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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 13, 1876, p. 2

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.,*,< * 'SPJ^ y?a&a^i u ^ *< ^#9 * its^u i u *>-,? ?<** %K# Pf^f! r X b2 / THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON GOIMTY, j OOT AP rpnE.AfT'dN rtu;r, pikkss $V Per ~ Annum in Ady*uico. il.Viii.'nlllii in oos h mickivo crufo^ TiK-t;si<AT MonNiTst:, Ai-.ui. I-.!. lK7t!.' . *vYni: M". Tweed is reported to bo; residing at Havana. ' .' ' /-Tiro 'Jewish Vassrivor "'was"-cole- hratod iri Toronto on Sunday. ; ) Tho \y<'ll:indranal will he open, for' I ho season on Monday, April l~th. L . ' " ' C.-wirhHiljiiV won Ui6' Inter-Vni-t verity boat "race- In" a little:'ow- ill rot: lciwtlrH. - ~- - ! r >M:\! Moody thinks there is h\ss danger to bo appivheudod to tho riiiuvh from politicai than >ft\mi fairs and buswa.... The business of tho'sek-tioir'of the Dominion Parliament, was con cluded on, Tuesday, anil the' Hy.ise as jirort>ge\l yei-t^itlar.--! A mo j, Thirty-infants under th^earo of Ml i\)' tiorr was submitted by Mr. Mac kciuio authorizing tlre_ Government to enter, into contracts during ro- cp.is for.work on the sections tf tin? Pacific Railway from Fort William' .westward Jow.ird J.acs dos Milles Lacs aiui the crossing of Sled River, frvimU.it Portiige to "Pros* ljik'e.- After brief remarks'- by Messrs. iThoropsori.. (Cariboo), ;uul furrier, the motion w,:is"ado[>tt>d. The Suj>- ply Bill was afterwards injrod.hoed, and iusscd fh"rou:;h.'ail thjj stiis;e. \\ -^ .Tlte Dominion Government have purchased "the -rfte -Cm. wJiieh the WellingtbnTIottd stands' in Guelph, land the cent tacts .wirl shorth* be : given or.t for. the..pulling 'do\\m' of : Oie preion". -building, ;ind for the. erection" of a"""magninct;:it strncmre in its-jihuv. for a (>est etSce, cus tom house,'and other pubik-.-etnoeF-. S; The House of liepiesentatives will disce.sss Mr. Elijah .\Viird's Bill to apjxiint tluee Corumission- er? to confer with "a like, number of representatives of- CanaiuVr ou... the subject of reciprocity, on .NF;j 23r\l. M'esint'ime the Committee on .Com merce h:i$ T^ported. the Bill" ad- Tersely. . '. ': i . ' J -Vrr": inv,order to give f&e pcbrj]c-<>f Canada aii.oppovtuni- ;,.--ty^ot; sj?cir.'g what sort; of.\v- shov. thi.4r country mTtdelitthe' CVnit-n-- niai, to '"collect ail the -go*>.ls alh.ttetl ^o-th'o DomiuioTi-ar.3 in co::jiino::on jadth my_aildyioi>s that be nunle. huld a grand fxhibitie-ii in Toronto in- the fall.' C '_ .</* W- . , cates_wiHd'.c in teresJetTTn the foct that-.Mi'. G.,\V "Rqssj M.P., has given .-Riptide .uf : ' motion for aii Address "io His i'x - cfllency for'copies of all corrusiion- den'ce bet ween ,t!ie-XioveTirmehT:i-tid ' tlFp "Lieutenant Goveinori .of the diSVrent ;Prt>vinces. reganling the relative /jurisdiction, of the "Domin ion aiio* ProvUicv.l ' Pailiautents over thertuanufactureF and. sale of intoxicating liquors : together with all decisions'of" the Courts in tii tho, Givy Nuns, of Mont'rfeil, died during tho tint week of thu "present montlu . z. Three, horses were nearly driiwn- _ed.on Afontlay through tho ico going from Kiugstoii. Crossiui; Ls sti)l made to Capo'Yineyink : ; I Jenny JNLtrshall, ri scrvitnt .girl in'Napanee, has inherited a million dollars by the ileafh of iiu.'uuclu in England. , ' -j- " Medical iuen stufo that dipthoria- in greatly on the. itvctvasiv among children iii TonmtiS, many 'cases having resulted fatally. - "' Tivo lads were arrested in IIavp.il- toti Monday morning- for. attempt ing, to garrotte"- another boy, a eripplo, ou Saturdaj^evening. The Toronto City Council has J dcterininetl no6 to submit'-by-laws ] granting bonus'es asked for oiir.be- haTf of Wast furnatX'S'--an,d carpet manufactories. . . ' .; The telegrams litre, full, of w:ars and rumors of wars.; An. insiirrec- Jion- has broken out in. ,-Vlgeri-a, 'anil serious' outbreaks are reported from Biistar, Madriis, Presidency. . The Ottawa Free Pre.--*-, is glad to". know that there is.'.every prospect of the lumber traderlookirig up thfs sj/ring. Indeed, price's have! "al ready begun to advunco; A joint stock "company has been formed in Guelphfor the pur pose if erecting a larjje liotel on vacant lot- adjoining; MaEsje's n, Upper Wyiidhahi stree[. T.he -broach of j>romise\ ense in higti life at. Hal.if.ix, in which there were several hundred ' gushing " | letters, has terminated in fhe'Nu- pfeine Court, with a verdict of .?!,- t'tH'&r the plaintiff; ^-0,(.iOO was claitnctl^ - blocl -4i" K:'M :M . Death of:A. T. Stewart. " _" The telegraph"' announces the death of lAte^cander T. Stewart, -2\ew . YorkV colossal ".merchant. -<&rer forty y.gars. ago Le arrived in ." the commercial'metropolis of tbo * .Union from Ballymena, County of Antrim,~IreLind, and comnieneed life there as a school teacher.";-. The experieTrce he bad of pedagogism - was not satisfactory, and he retired ' from it to enter upon the dry goods trade -in the very smallest way. From a little! shop he pros- . .pered to a store, aad; from a store .yto the leviathan frhporjum \yith 'which everj- visitoe to. New York iis made' acquainted: ; H.is retail "Tj-establislrmerit aione coverg' twelve . -acres^-and afibrds: employment to. .over tive thousand pereons, male ," and female. His Wealth, estimated -^ali the way from seventy-five, to.a " -lrrtnd-cd millions of, dollars, was lonestly earned"Jn legitimate.lr/i;de._ and no one .'has- ever bee'u ablej.lo .cast a stone/of reproach, stt A. j T- Stewart--. Ife was married, h-aves a. widow,.but^has no children to n- Leiit brs enormous rich'e?. - James "\Yylie, the "herd laddie," apd hitherto ;mconqnetvd draughts plrt-ygr, was ih-ft-atfj last week by a M^iv .Yntw5, of Brooklyn, who.won two- gasutts out" of. twenty-se.veu played, the remaining' .-twenty-live txiing dr^wn. ... __ . Beports';. from befow JMempliis state, that the overflow of -the- Mis 2ifferenvProvinces,bearing on thisjsis-sippi extemls 70 miles, up the ' Arkansas and 130 miles tip, tlie White Rivi-ry while in'Trrmtjof. the city.it extends to Madison, 40 -mites. -jThe failure of Messrs. Dredge &] C'd.,.' wholesale publishers, book binders, ic, of Toronto, is'annoim- ced.- Tlieir liabilities are jdaced at ?43",000, and assets at over $50,- 000. The estate is expected to pay dollar, for dollar. A pretty little Ohio echoolmarm tried to whip one of her pupils, a boy of fifteen the other day, but when she comnieneed operations he coolly threw his artn around her neck andjjgave her a hearty kiss.: She went straight back to her desk, and her face wa "just as red." riends of (Prohibition will ed to learn; that the !N"ova TOWNSHIP OF CALED0N. Woprnn Killed hy Ilrr ntnlmmt and llir IIoimc rl on Fire.. Ai tragip> event happened last Thtirsday nbout tlnvt) ipiarters of a uiilo from (ho small1 village of KU-J mamigh, on the boundarv lino be tween the' townships of Chingmi- co.us5;: and Caledon, and on tho third concession iroad in Calodon East." A young: farmor, mimed Christopher, Ward had boon mar ried about "fiyo inohtliH to Murv May no, and nceonRng to tho t<vi- denco of" the imiglibpin they had Jiot lived"vdvy harmoniously. Ward's relations uro all respectahlo peojilo, living on ndjoining fariiis. On tho morning of Thursday hist |i neigh bor was surprised at tho ilistur.bed .and unaccoUiitablo appeaninco of NVaul, in jwrfect nudity save tho socks upon his feet.. Tho c-Jiusci of tho uhirui was immediately oxplain- ed by his information and the sight of; the burning house about one hundred and fifty :yfmln distant. Tl (r excited man related that he had made his escape from tho iiro in that condition, and tho tirst.iir- rived atfthe burning ruin's had tho eviiloneo conlirmed in a short -time that, the woman had indeed fallen a victim to the lire. They ipienehed the (lames, and proceeded to the work of gathering out what remained ofjlie body. The legs were burnt oil' tit above the knees ; one hand was found nearly" entire, but the arms were failed oil" and the head also, vNvJiieh jir.tim search .could'not be foHmd at all. . Wht\u the spectators h"iul recovered fnun the horror of the event,, aud began to speculate oirjhe cii-cumst^Lnces, they felt: the>e was more than accident . iii the event jthat had U'rmiuated so fatal ly. It was remembered that the snr- j-vivor, Waril, had manifested some ycav-s ago certain indications of un- sound mind,,and it was remarked froni or.t neighbor to another that iiisj conduct" to tho wifo of a few montshs h:id not been uniformly I kind. In looking for a motive fort siich^ an'.U't .the uion^ observant- hinted that jealousy was the jireiiis- j poking cause. Many incidents that hail seemed too trivial for more than a mere passing-notice were now re-' meuibereil tliat proved how wateh- 1 n 1 the lrtisbaud had been oyer every detail of the deceased wife's conduct; No other cause is assign able for the -"disagreements that ex isted between them. It impossible, hoive-vcr, that these things may. be e.\:iggei;it*sl, and the man be entire ly innocent. Mr. Thomas Sander son, postmaster in tho village, as-' sisted by tw.o neighbors, .had made the exhuni-itioti of the remains from tho \smonlde.rihg' heap,- and found fresh matcrhd for suspicion. On reaching the remnjins, and scraping away" tho ashes from Um side, he found, the blade j of an ordinary butcher knife,-, tho handlo being burnt off. Tjiis. ivas lying close by the portion of tiho trunk which iilono was left ofi the hotly. The news of tho catastrophe was rapid ly spread throughout the district - , i : around. An inquest was held oh. Friday, by Coronor Allison and the follow ing evidence taken : - ..Robert Davies, Bworn, said The house -burned was in Caledon, on lot No. 3, third line east; Christo pher-Ward came to our house about daylight on -Thursday morning ; I did hot hear him come in till he came to the bedside, and wakened me with with tho "hollas" he made; I wakened and saw~Lim standing at the bedside, naked, and he Tial-1 -si%iti i-'~MiK\'- -' excess . -': A SlO.oOO.OOO Mistake, t The United States Government' .-ias now a splendid opportunity "of getting a name for .hones.y. j It Kapj>en3 to be in }K>ssession of -310,- 500,000 in' gold w'hich; belongs '-to the Government of G.rjBjit Biitain, ' but whieh' ^vas. paid.over- to ; the former by mistake. -""The jnistake . arose out of tlie presentation .of enormous and unfounded claims to ', the Geneva triburial; of arbitration, which claims were- allowed :by' the arbitratonrto: the amount of 15,-: V 500,000 and duly- paid-by Great .- Britain to tlie .TJv S." Government tBnt.-when thev'latter came to pa}- the"claimants and to sift the mat ter mors; narrowly, it found tLat all ".they wgre fairly entitled to': 7.liM /.$5jO6O,0'0(L/ .Tiiebalaiice reiiraint iii"the hands "of- the.TJ. S. Govern- "meut unclaimed 'and tiriclaimuble." underft-he rul^s fixed at tlie-ariufra-. . _. . tion. It is clear therefore-that the -* *";^i?ard was excessive, and that the belongs :t"o Great .Britain: Will.the TJ.-S. Government return the tnofieyj "If "honest thoy will ui'OEt ceitainly, but^ tlrat/ raises' a Yery dilHcult 'question; Jind" one" we ^hall not atteatpt to irnswer. -The Republic haanever held a.veiy^n'gh '.jdace- in the world's scale oiVcoic- .mercial morality."'-* lis ambition runs rather iii the direction 'of '.' emartness " so Called, than^ honor or even, honesty, arid it is biitterat jShding excuses, for jaeglecting its ilfternatioual obligation thafl;,'nieans of fiiltilling thsm. - W'iterlao ChrdJiic/c." _ The-fn be pleased to learn; Scotian. Assembly lias passed ayeso- lution recommending that a Domin' ion law be passed prohibiting -the manufacture, importation and sale of ^.intoxicating liquor?, except for -medicinal- and-"mechanical purposes, throughout Canada. 'At the meeting of. the License Comruissioners-fox the.'South'Biding of the county- of. Wsdlingtony'neld in the Gucjlph Town Hall, no ap plications were'received from an>- shopkeepers outside of the town, so that there will, during' the present year, be no-shops licensed"to, sell, liquors in any! other place in that riding. - Qn application, Judge Burnham, of.Oshawa, ordered tho assignee to rec6nvey the property of the Osha- V wa Agricultural Works to the Hall Company, and Ht _is now in the hands of Mr! Glen and Ins friends, and the works, were opened on 3Ionday. There were great rejoic ing on. .Saturday at this result. Church bells were ringing,-.steam MURDER AND ARS0M W THE ' wllio11 .of *-liom was in tho_ wrong; I was in his lioiiHO that niglit, hut I did' not hear anything between thorn ; 1 hoard him Ray afterwardM that hIiu had got up out of bed, and had upset tho lamp, but ho had been in bed ind ho did not know how tho Iiro had been' started; ho Kivirfj too, that shiV had been very milky all daylieforo, and they did did not agreo well, and that she had 'taken tho koifu. to 'him and mado two cuts at his neck, and ho had said, " Polly-, J% can'it stand this any longer, and vlio asked' mo to forgive lior for that thno ".; bo said this wiis about an hour beforo tho fn-o started, and llio first ho .know after that, after they hud hiih-down was that she got tip and tho tiro was all round them ; 1 saw a piece of n-blaukot,.a piece of bed-tick, and a piece of. n sheet picked out of tlio ruins andjbrouglit to my house, and 1-hiiw stains! of blood on them; I understood from him that sho was the causo of the house t iking-tiro. Tliomas Henry, sworn, said - About threo o'clock I went down to tho rellur to st'o a buiullo of feathers.that were not burnt, and I found, them sticking together with blood, us I supposed ; I to.ok them up to Mr, Davis. 1 lived, with Ward about tivo months and' .lln'iv was bad feeling shown ; hi! was all the tiijio flogging and snap ping'at her;! she appeared to be afraid of him;; I never saW'-hiui strike her : he had a fashion of getting up in the night and going tlirough'the house with a lamp; sometimes they slept apart. Mary Morrison, sworn I am tweUe years old.; '1 lived with Mr. Ward from about two weeks after they were married, till three weeks mjo, when she went away from him . I have seen quarrels, and I have' seen him strike her ; she used to slap him, too, but it-was in fun ; Mrs. Ward told me she' was going to leave him, for he abused her; her earn were black when he pulled them -y be threatened to-kill us ono night because she would not give up the watch. It was now about four o'clock in the afternoon, and .the Coroner de- teimined to adjourn the inquest. It had been tlu;-desire of many of tho jurors, who nearly jail resided in the vicinit}' of the scene of the tire, that they should hear Ward's evidence. Tho ; Coroner appeared to yield to tho wish, and as it also happened that Ward was unable or disinclined'to attend on this occas ion', there was the more reason for adjournment. The adjourned inquest was -held on.Saturday, at the house of Mr. Edward Ward, Senr., tho father of Christopher Ward. The state of public opinion, Weighing horribly against Christopher .Ward,'had not suffered any abatement; and the evidence of persons who had a more intimato -knowledge of the domes tic relations of his .household, tend ing to strengthen the impression that a horrible crime had boon com mitted before the house was burned. Christopher Ward's own statement, I that the lamp had been lit,iind that there had been an altercation about three o'clock in the nforning, taken in connection With the statement of the deceased woman tht ho had threatened to take her life, seemed to point to tbo perjretration of a crime. The suspected man Las been living at his. father's since Thursday, and was present during, the hearing of evidence. Ho pre sented a strange spectacle : his face being swollen and blistered with burns, one arm also.being in a band age, and it is said ho had been burn- looed that the house was on fire ; 11 ed about tho body. But.it was ob. looked out and sa\j- that the [house J sfrved ydh_sonre cuno.srty that, al- nnd only tho seventh Horyrcal vorto- bra. A portion remained of' both upper extremities, Tho' thoracic viscera wor'e nfinpst entirely des troyed. Of the abdorriinal viscera only a- part remained ; tho pelvis organs woro much "destroyed, but Rullicieirt ><miained to prove tlmt him was pregnant., an 'wo|i'einovt!({ a Actus advanced- between two uiid threo months. A portion of tjio upper jmrtof both inferior extremi ties remained, The dorsal vertobifii, with a portion of tho ribs;remained; tho muscles of tho" buck]' woro loss destroyed. ! , By a juror There would not. likely bu any'great Mow: of blood from a body burning as this was. Cliristo]iher Ward,remarked hero that ho could not tell why hit) wife' had put the two -buffalo robes on- tho bed jthat night. She had never iloiru no,before, l.'lui 'medical men examirietl tfii- pieces of clothing mentioned as having be(:ii jiicked up out of lITo cellar, and stated that tho'stains wt'i'i) blood, ami tho cohesive ma terial on the feathers was of the same substance. \\y a juror Would such a quan tity] of blood as you saw ti likely |o flow' from a body burning like this! Both doctors said distinctly, rib. A juror--ls it likely that 'theJ head would lie consumed and those portions of the body left? . ' It was answered that -there was no reason for such a cireuinstande. In answer to William Ward, it was stated that excessive heat would assuredly burn the skull to a crisp. It was stated by u person .who was not a witness that a search had been made on the premises for this portion of the body, but it had nut been'found,, nor any portion of tin; jaw or leetb among the rubbish in. the cellar. There was no variana; in tin; evidence. The-evidenco-was all heard, and tho jury were left, to determine a. verdict, at half-past..eight. They w'ero out about half an hour, and returned with a finding that the deceased. Mary Ward came to her death by the act of K*r husband, Christopher Ward. An order was made for his arrest and comm'it- ment, all if he: was taken to Bramp ton Gaol, where he will lio await ing trial at the approaching assizes in May. J Kits'- C<v:<n.-~(llHTKpvi, [and Com- roUTi.N'o. " Jiy a thofniiuh knowledge of tho natural laws whibli govern the <>]>urntioriN of digestion And liintrition, niiil by n careful Application Of the lino jiroi>urtie of well; H(Jocf|;il cpcr>a, i\1r. I'ljipN Iiiih liriiviiliid (air la'CiikfiiHt tablcH With u ' dulicatuly llavdrcd j hevcragu which may hiivo iih inoiiy heavy ilwftnm' billH. It IB by tll.0 jlllliciOllM llL'()f MUcIl nrtiulcH of dint that u cniiHtitlilhm may bognidtially builtiilMiiitifHtniiigeiiiiiigli to rcKiut ovory toiuliaicy t(> diHcafic fliuidrodn of HulitlpninladTcHnlro floating around iw . ready to attack ! wharever there in a weak point, Wo rnay dtv.npa many a fatal nliiift liy keeping iiuroclvctt Welt fort-iliud with purij Idpoil uiid.4 pro perly, nourished U-\mu." ('lrilcNh'vtrt (la-.rllr. Hold only in pac|;t'tn labeled /'JAsrns, Kr'r'8. & Co., jHonireopathio UhemiHt, 4H, Tlircadnecillc Ht^eet^ and 170, Piccadilly, London," -.. L. whistles i blowing burning. and bonfires On SSuriday evening James Dong- .his, said to be a commercial travel- !er for a M^ontreal house, and :i".son of the lateDr! Douglas, of Quebec, fifel] out of :a window on the second" story of the Mansion-House Hotel, Toronto. -He was picked up: anVI carried to the hosipital very ;6eri- ously injured, .and died'on Monday ihorning. . - *'.- Toronto despatches aimonncb that'Mr. TJ.G. Patteson, "matiager of the Mail, is Jibout to enter an action for libel against the Nation .newspaper .managers. The"cause for actioruis.safd to be an article pub lished in ..the Nation of.lagt week beaded "Legislation and' Spolia tion."; Yet these papers both be; gau their, career with promises to be models of newspa"jrer'propriety " and courtesy. - ! . ;. was on fii;e,'.ahd ran aud dressed; I told him "to Ymt onisome clothes.-; I asked him how tlie house got on fire, and he said, ' wo w-ere quarrel ling and we broke the lamp";,Ij understood it was the woman and him that were quarrelling; the lamp had been spilled, he said, and, set tire to.tlje house:; I went'-Ion to the fire'arid'found the flame coming out of the window in the room where r.he bed 'was ; I didn'fci'look in at the window, but went round to tho door, which was shutj"y/hen I opened the door t-he . flame came out so I couldn't sec into the house; there was no-ono at the burning house when I got there, and my hoy was the first that camo 'after wards!":' I stopped whilo it burned ; Christopher Ward came back while. I was -tliere, and I asked him where the woman was; ho told: me she was in the house ; I "do not think I asked him any-more, but be went onto say- that he couldn't get her out, oi> something like, that; I was not at the-taking up of ths remains, but I saw some thingsIn the cellar afterwards; he did not slop at tho burning house ten rojnutes; his brother, -Edward, Ward, and his "hired boy had come to the place be fore Christopher loft; it was a hewed log-house, and the logs were Jill burning; Edward said ho;did nob care for all that was lost if'sh'o had been saved ; I saw thes, glass from the'broken window lyibg on tho ground three or four feet from' tliQ wall;! "Christopher Ward told mo that they were sleeping in that room ; the window was on the west sidp of the house, and the Wind | from the west struck right: against the window; I could not see wheth er tho bedroom door,was open ; he was afc our place the day before, but I was not at horns ; he told my wife that ho -.wanted to get one of my girls to stop ,with them half a month, as Ips wife" %vas" afr'aid to stop with hiin, arid for -her to see though his features and brow were disfigured in this way, his hair was not even singed'/ Ho sat at the table for tho most time with his face on his arms, which wpre laid on the table. . He roused :at inter vals to make an observation, or speak to" a witness, but ho-did not discover; any marks of grief at what had occurred. On assembling the jury he asked to have the: evidence iaken in his absence read over to him, and pointed out where "it was all wrong." , . ;;I>ydia Jane"; "Davies, i sworn- I wiis at Mr. Christopher. Ward's, the afternoon before fire ; I .Svent over to stay a couple of days with them; I stopped till about eight or nine o'clock at night j I saw they were not agreeing very well; they w'ere quarrelling; I went homo that night; I didn't tike.to stay when'-1 saw the way they were' going on ; when I was leaving the woman said she was afraid, to stay in the house with him ; she told me that one night this wekjk her husband had told her to go on her knees and fay her prayers, for she "had not long to live. . Christopher Ward asked the wit ness if she observed that he got a piece of lead^and some pins in his food at supper, and hail complained of it. < Miss Davies replied that sir a rtj- rrembered him talking about a piecb of lead,; Mrs. Ward-said if he got a pin among the potatoes,.it must have fallen out of Mary Morrison's dress.' "~ Waijd exclaimed^ " I wish, to God slip -was alive now, and she could fJell why tlie pins and the lead got in my victuals; I was never used tohavihg pins and lead in my food." t>rs.|. Robinson;. and SIcKinnon handed in the following : Wo examined in conjunction the eharreq remains of a female said to ho those of Mrs. Christopher-Ward. There was not the vestige of a head, I-' r.""~- - acto.v 3iakki:th, " " I'loiir $2 00 to 2 .'i0 White Wheat .. .. 1 (X) to 1 0.5 Tri;adwell.-. .. - . . 0 tl,r. to.l (K>, Spring Wheat .. ' 0 115 in 1 00 I'.arli-y '" ',.. .. " .. 0 50 t<i 0 70 OatH l;....... 0 Jlii "in'o oo IVxs" .... ; .-.. "~ ,. 0 (3-to"'0 07i Petatncs, per bag .- , . | 0 .t>~> to" 0 00 Apiilei, pur bag.. .. i 0 "!> to 0 tir> Oiinmi.', per bushel .. ! 1 <K) to 0 00 Butter ... .. '..'; 0 22 to 0 00 lt'KI. ! - ... 0 12 to0 M Di'i.^i'il 1Ik- ..'. h ir> u> o (X) Way, per toil .;.'. ., '12 00 t</14 00 l.ainbsUiim,. . . ;- 0 SO to 0 so Pelts ' ... ..- - ,:. . 0 50 tti 0 (10 r.'ard .;. . ."" .". ;0 \r, to 0 Ki 'fallow ... .', - .. ~0-<)7 to 0 08 iJae'oii . , ,.. - 0 (0 to o/oo Ham ... .. ... 0 12 to 0; 1-1 Shoulder. .,./ .-.. 0 10 to 0 12 I. NjB\V ADVKH'i'IS omentk. na^'R'EWAit'D. '. . j . 'J'l|e-j,a'rty who took a [Buffalo Ilof.e f.'tiin1 a sleigh in the shed cluirnjeti'd with. the Royal Kxcliangc Hotel, oil the'J-lth of>Iari-]i, is hureljy v.-arni;il tihat a re- ward.of -i'i in ofl'efud. for [Ha jretvoverv, and as he is pretty well known, it would be-better for him to n:tuni tint Itolie to the owner tvitlnmt delay. LHie owner's name is printed on the Robe in four it. If it is not rtfuriiedj -at; orjCe the alxit e rewacd will be^iveu to! tli.e per son who knows .where it isi anil wdl in-' furni. i^ave arrest bv retimriij^.it. . - - TJfnS. tMAMI'liKLb. Acton, April 11, 1S7U. HURRAH FOR THE ELEPHANt Graaii TJisplay Spring Gltffching $lo,ooo woimr of Suits from $6.00 Aip, r (' Boys',Suits from &50 un _': ' CALL AND SEE THEM. . .-"' r ' "' ". . ' "" ! _ 15 GASES OF MW FELT jaATS, Pircct from tho'rnanufacttirers, English, Canadian and AmrricaOBtyleg} bought very cheap, and to bo.sold likewise.;. Our stock of- Shirts, Collars Cuff*, Bows, Sdurfif] iind Groves * ! Cannot bo surpassed for elegance and cheapness. - An inspection is invited. All goods warranted as represented, ' - ,' "" ] WM. RUTHERFORD & CO, J .April'12,. 1876. , _ :.-.- "... .: ----' :: I'- ' .' ' c A St. Liouis Tragedy. si:i)i'crio.N", Airoirnox, axij, mlt.dkiu In .St-. I/)ii'is, last Saturday, a yonnc man uaiiied" .Shane -charged W. W. Jilz wit.li the scd ictioiijof his sister, I,. M^aria .Sliane. An iil- tercaliori oecuriod and .Shane sh,ot JiU in two places, once through the lungs. He is rio.v in a precarious condition.. Jilz, though wounded, shot Shade four times, the result being fatal. Tho facts in tlie case are not all known, yet, but it ap pears Jib, did seduce Shane's sister and subsequently produced an abqr- tion upon her. Mrs. Sljane, mother of, Maria, has a cjivil- suit pending against" Jilz for the seduction of her daughter, and a few days agio instituted criminal ! proceedings against him. Jilz is wealthy but bears a very bad reputation,, he having been divorced, in an alleged irregular way: from oi|g wife and is now Hying apart from his 6econd .wife., . i' |>.LLARD'g HARROWS AND CULTIVATORS. 'PUBLIC NOTICE-l 1 hereby.give notice to all parties sell- ing t'ollard's I'atent Irjii l;bir!rows and Cultivator* without iiiy pi-rinii-sioirtliat they hold tliein-elve.HTJi.ib^j tolbe prose- 'cntcjil, ai 1 have tire-sole-.'right.-'for-.tlie townships of K-<|Uesiii.j5 NtLssagaweVa, andlnortli half' of.' 'I'r.if.ilg.-.rl i/Any ]>er- s"ii w-isliin'^ t<> pureha-e the ibove im- pli;?iicnts cm l.e -Siipplicd by' .ipj.lyin^ at nj.y y. ar<. roorn-i and fei>d store, in (;eorjL.'Vto\\ n, or :*i ag.-n(s. J. C. HORSE BILLS Got up at the f Ftee Press " Office in First- Class Style, on short notice. ' Call and see specie mens of Cuts. THE,! MAN \\ iio'cuil KuII VOU aooD;aooi>s and (ie! EtoKfiETOVt.V t:i my authorized i)i:vi:i:i;.vux.. ir-etown, April 11, 18/0'. 42-3t* a. Implement Warer-ooms AND FEED' STOpE. , Enn .^puncil. I Council met pursuant to adjourn ment on Monday April 3rd, thjo Reeve in the chair, all the memberp present. . Appointing[ of paiji rnastere and other officials atteno;- ed to, and. the By-law read and pased. |. !| The sum of $17o was, ordered t;o be paid tt> Enoch Pricejfor materi als delivered for tho building of a bridge at How's Mill, being part of his coiitntrit. Moved liy Mr. Bar bour1, secqrkled by Mr."| Reid,: that no implements either damaged or broken while performing statute labor shall be paid for except road- scrapers. Tho Collector's salary 6f ?S0, was ordered to be paid. Also an account of Hart "it Rawlinson's of 827.83, for -ballot boxes, blanks, etc. Moved by Mr. (McDowell, seconded by Mr. Reid that the bill of Edward Mooney bo nbfc paid as it appears to be oyer twenty years old and is consequently| out-hiwed by the statute of limitation:. Moved . by Mr.! Burfc, seconded by Mr.'Barbour, that Duncan Robi ertsdn, jr., be granted thie privilego of enclosing tho roid allowance be tween lots 10 and li,- irv tho third con., west half, until required by- the municipality. ; Moved by Mr. Barbotir, seconded by Mr. Burt, that the road corrTmissiohers shall not expend~money on public high ways this year, only that which lias been promised last year and in dani gei'ous places such as culverts in a bad state of. repair. , I The Clerk was instrtrcfedj to have- fifty copies of by-law appointing path masters, pound keepers and fence viewers, printed in sheet form. Mr. Barbour moved second- led:by Mr. M^cDowell, thafth.0 pe tition of John S. Aldous a[ndfour: others praying that they be|aHowed[ to perform their statute labor on Wellington Street, Hillsb'urg, bo granted, and that James! Ijteed. be path master. On motion jby Mr,. McDowell, seconded by Mr. Bar bour, the Reeve ordered! the pay ment of $8.25 to Mr. Laoy, being balance of'tlie amount. On motion i by Mr. Barbour, seconded by! Mr. Biirt, the Council then adjourned to Monday fire 8th day j of May next!; Wm. TvLtii,!Clerk. The Riihscribc'ra beg to. nnnourice trt fanners ^nnd .others, that tliey. luive openod a wareroom on M^in Street, (iCoi4etown, next the hay scales, where they lyill keep always in stock the iiiost desirable kind of - ' Fpr-miii^ Jniplementsr. Alao in connection, they have opened a FEED STOKE) where will always ho kept a large stock of flour, feed and seeds, of various .de scriptions. J. C, DEVEREAUX. Allax :MooRe, Manager. Georgetown. April 12, 1S76. | <2-3m CHEAP GOdI)& is the . ,-^-OTICi; TO CytEDITOBS. -! In the Matter of the^Estate of Thomas, Burns, Deceased.- nie/.redi'ton! of Thomas Enrhs, life of the Village of-Acton, in the County of llnltoii, gtntlvma'ii,' dccfc.i<ied, who died on or about the twenty-fifth day at February, A.'U.- Ife7fi, and i>thcre having ; claims against, the 'wid deceased^ are in .pursuance of the Acp .29 .Victoria, Cap. ;' -S,. .Sec. .27, hereby notified and reqnir-' ed to send on or beft>re"the:nirrtih day of M.-iy nut, by po.ji .to the:undersigned JSoliciWrs for iUe Adiiiihistrator1 of the said' deceased, their christian and urir- naine.i, aillresSea-and descriptions, the fiillpririieiil.iri'of thiir claims,'a state ment of ilicir'-accounfs and the nature of the spcuriiits, if ny held hy-them, nnd tho said Vreditara and...otfier arc ' ,->lao notified that immediately after the expiration of the said ninth day'of May . tlierto-eis of tlie taid' deceased, will be ~ dii-tribiileil among tfje parties entitled thereto, haying regard to the claims of which the administrator had th"n.notice,-' ,-ind that t-lie 'admjr.ifstnstor will not be liable for the o-ssets or any part thereof so diatributed to arfy persoit of ;wiose-_ claims the admini.-.-tratfr sliall-not have ,- had notice at the time of such, diatrlbti- . tinn.' ' ' - - Dated this 2Sth day of March, AiBr lSTfii, ' .: '- r ,--, lto.iicr.rfox, Mi'MrnrnjcH &. Howakp, . .Solicitors for ' ; Al.K5TAN"riF.!> Bc'r.ys, Ailministrator, ; ^Co.,1, Union Block, Toronto street, -: " ' ' - :- . Tororrbo. % I- II 3'" -n- {*. RI6HTMA to deal with, arid his name is LN tj- STOAT^S '! -AND ' ' . , TINWARE! If you want a- Boss OOOKINGr ST'OVE 0k" PARLOR STOTE, GO TO "'.' JOHMBOIVr',S. Ahvays ' in stock, ' - ^ Stoves^ Stove Trimin:inss,L Tin;, Sheet-iron! j 1 aud Japanned Ware. '; Part icular attentiQii paid to EAVETROUaHINO. Stencelling and Jobbing .dono on the shortest notice. r Cotton Hags, Copperr, Brass, Iron and ollim- produce taken in . : exchange. ' ' 1 ", | j3" Call aiid See Us. *e . _ ' Remember thej stand, one door west of the Canada Glove Works" ' MIIil' STREET, AOT^N.,: W.-R. WiLSON. I. P. JO!INSO>fi Acton, April U.,'1876. ". ! Hardware, Building iGoods,1] Field Goods, Cuttlery, Carpenters TooIb, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Japans, Turpentines, Brushes> Glass,1 etc., etp., at Socord"'Bros. -' ' ' i ' I J. W. MAiSrl^. You will find him every time at the Central Emporium, Corner Mill & Willow; streets; A.OT03SF. Aprons : ^inamnii. . - ;;- 'h$- atempie<l| ; j^ii coihiiiEteii| .-:-M<p:-st qujrittg!^hoi*' .coiinty.jwastl" .peintarywpP" : I! '--;l^ir. S: _ -!'i-the first of the !;!Crict<4 a-JmV "] ' jllin nhd-M"U : 'pjiflii.tis-a^ : "j-Mepsrs. C :.' )?* ' | tiaBi'ftoiys -, ; 'ttie,business o " l.tiis season; a I "' t-l^ve two tear ." -srithia a.raVlijI .'.-' Acton-' ' 'il -LJir. Hd ; '. T ^- p| . Magistrates, jf detaa^atioff1 "" -K .|L BeS, si3' "|ja.that.Ga ShasiV^'lette |e ifail, irgus'iinv.': , :K-uified."- A jexamined, a: . : ' icommitted i ]w"eek,[^vm: ^-Ticke hibition" ar, from any s KailwsyS^i; Ij'lVorn' Toi '] across the s _:. cent, and ? - j York , to . .! Harrisbnr^ I am Fsll^, i ^ood fon'sa ofOIontx-1 and- retui - opens in. ' May. Pal any inteai would do. statipn ,ag Bible, so ; the nunit- '. ly to ui .. Aitnce Base C-J asce HdJ j ' ize for ' ' etc. 'A! \\ I For BaU on , 18th, For- sale at ' i- / 'ir '-' i^RI^.OLE^S lie can show you a fine stock of Now'Cry Goods, , Ready-Hado Olotliiag, and Wall! Paper. ep50ii03, Crocfeory,: Call and b convinced that this is The (Right Spot. Acton, April - J. .W. MANJf. r5, 1875.' ' ,, UNDERTAKING. The undersigned begs leave to inform the people. o!f Acton aud yicinity'that he will furnish all Requisites in radcrtaljLing on short notice and reasonable terms, as can-be-had ' "! Hearse .Supplied when Desired: Also that he will -' ~" " : :-------------------.. *. Fit upi Stores 5 Offices in the best style. -""- Sbow Cases, Book Case's ana pcks .made to order. . FURNITURE REPAIRED: < Shop on Willow street, near Main st." ; . P. it HcC.ANN. Actpnr March 20, 1876. ! . 39-<?p $5 tO S20'er d,ny nt bme. tp<- uy *piKJ .Samples worth SI rtoo. SxtNso^ it Go., I'orlland, Maine. Store g-tj.^3lx?s:, AL.?6., S^nd and B^tten-kole Bocr&ts Fresh from Jlot Houses when ordered.' r Guelph, April-i. 1S7G." ;. ; SEND S,1c. to G. P. RO'WFCL. & CO^ " >'e\r York, for P\imn1ilet of 100 pa^es containing lists of GOcOnewsaaj-ers,and estima'.es showing cost of ui^yefLisinff. ; Would .inform this" people of Acton and yicinit!y thftthe has again- c'orflj* " menced the i , ButciLeiing1 ' Business In this'visage, and from his'ldng experience in this" line he 'still be.I able to furnisli fresh meats!of_all; kinds'of the best quality, nicely-ad cleanly dressed. ; . Meat delivered at-v^ae house's j Tuesdays and'Saturdays^ rind always ; oh hand at the Shop;'-' : - [Th'e patronage" of the publip la rfio spectfiiKylsoHcrted. '; i ' ' ..-- ' ':. S. ZIMkEKjJ^AK. . '.' Acton, March loth 187s. i ' Sons' Thel J^KESS& MiUfTLE-SIAKING MISS M." ELLIOTT wishes to inti" niate to" the ladies of Actoa'aiid S-icinity. that'she has removed trr*tiic'corner 'of Church and Willow streets', in part of Mrs. Yeomaus's hotj.se, where she will, be pleased to receive orders for dresfl and mantle-making, of any description. Stamping done to order. Charges mod erate 'and satisfaction guaranteed, - , Acton, ~kyril 5^ 1S7G. , *r^ - JOB PltlVFIXG of all kinds neatly aud prpnap'tly execu.ltil at tee ' ':V FREE'P.BESS OFFICE, : Next (Uc Post Offlcc, Mill Street, p-'h\y i lei "1' ! -! lAife^ l^^-'Jt^^

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