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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 20, 1876, p. 3

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m i-:-"t. & CO.. Sts. - J- trio. i AINS r 3STTS."I--, ' : i lain. o'tlicr fully low . > | ic wc Chal- R-YE; ." PERB; !i:)HL'V. i" Greatest LION. It; Carpets. HANT. iothing * i n;." $2.5_GVlup stock of ".- " ^d tlOTC* V.-;f less.. .._':' tsented.. - ' .-' [^ co, "street &aels* BjUS Ithe "Free ze ia-First- qn short. bee speci- |ts.~ O rarerco3BS b' STOKE., . ;!f ,' ' :i P :,V it/>'4pnonnce j;_- "that "they . taT*_r.-r nn Main Sfrp* [ ". . Lay scales,' ****? . i *-V:V^J [npleriients. /-: llity have opetfef * ^ It. SEVERE * jSi linger. ; "vi !-**- ^ 'S$Q ..ri'-fr^?"-".-\y?-.5 ' .". !r : :: pS^tpiiBW^iiW i^f|S5^feS5Sig^frfi^^^ SSSSfef&i^*^??*^^^^ THE LOCAL MATTERS. ; 'VillageComvcij'fliis ovcniii'fr.- I ;__CopicsVcf the standing; By-Jaws 'o? 4.!iis tiMiiinpality "i p;iniphlet form, f,jjv'-lv had by-suy ralop.i\;r','ol\ ..ip- plii-ation to "flit Village l'Urk. -.. rroHnr, - iKIevon lambs wore dropped recently" l>y throe (\>t*wold ewes; on tj?c farm Jf- Mr; Chiis. Allen near Lowvitle, town ship of Nelson.' One of tliu shoop pro- diuvd-divelatuln anil the others three" o.ii?h--all lively and ifrisky..... , .. , lO'mccn or Aston t;rt\mrc. _Seeds,-Si'Mis. boots ,-tioUl, gats W"m. iTordon, "Mrwtcr. all kinds oh. and f tvj-li ucin. hot-Kvl _ M "Seoor.l Bros'.^ . old on tlit SSrxl of this iHoiith, tlio. first- treo having l>cen felled ami th? tovvn chris- Uned'on ttic'ijrCi'of April, 1S"25. What lire th^townsnVii giiinj; to do about it! HiTo-all tlio "lit settlers" forgotten tiuit thi* is the jubilee year -the. somi-Cen- t'cnnW. as >! """MY ? The Uitelpli jwpers kIiouM sn^gnsi some sort of u ilemoi;- ft ration. - . ' " J^^rxiN' IVvkKUT,- Wnntpd-nny rjiiantity of fn-sli oj3jg.ainl fres^i luitfer, {or wliK-h wo will jw|' Hie' highest price i:i eash. . li.vi."i-oWA\'ilit>as, ' " -Tlie irfmieuM? piles of dry jfivxH-in tliis-stojre of Messrs. 'William- FREE^PRESS, MlTON, miLTOiSr COUNTY, j ONT.,! APRIL, 20i : 18?6; ": r NEW COODS OPENING UJ.^ AT THE FASHiONaBLE WEST END VsxMItJ- l'i\(i!i liiAieljihT sngge-sts to the tin; iilea that he has got into a tiic!To{>>'lrt."> wholosale warehouse, anil the iiie^-is ciiily ilisjH'llcAl wlielv ho ReeR thfr l".isy!eierks measuring oil spoils of Jcvery oeferipuoti ami. [i'jttinj; theni in rjvireel;- 'TTit- hi;-store is enniuijoil fnll 'of gi^oil<-fivnvcellar to garret,-ami fresh . suplies are alnnxst CAUitiimaHy arriving. -:-The tioViien fTioii mnst'havoisonif magie .itiilntlK'e in 'aittfaotiivg svma:iy;'.cstnrii- frs, See-ailvqrtisemeii'jt,. | .' Yov a\\ kiiids oiMiisonife, "ood, fre.vh and clscaj'.-go to- -tjallowtay Kros. _\cton ilvakcry. %.'i ' -, ' ... The evnrir.ticd^erush upon oiii r.itycri:si:i^ri.'o!p.Trn5 .>i;gcivts the neees. ^i:v of !..;vi::^ tii ealr.r_;e_o;:r "pal'-er ^vni.__ p.i t::I:.rii T'li r.t, l^'.yiVi r. vouht- invi^lve - r.r. Pu'.lay of JftW'iT ?o00 Tinr prVss a:uL - i:i.-.u.-;..!, l-itiu-s co:^i.!er.:lly ii:en.-.>\(l vtikly ?i;n.:i--es, and we haraly feel -whrr.i^to-J.r.i ili'i:i;^ it jus; iiovr. . The - r.r.it ycir.v.i:! U- ootujiU iviL.U the- end. -. tin:: it :!^ r-.sult of'the' yi.-.r's i f<nT'.'>::^. ;r>.vv'.-r.Ii'.eitctly e::- e'ur.:i:r_:: v '::I1 ei:-e.:vi-r t;> make ;:.Er::::j;rvi'e!::int. i , Povhajis tin1 li.itnd^oniost-C'oni- ji::t.Ti.:;.l Wli^vn ti:r.t wr^s ever Suriiol . i.t.\rt in.:;.:- so. ::^:: ^'>f c.iuitry : ii.vi "just :U\-a ; .:: :h^ r-..if',i.y JNlbs.-rs. [ W. H . ;"><-Tii.v .t l.'-'.... :' t:;c S\.-is-ti v^ore-\\orks. : TKe *:.'- * i niid _.-.*." the .(.'::r'r:.-.gu" Miehael l.anih, Overseer, dolin SIiaw," lecturer. Kobert Ik t'anipKill, SoeteUrj-. ; DuneAii Metiregor.rTrcasnror. t\ J. HcDonalil, Steward. James Warren, Ass't Stcwartl. Miss Helen Shaw, Lady Stvwanl. 5tis3 Maggie Mektrahcr, OerLs. Miss Klir_\ Mannrl'omona," Miss Majjgio tioni(in,'Flora. - .rami1* MeUomvld, IJato lcieper. Wnu MiHire, Ohftplaiii. '^ Joiin Stalker and ':ChnrlosLl>avidai>i|, -Deputios to HivisiiviijCraiigeT [ For tlio best Ten -Cakos go to Calloway l>o., Aet^n Bakeryl- --Campbell's " iniproved I curtain rollers. >to - spruvgs to 'Jiy<j [ out, no rivet* io get loose., ^'holSiVinjlest and most ibjra,lile iu use 2."> eeiits per s*'t,- iuehidiug the. wood rollers. SkiiiIU' linos. "..' NKW STRIPED AND. CHECKED SILKS," -.:_. NEjW .DRESS GOODS, NKW J.UBTRES (blrtok rtnd colored), ! Ninv COsTUHlE ILINENS [plnin and chocked}, SWISS EMUROIDEHIES, ! NEW NEW KID GLOVES: IN L10. IT EVENING NlijW CHILDREN^KID 'GLOVES, n'eiw I'ARASOLS, AND SPRUNG SHADES, ImIw si^r^ TSAT W TDERFUL MAN,; ALMA BLOCK, GUBLFH. WOlsTDBESTJlJ ATTB^L JTI0CEsr, MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY OF NEW MILLINERY. NlijW'SU^SUApES, &o Ac. : Stock Very Coinpllptc in Every I>ei>nrtuiciit. -i,". O. BUG HAM, FdshioniOilo WcbI Kfn Dress, Mllilliery^ftlml Mnmlo Kstnbllshment. Ouclpli, April IS, 1S70.. ' H -:' " ' Foi Fruit. Cakt1, Tound Cake, Maileria I'ake, -Pastry", (iinger-bread, liin'gersjiatvs, I'onfectionery, iVe.. go :to tlallipvay Hros. ' ~ It is said Mr. Nairn distrilni: :ted. the vety largo h,ni<ni|it of about .-$4.'tKH.V_on Mionday last'for-nyood, but. if the way .Si'eoril Pirosi out tlleir'^celebrated fiO have jiist Te- you liud -sevii We;re fthovelliuj cent Tea, of .which thiy ee.ivcd a fresh stock, it would have as tonisheil you. . It lias, uo competitors. IhaVo have even tried -Citudph ; .1 tried- Oeor.-'ctoivifc: and 1 have tried Toronto, but. 1 have never found -tiatidle to "I Id anything that eoidd |_ your ."""(.I cent Meteor Tea. 10 pounds ..{ it. an.l make Thus spoke a customer at store the other lav. , Pat liic iut yoi;r bill, scc.ird Bros.' Sea-liero, Mr: Clvi home rjul tcl! 'my wife I've eord llpis.' store amp m-c:i such >mo;-china tea'sets si-Uingfor ^4 f. -S-i;]'icccs, andMidn't bring rule' e, iny'naine will I'o.Walker ; fruit season. i jiist.eomiui; up cue .' tliiise lieaiitifnl at 7"> eelit.s. And. as yhe lin^' in the K-.st nf limnor I.o'ind o! that tea that I "iuess" that ought to FRESH ARRIVAL OF SPRING GOODS, rp ,*P5" "FTi -..- ' 'I' MARwerra house TO THE .FH'0-NT AS USUAL. . With nil tlio newest styles in 'f " -'. "" - . ' N E W S P R IIM lG G O OD S. Ten, Cases arriv 800 pieces Nrow 1876. SPRING. 1876. !:ts . .. i ..i. ^ a:", a::d arn.i !e1_..T:SJp ly eXc^OIt--: :- :::v U:vi = :ie. su'-l w v:ll;v"*-.-.:s.; Mri0itr-1 nk-1 11:-.:: ( ":o: hisd.*->.riu^is-ih ceaijjifrycc-inditirin o ' ttsntty; and ej-.teritig .i.-hi .:t. It is .t:!e-i:gii ii_-.:t- haniis of them in aud_ as tli on. "j.wt" v. i;la.ss ni>h iia.-n"t in.-i-i fet L.tely. .-..I, a!" !i.i.-ts things. In consoqueneo of tho-.ilopre&sion of trade nnil the eapernesa oT manu facturers to secure money for their goods, we havo laid down here Iho if I go Mlargest and cheapest stock of :, been down i , , . ___ JL3 JLto pie::.-- vt t: r llitr-'. iem ui> partyV Now dust ly, and he dusted: THE BEST GOODS GOODS Ever imported into this country. IX DRESS GOODS, we have all tlic latest novel- -.t-ies in Cdieck, Plain and Fancy Colored Lustres, Silk Poplins nnd Silk Kepps, Black and [-Fancy Silk's, Black ami Grey Grenadines, Black Lustres, itc., Ac.: [ , walked" in^rHkccord I Bros.'jilore thv other day and-jiccosted ' he ..' the e'.er'ki..i"i'this'way : They tell me vol: -e!l| iloilar tO,T. fur Koci^ti r \es. And T."cin:.te.i for oi) ciiits-'vest^And , choice iirutuv for 7 . cent's"-- yes' Mr" t'luit is "al! zpij: Well, just' put "nio" ti.e pla. ;wc!l a:: -"...tip. IX m r PRINTS, ajlarixc and varied stock, ^embracing Asliton oi . l!o>-l(}l'j Checks, American Chocks, Percole's Ginfiliams, &.C., Ac, allretniiika.bly cheap; i . fiT NEW TRIMMED IIAtS, NKW TRIMMED [BONNETS,: NEW FLOWERS AND FEATHERS, . ' '^i NENV CASHMERE JACKETS FOR LADIES, Richqst Prints at Blitfighteiing rtrices. - Rest Whiteaud April. 18, 1875 NEW OASIIMERE.SCARF MALTILLAS FOR LADIES. NEW CLOTH1 SCARF MANTILLAS FOR LADIES, . . NEVV- PARASOLS IN IMMENSE"VARIETY, ""-V: "NEW DRESS GDODS IN IMMENSE' VARIETY,. ngf tjiis week, com])risin^ the newest novelties-'Lbudon and Paris can produce./ Lr)ess Goods at twelve and a half cents per: yard, cheap at 30 cents. .18-91.:.pieces rey Cottons at bottom prices. Remember that wonderful aia.n. U^'f^JJOgR: HOGG, Alma. Block, Upper Wyndlfam Street,;Gpelph: FOR' THE LEAST MONET NOTHING D KESSat MANT*,E-MAlkINt4 j.,- .MISS }.t. ELLIOTT wishes -t) i.nfi- mate to the ladies of Actpn and vicinity s that alio has removed to ithc Corner* oi Church and "WiUow Streets, in part of . Mvb.. Ycomans's: house, where' Bhe wil( bo. pleased to receive orders for flre.ss- and maiitle-makina, of atiy, description. The Fountain Head for Bargains. GHR ?;??! . IV nrelr^niisto nary, ,,'f " tJsi o: prur. >UL-:'.rs-: teenr uj. COTTONS, | we have lfie best and^ cheapest. ijtock ever ollered to the public. Beautiful yard ide; grey and while 'jettons for 9: pet yard. The American goods, such as Prints. White" Cottons. Tickings.!: Cotton Worp, Cottonades.- llrown Drills. Rrown ilnd Check DuckB, |and other notions, have been imported direct from the njanuf-.cfurerjl, and are being sold bv us only nt the Canadian. Wholesale pi ices. V .it -FU l-.ok kilo iveT yo.ur eh:.na. e havo also on hand lines which' ive are-always able Jo job, such ,13 Dress Goods, Prints, Tweeds, ic. ^tct ldrno : Cnifrch iu t-eacnud beell l' anil twice eacu -t tiiree_-Veeks. making ouite a A leading feature .* liiitners^'n- is a 'embracing -chris- the To'.tls of the s^at the practises THE MAN "Who can sell jrif-- iiiclv'.-.ml" infa,:it -sririukling" are not -if a^eorVLance with Soriptural reijtnn:- >' ^-re j.;i fact con- - language Of H.-:yr^"rit.f;'This lining reached .ti'ie f Pev.'Mr. Calvert, jiastor oT the . Metiio-iis-:. Church, it determined to mc-nts, 'an.idfftat- t!:e -. trar\--t., ri^: .-; s* rnHin>peeiany pr. jihred' for the pnr- po5ti *tl-- V.as accordingly ^nnoiinced that'.he ycould preach'on! the subject of Bapii^m* last Sunday evening, in the Presbyterian ^churcli, the Methodist - ci-uryh.' liekig'^oo sniall .to. accomodate tie t'xpecttsi atidien^e: - Tiie building was, p*g antic;i>ated, |rrowded to excesst" fo ihrep was the iiiteiiest nianifestcd by the" J^rople of- the village and vicinity, . Mr. Calvert, after arinouncing liis text " (MatthewfTJ:' 11,) said that lie." was call-. ed upon for.tie first tiiim; in bis niinisl terial experience, 4 .fiefcnd oile.bf the tviOrX important doeiijnes bf_the church, - "which had recently l>fcen ijisailediin this village. He proceeded to show from .the original Greek that the- word Bap- -1 lidzo ciuld be otherwise translated tlian slo.mcanta immerse, jtoj plunge, to dil>, : a.i the adherentg of t]:e imnlersion sys- " - tern ha/1 atjte"ropted U) confine it ' Many, teits and other aotto^ties Were qugtetl , to Kubstantiate;his ^views, and, the as- - sumption^of liis.opponents W33 sarcas tically held up tn rfillculc, pointing out ..the rmpracticabil'tj' i"of._ immersion, in ^numerous in^ttiTicev" -His discourse con- - tinued'nearly an.hour and a half, but 1.' whether he .succeeded' in converting any h to the correctness 08 his views,, or of '\ "knocking tjie "projpji " from uml'er his . opponents, we are unable -to say. At all events, the topic jias'giveft rise to a o"od deal of disensjion. "it was ex-. ' " pecied tliat }<1t. Herfzog, ivfii> was pres ent-taking notes,. wjrj'ulil reply on.the -_ following -evening, pa'ixd an immense ' ' ,gathering.erowded tlje hall tojiearibim. : He did abt, however refer to the sub ject except by a feVT -etnarks just before closing. It is presjined that he will reply, -but the time ii not yet definitely^ i" announced. We.have, no desire to j champion" eitlier"side.; Our private opin-' j ion of these piiLIic disc jissions on disputed -doctrinal jjoints^-is, that tljoy* are cal culated to do a great-deal more harm to - : true "religion than iHiy possible good J/they may effect. -.Tl^putilic are usual- j ly unwilling to accept the views of one i ].'party, however *l6q'ieutly and earnest: a ;ly; they nidj-Ik; get forth,-without'also. hearing.the other' side of the question. . And after lieiring so much evidence of ..- k flatly coiitra'lictorv nature,"a spirit ot touj.irrr.ed tki-4itk-;'4 too'ofttsirc'tult: S Midi kind of..tea and-JO pou'nJ.s ~ JVit wait, how pre: you o!,:. Dii, We--are .heivy 0n_sujar-i ; after t-.-.-.s that's , t hold.: . \Yell, just sliii-j-mr lip-"a 'dollar's wrflr of that J\ewv Vork snow sugar; i^s! Uantisonit.', it is1, "a:: T vo:in iucre- is readv, T . v *- i ' - you are putting M1LLINERY.-p-Our Millinery Show Room is now fn full blast, repletn [vitli all tlio latest novelties frouiinll the fashion able, centres, consisting of .Sh.iwls, Mantles, Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, jFeathers, Hibbons, Piir.'usols, new Check VateriHOofs, Sun Hats, <tc. ;6l^pEKEDv CLOTHING. In s'pitd of the hard ' times avrl the depression of trado our Orderevl Clothing Department ; is steadily going ahead. It is far in advance of any season yet. It is proof positive of the cheapne-B and fit of our Goods, and the universal satisfaction which wo give-our customers. A large-lot of cloths from the best manufacturers of Europe and America to choose from. An immense variety ofUentB Furnishings, Hats and Caps.. Heady ihiiultt Clothing, Ac. ic. ', CiVTIEETS. .A magnificent assortment of beau- Uiful patterns from Stlo. per yard. ' .. , BOOTS AND SHOES: A fine variety anil very " cheap, r - .We would remind the public that we are giving wonderful bargains, thnt yre are now selling goods cheaper than we used 10 buy them, nil in 'conse quence of paying the cash down. I' j LADIES! Madame Demorest's rratterns for Spring are now to hand. = * Oobds Sold for Cash. Xo Second Price." "^a HcL^OD, ANDSRSOIT & to., : siAM-Mom House, Georgetown. G00I> GOODS. "" - and GIIEAP GOODS Being and Q, .having.the got>ds reinain on the shel enablij them to constantly show a greater variety is {tie RIGHT MAN to deal with, and his-name is J. W. MANN. You will find him every time at the Central Emporium. Corner JMill & Willow streets, .A-CTO-ZLST. Aprils, 1S"6.! 1 C'A.Xalk DIOKSON ASTD SEE; & McNAB'S SPRING STOCK. LarffC'Lot of PRINTS of theMost Select Patterns at the Alsb the Cerebrated DUNDAS COTTONS at ex ceedingly low rates. f We havo now an Immense Slock of,' SHE, HENDERSON -AiOTOZLST, .-'.I' satisfied that Large Sales, Small Profits, nick Returns, [will not only pay When you have the Tin'to huy it. R. FISHEE Begs to announce, that having pur chased an .entirely- new Stock of tools of the most improved charac ter, he is now in a position' to turn out ail kinds of ."-.-.. Stamiiing done to order.' . -Charges mod erate, and ("ttisfaetiotr guaranteed. . 'Acto'n,-April'5,U87q. "i" . !; '41-3t _U ^fOT^CE TO "CRKwiTOttS. & ' CO., better than res, but will Have Marked all their Goods Dojwh to the Very Lowest Figure* and Lave now in stock and arriving daily magni ficent lines of l Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Prints, otioas, Millinery, Hats and Caps, Boots and: Shoes, Slack cress Goods, Shirtings, Ducks, Denims, Grey and White Cottons, Cottonades, Tickings MV THE GHOST OF FORMER TIN AND SHEET-IRON "W"ORK; ;:: tBei VERT: BESi STYLE. ;- Heicg in a position to ' '-: Buy all his Stock Fort OASHC,'.".- Thereby gaining the advantage of the trade discounts, he is determin ed to "selljioods of first-class make and material at . -. '...' ^j. Decidedly lo"w%r Prices In tie lytatter of the Estate of Tlomaa" Burns, Deceased. .'The creditors of Thohias^ Bnrnsr la.tei.; of the Village of Acton, iu tl>e Couijty-. of Halton, gentleman, -deceased,, who died on or about the twenty.lifth day of February, A-D. 167G, and others having claini3 ag.tinstthd saidldeceased, are" in - pursuaiiee of the Act 29' Victoria,, Cap.," 28, See: 27, hereby notified and requir ed to send on or before.tlie;ninth ihn^ of. M^ay next, by'.-^ost to the undersigned * Solicitors for the";Administrator ot-ithe" said' deceased, theis christian and sur names, adilfesses .an^Ti'descriptions, the full particulars of- t^lieir claims, a stai*^ ment'ot their a"ccou!n't3 anif tie n&ire of. the securities, if- jiny held, by them;- and the said creditiirs aud others are 8l^o notified that immediately after'the expiration of the said ninth dijy of May the assets of the said deceased; will .'bo " distributed among the'parties ientitled' thereto, having-regard to -the claims of whieh-the administrator bad thun notice, : and that the administrator will not be \ ' liable for the assets orany part thereof so distributed to any person oTSviose ' claims the administratori shall not It^ve , had notjee at the time of such diBtribu- , tion. ' "> Dated this 2Sth day of March; A.X). -1876, ' - , ..POBEETSOS, McM"rRRI<3I tfloWARD, -- . _- Solicitors for ' ! .Alexander Bttrns, iAdhiinistrator, Ko. 1, Union Block, Torbnto street, (.- . Toronto. Than can be obtained, from other house in the Prbvince. any This is not" blowing, but genuine facts. If you doubt it,, give him a .trial. '. : ; etc., etc*, PRICES. FRESH STOCK 4. SPBIITG T lie can show you a fine stock of Ne-sr Bry Goods, -- . Ecady-Mado-OiotMng, : Groserios, Crotkery, - "and WaU fapcr. Call and be convinced that this is The Right Spot. 4 j." W. MANX. ct'on,. April 5/1875- "vt* e :e ds Of thei Biist- Patterns that can be had in the maiket. ^"We arc lei crmiucd not to be undersbldi Acton, March 2!), 1876. DRUGS, DRUGS. -"Eragrs,; Chemicals, DI0K302T ft MoWAB, 03SC jE3^^.E^3S^,,T, Byo Stuiffs,.-. -'. itatoat and rwpriotory Msdioinos, Faaoy aal loilot Soaps, Sponsro9> Braaics Paints, Olls^nd Varnishes, ; Fancy and Rubber Goods, FUHS "WIl-TES AND LIQT70RS for il3licinal Farposos only. f- AII goods wniTan cd of the bpstquality and at ten per cent below Toronto prices. . . '."-'.': ^ : . ..-". Don t-forget the place. Mediclal Hall, Mill street, Acton. Acton, March. 13, ji'75.1 J G. E. MORROW. GENERAL GROCERIES, Also' full lines of the best brandy of - TKA-S-^Green, Black and at the lowest prices ever offered to th 3 Canadian public' Our 50c. TEA has no equal for the money. INIoney may be scarce with you, but remember that our prices will be in proportion to your purse; and, if you have the money to spend1 and want our goods, do not; fail to see us soon. We adhere strictly to tlie Ready:Pay System, and * Popular Cash Prices," and the pbpular ver dict on oikr prices is that no gbds of the same style and Quality can be'bought anywhere else for the same money. Any Quantity of FRESH EGGS for which we will pay cash'when required. Our terms are Cash or produce. None of pur customers are obliged to pay bad debts of somebody else. _ :j' i It won't cost you anything to examine our sto(?k: No one is compelled to purchase. A call respectj fully solicited. ' : EAVETROUCHING A SPECIALTY. Having'just prdcafed the most im-> proved' appliances for, doing the work, be feels Satisfied I hat he cannot be putdorie in this branch; : The shop".will shortly be consider ably enlarged, and I intend to keep always on bund a large, stock of STOVES -it UiiOEii Of all kirirfB, which Will be sold very low piicesi Coal Oil for Sale. at . K. Acton^Feb. 22,187o. FISHBRv 35-3m THOSE who always have: . \ -V .: ." : :- .U ". " V "'.^ Wanted the READY are the most particular in theiiHefj- forts to make theirpurchase^.at tbe Lowest Casn Price." With Cash ia Hand No Losses Are MMde! and, you can afford to sell lower than yo'uv neighbors, who must .make up their losses bv greater prices to those i. ! who. pay and thus Mpsi? uNJUsrrr? 'make those who always have- money ,pay the j,bills .of _ those who never have any. . * The -undersigned begs leave to inform'1 . the people of Acton and vicinity that he. - -. will furnish; all . -| =_j :...-' ileanisites iq tfjidertaklng on sh'ori nptJcejand reasonable termsras V ' _' ' ' Jlearse . Supplied when t I)esira,._ i \ Fit up [Stores S5 Office^ - : -f-in\the.best'style.. .'{!:":..- Show Cahes, Book Cases -and Desks ' 'FURXITUiiE.RBfAmED; '--"-. Shop on-.Willow street, near Main st., y "': ': ' '"-J " .P. ^!.McCAKX. . U Acton, March 20,: l876.| ' \ ' 39-6in Butolier Slop. :.& ZIMaEEBiMAlT: . Would inform-.tfie peogleof Acton . aixd yicinity thajt he has. Bg lia com^ tuenced the '! i. -" |.' " ;J ixitcliering :: Ba;3iae>3 In this yltiage, nd".-from his lon< experience in this line] pe will be able V6. jur'nfsn - fresh ajaeatsr. Of all" kinds'of'the best qualityj, nicly.:aud " cleanly dressed..' " . -: i Meat delivered at kho hoiises Tuesdftys arid Saturdays] sud a.w^ys- on hand at Lhe Shop.'i j ' ; '""- The patronage of the publicils re. spectfufly solicited. . . j < . """' , ,'^r I "."-.", "S. "ZIMltERMAN:""' 1.1 Acton,\March 15th IStW-! ,. - - : .{ CTON % J. DAY OHaiSTIE, HENDERSON & 00. : Acton, April 5,'1876. .! r' ""-...". -: T. does buanessoh the Cash Principle, paying money down.- He. possesses advantages !irj his line' eitcelled by none. Closb Gash Buyers go to liis Bookstore for their Goods he is: eatisfiediwitb Small Profit/s." i DAY7S i B00JKT0BE CUEtF|H. u iVtmS. S*LE $tABLE j. wtjALT&gg; . ->i-:r T.ltres p'eqsure in- announalms to 'W>6" . jlublie generully that tie- U jXrepaied te'. rirst-siaiis Horses.and "Carriaeas . iAjt Beaiisnable-Hates." Dtp. 1

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