TEST - IPR records

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 4, 1876, p. 1

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^j't-^-'^-v-H'* ., ^ ^-:M-^KV^anii^*.^^.^2^i^',fiy^-'^--: rai..*.^ JicgJJJxvaaa^;!!!^-^!^^-!!***^ -s,. fc Vtflniuc 1* 18jt :.*-1-4 ACTON, ONT., THURSDAY, tsoaij^ Cloves sit, Qtt#l*i t - . - - - \ .. i- .. r1 . ' i Mr---. IStoro. |OSIIYION HARNESS SHOP. BREAD e s.-^Mn.t.Srr.Ki-T "LiroN. ,^r TYR. K. MORROW. 'pl-sl- wy o'iiTr. Sure.'.*:-, Ao , o; K.-lU-vtv.' C"1.-" ..Tho-.subscriber rb'egs to_nnnonnco Io-'.th3 inhabitants of Acton and vicinity that ho hiis commenC'exl tho harness'business in tho |>~ x^X^.nteir;,^ Qfr] J>0:St Omcb Building, J^&^W^;,otet - *M^ STttEET. ACTOX, -^ y?:;^:^,xv.v-^^^mV:,u^'-o- :whv"> }' lJ J-PJ to turn out ' -v\.%' -Ij5 KO'lI'tll I'KI'HUSI einirt, WOt K SCCOIld-.IO HO'110 111 tile DoHlill- ^. .. .*c. Aii-ji.xr^ST. ion*. -"asVeheap as the cslioapost, and IIlSXDERiSOX; Jrtfuvev.-. J11! U, *?ortot.p!cssitblo notice. V ,::. , n.s.v-:.v-fS.it" I'.uiiO i. nave on. hmul a large and well select- Ul-f-5\**^r:ti.*e--.Cv. *vit!,'M>ri);:'Ki v od-t6ck ol ~ _ , ------.nrwrtiteail.v. gmmiijj'.*>"'">cTlyi. i -. - . . . f-rr. i. J><1-- J. .t.v .v,l~*r<?TtSA>;0 ' 5-0 v.- H*iw. fttioii. I>. . Ut \v ill. fciHMAV.'. i;arri>Cor. . tw - > jru*.:,-i- - 1:1 Ctiv.-.c-Ai. Ac- UiUecsi uul:.uii, lu i M-C-.-r. i-.'i.-'- w:;: t'-* -,i:v.: la'cS. ": i'-.-^v*i"i-i\'>- ' ii-i- isw itirr :i *'-:wi a; i:ie .tlilto-.i o:!k-r"- v.r.ty. l^Koo- Sorsa BlaaSot.s. "WTxipa. Sruslios. , v Coia^s, Trcnts, etc. . ! l!pairin^ promptly attended to. Oiyo mo a cull and be convinced, ' J.lM>EMrt-Y ]s?5. ; {^llEAI1 for; the million B. & E. NXCKLIN ' ' . ' Bog to-nnnounce t-liftt tlioy litivo socurcil tht1 -sorvicuH of a .4 First-Class Baker, ~ anil that thririirnkiti!* biisTncss is now . in full tiponitidli, in tho promiaoa-owned i byjMfB. llftinuu. ' _^ lVi-cul will boldiJlivereil daily at the hoitsi'3. in the \iBayc and vicinity. SI A Til i:so\*. At t orne y- '..'c::^. s.'.iounl 1:1 (. j:i:i-,>ry, , cr_of .\:a!.*.i anj fliuren OV !1, " - ' . i -Acton, Nov. 2." i itrt-,-1. 1'lie ' \"' -Till- lin'i:.;!'. j-i-: rTOX RAliERY. Bs fcifiys.)L.i R AKE. I liurTah; i\: utNft; ;V:i:\t, SHOES durability jteed to gi* SQX; ^T; Hi:-.. c;i i:lpi:. ii>e:-,;v v: I 'l ':.itr> l<v lu- . I-'UiJAKH Hurrah. .Woddinp Oakos, Tea' Cakos, Pastry, Buns, &c., m.ido ill tho veijybe.st lnamier, and kojit always on hand, good and fresh. Atari all kinds of (i'oafeutionury, Biscuits, (.'"hcese, &e. .- The patronage of the public is rcs- [>cctfully solicited. Acton. Feb. '29, B.k K. >,"ICKL1-X. 187(i. ' LEAKIXV; SALE OF ^il1 ili^**-: CHEAP BREAD. Pa : iTE.VTS for IXVENTiO.XS : .10: .cifci. h;:n*k v .;^i-r, ^iit-r yi i - KIV of tr;nlo. c WlNTfiR G0ODS TXS^, t <\*n::tr.iit>. !i:-t . -.1 ! M1 fRS;^. I'lRTtK. fr^>* liable, Dra !t;" anil I'mirh, . '."-' 04?, ' :J^4-x"ii;"tMasJt-*H-; TOX D. = G:-Vtr^WA:Y \ - I -' "' i"i-;; to :* :i- i! v\> to 1 J:o in*.nlutnnt ? A-'^M! iiti^I vi-'i iiHy l'-:il' lu> has -t'cinm '.lits"I';ik; r:jr K^in!> i>i:iiioi:l lo- t'u* -iK-i rn- r-i-^V^ ii ut ii^ir ;" ">! -*iTti%r "si*trpt ; w ln-iv I..-' !i * Imiit a Iii>t-cla>ji new ovt-M : ; a--'I r.- litU'U t:-p Iji: tiin.*.e- in :i url-t*l;iiit i-ly\ fur n iKik'c-ry uiut Ci>nft ctioi'.ery Iu*_:ih-ss thii3:s tnrnlnpartt " Sa^i-- --...j, McNAIRIS at Greatly'Iteduced Prices WHAT ll.lKllH .1 .MAN? A truthful soul, a lovinp tnind, Full of|aH'ectiou for its kind ; A ojiirit linn, erect and free, That never basely bendtr a knee ; That will iuit bear a father's weight Of slavory'ti ehaiiis fiir mimll tiv jjrun'i Tliat truly sneako from (iod witliin ; .That never makes a luauuo with' sin ; That, simps tho fetters dcBpota make, And loves the truth for itH own saki: That win-ships Uod, and Him alouo, And bows no more than at His thn iie And trembles at no tyrant'a nod ; A soul that fears1 no one but (Jod, And thus can suiile at^urse or ban Tliia is the bouI tiint makes a man. WHAT MAKES A-WOMAN'? Not courtly dres nor cjuef.-nly air j Not jeweled hand, complexion lair Not graceful form no lofty tread ; Not imint, not cuils, nor splendid h Not pearly teeth, nor sparkling eye Not voice that nightingale outvivc Not breath as sweet as eglantine ; Not gaudy geiiis, nor fabrictj fine ; Not all the stores of fashion is- lmirt, Nor yet blandishments of art ; Not one, nor all .of these combined, Can make one vviiiuan true, relined, "Tis not the casket tliat we prize, Hut that which in the caij<et lies ! These outward charms which plcasi sj{;ht, - . Are nauylit unless tho heart be rial; ON* OF LIFE'S INCIDENTS. sail; the t. "A nicssagb for you, sir." And tjie servntit handed in a Kinulr f jld- ed paper and withdrew, wliila the muster of the house walked to the window, nnd sought by tlio: fast failing 'wili'glit to decipher tho al most illp<;"iblu scrawl, "Will mother coiiie.to 2S Barker street V " Who is it from, Henry ?" A delicate looking woman, ,v itli soft brown eyes, nnd a smile on hen sweet, pale face, came to her mis- band's side, and leaned on his broad shoulder, BRshe glanced ut the (m|icr he held in his hand. So difleicnt they looked at they stood together, and yet so like ; even casual server might vec.tlint between tl was an itllectioii which had tritim ed through sorrow, and over wl ob- em ph- ich time had no power. But the sr.i.ile ^c C in lies, :t .;J-.1f per lb., u large'-quantity of I t V ill :t SClUil gf D^1 A : ii .' : civ. 11 i u t'rer^i]- :..r 1 iTr.r. '" n: py ' t.i .. i.: 1'jily.; 'JEWIE-.L-ERY To berufhed off at yaaT lott prices. vamstied as of that riideH die read the con ft written missive tits nd. with an almost agonized expression on the.now &ul face, she out. - ' C>h, Giid, my child !" " llusIi.'Mary I'v The husbai voice tried to be stern, dint it q ei-t-d a little. " Hush !.' I in, speak to this mim." ]ie step]ed into \he hfill as he sped l's. tv- ust spok me and confiontetl seng.-r. You wiiltell tl the waiHin je pei-son from J ..i-fva- Iietii .w iVVEOCiVG- &. FANCY ODS, tffttatt. lie- rk?l for CmW t -* '- IGUHE. - j>h priced .. ' ; i Ignew** HoteU" 5COTTi : :a- -AI i<) vt- : T;.- ^ r-re.l every t .ii.tf.; .' ' I i" CAKES 'llieT/.te.-t I iir^! s.. .. -'I l:r.o,,.-i-i j HEIGH HO,STOP! !i: ;:>. - 1 .- p lis- r.-J-v.U 1' .ilUtv-*: r.y, ' T- 'V7i si: <-f t ii--- j.ut/Iic i L-f !!.:11.j:i. \r. -.H'Kt "T.f.l- .,- >-:iv;;:,-, :i'.v. Ca:i..H.t : ..i HA -C':l N 1STA. j.-ij\vav--b?:o. \ (T:v PLANING- MILLS .What's the-Matter? Why iiny person who wants a gbbd u6a cheip""-- -, ? jtv->.?f'I>v':? . ivISvi Q-x rom'-Miils lid Pl^ip. A N L) . Isasli, Uofir --. Factory. and IJlind iXt-ar Evaiao.'i.n. IJridj <;iciyii. mm :1 1- dad will oaU AGES fcJS.-.; .-. fe.:an>- vJzcor design, { a:i-l put ujr i.ii /.tr;.' pure of tin "1^:^ci 'jtelt-. Granite Moau- .P-'S.^rAf Jveajjfcdyis4j. jirac: :ical_:iiarble cutttr. a gr'rr lUfi; aaaen Tlf'oi.LOPE MADMAN, T30AS-EBBAGE, SST OF HARNESS Sliould call on Bobt] Creech, MILL STREET, ACTOX, win in yon received this mess: ! that there is nothing here for s ich ' i\s the-; that she is not known li,; not nckiiowlt'dged " t-poukei's brow darkened, and voice grew hard "that'she 1 ago cast away the love of i'at^i mother, home,'and she has no h er any claim upon them." " But- ." Dying!" The voice shook a. moment, but only for a moment; a mouri from the inner room roused him, and, walking to the dt>or which ho hud left partially open dreiv it sharply to. j "Take message," he said, harshly, to. [waiting man, " and, ipind, you not let tfie ever see you hereuga . " What is it, Mary j" .The y was tender enough now, nnd manner anxibus,as lie jbent over weeping wife, and took her in arms. " Hiish, huah liny darlin as sobs fihook the light frame) she wept passionately|on his bre "Mary, Jtary, wliatlis this? vour husband so little to you' vou can forget him to mourn .MamirncUircr of Window Sasli-, "v. Doors, ; '; 1 Venetian Blinds _ Mouldings,. And other Building Requisites Vi'hp I? always ready to supply cu.s. turners with ;eveiything usually kept in a firsUclass Harness Shop. r.j AlEO Makers of AH Descriptions of Biiidtng 2^eaUi ;E.V t-ytc|j. "J >UvMnt-:DW^i bf-^cli -Kind* , Made to Orrtfr. ..'-.- ISIPEOyED sitctioit ;ptthps Liirnber Planed and DreBeed to orde "1 1 i'^r 1 ~-i*il bv :|:li in Ifc^ :;.^i ^^4-Pro'mjp^- Attecaded to. lEisKEET-^.st/Geopge's Square, Guelph. J&"Outre' left atr the Fp.kz' Pbess vffiee will- receivej>impt attention. .$12 a day at liorne. A?ots wanted. Outntaiu terms r.-ee. 'lltUKji ^-O, Au^ustn, .Maine.. .; -"^PAR^.EOR S^LE;: w'ell .*oo<Ieil,'l>Jma..tlie east half of' Lot 21, ^ S3" :frii UoneeB^ioii, in tln> Township 'W fcfquiisla*; : f-' r, parti udar-s"address ;' y TflOMAS GAKVhN. -" 1^_ in the t&T A)l work JVcton, Jari.,'j; best manner, guaranteed. ;c. . ' '.' Saturdays^ Pa get, milk' deliv "tlyry - wouhl do alid buy-their 11 tickets for'l, tw4nty-qn(f pint Avion, Nov. day at homo. \70rth $1; :. t&p $2d & '""S^P'^-to I'. KOWFLU A f."6., toiJi^r y'f1K ford>mplilet,of 1W pa:{e^ > Ct1 !tJ.iT)i=*t-!K of .rwOnewUpurei-.-.-and: 1. :T*^?*.eii snowies epstof a-Ireniitiiii.' -fjarness made to order shortest possible notice. the CQLXt&RS A SPEOIALTTr B. CREECH,Acton. Nov. 18^1575. ,- MEAT SHOP. The undersinfied ha commenced the Butchering Business piRE klIl;K. ' -TJie nidorsieoeo^ begs to thank I11B eustomeri f0r_ti e liberal patronage re ceived during ;he ' past summer, and would sa^y that le is now prepared-to giipply aii addit onal number 01 custom ers with good,^ ure,-fresh milk ^elijfer- ed tjvery morning, and twite a. "day on ties who keep cows will Jiriiit much clitaj>er and less tronWe to :'red at their doors)'and well to sell their cows ilk. Twenty-one quart if jraul in advance, or tiefcetsfor SO cents. " ." I. S. AHMSTIIONG. 10th, lo75. -,. I3NT QpjTOsite :A\lktn's'i Livery Stable, and will k^ep IcbnitiinUf on hand Frcsli and FowM TOB I*R1X TI\ of all kinds fj neatly and promptly executed jit the FftEE BIIESS.OFFICE. > ( tte Vt>*t Ofllrr, Mill Street. !1<', the his >l-g ier, for , ho my the do n." oice the his his r '" nd J.Kt. Is uat for. the ingrate who has; broken t(oth our Ik arts (" Oh, husband, husuand ! she .our own child, our little chill !" sobbed thte stricken woman. "The ouly one God sent its, j the only pne we ever hud to lova" | J There was silence in-the room for a lon^g time, broken only by the half stifled sobs of the; mourr ing mother ns she wept on her husband's breast. He held her closely in his urrus, with his faice pressed to the sunny hair; but his hi-pw .vas working, rind his' lips were \ery. pale. So they sat, in the deepen ing twilight tile bright fire in the .grate cast a glow' upon them, ihd upon th'e.luxurious appointment! of the room, so cosy and; comfortable, A.OT'O^J", Salt meats. Fish, arid Vegetables, ' at all seasdna of the year. " " --r ! ; ' - f lie. puppirfiof the public is most respectfully solicited. O^E^P FOR 0A53: the best ptan so say you all idwaEd Matthews Acton, M;ireh 15, Ififfi 3g-3ra and such a contrast j to. the \'ild storm without, and to| -what mi j;ht be taking place in that other ho The mother shuddered as Ay. wo Were 'happy ! poor |father nnd mother ! tFlioy were angry, nt ii.t^t, but tliey forgave us! after. Tinio Avent on, nnd. a littlp child I was;born to. us'; she grow up to bo our light, pur joy " tlio father hid his face ^the voice faltered; and the tears fell faster^ "she did wliatiherjtii'ptherliad'itlbne bnforo hcr-^-shp loved another more than father, niWhor, or home, and she left them for, him. ' Sho him lived to".repent it, nH " and-tho wife clasped the hand sho held with ho'h liet-H " lier liiother hasjiiovei' done. Husband, is sho nioro to blanio than I wa? No, no ! not more ,to bo i pitifcd there are furrows-on your brow j which tiino cannot claim there are fur rows in both-our hearts we can trace them to tho sumo cause) Let uh forgot them ! Let us only re- -member the one who is fiiiffering for what w-o can give her the heart /which, is breaking, that we can relieve. Oh, my little child- f my ii'ttlo child !" ! . " Mary "-^-the father . raised a pale, sad face " you have conquer ed, as you always do;, act Us you wish in this matter I will not go against you no, no !" as his wife raised a pleading look'to his face. " There, are some wounds too deep to be re opened, and'this is one of them. Go to her, if you wish say w(mt you will to comfort her give her my1 .love,, my forgiveness"- he. paused "and passed a trembling h\iid over his eyes- " my blessing." i An hour later, a graceful,; quiet form clad in deep black, passed up tho rickety stairs of No. 28 Barker street, and paused before a, half opened door, and the visitor enter ed the poorly furnished apartment, entered, and looked upon the: scene around. Upon, a shabby bod, and covered with a" patched andi-well- worn quilt, lay a sleeping form- not calmly sleeping, with the peace- fulness of health, but fitfully,1 with nervous starts, mid low, moaning whispers. The long dark hair jay unbound upon the pillow,i n'jnl formal a strange contrast.to the white, worn file. An old wipman sat sleeping^ in her chair, and the visitor pa.ss.e3 by her without dis turbing her heavy slumber,;: and bent '<iver the . sad young j face. " Jlother I" the sleeping girl jwhis- pen-il, and a faint smile gatheijed on the faded lip* " Mother father !" Slit' w-its dreaming somethingof her childhood's home, and. whispered of (lowers and birds; and then a spasm Df pain contracted the (white brew, and she commenced to cOugh painfully. Her mother's arms held her during.tho paroxysm, and on her mother's bosom the aching head -rested ; but she did not seem 'to. re cognize her. . She lay- for a few moments half sleeping half ex hausted. ' I . ""Lina !" a g'-ntle voice whisper ed, and a loving kiss was pressed! upon the dam]) brow. " Linn, my' child!"j. '- -j "Mather !" It seemed to icome" to her suddenly, and the wide-op'eiV eyes looked fixedly upon the up turned face. " My mother !" ! Aj% home once more h.omejupon her mother's breast-^-the tired girl lay all night, and in starts and gasps told her tlie.liistoty of that sad parting told her how ho had left Jier, he for whom she had given up all that woman hold dear. For a little while they were happy a very 1'ttle while and then he left her; and for two years she had struggled and suffered.alone-^alone, excepting for the baby boy,' born one month after his cruel father bad gone. For him she had lived: - fov liira: sho had struggled and- suffered not daring to go to. her father's house when.she thought of his proud, stern face, fearing, she knew not what, until the rhahd of death had sent her a suppliant to her father's door, iiot for herself, but to plead for a home for hpr in nocent child.s' " " -j /_ ; "See, he sleeps." With a feeble hand she' drew :down the coverlid, and revealed the face of the. sleeping child. Calmly, sweetly, without a thought or com ing ill, the boy slept on, his, long lashes resting on a flushed cheek, and the little head crowned with light golden curls. ; " He shall never want a jiome while I live, darling," whispered parents and osity of the fW stragglers around at that jarly hour. The-'daughter :r>ia -had gono to comfort in Lor lust lionrJiad )iassed away crltnly and hipinty, with her )the a. mother's kisi weary 1 ps. Wlo is it, llnvyl Whose child have you braight with'you 1" And Mr. Lano caRt -ous glance at the btaiitiful boy, who chuig.'ljalf frighten ad, half willing ly, to.his grandmother's dress, (is she eiitored her- husband's room. " Did you see our-4-Linai" !' I did, lifisbandl ; she lias goJrte to- that: home wh(|ro- wo shall.nil And the inoth- - t-v: -; ^^: ..rtCp forgivertesa in her heart, upon the pale. a strange, iinxi- meet her so soon." sr's tears fell fast sad story. ' " Gone dear child to be comfort of our decli as. she; told the and'-left this 1 her place the liiig years." The father took hint -in his arms and hid liis f,ice in the bright curls; when ho looked iip, thero weie marks of . tears on the ordinary stolijTchbek, but the) kiss he press ed upon tho -upturned face of, the chihl showed how willingly he"iic- cej5ted the change. A. Eevelaiion! Being under id caput dum- the mysteries jirangerisin,' I justice to the me. she i DeAH; TaELADEU, sontenco of death, or , tiutiu), for divulging and neerpt rites of - deem it but right in uui.tiated as well as t a myself, that I publish tho: ritual of the'First Degree for which I a 11 condemned. The 'ceremony pntceeds. as fol lows : i- '" . oinsiN'o of g: usoe. ' Worthy Muster (sitting on a hay rack): Iiro. Gatekeeper, yon will please get. yonr pitchfork, and at tend to the call at the gate ; Si&lcr Crr&s, please be-seated on your co.-n-basket, and have your rake in 'readiness;.: Sister Pomona,'sitdown on your iwheel barrow, with your shovel prepared for the labors of i the day ;| Sister Flora, have, your water-bucket and hoe in readineas ; I and the rest of 3.-011 iquare your selves anijl your imp eneiUs prepar atory to your labors, I now declare this worthy ;Grange op ;ned in per fect form] prohibitii g most strictly iiny1-.dk.or lintentions of going to purchase goods at any other than a lawfully 'atithorizecf Gcange store: llete the Bro's and! .Sisters re- spoud the niystlc wotd :: Grab. The -lF.3lf.pow. makesj a flourish with a flail, at which the Bro's and Sisters-riiltle their various imple ments; itud; the Grange is declared opened. ; .: . ' ADMISSI05 OP CANDIDATE FOK IK- ITIATION. ' The Catitlidate for initiation is bound hand and foot outside the door, of the Lodfce, and there left to incditatie. ' Meanwhile the Gate- keeper expla!nis|: Our mysteries are discovered ! JA.- listener'is with out !" .- W.if.'i Purguo the wretch, and pierce his vitals with weapon, tile pitchfork:- ' Here ' the Gatekeeper opens the gate or door, and exclaims furious ly :^ De'mpu ! who'-are you 1 .He makes :a, |feigned thrust at tho Candidate^with..the fork, but lets it pass oveij hini; when the TF. M: cries: rpring him. forth within the gate, jand j his blood be lipon our heads ! He is iiei'C dragged into the Lodge by the hair of his head, the TF.il?., the- Bro's and the Sisters striking him with their respective implements, tlio TF. M. saying : Idle curiosity has brought yoti here, knowing not what might befall you; you have one chance of your life, however; if you agree to take our obligation,! and thus become, a wor thy member of our laudable Order, your life spall be spared. ., Do you consent t | Gandidaie : -. He is then laid 00 an inverted barrow, apd obligated as follows; the'members standing round him with their; implements : ! j OBLIOATIOX, I, A.B.,1 a fugitive from tho re negade band of unitiated farmers, do hereby [promise while seated on the sharpened!.faug of this harrow, more sweet to me "seemingly than any previoJus couch- of repesej-that his fatherinltiw ; j aud he led tho fjlock to the liackstde of tho desert, and entile to a barn-yard, evoriya Grange. And tliebnll of tbe_yiird appeared unto" him^jn: a . great rage, out of the rai'dst of tlhe stock,. After the fdrogoing impressive' passage is read, the Candidate Js smote" with' all .tlie-raavable- imple-'., ments that can be "easily- handled,: bekrg infprmedj. at tlio Mine tirhe wavfrig - her Tifjrnd, nmr. s|je 'Srent down the'sti-ccK ' :f-*-' '('I ' ' 1. TZdttiing'r^&rW'^Z ^seeii of' ;'George.', v SblcUitasted up ihe street ;moittli. rte.saij.in.(tho windojw'-of ^he ba'f-b^r ;lsfibpf ^liVoTcmg ,way^ ,and reading;a"negrd;tniii8tre1 'pror:' griitmhe;'-, She eaw'hitn afcshe wak . ^walking rmst,,'|:i4d*h<j.y.Et!y slid.in;.' and; had hiui jiyj (lie haii-'beforM hos :. 'k that these are mystic tokens.where- looked .up by jto know Udf Grangers. He is -; " Whab !on p^Vtlii whvv tlieii taken off the lwrro'w, uiiIjouihI,. Dolly 1" 'he yejied^in ;8Udtleti stir-' blindfolded,'finll-c'omji'elled to wheel prise..:, - '.' ' , * , -j." '. ' a . ti-heel-ban-ow" Up iin oblique' "Yes, its your'iold_ jade !". sin; . plank,- over the :Ohd"of-^wiii"ch'Jie'i hissed, trying to get hold-',withJ'e(i'(j. and. the barrow jiro p'rccipaled to jollier hand." 1. .^. the iloor, being infprmed that this | pn !" is 7to'warn him t nmieinber the ohkj. he exclaimed, proverb as. often whlin we.have .every nerve strain ed, our proudest* sohemes' come to the ground. This ends the cere mony. '. He is now informed that the si'yn in this degree is to strike at a person furiously ; emblemajtical of- his first reception into the! Lodge. The grip is to grab at the= band, and give it one savage shake, -erii- blemat.ical of the manner in wliieh the TF. M. swung -the- flail at the opening of the lodge." Thb pass word is Grab, and has a verybeaij- t^ful meaning, .which- even I durst not name. The lecture in this; degree J hare necessarily omitted, owing to its great length. I intt itend to diVHlge every degree in Grangerism, as far as tho Eoyal Arch, that the public may judge fo r . themselves ' 1he amount of suffering the poor candi date has to unde A Trick rgo. -Ex'-Gbasoke. nflonj a Woman. Jealous Two nice old people, man *nd wifej sat in the' Detroit and Mil: waukee depot, laving come;-from Canada and waiting, to go. further west. She callel: him 'George,';as she ordered him to l6ok and see! if1 that one-handled satchel; was safe, and he called heri'Dolly' as he re ported that that 'ere satchel was. as safe as if spiked to ix tree, fiy and. by he wanted to smoke, and he went out and lit his pipe, and strolled into a barber shop. Left alone in a strange town, the wife became fidgety in iv few minutes, and walking over to where a seri ous looking chap sat reading a pa-" per-covered novel entitled "The Bushwhacker's - Daughter, asked : ' ' - r- '.. '.. ".You don't" think my husband has gOt lost, do you i". -'. "-.', " Is your husband of phlegmatic disposition, lua'uni V he asiedj'in rcI'ly' , " >.' ' 1'~ '. I"' Slie looked at himirva pnz?led way and .then hesitatingTy said-: . "He's good niUmvcl, an'dT u'^ver heard him'swear.'eept the'.time wdien I [forgot and,left his- boots in "For the Lawd's sake!! . What all this ;'yere mean?"-called- the barber". - - .-"- -" ' "Found that young and bloom ing wife yet^'ishe'sneered, htJhlingT- his head agjinSt the wall.;'i. ; .-.-' ".. " What wife -rwhat ails ye^r-are ye Cra^y 1" he.ytjlled.- - " - " Now; do stop this y'gr bludshed, or I'll call de police!" added he;' barber, wjtving -his hUher jbi-UBh - arounil; _:.'.'- "Sneaked ip here in^ljOpesTd;, go, did yon?" remarked the -wife '-' Woman, are yoii anadT' Tasked i the man., ^ " - .-, "If she Liiin't"; gone1 crazy' ast-a, fox den I nebgv seed'a 'posstnaiM - put in' t&e baxUerr- *.' -". George seturnedSto-. tlie depot - with her.!! The baggage, was 'there but the stran^p-man'with' die novel ^ wasn't. -'SJie sat George d$wn, sat down besidj- him-and 4n reply to ; his- explanations she purged .-her ~ lips and said: .; ,. ^ ~ r . :'; " You set right where you are or there'll be brbXenbonea i" ', '- ;' % But Dolly.H I" j '^-.-- -fe"- ' : alone bhpe by;and you'd better get?-"'., ready; to shiver." , " -The stranger 'itfas a mean^man/. Dolly, will" never believe there. , wasn't something in it. *. r "'( 5!>l ; tl A Paper Oarjiet. Eas tern 1 ady sa ys : the oven. "Are- your' conjugal ties still that noble4 tender and sentimental V lie skid; ' you, may thought of it; Bhe calmed hen elf, tl>e weeping mother, "and father and raised her heavy, droo[ ing'wil1 say the fiame. He forttves, L" "' and lovaa you still; and he eyes to hor husband'ii face; were cast down, but he clasped more closely"to him. - j " Husband, darling " she her. arni3 aroiind his neck, drew Ida face down |to;hers was but yesterday we| were flpiak- ing of our wedding day let us ialk of it now. Twenty-tbjree yeare night since I left my,: home yours deft father, mother," continued^ half musingly, while tender recollections gathered aro nnd the lips1, and filled her eyes with a softmisjtiness. "Twenty-three y^ars tonight! Shall I gp on Shall I j speak of tliat" his her piit ,nd it to- for she give him a place in our| homo and our hearts." My place," whispered tie dy ing girl. " Let him have my dace, my room^ love " It was early morning when the visitor who hid entered that dreary- looking.house! on Barker stroe t the night previously, aHd passed if) the rickety Btairs, passed down then" again, this time with ! a sleepiu, weep- ;voil c.uri- child in-ier flrmB. '! She wus . TIerJry? ing quietly, but her close happy time ? '.soreened her from the pterin wiU I will be a Granger in. thought, word, and deed. II promiso that I iwill not wrong a (Granger; iihlesal know it| to!^>e to my advatitago to do so;.-! that I will not purchase goods of1 ai^y bther than a Granger, nor will I sell any goods to any othpr thanj a Granger, unless I can greatly profit by doing otherwise ; that hencefoi-fch I v/ill riot pay a hundred per. cent for aught, if in my power to prevent it; .and, Jast-, ly^ that I wil! not'reveal the signs, grips, and passwords,of the Grange Institution! to any one but a. Gran ger, under jpe milty of being thrown into a furrow, ploughed down, aud' harrowed; and here to abide un^ ijng'to the. baggage, "I'm his lawful wife,"she.re plied,-looking rather indignanh " Yop;- yes, Ii'lfnow; bat; per haps .ydur husbatict"bas. cogent rea-.; sons for desiring! to' sever 'his con jugal tie&" |. J~':". l. " Jugal what ?! she asked.! - ' -, " ".Hasn't it' occurped. io ina'ani, that yopr lirisbahd' have run away_J'|, - '- ("Good gracious, no !" , '_- " It hits to. me.- I was studying, both of yoa before he went out. I saw: that he was of phlegmatic tem- pei-ament, while you are vivacious V ^'Gbodiand!"" ._ " ". ' '}:'.' " Yes ma'sim. .1 saw, hini look ing at you as you were'looking at the lady who 'tends the eating stand; ' I could .-tlnvoit; read his thouglits. I heard him'sigh. A look of deepe^ Borrow crossed his face. I saw birri draw -away from you-as. if; y0urj.presen.3e was.i:dis- agreeable." .-' ",Yon cUdf'::i .' '.r., :::, . "And r fiaw.i hi-ni tain up his nose." -.--; !':.; " y -'.. . 'fDid'ho stick up:his nose;at.me,"i she'demanUed. ; ;; ,',] "*. ,'f Yes, and. as he passed me going outi I heard him iwhisperiijg.to him-: self :."I;11 leave j the* old jade and hunt me upa blooming'wife.' .! I'm sorry for you ma'ahi." '. r ^f'Yoii. needn't he," shs- Btw^y said, drawing off lie>yar,h mittens and buttoning up her waterproof. ..' So he stuck up his noeo, eli^^T>iid ? he kindejr'drew off, eh ? ' OiijJetJ ma an;cJ3 jitde, did; he.1" : ' X: '| " 'j Itia a-Budj ase' ijiii^nni^ (Con tinued the' stitibger ag he' s^iw Tier eyes snapping,,f but of reonrse you caiu'trdo anything about it." , .; ~ "I ok a't," jBh ?" she replied as slie began stocking up dveba'ggageJ fiNonna'ttm; i. AH yoncaii do is to pawn, your jewelry, sell your baggage-ant^" return :home"; '. ".Stranger,- will you keep un4yc on them things V' she asked, poipt.-. An^ Eastern 1 ady says : : any of you a spare, bed chamber, sel dom" used, wb'ich yon would like'tof carpet' very ^cheaply^? ' Go to the- p'ajTer hanger's store arid seleet-a. paper looking as reCuch -like carpet : as. you.-eanlfndr; Having" taken it horiie, fii-st papertAe'floor on'yotfr bedroom with brown paper or news paper, then ; over -these put, ^dowa- xhei ypr waU paper; ;A (good-way-to do this will be to iptit a good coat . of paste upon" the width.'of theroll .'. of faper;and the"'! $togttirot room, and! then lay it down. unroll-.,. ring siiid smoothing at the same tim-e. 'When the floor is all cover ed, then size and varnish, cnily daifc gliie.a^d common furniture varnish , tn'ay be \ised,.and the frporwill look^ ally the better forthe darkless these . will give. . Y^hen ! it Mv'dry,! .piifc'-.- down a- few rugs 6a- the .'bedside - and.befoj-e the-toilet fable, amttiybaj' have as pretty a<urpet,asyou.couKt wish.. A carjjet,jtop, that wiUJast j. {pi: years^ if iiot'subject to constant- ' wJBiira and at kj'triifuijj; expensel .' -^-' "-'-( .1 " I ^THK.Sl-jOOOiOOG^ HBttotOT. ^The N!ipane,e. Brhiiet savE"-:--4Last Th urs^ day ni'ghtthe curtaiiT^Tronalocal roinan\bb, Which; eqOals any. that Ada Gray's genius hasJclivyBtidiEed' duMng.her.'visit herip. ' MisB'Jechie' - ^Marshall the heitq^ of the If cool ~ mill'on='V:frptH hoine,- njai-tied -fcho^ hUm'lile'object"' of her hffectlpns, a ypimg- man ruttrted".: Brown. -. just: fancy Brown' stejjping into a,mil-- ,. lion and a wife at the 'same' nv!>^' ilient. -Bv her marringe. this Lady' of,: Lyons" forfeits' ^1G,000 and a; .palatial hoineeiea<f-j4-*heh; foMpWedc.'- the-dieSitea'of )>er. 6va fiei^t and;, ~ so'ificed lucre for llbye. The boy Gtipid thrown, into the balance wfllr glitterrng gold and - 'broad acrcSy- raade the latter-Tkicfc the;, beam. This rare -heroine left'home and its . comforts, and lived here: aa a ec- vant ^rl, rather than.-be apeisgd; into .a^atefuij . nniiTjage^ r VVlieiiu her millibn came to/her, Bhe.'yfix' 'deterriwned to make things' seeitj*;* - and on! Thursday nigh't'-Tasi tctot' ' her" Brdwn to: St: Marir Magdileh's Churcb^ahd the Rev. dKec^Jr rtade' the! jgUtSity 'a/'tiiiifc: ' tookVthe raldnigh't irain"^ aSmiest^ - .Eiiglknd. \ - Meantirae' th<H^j' Mr- -,= Brbwn'may be'saidlo be iiiSlover*, he cannot' r^Hsb' Wfog tui-iied. on* - to grass in so iurnhjarya. manner. *,' Vii-b'tawiir. ' i. .' \ : " known for^veir. The TF.Jf.then: reads, Or direots to be read, the following passage .from the Granger Bible "Now, n. farraer kept the flock of a Granger, _ -'"'I will, ma'am, but I hope ybu will takd -my-"advice.; y You don't watit to jmiike a, public, seaudal do your ' "; . ; '"" " Wa(ch"ihe'm Ihihjjs," alio said * , Politeneas of any Jcindr k: tn doubt better tbaa;Tudenki8S, baf itsj i 'real worth depeiiis.iupon ;ita hoa-'u lesty V] -.-j,: V ,_-. ;;y _ ... . .'] "; There's, lots of pp|le-in\ thiai world whoyspand- ao^mieh' '-timo| iwatcbing' their liealth- that' they:- ~ haven't got jiny'timfrtoabjoyUt :. "" If"yoa wuut'tb'tna.ke a1.31an.1rn1 . :giitef(tl for whatjlte has jjot qut of ybu, just stpj? gLyir^ kimikn^t^Bgr j. _ liiore. Tbei' great: -^bry - is >no*'^ the- HmQuntof.virt^e^thali.armto.haa.!; got on hand,; but the. amount of: has put out into 'thaj-Wbrhl. haj.ia-- i.'-"'-'" Vr"!*-".- ' A:

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