then adjourned to meet asa Court of Uovision on 31st May. : j '-;------- --------------:--------- That Wosd^sfll Man.- Mr. John Hogg has one of his characteristic advertisements in today's "paper, ill which he announces" the arrival of a very large lot of new goods, suitable for the seasoii. He calls attention to the tremendous excitement up town, to the great slaughter of goods, and to the fact that all the goods are fresh and uew, and not bankrupt stocks. Ilead the"ad- vertisemeut" and then go and see the wonderful man. . Repairing made a speciality and all work warranted as represented, hy C. -fcG. Hyhds'.Post Office, Acton. The ^cheapest lot of ladies', misses' and children's prunella and leather shoes in. the province to be got at the'Cash .System. Christie, Hender son ii Co. " Gents, you enn get anything in the- Jewelery_line, at reasonable prices. C-. & G. Hynds,; Post Office, rffc arc determined not to be undersold. DICKSON & McNAB, Acton, >farcli i?, 1S76. B THAT WONDERFUL M^N, JOHN HbGG;, GnEfiPHV ' Upper Wyitdhnini Street, Alma Block. . I Tremendous Esoitemont t No Old A Panio! See th.9 Rusli I fireat- Slialupierv m Bankriipt Stock to Palip OfE'j 1834 Cases and Bales of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods at Prices that Will astonish the-People. ;L to battle agajinst high prices, These are times that people must have good, sound and honeat goods in return for. their money; {motji eaten, and bankrupt stuff won't do for tho presont intelligent day], 1 h^ve had to come to the rescue beforolo day; and now that the Trade of'iiueiph requires regulating, I amlagain called in ......es, inferior classes !of gc..... ' " '"' ' ...... ' ' ""' goods and old fogy totionsl.. I ha,va this'day marked off -Ss ImmeD se Ouantity of Staple and Farjcy; Dry Goods, And I will astonish the inhabitants at the cheapness of really first-dags goods, -jJggrTDon't delay; but:ca!i_and be satisned.-a .'- . TVyTlIll "in QT^Tr TV/Till ina'rrr Tno M8fc Exquisite Taste is to be had in L^ies' fiats, B4nnets, Jackets, Mantillas, and-airthe ^ev- XVJ.lllllJ.C7i- J[ i J.VX1111U!01 |y . . est Designs in the Millinery and Mantl* Departments. MISS .SULLIVAN the Lady Milliner, presents to (the public the most elegant.taste and designs in Ladies' Hats' and Bonnets &> be founif on this Continent. ^Indeed theleuloglesbestovved In her taste lnlTrimmed- Hats, &p., are almost, beyond description, I would earnestly request a visit of the Ladies to my* ". "t^...'.' _ :e on sale at such extremely cheap prices, cannot fait to satisfy all at that Wonderful Man's Mammoth Store. Ladies fancy dress goods are(a marvelof "beauty, elegancdand cheapness.;, '. ' , \ ; "' <)T;V forget those wonderful Lu,stres tit V2k cents per yard, Well worth 20 cents, amazing value) ......." ' ition1; [it's weakness in me, but I can't help itj to give Cheap goods.] Sales; Qheap Goods; Small Profits and .Rmdy Pay. ~~. ,' -." My old fjriends and customers will be glad I to hear of this large arrival ffif cheap and good goods by doablej.better than_any.bahh;rupt Stock. ' .'. JOHN HOGG, Such excei purchasin Don' My prices May 187 18f76. SPRINC3-. Wr&. THE BEST FOR THE LEAST MON AT GOODS Aitmt Block, .Upper Wyiidham Street, Guelpli. BY j; }IJ THE GLASGOW HO Tie Fountain Head for Bargains. CHRfeTiE, HENDERSON & will deliver Another lecture^ this even-jf'cloeks always on hand, and at. the 'lowest figures, hy C. & G. Hynds, Post) ',">?> the Temperance Hall; Subject, I 'XZ "? *"*'> ' - . . ! T ] Office, Acton. . Monxisn.Injpeeters^ancifint-.and mod- ' " - era," and will again appear in his mon-' *tic robes. " " ' "seCme^dkwL '; Mr.X. McPhatter, teacher of'&. S. *o. 7f Nassagaweya, has. atjiih been " bringing more of his scholars to profici ency. We understand he has sent one, * Eockwood Aiademyi- ***& two. to Tait'a - Academy,! Owen Sound, last weelu -- We congratulate the yoiniiij gentleman and his students"on theiri *oMtioh.J -i. ]" \ " Galloway Bros., Acton Bakery. , For Fruit Cake, Pound Cake, Maderia Cake, Pastry, Ginger-bread, Gingersnaps, Confectionery, ic. go to Galloway-Bros. Acros Bakery. ^-Wanted any quantity of fresh eggs; and fresh butter, for which "we will pay the highest price in cash.-iGAXLOwAV Bcos. For all kinds of biscuits, good,, fresh and cheap, go to Galloway Bros. / Acton Bakery. Rock Bottom Touched. A case of Felt Hats- - assorted choice - for 50c. at Christie, Henderson < Co.'s, Acton. ? A-gbod stock of thirty hour DRUGS, DRUGS. 03SE EJ^a.IJ53Sa? DrusrSj.Chomicals, Dyo Stuffs j i Patoat and Pxopriotory. Hcdiciacs, - . j Fancy and Tolloti Sjoasros, Brashos, - i ., ! \, Paiats, 0ii3. and Vamishos. ! | Fancy and RubDei ; Pltxas/WT1TSS AND JJQT10&S for Hsilclnal Parposo3 o:iily, Afl goods warranted of the - best'quality and at ten percent bolow Toronto prices. | :' ; Don't forget" the pbice, t Medical Hall, Mill street, Acton, Acton, March 13, 1875. | G. E.MOlKROW. Soaps, Goods. FRESH ARRIVAL OF SPRING GO MAMMOTH HOU GXEOE^ETOWISr, TO THE FRONT AS USU With all the newest styles in NKW: SPlk I N G GOO -A-OTOICSr., S1?Q37^H1S -.. and ' j ' i-' TINWARpi Ifyon want A; Boss- COOKITOBTQ^E PAR CO, Being Isiitisned that Large Sales,1 Sniall Profits, and Quick Keturns, yvill not oiily pay better than having-the goods remain on tihe shelves!, but will enable them to constantly show ajgreatep variety, Have/Marked all their G-dpds Down! to the Very Lowest Pjigiire, :' and have now in stock and arriving daily magni ficent lines of -;!." Dry Goods, Faaoy Goods, Prints, ! Notions, Millinery, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Black cress Goods, ]Shirtings, Ducks, Denims,. i ::: | :,- Grey and White Cottons, : Cottonades, Tickings, etc., etc., AT THE CHOST OF JFORMiR PRICES. .QI STOVE, ITITILSOIff i joiiitfssortf's. Always in stock, StovesV Stove Trimmings* Tin, Slieet-iron'" (; - and Japanned Ware. Particular .attentidn paid to ^ E AVETROUGHING. Stenceijing and.Jobbing Got/on I^tffs, 'Goppcr, Brass, Iron and o\her produce taken'in exchange. V\*s-Call and See Fs.-a; Itemernbi! of the C^inaj JlSSlS. W. R. Wiiitw. ' Acton, Ain-ll.ll, K76. In conseguence of the dopressinn of trade jnd the eagerness oil manu- pre tho facturers to secure money for .their goods, uie have laid down li| largest and cheapest stock of, 3Dm."5~ j <3-0 OIQ S Ever, imported into this country, IN DRESS GOODS; '^ve have"all tlie latest n ovel- ties in Checks Plain and Furic.y Coh.red Lustres, Silk Poplins njnd Silk Kepps, Black and Fancy Salks, Black and Orey Grenadines Lustres. &c, &c. | IN PH1NTS, a large jand varied stock, einbrjjcing Asbton & Hovlo's Checks, Ac, <tc., all remarkably cheap. Americarr Checks, Percole's Gin ^m..' r . Received, this week, at G. M. ^ 8cott>; iU>te, Acton, New "Prints from H cents iper yariiipj ife-if Check Gmg- ; . hkms,- Oxford Shirtings !at 15 cents, ; i -, worth 25-ceats ; also Black Lustres, - / ,^-f*?53r ^ieck, I>re88 Goods-r-the most WionAbleggodsin the market; Lice " 1%P r *?}drSther P1^^ for *-25 Per Pr. G. M. SiOTI Ep?s' Cocoa. Gkatepul and -Com- FQBTiifG. " B^f a thoi-bugh knowledge of the natnralpaws which govern the operations' of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the_fine- properties Of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may aave us many heAVy doctors' bills. It is by the judi?ions ijse of such articles of diet that a constiijution. raaW begradu<dly built up until strengen'ongh to resist every tendency tjo disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating atound ns ready to attack|iwdierever there is a weak point. We -may escape jmany a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves -well fortified with pure blood and a pro perly nourished -frame, " Civil Senvke Gazette. Sold only inJpackets"labeled "James Epps [& Co.,; Homoeopathic' Chemist, 48, Threadueedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly,\London." , 1 *IETUSi Jn Jfassagaweya, on the 4th Ma; wife of Mr. Hugh Aikins, of a son In Acton, on the 6th inst., the wifo of Mr. Patrick Kelly* of a daughter. ay| t! the Black bams,- IN COTTONS, We have J he best and chefipesi . stock ever ottered to the public. BeautHul yard wiJe grey antl white Cottons for 9c per yard, The American goods, such as PrintB, White Cottons. Tickings, Cotton J\Vrp, Cottonades, BrownrDrills,. Brown rand Check Ducks, and other notions, have been imported direc t from the manufacturers, and. are being sold by us only jit the C'aIndian ' y wholesale, prices. We have alsb'on hnml lines which ive are ahvays able to job, such as Dress Goods, Prints, Tweeds, <tc. MILLINERY. Our Millinery Show Room is now : in full blast, replete with all the latest.novelties from all the fashion able centres, consisting of Shawls, Mantles, Hats. Bonnets, Flowprs, Feathers, Kibbons, Parasols, new Check vVaterproofs, Sun Hats &c. ORDERED CLOTHINa,- In spite of the liard times acd the depression of | trade our Ordered Clothirfg'Depai tment is steadily going ahead. It is far in advance of any season yet. It is proof positive of the cheapness and' fit of our Goods, and the un iversal satisfaction which we give oar customers. A large lot of olothj.from the best manufacturers of Europe and America to choose Iron.. An immense variety of Gents Furnishings, fRits and Caps,; Ready-made Clothing, &0.&C. . j CARPETS. -A magnificent assortment of beau tiful patterns frpm 50c, peri yard. BOOTS AND SHOES. A fine variety a-njT very Wewould remind the public ^hat we'are.givipg wond.e'rliil bargairls, that we are now selling; goods cbeapor than we used to buy them, all in quence ofpajring the cash down.' - , LADLES11 Madame Demorest s: patterns for Spring arenow tojiand is* "Goods Sold for Cash. No Second Pr^ipc."-sa HcLiUOlfj ANDERSON jfc cin; MAMMOTH HOUSE, GEORGETOWN, A|>rir6, 1876 iPonse.-- the stand, one door west la Glove Works, \ ' /- STREET, A0T01T.: .' LP. Joiissok. ! FRESH STOCK OF GENERAL GrRbCBIillBS, Also full lines of the best brands of. . TEAS Green, Black and <Mpan, it the lowest prices ever offered to 'the Canadian public. iOur 50c. TEA has no equal for the money. Money may be scarce with you, but rt member that our prices, will be in proportion to your purse; and, if you have the money]to spend and vjant our goods, do not fail to see us [soon. \ ! | We adhere strietly to the Ready Pay System and " Popular Cash Prices,] diet on our prices is that style and quality can be bought anywhere else for the sameimoney. L '.. "' Any Quantity of FEESH EQGS Wanted, for which we will pay cash >vhen re Our terms are Cash or produce. None of our customers are obliged tb payt the bad debts of somebody el.se.,> It won't cost you,anything to No onje is coinpelled to purchasje. A call respect fully solicited j | .' ' CHRISTIE,; bJeITDERSQIT & CO. ..-. LI VERY & SALE STABLE : .J. Pl ALLAN' j !.' Takes pleasure in-announcing (to- tl<e puhlic.genei'ally that ne Is preparetl to ftirnisn~= | I Fitst-elass Horses and Carriages .'At Reasonable Kates, j ,-Hls RIgsand Horses are the bept that can bf* huiJ,-iiiid be is deterniinedl not -to be surpassed by any City Stable. , ' Acton J.nljy 1st, 1875. . i " .'. UNDERTAKING. Tiro-undersigned begs leave'tojinforin of Ac' tlie people will furnish kill cton and vicinity jthat he ' and the popular: Ver- no ffot|ls of:-tljje.. same cxahiine pur stock. I Kcnuisit^cs in I'lulcrtaking oii short not ce andrreasonable tdrms-,as call, be had : i: Tfcarsc Supplied when ijfi'itired. ' Also that he will ,\ ; {' -.' Stores Sc Offices ii_the fecst style. .' >"'=- ' Bool{. Cases niitti Desks !' < Pit'np S*9- Wm. Stewart -&0ii WYNBljfAJJI ST&EET. an el. ph. n Have just opened a third case , those Cheap '.'] of Reversible Dress Goods AT FIFTEEN CEHTSi Also a ease. dfifWlihe Cotton Hosiery, cheap. 4 pair ' for 25 cents. ' -.].- "' ; -..".."' NewFrench Kijl Glomes. A case of very choice Dress Goods ut-20eTand' 25c: ';4 Xadies' Silfe" Ties^. frbiri ,10c, very styleh, at 25?V ; * In Swiss j Embroideries. we hold a large assortment'aiid prices that astonish, from 7c. [ Parasols' and brellas, from 55c. Silk Tjm- .Nottingham Lace Cur-;-: ' .tains from I;to 815 a pair.; *h .' Misses' an)l j Ladjiesy Striped,.Cotton-,Hose. allsfess and qualities; also_. "White-antl . Colored, every siz j and quality. New Prints, New!<qottoiis. ^ We are, setlinsr Wliite - -' I Shirtings by jthe- pieoe ar.wholf^ " '. sale ^prices..I Whjte fJonri'ter- - panes; Sheetings, Towelg, Table; . . Linens^ ic. /'..!- ' > * .- K tr"r: ' Nbw .Gent's! Dress $htF-ts,- ;>iew. Oxford; Shirts,-New: Felt k-5 and Silk Hats, Nets Coatings and Tsveeds._ -L """ " ' ""- V "W.1L,: STEWART.^;Cp. rjEORGETOWN Iniple^nt W^rercbsas " -AND FEED STORE. : > - Snow C'nsesJ ^nado to order.-. FUJimWUUE REP A llitijj. Shop on Willow street, near Ml Acton, Mai hiii st.- P. M. Mc-CAto*. ch 20, 1876. 39-6m : S. ZI^flMEEHAlT ' Would inform the people of j Aoton and vicinity that he has agaid. com menced the -.j;... .... ;,'.,"". Butchei ing Business In this villnge, arid from.his..t6ngr experience in this lihe:'he" will bo able to furiish jfresh meatsf of all kinds of the best quality, nicely and oleanly dres :ed.; '" ' _,.'..[" . ' ; Meat1 delivered at .the houses Tuesdft.v8jaql Safurd-ays, ahdialways on' hand at i he Shop. -p " . The patro ingo of the public iK-rc spectiullyscllcited. i '/.S.":Z[MMERJIA'N7- Acton,jftIajreh 15th lS7s. \ ' 'I'he suliscribprs beg-to ainiotfnce t-o- fariniirs and others,, that they, br.vo-, opened a warejroom 'on. Main Strtx>;, Georgetown, nextlthe hay scales, frlrta they'wiU keep always'in stock'the niosi desirable" kind of - i i Farming Iniplenienls/ Also in connection; jfehey have.opened a " . PEED-STOBB,' '"-:' " where will.always be kept a largo-stock of flour, feed ^nd. seeds, e{;_Various <!<. .- : scriptions. ' -K ' ('./'-. ... ' . . .. ' JriC. DETBREAUX., Allan Mooije, Manager^;7 \ \ . . Georetown. April J2JLH7C: 4'3-3m /CHEMICAL MiNUKES. ; ,";. V - V Proved to be equal foijall crops to Barn- . / . ' yarcl MafaurQs., ;.::. > . ', The BrockyiRo Chpmi'cal '.i Super-' phosphate Works, Brockville.; 0;c. ' v . '" AJ^EX. GOWAN,v"SIu%g.iiy".-" Any. substantial- farmer, \vithCf|6r><-y-' refeferices, can purclutso'oiie.tpa or V ;.- : Wards of Chemia'al Mpitrare on credit'tili. . [crops are harvested and perhaps mar- - ketcij liy paying interest on ii<>tt.'\at - rate of'seven per 'icnt per anmirh...' Wliere"lio agent has hceu appointed.jn a township, each. postrnaster {.<.'-hercby ~ authorized to act. as! agent -to rcooive ortlers,' Where ivgents\ have -..hefen a:); _ pointed to a towrisjiip^ they art; jjereby.\', required toi-report sjune to iwtjast?r;-. in their township imiujBiliatcly,.iin' or lor : . to prevent confusion, f--. " ^'it'V., JO PRINTING neatly,iiud pyo'mptly ,' PREH PRESS; Xcxl the P<st bffle^! ' -.';:" /-' '

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